I've been putting this off for a little while because I've been in pretty high spirits lately. But, I finally found something to turn my "rant mode" on. But first, an introduction!
Had a bad day at work? Toss it here. Upset because you Chia Pet isn't growing like you thought it would? Welcome! Feel like crying because your baseball team got their asses kicked by the Detroit Tigers, of all teams, this year? You've come to the right place!
Consider this thread the "negative" alternative to the "What Are You Currently Thinking?" thread (http://forum.rockmanpm.com/index.php?topic=29.0)! While the aforementioned thread could be any kind of thoughts, this thread specializes in letting you let loose your darker side without fear of clouding up an otherwise emotionally random topic! Need to yell? Need to scream? Need to be reassured you're not wrong? Again, you've come to the right place! And I welcome you to let it all hang out here (being mindful of the global and local rules, of course! ;3) and what's bothering you and/or other people freely! There is no such thing as "too much negativity" in ths thread. :D
So, I said I had a something rant-worthy. So what better way to start off the topic... than with something Sonic the Hedgehog related?
(http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v341/JosephCollins/Misc/OldSallyNewSally.jpg) (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v341/JosephCollins/Misc/OldSallyNewSally.jpg)
I don't know who drew this, but I find it amusing and accurate all the same.
So... this (http://www.tssznews.com/2012/10/19/ian-flynn-addresses-sally-acorn-changes-in-sonic-comics/) is apparently happening over at Archie Comics' "Sonic the Hedgehog" series.
On the left, the old, classic Princess Sally Acorn, vintage 1993ish. (?)
On the right, the new redesign after she's de-roboticized in the current storyline (I guess).
Where's that table flip graphic I keep handy?
It's not that I don't like the new design. It's just... why fix what isn't broken? ... oh, right. Because Sega/Archie.
QuoteNaked ->
Quote<- Naked [classy lady]!
For crying out loud, what's wrong with that!?!?!? I'm (half)naked all the time~! >0<
You know what's upsetting right to me right now?
People who constantly [sonic slicer] and complain about Archie and the changes they make. Not everything Ian does is GOLD, but I'll tell you this:
He's good. He's very good. He manages to make the comic entertaining, and at certain point I didn't think that was possible.
So, why does everyone [sonic slicer] about Sally's new outfit? Nobody bitched when Antoine got a bit of a wardrobe change.
Nobody bitched when Bunnie got a redesign.
Yet, here it is, Sally with pants on and suddenly Archie is under attack. WHAT THE [tornado fang]?!
I mean, you can feel free to not like the design. But hating on it solely because it's different.
Or another matter for example.
"Flynn wants to kill off SATAM characters! BOO!"
That's bullshit too. There's shitload of characters from either SATAM and/or created solely for the comic. Just because for the sake of the story, some of them have been "missing" or "left" doesn't mean that's the case.
Of course, trying to explain this to the retards who worship SATAM like it's some kind of [tornado fang]ing sacred treasure... is well, impossible.
Speaking of which.
SATAM is... in my humble opinion, kind of weak. I fail to see this whole ultra dark atmosphere everyone creams their pants about. I like the music though.
It's just a typical cartoon where good must triumph over evil, and the only thing it has going for it (I guess) is the fact the villain controls the world since before the story begins.
And even then, it's not that original of a concept.
There. I finally got it out of my system.
Quote from: VixyNyan on October 21, 2012, 06:07:46 PM
For crying out loud, what's wrong with that!?!?!? I'm (half)naked all the time~! >0<
I approve of half-naked Vixy-Nyan.
You have the absolute right counter-arguments. (Though personally, I liked Bunnie better with her shorter, animal-like legs... The long hair was cute, though.) However, the Sally thing, in my opinion, is like when they did that "Ring of Wishes" thing with Amy Rose, but somehow in reverse. I
am rather interested to see how the heck they're going to explain away Sally suddenly getting smaller, younger(-looking, at the very least), and having a new set of clothes.
There's also rumors that this is Sega's doing. Seems like Sega is actually taking some inititive in listening to the fans these days, what with
Honey the Cat being a fully-playable character in the "
Sega Model 2 Collection" re-release of
Sonic the Fighters. (Dr. Robotnik, as well, but Honey is getting a fair bit more cheer, according to my friend.)
I am way more interested in playing as Eggman than this Honey I have never heard about before in my life. Also, why does this collection thinger not have Sonic R? Man that game was awful fun
Oh, it just has Sega's Model 2 games in it. You know, Sonic the Fighters, Fighting Vipers, Fighters Megamix... and um... Daytona USA...?
... I actually have no idea what games are in this collection, other than the fighting games. (And I'm not even sure about Fighters Megamix.)
What is Model 2? Daytona USA and Sonic R are both on Saturn, so maybe they'll be released together? Assuming Model 2 is some sort of rendering format or whatever.
Quote from: WikipediaThe Sega Model 2 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Sega_arcade_system_boards#Sega_Model_2) is an arcade system board released by Sega in 1993. Like the Model 1, it was developed in cooperation with Martin Marietta, and was a further advancement of the earlier Model 1 system. The most noticeable improvement was texture mapping, which enabled polygons to be painted with bitmap images, as opposed to the limited monotone flat shading that Model 1 supported.
Despite its high pricetag, the Model 2 platform was very successful. It featured some of the highest grossing arcade games of all time: Daytona USA, Virtua Fighter 2, Cyber Troopers Virtual-On, The House of the Dead, and Dead or Alive, to name a few.
While I was at it, I also looked up what games are to be released in this collection. Apparently, each of the following:
Virtua Fighter 2, Virtua Striker, Virtual On, Fighting Vipers, and
Sonic: The Fighters, are going to be released
individually on Xbox Live Arcade and the Playstation Network. So, I was like... 50% right on my guesses. Heh heh.
As for "Honey the Cat," she was a test character designed for
Sonic the Fighters which hackers eventually found. She's basically a yellow kitty-cat version of Honey/Candy from
Fighting Vipers. She has a cult following in the
Sonic community, so news of her being brought back as a fully-playable character was met with uproarious cheering. I'll admit, I thought that was pretty cool, too. But yeah, I wanna play as Dr. Robotnik more. XD
Quote from: Joseph Collins on October 21, 2012, 08:53:37 PM
I approve of half-naked Vixy-Nyan.
You have the absolute right counter-arguments. (Though personally, I liked Bunnie better with her shorter, animal-like legs... The long hair was cute, though.) However, the Sally thing, in my opinion, is like when they did that "Ring of Wishes" thing with Amy Rose, but somehow in reverse. I am rather interested to see how the heck they're going to explain away Sally suddenly getting smaller, younger(-looking, at the very least), and having a new set of clothes.
There's also rumors that this is Sega's doing. Seems like Sega is actually taking some inititive in listening to the fans these days, what with Honey the Cat being a fully-playable character in the "Sega Model 2 Collection" re-release of Sonic the Fighters. (Dr. Robotnik, as well, but Honey is getting a fair bit more cheer, according to my friend.)
But she is not "younger" looking. That's just the art style of Ben Bates, one of the artist's for the comic, and the one who I believe created this design.
I like his art for the comic, but I must say that if someone is not aware of all of this, then they might mistake her for being younger.
Plus, Robotnik did almost immediately modify Sally once she became... well, Mecha. He put a power ring inside of her, and all that.
Oh? Well, if there's a legitimate excuse for it and it's acknowledged in the story, then it's not just arbitrary. Even if it's as silly as the whole "Robo-Robotnik II is Eggman" thing was. X3
what's upsetting me right now is my loud-ass neighbor who apparently doesn't know the meaning of "inside voice" nor have any grasp of the concept of "respect your neighbors and the space you live in"
Quote from: Joseph Collins on October 21, 2012, 09:55:28 PM
While I was at it, I also looked up what games are to be released in this collection. Apparently, each of the following: Virtua Fighter 2, Virtua Striker, Virtual On, Fighting Vipers, and Sonic: The Fighters, are going to be released individually on Xbox Live Arcade and the Playstation Network.
I heard Sonic, Striker and Virtua Fighter 2 were getting a bundle on the PSN.
Anyway, I'm upset.
Not about anything really, just upset at many smaller things.
Quote from: Joseph Collins on October 22, 2012, 12:30:39 AM
Robo-Robotnik II is Eggman
I have a question for you Sonic nerds (which I use in a complimentary manner):
Is Eggman's grandfather in anything other than SA2?
He was in Sonic X. But, other than that, I don't know. Haven't really been paying much attention to the comics. Haven't really been paying much attention to any comics, for that matter. Living far away from comic stores sucks. :(
Quote from: Quickman on October 23, 2012, 04:59:48 AM
He was in Sonic X. But, other than that, I don't know. Haven't really been paying much attention to the comics. Haven't really been paying much attention to any comics, for that matter. Living far away from comic stores sucks. :(
He was mentioned in ShTH, and technically he's still alive in two of the levels (The Doom and Lost Impact.)
Anyway, what's upsetting me now is PS3 Lockups, why do they happen, why do they happen so often, and what the [tornado fang] is with the "BEEPBEEPBEEP"? Is it telling me "oops i [tornado fang]'d up sorry"?
Kinda related
[spoiler=Many images are many]
Dammit, when is Bunnie gonna get her cyborg parts back? This new Bunnie is just so meh without them! I demand the return of cyborg Bunnie! She was cooler, she had power and could play with the big boys and kick their asses! Now look at her. Just a female piece of background.
Admittedly, the shorts on new-Sally are kind of sexy. Or maybe it's just that one picture... 'w';
And yeah, Bunnie isn't quite as interesting without her crutches robotic parts. Still cute, though.
Quote from: Joseph Collins on October 23, 2012, 09:01:32 AM
Admittedly, the shorts on new-Sally are kind of sexy.
Man, I don't have anything relevant to this thread that I can actually share in here. Too many personal problems, is what's upsetting me right now!!
While reading Sonic the Comic, I noticed that they have a larger variety of animal types as extras. I've seen more insects in StC than I can recall seeing in the Archie comics. Why this discrimination against the arthropod variety, Archie? Insects and spiders need love too! :3
And in terms of actual things that are upsetting me... The holidays are upsetting me right now. Well, the prospect of the holidays. Folks are separated; Mom is in Florida and Dad has a lady friend whom he sees for Thanksgiving, my brothers have their own families and plans; half-brother is going to Rhode Island with his family and younger brother will be dragged to his in-laws. I have two options for Thanksgiving this year: Jack and all. The same options that I had last year. And Thanksgiving dinner is a big thing in my family; it was a time to get together with everyone and feast on turkey and watch the parade and dog show.
I guess I could order out for Chinese or something. It's just going to suck, as seeing everyone else with their families and such will just further drive home that fact that my family is in pieces and I'm all alone.
I think there's like maybe... two insects in the Archie universe? And I think one's dead. She was a ninja spider, though, so that was pretty cool. Despite the fact I hate spiders. Then again, if you anthropomorphize just about anything, it becomes far less whatever-it-was-before compared to the original. Try putting a face on a stop sign some time. You'd never let that stop sign stop you. Unless it was holding a stop sign. Then you'd stop. But only because the stop sign was holding a stop sign.
I'll tell you something, Q-Chan. If I were in the neighborhood, I'd totally come celebrate Thanksgiving with you. And I know a few people here would totally hitch a ride with me to do so, too. Thanksgiving isn't as huge a thing with my family, since... well... same thing, really! We're just all so isolated in different parts of the country, and my parents are just so anti-social, that there's just no real "Thanksgiving party" any given year. Hell, there hasn't been a Thanksgiving feast in our family for... God... I dunno. Years and years, probably. Oh, sure, we have a nice meal because of tradition, but otherwise? Not so much so.
You know, I celebrated a Thanksgiving one time with my sister's friend's family one year and that was pretty groovy. (She was there, too, of course.) We got to eat lots of different foods, there was lots of chatter from their extended family, lots of interesting stuff going on. Man, that was awesome. I was so happy to be a part of that. It wasn't even awkward for me, since I knew some people there. My sister, on the other hand... I think she found it more awkward. She didn't do it again after I left for Michigan. Kind of sad she'd rather spend Thanksgiving alone than with them. Then again-again, that family is... not as tightly-knit as they once were. Bit of a mess, really. Was shocking when I first found out, too.
*sigh* The older we get, the less worth we put into traditions, I guess. Not even Christmas is as big a thing as it once was. It's kind of fun... but not as fun as it used to be, when everyone was around...
*bigger sigh* Well, now I'm feeling the holiday blues... I'm so clever. Get to talking about things and end up feeling the blues himself... heh... Oh well...
Care to pay for a flight, JC? Aha.
My apartment is a small one-bedroom unit, and I only have two chairs for my tiny table, but I will make it work, somehow! Even if we all sit around and eat on the floor in my living room!
Man, if I had the money, I'd totally make good on that gesture. And I think even if we just sat around on the floor eating Banquet turkey TV dinners or something, that would be just as awesome. Sleeping arrangements, on the other hand, depending on the turn-out... XD
I live in Gettysburg. There are plenty of hotels to choose from. Hell, partying at a hotel would be even better! XD
Hey JC, get a job you hippie!
I get to spend Thanksgiving with my mom. I kinda miss home home.
^ is upsetting me right now.
Writer's block. Plus severe loneliness (for company of the female persuasion). Plus 80s music.
Add all that together and you end up with crippling sorrow. If you're me, at least.
A headache.
My employer for just telling me I need to work Saturday without asking me, since it wasn't on my schedule.
He mentioned something about a party, either he's going to a halloween party (Which makes no sense, the 27th is a strange date for a party of that type.) or I have to take the kids to a halloween party and just sit there.
Either way, its not going to be a good day.
A PC monitor that takes 30 minutes or an hour before it detects the VGA signal from my Xbox 360. ^^; /phone
The damn rain from earlier aggravated my knee. Water on the knee sucks! It's painful and annoying. Thankfully, it's not as bad as it was, though. It's getting better.
And I'm still mulling over Thanksgiving plans, or lack thereof. I have the option of going with my dad to his girlfriend's place, but that always seems so awkward. There's also the option of going with my brother to the in-laws, but we both know that his wife wouldn't be too pleased. But, he wants me to come along anyway. He needs someone to remind her that if she's going to be big on family, she needs to be big on both our families. That means spending time with her in-laws.
Also, the ball would be in my court if I go to the in-laws for Thanksgiving. I won't have to put up with them. They will have to put up with me. [eyebrow]
Quick update: Alright. I just made and drank a mug of the deepest, darkest, blackest coffee I have ever had (darker than Army coffee -- light could not penetrate the liquid) and now I'm sucking on a spearmint... um... mint. Honestly, I feel better already, but God help whomever's near me when this coffee kicks into high gear. Heh heh.
Edit: I also switched over to dance music. There's just as many love songs, but for some reason, they aren't bothering me as badly.
If I have to say what's upsetting me right now, I might be on the computer forever.
Well, it's not like I already am, but I can't be bothered.
Quote from: Hastur on October 24, 2012, 07:59:55 AM
A headache.
My employer for just telling me I need to work Saturday without asking me, since it wasn't on my schedule.
He mentioned something about a party, either he's going to a halloween party (Which makes no sense, the 27th is a strange date for a party of that type.) or I have to take the kids to a halloween party and just sit there.
Either way, its not going to be a good day.
What do you do where extra hours is so horrible?
Quote from: Ladd Spencer on October 24, 2012, 07:50:42 PM
What do you do where extra hours is so horrible?
I babysit, it varies from a fine day to a day like today where for the one hour I was there the kids did nothing but scream and be really loud.
Make a suit made out of pillows and mattresses, and cover it in spikes.
Quote from: Hastur on October 24, 2012, 10:59:13 PM
I babysit
hahhaha when i think my job sucks i just think of you
it makes me feel better
i guess i shouldn't be posting in this thread then
749 new unread items in Google Reader, only because Apple shows something new. Everytime. A phone, an update, a cable...
And you keep buying their [parasitic bomb]... Why?
lel, I'm not. It's hardly even available here.
Anyway, I'm talking about that sick amount of news. After plowing through all articles, I found maybe 5 about Windows 8 launching in few hours, another few about leaked images of Nexus 4 and 10, two articles about Kindle, and 500 articles about Apple.
"Apple will close Apple Store", "Apple closed Apple Store", "what will Apple show?", "Apple will soon reopen Apple Store", "Apple Store is open", "Apple will stream Apple event on Apple TV", "Apple shows new iPad", "Apple shows another iPad", "Apple shows new connectors", "Apple shows new adapter between new connectors", "Apple will upload videos of Apple event", "Apple uploaded videos of Apple event"...
I thought of applying a filter and deleting all articles mentioning Apple, but then I realized that it's useless.
"A very useful and productive app, and it'll look sweet on new Apple iPad", "New, very nice Android smartphone, and in this article I'll compare it with something from Apple", "James Bond uses a Sony smartphone - product placement in new James Bond movie, something that Apple does too"...
Tech scene sometimes is really hard to follow -AC
I'm too poor to follow the tech scene. Be like me. :B
[tornado fang]ing Fight of Flight in Jet Set Radio.
This stage can go eat a dick, its awful.
Hey, remember that whole brief discussion we had in the other topic about changing your YouTube name to "a better name" with Google+? Well, I gave it a try. And I found out something rather interesting.
Apparently, when you do that, you no longer have a custom name for your channel. Your channel is locked with whatever name you typed into the "First/Last Name" fields of your Google account. For example, my channel was named "Café De La Luna Theatre," but after the change, was renamed "Joseph Collins." Where's the flair in that?
Thankfully, you can change it right back, if you want to. But you don't get to keep the spaces in your username, if you do. I liked that space. But I like my channel name better. T_T
I don't post videos because I have no talent, a lack of ambition, and I don't wanna be one of those [tornado fang]ing weirdos who do let's play videos with the weirdest voice you have ever heard every time.
My voice always sounds awful when it's recorded. That's why I do character voices! :D
As for what's upsetting me right now? Nothing much, though I am keeping a close eye on Hurricane Sandy. The forecast is calling for snow on Tuesday.
I finally had a chance to actually try World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria recently.
My old characters are pretty much [tornado fang]'d. There is no way in hell I can cope with all the radical changes. Skill trainers are a thing of the past (you automatically know any new skill as soon as you level up), WoW has its own version of Pokémon with "companion pets," the secondary ("ranged") weapon slot is completely gone, all throwing weapons have been removed, a number of skills which used to be considered "common skills" (ones you could train regardless of specification) have been relocated into class specifications, specification talent trees are now unified into 16 talents total for each class and you can only pick one per-15 levels... It's a god damn mess for an oldbie like me who's been around since the Scourge invaded with their floating Necropoli back in v1.11... *sigh* I seriously don't know how I'll be able to cope.
I have an idea that would solve your problem...
Play a better game. :P
As for me... I'm still dealing with the hurricane. I won't see the sun until Friday.
Yea man play Ragnarok
I used to play Ragnarok Online. I have a Gunslinger in his 30s, I think. However, I stopped playing because it was a boring-ass grindfest. At least World of Warcraft has quests to disguise its menial tasks. Ragnarok just goes, "Go kill some [parasitic bomb] and bring back the remains. Do this about 100 times to get to your next level."
Gunslinger is a particularly boring class, also.
Bang bang! Dead.
I can't remember if I went dual pistols or rifle, actually. I'm too lazy to check. Provided I could do so from the web somewhere.
It's mostly the coins that make it suck. Mash Flip the Coin until you have 5, go do stuff, repeat.
I like making Sages with only 1 rank in the weapon element imbuing skill, partying every [dark hold] in Prontera, and mashing it until their weapon breaks. They only notice when they go back out, and when they come back to town they have no idea what happened.
What's upsetting me right now? The Disney-Lucasfilm deal. You would have to be deeply embroiled within the EU, SW fandom, and Wookieepedia to know why I sense a disturbance in the Force.
Well, Disney is akin to the Sith... It would be like if Apple bought Microsoft. Except less evil.
Disney? Evil? But Disney World is the Happiest Place on Earth! XD
Drunk fuckers posting online being assholes, doing it because "lulz so funni" in front of their "friends".
Also people telling me to get a girlfriend. [tornado fang] em all.
Quote from: Hawaii on November 01, 2012, 04:44:43 AM
Also people telling me to get a girlfriend. [tornado fang] em all.
should [tornado fang] them
you might feel better
Quote from: Ruri on November 01, 2012, 04:48:40 AM
you should [tornado fang] them
you might feel better
Who knows what diseases they have.
Besides, [tornado fang]ing isn't what I do.
That's why you should always use protection.
Quote from: Hawaii on November 01, 2012, 04:49:31 AM
Besides, [tornado fang]ing isn't what I do.
maybe its something you should look into
[spoiler]you shouldn't judge something until you try it[/spoiler]
Quote from: Ruri on November 01, 2012, 04:53:07 AM
maybe its something you should look into
[spoiler]you shouldn't judge something until you try it[/spoiler]
But we do that all the time here.
Besides, 3DPD.
okay you win
Well that was a compelling argument. Really.
Oh, I forgot to post here.
Got mugged
Now I don't have trees or my phone. Stupid fucks I have my wallet and that stupid GPS my mom got me. Evolution. Some of us - I'm not gonna say whom - genetically have smaller brains.
some of us are more prone to bad karmic reactions as well
You know, this goes against the very intention of this thread, but... Nothing is upsetting me right now. x: I think I finally have this "heart of stone" thing worked out. Simply put, when something upsets me or threatens to upset me, I just take a brief time-out and go, "Eh, [tornado fang] it. Too much work," and get on with my life. :D
Of course, this only works with stuff that would depress me. Stuff hat pisses me off
still pisses me off. X3 Like
my [tornado fang]ing god damn modem cutting out for no apparent reason [tornado fang] [tornado fang] [tornado fang] ... and then it came back all on its own. Of course. God, I hate HughesNet. >_>
... oh! Hey, there ya go. That's what's upsetting me right now. My near-dial-up speeds on HughesNet right now. >_>;;
Quote from: Mirby on November 01, 2012, 08:42:16 AM
some of us are more prone to bad karmic reactions as well
If you believe in that sort of [parasitic bomb], perhaps. :3
Quote from: Mirby on November 01, 2012, 08:42:16 AM
some of us are more prone to bad karmic reactions as well
See I don't understand because I took time out of my day to call an ambulance for and sit with a drunk man with an obvious problem (he really really stank like vomit) the other day, and I drove this kid home from work the other day as well. I try to be a good person whenever I can. I dunno about karma anymore.
And I really do try so hard.
Times like these, I feel that physics apply...
For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
Life seems to work that way.
Somebody else must've been crowned to a kingdom at the exact same time
Quote from: Joseph Collins on November 01, 2012, 08:46:19 AM
Nothing is upsetting me right now.
so then don't post in the thread about whats upsetting you
it's not hard
And now Ruri is upsetting me. *cries and runs to Ladd for support*
my headache is upsetting me
Quote from: Mirby on November 01, 2012, 10:27:10 AM
my headache is upsetting me
so then stop staring at a computer screen that could potentially make it worse and take some pain killers
it's not hard
nah that's not it, i've adapted to that.
apparently i was hungry. ate and now it's gone
Quote from: Mirby on November 01, 2012, 10:34:57 AM
nah that's not it, i've adapted to that.
apparently i was hungry. ate and now it's gone
Whatever, buddy
Everything and nothing all at the same time.
Still dealing with pain in my left kidney. I'm increasing fluid intake, and right now, I'm sitting with a pillow behind my back. Not quite sure what's wrong, but I suspect a stone.
Did you know if you get stabbed in the kidney you can't scream?
Perhaps that's what happened...
I am upset right now that Nixon didn't shoot all those hippies IRL like in Watchmen.
Posted on: November 02, 2012, 05:01:50
PS stop drinking Rosie's as much. It's so delicious one drinks too much of it all the time and it's like the number one cause of kidney stones.
Good point. Good thing I ran out of those anyway. Now I'll just drink water and flush the thing out.
I like how nobody else here knows what we're talking about. :D
the new youtube layout looks like [parasitic bomb]
If you delete your cookies you can get the old one back for now.
But then you have to login to everything again.
[spoiler]And if you're like me you have to make sure to get past SadPanda.[/spoiler]
Quote from: Joseph Collins on October 21, 2012, 08:53:37 PM
I approve of half-naked Vixy-Nyan.
Here vixy, take this. It will help you on your quest!
*vixy got a white jacket and skirt just above the knees*
Also, a fan flipped out (http://v-16.deviantart.com/art/Velocity-The-Cat-321807243) as she realized the new Sally looked like her OC. It was funny as hell.
But with that, the only thing that's annoying me is not the dickish co-workers, as I pretend there, but hurricane Sandy CONSTANTLY being brought up on the news with nothing positive and to top it off? Attack ads left and right, with the presidential race in-between. And there's nothing good on TV.
Quote from: Gaia on November 03, 2012, 01:34:42 AMAlso, a fan flipped out (http://v-16.deviantart.com/art/Velocity-The-Cat-321807243) as she realized the new Sally looked like her OC. It was funny as hell.
I don't see the resemblance, myself... She
is cute, though. :3
Also, don't clothe the Vixy. Unless it's a cute outfit. Then by all means, continue o/'
you disgust me
Quote from: Ruri on November 03, 2012, 05:44:17 AM
you disgust me
But this doesn't disgust you more?
Quote from: Joseph Collins on November 02, 2012, 01:04:07 PM
November 10th: Crystal Pony something-something.
Mildly excited.
>known furry
>getting 'excited' over a show about ponies
you [tornado fang]ing sicko
The fact I have to sit through an unskippable 30-something second ad on every other Youtube video I watch.
You're dumb.
Quote from: Ruri on November 03, 2012, 06:00:28 AM
You're dumb.
See? Now this is a person using this thread correctly. Instead of derailing the thread with an irrelevant conversation, this user is instead speaking of a person or object that they are unhappy about.
Good work Ruri. Y'know, you're a good person.
I see you have met Ruri. It's best to smile, nod, and move on. :P
As for what's upsetting me... Well, I'm still grieving over the Disney-Lucasfilm buyout, and the inane rumors are not helping matters. It's hard to look at the Essential Reader's Companion now, knowing that the possibility of a good majority of the post-RotJ EU could be squashed. Though, I am seeing some positives about the buyout, so I'm starting to warm up to it. Slowly, but surely. However, I am approaching this with a degree of caution.
And as for my left kidney pain... it's intermittent now.
Quote from: Quickman on November 03, 2012, 06:12:36 AM
I see you have met Ruri. It's best to smile, nod, and move on. :P
As for what's upsetting me... Well, I'm still grieving over the Disney-Lucasfilm buyout, and the inane rumors are not helping matters. It's hard to look at the Essential Reader's Companion now, knowing that the possibility of a good majority of the post-RotJ EU could be squashed. Though, I am seeing some positives about the buyout, so I'm starting to warm up to it. Slowly, but surely. However, I am approaching this with a degree of caution.
And as for my left kidney pain... it's intermittent now.
Good to know.
I'm a bit apprehensive about the Disney-Lucasfilm thing too. Normally I wouldn't really care, but the fact they're now working on a seventh movie worries me that they'll butcher the series. Jedi Academy Musical~
Left kidney pain? From what?
Most likely stones. Won't know for sure until I pass some. In the meantime, I'm drinking cranberry juice and otherwise increasing my fluid intake.
Quote from: Quickman on November 03, 2012, 06:17:42 AM
Most likely stones. Won't know for sure until I pass some. In the meantime, I'm drinking cranberry juice and otherwise increasing my fluid intake.
Oh yeah. My father had some trouble with that. Heard it's really painful when they pass.
Quote from: JustAFan on November 03, 2012, 05:58:30 AM
The fact I have to sit through an unskippable 30-something second ad on every other Youtube video I watch.
You should invest in something called ADBLOCK PLUS.
Quote from: Hawaii on November 03, 2012, 06:20:14 AM
You should invest in something called ADBLOCK PLUS.
I would get it, but I use Incognito browsing for everything that's not Facebook or Google Search and I can't seem to get addons to work. I refuse to use that piece of [parasitic bomb] Firefox and I don't use Internet Explorer for anything other than school and other casual browsing.
Quote from: JustAFan on November 03, 2012, 06:23:35 AM
I would get it, but I use Incognito browsing for everything that's not Facebook or Google Search and I can't seem to get addons to work. I refuse to use that piece of [parasitic bomb] Firefox and I don't use Internet Explorer for anything other than school and other casual browsing.
Firefox is not a piece of [parasitic bomb].
Stop using incog, seriously it makes no sense unless you're doing something like browsing e-hentai on a shared PC.
oh [parasitic bomb] incognito browsing
we've got a badass over here
Quote from: Hawaii on November 03, 2012, 06:26:28 AM
Firefox is not a piece of [parasitic bomb].
Stop using incog, seriously it makes no sense unless you're doing something like browsing e-hentai on a shared PC.
I use incognito because I have a little brother in the house who pokes through my computer constantly.
Quote from: Ruri on November 03, 2012, 06:27:20 AM
oh [parasitic bomb] incognito browsing
we've got a badass over here
I know. I'm such a rebel. >w<
Quote from: JustAFan on November 03, 2012, 06:31:08 AM
I use incognito because I have a little brother in the house who pokes through my computer constantly.
I know. I'm such a rebel. >w<
Password protect that [sonic slicer].
you can set plugins to work in incognito. just go to settings, click EXTENSIONS, and check the box ALLOW IN INCOGNITO
Quote from: Hawaii on November 03, 2012, 06:32:40 AM
Password protect that [sonic slicer].
Aaaand it's also a computer my school sent me because I have no job nor money to purchase my own.
I'm going into college and (likely) getting a job next year. Hopefully this'll be sorted out by then and I can have [parasitic bomb] done right.
Quote from: Mirby on November 03, 2012, 06:33:29 AM
you can set plugins to work in incognito. just go to settings, click EXTENSIONS, and check the box ALLOW IN INCOGNITO
Alrighty. That was actually helpful. Thanks.
Quote from: JustAFan on November 03, 2012, 06:19:11 AM
Oh yeah. My father had some trouble with that. Heard it's really painful when they pass.
It's a horrible pain, if the stone is big enough. My first one sent me to the hospital overnight. Other ones... not as bad. They passed without incident.
As for Firefox and its memory leaks... I haven't had too much of a problem with it.
no problem
I've never even heard of incognito what is it used for and why is it "bad"? Also what is up with people getting laptops from their high school?
Quote from: Quickman on November 03, 2012, 06:34:55 AM
It's a horrible pain, if the stone is big enough. My first one sent me to the hospital overnight. Other ones... not as bad. They passed without incident.
As for Firefox and its memory leaks... I haven't had too much of a problem with it.
How often do they come around? Sorry if it's too personal or anything. I'm just curious, and considering I'll be working towards a medical degree, it is relevant to my interests.
I wouldn't have anything against Firefox if not for it's godawful interface.
Posted on: November 02, 2012, 10:36:37 PM
Quote from: Sakura Leic on November 03, 2012, 06:35:31 AM
I've never even heard of incognito what is it used for and why is it "bad"? Also what is up with people getting laptops from their high school?
Incognito is a Google Chrome function that does not store history or cookies.
It's actually a desktop, not a laptop. I'm not in a brick and mortar school. I'm in an online public high school. It's basically like homeschooling except it's a recognized public school and I graduate just like any other high school student. They do send laptops but desktops are more common.
Quote from: JustAFan on November 03, 2012, 06:38:06 AM
How often do they come around? Sorry if it's too personal or anything. I'm just curious, and considering I'll be working towards a medical degree, it is relevant to my interests.
I wouldn't have anything against Firefox if not for it's godawful interface.
Posted on: November 02, 2012, 10:36:37 PM
Incognito is a Google Chrome function that does not store history or cookies.
It's actually a desktop, not a laptop. I'm not in a brick and mortar school. I'm in an online public high school. It's basically like homeschooling except it's a recognized public school and I graduate just like any other high school student. They do send laptops but desktops are more common.
No wonder you're so retarded.
Quote from: JustAFan on November 03, 2012, 06:38:06 AM
How often do they come around? Sorry if it's too personal or anything. I'm just curious, and considering I'll be working towards a medical degree, it is relevant to my interests.
I wouldn't have anything against Firefox if not for it's godawful interface.
That's why you use the Menu bar, gets rid of that awful button.
And just because its a PC the school sent you (or whatever) doesn't mean you can't PASSWORD PROTECT THAT [sonic slicer].
Quote from: Ruri on November 03, 2012, 06:38:55 AM
No wonder you're so retarded.
Actually that's a common misconception that homeschooled kids are unsocialized and well, retarded. I get plenty of socialization through interaction with other people in my neighborhood not to mention the frequent field trips and meetings the kids in my state have. Plus I attend a daily Taekwondo class and I have a considerable amount of friends there as well.
The more you know!
Quote from: Hawaii on November 03, 2012, 06:41:44 AM
That's why you use the Menu bar, gets rid of that awful button.
And just because its a PC the school sent you (or whatever) doesn't mean you can't PASSWORD PROTECT THAT [sonic slicer].
Actually I can't. It has a modified version of Win7 that even further restricts my account rights. (In fact, I don't even have an account. It auto-logs into an account called Student). So I can't password protect it, nor can I set any kind of restrictions. The most I can do is install and uninstall things and freely browse the web.
I had one of those student computers (I'm still using it). I hacked the hell out of it. Then, when it was officially mine, I reformatted it.
Quote from: Quickman on November 03, 2012, 06:45:46 AM
I had one of those student computers (I'm still using it). I hacked the hell out of it. Then, when it was officially mine, I reformatted it.
I still gotta send it back. It's due to be returned, I think after I graduate, or after my little brother graduates. (That and we have the school do a free tech refresh every three years, so it's gonna get sent back one way or another.)
Yep that's not an option.
Like I said, once I'm able to afford my own PC it's not gonna be a problem. I'm good with what I got right here and it is a dependable system. And considering Mirby just solved my last issue and all...
So let me get this strait you get a computer from your high school that is so restricted that you can't password protect it? Jeez what happens if it gets stolen or somehow hacked from a outside party?
I've been using my old computer for eight years now! XD I'm hoping that I can get a new one in December.
Back to things that upset us...
Groceries eat up quite a bit of one's paycheck, more than one realizes.
Quote from: JustAFan on November 03, 2012, 05:58:30 AM
The fact I have to sit through an unskippable 30-something second ad on every other Youtube video I watch.
Firefox: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/adblock-plus/
Opera: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/opera-adblock/
Chrome #1: http://adblockplus.org/en/chrome
Chrome #2: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/adblock/gighmmpiobklfepjocnamgkkbiglidom
You're welcome~ :cookie:
Quote from: Sakura Leic on November 03, 2012, 06:51:00 AM
So let me get this strait you get a computer from your high school that is so restricted that you can't password protect it? Jeez what happens if it gets stolen or somehow hacked from a outside party?
You'd be surprised how well protected from hacking this thing is. It has one of those heavy-duty office grade protection softwares on it.
As for stolen? Unless someone comes into my room, unplugs the tower, monitor, keyboard, mouse, speakers, and wireless reciever unnoticed, and carries that all out without any kind of trace, I doubt that's gonna be an issue.
Quote from: Quickman on November 03, 2012, 06:52:18 AM
I've been using my old computer for eight years now! XD I'm hoping that I can get a new one in December.
Back to things that upset us...
Groceries eat up quite a bit of one's paycheck, more than one realizes.
I dropped thirty bucks out of pocket buying Halloween candy, cereal, milk, bread, and dishwashing liquid. Shouldn't that be like a total of fifteen bucks, logically?
Quote from: PopuraNyan on November 03, 2012, 06:54:11 AM
Firefox: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/adblock-plus/
Opera: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/opera-adblock/
Chrome: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/adblock/gighmmpiobklfepjocnamgkkbiglidom
You're welcome~ :cookie:
Thanks Popura! I already installed it though. >U< You're a bit late on that one!
Quote from: JustAFan on November 03, 2012, 06:55:14 AM
You'd be surprised how well protected from hacking this thing is. It has one of those heavy-duty office grade protection softwares on it.
wow its [tornado fang]ing nothing
Quote from: JustAFan on November 03, 2012, 06:55:14 AM
You'd be surprised how well protected from hacking this thing is. It has one of those heavy-duty office grade protection softwares on it.
As for stolen? Unless someone comes into my room, unplugs the tower, monitor, keyboard, mouse, speakers, and wireless reciever unnoticed, and carries that all out without any kind of trace, I doubt that's gonna be an issue.
I dropped thirty bucks out of pocket buying Halloween candy, cereal, milk, bread, and dishwashing liquid. Shouldn't that be like a total of fifteen bucks, logically?
Thanks Popura! I already installed it though. >U< You're a bit late on that one!
You should have waited to buy that Halloween candy till AFTER Halloween
Quote from: Hawaii on November 03, 2012, 06:56:34 AM
You should have waited to buy that Halloween candy till AFTER Halloween
I went before Halloween, because we needed it for Trick or Treaters and we're all kinda strapped for cash. And then we still ran out. If not for me and the kids I was taking around the neighborhood coming back in time to drop some of our extra, we would've been out.
Quote from: JustAFan on November 03, 2012, 06:59:56 AM
I went before Halloween, because we needed it for Trick or Treaters and we're all kinda strapped for cash. And then we still ran out. If not for me and the kids I was taking around the neighborhood coming back in time to drop some of our extra, we would've been out.
You sure you weren't one of the kids and not the one taking them
Quote from: Ruri on November 03, 2012, 07:00:53 AM
You sure you weren't one of the kids and not the one taking them
Got a problem?
Free candy is free.
Quote from: JustAFan on November 03, 2012, 06:59:56 AM
because we needed it for Trick or Treaters
Turn the [tornado fang]ing lights off.
Then they won't come to your door unless they have a brain deficiency.
Quote from: Hawaii on November 03, 2012, 07:03:24 AM
Turn the [tornado fang]ing lights off.
Then they won't come to your door unless they have a brain deficiency.
Weeeeell. Someone has no halloween spirit.
We kind of WANTED to have candy to give out to the kids.
Quote from: JustAFan on November 03, 2012, 07:05:23 AM
Weeeeell. Someone has no halloween spirit.
We kind of WANTED to have candy to give out to the kids.
You're right I don't.
Then again if kids aren't going to [tornado fang]ing dress up they shouldn't get candy.
My neighborhood didn't even have trick-or-treating... :(
You're lucky.
We only get just enough trick or treaters to give out candy to make them happy and have some leftover.
Quote from: Quickman on November 03, 2012, 07:08:49 AM
My neighborhood didn't even have trick-or-treating... :(
Mine too.
Because over here in Poland we don't celebrate Halloween.
Instead we "mourn" the passed, and visit the graveyard to light some candles or put some flowers by the gravestones, which are going to be stolen or destroyed anyway.
I went out and bought Goldfish crackers to give away. But, no one went trick-or-treating, so I couldn't give them away.
Which, later, was fine by me. :P
I don't like Goldfish Crackers.
Quote from: Sakura Leic on November 03, 2012, 07:27:40 AM
I don't like Goldfish Crackers.
It's okay I still like you
I have a lot of love to give... but no one to give it to...
[spoiler=''No one wants to see that crap'' cut]I don't know why, but it seems like whenever I make any kind of female friend, it absolutely has to stay platonic. The girls I meet always give me some kind of lame excuse. Let's run through some of the usual ones, shall we?
"I'm not looking for a relationship right now."
Neither am I. I just want someone to cuddle up to, and maybe fool around with, who genuinely want to do the same in return. Online, since I sincerely doubt you live anywhere nearby.
"I don't see you as more than a friend."
Look harder.
"I'm a lesbian."
I honestly have no counter for this one, but it still makes me feel like [parasitic bomb], somehow. -_-
"I'm not interested."
Why not? I'm a nice guy chalk full of love and adoration.
"You make me uncomfortable."
That wasn't my intention. I just wanted to show you somebody out there loves you.
"You're a [Top Spin]."
And you're an [dark hold], apparently. Why am I your friend, again?
"You know I'm underage, right?"
This one seems to happen more often than I'd care to admit. I connect with someone, we have a lot in common, and then bam. I find out she's not of legal age, despite being smart, clever, funny, and so-forth. Terrific.
"I'm currently in a relationship."
This also happens more often than I'd like to admit. Same thing as above, but instead of being underage, they with someone. Most everyone is upfront about it, but it still sucks to make a strong connection with someone only to realize/be reminded that you will never be able to be with them because somebody beat you to the punch. -_-
"You're totally awesome and I love you! Don't touch me."
I can't even begin to describe how annoying, not to mention insulting, this one is. If I'm so awesome, why am I not allowed to cuddle up to you? I don't have rabies.
Personally, I keep thinking maybe it's just "karmic justice" that keeps happening. For something like 7 years, I kept harassing this one girl and basically making her miserable because she refused to "get with me." Yes, there was plenty of good times, too, but I don't think that offset the bad times by much... I was a terrible person back then and I think I've learned a few things in the years that followed, but I guess that's not good enough for the God of Karma.
By my calculations, I should have another three years of getting snubbed, jerked around, made to feel bad, and feeling unloved by anyone of the opposite sex, even online. So, that's fun.
*sigh* I wish I had a heart of stone like my friend. Like any of my friends. I'm the only person I know who absolutely needs attention from the opposite sex. I guess because I don't feel like I'm useful otherwise. I don't know...
I don't understand... I just don't understand... Or maybe I do, but I sincerely hope I'm wrong...[/spoiler]
If you want my humble opinion, which you probably don't, it seems to me like you're trying too hard. Relationships are tricky and honestly hard to come by because so many people are not right for each other. Hell, if you look at the divorce rate in this country alone, you can see my point. No offense, but you seem so desperate for a relationship with a girl that you're almost willing to start one with any girl that comes along, which doesn't work. Sometimes you just have to wait for the right someone.
I understand what you're saying, but frankly... I'm tired of waiting. And tired of being alone. And tired of rejection. And just plain tired.
And that's pretty much why I don't go out of my way to socialize with people anymore. That, and every time something happens to come my way, it's a [tornado fang]ing dead end.
I can relate man. I was hit with the "I'm not looking for a relationship" bomb not two weeks ago.
Quote from: Joseph Collins on November 04, 2012, 05:15:36 PM
I understand what you're saying, but frankly... I'm tired of waiting. And tired of being alone. And tired of rejection. And just plain tired.
And that's pretty much why I don't go out of my way to socialize with people anymore. That, and every time something happens to come my way, it's a [tornado fang]ing dead end.
Not to sound like a dickchurner, but you do realize that not socializing is not going to help in the slightest if you're tired of being alone and waiting. It'll only help with the rejection, which everyone goes through. Even I, the sexliciousness Protoman Blues have been rejected a few times. It happens to everyone in life. I had my heart broken once. But you recover and you move on. That's life, essentially.
Although in the long run, I really shouldn't talk. I have a very different view of "love" than the majority of people. That and I'm extremeeeeeeeeeeeely picky when it comes to dating. -_-
Oh, I'm not looking for "love." I have something to fill that particular void. (And it does. Like you wouldn't believe...) But under the current conditions, is not enough to satisfy some of my more... selfish... wants. I feel like I want something else. Online.
I'm not looking for a serious relationship with anyone, but I would like someone to dump all my repressed affections on, in, and around. Preferably someone who didn't just "lay back and take it" like a bump on a log. Someone to be mutually affectionate with online. Or something like that.
... I'm a very complex individual with stupidly complex (and admittedly very selfish) wants and desires. -_-
Quote from: Joseph Collins on November 04, 2012, 05:54:02 PM
Oh, I'm not looking for "love." I have something to fill that particular void. (And it does. Like you wouldn't believe...) But under the current conditions, is not enough to satisfy some of my more... selfish... wants. I feel like I want something else. Online.
I'm not looking for a serious relationship with anyone, but I would like someone to dump all my repressed affections on, in, and around. Preferably someone who didn't just "lay back and take it" like a bump on a log. Someone to be mutually affectionate with online. Or something like that.
... I'm a very complex individual with stupidly complex (and admittedly very selfish) wants and desires. -_-
You could have just simply said:
"I'm selfish and want to [tornado fang]."
It would have saved me the precious seconds I wasted on reading your stupid rambling.
Hm. How to respond to that. Ah, I think I have it.
In this order: Leave me alone, eat [parasitic bomb], and go to Hell.
Simple enough, fuckface? 8D
I would normally be a little more diplomatic about it, but frankly, you're not worth my time. You just kind of came out of left field with this whole "I also hate him" thing, so you don't deserve anything more than flat-out vulgarity. Aren't you lucky?
Quote from: Joseph Collins on November 04, 2012, 06:17:26 PM
Hm. How to respond to that. Ah, I think I have it.
In this order: Leave me alone, eat [parasitic bomb], and go to Hell.
Simple enough, fuckface? 8D
I would normally be a little more diplomatic about it, but frankly, you're not worth my time. You just kind of came out of left field with this whole "I also hate him" thing, so you don't deserve anything more than flat-out vulgarity. Aren't you lucky?
Look man.
You've got the same problem I did when I first came on here.
You complain about "that feel when no gf", that's just what happens, you get mocked.
I did that a long time back, and I got mocked (Though most of said mocking was from our good friend Hitomi.), but I got through it.
I mean, my situation isn't the same as yours, while you're looking for 3D carnal desire fulfillment, I'm done looking for anything because I've found my slice of happiness.
Granted, that's why I got the nickname "waifu widower".I will just say this though.
The "Nice guy" and "Why won't she go for me over that douchebag" arguement will never work. Because all Nice guys are inherit douchebags as well, I could be considered a "Nice guy", except I'm introverted and kind of an [dark hold] at times. It just doesn't work. But then again I'm not into that kind of relationship anyway, I've already unfairly stereotyped every single woman around my age as "Bitches and whores who only want gifts and sex" so it wouldn't feel right.
Quote from: Joseph Collins on November 04, 2012, 06:17:26 PM
Hm. How to respond to that. Ah, I think I have it.
In this order: Leave me alone, eat [parasitic bomb], and go to Hell.
Simple enough, fuckface? 8D
I would normally be a little more diplomatic about it, but frankly, you're not worth my time. You just kind of came out of left field with this whole "I also hate him" thing, so you don't deserve anything more than flat-out vulgarity. Aren't you lucky?
Ha, ha. No.
Contrary to what I said previously, I never seriously thought about hating you. It was a joke. (Though I admit, I was a bit jealous about that fan creations thread)
Mostly because you haven't annoyed me as much as Ladd does.
In fact, you practically didn't annoy me at all.
You know why I responded like that to your posts above? REALLY WANNA KNOW?
Because what you said is so full of [parasitic bomb], it stinks all over the [tornado fang]ing world.
First you talk like finding a "sweetheart" or "boyfriend free girl" means something to you. That you tried oh so hard.
Then you [tornado fang]ing say you're not looking for "love". That you don't want a serious relationship.
See a bit of a problem here, chuckles?
Okay then, I'll tell you.
It's either that you don't [tornado fang]ing know what you really want, because you have your own head up your ass.
That you do know what you want, and that is to have a girl that's going to be your fucktoy.
Nothing more.
Because that's the strongest vibe I get from your posts about this subject. Feel free to clarify though.
It just really looks like you want to get your own girl, but only to have her be your fucktoy, and your're trying to hide and/or glorify it by saying BAWW NOBODY WANTS ME.
Quote from: Joseph Collins on November 04, 2012, 05:54:02 PM
Oh, I'm not looking for "love." I have something to fill that particular void. (And it does. Like you wouldn't believe...) But under the current conditions, is not enough to satisfy some of my more... selfish... wants. I feel like I want something else. Online.
I'm not looking for a serious relationship with anyone, but I would like someone to dump all my repressed affections on, in, and around. Preferably someone who didn't just "lay back and take it" like a bump on a log. Someone to be mutually affectionate with online. Or something like that.
... I'm a very complex individual with stupidly complex (and admittedly very selfish) wants and desires. -_-
It sounds like you just want someone to talk to. But I'm not sure as you have complex wants and desires! :D
Quote from: Hawaii on November 04, 2012, 06:25:26 PM
Because all Nice guys are inherit douchebags as well, I could be considered a "Nice guy", except I'm introverted and kind of an [dark hold] at times. It just doesn't work.
I'm a super nice guy and I'm not a douchbag. Well, at least not to anyone other than friends I've known for 15-20 years. And my friend in Canada. 8D
Quote from: Tron on November 04, 2012, 06:28:44 PM
Alright... fine. I admit it. I want a [tornado fang]-toy. I really, genuinely want a [tornado fang]-toy. But I'm just as genuinely not the type to do "one-night stands." I want a [tornado fang]-toy that doesn't mind sticking around and would be receptive to all the "touchie-feelie murry-purry lovey-dovey" bullshit I want to do. Because I don't just [tornado fang]. I love.
Happy now?
Quote from: Joseph Collins on November 04, 2012, 06:39:56 PM
Alright... fine. I admit it. I want a [tornado fang]-toy. I really, genuinely want a [tornado fang]-toy. But I'm just as genuinely not the type to do "one-night stands." I want a [tornado fang]-toy that doesn't mind sticking around and would be receptive to all the "touchie-feelie murry-purry lovey-dovey" bullshit I want to do. Because I don't just [tornado fang]. I love.
Happy now?
At least you finally admitted it, though I obviously don't know how to help you since I've never even had a real relationship.
Quote from: Sakura Leic on November 04, 2012, 06:41:42 PM
At least you finally admitted it, though I obviously don't know how to help you since I've never even had a real relationship.
Frankly, I mostly said that because I'm still pissed
at him. Really, I'm just a jealous, angry person who perhaps
does want some form of a relationship with
a lot of physical contact. Which I guess could still be read as me "wanting a [tornado fang]-toy." But whatever...
Quote from: Joseph Collins on November 04, 2012, 06:39:56 PMHappy now?
I would be, if you at least understood what "love" means.
Your [tornado fang]ing is not "love".
It's just [tornado fang]ing.
And yes. I know sex is referred to as "Making Love".
But no, it still does not apply.
But I'll leave you be, because you're just pathetic and disgus-
Quote from: Joseph Collins on November 04, 2012, 06:45:54 PM
Frankly, I mostly said that because I'm still pissed at him. Really, I'm just a jealous, angry person who perhaps does want some form of a relationship with a lot of physical contact. Which I guess could still be read as me "wanting a [tornado fang]-toy." But whatever...
Quote from: Joseph Collins on November 04, 2012, 06:39:56 PM
Alright... fine. I admit it. I want a [tornado fang]-toy. I really, genuinely want a [tornado fang]-toy. But I'm just as genuinely not the type to do "one-night stands." I want a [tornado fang]-toy that doesn't mind sticking around and would be receptive to all the "touchie-feelie murry-purry lovey-dovey" bullshit I want to do. Because I don't just [tornado fang]. I love.
Happy now?
Joseph, my friend. That's NOT a [tornado fang]-toy. That's a marriage! XD
Nor is a one night stand either. That's just one night.
A [tornado fang]-Toy is a close friend whom you have the sex over the period of your friendship. The
Quote"touchie-feelie murry-purry lovey-dovey"
95% of the time does not come with that package because then you're officially a couple and dating and soon (if everything goes well) marriage.
Quote from: Sakura Leic on November 04, 2012, 06:41:42 PM
At least you finally admitted it, though I obviously don't know how to help you since I've never even had a real relationship.
All in due time, young one. All in due time!
I hope that didn't come off as creepy! :\
Quote from: Tron on November 04, 2012, 06:50:05 PM
I would be, if you at least understood what "love" means.
Don't even try to tell me what I do or don't know. There's a number of things about me you don't know. I
do know what "love" is. I know what it is
very well. I
have love. I have completely and totally unconditional love. And I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world, because it is the best feeling in the world. It's always there, whether I acknowledge it or not, and I doubt it will ever go away, no matter what happens. However, that has nothing to do with what I
What I want is not love. What I want is not even
close to love. What I want... is physical and emotional intimacy. And that want does not extend beyond the boundaries of the online world. It's possible it could, but I sincerely doubt it would for a variety of reasons.
Quote from: Joseph Collins on November 04, 2012, 07:10:32 PM
What I want is not love. What I want is not even close to love. What I want... is physical and emotional intimacy. And that want does not extend beyond the boundaries of the online world. It's possible it could, but I sincerely doubt it would for a variety of reasons.
Then next time, chuckles, try to be more clear. Would it have killed you to just say what you said now, instead of all that glorified bawwspeak about "relationship hunt"?
Or better yet, try to not talk about [parasitic bomb] like this on the net.
Because you contradicted yourself quite a bit here anyway.
And because in reality, there's always going to be someone who will make you feel BUTTPAIN, because he finds what you say stupid and annoying.
It happened to me too, many times.
And this time I delivered the buttpain to YOU.
Sometimes it's better to keep things to yourself on the net, and I'm saying this now in a completely friendly manner.
With that, I'm leaving you be. Feel free to respond to this, but do not expect me to continue "annoying" you. Or speaking to you about this.
Contradicting myself is a recurring trend. I do it all the time. Probably because I'm absolute [parasitic bomb] at organizing all my thoughts into one post.
Same reason you see "last edited" notes all over half my posts, really.
Quote from: Tron on November 04, 2012, 07:22:10 PM
Or better yet, try to not talk about [parasitic bomb] like this on the net.
This on so many levels.
Unless you're on facebook or something feel free to baww bout it there
Jeez. I mean I expected arguments when I joined, 'cuz this is the internet and all, but god damn I didn't expect people to start tearing each other apart.
Quote from: JustAFan on November 04, 2012, 11:22:51 PM
Jeez. I mean I expected arguments when I joined, 'cuz this is the internet and all, but god damn I didn't expect people to start tearing each other apart.
This is what happens when we have a serious lack of MegaMan! 8D
Quote from: Protoman Blues on November 04, 2012, 11:56:24 PM
This is what happens when we have a serious lack of MegaMan! 8D
I'm going to go ahead and take this comment seriously. Because I mean seriously Capcom. I don't claim to hate any Rockman games but Xover looks like [parasitic bomb].
Quote from: JustAFan on November 05, 2012, 12:07:12 AM
I'm going to go ahead and take this comment seriously. Because I mean seriously Capcom. I don't claim to hate any Rockman games but Xover looks like [parasitic bomb].
I hate X7. Passionately. B(
Quote from: Protoman Blues on November 05, 2012, 12:12:05 AM
I hate X7. Passionately. B(
I never played it. I plan to get a PS2 someday and pick up some of the games for it, X7 and X8 included. I did hear it was pretty [parasitic bomb] though.
Honestly though the games I like the least are the Battle Network ones. (I like Starforce though.)
It's not too bad, the music's okay...
but the lock-on in 2D makes no sense, and you have to save Reploids who could in all possibility die before you reach them just to unlock X, the main character.
of which that last point is, if I'm not mistaken, one of the main reasons PB hates X7. why should you have to unlock the main character of the game?
Quote from: Protoman Blues on November 05, 2012, 12:12:05 AM
I hate X7. Passionately. B(
Just like you hate Xtreme2.
For silly reasons that for some reason ruin any chance of you ever playing the game.
I really liked the Xtreme games. I mean they were pretty impressive for GBC games if you ask me.
They were terrible games. Both of them. For various reasons. For example, the lack of a quick-dash button in the second one really screwed me up, but the auto-wall dash function in the first one (after you got the Leg Parts) screwed me up even worse.
Quote from: Joseph Collins on November 05, 2012, 03:32:48 AM
They were terrible games. Both of them. For various reasons. For example, the lack of a quick-dash button in the second one really screwed me up, but the auto-wall dash function in the first one (after you got the Leg Parts) screwed me up even worse.
Quick dash was Down + A in Xtreme 2.
I should clarify: Single-button quick dash. Down + A worked in both games, as did double-tap forward, but neither were as useful as assigning the Start button to a shoulder button. TwT
Of course, it's kind of moot since it would be extremely inconvenient on a real Game Boy. XD
Quote from: Joseph Collins on November 05, 2012, 03:44:47 AM
I should clarify: Single-button quick dash. Down + A worked in both games, as did double-tap forward, but neither were as useful as assigning the Start button to a shoulder button. TwT
Of course, it's kind of moot since it would be extremely inconvenient on a real Game Boy. XD
There were no shoulder buttons on the Game Boy systems. They did what they could and it worked out fine if you ask me.
Quote from: Hawaii on November 05, 2012, 01:57:28 AM
Just like you hate Xtreme2.
For silly reasons that for some reason ruin any chance of you ever playing the game.
PREcisely. 8)
Quote from: Quickman on November 03, 2012, 06:12:36 AM
I see you have met Ruri. It's best to smile, nod, and move on. :P
I just ignore. Once in a while he says something funny, but most of the time he just watches or talks about Japanese cartoons for girls.
Quote from: Ladd Spencer on November 05, 2012, 11:46:40 PM
I just ignore. Once in a while he says something funny, but most of the time he just watches or talks about Japanese cartoons for girls.
moe moe kyun~ <3 >/u/<
And the edited one with Monster Hunter music from a long time ago~ :3
That second one never ceases to amuse me.
- Having to deal with the annoying as all hell co-workers.. check.
- Some [dark hold] punching me in the shoulder after I told him to stop and wait his turn for lunch, and being unable to do nothing about it.. check.
- Doing something as even mild as the "silent but deadly" fart sets them off yet I can't do jack [parasitic bomb], yet this jenova witness starts rambling about god in class, and all gang up on the poor teacher for trying to calm everything down while I am unable to help out the teacher.. priceless.
Also my sides have been [tornado fang]ing killing me from Senior Day at the store.. and having to pick up gross things as chicken bones. ew.
Seriously Goodwill, I know you are the easiest job in the world to get and you also have the bonus of being an educational program.. WHERE THE [tornado fang] DO YOU GET THESE ASSHOLES?! I, for one, welcome the old ways of how teachers handled things. You can guess why.
Otherwise.. Yeah.
ZenWriter (http://www.beenokle.com/zenwriter.html). I just saw an "advertisement" for it on Tumblr and it pisses me off... because why the [tornado fang] should a word processor have to be a software equivalent of a [tornado fang]ing iPhone?! I use a word processor to process [tornado fang]ing words, not to listen to my music playlist or watch clouds roll by.
[tornado fang]!!! >_<
Wow! Something stupid on Tumblr?!
That's like getting mad over there being sewage in the sewer.
You don't have to put Tumblr in italics every [tornado fang]ing time.
Do you ever have anything useful to say? Seriously. Some people fart around on Facebook. Some people trip about on Tumblr. Other people people go around on Gaia Online. I'd go on, but I really can't think of any more like-minded sites.
And yes. Yes I do. I italicize all proper titles, so deal with it.
If I had something useful to say I wouldn't be on Rockman Perfect Memories.
Quote from: Joseph Collins on November 08, 2012, 02:50:20 AM
And yes. Yes I do. I italicize all proper titles, so deal with it.
facebook isn't capitalized dawg
The logo agrees, but the page title disagrees.
I'm inclined to go with the logo
What's upsetting me right now? The fact that Gettysburg is too damn far west to be affected by the snow storm. I demand snow, and I demand it now!
The fact that my sisters and nephew can't go back to their house for almost 2 months thanks to flood damage. F New Jersey.
If a boat hit their house they could just live in the boat.
Quote from: Ladd Spencer on November 10, 2012, 03:25:45 AM
If a boat hit their house they could just live in the boat.
I feel like I should laugh because that was funny, but I also feel like I shouldn't laugh because laughing at their situation would make me an [dark hold].
Personally, I would just move. Good time to try someplace new.
Those fuckers at gamestop didn't send an email for confirmation that my Wii U has now been paid for.
They just took the [tornado fang]ing money. I have 71 cents in my account until tomorrow. [tornado fang]
Yeah I'm not going anywhere near a Wii U until it's not 300 dollars.
Considering how hard it was for me to get a Wii the first time it came out, I'm staying away from the Wii U and figure it's the perfect time to get a PS3.
Quote from: Hawaii on November 12, 2012, 03:21:45 PM
Those fuckers at gamestop didn't send an email for confirmation that my Wii U has now been paid for.
They just took the [tornado fang]ing money. I have 71 cents in my account until tomorrow. [tornado fang]
But on the bright side, you can just pick that [sonic slicer] up on release, right?
Quote from: Sakura Leic on November 12, 2012, 07:13:00 PM
Considering how hard it was for me to get a Wii the first time it came out, I'm staying away from the Wii U and figure it's the perfect time to get a PS3.
I sat outside of a Toys R Us all night on Black Friday. Pro tip if you ever decide to wait all night in the winter: a PSP makes no difference without gloves.
Quote from: Ladd Spencer on November 12, 2012, 07:40:52 PM
But on the bright side, you can just pick that [sonic slicer] up on release, right?
Its shipping to me.
Had I been able to just pick it up I would still have $15 dollars.
$15 is the shipping? The shipping on a wheel, 2 tires, and a rotor said like $25. Yours sounds expensive
So in my neighborhood, we have a Super Pawn, right?
Nothing weird about that or anything.
Except right smack next to it there's a 7/11 that gets held up and robbed constantly. Just a couple months ago my friend was inside during a robbery.
And you know what that Super Pawn has hanging up on the wall in plain [tornado fang]ing sight?
A [tornado fang]ing mac-10.
Not even secured or anything. Just kind of hanging on a shelf on the wall.
A firearm.
Sure it doesn't have any ammo or anything.
But it's right. [tornado fang]ing. There.
[tornado fang]ing what.
Buy the gun and shoot the bad guys, obviously
My external harddisk went RAW all of a sudden, tried finding every solution to fix but to no avail, and thus i am forced to reformat it. Manage to locate those files back and tried to recover it, 10 minutes later my computer shut down by itself for the sake of trolling(sudden white screen of death), got so [tornado fang]ing mad about it i threw a book on my keyboard and sent several keys flying.
Yeah yeah i have bad anger management.
So I guess Gamestop didn't just take my money, they just took it out and admired it, then put it back in my account so I have $500 again.
Posted on: November 15, 2012, 05:57:44 PM
Okay. what the [tornado fang] is this bullshit.
Are you [tornado fang]ing kidding me? Bring back the show that killed your block, not just that, but play it from the [tornado fang]ing beginning again
"B-but its uncut!"
Who [tornado fang]ing cares? NOBODY WANTS THIS BACK.
Two [tornado fang]ing long-runners back-to-back. I guess bleach is ending in 100 or so weeks but that's still 2 years.
We do not need 500 more weeks of the same [parasitic bomb] again.
I tell ya, humanity doesn't learn a thing until history has already repeated itself. Lucklily I don't have to hear "I'M DA BEST!!1!" though.
Two long-runners is gonna be the end of toonami. Again. ::)
Anywho, my Thanksgiving was punctuated by family drama that I really don't feel like getting into right now.
I really don't mind Bleach because out of the big three it's semi-decent. But Naruto and One Piece are utter [parasitic bomb].
hey man [tornado fang] you one piece is the only big three i like even a small bit.
and bleach is over because it became [parasitic bomb].
orange ass-pull the believe it ninja is and always will be [parasitic bomb]
Either I do everything too slowly or there aren't enough hours in a day. It's likely the former, and it pisses me the [tornado fang] off.
i bought $40 of weed at the dispensary to help back pain and insomnia
i get home
and find out that it fell out of my bag at some point
Quote from: Mirby on November 24, 2012, 05:32:25 AM
i bought $40 of weed at the dispensary to help back pain and insomnia
i get home
and find out that it fell out of my bag at some point
Holy [tornado fang]. That's horrible.
I feel for you, I really do.
Quote from: Mirby on November 24, 2012, 05:32:25 AM
i bought $40 of weed at the dispensary to help back pain and insomnia
i get home
and find out that it fell out of my bag at some point
Could this be it?
Quote from: Hawaii on November 23, 2012, 06:55:19 AM
orange ass-pull the believe it ninja is and always will be [parasitic bomb]
Did you know that Naruto became so Americanized that Japan refuses to market it anymore? >0<
That is seriously awful, Mirby.
Though, I will admit that I am somewhat surprised to see "weed" and "dispensary" in the same sentence. Then again, I come from a state with very archaic liquor laws. :\
I'm in San Francisco, so make of that what you will.
It's a far better place than Pennsylvania.
Justcan's avatar o-O
My Internet is being a real big pain in the ass. I can barely get anything to load and wiring myself to the router has not helped. And of course, customer service can't help me as their hours are stupid.
what's upsetting me is people singing the praises of the NYC Symphony of the Goddesses show when I [tornado fang]'d up and forgot to get tickets when it was here in March and now I'll never see it.
stupid stupid stupid
That does suck. :(
At least it's in your state.
I have not heard a thing about it coming over to the west US.
I'm upset that something I was really looking forward to ended up being on a date that'd make it impossible for me to go after being told that it'd be a day earlier :(
Quote from: JustACan‽ on November 29, 2012, 07:56:13 AM
At least it's in your state.
I have not heard a thing about it coming over to the west US.
I'm in San Francisco. It already passed through.
Unless you're close to San Jose, where there's a show on December 7 iirc. I'd go but I have no idea where to go from the Caltrain station and I already have plans that day. D:
I'm in Las Vegas. :T
I doubt that it will get anywhere near Gettysburg.
doesn't look like it
NYC was the closest...
Eh. Public events are overrated anyway. You can't run around naked at a public event, after all. (Unless you like getting arrested.)
Quote from: Joseph Collins on November 29, 2012, 11:09:52 AM
Eh. Public events are overrated anyway. You can't run around naked at a public event, after all. (Unless you like getting arrested.)
I know you're joking, but I still can't shake off that strange feeling you're not.
That's what upsetting me right now.
The fact I get those kind of feelings sometimes. Sigh.
I love social gathering. I get to leave a lasting impression on people! 8D
Quote from: Tron on November 29, 2012, 08:08:12 PM
I know you're joking, but I still can't shake off that strange feeling you're not.
That's what upsetting me right now.
The fact I get those kind of feelings sometimes. Sigh.
What? You don't ever get the urge to run around naked in your house while listening to video game music? I thought everybody did.
I know I do. Still, public events kick ass. Especially when you get free swag!!
he won't go naked he'd probably go in a dog suit or something
Quote from: Ruri on November 29, 2012, 11:26:07 PMhe won't go naked he'd probably go in a dog suit or something
y'know not all furries are fursuiters
just like how being a furry does not necessarily make one a zoophile
but of course, internet citizens like to live by stereotypes that only fit their twisted vision of what the internet "should be"
furries are still weirdos
i don't want to know how a furry works
i'll stick to my stereotypes thanks
Quote from: Ruri on November 29, 2012, 11:38:24 PMi don't want to know how a furry works
that's not what I was explaining lol
i wasn't even paying attention to what you wrote honestly
Quote from: Ruri on November 29, 2012, 11:26:07 PM
he won't go naked he'd probably go in a dog suit or something
arf arf
I admit to my neko ears and bell.
Anime cat-girl accessories do not equal a "fursuit". And anyone can wear a collar with a bell.
Also, I [tornado fang]ing hate fursuits with a passion. As I said in another topic, 99% of all non-partial (read: "stage make-up and sleeves") fursuits look [tornado fang]ing ridiculously, and not in a good way, like sports team mascot suits. No, fursuits are just an abomination as far as costumes go -- even the "really good-looking" ones, and most furries wear them to hide the fact they're A. guys, or B. bald and/or fat guys.
Animals ears and/or tails and partial fursuits are considerably less stupid-looking. And animatronic suits (which most furries would never consider getting because they're [tornado fang]ing outrageous (and usually take a two-man team to operate anyway)) can look good, if done right. But your average fursuit is just a waste of everyone's time and money.
you're so mad bro i think you're in denial
Pantomime horses are pretty cool, though
Quote from: Ruri on November 30, 2012, 09:26:49 AM
you're so mad bro i think you're in denial
And I think
you should [tornado fang] off. But opinions are like assholes: Everyone has one, but not everyone wants to see them.
touchy, touchy. did i hit a nerve? i hear the truth usually hits harder than anything else
*sigh* Alrighty...
Ruri, you have been nothing but annoying and hostile to not only myself, but a number of other forum members, new or old. You are consistently a [Bumpity-Boom!] regardless of whatever topic you're a part of and I, for one, do not appreciate it. While I realize that "this is the Internet," where almost everyone is a jerk, I can't help but wonder why you in particular choose to act this way. If you're trying to get a reaction, here it is. I'm reacting. You've caused me to lose my temper and fail to restrain myself more than once. But now, I'm tired of it.
I've tried being nice to you. I've tried being an ass to you. I've tried being sarcastic and I've tried giving you the benefit of the doubt. But now, I'm done. I'm not going to try with you anymore. You are simply not worth my or anyone else's time.
Consider finding another, more constructive hobby.
I'm going to have to side with Joseph on this one. Either tone down the attitude or drop it entirely. If you persist in being a problem, I honestly have no qualms in enforcing "cool down" blocks. There is absolutely no excuse for this behavior, Ruri. Joseph's tired of it, I'm tired of it, Vixy's tired of it, Hawaii's tired of it. It's lost its novelty long ago and now it's simply irritating, and quite frankly, there have been some talks as to why we haven't gotten rid of you by now.
Consider this your official warning, Ruri: Knock it off.
This is literally the most appropriate thread that this could have occurred in.
Quote from: Hawaii on November 30, 2012, 08:51:44 PM
I never said anything. :<
So would you say you were upset over your inclusion there?
Quote from: Mirby on November 30, 2012, 11:45:23 PM
So would you say you were upset over your inclusion there?
Nope, just surprised honestly.
I haven't shown any irritation with how ruri posts in a long time.
I see.
well i'm upset my little joke there fell flat! :\
The metal lids on those Campbell's soup cups. No matter how careful or how slowly you pry it off, it always, always snaps back and spatters soup everywhere.
Quote from: Quickman on December 01, 2012, 06:06:41 AMThe metal lids on those Campbell's soup cups. No matter how careful or how slowly you pry it off, it always, always snaps back and spatters soup everywhere.
GOD [tornado fang]ing DAMMIT I [tornado fang]ing HATE THAT
I can't even open a can with a can opener right. '>.>
For me, opening a can is a precision job. I have to slow down to a snail's pace near the end just to get it where the lid opens ever so slightly that I can pull it off without cutting myself.
Quote from: JustACan‽ on December 01, 2012, 06:18:02 AMFor me, opening a can is a precision job. I have to slow down to a snail's pace near the end just to get it where the lid opens ever so slightly that I can pull it off without cutting myself.
is (partially) a precision job for the reason you just stated.
Wacky Workbench Zone. Whoever designed that zone should be shot. Out of a cannon.
... or maybe just forced to play through that zone. In Time Attack mode. Until they can get a score of under one minute for each zone. >_>
Quote from: Joseph Collins on December 01, 2012, 11:29:21 AM
Wacky Workbench Zone. Whoever designed that zone should be shot. Out of a cannon.
... or maybe just forced to play through that zone. In Time Attack mode. Until they can get a score of under one minute for each zone. >_>
You don't need to score under a minute for each zone.
Oh, I know. I've already got the "25 minutes or under" thing for Time Attack done, through a series of really lucky runs of various other zones. (I found pretty decent routes through Tidal Tempest Zone 2 and Metallic Madness Zone 2, among other things.) It's just that there is practically no areas that aren't freaking pulse floor. It was a pain in the ass to get into the Past Zone to smash the machinery in both zones, not to mention finding the one in Zone 1 was a purely "guide damn it" moment. (Literally, in my case; I had to look it up. You normally avoid getting crushed, dammit!)
Wacky Workbench Zone: The official "WTF" level of Sonic CD.
Just focus on a rough 2 minutes limit on each Wacky Workbench act and the rest will come around smoothly. For 1 minute limits, just play through the first couple of Zones, picking the top paths in Tidal Tempest acts. Sonic CD achievements are a 1 day completion, not tough at all. ^^
Live Arcade (http://www.trueachievements.com/Sonic-CD/achievements.htm?gamerid=284902)
Windows Phone (http://www.trueachievements.com/Sonic-CD-WP/achievements.htm?gamerid=284902)
Staaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarduuuuuuuuuuuuuuusttt *turned on* 0v0
I never really tried the US soundtrack on actual gameplay. I might do that later when I feel like it.
I grew up with JP soundtrack. ^^;
Totally understandable. I grew up with the US one. However, both soundtracks are really awesome. I love this JP track.
I'm rather upset I haven't seen Ruri since Quickman told him off.
He was entertaining 3:
Now I'm upset that people are upset that I had to actually do my job. D:
I didn't mind Ruri that much since I could ignore him easily heck eventually I found him entertaining, but he was going too far. If he doesn't want to come back that's his deal, but I don't think Quickie was wrong.
Yeah, I agree with Quickie that he was still out of line. Doesn't mean I didn't find his persistence kind of funny. Still, I'm not upset about you doing your job Quickie. Just making a little joke.
God, is it really taking this long just to create a greedy kid character? sheesh.
Quote from: Quickman on December 02, 2012, 02:56:55 AM
Now I'm upset that people are upset that I had to actually do my job. D:
RPM: Scaring members off since 2004.
Quote from: Quickman on December 02, 2012, 02:56:55 AM
Now I'm upset that people are upset that I had to actually do my job. D:
I'm not upset at you for doing your job.
I'm not even irritated that you said I was sick of ruri when I'm not. That was almost a year ago.
I just didn't care. That's all.
Hooray for apathy! 8D
Now I can go back to looking at my newly-rearranged living room and basking in how cozy it looks...
What are you guys talking about?
I just actually had something to do for once so I didn't need to hang around here.
That's kind of a relief. I'd hate to think I played a hand in driving a member off the forums. Any member.
Quote from: Ruri on December 03, 2012, 06:34:58 AM
What are you guys talking about?
I just actually had something to do for once so I didn't need to hang around here.
Lol that's a well timed coincidence.
Quote from: Joseph Collins on December 03, 2012, 06:54:35 AM
That's kind of a relief. I'd hate to think I played a hand in driving a member off the forums. Any member.
It's not like I haven't been banned before. Besides, in doing so you would have done the place a favor.
What exactly is being banned like?
Quote from: Sakura Leic on December 03, 2012, 07:05:09 AM
What exactly is being banned like?
It's like being told you can go to Heaven after an eternity in Hell.
Quote from: Ruri on December 03, 2012, 07:06:23 AM
It's like being told you can go to Heaven after an eternity in Hell.
oddly enough this is somehow accurate
the one time i was banned on another forum it did feel like this
then again that's because i went off on a truly moronic idiot that was making my stay on those forums quite hellish
So, I left a very negative comment on RushJet1's "Mega Man 3 Remade" video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M1UkE9h2zJg). I later decided to pop back in and grab a copy to post here as part of a rant. Then I noticed I'd gotten a reply.
The reply itself was harmless enough. Just a basic "calm the [tornado fang] down" put politely. But then I noticed who it was that was doing the replying.
Matt. [tornado fang]ing. Wilson. (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm2957519/)
Now, I'm afraid he thinks I'm a jerk because of the strong words I used when critiquing RushJet1's work. Specifically the part where I said "it has to be said." Because it did have to be said. Because I didn't see one [tornado fang]ing negative word being said about the project despite the fact it's absolutely horrendous. (I know I said it was good earlier, but that was before I actually listened to more than two songs.)
Quote from: Ruri on December 03, 2012, 07:06:23 AM
It's like being told you can go to Heaven after an eternity in Hell.
I love you (no homo).
And I was seriously terrified of the possibility that you left.
Don't do it to me again, b-baka.
Also, I remember the first time (and last time for now) I was banned here.
I re-registerd instantly after a database crash (I was active before it too) and... frankly, I'm unsure if I was banned because I worded my re-introduction post stupidly, or because I've put "Women are Objects" in my title or something (And I did it only as a JOKE).
But it would seem like, someone took offense to that.
Instant ban.
Quote from: Joseph Collins on December 03, 2012, 09:12:11 PM
So, I left a very negative comment on RushJet1's "Mega Man 3 Remade" video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M1UkE9h2zJg). I later decided to pop back in and grab a copy to post here as part of a rant. Then I noticed I'd gotten a reply.
The reply itself was harmless enough. Just a basic "calm the [tornado fang] down" put politely. But then I noticed who it was that was doing the replying.
Matt. [tornado fang]ing. Wilson. (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm2957519/)
Now, I'm afraid he thinks I'm a jerk because of the strong words I used when critiquing RushJet1's work. Specifically the part where I said "it has to be said." Because it did have to be said. Because I didn't see one [tornado fang]ing negative word being said about the project despite the fact it's absolutely horrendous. (I know I said it was good earlier, but that was before I actually listened to more than two songs.)
I have no idea who that guy is, but if the project IS horrendous, you had every right to crticize. You should not feel bad, because some dude who worked on Kappa Mikey talked you down.
I kinda liked it, actually! 8D
I approve of the Sparkman mix.
I think the TopMan mix was the best one.
Quote from: Joseph Collins on December 03, 2012, 09:12:11 PM
So, I left a very negative comment on RushJet1's "Mega Man 3 Remade" video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M1UkE9h2zJg). I later decided to pop back in and grab a copy to post here as part of a rant. Then I noticed I'd gotten a reply.
The reply itself was harmless enough. Just a basic "calm the [tornado fang] down" put politely. But then I noticed who it was that was doing the replying.
Matt. [tornado fang]ing. Wilson. (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm2957519/)
Now, I'm afraid he thinks I'm a jerk because of the strong words I used when critiquing RushJet1's work. Specifically the part where I said "it has to be said." Because it did have to be said. Because I didn't see one [tornado fang]ing negative word being said about the project despite the fact it's absolutely horrendous. (I know I said it was good earlier, but that was before I actually listened to more than two songs.)
Oh, if you see him again tell him Kappa Mickey sucked! :D
(seriously that was one of the worst show I've ever seen)
I... I liked it. ._.
I liked it, though I didn't see much of it.
Okay. This is totally awesome. Matt actually replied back, a little bit ago! And he said he understood where I was coming from in my opinions! :D I thanked him for his reply (it really made my night) and admitted that I may have come across rudely while I was just trying to be straight and to the point. I then added that really, it was all just subjective. "Like how I like Dragonball Evolution when everyone hates it."
Happy ending for me. :)
I dont understand how on most forums theres more guests than users online
Quote from: Joseph Collins on December 04, 2012, 02:30:14 AM
"Like how I like Dragonball Evolution when everyone hates it."
One friend is furious and depressed over circumstances beyond their control.
Another friend just got dumped and stabbed in the back by their significant other, probably after they "got what they wanted" out of them, and has suddenly changed their user page to something entirely unrelated and rather teenage girl-ish. But it's all just an act — a "roleplay", apparently. So it's okay.
And I can't seem to do a damn thing to help either of them.
Welp, I'm going to bed.
I think at this point just offering to be an ear to listen is enough. It is up to them whether or not they want to utilize it.
They didn't. I know, in my head, the proper thing to do was take off and let them be. So I did.
If they want to come to me, they're more than welcome, but I'm not going to actively offer a hand to them anymore. Mostly the latter friend. If that's how she wants to cope, that's fine. I just don't want any part of her ridiculous fantasy -- particularly since she "character" she's playing is from a series I really have no interest in. She's such a fangirl, sometimes...
Says the guy who's obsessively "shipping" roleplaying characters on Tumblr.
The internet has some bullshit going on. Everyone has some kind of victimization/entitlement complex.
Quote from: Malabar the Malatov on December 09, 2012, 06:29:32 AM
The internet has some bullshit going on. Everyone has some kind of victimization/entitlement complex.
That's probably because of the fact that many people use the internet as their method of venting on their problems.
Quote from: JustACan‽ on December 09, 2012, 06:38:18 AMThat's probably because of the fact that many people use the internet as their method of venting on their problems.
I'm talking about people who act like the internet belongs to them, and when people happen to be talking about something/enjoying something they don't like, then they get all pissy.
Like atheists and religious people.
You're still on that?
Quote from: Sakura Leic on December 09, 2012, 07:04:19 AMYou're still on that?
What? No. I find those people everywhere.
Okay just making sure. But you know that sort of thing never stops whether online or offline.
Quote from: Sakura Leic on December 09, 2012, 07:12:07 AMOkay just making sure. But you know that sort of thing never stops whether online or offline.
It's a lot more common online. I suppose it's all the [tornado fang]ing children.
Quote from: Malabar the Malatov on December 09, 2012, 06:53:41 AM
I'm talking about people who act like the internet belongs to them, and when people happen to be talking about something/enjoying something they don't like, then they get all pissy.
Like atheists and religious people.
Oh. Okay. I misunderstood.
But you're right. The internet is full of people like this. Especially since they can get away with this behavior with little to no consequence.
Quote from: Malabar the Malatov on December 09, 2012, 07:18:04 AM
It's a lot more common online. I suppose it's all the [tornado fang]ing children.
It's the Internet, it's not supposed to be a place with sophisticated and understanding people. It may seem like it's supposed to be but it's actually a hell hole filled to the brim with irrational people, like real life.
The only difference here is that people are more honest and open with each other so the feel that they can get away with anything. This leads to some people acting stupid and feeling like they own the place when they don't and people feel even more defensive when they are online because they feel they have the freedom to do whatever they want. People here are still very immature because they don't think that rules or etiquette apply on the Internet, but honestly people in real life can be just as bad. The best thing you can do is just ignore it and let them learn their own.
Someone played the "I have [disorder]" card elsewhere, so I stepped in and told them that it was a cop-out and it doesn't entitle them to jack [parasitic bomb].
Pisses me off when people do that.
Quote from: Quickman on December 09, 2012, 08:17:11 AM
Someone played the "I have [disorder]" card elsewhere, so I stepped in and told them that it was a cop-out and it doesn't entitle them to jack [parasitic bomb].
Pisses me off when people do that.
I have [disorder].
Just make sure you don't use it as an excuse for poor behavior. B(
But it makes me [action]! >^<
Quote from: Quickman on December 09, 2012, 08:17:11 AM
Someone played the "I have [disorder]" card elsewhere, so I stepped in and told them that it was a cop-out and it doesn't entitle them to jack [parasitic bomb].
Pisses me off when people do that.
Marry me.
Quote from: Sakura Leic on December 09, 2012, 07:35:32 AMIt's the Internet, it's not supposed to be a place with sophisticated and understanding people. It may seem like it's supposed to be but it's actually a hell hole filled to the brim with irrational people, like real life.
The only difference here is that people are more honest and open with each other so the feel that they can get away with anything. This leads to some people acting stupid and feeling like they own the place when they don't and people feel even more defensive when they are online because they feel they have the freedom to do whatever they want. People here are still very immature because they don't think that rules or etiquette apply on the Internet, but honestly people in real life can be just as bad. The best thing you can do is just ignore it and let them learn their own.
Oh, no. I'm not even asking for some kind of oligarchic, intelligentsia-ruled utopia. I just want to see some common sense, but apparently that's too much to ask.
Common sense died before Mankind was born. That's why it's not common anymore.
Quote from: Sakura Leic on December 09, 2012, 11:28:52 PMCommon sense died before Mankind was born.
You know it's true, I learned that 5 years ago when I first got here.
I don't really believe that. I think common sense died when reality shows started being a thing. But that's just me.
Quote from: Acid on December 10, 2012, 02:57:01 AM... five years?
Yeah, talk about seniority. Some people here certainly have it.
Oh well
I'm young at heart.
Quote from: Acid on December 10, 2012, 02:57:01 AM
... five years?
Literally did a double take until I remember that it was about late 2007 when I got here too.
That makes me feel old.
Also, nonsense at work is quite annoying.
Quote from: Acid on December 10, 2012, 02:57:01 AM
... five years?
Here's another mind bomb, I'm turning 20 next month.
Quote from: Jericho on December 10, 2012, 03:26:02 AM
Literally did a double take until I remember that it was about late 2007 when I got here too.
Hah you came here when I started Uni.
Quote from: Sakura Leic on December 10, 2012, 03:56:17 AM
Here's another mind bomb, I'm turning 20 next month.
So how is it? Did those five years on RPM corrupt your mind or did you manage to stay sane?
I say a bit of column A and a bit of column B. I certainly don't regret it, I learned a lot about the world and people here that I wouldn't otherwise.
Hey, as long as you don't regret it everything's alright!
late 2007 early 2008 myself. i remember the crash happenin' cause i had just posted a thread i wanted everyone to see. then when i went to check how it was going BAM crash
i was pissed XD
You know I keep talking about my age and how long I've been here for the past few months. Now I feel like a old man or something.....or I'm trying convince myself I am turning 20.
Right now, I hate Arkanoid.
I kinda stopped playing it for a while myself. XD (http://www.trueachievements.com/ARKANOID-Live/achievements.htm?gamerid=284902)
[spoiler=Re Vixy]I totally missed the "it for a" in that thought. And misread "while" as "with".[/spoiler]
Right now, I'm pissed off that I bit inside my cheek last week. Because it still. [tornado fang]ing. Hurts. All day. Every day. It's probably infected. My mouth is a god damn toxic waste dump.
It'll heal. It always does. It just takes a lot longer than I'd think it would.
Quote from: VixyNyan on December 10, 2012, 05:25:21 AMI kinda stopped playing it for a while myself. XD (http://www.trueachievements.com/ARKANOID-Live/achievements.htm?gamerid=284902)
QuoteEpisode 2
What is this [parasitic bomb]
Anyway, I just got to "DIMENSION-CONTROLLING FORT "DOH"" and find that his sprite is missing, so I get a jumble in his place and it now fires deleterious half-capsules instead.
Aww. *pout*
Posted on: 2012-12-11, 19:18:30
I know this is "Facebook [parasitic bomb]", but willingly backing out of a toxic friendship is one of the hardest things I have ever done. I'll probably be over it by morning, though. I'm just having regrets, at the moment. Like... "Why did I take her up on that offer when she wanted to send me her porn roleplays?"
But seriously, I'm going to miss her. She was a good friend when she wasn't being indifferent. ... which happened 90% of the time. ... and only toward me. I saw the signs. I just chose to ignore them for two months... -_-
Backing out of bad friendships is something I excel at! XD
Reminds me of when I broke up with my boy friend. My mom forced me to do it, but looking at the facts and after what I found out after the fact it was the best decision ever. Seriously that guy was a jerk.
Well... I was the jerk in this friendship. I gave her more attention in more ways than she wanted, not to mention using her to constant vent my every little frustration. She eventually got tired of it and started giving me the cold shoulder more often than not. The friendship falling apart had been building for a while.
I eventually got my [parasitic bomb] together and started (mostly) treating her right, but the damage was already done. She wanted nothing to do with me, and told me so the last time we had a serious discussion about our friendship. But she added, "If there's any chance you can change, then I'll stay friends." So we stayed friends. But like I said, too little, too late. She still treated me like a nothing.
I think I finally just got tired of being treated like that yesterday when her reaction to the nine-page story I wrote partially for her was "It was okay." Nobody [tornado fang]ing tells me something I worked so hard on is just "okay". Especially not their one of their characters is involved.
That wasn't the primary reason I finally called it off, but that was definitely the straw that broke the camel's back. It wasn't even a creepy story or anything. The characters acted and reacted naturally. I can't imagine she hated me so much that the very idea of her extremely neglected character together with my own would revolt her that much. But I guess it did. So, whatever...
Quote from: Fox McCloud on December 10, 2012, 03:51:51 AM
That makes me feel old.
Also, nonsense at work is quite annoying.
I feel ya buddy. Cheers.
Some [sonic slicer] decided to sleep on the job in the ladies' restroom floor. I wanted to snitch her for it buut there's an apparent policy against taking things into your own hands. Logic in goodwill is null, and makes me question my morals.
Quote from: Joseph Collins on December 13, 2012, 04:29:40 PM
Well... I was the jerk in this friendship. I gave her more attention in more ways than she wanted, not to mention using her to constant vent my every little frustration. She eventually got tired of it and started giving me the cold shoulder more often than not. The friendship falling apart had been building for a while.
I eventually got my [parasitic bomb] together and started (mostly) treating her right, but the damage was already done. She wanted nothing to do with me, and told me so the last time we had a serious discussion about our friendship. But she added, "If there's any chance you can change, then I'll stay friends." So we stayed friends. But like I said, too little, too late. She still treated me like a nothing.
This doesn't really read to me as you being a "jerk." An enabler, yes, but not a jerk.
QuoteI think I finally just got tired of being treated like that yesterday when her reaction to the nine-page story I wrote partially for her was "It was okay." Nobody [tornado fang]ing tells me something I worked so hard on is just "okay". Especially not their one of their characters is involved.
this attitude is her fault. The blame squarely lays with her. You had put effort into something that she wanted, and she didn't acknowledge it in the least.
QuoteThat wasn't the primary reason I finally called it off, but that was definitely the straw that broke the camel's back. It wasn't even a creepy story or anything. The characters acted and reacted naturally. I can't imagine she hated me so much that the very idea of her extremely neglected character together with my own would revolt her that much. But I guess it did. So, whatever...
So, she's apparently terrible at proper character development and portraying characters in a realistic fashion? Again, her shortcoming. She sounds very similar to someone I knew by proxy of another friend; air-headed and finicky, who thought that
Twilight was the bastion of high literature. Some people are very cloistered and lack the social wherewithal to function properly in society without resorting to childish games and creepy role-playing. This may be a product of their upbringing—perhaps they were spoiled and now demand entitlement. They expect everyone to bend to their whim and can't seem to take responsibility for their own actions and poor behavior.
This is not something that you can control. You have few recourse in relationships such as these and they include complete avoidance, or dwindling the relationship to an acquaintance level. I've used both methods, though I find the latter to work well for relationships in which you can't bring yourself to end. If there is still something about a person that you like, but everything else about them drives you nuts, keep them as a casual acquaintance. You'll be there if they really need you, but there will be enough distance to keep yourself from going crazy over their behavior.
... I am totally show this reply to my friend, who was also burned by this person. They would appreciate it just as much as I did. ^_^
Quote from: Quickman on December 14, 2012, 06:12:24 AMYou had put effort into something that she wanted, and she didn't acknowledge it in the least.
Actually... she didn't request it. She technically didn't
want it. She literally told me to "do whatever" when I asked her if she was serious with her "Reblog this if you want smut in your inbox" reblog. (The story ended up
not being smut in the end due to how the characters interacted, however. You can find the story here (http://fav.me/d5nxl2o), incidentally.)
So, she's apparently terrible at proper character development and portraying characters in a realistic fashion?
Here's the thing.
[spoiler=So god damn nerdy and just roleplaying blah blah blah.]
Her main character, "Aliblu," has something of a "split personality."
- One half, "Aliblu," is the embodiment of "calm," I think? Her specialization is on positive magic. Healing, restoration, etc.
- Her other half, "Skarlette" -- the focus of this story -- is the embodiment of rage and destruction.
They share a common soul and inhabit the same body. Aliblu is usually the one that comes out. She has all the personality, all the love, and so forth and so on. Skarlette's personality is bland, at best. She's very logical, very straight-forward, when being calm. When she gets excited, she shows emotion, and that emotion is, of course, anger.
Now... Over the last several months, a lot of things have happened to where Skarlette hasn't needed to come out as often, if ever. Which was unfortunate for Joseph, as he had a fondness for her and sees her not as "the other half of a whole," but as a whole unto herself. (As stated in the story I wrote.)
TL;DR version: Aliblu has all the social skills while Skarlette has all the fighting skills.
When I said "neglected," I simply meant her player never uses the character. But given this, you would be right to think Skarlette is, as you said, "under-developed." And that's why I went the route I did with my story.
In the story, Joseph calls Skarlette over to chat with her. (Due to a charm placed on Aliblu, Aliblu and Skarlette had their own bodies during this period of time.) Skarlette eventually decides to go ahead and visit him, since Aliblu was as safe as physically possible with their boyfriend and their family in their "Realm" (a pocket dimension within/outside of the "Tumblrverse").
Skarlette proves to be very mechanical and blunt about things, then accidentally throws Joseph through his breakfast bar when he tries to keep her from going home. After healing him (which actually weakens her, since she's the embodiment of
rage and all (Aliblu's creator established this herself)), she shows a frailty. Eventually, Joseph digs it out of her that she
resents being thought of as "just another part of Aliblu". She doesn't hate Aliblu, she just hates being considered her literal "other half" sometimes. She has her own dreams, her own wishes for the future. But she's convinced herself that it simply won't happen due to circumstances beyond her control. And of course, Joseph being Joseph, eventually convinces her otherwise.
There's a whole lot of back-and-forth, and Skarlette flip-flops here and there between her usual stone-faced self and what's essentially a scared little girl looking for acceptance, but ultimately, she decides to listen to Joseph.
The long and short of the whole story is to show that Skarlette is more that just some empty, mechanical woman whose sole purpose is to defend her other half. After another friend of mine (who knows the characters as well as, if not better than I do) read the story, they said I nailed Skarlette's personality right on the head. They also said it was a cute story. ... they
also said the person I wrote it for (in-part, at least) probably wouldn't like the story or ask that I not write any more. So, it's not like her "It was okay" reaction was unexpected. But it was most definitely unwanted...
QuoteSome people are very cloistered and lack the social wherewithal to function properly in society without resorting to childish games and creepy role-playing.
QuoteThis may be a product of their upbringing—perhaps they were spoiled and now demand entitlement.
QuoteThey expect everyone to bend to their whim and can't seem to take responsibility for their own actions and poor behavior.
Quickie. You just described
me... Like, spot-on... I am constantly "in-character" in private chats with friends, making "roleplaying" actions and whatnot. Though, rather than be a character, I'm being myself. I don't know if that makes it any better...
QuoteThis is not something that you can control. You have few recourse in relationships such as these and they include complete avoidance, or dwindling the relationship to an acquaintance level. I've used both methods, though I find the latter to work well for relationships in which you can't bring yourself to end. If there is still something about a person that you like, but everything else about them drives you nuts, keep them as a casual acquaintance. You'll be there if they really need you, but there will be enough distance to keep yourself from going crazy over their behavior.
Well, given that my stomach lurched every time I saw her treat her other friends with affection and high regard...
not to mention my incessant "shipping" of my character and hers (Aliblu, not Skarlette) kept me from enjoying her roleplay with her character and the character's boyfriend..., it was just easier to call it quits.
At this point in time, I'm not sure who did what wrong. I genuinely don't know. Maybe we both screwed up. I know for a fact we both
are screwed-up, but that doesn't necessarily mean either one of us screwed up. Or... means we both did? I don't know. I'm too tired to make any sense.
You, however, do take responsibility for your own behavior. :P
But, relationships are joint projects—it takes two to tango, to use an overused phrase. So, I guess you can't blame one or the other in this situation. :\
...what have my new, nerdier glasses turned me into??
Professor Quickie, PhD
Quote from: Quickman on December 14, 2012, 10:39:41 AM
...what have my new, nerdier glasses turned me into??
I don't know, but you've given me a GoRPM idea! 8D
Quote from: Quickman on December 14, 2012, 10:39:41 AM
You, however, do take responsibility for your own behavior. :P
And I do. I try to, at least. When I make a mistake, I at least attempt to fix it rather than just go "Oh, you're overreacting." So I guess maybe it wasn't me 100%. But for the most part? Yep. That description fits me fairly well.
...what have my new, nerdier glasses turned me into??
Quote from: Protoman Blues on December 14, 2012, 10:43:12 AM
I don't know, but you've given me a GoRPM idea! 8D
I can't even begin to imagine what went through your head, Prote. But it does remind me of a picture I saw of a nerdy Rainbow Dash. It was the cutest thing ever!
I've been sleeping a lot lately.
I get yelled at for it.
But in all reality I like sleep and there's nothing better to do anyway so its very annoying to get yelled at.
I just want to spend some time with my waifu, damnit. I can't very well do that when I'm awake and bored.
Well... I was upset because I started thinking about this friend of mine that decided they didn't care whether I lived or died (yes, the same friend who said my story was "okay"), and what a significant impact it was going to make on my character's RP life, which got me thinking about how blissfully unaware her character is and how she could probably care less about her "brother" since she has a family and especially because of how deliriously in-love with with her mate she is.
... but then I went into the "What Are You Thinking" and "Reposted Pictures" threads. And I laughed. And now I feel better! :)
But. For. How. Long. :(
... eh, [tornado fang] it. Imma go make me a fried spam sammich. :W
Posted on: 2012-12-15, 18:03:17
And here we go.
A "close friend" of the person I've been bitching about saw the vague rant I made last night (about said person) and decided to step in and try and defend said friend. She's bringing it all out into the public view, like a calm, rational psychopath.
Hooray for stress.
This is probably the point where I'd say "[tornado fang] them" and go about my business, Joe.
Well that's just great, I really have to agree with JustACan on this one. If that person really feels that everyone should feel that person should be defended when you were doing something good and she didn't like it simply because you wrote it, then I say it's not worth it. Let those people [sonic slicer] and moan all they want, it just shows how immature they are.
>trying to help
>someone responds negatively
>situation spirals out of control
>becomes incredibly stressful
at this point the solution is simple
remove the stressers. take them out of the equation. they're obviously not worth the time if they're going to pull childish stunts like this
This song should help.
[spoiler]Don't ask me why they're in their underwear, I have no idea.
So I got bitched at for posting stuff that shows me as a depressed person on Facebook by my mother.
I can't really articulate myself well, and don't feel comfortable talking about stuff like that in person.
I've been stressed out lately. Don't know why, might be the waking up early almost every [tornado fang]ing day, getting what accounts to zero sleep at night, I don't know.
But maybe she's right, maybe I'm depressed.
I mean, the way I see it, I'm an insignificant blip, nothing I will do in my life is ever going to mean anything.
I'm disgusted by society, society that has placed such a major [tornado fang]ing importance on relationships that even the littlest commercial for whatever will have some people "find somebody" even if it has little to nothing to do with stuff like that. I don't like it.
I don't like that I'm single, because of that. Because everywhere I go I pretty much am being told by society "get a girlfriend why don't you have a girlfriend don't you want to get married don't you want to be happy?" even by people who I know, who know me as the type who doesn't want any of that, and it pisses me off that they think this will somehow change. I'm 19, the "staying single forever" would have ended when I was 16 if I was a normal [tornado fang]. Because you know what? I would much rather be single and alone than be with somebody I don't love.
Of course, I could just tell the normals that I have a waifu, and then just watch the flood of "Cute crush but she's not real" [parasitic bomb] come in.
I'm sick of my parents thinking the only things I care about are video games, I'm sick of them getting pissy at me for how I spend MY money on figures and stuff because they see it as a waste. I'm sick of my mom threatening to kick me out just because I don't do enough chores since my piddly little job "Isn't enough". Isn't it "Enough" that I go to school? That I'm doing good in school? Where does she think I'll [tornado fang]ing go when she kicks me out? I don't have enough income to even consider living alone, so chances are I would simply vanish, nobody would see me again, and then sooner or later, bam, dead.
[tornado fang] this earth, [tornado fang] all of it. A small part of me actually hopes the world DOES end just so people will stop bitching about how I choose to live my life. Then again there wouldn't be anybody to [sonic slicer] about anything.
Quote from: Hawaii on December 16, 2012, 10:49:44 PM
So I got bitched at for posting stuff that shows me as a depressed person on Facebook by my mother.
I can't really articulate myself well, and don't feel comfortable talking about stuff like that in person.
I've been stressed out lately. Don't know why, might be the waking up early almost every [tornado fang]ing day, getting what accounts to zero sleep at night, I don't know.
But maybe she's right, maybe I'm depressed.
I mean, the way I see it, I'm an insignificant blip, nothing I will do in my life is ever going to mean anything.
I'm disgusted by society, society that has placed such a major [tornado fang]ing importance on relationships that even the littlest commercial for whatever will have some people "find somebody" even if it has little to nothing to do with stuff like that. I don't like it.
I don't like that I'm single, because of that. Because everywhere I go I pretty much am being told by society "get a girlfriend why don't you have a girlfriend don't you want to get married don't you want to be happy?" even by people who I know, who know me as the type who doesn't want any of that, and it pisses me off that they think this will somehow change. I'm 19, the "staying single forever" would have ended when I was 16 if I was a normal [tornado fang]. Because you know what? I would much rather be single and alone than be with somebody I don't love.
Of course, I could just tell the normals that I have a waifu, and then just watch the flood of "Cute crush but she's not real" [parasitic bomb] come in.
I'm sick of my parents thinking the only things I care about are video games, I'm sick of them getting pissy at me for how I spend MY money on figures and stuff because they see it as a waste. I'm sick of my mom threatening to kick me out just because I don't do enough chores since my piddly little job "Isn't enough". Isn't it "Enough" that I go to school? That I'm doing good in school? Where does she think I'll [tornado fang]ing go when she kicks me out? I don't have enough income to even consider living alone, so chances are I would simply vanish, nobody would see me again, and then sooner or later, bam, dead.
[tornado fang] this earth, [tornado fang] all of it. A small part of me actually hopes the world DOES end just so people will stop bitching about how I choose to live my life. Then again there wouldn't be anybody to [sonic slicer] about anything.
Wow. That was some rant. But I honestly can't relate. I won't go on a long tirade since I'm already in the middle of writing a long-ass post in another thread, but I know how you feel Hawaii. I am pretty confident in the fact that I'm a total loser and failure, compounded with the fact that, despite having done the work of a prodigy in my early years, I've dropped to lower A's, mid B's level, and that's with my hardest work. plus I'm lazy and constantly behind schedule. And yes, I have yet to have a girlfriend myself. And don't get me started with my supposed "gaming obsession"... >_>
But yes, I myself am too pretty disillusioned with society and humanity as well. That's pretty much why I have such a "I don't give a [tornado fang] why even try" attitude about everything I do and say.
Got one part wrong there.
I don't have any desire nor reason to have a girlfriend.
I wish I knew you in real life, I'd tell them to shut the hell up. Having a significant other is not the only way to live life happily and they should just accept that. You're a awesome guy dude, don't let them tell you you don't fit in society just because you're not interested in a relationship. Honestly I really wish I could help you somehow, because this is just horrible, especially since you've been going through this for years.
Quote from: Hawaii on December 16, 2012, 10:55:28 PM
Got one part wrong there.
I don't have any desire nor reason to have a girlfriend.
Granted, there IS someone I like. But I'm not making it my business to fawn over her 24/7 nor actively persue her. We're good friends though and we talk often.
Quote from: JustACan‽ on December 16, 2012, 11:08:07 PM
Granted, there IS someone I like. But I'm not making it my business to fawn over her 24/7 nor actively persue her. We're good friends though and we talk often.
Thats great, hope it works out.
Quote from: Sakura Leic on December 16, 2012, 11:01:39 PM
I wish I knew you in real life, I'd tell them to shut the hell up. Having a significant other is not the only way to live life happily and they should just accept that. You're a awesome guy dude, don't let them tell you you don't fit in society just because you're not interested in a relationship. Honestly I really wish I could help you somehow, because this is just horrible, especially since you've been going through this for years.
That's nice of you to say, but I don't think anybody could help me now.
I just gotta suck it up and pretend everything is okay with everything, like I always do.
I know I shouldn't be saying this, but I hope you find someone that understands you eventually. I'm sorry your parents are like that, it just sucks that I want to help but can't do anything. Like with my own best friend, though I think he'll be okay eventually. I can't begin to imagine what you are going through, but it must be horrible.
I seriously [tornado fang]ing hate conformists, why can't they mind their own business?
Quote from: JustACan‽ on December 16, 2012, 11:08:07 PM
Granted, there IS someone I like. But I'm not making it my business to fawn over her 24/7 nor actively persue her. We're good friends though and we talk often.
Even then, she'll turn around to the police and cry for help that is a stalker on the loose and bam, arrested. Do you know how far into the danger zone love is nor how many people were slaughtered in the name of love? I mean, look where "love" got us. Seriously, there's this couple at work I know and they don't even know the meaning of "Business Before Pleausre". They are always CONSTANTLY FLIRTING that I'm sick of hearing the word "honeybuckle", and I don't even know what that means! UGH, GET A [tornado fang]ing ROOM or in fact, when looking for a job, put THAT first THEN love life, or otherwise you are [tornado fang]'d. Need an example? Look at history. Seriously, we are making the SAME [tornado fang]ing MISTAKES that our ancestors did, and it won't help when this friday comes around.
Quick update before I respond to Hawaii: After pouting my guts out to Ali's crazy friend, she's decided she doesn't want to talk to me anymore. She's "pissed beyond belief," apparently. So... I guess the matter is resolved. We're all a bunch of stubborn people, us Tumblrites. :B
Hawaii? You're not any more depressed than you should be. Humanity, society as a whole, is a festering mess with so many ideals and bullheaded opinions that it's impossible to fry and fight it. Anyone who does is instantly labeled as an outcast, unless they have a [parasitic bomb]-ton of money or political power, in which case, everyone bandwagons with them instead of rallying against them.
Not everyone needs "that special someone" to be happy. Would I like someone to curl up with at night? Yes! Is it going to happen? Not in the foreseeable future. And I'm fine with that. Then again, I don't have a million people breathing down my neck and telling me what I "need" to do with my life. (People have tried -- it always ended badly.)
You know what I wish? I wish everyone who had [parasitic bomb] parents had cool parents like mine. I wouldn't normally admit this out where everyone could see it, but I don't live "in a house with other people," like I regularly say. Rather, i do... but the "other people" are my mom and dad. I am a 29-year old virgin "furry" living with his parents' basement. I don't go out. I haven't been employed in years. But my parents are fine with that. (I don't think they know about the "virgin" thing, but they do know I'm a "furry". XD) I help out around the house a lot. I'm good company, too. And that's just fine with them. I do intend to go out and get a job, but the market in Upper Peninsula Michigan is just a tad bit scarce for a home-schooled High School graduate.
Honestly, aside from the little idiotic roes I have on occasion, or the rare moments where I just need a cuddle and a pat on the head, I'm happy with how I am. Not everyone is, but I am. And ultimately, I think that matter more than anything.
Don't let other people's opinions cloud your judgment, Hawaii. Just take life one day at a time and try to wade through the [parasitic bomb] as best you can.
The same society that places such a high regard on relationships also has a super high divorce rate.
Oh~ 8D
What a lot of people don't understand is that relationships are not for everyone. Some people embrace their sexual nature and choose to sleep around or have "open relationships" and such. Others are asexual and are happier not being in one. It's a very diverse system and it's impossible to make logical sense of it because emotions are illogical by their very nature. If you know what you like and what type of person you are, none of the bitching matters.
EDIT: Whoops. Almost forgot...
Quote from: Sakura Leic on December 16, 2012, 10:44:15 PM
This song should help.
[spoiler]Don't ask me why they're in their underwear, I have no idea.
Quote from: Sakura Leic on December 16, 2012, 11:25:43 PM
I know I shouldn't be saying this, but I hope you find someone that understands you eventually. I'm sorry your parents are like that, it just sucks that I want to help but can't do anything. Like with my own best friend, though I think he'll be okay eventually. I can't begin to imagine what you are going through, but it must be horrible.
I seriously [tornado fang]ing hate conformists, why can't they mind their own business?
Y'know if more people were like you, people would be much easier to talk to.
It's because I was an outcast when I was in grade school, that or because everyone who's not a close friend of mine were either surprisingly stupid, were pretty much so smart and nice that they were pretty much unapproachable to me, too normal and had many friends, had a door mat personality, or I'm just plain attracted to weird people. For crying out loud I'm a proud member of anime club and all of them, except for this guy we all hate, are awesome people and I like hanging out with them and never ever felt that way in high school. My best friend who moved away is also the same way and I wish you could meet him, I think you 2 would compliment each other.
The only difference between me and you is that the people around me accept me for who I am or just ignore me. I don't need people in my life who don't accept me but I'm willing to accept anyone who can accept me.
It's why I hate conformity so much, it suppresses individuality, people think it's a acceptable norm and that "weird" people don't fit in society, and the people who do believe in that think everyone should live like that. I will always call bull on that. I won't tell the story of what my Spanish Teacher did to me since I think enough people know about that. But I will say that conformity is one of the main reasons that my Dad and Grandma are so messed up, although 90% of my Dad's side of the family is messed up for various other reasons, but my Dad and Grandma were so screwed because of conformity.
My Grandma is a very naive and old fashion woman and she doesn't embrace her Russian heritage. So she just wanted to be a normal american girl in that time period, so when she had sex with a man she didn't use protection, became pregnant with my dad, and was forced to marry the man who did that to her. That man was a horrible guy, he was a alcoholic and beated his wife and together they had 5 kids. He was also a soldier who fought in WWII but he's not nearly the image of a man in the army that I have. Eventually he died of high blood pressure so my Grandma married someone else, but I heard the second guy she married was worse. She eventually divorced him before I was born but he did something horrible to the whole family that we aren't exactly sure of but we think he raped them all.
My Dad is a really nice guy when you get pass his bipolarity, but because of the way he was raised he's a sad pitiful man and has no one else besides his wife and children. My Grandma and the rest of his other family don't get along well any more and would always argue politics and other things. My Grandma was always a bit racist and raise her children that way because she was raised that way but they never treated us that way or offended us. Now it's to the point that they aren't the same people my mom met and it's really worrisome. Even though my Dad is racist he's not as bad as he could be, and I'm sorry for bringing politics in here, but he vote for Obama for both elections.
I used to be embarrassed that he was my Dad and would deny up and down that I was anything like him. But now that I'm older and understand myself more I realize that I'm exactly like him, minus the bipolarity and racism of course, and I'm actually proud and thankful that he is my father. Many people grew up without a father or, like my best friend, resent their father and I'm very fortunate I have a father like him. He's faithful to his wife, he doesn't beat his family,and he doesn't drink or do drugs. He may not be perfect, but he's a awesome Dad.
I don't really see myself as very similar to my parents, yet I feel they want me to be more like them.
They were pissed when I did bad in High School, because they (Well, my mom) did great in High School.
They were willing to kick me out to teach me a lesson. Mom got kicked out of her house when she was 18 or so, that's why she joined the Army.
They believe that I'm spoiled (well okay I guess that's true.) Because I get most anything that I want, despite the fact that besides my Computer, Housing and amentities, TV, and Cable, most of the stuff I get, I pay for it myself, yet I'm scolded for being too loose with money because I overdrafted ONCE, which wouldn't have been a big deal if Overdrafting just meant you had some debt, not this whole "Oh I see you have taken money from us so we'll be charging you until you have money again, oh you don't have money right now? Well that's fine we'll just keep adding to your overdraft every few hours!"
They were irritated when I got out of the Air Farce, but I think they might have mellowed out about that, since I came back in a rougher shape than I left.
They're consistently irritated that I can't get a job better than my "Three hours in the morning" babysitting because its not like they ever had any difficulty finding a job in this [parasitic bomb] job market. [/sarcasm]
They're frustrated that my sleep schedule is [tornado fang]'d up. Well I direct attention to the above, waking up at 5:30 isn't good for anybody. And I'd rather stay up till 5 instead of waking up and rushing out the door, freezing, and trying to drive while nodding off. Its [tornado fang]ing difficult, and not to mention scary.
They're hard workers, I procrastinate more often than I do anything else, I can understand why that's annoying, but I need more guidance to doing things. I'm not very autonomous.
Though, I guess in reality I have had it easy, I was never bullied (Except twice in my freshman year of HS, knocked around by a douchy Sophomore who stopped going to the school after a while, probably sent away, and was voted as part of the Homecoming Court with what the majority of the class considered the "Ugliest" girl, who was also pretty [tornado fang]ing mean a lot of the time, IIRC she was in special ed, which in my school was pretty much code for "Look at them and laugh", not trying to be mean, but that's what happened. I think I walked home that day crying.)
Of course, other than the "You're wasting your money on stupid [parasitic bomb]", "Find a better job or we'll kick you out", and the "You know, someday when you get married..." bullshit, my parents aren't abusive, they're still together, my family is all pretty close connected and other than two possible divorces happening soon nothing is really... bad, none of us are poor and we all have nice homes.
I guess its first-world problems.
Maybe I'm just lonely. I don't like going out because as I've stated before I don't think there's really anybody that shares the same interests as me that I would want to hang out with. Either because they're a bunch of tools, or they just don't exist.
Well one of my friends got arrested for saying something stupid on Facebook. Can't say I'm suprised.
Must've been something really horrendous to get arrested... Jesus.
It wasn't exactly horrendous, at least I didn't think so but others would say otherwise, but it was majorly stupid. I understood where he was coming from when he made that post but it was still a very touchy subject and it was quite tactless. I'm not going to go into detail but a lot of people were disappointed when he made that statement and defriended him because it was so stupid, myself included. I like the guy and I don't think anything less of him because I know what kind of guy he is, but he should have known better.
Hm! Sounds like me.
I'll probably find myself in jail at some point over words on the internet, too. 8D
I they just released him based on lack of evidence so I think he's fine.
[tornado fang] finals
i want to play metro 2033
@Sakura: Mind sharing it? It's fine if you feel it's a bit much or personal. I'm just a little curious as to what he said is all.
What the [tornado fang] are you doing, Marvel?!
WHAT THE [tornado fang]?!
Marvel screwing up again? Why am I not suprised as I should be.. Then again, just about anything at this point kinda annoys me. -u-'
Couldn't be much worse than DC Comics and their "I AM ONE-FACE" thing with Two-Face last year... (Among other ridiculous redesigns.)
Aye Caramba! That's more looney than The Human Torch's demise and the sudden respect for SNOWFLAME! o-O
Actually, the Human Torch thing was brilliantly handled. Hickman's run on FF is, for lack of a better word, fantastic! As for what's upsetting me...
QuoteSplash Woman shocked tons of fans with being the first female Robot Master, but before that, she was a man, baby! Ocean Man, to be exact, although "his" weapon was still Laser Trident. When Keiji Inafune proposed the idea of mermaid-themed Robot Master, Ocean Man got uhh... neutered, you might say.
Dang it PB, why are you making me laugh more than I should? XD
I'm hoping the custom t-shirt I ordered arrives in time for Christmas. I'm not holding my breath, though.
Quote from: Sakura Leic on December 18, 2012, 06:25:08 AM
Dang it PB, why are you making me laugh more than I should? XD
I have that effect on people! 8D
Well he's definitely been released but the local news articles online are really blowing up the situation like nuts. I just want to head desk now. -AC
I gotta admit, this has peaked my curiosity! XD
Honestly the more I read about this the more I have to wonder how the heck he could have been this stupid. I mean he makes jokes and says weird ass things but he's a really smart and funny guy.
One of my professors always tells me the dangers of posting things on Facebook and how they can ruin ones career because of posting stupid things. Honestly I only have a Facebook to keep up with some friends, for school club, and eventually a professional purpose. I'm not really a social person at all like say my brother who posts where he eats or who he's hanging out with, I don't find that necessary to post that on the Internet for everyone to see.
So it's a real shock to me that someone like him didn't think that when he posted something as stupid as he did and that he was arrested literally the next day. I just really hope this doesn't bite him in the ass more than it already has, but I hope he learns something. Needless to say very many people are angry and disappointed with him.
If he did what I think he did, I can understand why
I honestly wouldn't be surprised if you figured it out. I also hope my family doesn't find out about this, they don't watch local news. I really don't want to have to explain this to them, especially my brother.
Well there are very few things you can arrested for due to stupid FB posting
That is definitely true, and the school's probably going to handle it. One person suggested counseling but my money is on suspension.
after the giants won the world series again, people went nuts. set fire to buses, blocked trains, all sorts of mayhem (over a million in damages)...
and then those folks posted about their escapades on facebook...
and were promptly arrested not long afterwards
Quote from: Mirby on December 18, 2012, 10:27:51 AM
after the giants won the world series again, people went nuts. set fire to buses, blocked trains, all sorts of mayhem (over a million in damages)...
and then those folks posted about their escapades on facebook...
and were promptly arrested not long afterwards
Honestly I don't know which situation I would find stupider.
">using facebook"
anyway, I hate how you can't register for math classes without going to the math department. Those classes keep filling up too quickly only to have half the students withdraw one week into the next semester. Goddamn idiots.
Also I find out I need a whole bunch of English classes to take before I fulfill literature requirements.
Other than interrupted sleep because my bro was screaming in his, Vega. SFxMM.
He's an [dark hold].
Well that guy in the anime club we all hate thought we were all asses for talking about our friend who got arrested and about the incident on a private thread on Facebook, since the guy arrested was a officer of the club last year. Needless to say it didn't work since we were all just worried about him and in turn the guy was acting like a ass and didn't seem to read the comments. I feel better now. 8)
You feeling better is what's most important. That and sexy syrup covered waffles. Mmmmmmmm.... 0v0
Why PB why? Why must have the power to make people crave things they don't have on hand at the moment. Oh the thought of blueberries waffles makes my mouth water. '>.>
It's just one of my many powers! 8D
I'm upset because as nice as I am and as much of a ladies' man as I try to be, I will never, ever, ever be as sexy, suave, and smooth as PB. ;^;
I wish I could honestly say that you could if you tried...
...buuuuuut it's really impossible to be PB unless you are PB! 8D
Quote from: Protoman Blues on December 19, 2012, 03:27:42 AM
I wish I could honestly say that you could if you tried...
...buuuuuut it's really impossible to be PB unless you are PB! 8D
What if we cloned an army of you? 8D
Then PB would still be PB!
Times a hundred. Can the world handle that much awesomeness? :O
Sorry guys; cloning machine of world domination isn't ready yet. :|
This thread is grossly under-used.
So, my new Compaq HP 2000-bf69WM is [parasitic bomb]. I really, really, really don't want to sound ungrateful because this was a gift. But, in the 10 days I've had it, I have a dark spot on the top of the monitor (I might have caused that -- I thought it was a touchscreen monitor), the wireless went on the fritz due to avast! Anti-Virus (as far as I could tell, since a System Refresh fixed it...) and now, the on-board AMD Radeon HD 6310 video card seems to be breaking or broken, since I'm getting horizontal screen flickers at random times from random content. It's by no means consistent, though I can make it flicker by loading certain pages or programs. (Like the title banner of a certain art site will make the screen flicker regardless of what browser I use.) The video thing can be fixed by switching to 40 Hertz refresh rate, but I really, really don't want to do that...
I'm hoping that maybe the video card is fine, but something is just loose in the computer itself... But I wouldn't be surprised if this laptop is just a piece of [parasitic bomb]... "Once bitten, twice shy," as is my experience with electronics... -_-
Quote from: Joseph Collins on January 04, 2013, 02:22:11 PM
AMD Radeon HD 6310
I have the same card, and it was flickering too. The trigger was using Opera with Windows switched to that nontransparent non-Aero mode. It just stopped many months ago, I didn't do anything special. I guess it was either old drivers or some common bugs in Opera and others. Anyway, now it works like a charm.
Hmm... Well, I haven't experienced that flickering today, so maybe it worked itself out on my end, too? Here's hoping... Thanks much, Karai!
You know what's a really shitty word?
It all started when I was doing a crossword in The 'Times. The clue read "with regard to" and was five squares, so I naturally thought "A-B-O-U-T". Of course, the crossing clues didn't support that at all, and I was getting letters that just didn't make sense. I just had to look it up and when I finally saw it, I was utterly stupefied.
What the hell kind of a word is "anent"?
It sounds like an old woman's name.
You wouldn't even see that bullshit in legal texts.
It sounds so utterly antiquated and useless. Like something you'd only memorize for the sake of extra points in Boggle or Scrabble.
And then from then on, I swore to make "anent" a totally different word. I'd use it to mean "like a [tornado fang]ing shitbag", like "Larry David sounds anent" or "Republicans and Democrats are really anent".
The sad thing is that I don't think I can find it in a dictionary.
Amusingly enough, "anent" is a synonym for "about" or "concerning". For example, "This question remains a vital consideration anent the debate over the possibility of limiting nuclear war to military objectives."
Google (http://www.google.com/search?q=definition%2C+anent), bitches! X3
And all I want to say now is, "anon!"
Anon! Anon! Anon! *Smacked* Ow.
I will admit, it is fun to say anon.
Quote from: Pyro on January 06, 2013, 05:21:27 AM
And all I want to say now is, "anon!"
Anon! Anon! Anon! *Smacked* Ow.
At least you didin't get slammed by the burger king logo.
Flaw to your plan, Malabar, is that you can't say "is anent". It sounds like "is an ant". 8D
MAGFEST is over.
Quote from: Suppercut on January 06, 2013, 03:03:27 PMFlaw to your plan, Malabar, is that you can't say "is anent". It sounds like "is an ant". 8D
You're saying it wrong.
I'm coughing up blood again.
And I've had a bloody nose all day.
The shower in the main bathroom has no pressure and I need a new shower head.
Is it low-flow?
Anyway, I'm irritated that i'm [tornado fang]ing tired.
Shower pressure is a necessity in life!
Quote from: Protoman Blues on January 07, 2013, 04:55:33 AM
Shower pressure is a necessity in life!
So is shower temperature.
Cold showers are awful.
Quote from: Kawaii on January 07, 2013, 04:53:41 AM
Is it low-flow?
Anyway, I'm irritated that i'm [tornado fang]ing tired.
Yeah the flow is much lower, we also kinda have a plumbing problem in that room.
That sucks.
Another note of things that upset me, somebody named "trance.blade" added me on skype. Is that anybody here? Because they didn't ask if it was alright to add me.
Oops, sorry man. That was me.
Oh alright, send another request my way then.
[spoiler=Ranting (langauge)]I seriously can't stand this douchebag, his presence just makes my blood boil considering all the damn things I've done for him and he gives me bullshit? You ungrateful scatophiliac!! Yeah I'm blurring out your sick secret, you disgusting freak, got a problem with that?! I helped you get unbanned from here, try to make you look like a decent person, I try to help you and your craptasic art and THIS is the thanks I get? [tornado fang] you! You an a-moral bully with self-esteem and jealousy issues who relies on lies and bullshit just to get your way. You know what? You can keep dodging karma all you want, Karma Houdini, but sooner or later, people will see you for what you really are: A pathetic, lying, self-centered, ego-maniacal tyrant [dark hold].[/spoiler]
*whistle* Whoa there Viper. What's this all about?
asking someone how they were feeling cause they were sick and instead getting yelled at for mooching and not having enough money despite the fact that paychecks got delayed (hence the low funds) and that i actively disdain mooching and hate having someone pay for me to eat.
i'm sitting here crying because of it. was even told that it was like talking to a brick wall, even though i said that i appreciated the concern. :C
I may or may not have an infestation of a GI parasite.
This is giving me goosebumps. I honestly think I wouldn't be this uncomfortable having cancer.
Since I had been around stray cats for a while, it was suspected that I had a parasite. Did the tests to see if I did, and I can say that I do not have worms!
If you have a parasitic infection, there are lots of medications to deal with it quickly.
Quote from: Quickman on January 09, 2013, 05:57:02 AMSince I had been around stray cats for a while, it was suspected that I had a parasite. Did the tests to see if I did, and I can say that I do not have worms!
If you have a parasitic infection, there are lots of medications to deal with it quickly.
That's great.
Now I just need to figure out if I actually have it or not.
Have you done any tests or is this just a suspicion?
Quote from: Quickman on January 09, 2013, 06:37:19 AMHave you done any tests or is this just a suspicion?
It's just a suspicion.
A suspicion by you or by your doctor, who should have ordered tests if he/she suspected it?
If you're really concerned... take a stool sample to your doctor.
Quote from: Quickman on January 10, 2013, 04:05:10 AMA suspicion by you or by your doctor, who should have ordered tests if he/she suspected it?
If you're really concerned... take a stool sample to your doctor.
I wanted to visit the doctor, but my father doesn't seem to think it's too serious. I'd like to go myself, but our family physician mostly speaks Korean and I don't know enough Korean yet to speak to anyone, in addition to the fact that I don't know the protocol of how to pay with insurance.
What makes you suspect you have a parasite?
Quote from: Quickman on January 10, 2013, 05:19:03 AMWhat makes you suspect you have a parasite?
I'd looked on Google as to what might have been causing my symptoms.
"Hookworms" was one of the possible culprits, listed among "clostridium difficile", "Crohn's Disease" and "candida albicans". Naturally, my inner hypochondriac inclined toward the one that made my skin crawl. However, I'm no doctor, so I wanted to consult a doctor about this, but as per the predicament stated earlier, I'm sitting here left to deal with my alleged "stomachache" with the power of Occidental hocus-pocus.
Stomach aches could be caused by anything, even something as simple as your diet. It could also be irritable bowel syndrome, particularly if it is aggravated by stress. Again, that can be remedied by changing your diet. Unless you're losing weight at an alarming rate, or are suffering constant diarrhea or vomiting, along with constant fevers and other unpleasantness, and if this is acute, I doubt it's hookworms. Might just be something you ate.
Here's hoping it's not Crohn's Disease!
I really hope it's nothing, I'm getting disgusted just thinking about it even if parasites are simple to take care of. X(
Quote from: Quickman on January 10, 2013, 05:56:51 AMMight just be something you ate.
I wish, but this has persisted for three days now.
Quote from: Protoman Blues on January 10, 2013, 05:58:46 AMHere's hoping it's not Crohn's Disease!
It's very likely to not be Crohn's, but yes, here's hoping.
Quote from: Sakura Leic on January 10, 2013, 06:03:04 AMI really hope it's nothing, I'm getting disgusted just thinking about it even if parasites are simple to take care of. X(
That's what I'm saying. I'd accidentally seen footage of someone's colon infested with tiny worm-like parasites on TV once, and I swore right then and there that if I ever ended up having something like that, I'd set myself on fire on the spot.
Yeah reading about diseases can make you extremely paranoid, whenever we go over how Cancer works in science classes my skin just crawls. X(
Three-day gut ache and symptoms? Could be a stomach bug. And, it could still be something you ate. Food poisoning can make you sick for longer than a day. Since it's acute, it's most likely a stomach bug, which should resolve itself within a week or so. If the symptoms persist for two weeks with no change, then see a doctor. Otherwise, drink lots of fluids, eat blander foods (soup, rice, etc), and rest and it should resolve itself.
Okay, it looks as if raw garlic spontaneously cured it.
I dunno.
My carpal tunnel syndrome is acting up, and I haven't the slightest clue as to where my wrist brace is. So, I can't draw as often each day as I would like, lest my hand goes numb. I had a wrist brace for drawing, but I can't find it.
Well Firefox has been acting weird since I updated it this morning, it keeps crashing when I close a tab. Anyone else having this problem?
Perhaps you should install a new version?
Wouldn't it be the newest version if I just updated?
Oh, its after an update?
Well [parasitic bomb], maybe you can downgrade.
Or re-install.
Or not use tabs just to be on the safe side.
I don't really know, never had that happen to me.
Well currently it letting me use Safe Mode right now and it works fine, though my add ons are disabled and I have to deal with ads now.
Whatever works, right?
I had problems with Firefox 18, myself. It had an adverse effect on my Explorer, and YouTube kept crashing the Flash client. I tried rebooting, and it just sat on the "Restarting..." screen forever.
After forcing the laptop off and restarting, though, everything's running as well as it ever did.
Power cycling fixes everything.
As for my woes... I still can't find my wrist brace, but I did find my bowling glove, so I wore that while drawing. Seemed to help.
Carpal tunnel sucks.
Now I'm forced to use Internet Explorer because Firefox's latest update is stupid. -AC
Oh don't cause yourself pain with that.
Use chrome.
Last time I had Chrome I had some problems with it, but I guess I'll give it a try again.
Ugh, even after a day at the beach I still feel the salt water smacking against my face and sunburn.
Sunburn is nasty, I only ever have it on my shoulders. X(
Last place I had a bad sunburn was on my scalp.
what's upsetting me?
the fact i can't breathe right now cause my neighbor used waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much aerosol spray or something
seriously wtf
What's upsetting me is that while setting up my computer, I got stabbing pain in my wrist, so I definitely need to put off drawing for a while. :(
My years-old computer is going berserk on me again, right when I'm in the process of catching up on an online class. -u-'
I'm not upset, but a bit annoyed that I CAN'T FART around certain idiots who are health nazis. This was like that all. [tornado fang]ing. day. I couldn't help it if I farted AGAIN even when I said excuse me the first time, and that happens more than once with my bodily functions. I bet they wouldn't like Wario as that was his MAIN FORM OF ATTACKING ENEMIES in bawwl. ALL OVER FARTING, what is this preschool? Why make a big [tornado fang]ing deal out of it to the point where it's a crime? God, what is this world coming to if you can't EVEN. [tornado fang]ing. FART. SERIOUSLY, GET THE [tornado fang] OVER IT!!
Quote from: Gaia on January 17, 2013, 02:12:10 AMI'm not upset, but a bit annoyed that I CAN'T FART around certain idiots who are health nazis. This was like that all. [tornado fang]ing. day. I couldn't help it if I farted AGAIN even when I said excuse me the first time, and that happens more than once with my bodily functions. I bet they wouldn't like Wario as that was his MAIN FORM OF ATTACKING ENEMIES in bawwl. ALL OVER FARTING, what is this preschool? Why make a big [tornado fang]ing deal out of it to the point where it's a crime? God, what is this world coming to if you can't EVEN. [tornado fang]ing. FART. SERIOUSLY, GET THE [tornado fang] OVER IT!!
Repression of bodily functions in the presence of polite company or strangers has been a thing for quite a while now.
Also, I wouldn't say "health nazis", as farting is in no way a hazard to one's health and calling them "health nazis" gives the impression that you may have gangrene in your pits.
I very nearly raged. Open up Steam, start up Bastion, and all my settings are defaulted and my save was gone. I would've been so pissed had there not been a way to restore it.
Quote from: Malabar the Malatov on January 17, 2013, 04:18:55 AM
Also, I wouldn't say "health nazis", as farting is in no way a hazard to one's health and calling them "health nazis" gives the impression that you may have gangrene in your pits.
Getting sick from anything is all in the rage these days. You know, paranoia and the [parasitic bomb]. But what aggrevated me is that nobody ever enterjected to tell them to stop.
It's like the skinny "healthy" fad, sheesh.
Quote from: JustAPan‽ on January 17, 2013, 04:40:32 AM
I very nearly raged. Open up Steam, start up Bastion, and all my settings are defaulted and my save was gone. I would've been so pissed had there not been a way to restore it.
File corruption, it happens. I remember that I had to buy TWO pokemon blues for whatever reasons unknown, as when I moved one to either, it erases it's save and have to start from scratch. Same with Demi Kids Dark. All it did was rewind back to the part where I encounter a new ally, then to the beginning, and back again. Saves can get pretty [tornado fang]ing weird at times.
Yeah but I'm pretty sure Steam Cloud should have sorted that out.
I'm pretty sure that game has Cloud support anyway.
Quote from: Gaia on January 17, 2013, 02:12:10 AM
I'm not upset, but a bit annoyed that I CAN'T FART around certain idiots who are health nazis. This was like that all. [tornado fang]ing. day. I couldn't help it if I farted AGAIN even when I said excuse me the first time, and that happens more than once with my bodily functions. I bet they wouldn't like Wario as that was his MAIN FORM OF ATTACKING ENEMIES in bawwl. ALL OVER FARTING, what is this preschool? Why make a big [tornado fang]ing deal out of it to the point where it's a crime? God, what is this world coming to if you can't EVEN. [tornado fang]ing. FART. SERIOUSLY, GET THE [tornado fang] OVER IT!!
If you have to fart, then fart. Let it rip and politely excuse yourself. People fart.
I was in the college library, sitting at a computer near the front desk, with my rear to the rest of the library. It was quiet, and I cut loose with a nice, loud
BRAP! I was incredibly embarrassed, but at the same time, I was trying to keep myself from cracking up, because I thought it was hilarious. Really, no one noticed that it was me, nor did anyone say anything.
So, by all means, fart. Fart proudly (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fart_Proudly).
As for what's upsetting me... Still the carpal tunnel. It's interfering with my drawing.
or you could be a classy [chameleon sting]er and just let it silently pass by.
No noise, no problem.
Follow it up with a burp
I kinda hate how people try to avoid copy right policies on youtube in terms of music, it's really annoying when you want to look up a specific song and all the results are multiple entries of the song a pitch higher than what the song should be or covers. I know that it's a way to avoid having to deal copy right policies, but do you really have to ruin the song?
Quote from: Ciel Arukas on January 17, 2013, 08:04:15 PM
I kinda hate how people try to avoid copy right policies on youtube in terms of music, it's really annoying when you want to look up a specific song and all the results are multiple entries of the song a pitch higher than what the song should be or covers. I know that it's a way to avoid having to deal copy right policies, but do you really have to ruin the song?
Especially when copypasta-ing that fair use thingamajigger seems to work.
I'm hungie. So I'm upset. So I'mma go get PB some foods!
Quote from: JustAPan‽ on January 17, 2013, 08:24:42 PM
Especially when copypasta-ing that fair use thingamajigger seems to work.
Sometimes there are cracks in that and videos still get deleted, just ask Tron. I think I found a site that possibly solves my problem but I have to continue testing it out.
Quote from: Protoman Blues on January 17, 2013, 08:25:03 PM
I'm hungie. So I'm upset. So I'mma go get PB some foods!
PB food?
EDIT: I so read that wrong. XD
Also I'm honestly appalled that people are still hating on Internet Explorer. Sure, 10 sucks, but that's because it was made for Windows 8, which also sucks. But IE 9 is actually pretty damn good. Only reason I primarily use Chrome is because I was stupid enough to download the IE10 beta and I'm too lazy to downgrade.
Quote from: Quickman on January 17, 2013, 06:44:36 AM
If you have to fart, then fart. Let it rip and politely excuse yourself. People fart.
I was in the college library, sitting at a computer near the front desk, with my rear to the rest of the library. It was quiet, and I cut loose with a nice, loud BRAP! I was incredibly embarrassed, but at the same time, I was trying to keep myself from cracking up, because I thought it was hilarious. Really, no one noticed that it was me, nor did anyone say anything.
So, by all means, fart. Fart proudly (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fart_Proudly).
As for what's upsetting me... Still the carpal tunnel. It's interfering with my drawing.
Oh, I apologized, the [sonic slicer] didin't wanna hear it and wanted to continue her perfectionist ghetto ways and rip me a new one, even though it was sudden as I was gonna tap someone on the shoulder and she was where she wouldn't.
But yeah, Viva La Stinky Revolution
Quote from: Ciel Arukas on January 17, 2013, 08:27:07 PM
PB food?
EDIT: I so read that wrong. XD
You silly girl! XD
Carpal. Tunnel. Syndrome. Sucks. So. Much. Ass.
I can't even begin to imagine how much of a pain it is Quickie. I hope you feel better soon.
Oh, I know that feeling because it flares up on me occasionally.
Quote from: Ciel Arukas on January 18, 2013, 07:09:44 AM
I can't even begin to imagine how much of a pain it is Quickie. I hope you feel better soon.
It's not necessarily the pain that bothers me, it's my fingers going numb while I draw or write. It interferes with my drawing because I can't hold a pen, and my hand shakes when it goes numb, so it's like I have Parkinson's while I'm trying to do detail work. :|
I had a sore throat for almost a week already, and its upsetting me.
Firefox v18.0.1. It not only runs like [parasitic bomb] on my laptop, but they [tornado fang]'d with the menu bar thingy to make it "look nicer" or "better" with Windows 7/8.
I've actually had to stop using it for Tumblr because it sucks so badly. -_-
Tell me about it, every single time I close a tab on the new Firefox it crashes. I had to switch to Google chrome and sometimes things don't load correctly since I've been using it.
On the bright side, Google Chrome uses a mere fraction of the system resources Firefox does.
Too bad it caps animated GIFs at about 10 FPS, like older versions of Internet Explorer. At least, it did several versions back.
I use Google Chrome, and I like it cause it allows me to use my browser tabs on GalaxyMan!
I guess maybe I could try getting used to it. :\
We'll get used to it together, I guess. I'd try nuking my Firefox profile, but eh... it works "okay" for everything but Tumblr.
Quote from: Ciel Arukas on January 20, 2013, 09:54:55 AM
I guess maybe I could try getting used to it. :\
Correction, young one. You WILL get use to it! That's an order! 8D
You're just going to keep staring at my soul until I do huh. :\
I could always give you the sly face! óVó
I don't know which would be better.
How about COOKIE EYES!!! :cookie: :cookie:
I don't even know how that's possible.
With ego and sexcellence, anything is possible! :cookie: :cookie:
I still have a lot to learn then. XD
And I still have a lot to teach! [eyebrow]
Quote from: Joseph Collins on January 20, 2013, 09:48:52 AM
Too bad it caps animated GIFs at about 10 FPS, like older versions of Internet Explorer. At least, it did several versions back.
(http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/258/4/9/_music__stage_7__8_bit__by_josephcollins-d49wnbv.gif) (http://fav.me/d49wnbv)
As you can see from that 50 FPS image from one of my pieces of music, they apparently fixed it! :D
I've been really irritable today and I have no idea why. o-O
Irritable Male Syndrome (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irritable_male_syndrome). Allow me to make a man out of you, Sup. ♪
Quote from: Joseph Collins on January 20, 2013, 09:35:16 AM
I've actually had to stop using Tumblr
So its a good thing then
So I'm back to using Internet Explorer because Goodgle Chrome is acting all kinds of glitchy and saying that RPM is attacking with Malware and stuff. Not to mention the things not loading right.
I'm not experincing problems like that in Opera. Try using that, and see if it works.
I've never use Opera before.
Firefox suddenly hates YouTube, and i am not amused.
Quote from: Joseph Collins on January 21, 2013, 12:23:30 AM
Irritable Male Syndrome (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irritable_male_syndrome). Allow me to make a man out of you, Sup. ♪
While the stress+hormone part of this makes sense, 1. I'm assuming you're trying to refer to my feminine side, which I always have a nice response to on hand (http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/259/672/e32.jpg), and 2. oh boy! I get to self-diagnose myself with a Wikipedia article! This must be true! -u-'
Quote from: Ciel Arukas on January 21, 2013, 03:39:44 AM
So I'm back to using Internet Explorer because Goodgle Chrome is acting all kinds of glitchy and saying that RPM is attacking with Malware and stuff. Not to mention the things not loading right.
I'm Chroming right now, mate. Everything seems okay.
Quote from: Ciel Arukas on January 21, 2013, 03:39:44 AM
and saying that RPM is attacking with Malware and stuff.
I wouldn't be surprised it's a pretty sketchy place.
You should pay attention to these warnings.
Quote from: Suppercut on January 21, 2013, 04:16:58 AM
While the stress+hormone part of this makes sense, 1. I'm assuming you're trying to refer to my feminine side, which I always have a nice response to on hand (http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/259/672/e32.jpg), and 2. oh boy! I get to self-diagnose myself with a Wikipedia article! This must be true! -u-'
Nah. I was just pretending to be gay so I could steal your wallet. But it clearly did not work. And that makes me a sad Kobun. :(
As for IMS, I was also teasing about that. Honestly, you're probably just in a bad mood -- or were earlier. I know I have mood swings a lot, for no apparent reason.
Quote from: Ciel Arukas on January 21, 2013, 03:44:51 AM
I've never use Opera before.
Give it a go. It's a bit like
Firefox in a lot of ways. But uses less resources, as far as I can tell.
And since I and Supper are both using
Chrome at this given time, I'm beginning to suspect your computer is just being pissy, Saku-chan.
Meh it wouldn't be the first time. :\
I'm using Chrome as well, and haven't had a problem. What anitvirus are you using? Might be high time to either update it or change it and give your computer a scan.
Norton. -_-
That explains it.
Norton "Oh [parasitic bomb] Everything's Malware"
Yeah but it was Chrome itself that said it was malware not Norton.
Yours is the only one saying this site is malware :\
so your chrome derped
But Chrome is the only one that says that, never had that problem with Firefox and I'm not having it with Opera.
Again, your Chrome is.
My Chrome isn't, Quickie's isn't, Joseph's isn't, Suppercut's isn't...
Chrome is derping. That's it.
Yeah I guess that's just it, but I think it derped for my other computer too.
Quote from: Ciel Arukas on January 21, 2013, 07:21:07 AM
Yeah I guess that's just it, but I think it derped for my other computer too.
Did you try installing a
brand new copy on the other computer, or did you copy your installation from your first machine?
It was always the latest Google Chrome that I install, and that computer I had was pretty new until the hard drive made the computer blue screen on me. Then I got this one.
Man... I'm not getting this at all. The only possibilities left, in that case, are there's something up with your network, or your ISP, that's specific to Chrome. It's not impossible, but it's definitely unlikely. And really unique...
Yeah that could be it, this isn't the first time weird [parasitic bomb] only happens to me.
For what it's worth, back when I was on satellite, when I went to the site for the webcomic "Book of Biff", it would regularly redirect me to some "payday loan" site out of the UK.
Quote from: Joseph Collins on January 21, 2013, 04:47:20 AM
I was just pretending to be gay so I could steal your wallet. But it clearly did not work.
I think this answer just further confused me. o-O
Also, on the topic of pissy computers, as much as I love Chrome, my five-year-old computer does not. I've had days where it would repeatedly crash either fully (Whoah! Google Chrome has crashed! Restart now?) or partially (breaking the current tab).
My computer is so messed up, I have to change the channel on my router every time it tries to reconnect to it. Otherwise, it'll
say it's connected, but nothing works until I go change it. Quite annoying when Windows decides to do an OS update while I'm idling in TF2. >_<
Also, certain games that use the computer's audio driver entirely for sounds (such as those made with Game Maker without any audio extension) seem incapable of playing MP3s, rendering a lot of my favorite games silent, like Iji. It also makes certain RPG Maker games unplayable due to errors related to this, like Ib D:
At present, I feel like [parasitic bomb] and feel like crying over petty, stupid bullshit.
Someone agreed with me when I said I was an idiot, so that sent me into a spiral of sadness and I'm lonely for very specific company. But this one specific, cuddly person I'm so extremely fond of is not only feeling not-so-cuddly, but is keeping busy -- not avoiding me, but just keeping busy with art and [parasitic bomb]. That just adds to my sadness...
I just gave up for tonight. I left Skype, left my computer, am currently curled up in bed with my 3DS, and plan to play Mario Kart 7 until I get tired.
I [tornado fang]ing hate my mood swings...
I officially hate Sigilyphs, a trainer with one knocked out half of my team.
I can relate with you, Mr. Collins, to an extent anyway as I have been stricken with a serious case of melancholia and something of an existential crisis. That is probably the reason why I have been watching clips of Hamlet (with David Tennant and Patrick Stewart.)
I'm frustrated.
Angry and pissed.
Most of the music I make now is just [tornado fang]ing boring, and when I try to experiment more it turns into [tornado fang]ing garbage.
I mean, listen to this [parasitic bomb] above.
Listen to this on the other hand, done by a certain user I recently subscribed to.
This song, done in a pokemon soundfont no less, it's just... so beautiful.
I would like to create something like this, at least once or twice... BUT NOPE.
Try as I might to make such catchy tunes, be it orchestral style, or not... I fail.
I think it sounds good, though I think the harmony could be a bit stronger.
This is. (http://ca.ign.com/articles/2013/01/23/thq-dissolved-saints-row-company-of-heroes-darksiders-devs-acquired)
Classes start again in a few days. I hope textbooks aren't too expensive this time around.
Carpal tunnel, carpal tunnel, carpal tunnel. The bane of artists everywhere.
Exams never end. Exams never end. EXAMS NEVER END!
[Tornado fang]-ing TV schedule is [tornado fang]-ed up, when I'm expecting "Avatar:TLAB" to come on, they play their [tornado fang]-ing, crappy bull-[parasitic bomb]. It's quite obvious, my country forces us to pay to watch mother-[tornado fang]-ing [parasitic bomb] every [tornado fang]-ing day. Even my [tornado fang]-ing cursing don't rhyme. O:<
Why did you intentionally censor everything there?
Anyway, its cold and I hate the cold. Negatives suck.
Well that's how I feel, I hate it when my entertainment gets screwed over something I refuse to understand. And same here, I also hate the cold, but too much heat causes me to rage more often.
Quote from: Maine Coon Hazard on January 24, 2013, 03:23:04 PM
Well that's how I feel, I hate it when my entertainment gets screwed over something I refuse to understand. And same here, I also hate the cold, but too much heat causes me to rage more often.
No no. I meant why did you deliberately type in the censor words instead of typing in the actual expletives.
Quote from: Blackhook on January 24, 2013, 11:49:20 AM
Exams never end. Exams never end. EXAMS NEVER END!
Exams.. and ceaseless stupidity. In this goodwill I work at I am surrounded by..
Quote from: Kawaii on January 24, 2013, 06:26:16 PM
No no. I meant why did you deliberately type in the censor words instead of typing in the actual expletives.
*deliberatly types in expletives, then presses preview*Oh, I see what you mean. I'm such a dumbass. Didn't know it automatically censors the stuff in the first place.
Quote from: Maine Coon Hazard on January 24, 2013, 02:44:33 PM
[tornado fang]ing TV schedule is [tornado fang]'d up, when I'm expecting "Avatar:TLAB" to come on, they play their [tornado fang]ing, crappy bullshit. It's quite obvious, my country forces us to pay to watch [chameleon sting]ing [parasitic bomb] every [tornado fang]ing day. Even my [tornado fang]ing cursing don't rhyme. O:<
There, I fixed it, okay owob. Pity it doesn't censor ''bullshit''.
Got my VGA card back after sending it in for giving me this kind of [parasitic bomb]
And it is still the same, as you can see.
Apparently they "repaired" the card and sent it back. (lolwut repairing a VGA card)
So now I have to go through the WHOOOOOLE process again, and see if I can't just get a replacement.
(http://i.imgur.com/UboP7FW.png) (http://i.imgur.com/UboP7FW.png)
[spoiler=thejesusdick's take on the new Tumblr update]ing] thejesusdick (http://"http://thejesusdick.tumblr.com/post/41465500209/okay-so-is-this-the-update-because-it-%5Btornado%20fang):
Quoteokay so is this the update because it [tornado fang]ing sucks and I'm gonna rant about it
- they didn't ask
- you can't reblog from someone's blog now, it takes you back to your dashboard
- what you're looking at is what comes up to reblog/edit unless you do the alt-click thing
- there's also some fade-in fade-out thing for it which may lag slower computers
- it isn't optional, apparently
- you can't use URL's in photo posts anymore
- you can't control-click to open up reblog tabs
- they didn't ask
- tags don't show up when you go to type them (goodbye remembering old posts)
- why the [tornado fang] isn't it optional why the [tornado fang] would they even do this
- it looks like facebook
- can't reblog your own post anymore
- this is so terrible holy [parasitic bomb].
Quoteyou can't reblog from someone's blog now, it takes you back to your dashboard
Quoteyou can't reblog from someone's blog now
Quoteyou can't reblog
*throws the heaviest piece of furniture he can find through the roof and screams the loudest, longest "[tornado fang]" he's ever exclaimed*
... way to go,
Tumblr. You've pretty much defeated
your own [tornado fang]ing purpose.
Welp, there went any thoughts of getting my own tumblr (unless they turn reblogging back on).
........... *violently slaps his forehead with his palm*
I just realized. "You can't reblog from someone else's blog" means that. Literally. You can still reblog from the Dashboard.
I'm so [tornado fang]ing incompetent...
Those other changes, though... *shakes head*
Tumblr sucks anyway, you should use this chance to find something better to do.
Quote from: Joseph Collins on January 26, 2013, 01:56:08 AM
... way to go, Tumblr. You've pretty much defeated your own [tornado fang]ing purpose.
Would you
stop doing
this it is
[tornado fang]ing irritating. Everyone knows what the
titles and
names of things are there is no damn need to put them into italics.
Oh, I do that for all site names. Emulator Zone, Rockman Perfect Memories, Google... I do it for proper titles, too, such as Street Fighter x Mega Man or Red Dead Revolver. Book titles, too. (Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Lord of the Rings...) But not song titles. Album titles, on the other hand... ("Weird Al's" Running with Scissors, R.E.M.'s Green...)
I also use italics for emphasis in text quotes and posts ("No, good sir. [tornado fang] you!"), as well as internal monologues in stories (Is this [dark hold] really explaining his usage of Italics to me? Ruri thought, glaring at his monitor in disapproval.)
It's what I do. ♪
Quote from: Joseph Collins on January 26, 2013, 02:13:27 AM"You can't reblog from someone else's blog" means that. Literally. You can still reblog from the Dashboard.
That sounds rather arbitrary, and from the sound of it forces you to follow someone if you ever want to reblog what they posted.
Quote from: Joseph Collins on January 26, 2013, 02:31:17 AM
It's what I do. ♪
If it keeps you in a good mood, then you should keep doing it. ^^
Quote from: The Great Gonzo on January 26, 2013, 02:37:55 AM
That sounds rather arbitrary, and from the sound of it forces you to follow someone if you ever want to reblog what they posted.
Now that. Is a sound argument for keeping things they way they are. I know for a fact I
constantly reblog [parasitic bomb] from people I don't follow.
Quote from: Kawaii on January 26, 2013, 03:44:34 AM
This isn't a research essay.
Its wierd.
Please stop.
You. You've been pissy with me since I tried keeping you involved with that RP Saku started. I don't appreciate it. Just saying.
Quote from: VixyNyan on January 26, 2013, 03:51:13 AM
If it keeps you in a good mood, then you should keep doing it. ^^
Thank you, Vixy. *hugs* You're my biggest fan here, I swear. <3
Posted on: 2013-01-25, 22:08:11
Welp, I just got hit with the update.
It's total bullocks.
That is all.
Quote from: Joseph Collins on January 26, 2013, 04:25:49 AM
You. You've been pissy with me since I tried keeping you involved with that RP Saku started. I don't appreciate it. Just saying.
I just stated that I don't want to post if I cannot make a decent post I don't want to post.
I don't like being badgered, that's all.
Junior Year and Algebra 2...dare I need to say more?
[spoiler]And other personal problems stemming from the fact I sorta feel clueless as to where I can go with my damn game I've been working on for the past five years. (Story-wise, I have a framework for what the first goal is for the game in terms of completion.)[/spoiler]
Quote from: Kawaii on January 26, 2013, 04:49:10 AM
I just stated that I don't want to post if I cannot make a decent post I don't want to post.
I don't like being badgered, that's all.
Well excuse me for trying to think of you. In the future, I won't give you that courtesy.
Quote from: Joseph Collins on January 26, 2013, 05:36:17 AM
Well excuse me for trying to think of you. In the future, I won't give you that courtesy.
Joseph you have to keep in mind this isn't an RP site, it's a gaming site so what applies to RP sites would most likely not apply here. I understand that when you're involved in an RP it is a good idea for those involve together in a group to be active with each other but we RP at different speeds, have different style of how we RP, and we get inspiration at different rates.
Hell I feel bad since I write so long for the Wilypocalypse RP, my updates take a while because of it, and I do hold up people because of it. But no one badgers me about it because they know how I do things, PB will occasionally ask how I'm doing on it but he doesn't rush me, we have awesome conversations about it, come up with plans for future parts and share them because we have fun with it, it's not our life. Plus I'll have you guys know that those updates take an average of 7 pages, it's long as hell but I have fun doing it because people like what I write.
Would I like it if PB and Sapph were more active in the Pokemon RP, yes yes I would. Am I going to actively ask them to update when there's a lull, no I'm not because I know that either they are busy or sometimes don't quite have the inspiration to continue at the moment. We can always jump back into that RP no problem because it's a fun not so serious, for now, RP and I like it for how it is. When PB does update it's freaking amazing and his posts are funny as hell, but I know that he needs inspiration to do some of those things so I don't want to rush him to make something because I want him to make something.
The RPs is not the main focus of this site and it certainly isn't why I continue to stay here despite the massive lulls we have due to the lack of noteworthy Megaman News. It's because I love the people here, including you, you guys are so awesome and I get different perspectives here in the 5 years I've been here that I never would have gotten if I never came here during high school. I admit I've come to see this place, see you guys
like a family and I care about you guys. I love when you guys have funny stories and when I hear your problems I want to help whenever I can if I think I can.
I'll admit it is unusual that you post things like an essay, but I don't mind it because I capitalize things that don't need to be capitalized for emphasize or the hell of it. I quite like it because it's unique and I can understand it. I don't see it as that big of a deal since I read fast and I'm not a grammar nazi to other people so I do find it a little weird that people are upset about it now when that's what you've been doing since you've got here and it's not colored text or something like that. Plus we have people who didn't learn English as a first language so I certainly won't act like a gammar nazi when they don't know the language that well.
But what I don't understand is how you connected RMZX's disapproval of the way you write to his reactions to the Dash RP, I would never draw that conclusion. Plus how Kawaii acted in the RP was because of you, I know it was innocent but I know Kawaii is the type of person who doesn't like to do unnecessary things, padding, or progress that doesn't go anywhere. This is the first time you RPed with us so I know you wouldn't know that off hand but we do take awhile sometimes. When he feels he can do something he'll do it.
I'll admit I wish he didn't kill his RP girlfriend in the Wilypocalypse RP, I personally liked the character, but he felt that he couldn't write for her character because it felt like a fake relationship to him. I understand why he did it and he does have the option to bring her back if he feels that he can write for her again since she is a robot. I respect that decision and am not going to agonize him about it because he did it before it got to far, and if he did continue to do it he would feel that the relationship would be going nowhere.
I like what RMZX writes but I'm not going to pressure him because he doesn't need the pressure of updating something he doesn't have to breathing down his neck when he has other crap in his life to deal with. It takes time for him to think of something to post and I fully respect that because I don't want him to update for the sake of updating.
You know what? No. This is un-[tornado fang]ing-acceptable. I made one [tornado fang]ing innocent comment. One. And he took it personally. I was starting to feel guilty that we just kept going on and on without him. I was trying to include him. But clearly, that was a mistake. Obviously, my single comment was a nag notice.
So, you know what? Fine. I won't say [parasitic bomb] anymore. And at the first convenient place, I think I'll have Joe bail. Or maybe RM can live out his morbid dream and kill him for no good reason. Either way, I suppose. ♪
Holy [parasitic bomb], Joseph... calm down.
RMZX is a strange individual with obvious waifu problems.
There's nothing to get angry at here. In fact, if it really was just one innoncent comment like you say, then you should just laugh. Laugh at him and the fact that he thinks that was "Badgering".
On the other hand, why did you even think it would be a good idea to bring that up? I don't think RMZX was even holding anything like a grudge over it, yet when he told you "this isn't a research essay" you [tornado fang]ing immediately connected it to him just being pissed/angry that you commented on his non-participation or whatever.
Calm your dicks/tits people.
Uh he's actually been trying to get away from the waifu stuff in the RP's. In fact he's acting like a yandere/clingy person in the Dash RP to try something different, and it looks funny as heck. XD
No 20th Century Fox fanfare...
Disney logo, instead...
And now I'll be seeing the Bad Robot logo before the Lucasfilm logo...
Episode VII is going to be wieeeeeeerd...
And with all these producers on tap... There is a disturbance in the Force...
And as for what's going on now...
I don't know what happened, but it seems that everyone is getting their panties in a twist over something petty and trivial.
Quote from: Ciel Arukas on January 26, 2013, 07:14:56 AM
Uh he's actually been trying to get away from the waifu stuff in the RP's. In fact he's acting like a yandere/clingy person in the Dash RP to try something different, and it looks funny as heck. XD
That RP in general looks funny as heck, but I'm not joining because I can't even mantain a decent posting ratio in the one I'm in currently.
I understand, take your time. I can't blame you for being busy with real life stuff.
Quote from: Ciel Arukas on January 26, 2013, 07:19:13 AM
I understand, take your time. I can't blame you for being busy with real life stuff.
I can blame him! 8D
Quote from: Protoman Blues on January 26, 2013, 07:47:38 AM
I can blame him! 8D
I just love how you can kill the mood with just a few words. That is seriously an amazing talent. XD
Well I am an amazing guy! ;)
So... I've had some time to cool off. I still think I'm in the right in how I feel, but I would like to apologize to you, Sakura. You were just defending your friend and ended up getting the brunt of my anger. I'm sorry.
That said, I'm still irked with the both of you. But I'll get over it. But even if I were still furious, I wouldn't just "end Joseph" in the RP. Joe isn't mad at anyone, after all, so why should I punish him for my pettiness?
Thank you for your patience. I hope you and Kawaii have a good day today.
Quote from: Joseph Collins on January 26, 2013, 08:50:36 PM
But even if I were still furious, I wouldn't just "end Joseph" in the RP. Joe isn't mad at anyone, after all, so why should I punish him for my pettiness?
maybe because he isn't real
Your face isn't real.
*dismissing wave*
I wish more of the people I cared about remembered stuff about me, but it's no big deal... .-.
I wish everyone would get along and we could live in a happy happy world.
Or let's just nuke everything, that works too.
Quote from: Blackhook on January 27, 2013, 04:07:58 PM
I wish everyone would get along and we could live in a happy happy world.
Or let's just nuke everything, that works too.
This right here.
I wished my sister would STFU, and listen to me, before blaming everything on me >^<. Stupid thing is, it was a fricken dream. The moment I shouted STFU, I woke myself up, and possibly, my brother heard me, loud and clear :-[.
Lucky for me it was 10am in the morning when it happened. 8D
I kind of know how that feels, it's not that my brother doesn't shut up he we just don't really understand each other well and we deal with things differently. He also can say patronizing things to me sometimes.
Posted on: January 27, 2013, 01:26:55 PM
Well our over 30 year old washing machine finally croaked.
My brother and I both dish it out and take it. Siblings are like that, particularly if they're close in age.
I've never had one fight with my bro.
Yeah but it is a bit irritating since I don't act like that to him.
But I do understand why it happens, out of his group of friends he's the most level headed and balance. Some times when he talks about his friends, especially if they are girls, he talks about how much drama they cause, how selfish they are, and my mom noted that some of his friends are well off. He's also had pretty bad luck with girls, most of them were bitches while the one who was not had some sort of a break down and became a [sonic slicer] for a while, though I hear she is getting better.
Plus he was a member of a fraternity, he was the Vice President his senior year, and even though he's technically not a member anymore he still hangs with those groups of people from time to time. So when people get drunk, he's usually one of the people sober enough to keep an eye on people to make sure they don't hurt themselves or something. I think one night in particular he had to stop someone from starting a fight, make sure a girl didn't wander too far away, and some third thing that I don't remember. He's the type of guy who's too nice.
He can also take things for granted, when he's at home he doesn't wash what he uses while I do, and I'm more willing to cook for myself or use the microwave, while he either goes out to eat use the microwave, or wait for my mom to come home. Though in the dorm he fends for himself better. Then there was the times when we wanted to get iPods and iPhones and he would say that I shouldn't get it since I don't need it, or in the case of the iPod one that had less capacity, which I call bull since if I don't need it neither would he and we get equal treatment even if he is 4 years older, but that was a long time ago.
Plus it's also the fact that out of everyone in the family he the most self conscious and not really one to break the mold. So I think that may be the reason he's like that. He's great with kids but he kind of has trouble refusing my dad, when my mom is super stubborn, and he and I are 2 completely different people. I love him very much, but I wish he was a bit more understanding, hopefully with his new human services major and living on his own will change him a little.
Quote from: Protoman Blues on January 28, 2013, 06:30:46 AM
I've never had one fight with my bro.
I do remember one particular time when I was in elementary school that he was annoying me so much that I slapped him in the face. I felt really bad for it and wasn't punished for it because of it even if I shouldn't have slapped him, though he probably shouldn't have done whatever it was he did to get me to that point. Course I would never slap him like that again.
My little bro was annoying until we started gaming together. All of the sudden the only fighting we do is when I threaten to, once I get a job, build a better computer, with blackjack, and hookers.
But in all seriousness we used to be mortal enemies up until about a year ago. Now he only annoys me once a day when I go to bed and he wants to chat about Cry's latest video.
You know when you're feeling good all day, and feeling good, and feeling good, and then you start feeling even better? Then you start to get hyper and completely lose focus on everything you're doing? And then you start feeling like [parasitic bomb]? And it just gets worse and worse and worse?
That just happened to me over the last four hours.
I already posted this, but you know what? [tornado fang] it, its upsetting me.
QuoteSo my mom was talking to my aunt, I don't know what about, but I guess my aunt asked my mom if I'm interested in girls, then mom was talking about how I seem to only like Anime girls or something.
Its not that I don't have an interest in girls, its that I don't have any hope of finding that so-called "One", and I don't want to waste my time trying to persue relationships with people.
I find it real [tornado fang]ing prying.
People seem to forget this topic is always here.
For all their problems.
So, my mom plans to sue my dad and divorce him and marry a friend of hers. She served Dad two years ago. Then she spent two years saying how she's going to sue him and whatnot.
Mom, either [parasitic bomb], or get off the pot.
She gets no sympathy from me, as really... I no longer give a damn.
My bit of privacy is cut short every 5 minutes, by my parents.
So, now my mom is posting stupid crap on Failbook, going on and on about how she's such a saint and my dad and her dad are assholes and whatever other stupid crap.
News flash, Mom: Nobody cares.
Whoa, you didn't accept her on FB, did you? My god woman, delete that account instantly! XD
I accepted her before she started this bullshit. Now, I just keep her around as an example to others. I'll be showing my half-brother this latest batch of nonsense soon.
Three of my joints hurt right now.
One of them have been bothering me for a month now, but my shoulder and knee are new ones.
EDIT: I can't even lift. Am I a [Top Spin]?
So. Again. Good mood, good mood, good mood... saw a link offering free headshot drawings... saw it linked to a person who hates my guts... clicked it anyway just to see how she was doing... saw porn of said person... died on the inside. A lot.
Also, the entire whiny discussion about an inconsequential non-holiday going on over in the "Thinking" thread is pissing me off, to be perfectly blunt.
Actually, I guess I should say "certain forum users are pissing me off."
... actually, I guess I should say "the entire forum is pissing me off."
Oh well. [parasitic bomb] happens.
Quote from: Joseph Collins on February 07, 2013, 02:06:24 AM
Actually, I guess I should say "certain forum users are pissing me off."
Might as well just say its me, because that much is obvious.
You're pissing me off. You're pissing me off because it's nothing but bad news and personal woes with you. Is it even remotely possible for you to have a good day at some point in your life?
I'm not going to pretend to understand a single thing about you or the personal Hell your "friends" and family put you through, much less the Hell you put yourself through. I'm glad the people here are trying, truly trying to help you. But for me, personally? It's getting a little old.
Says the man who, in a relatively short amount of time, leads the post count in this thread? 8D
Quote from: Joseph Collins on February 07, 2013, 02:16:49 AM
You're pissing me off. You're pissing me off because it's nothing but bad news and personal woes with you. Is it even remotely possible for you to have a good day at some point in your life?
I'm not going to pretend to understand a single thing about you or the personal Hell your "friends" and family put you through, much less the Hell you put yourself through. I'm glad the people here are trying, truly trying to help you. But for me, personally? It's getting a little old.
Good days are no fun to talk about.
I can't help that I have problems, no matter how self-inflicted they are. I also can't help that this is my first place to talk about it, because I actually feel like I have friends here.
But again, you hate me, whatever. More power to you.
I don't hate anyone.
But I do get jealous.
I'll leave it at that.
Jealous of what?
Does it really matter?
Not really.
I just find it odd.
So, I smashed my knee but good while snow-tubing today. It's swollen and getting really colorful. Hurts to move it, too. I guess you could say that it's upsetting me.
Though, snow-tubing was awesome.
Was it the same knee you're having problems with off-and-on?
... or am I thinking of someone else?
This is the same knee that I've had problems with recently. Instead of water on the knee, I smashed it into ice! Twice! I really, really hate this knee, apparently. :P
Ouch that is nasty. X(
Look on the bright side. If you smash it hard enough, maybe it'll stop giving you problems.
And be broken. Probably.
It reminds me of when my brother broke his leg. X(
Quote from: Joseph Collins on February 07, 2013, 06:35:43 AM
Look on the bright side. If you smash it hard enough, maybe it'll stop giving you problems.
And be broken. Probably.
But, then I'd have one real, big, major problem to deal with. D:
And problems after that problem is somewhat healed.
I'd rather hate my knee in little pieces, rather than just destroy it utterly.
Well, maybe you'll get lucky one day and they'll have to replace your knee with one of those kick-ass stainless steal jobbies that are nigh indestructible!!!
Always think of the positives rather than the negatives, I say. ♪
Looks like I had better keep smashing that kneecap! 8D
That's the spirit! And, here! Let me help you with that...
(Only kidding! XD)
I am definitely over that lesbian I had a crush on.
So, tomorrow, I have the misfortune to miss out on a local casting call because I lack transportation, and no one else I know is going. And my busted knee is having spasms. And this blizzard is the wimpiest blizzard, ever.
Well, Fighting is Magic has been given a cease and desist from Hasbro.
Now that the big guys are destroying fanworks, there's no longer anything for me in the community save for a select few friends.
It's seriously shocking and saddening to see this happen. I mean, I'm a big (non-monetary) supporter of indie games, and this one stood out to me. It was one of my few links to the community. I'm seriously very upset now.
By the way, Quickman, hate to break your dreams, but steel jobbies probably are expensive.
I never understood bronies.
I never understood the people that hate bronies so much they're actually more annoying than the bronies.
I mean, hate something if you feel that way, but when you're even worse than the group you vehemently vilify... yeah, that's going too far.
I don't necessarily hate bronies. Not yet, anyway.
But the way some of them use words like hoof as if it were a second nature, just doesn't appeal to me.
Quote from: Reaperoid on February 09, 2013, 01:47:33 PM
I don't necessarily hate bronies. Not yet, anyway.
But the way some of them use words like hoof as if it were a second nature, just doesn't appeal to me.
I was never really one of those kinds of fans. I just liked the show and the community.
I have a handful of brony friends but they aren't the crazy kind so I'm cool with it.
Quote from: Sakura Leic on February 09, 2013, 04:37:38 PM
I have a handful of brony friends but they aren't the crazy kind so I'm cool with it.
Same here.
Though I think that I mentioned this before.
Quote from: Sakura Leic on February 09, 2013, 04:37:38 PM
I have a handful of brony friends but they aren't the crazy kind so I'm cool with it.
My current crush is a brony, same story.
Quote from: Suppercut on February 09, 2013, 12:32:13 PM
By the way, Quickman, hate to break your dreams, but steel jobbies probably are expensive.
And I doubt my insurance would cover them, so I'll try and make this knee last as long as it can.
Though, I should probably see a doctor soon. It's hurting worse.
Quote from: Suppercut on February 09, 2013, 12:32:13 PM
Well, Fighting is Magic has been given a cease and desist from Hasbro.
Now that the big guys are destroying fanworks, there's no longer anything for me in the community save for a select few friends.
It's seriously shocking and saddening to see this happen. I mean, I'm a big (non-monetary) supporter of indie games, and this one stood out to me. It was one of my few links to the community. I'm seriously very upset now.
I literally gasped and went "Oh nooooo!" when I read this.
That fighting game was looking pretty damn spectacular, ponies or not.
Quote from: Joseph Collins on February 10, 2013, 10:23:00 AM
I literally gasped and went "Oh nooooo!" when I read this.
That fighting game was looking pretty damn spectacular, ponies or not.
Agreed, that's why it came as such a shock to me.
Ugh, can´t find a good rpg game for Ps3... irritates me.
What kind of RPG are you looking for?
Well, preferly a Final Fantasy like one.
Turn based, fantasy story. I played Ni No Kuni, but im at the end boss.
Tried Atelier Rorona The Alchemist of Arland, did not like it... Battle system was okay, but it was way WAY to cute. owo I dislike limiting my playtime. I wanna take my time, not have "You can do this per day" system.
Also tried Hyperdimension Neptunia. But its way too much text and the battle system is way to complicated.
What ever happended too: Pick target, select attack/ spell. Next person. I gotta f around with Circle X ugh...just attack!
Well have you tried the Disgaea games, it's a bit grind happy but it's hilarious. Also of Graces though that isn't turn based. There's also the the Playstation and PS2 games in the store you can download as well if you want some nostalgia. To be honest I just got my PS3 so I don't have too many games, but Okami HD is fun as heck. 8)
Well, my DVD drive is broken since i installed CFW on it.
Disgaea is tactic games, not that fond of them... Tales games are okay, but not my cup of tea. I already played Okami on Wii , so im fine.
No wonder you can't find a good game, if you're this picky.
Find yourself some new taste.
As for what's upsetting me right now, well... I guess. Quint is upsetting me right... now? I dunno.
Quote from: Tron on February 10, 2013, 09:39:39 PM
As for what's upsetting me right now, well... I guess. Quint is upsetting me right... now? I dunno.
That's being a little too obvious. Somehow making this post is upsetting me, cuz I have too little time to think of something witty before my father comes in and interupt my activity, cuz it's pass my bedtime, under his watch.
Why do you have a bedtime if you're 25?
Picky? I just explained what i didn´t like.
Trinity Universe was less complicated , and i can tell it´s same people that did Hyperdimension Neptunia.
Excuse me for liking classic rpg. Now you upset me!
Quote from: Quint on February 10, 2013, 09:55:56 PM
Now you upset me!
I'm sorry.
Please don't be mad.
But you WERE being picky. You basically said "I JUST WANT TO PLAY FINAL FANTASY CLONES! What's that? Actual gameplay? No thanks."
Maybe it's just me not understanding why would someone enjoy turn based RPGs and ONLY that. Especially when there's so much more to explore.
But yeah, don't mind me. I'm just being an [dark hold].
Final Fantasy clones? Need we forget about games like: Chrono Trigger, Dragon Quest and Breath of Fire?
Oh wait...same thing here...Dang! I suppose im just not found of Time Turn Attack games really. Like Xenogears.
... not sure if being facetious. -_-
But on that note, the world needs a new Breath of Fire game. And/or a new Suikoden. Man, that series was brilliant!
Quote from: Kawaii on February 10, 2013, 09:55:26 PM
Why do you have a bedtime if you're 25?
Well, for starters, my parents [sonic slicer] about crap like this all the time, regardless of my age, yet they still treat me like a child. Even if I have no job at the moment, they won't learn to butt out of my affairs. As far as I can see, they ignore my siblings, who are all much older than me, more often than me, and when I try to say something against them, they make a whole stupid, bloody issue about it.
I know they care, but this is beyond what I can handle. And yes, I'm being very honest about my age, here.
Quote from: Maine Coon Hazard on February 11, 2013, 04:38:30 AM
Well, for starters, my parents [sonic slicer] about crap like this all the time, regardless of my age, yet they still treat me like a child. Even if I have no job at the moment, they won't learn to butt out of my affairs. As far as I can see, they ignore my siblings, who are all much older than me, more often than me, and when I try to say something against them, they make a whole stupid, bloody issue about it.
I know they care, but this is beyond what I can handle. And yes, I'm being very honest about my age, here.
wow that's pathetic
Another reason why having one's own apartment is awesome.
Have you considered talking to your parents, perhaps working out a compromise? It could be simply that they don't want you staying up all night long and then sleeping all day long. Particularly if your computer is in a common room, or you have thin walls and they can hear music through the walls. It's a perfectly valid concern.
As for them not butting out of your affairs... Let's see, you live in their house and have no job. Unfortunately, for as long as you live with your parents, your affairs will be their business. Though, if you had a job and they see that you're taking responsibility with your life, they should start cutting you some slack.
Quote from: Quickman on February 11, 2013, 05:37:20 AM
Have you considered talking to your parents, perhaps working out a compromise? It could be simply that they don't want you staying up all night long and then sleeping all day long. Particularly if your computer is in a common room, or you have thin walls and they can hear music through the walls. It's a perfectly valid concern.
I've tried talking, but then they just complicate things to a point where I run out anything better to say. As for where my computer's located, it ain't the music, since I have my headphones on, all the time. However, since my monitor gives off a lot of light, it's impossible not to suspect anything, since my dad is always up at fixed intervals to take a [acid burst]. Maybe I should dim my computer a little, just in case.
Every other point you've made, already answers most of my problems.
What the [tornado fang] is this? Couples Plinko? COUPLES PLINKO? That is some unacceptable bullshit. For one, if she blew a chance to get a Plinko chip, I'd dump her on the goddamn stage. Two, I'll be DAMNED if I let anyone drop those Plinko chips but me. Plinko is not, repeat NOT, romantic. It's. [tornado fang]ing. BUSINESS!!
That was just [tornado fang]ing offensive.
...Okay. I'm really intrigued by the backstory behind this.
I assume it's similar situation as when he gets emotional over baseball games, or so I heard.
I'm going to assume today's The Price is Right was a couples episode and the couple utterly failed at getting those little pucks into the 10,000 spot.
I probably assume wrong.
That's the only thing that would make sense really.
That's exactly what happened. The very idea of two people playing Plinko together is simply outrageous!
I swear this isn't the first time they did something like this.
>hopes to find more people online who share my hatred (degree not necessarily similar) for valentine's day
>log onto RPM at home finally
>slink back into nonexistance and return to the avatar caption game
Quote from: Suppercut on February 14, 2013, 11:02:49 PM
>hopes to find more people online who share my hatred (degree not necessarily similar) for valentine's day
maybe if you weren't a loser and got a girlfriend or whatever you're into you'd have a better time
Quote from: Ruri on February 15, 2013, 12:01:10 AMmaybe if you weren't a loser and got a girlfriend or whatever you're into you'd have a better time
shut up normie
I have no boyfriend.
I'm not one for long distance relationships.
Quote from: Ruri on February 15, 2013, 12:05:43 AMI'm available
The internet called, it needs your number. *bricked*
Hm, uppseting me...well, i just finished Sly Cooper 1. And the end boss was just, annoying! Argh!
I get that you only have 1 Hit and you get Horse Shoe for 2 extra hits, but the fact that, if you die in any part of it, it resets to start.
Same with the Rythem boss, you mess up once, BACK you go. And even with Gold Horse Shoe, it can glitch so you can´t move and avoid, making you take another hit and lose it.
ARGH!!!! But, i got 100% on it, so im happy and moved on too second game. Which is alot smoother, but still a bit frustrating. Classic.
Quote from: Sakura Leic on February 15, 2013, 12:36:05 AM
I don't even know how that works.
You and the person over the phone partake in sexually explicit conversations. Talking about their intimate desires, creating suggestive fantasies for the other person.
I tought people used webcams?
I see I'm not needed now. Leaving.
Quote from: Quint on February 15, 2013, 12:45:51 AM
I tought people used webcams?
That's the common way. Phone sex is another way.
phone sex is very upsetting
Quote from: Phi on February 15, 2013, 12:44:30 AM
You and the person over the phone partake in sexually explicit conversations. Talking about their intimate desires, creating suggestive fantasies for the other person.
You had me at "partake". <3
I got some nice chocolates today.
Makes me slightly happier since Valentines day is just [parasitic bomb].
I got chocolates today too.
From my Grandmother who just arrived from Germany this afternoon. :/
Quote from: Equally Ridiculous on February 15, 2013, 04:22:07 AM
I got chocolates today too.
From my Grandmother who just arrived from Germany this afternoon. :/
At least that means they're really good. Unless they're non-German. German chocolate is beast, I hear...
On the topic of being upset, I had a special friend up until about 10 minutes ago. Now, they're just an RP partner. And nothing more. ... all because I couldn't just pay more attention to them...
Silly, naive me. I never thought the friendship would end. I was always the one person who saw only the good in her, never any of the bad. But I guess my inattentiveness due to lack of focus and multi-tasking skills put the kaibosh on that.
Guess there's nothing left to do but sleep.
Eh, that's pretty much what I did today. No real point in being awake for Valentine's Day. Thankfully, it's over. That means clearance chocolate! :D
Quote from: Fuzzy Mittens on February 15, 2013, 07:56:51 AM
At least that means they're really good. Unless they're non-German. German chocolate is beast, I hear...
On the topic of being upset, I had a special friend up until about 10 minutes ago. Now, they're just an RP partner. And nothing more. ... all because I couldn't just pay more attention to them...
Silly, naive me. I never thought the friendship would end. I was always the one person who saw only the good in her, never any of the bad. But I guess my inattentiveness due to lack of focus and multi-tasking skills put the kaibosh on that.
Guess there's nothing left to do but sleep.
It was and it is. German Chocolate is never not good. And what with my niece, brother's girlfriend, and grandmother all arriving from Germany, I've been showered with it lately.
I've pissed off a friend or two before that I've RPed with. Give it time. I've recently become good friends with her once more.
Technically, Belgian Chocolate is the best on the planet, not German. Not saying German chocolate isn't really good, but nothing tops Belgian.
Quote from: Fuzzy Mittens on February 15, 2013, 07:56:51 AM
At least that means they're really good. Unless they're non-German. German chocolate is beast, I hear...
On the topic of being upset, I had a special friend up until about 10 minutes ago. Now, they're just an RP partner. And nothing more. ... all because I couldn't just pay more attention to them...
Silly, naive me. I never thought the friendship would end. I was always the one person who saw only the good in her, never any of the bad. But I guess my inattentiveness due to lack of focus and multi-tasking skills put the kaibosh on that.
Guess there's nothing left to do but sleep.
jesus [tornado fang] stop getting so attached to people over the internet
its just drama and more drama with you isnt it
Quote from: Ruri on February 15, 2013, 09:19:48 AM
jesus [tornado fang] stop getting so attached to people over the internet
its just drama and more drama with you isnt it
well this IS the "What's Upsetting You Right Now?" thread
i can understand if he posted that in another thread
but obviously it fits here
Quote from: Mirby on February 15, 2013, 09:34:35 AM
well this IS the "What's Upsetting You Right Now?" thread
i can understand if he posted that in another thread
but obviously it fits here
...i wasnt saying he was posting it the wrong thread
i was saying he was an idiot
It's pretty rare that I say this so bluntly, but Ruri? [tornado fang] you. [tornado fang] you in the ass with a splintered bludgeon. I had some degree of respect for you, but your behavior as of late has been absolute bullshit. This is just the topper, here.
Now I realize, we can't all be "perfect" like you... But oh, wait! You're here, on the Internet with the rest of us, aren't you? But instead of trying to be friendly and forming bonds with people, you lash out at people because "it's funny" to [acid burst] people off "text boxes" while typing like a retarded monkey. Well, if that's what passes for "perfection" on the Internet these days, I'd rather keep being a "drama whore" who writes his thoughts out in paragraphs, makes deep, emotional connections with "text boxes," and uses book-style formatting "even for forum posts".
So I say again: [tornado fang] you, Ruri. [tornado fang] you and get lost. Nobody likes you. Online or off.
Back to the topic of my ex-friend:
Some people make friends over the Internet because they want to. Others do because they have to. Not everyone can be Mr. or Ms. Popularity in real life, and so they form bonds with people on the Internet.
I am one of these kinds of people.
I like people. I really do. I love people, in fact. And I get attached very easily to just about anyone who gives me a metaphorical "pat on the head". Apparently, this is unacceptable in real life. Nobody likes friendly people. On the Internet, however? A lot of people appreciate being acted friendly toward. Sometimes, however, things take a turn for the worse and the friendship doesn't last. This particular friendship fell apart over something absolutely [tornado fang]ing stupid. The other person was depressed and apparently finally decided I wasn't worth [tornado fang]ing with anymore since I couldn't give them my undivided attention 24/7/365.
When they weren't being needy, they were the tops. I loved them dearly. But more and more were they whining at me to talk -- more and more were they whining at me to roleplay -- more and more were they trying to get my attention. I tried to sit down with them and talk about things like mature adults would, and while they listened and understood, it was pretty damn clear to me that they simply did not care. "They were right and I was wrong" was the mentality they had. They absolutely would not, could not, simply trust that I was telling them the whole truth -- that I get distracted very easily and that I wasn't ignoring them on purpose, not to mention that I wasn't ignoring just them. I even made a point in telling them that I was doing the same thing to everyone -- including a person they know I absolutely and positively adore.
Now, to be perfectly fair, they'd been so severely [tornado fang]'d in both real life and Internet friendships by just about everyone and everything that I can understand why they'd have such a hard time believing anyone when they say "sorry," much less "I'm not doing such-and-such on purpose". They also made a point to tell me that they felt used "half the time", since apparently all I ever did was roleplay with them or flirt with them. This is only partly true. I also talked with them about their day and how they felt. I guess it's easy to forget that when you're having a completely [tornado fang]'d-up day due to your potential significant other pretty much telling you "your words are meaningless to me". (And though that sounded sarcastic, I actually do mean it.)
So, yeah. I draw in damaged people, and I do what I can to try and help them and make them feel less damaged, but sometimes these people are damaged a little beyond what I can do.
I typically don't really get involved with these kinds of matters but Joseph is right Ruri. I mean seriously man. I can appreciate some good trolling, but just outright being an [dark hold] isn't cool. To be honest I was pretty impressed by how you managed to keep up your behavior for so long, and I pretty much laughed at everything you said, but it's getting old. So, in the kindest words I can manage concerning how I feel about you Ruri, GTFO, seriously.
@ex-friend matters:
Look Joseph, if people don't want to be involved with you any more, more power to them. They're missing out. Just keep that mentality and you're golden. I know you wanna help them, but like you said sometimes they're a little beyond what you can do.
Anyways, what's upsetting me right now is how completely [tornado fang]ing incompetant my older brother is with computers, and he will NOT stop bothering me about every little thing from his speakers to his internet to Age of Empires 3's [tornado fang]ing CD key. I'm getting really sick of it but I still feel horrible every time I turn someone down.
These two guys saying mean, uncalled for things is what's upsetting me right now.
Quote from: Ruri on February 15, 2013, 09:20:25 PM
These two guys saying mean, uncalled for things is what's upsetting me right now.
you kinda brought it on yourself
Quote from: Mirby on February 15, 2013, 09:37:47 PM
you kinda brought it on yourself
Hey, look! You're typing just like I was before, guess Joseph Collins thinks you type like a retarded monkey too.
Quote from: Ruri on February 15, 2013, 09:41:46 PM
Hey, look! You're typing just like I was before, guess Joseph Collins thinks you type like a retarded monkey too.
keep it up
seriously, keep it up. you changing your profile picture to that might just become a self-fulfilling prophecy at this rate
I was serious that time, you know? I think its a little dickish of him to insult me for that when I'm not the only one who does it.
Quote from: Ruri on February 15, 2013, 09:47:35 PMI was serious that time, you know? I think its a little dickish of him to insult me for that when I'm not the only one who does it.
You called him an idiot for daring to care about people on the Internet, when relationships formed there are no less valid than ones formed in real life. Did you honestly expect him to let that slide just because you're not the only [dark hold] on RPM?
Also, haven't you been warned about your behaviour already?
Quote from: The Great Gonzo on February 15, 2013, 09:54:46 PM
Also, haven't you been warned about your behaviour already?
I distinctly remember this happening.
And at this point, there's quite a few people who can point at you (Ruri) in response to the question this thread asks.
Quote from: Ruri on February 15, 2013, 09:47:35 PM
I was serious that time, you know? I think its a little dickish of him to insult me for that when I'm not the only one who does it.
Turnabout is fair play, mate. I seem to recall you saying it was "pointless" and "irritating" that I load my posts with BBCode. Granted, you're not the only person I've heard that from, here or otherwise, but eh. "if ppl can type like this & its okay" then I can type
like this and it damn well
better be okay.
Dat double-standard.
The fact that you admit that more than one person told you that speaks for itself really.
The fact that you care enough to mention it repeatedly speaks for itself really.
Quote from: Mirby on February 15, 2013, 10:25:51 PM
The fact that you care enough to mention it repeatedly speaks for itself really.
Its annoying as [tornado fang] and irritates the hell out of me, I've already said this before. That little comment there was unnecessary.
Quote from: Ruri on February 15, 2013, 10:26:12 PM
Its annoying as [tornado fang] and irritates the hell out of me
Suck it up. We've put up with certain "irritations" more than you have.
...I know you guys might think I'm crazy but I agree with Ruri more than anything you guys are saying.
You know what's upsetting me?
The fact I can't call most of you nasty names right now without getting banned.
Stop your shitty and pointless arguments.
If you don't like what Ruri is doing, just... just suck it up and not say anything.
If he can't shut up about things that annoy him, just... like, you know, ignore it. Just try to not mention it and it will all go away.
And even if it won't, WHO GIVES A CRAP.
I myself, admit, often agree with what he's saying.
But on the other hand, you people who keep making huge ass deal out of all his "oh so nasty" posts lead to eventual previously mentioned shitty arguments.
As I always say, I can't tell anybody what to do, but... just stop. Please. You're not helping the situation.
I'm.... actually not all that upset.
I got chocolates yesterday so that made up for Valentines Sadness.
I have to work later, but that's not really a big deal. Its hardly work when the kids you watch are asleep and the only reason you're going there is for legal reasons (That being, kids under 12 cannot be home alone without a parent or guardian. Though I think the rule nullifies when one of the kids is 12.).
Of course, I have to do the same thing again tomorrow, but whatever, free money. I just don't want to do it on my birthday again.
Quote from: Fuzzy Mittens on February 15, 2013, 08:26:02 PM
So I say again: [tornado fang] you, Ruri. [tornado fang] you and get lost. Nobody likes you. Online or off.
I like ruri, don't make generalizations like that.
Anyway, I'm just going to say this, and you're absolutely
free to take this whatever way you see fit.
You're not exactly the most friendly person here either.
still mad at me for a single post I had in the Magical Dash RP, when I said I just don't want to post unless I actually consider my post able to advance the story or provide insight to a character. I hate filler posts. Granted, the way I said it wasn't exactly the most friendly. But I never intended to say it out of anger. Just mild irritation, nothing more.
But you escalated it, I made a comment about your "unique" way of formatting posts, and you got pissy at me. You're still pissy at me, for something that happened
almost a whole month ago.
So Ruri isn't wrong when he says "get over it", because honestly, its silly. I'm not even mad or anything, yet you treated that post and the "Dream Sequence" post almost like I was telling you to "[tornado fang] off because I think you annoy me", which I wasn't trying to do.
But again, I don't care which way you take this. I'm fine with people hating me, I've given up on trying to get people to like me anyway.
3 MONTHS AND 4 DAYS LATER: You know what? I'm just going to flat out say it, he is, was, and always will be, an enormous [tornado fang]ing hypocrite.
[tornado fang] you, He who must not be named, I hope you never come back, but if you do, my god will I retaliate in full.
Honestly that incident is one of the reasons I haven't made an update to the Dash RP.
Quote from: Sakura Leic on February 15, 2013, 11:01:54 PM
Honestly that incident is one of the reasons I haven't made an update to the Dash RP.
I honestly don't really want to continue it anymore, honestly.
I can't think of any more material for "Stalker-RMZX" without turning him borderline rapist anyway.
Plus I don't know where to go with it either, I have nothing for when we go to the Sex Shack. I will update the Pokemon RP after I update Wilypocalyse, I need to concentrate more on that one.
Quote from: Sakura Leic on February 15, 2013, 11:05:23 PM
Plus I don't know where to go with it either, I have nothing for when we go to the Sex Shack. I will update the Pokemon RP after I update Wilypocalyse, I need to concentrate more on that one.
Yeah, get on that! B(
But I am obeying you. 8D
Oh right.
....carry on then! -_-
To be honest, I think some people are taking things too far on either side of the argument right now... all I'm going to say on that subject.
Looking forward to the updates on the Wilypocalypse front, I have a few ideas I'm holding on to for now and letting them develop in the meantime.
As for what's upsetting me right now... well, work. Not just on a regular level like it does occasionally, oh no... this time's particularly bad and pushing my bullshit tolerance to the limit.
Yeah I seriously can't wait for after the battle, I have some very interesting ideas in store. I don't know if I should do that idea first or continue the flashbacks first.
I have some great ideas as well.
As well as some more silly GoRPM's in store.
Quote from: Tron on February 15, 2013, 10:43:51 PM
If you don't like what Ruri is doing, just... just suck it up and not say anything.
If he can't shut up about things that annoy him, just... like, you know, ignore it. Just try to not mention it and it will all go away.
And even if it won't, WHO GIVES A CRAP.
That's a good idea, Tron. Let's just ignore him and let him waste everyone's time with his meaningless, hateful posts.
Or wait, no. Actually, that's a the opposite of how I feel.
I can only put up with so much. His behavior is un-[tornado fang]ing-acceptable and he can't see fit to put a [tornado fang]ing
lid on it. So as usual, I'm going to be the first one to speak up. I'm the one to take the heat. I'm the one to actually show some [tornado fang]ing courage and take the initiative.
People are welcome to defend him -- like you, Sakura, and RMZX -- just as easily as the folks who are tired of his bullshit.
Or, you know, you could take your own advice and sit on it. Whichever.
Off-topic: I can't say I'm surprised you four have a kinship of sorts. I should be. But I'm not. You guys deserve each other.
I have nothing more to say on this matter really, I just wanted to be honest with what I thought about the situation.
I'm done talking too, honestly.
I just wanted to get my feelings out there and be done with it.
Which is exactly what I'm doing.
I'm done talking as wel....PFFFT BWAHAHAHAHA!
Oh, I'm never done talking! 8D
You can't not like PB. He's such a likeable guy.
Still Joseph, I'm with you on this. I believe the saying goes "Neutrality helps only th agressor, not the victim" or something along those lines. Ignoring trolls won't make them stop.
Quote from: Fuzzy Mittens on February 15, 2013, 11:58:15 PM
That's a good idea, Tron. Let's just ignore him and let him waste everyone's time with his meaningless, hateful posts.
Or wait, no. Actually, that's a the opposite of how I feel.
For [tornado fang]'s sake. How is he wasting anyone's time? Most of his "hate posts" are a [tornado fang]ing quick read, lightning fast even.
I'm starting to think YOU are the real problem here. I mean, I know he's the one who always picks on you and some others (I'm guilty too, I'm not even saying) but by constantly responding to him and showering him and his posts with attention you're just generating [tornado fang]ing drama and shitting up the forum with [tornado fang]ing stupid ass arguments.
If you really have a problem, don't [parasitic bomb] up the forum, because you were insulted. You want to REALLY take initiative? Then either take it to Vixy (or other forum staff member) and tell them what's up, or just [tornado fang]ing shut up.
And just so we are clear, I'm not defending anybody here. You, him. No. My one and only point is: STOP. MAKING. DRAMA.
I'm upset that the food places in my college close way too [tornado fang]ing early on fridays. I feel sorry for the people who live on campus and can't go home on the weekend or drive.
Quote from: Tron on February 16, 2013, 12:42:21 AM
If you really have a problem, don't [parasitic bomb] up the forum, because you were insulted. You want to REALLY take initiative? Then either take it to Vixy (or other forum staff members except for Protoman Blues, who in the long run most likely won't do [parasitic bomb] about it because he's busy writing GoRPM's and healing from Crohn's and planning more parody songs and viewing more Wii U drawing screens that make him sad that he can't draw for [parasitic bomb] and more writing and re-watching Tenchi Universe and cooking, plus various other things that PB likes to do both on and off the forum) and tell them what's up, or just [tornado fang]ing shut up.
There we go. Much better! 8D
Quote from: Sakura Leic on February 16, 2013, 12:58:12 AM
I'm upset that the food places in my college close way too [tornado fang]ing early on fridays. I feel sorry for the people who live on campus and can't go home on the weekend or drive.
Isn't that what Food Trucks are for?
There are no food trucks, maybe in LA but certainly not here. I've never seen one in my life save for the LA county fair and that one time my cousin had a party for her kid and had a taco truck over.
Mmmmmm Tacos. Now I'm upset that I'm not eating Tacos right now.
Well, now I know what I'm having for the dinner tonight!! [eyebrow]
Quote from: Tron on February 16, 2013, 12:42:21 AM
For [tornado fang]'s sake. How is he wasting anyone's time? Most of his "hate posts" are a [tornado fang]ing quick read, lightning fast even.
I'm starting to think YOU are the real problem here. I mean, I know he's the one who always picks on you and some others (I'm guilty too, I'm not even saying) but by constantly responding to him and showering him and his posts with attention you're just generating [tornado fang]ing drama and shitting up the forum with [tornado fang]ing stupid ass arguments.
If you really have a problem, don't [parasitic bomb] up the forum, because you were insulted. You want to REALLY take initiative? Then either take it to Vixy (or other forum staff member) and tell them what's up, or just [tornado fang]ing shut up.
Nope. I don't play those cowardly "going over their head" games. That [parasitic bomb] is more appropriate for places like art sites, in my opinion, where the administration staff generally are "one of the guys". If I have a problem with someone in particular, I let them know. And if they're doing it in a public forum? (No pun intended.) I let everyone else know exactly how I feel, too. You're welcome to once again take your own advice, however.
And yes, I do have a problem. With him. As I said earlier, I can only handle so much bullshit before I get tired of it.
Quote from: Protoman Blues on February 16, 2013, 01:06:41 AM
Mmmmmm Tacos. Now I'm upset that I'm not eating Tacos right now.
Well, now I know what I'm having for the dinner tonight!! [eyebrow]
I'm having Spaghetti but yeah I wish we had food trucks.
I wanna sprite something, but i am torn between something new or something old... ;O;
Quote from: Sakura Leic on February 16, 2013, 01:08:37 AM
I'm having Spaghetti but yeah I wish we had food trucks.
I'd actually love to start a food truck based entirely on my family recipe Spaghetti & Meatball sauce. I think it'd do really well. I just need a few things, really. You know, like the money to start it up, a staff, a truck. Baaaasically everything!
Quote from: Quint on February 16, 2013, 01:10:49 AM
I wanna sprite something, but i am torn between something new or something old... ;O;
Do both?
Jesus, I don't think anyone made this big of a deal when Hitomi was here. She insulted people almost every day.
Quote from: Protoman Blues on February 16, 2013, 01:11:08 AM
I'd actually love to start a food truck based entirely on my family recipe Spaghetti & Meatball sauce. I think it'd do really well. I just need a few things, really. You know, like the money to start it up, a staff, a truck. Baaaasically everything!
Yeah and I seriously want to make a Cafe, I love to learn how make cute little desserts and drinks.
Quote from: Phi on February 16, 2013, 01:12:53 AM
Jesus, I don't think anyone made this big of a deal when Hitomi was here. She insulted people almost every day.
Hench why I don't care about this now.
Quote from: Quint on February 16, 2013, 01:16:34 AM
Can´t pick both. Can only pick one.
Flip a coin?
Quote from: Phi on February 16, 2013, 01:12:53 AM
Jesus, I don't think anyone made this big of a deal when Hitomi was here. She insulted people almost every day.
I'd love to see how Joseph would react to Hitomi. Her insults had actual bite to them unlike mine.
Well what's your definition of old and new stuff?
Quote from: Sakura Leic on February 16, 2013, 01:13:42 AM
Yeah and I seriously want to make a Cafe, I love to learn how make cute little desserts and drinks.
What desserts? Cupcakes?
Quote from: Protoman Blues on February 16, 2013, 01:18:43 AM
What desserts? Cupcakes?
Random ones like Macarons, Roll Cakes, Coffee Cake, Muffins, and a whole bunch of other things. Plus coffee and smoothies.
Quote from: Ryo-Ohki on February 16, 2013, 01:16:59 AM
Flip a coin?
I'd love to see how Joseph would react to Hitomi. Her insults had actual bite to them unlike mine.
I don´t have a coin. I only use credit cards , i hate lose change.
Quote from: Ryo-Ohki on February 16, 2013, 01:16:59 AM
I'd love to see how Joseph would react to Hitomi. Her insults had actual bite to them unlike mine.
I honestly want to see that too.
Quote from: Sakura Leic on February 16, 2013, 01:20:43 AM
Random ones like Macarons, Roll Cakes, Coffee Cake, Muffins, and a whole bunch of other things. Plus coffee and smoothies.
Mmmmmmm Muffins.
I mean I hate Starbucks coffee, but I like the little desserts they have.
Quote from: Quint on February 16, 2013, 01:22:23 AM
I don´t have a coin. I only use credit cards , i hate lose change.
Use your head a little, I'm sure you can think up an alternative.
Quote from: Quint on February 16, 2013, 01:22:23 AM
I don´t have a coin. I only use credit cards , i hate lose change.
Dice maybe?
Quote from: Sakura Leic on February 16, 2013, 01:26:35 AM
I mean I hate Starbucks coffee, but I like the little desserts they have.
To this day I have yet to taste a worse hot chocolate than Starbucks.
Quote from: Ryo-Ohki on February 16, 2013, 01:16:59 AM
I'd love to see how Joseph would react to Hitomi. Her insults had actual bite to them unlike mine.
Quote from: Sakura Leic on February 16, 2013, 01:23:10 AM
I honestly want to see that too.
[tornado fang] this [parasitic bomb]. -_-
Quote from: Protoman Blues on February 16, 2013, 01:33:31 AM
To this day I have yet to taste a worse hot chocolate than Starbucks.
Oh god yes those are terrible.
And now im upset over if i should buy a keyboard or not.
It´s completly pointless, it´s got way too many buttons, and useless do dats.
But it looks so cool! Course price point of 3k SEK is kinda expensive...
Quote from: Sakura Leic on February 16, 2013, 01:34:21 AM
Oh god yes those are terrible.
Not only does it taste bad, but it leaves an hour long horrible after taste.
Quote from: Protoman Blues on February 16, 2013, 01:36:40 AM
Not only does it taste bad, but it leaves an hour long horrible after taste.
Yeah I forgot I had one years ago until you reminded me of that horrible experience.
On-topic: WHY (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSGunMGXuBo)
Quote from: Phi on February 16, 2013, 01:39:50 AM
On-topic: WHY (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSGunMGXuBo)
i can't believe i'm saying this but oh god my childhood what have you done.
well actually it's not too bad except having absolutely nothing to do with the original.
I'm upset about how [tornado fang]ing bored I am.
I ate almost all of the food my parents supplied for me while they are on vacation. All I have left is a Pizza and some Wheat Thins, I ate all the chicken far too quickly.
I might have to do some emergency restocking with the money they gave me.
I'm also upset that its almost 5PM here and the boards are completely dead.
THIS (http://sharkrobot.com/t-shirts-c-17/donkey-kong-tie-pre-order-till-3-1)
For [tornado fang] sake, WHY ISN'T THIS AN ACTUAL TIE?? I'd instantly buy a tie like this! [tornado fang]!!!
I'm a bit upset that Joseph Collins was chased off.
I liked that guy.
Quote from: Protoman Blues on February 17, 2013, 12:20:43 AM
THIS (http://sharkrobot.com/t-shirts-c-17/donkey-kong-tie-pre-order-till-3-1)
For [tornado fang] sake, WHY ISN'T THIS AN ACTUAL TIE?? I'd instantly buy a tie like this! [tornado fang]!!!
Yikes! *Hides under a bucket*
Quote from: Protoman Blues on February 17, 2013, 12:20:43 AM
THIS (http://sharkrobot.com/t-shirts-c-17/donkey-kong-tie-pre-order-till-3-1)
For [tornado fang] sake, WHY ISN'T THIS AN ACTUAL TIE?? I'd instantly buy a tie like this! [tornado fang]!!!
This is like the second time you made that "threat" this week.
Quote from: Mirby on February 17, 2013, 12:26:40 AM
I'm a bit upset that Joseph Collins was chased off.
I liked that guy.
If he takes such offense to stupid insults, he's better off gone.
Perhaps there shouldn't be a need to personally attack him repeatedly? He was just trying to relax and his posts in here were him venting (which is the purpose of this thread) and he got attacked for it.
He got attacked for using the thread for its intended purpose. He got attacked for being himself online and just having a good time.
And he's better off gone because some assholes were being assholes?
Yeah, that makes perfect sense. Total sense. Let's get rid of all the nice people and leave only absolute douchebags. Because they're the ones who deserve to stay, because they're the ones who have a right to be here.
Glad we got that cleared up. >_>
You know why I don't frequent the forums more often and doing other activity? That might be one reason. ^^;
Quote from: Mirby on February 17, 2013, 01:47:12 AM
Perhaps there shouldn't be a need to personally attack him repeatedly? He was just trying to relax and his posts in here were him venting (which is the purpose of this thread) and he got attacked for it.
He got attacked for using the thread for its intended purpose. He got attacked for being himself online and just having a good time.
And he's better off gone because some assholes were being assholes?
Yeah, that makes perfect sense. Total sense. Let's get rid of all the nice people and leave only absolute douchebags. Because they're the ones who deserve to stay, because they're the ones who have a right to be here.
Glad we got that cleared up. >_>
Stop being stupid.
It's not what I meant.
If he can't [tornado fang]ing deal with some "[dark hold] attacking him" then he clearly doesn't belong not only here, but on the net in general.
If he really wanted to stay, he would have.
But noooo... one or two people are OH SO HORRIBLY MEAN TO HIM that he left.
That's [tornado fang]ing retarded. Don't defend such stupid behavior.
I already said what should be done, take it to a member of the forum staff. OR... just ignore the person. It's not like it's so hard to do.
People used to pick on me all the time on the internet (not only that, in real life too. A LOT). But you know what? Unlike in real life, you CAN ingore that [parasitic bomb] very easily. By replying, you give them fuel to further mock you. By ignoring, they'll either get bored or not. But if they don't, you just continue to NOT GIVE A [parasitic bomb].
I do like Joseph, he is a very very nice guy. However he was way to volatile and took things too personally, he always had to have what he wanted, he would accept no less than that. I'm sorry that it had to happen this way, but for his sake he has to learn to let things go.
Quote from: Sakura Leic on February 17, 2013, 12:43:29 AM
This is like the second time you made that "threat" this week.
I'll probably make it more as well! 8D
Quote from: Sakura Leic on February 17, 2013, 02:15:33 AM
I do like Joseph, he is a very very nice guy. However he was way to volatile and took things too personally, he always had to have what he wanted, he would accept no less than that. I'm sorry that it had to happen this way, but for his sake he has to learn to let things go.
Sure, he had some little quirks about him, but he was harmless, really.
I didn't mind his presence, even if he did start getting pissy at me for a minor comment in an RP, but if he feels he needs to leave, then so be it. These things don't always end the way everybody wants them too.Pffthaha, No. [tornado fang] that [dark hold].
QuoteBy replying, you give them fuel to further mock you. By ignoring, they'll either get bored or not. But if they don't, you just continue to NOT GIVE A [parasitic bomb].
Not everyone can ignore things that anger them that easily. It just eats at them inside until they find a way to respond to it.
And whether or not both sides of that argument really were overreacting, you were being way too goddamn callous in pointing that out.
I didn't mind him either, but he kept on falling in an endless cycle and it wasn't good for him. He just needs a break.
Quote from: The Great Gonzo on February 17, 2013, 02:27:30 AM
Not everyone can ignore things that anger them that easily. It just eats at them inside until they find a way to respond to it.
And whether or not both sides of that argument really were overreacting, you were being way too goddamn callous in pointing that out.
I doubt Ruri would continue "attacking" him after this whole thing. He let out what he had to say, and that's that. Why leave if your problem is (potentially) solved?
Im wide awake, but i really should be sleeping.
Up Late Aren't We, Quint?
Quote from: The Great Gonzo on February 17, 2013, 02:27:30 AM
Not everyone can ignore things that anger them that easily. It just eats at them inside until they find a way to respond to it.
And whether or not both sides of that argument really were overreacting, you were being way too goddamn callous in pointing that out.
Yes. You are right.
Another nice trick to ignore such [parasitic bomb], which I used as well when people picked on me on the net, was to just read a bit of a post, if it's directed at me and it started out in a mean fashion...I just stopped reading. It [tornado fang]ing helped a lot.
What Joseph, and many others like him need to understand, is that unlike in real life, here you can find various easy methods of ignoring a "hater".
If he felt the need to leave, okay. Fine. But on the other hand, there was obviously more people here who DIDN'T MIND HIM or even LIKED HIM than Ruri and me (even then, I didn't mind him that much either).
But he decided to leave. And that's fine.
But in my opinion, what he should have done is to just focus on regular conversations and if any "attacking" would happen, he should have tuned it out.
Or he could complain to the staff. Seriously.
So in conclusion...
1. Try to find a way to ignore a "hater" who is "attacking" you.
2. They aren't bullies on the school playground who can beat you up, they are just posting meaningless words over a large distance. Just try to tune them out, or [tornado fang], ignore their posts altogether.
The only thing bugging me right now is my boss calling me an [dark hold]. XD
Also people arguing about arguing.
Seriously, this is ridiculous.
Let's talk about how annoying it is when you try not to hurt yourself at work and all of a sudden you hit your funny bone on a metal corner.
That's just an awful time. =P
Quote from: Cherrykorock on February 17, 2013, 02:52:49 AM
The only thing bugging me right now is my boss calling me an [dark hold]. XD
Also people arguing about arguing.
Seriously, this is ridiculous.
Let's talk about how annoying it is when you try not to hurt yourself at work and all of a sudden you hit your funny bone on a metal corner.
That's just an awful time. =P
Oh god I hate when that happens, or when you stub you toe on the bed frame or coffee table in the dark.
Quote from: Sakura Leic on February 17, 2013, 02:55:05 AM
Oh god I hate when that happens, or when you stub you toe on the bed frame or coffee table in the dark.
Every god damned night!!! =[
Or like you get a really small paper cut on your finger and it's all you think about all day even though you have like 5 bruises already!
Paper cuts are horrible, how does paper cut you? :|
I've smacked my funny bone a few times. Not fun.
Also there was this one night a few years ago where I slipped and landed on a hard surface, and for a few minutes I thought I'd broken a rib.
There were times when you get out of the shower immediately and then I slip on the floor. Granted I don't do that any more but my god that hurts.
Quote from: The Great Gonzo on February 17, 2013, 03:01:49 AM
I've smacked my funny bone a few times. Not fun.
Also there was this one night a few years ago where I slipped and landed on a hard surface, and for a few minutes I thought I'd broken a rib.
That's happened to me when I thought I was good enough to do roller blade tricks off of a ramp even though I'm not good at all! XD
Quote from: Sakura Leic on February 17, 2013, 03:01:41 AM
Paper cuts are horrible, how does paper cut you? :|
Well you see it pulls out a tiny blade, cuts you, laughs, pours salty lemonade in your cut and then pretends nothing ever happened.
Not the salty Lemonade! :'(
Quote from: Sakura Leic on February 17, 2013, 03:42:32 AM
Not the salty Lemonade! :'(
Yes! The real question is, why it cuts us. I think paper is getting revenge for being cut down. That or I'm so tired this nonsense makes sense to me.
Luckily I've been able avoid it for quite some time.
I'm never so lucky, I somehow manage to cut my skin on paper/cardboard even though I'm wearing vinyl gloves.
Ugh cardboard cuts are worse.
I get those the most because I'll be carrying or lifting a 50 lb. box of apples, lose my grip and then a corner gets my arm. XD
I feel all that. Doesn't help that I run into corners in the kitchen (at work) when i'm sober, but when drunk. I avoid it like a pro.
It's. Weird. XD
I leave for two nights and start plotting up a Wushu campaign for you guys to play, and everyone ragequits over a [tornado fang]ing RPG and other e-drama.
Sorry Quickie. :|
Like I said, taking things too far. Oh well.
Don't feel like going in to work again, big surprise. Tired of our studio being treated like dirt by the new management.
Well, perhaps if we have a set of rules and no one is taking control of other people's characters, we wouldn't be in this mess. Wushu was to solve that problem, and I'll be working on a shortened version of the rules soon. Hell, we'll have character sheets, a dice roller, everything. And the best part? You control your character. Only your character (and whatever mooks you beat up, random NPCs who have anything to do with your narrative at that time, etc.), no one else's. This should reduce the butthurt, as that seems to be the biggest issue.
But since the people who wanted to play decided to leave because they can't seem to figure out how to freakin' just ignore Ruri, then I'm wondering if there's even a point to this whole thing. You're all getting bent out of shape over one person. One. Person. One. Person's. Attitude. That. You. Can. Easily. Ignore. By. SKIPPING. OVER. HIS. POSTS.
Yeah I really didn't understand that either.
Quote from: Quickie on February 17, 2013, 07:12:28 PM
Well, perhaps if we have a set of rules and no one is taking control of other people's characters, we wouldn't be in this mess. Wushu was to solve that problem, and I'll be working on a shortened version of the rules soon. Hell, we'll have character sheets, a dice roller, everything. And the best part? You control your character. Only your character (and whatever mooks you beat up, random NPCs who have anything to do with your narrative at that time, etc.), no one else's. This should reduce the butthurt, as that seems to be the biggest issue.
But since the people who wanted to play decided to leave because they can't seem to figure out how to freakin' just ignore Ruri, then I'm wondering if there's even a point to this whole thing. You're all getting bent out of shape over one person. One. Person. One. Person's. Attitude. That. You. Can. Easily. Ignore. By. SKIPPING. OVER. HIS. POSTS.
Sad, isn't it? Or funny, depending on how you look at it! 8D
For the record, I'll still play with you! [eyebrow]
Well, how I planned to set this up would be to introduce a cheat sheet of the rules and hold a signup period. People sign up, create character sheets, signups end, and the game begins. Once the topic is labelled "game in progress," no more players can join in. They would need to wait until the next game.
Quote from: Quickie on February 17, 2013, 07:28:09 PM
Well, how I planned to set this up would be to introduce a cheat sheet of the rules and hold a signup period. People sign up, create character sheets, signups end, and the game begins. Once the topic is labelled "game in progress," no more players can join in. They would need to wait until the next game.
Sounds like fun to PB! Let's do eet! 8)
Well, still a couple things I need to hammer out, first... like a plot. And my brother is working on a dice roller and character sheet generator.
Quote from: Quickie on February 17, 2013, 08:16:16 PM
Well, still a couple things I need to hammer out, first... like a plot. And my brother is working on a dice roller and character sheet generator.
Perhaps I could help with the plot? I like plots! Maybe we can stroke our plot pleasure centers together tonight over Skype? 8D
In other news, my head is clogged up, my eyes are heavy, and my voice is raspy. Methinks all those displays of hubris have finally come back to bite me in the ass.
I think I may have finally gotten it. That four-letter word. That horrible four-letter word that I vowed would never trouble me again. That I had the gall to say "Oh, look at me! I'm unaffected!" That my flu shot and pneumonia shot would surely thwart.
I think I'm sick.
To be honest, Wushu sounds pretty awesome. I'd gladly join that.
I might be interested in that, what sort of dice do you need?
Just regular d6, and there can be a cap on the number of dice you need (for example, five dice in your pool). I'm beta-testing a character sheet and roller, and so far... For this first free-play learn-as-you-go, we may end up using pen and paper and how many dice you can snatch from your board games. :P
I haven't played this regularly enough to know it by heart, so I'd be learning to DM it as I go.
Well it's a good thing I have a cabinet full of board games.
So far, the program doesn't have an option to save the characters, but really, all the program does is do all the dice rolling and comparisons. You would need to copy/paste the actions from the program into the post yourself, and copy/paste the character data into a document. All the program's job is to do all the tedious rolling and calculating for you.
I'm going to run it by Vixy, as the executable will need a place to go so everyone can have access. For the time being, my brother can put it on his server, but that may not always be there.
Sounds like that time my ex boyfriend tried to get me into a Warhammer 40K table top RPG....that did not end well.
The program is self-explanatory and will make sense once I condense the rules to bullet points. This is a very easy system to learn. It's playing Pretend with basic rules and some dice arbitrarily thrown in. It wouldn't take much to nix the dice entirely and replace it with a coin. But, for forum roleplaying, Wushu works very well. It's all about the storytelling. No leveling, no item gathering (unless you say your character loots a mook's unconscious form), no getting stuck on doors because your thief can't pick a damn lock due to bad roles (if you say "I kick this door in, snapping the knob and busting the wood clear off its hinges," that is exactly what happens). You start the game as a badass and stay there.
If everyone has to use their own dice, I may as well use a site that generates digital dice if I ever decide to join.
This (http://www.random.org/dice/) would be my first choice when searching for it on google. Just choose a number of 6d and it'll roll a random number. I'll probably look for other sites that have the same features.
Also, although I'm not sure you're aware of this, but I am pretty loyal to rules being set up, so I have no problem not being able to control other people's characters (After all, that same rule has been thrown into every other major RP section I've joined in X9.com and other sides dedicated to its RP section) if the rule is written on the first post.
I'll outline the whole thing in a free-play topic where you guys can either DM yourselves or just socialize. In the actual game topics, though, there will be signup periods, then character creation (and sheet submission so I or whoever is DMing has them on file), then the setup, then the game. I'm not sure if I'll have anything concrete set up tonight, but I'll be reviewing the rules again and at least condensing them to bullet points and setting up a social/sandbox topic.
What does DM mean?
Dungeon Master, young one!
I should have figured, then again I never played D&D despite the second floor of the dorm I was in supposedly having a thing for that. Guess I'll never know since I'm never coming back to the dorms.
The DM's role would be very small. Almost all of the narrative would be handled by the players. Once the boss enters the scene, the DM handles that and any necessary scene bits, or to veto an action that is either out of place, came out of left field, or otherwise is something that will conflict too much with the game. Meaning, you can't pull a nuke out of your ass. Your character can be awesome, but there are checks and balances in place to keep it from being a god-mode fest.
Quote from: Quickie on February 18, 2013, 12:40:21 AM
The DM's role would be very small. Almost all of the narrative would be handled by the players. Once the boss enters the scene, the DM handles that and any necessary scene bits, or to veto an action that is either out of place, came out of left field, or otherwise is something that will conflict too much with the game. Meaning, you can't pull a nuke out of your ass. Your character can be awesome, but there are checks and balances in place to keep it from being a god-mode fest.
Sooooooo you're not going to be a sadistic, evil, cruel, demonic control freak then, Quickie? 8D
Heck no! 8D I won't be evil, and the players will have more control over the storyline. But, if someone doesn't like a player's action, they can vote to have the DM veto it. The players are given a basic plot outline. They come up with everything else. The DM is just a referee.
You'd look hot in a Dungeon Master robe though. Just throwing that out there! [eyebrow]
Does it come with a silly hat?
Not to my knowledge!
Aw I like silly hats.
And with that upset statement, we have returned to the topic!
I have the beginnings of a sore throat. So, I ate a hot pepper to thwart it.
Color me interested in this Washu business, though is there any room for shenanigans?
Quote from: Protoman Blues on February 17, 2013, 07:23:12 PM
Sad, isn't it? Or funny, depending on how you look at it! 8D
I thought it was funny.
I need more hot peppers. The sore throat persists.
Wouldn't some Ricola be better?
Don't cough drops also dry out your throat?
Yeah. And they don't last very long. The hot pepper worked better.
Yeah they usually barely work for me, I have to work at getting my spicy tolerance up.
That's why I like Sushi. A nice dose of Wasabi tends to help!
I'm not brave enough to try Wasabi yet, I'll stick to Siracha for now.
If I had wasabi, I'd have a spoonful.
Finally, Fire Emblem: Awakening arrived today by UPS at my doorstep... and no one was home to retrieve it. And I was at college the time of its arrival, so the UPS guy left a note saying he will try again on Monday. I could have had it today, in my hands, soaking in the beauty. [tornado fang] EVERYTHING.
You should make it so you don't have to sign for packages.
I thought signing was normal policy.
I'm not sure if not signing for packages is allowed. Safety precautions and all that crap.
Mine just get dumped on my doorstep.
Quote from: Ryo-Ohki on February 22, 2013, 11:33:35 PM
Mine just get dumped on my doorstep.
That happens with me occasionally. Depends on who delivers the packages, I guess.
Its an option set by either the user (Gamestop for example lets you have the choice of requiring the package be signed for.) Or by the company/shipping (My computer needed to be signed for, imports that have tracking numbers tend to require signatures too from my experience.)
So, I've been sick all damn week. I decided this evening to take a nice, hot, relaxing bath to help me feel better. I ended up with water in my ear, an earache, and I still feel like crap. I coughed my throat raw, and now I'm just hoping I don't end up with an ear infection.
Quote from: Quickman on February 23, 2013, 03:41:57 AM
So, I've been sick all damn week. I decided this evening to take a nice, hot, relaxing bath to help me feel better. I ended up with water in my ear, an earache, and I still feel like crap. I coughed my throat raw, and now I'm just hoping I don't end up with an ear infection.
Want me to kick Fate in the balls for you? He has gotten on my bad side as of late.
Have fun. But, be careful. Fate has a knack for turning around and kicking you right back. Fate got me because of my flagrant display of hubris, in which others around me were sick, and I announced happily that I was not sick. So, I got strep from my nephew.
[tornado fang]ing Waluigi. USELESS [tornado fang]ing ASSIST TROPHY. I love watching him RUN THE [tornado fang] AWAY FROM LOU EVERY TIME I GOT HIM!
Quote from: Quickman on February 23, 2013, 04:51:24 AM
Have fun. But, be careful. Fate has a knack for turning around and kicking you right back. Fate got me because of my flagrant display of hubris, in which others around me were sick, and I announced happily that I was not sick. So, I got strep from my nephew.
Fate got me good this time. I dropped a fifteen kilogram weight on my toe. Hurts like a [chameleon sting]ing [sonic slicer] right now and I was barely able to limp home.
After 3 days with 2 more on the way, I'm REALLY sick of breaking down our huge ass shipments then stocking them alone. My arms are about to break off and leave me!! FFFFFFFF~
I wasn't feeling well today and slept all day. Then, around midnight, I couldn't sleep. I've been up since and really... I may as well just stay up.
Guess I could work on some more scene ideas for the Wushu campaign...
You could sign on Skype so I can...debrief you...for science! [eyebrow]
Sounds good. All I was going to do tonight was watch Linkara anyway.
I just heard yesterday morning (after a LOT of radio silence from my teacher) that I was getting withdrawn from my virtual class. I asked her what was going on and how to fix it, and she said she would suspend the withdrawal to 8 PM, and asked me to do two units before then.
The course was removed from my profile long before 8PM, making it impossible to access the lessons.
By the way, this is the same day which I caught a throat-soreing, sneeze-havocing cold. Stress is not something you want coupled with a sinus headache and scratchy throat.
TFN's server is [parasitic bomb]. This is the third forum outage in 24 hours.
My friend started texting me waaaay too much all of a sudden. Plus, it's usually about some girl he likes, and he always begs me for advice I either don't have off the top of my mind because he asks vaguely and generally, or don't have the time to deal with his crap.
Just feeling depressed lately. It sucks not having a decent bus service around here. Missed out on two casting calls, but I could slap together a demo reel. It's just not the same, though. I like to go places and be around people. It's no fun being stuck at home all the time, particularly when my downstairs neighbor seems to have visitors over regularly.
Sorry to hear that Quickie. I need to come visit.
What were the casting calls for?
A web series called "Bagged and Boarded." I wanted to audition for the part of the uber-geek. I can submit a demo reel, though.
Hmmmmm, I don't know if you fit the part! XD
Thick glasses, my stereotypical nerd voice, slight build? Put me in a Star Trek uniform and I'd fit the part better than the 6'+ balding guy who auditioned.
Can I put you in a Star Trek uniform anyway? [eyebrow]
You got one to put me in? 8D
Two to beam up?
What´s upsetting me?
I have a iPhone worth 5k SEK and the best app is Plants VS Zombies.
What's wrong with that? Plants VS Zombies is awesome.
Quote from: Kirby Pink on March 03, 2013, 07:35:37 AM
Two to beam up?
What´s upsetting me?
I have a iPhone worth 5k SEK and the best app is Plants VS Zombies.
then go play your [tornado fang]ing megaman game you've been going on about
Playing a game of League... We are winning... Right as we are beating the enemy team and ending the game, "ATTEMPTING TO RECONNECT" pops up on screen and both sides get DC'd. We either quit the game or leave the client and log back in, and the game doesn't exist. Not even in my match history, And we didn't even get any points for winning/losing.
Riot, fix your damn game. I can't believe how bad they've broken it. Connection issues have been going on for quite a while now, but this just takes the cake. An hour that does not exist.
Then next game we got troll rolled by an all support team.
I don't know how, but the controls for Megaman X iOS got worse.
That's right. Worse.
It'd be nice if they added iCade support, but no, I have to not press the right direction while not coming off the wall I'm sliding on.
On the bright side, I found out I've been playing Megaman X wrong all my life and doing the stages in weakness order is actually way harder than getting the buster upgrade before doing Lunch Octopiss.
Quote from: Quickman on March 03, 2013, 07:51:42 AM
What's wrong with that? Plants VS Zombies is awesome.
Never said it wasn´t. Said it was best. Ive yet to find something i can really enjoy on the iPhone. A game i can keep on playing other then that.
Quote from: Ryo-Ohki on March 03, 2013, 08:08:41 AM
then go play your [tornado fang]ing megaman game you've been going on about
I like Xover yes, and i do play it. People are just over reacting on it it. If i like it, why are you so upset about it? Im sure you like something o don´t. Don´t see me getting angry at you?
Back on topic.
Im upset cause my Tomb Raider is just sitting there in my steam folder and i could played it on Ps3 3 days ago. >_< But no...get the PC version my friend say, he wanna play as well. xD
Quote from: Quickman on March 03, 2013, 06:42:55 AM
You got one to put me in? 8D
Oh I'll get one. Don't you worry! 0v0
I was unable to save someone's job, even though they were perfectly capable and better than some of the other people that managed to stay. Le sigh. I managed to save someone else, but I still feel bad about that one. Also annoyed at the one responsible for it, who hasn't been painting a good image of himself due to several other actions.
QuotePeople are just over reacting on it it.
It's not overreacting when the franchise has been reduced to a bad quality iphone game.
Quote from: Flame on March 03, 2013, 10:41:48 PM
It's not overreacting when the franchise has been reduced to a bad quality iphone game.
They would have made the game either way, its too much of an easy opportunity.
Quote from: Ryo-Ohki on March 04, 2013, 02:26:19 AM
They would have made the game either way, its too much of an easy opportunity.
This is true, it's only getting a really negative response because there haven't been any real Megaman games in forever and Capcom advertised the hell out of it. If neither of those things didn't happen it would have been ignored like the other cell phone games.
Hey, it's better than FF All the Bravest.
Quote from: Mirby on March 04, 2013, 02:40:58 AM
Hey, it's better than FF All the Bravest.
I've never heard of that.
pay2win brought to the logical extreme.
Quote from: RMZX Harmony on March 04, 2013, 02:47:16 AM
pay2win brought to the logical extreme.
HEY TOUCH THE SCREEN TO ATTACK (though you can just rub the screen same purpose)
WANT MORE CHARACTERS? BUY THEM! (but the one you get is chosen at random)
edit: better yet
It needs a new Caption
Final Fantasy: Acquire The Bucks
Wow that is worse than Xover.
If they were gonna make it pay2win, I dont get why they didn't just sell the whole game.
I read the review on that game and i thinked to myself:
"Gee it can´t be that bad."
Well, i checked it out and too my suprise. It is bad.
All you do, i repeat, all you do is slide your finger up and down and hope your guys don´t get hit. That´s it.
I even managed to beat the game in less then a day, that´s how short it was. So i asked for a refund, and not only did i get to keep the app, i got the money back. Yay?
I wish I could get money by not liking games.
Quote from: Flame on March 04, 2013, 05:10:58 AM
If they were gonna make it pay2win, I dont get why they didn't just sell the whole game.
Probably the same reason Capcom has been sticking DLC content on their discs.
This is the appropriate video regarding that, and any "Squeeze more money out of the consumer" tactics.
If anybody said the Tom & Jerry Movie brought nothing of worth to this world, they are wrong.
It brought 89 minutes and 54 seconds of nothing of worth, and 6 seconds of excellence.
I loved that movie. I will never comprehend how people could dislike it. I think I still have it on DVD laying around in my room.
Apparently, fans of old Tom & Jerry cartoons either forgot or didn't realize that the title characters have had at least one line of dialogue every now and then and not just this line ->
Yeah, one line of dialogue every once in a while, good.
Dialogue the entire movie? Only a very very small percentage of the movie is the classic Slapstick and the rest is just helping some stupid girl escape from her evil aunt.
Or, as I would like to call it, Warner Bros.' attempt at ripping off parodying The Rescuers. 8D
My god the school Internet is really really shitty today. o//////o
Sakura's shitty internet is upsetting me now!
Internet breakdowns and slowdowns are no fun. Specially when friends (and ego apprentices) are affected by it. o.o
Exactly. Especially when friends and sexmuffins want to play games online together, but cannot due to lag!
Yeah that happens to the guys in my anime club who play lol, and it happens in the same room. Though I guess it's a good thing they aren't faraway so they know who's lagging. Then again I don't play online games.
Posted on: March 11, 2013, 02:25:31 PM
It seems to be getting slightly better but this site still has a bit of trouble loading at the same speed as other sites.
Quote from: Sakura Leic on March 11, 2013, 09:49:41 PM
It seems to be getting slightly better but this site still has a bit of trouble loading at the same speed as other sites.
Probably because of the animated signatures.
I don't think that's a problem.
Well, it is for my phone at least.
You can turn those off though.
i have a six page essay due tomorrow
that i haven't started yet
Quote from: Mirby on March 11, 2013, 10:53:50 PM
that i haven't started yet
And yet here you are posting about it rather than actually doing it.
You have no one to blame but yourself.
Oh I'm fully aware that it's all my fault. Never said it wasn't.
Doesn't mean I'm not upset by it.
Quote from: Ryo-Ohki on March 12, 2013, 02:21:17 AM
You have no one to blame but yourself.
stop being mean :(
(I was kidding, btw)
Bah. Essays and paper are best saved till the last minute.
I wrote my best work for school the night before it was due. Some people write better under pressure!
Quote from: Protoman Blues on March 12, 2013, 04:29:39 AM
Bah. Essays and paper are best saved till the last minute.
I wrote my best work for school the night before it was due. Some people write better under pressure!
This is so true.
Quote from: Protoman Blues on March 12, 2013, 04:29:39 AM
I wrote my best work for school the night before it was due. Some people write better under pressure!
Couldn't say it better myself.
I personally get [parasitic bomb] for not using my time more effectively, but its easier for me to write when I know the due date is near.
I also get pretty good grades out of it too.
Except for that time in 10th grade where I had not one, not two, but THREE "Research Papers" to do, all due at around the same time.
I did the one most worth my time, for health class.
The one for Civics I blew off (7 Page President Paper about an assigned president, I wanted Reagan but he was already taken and was stuck with Jackson, who had little to nothing good so I was just like [tornado fang] no.), bombed the class, had to summer school it before my Senior year (It was MUCH easier since it was all online and I just breezed through.)
The one for English I also blew off (Some "Vocational" thing, like job research, extremely dumb), but I managed to scrape by with a D+ that semester, still bombed semester 1 and had to do that again, but it was much easier.
Quote from: Protoman Blues on March 12, 2013, 04:29:39 AM
Some people write better under pressure!
That's the complete opposite from me.
Under pressure, I quickly throw crap together and call it done. Usually when I have to write a ton of pages.
Quote from: Phi on March 12, 2013, 04:39:03 AM
That's the complete opposite from me.
Under pressure, I quickly throw crap together and call it done. Usually when I have to write a ton of pages.
Yeah, I have friends who didn't either.
I wrote my best stuff the day before or even the morning it was due. Until then, I'd just totally forget about it. Then, BOOM! Paper out of my ass!
Quote from: Phi on March 12, 2013, 04:06:10 AM
He wasn't. He was being honest.
I am never anything but.
Well I'm officially [tornado fang]'d.
Apparently if you miss any of the four out-of-class essays you can't pass the class. I already missed one due to illness... and there's no way I can get everything required for this one to be turned in by tomorrow.
[tornado fang]
Damn super strict classes.
Quote from: Mirby on March 12, 2013, 08:33:14 AM
Well I'm officially [tornado fang]'d.
Apparently if you miss any of the four out-of-class essays you can't pass the class. I already missed one due to illness... and there's no way I can get everything required for this one to be turned in by tomorrow.
[tornado fang]
Maybe you could if you were actually trying instead of posting about it.
Or maybe I was busy suffering from serious depression and contemplating stabbing myself repeatedly... or slitting my wrists... or killing myself in any other way. Maybe I was too busy struggling with all that to be in a state to actually get that stuff done.
Actually no maybe about it, that's exactly why I missed doing those assignments. My fault, all of it. I don't deny that.
Maybe you should get some help.
Come on, Archer. You've had your fun.
What? I was being serious.
They always say on the commercials on TV that play here that you should suggest to depressed people to get help.
Serious? Yes.
Supportive? Hardly.
I plan on getting help. Once my therapist gets back from sabbatical next week.
There we go then.
Yeah it's already in the works. Since last Tuesday, actually.
I'm upset since I paid $3 for a flat Monster.
boss & work. >^<
The heat here is unbearable. Summer's suppose to be long gone, by now.
Its eternal summer on my side though....
Equator FTW. Night heat makes me upset...but not always.
Florida's weather procrastinates.
It seems a little chilly during winter, up until early Spring when it gets cold as balls.
EDIT: I don't want to doublepost, so I'll tack this on.
It seems that I am losing meaningful friends on Steam.
I just had the last shouting match with a mate and just decided to knock him off and a couple of his friends (who I was also fed up with and only kept around because....really I don't know), and I'm left with a bunch of people who are never online anymore, and a guy who I am kinda shaky with at the moment.
By the way, if you tell someone that they are pathetic for using a certain program, that IS an insult, right?
[tornado fang]ing carpal tunnel. When it acts up while I'm drawing, I can't hold my pen. I hate dropping stuff all the time. About the only thing that seems to help it lately is wearing a brace almost all the damn time. Every night, I sleep while wearing a brace. I have to wear a brace while drawing. I have to wear a brace before I draw and for a while after I draw. I may as well just wear the damn brace all damn day.
That might be a good idea,.
I have a bulkier black brace that has firmer support, so I may start wearing that during the day, while I wear my nighttime brace at night. And when I drop stuff, it's not even when my fingers are numb. Stuff will just suddenly drop from my hand. It's as if my hand just loses all of its strength for that one split second, just so I drop my pencil (or whatever I'm holding) and look stupid.
Oh don't worry I dropped a chicken in the grass once, though my mom washed it good so we didn't get sick.
I downloaded a bunch of books on drawing and I can't follow a single one because as soon as I try reading my eyes start wandering off to the side and then I'M ALL LIKE HEY LET'S DO THIS OR THAT
I'm never going to be able to learn anything at this rate.
im upset cause im bored as [tornado fang]
i'm upset because someone keeps replying to all of my posts with snarky ass unhelpful comments that really probably didn't even need to be made in the first place. :/
in fact, i suspect this very post will get another such response.
Quote from: Mirby on March 23, 2013, 02:03:13 AM
i'm upset because someone keeps replying to all of my posts with snarky ass unhelpful comments that really probably didn't even need to be made in the first place. :/
wow that person sounds like a jerk
I'm upset because other people are upset over silly things.
Which would mean i'm upset over silly things.
Oh well, that's life.
Quote from: RMZX Harmony on March 23, 2013, 02:04:41 AM
I'm upset because other people are upset over silly things.
Which would mean i'm upset over silly things.
Oh well, that's life.
It's the circle of life
I'm upset that Disney has not made a single decent TV show in recent memory.
Akira was right all along. No respect around here anymore. Nothing I've done here all these years seem to matter anymore.
Quote from: VixyNyan on March 23, 2013, 02:24:19 AM
Akira was right all along. No respect around here anymore. Nothing I've done here all these years seem to matter anymore.
[spoiler]It's only like this because you don't try to do anything to improve the situation[/spoiler]
Quote from: Equally Ridiculous on March 23, 2013, 02:22:17 AM
I'm upset that Disney has not made a single decent TV show in recent memory.
Tron Uprising says hi
Ruri's post just flashed an image of RPM becoming some sort of orwellian dictatorship with Vixy as it's iron-fisted ruler into my head.
I'll just go ahead and agree with her though. It feels like the forum's divided into three sides. I'd rather not throw out any names but there's the side that agrees with ____ and the side that agrees with ______ and then the mods.
Quote from: Phi on March 23, 2013, 02:31:29 AM
Tron Uprising says hi
I don't have Disney ex-dee so I'm talking more along the lines of Dog with a Blog and other associated bullshit.
Quote from: Equally Ridiculous on March 23, 2013, 02:33:05 AM
I'll just go ahead and agree with her though. It feels like the forum's divided into three sides. I'd rather not throw out any names but there's the side that agrees with ____ and the side that agrees with ______ and then the mods.
what are you even talking about
Quote from: VixyNyan on March 23, 2013, 02:24:19 AM
Akira was right all along. No respect around here anymore. Nothing I've done here all these years seem to matter anymore.
The only change I've seen here is simply the increasing lack of activity.
If there is no respect shown, it's mainly just for the people who act like idiots (mrkhan), in which they've brought on themselves.
Clearly, everything you've done over the years does matter. Why do you think many of us are still here? We like this community.
edit: oops, meant "increasing" lack of activity
Quote from: Phi on March 23, 2013, 02:41:49 AM
Oh don't worry, it's not inactivity or things like that. In fact, I welcome it, while posting news and game things.
You guys are fine and are nice to me. It's someone else though. ^^;
Quote from: Ruri on March 23, 2013, 02:35:34 AM
what are you even talking about
I thought you already knew.
Well now I feel stupid for misinterpreting Vixy's post so I'm upset about that.
I'm also upset I lack the ability to draw ironfisted dictator Vixy.
This count?
Quote from: Sakura Leic on March 23, 2013, 03:06:10 AM
This count?
Quote from: VixyNyan on March 23, 2013, 02:24:19 AM
Akira was right all along. No respect around here anymore. Nothing I've done here all these years seem to matter anymore.
Don't say that. You've done some meaningful stuff here that brought people like me to a community to talk about our common interests (games, anime, movies, literature, etc.). Someone like me should be the feeling ashamed letting for my own depression get the best of me after having friends and people I met or admire disappear without a word or meet their untimely end in life and not being able to take a stand against people like DiamondTiaraBros. and their ways of lies and manipulation.
Quote from: VixyNyan on March 23, 2013, 02:24:19 AM
Akira was right all along. No respect around here anymore. Nothing I've done here all these years seem to matter anymore.
Respect is something I try to live by at all times.
It's just when certain other people chip away at me with their asinine rude responses I lose my cool.
If it were true that everything you've done didn't matter, the site would be down and non-existent. People would have left some time ago. Everything you've done matters.
The acts of a few do not necessarily correspond to the thoughts of many. There shall always be those who are thankful for what you've done, and you can be sure I'll be one of those people. :3
Quote from: Mirby on March 23, 2013, 04:52:18 AM
Respect is something I try to live by at all times.
It's just when certain other people chip away at me with their asinine rude responses I lose my cool.
I feel same way, though I also hate when people take advantage of you and become assholes later, like DiamondTiaraBros., screw him.
Quote from: Mirby on March 23, 2013, 04:52:18 AM
The acts of a few do not necessarily correspond to the thoughts of many. There shall always be those who are thankful for what you've done, and you can be sure I'll be one of those people. :3
Yeah, that's true. I, for one, am grateful of what you've done here too. If it wasn't you and this site, I wouldn't of met a cool cat like you or some of the other people here like PB, Quickie, or Akira. ;)
The fact that someone, this Sunday, will win that PAX East Virtual On tourney besides me or Ninja Lou. B(
Damn health!
I don't have the money to go to PAX East. :(
I'd say you would be better going to PAX Prime in Seattle, but PAX East is better cause the convention center is just so much bigger.
Quote from: Protoman Blues on March 23, 2013, 05:57:48 AM
The fact that someone, this Sunday, will win that PAX East Virtual On tourney besides me or Ninja Lou. B(
Damn health!
Damn, that sucks. :'( If I had the skills of tournament-level player and had the money to go to PAX, would you mind if I fill in for you or Lou? I'm surprised Virtual-ON tournament still goes on. :\ Are doing one for Oratan?
I'd like to say yes...
...but only myself and Lou are allowed to win the VO:OT tourney. More so me than him! XD
Today in general is upsetting me.
I don't want to make dinner damnit.
So, I got a call from someone I hadn't talked to in a while. She told me she has breast cancer.
That's horrible.
Sorry to hear that, Quickie
I told her to beat that cancer black and blue!
Quote from: Quickman on March 27, 2013, 06:54:20 AM
I told her to beat that cancer black and blue!
That sucks, you and your friend have my sympathies.
My sympathies as well.
I'm pretty damn upset that my mom rants and raves about her having classes in the morning and how we have to go home after meeting relatives that we haven't seen in years because of her classes, then as soon as we get home, she spends two or three hours playing shitty facebook games while everyone's in bed to accommodate for her classes.
My [sonic slicer] ass music teacher insists on turning in homework via e-mail and pdf attachments in order to help save trees.
Go back to your fantasy Portlandia world.
Quote from: Burst on March 28, 2013, 03:18:05 AM
My [sonic slicer] ass music teacher insists on turning in homework via e-mail and pdf attachments in order to help save trees.
Go back to your fantasy Portlandia world.
I don't see the problem.
Quote from: Phi on March 28, 2013, 03:21:13 AM
I don't see the problem.
I prefer hardcopies.
That and this isn't an online course.
You could always just print it out yourself.
Quote from: Phi on March 28, 2013, 03:25:33 AM
You could always just print it out.
He doesn't accept hard copies in any form,
that's what I'm complaining about.
I'm amazed he isn't making me pay for DLC while he's at it.
Print out copies for yourself while you turn in PDFs. In the event of any electronic failure, you'd have a hard copy as a record. Doesn't hurt to make copies.
I got the stuff through, but he would just give me a zero if I gave him a hardcopy in the other case.
He also gave me a zero on a quiz even though it was basically a blizzard out and I left an hour earlier then usual.
He's an [dark hold].
Luckily for me this is the last BS elective I'm taking, everything from here on out is strictly one more pre req and then my program.
There's wind blowing in my school that makes it a nuisance to move around and one of my books cost more than I thought so I'm low on cash.
Steam, can only be [tornado fang]ing steam, can't even vote for that AVGN game, nor can I fulfill Vixy's request. I'm going to quit this [parasitic bomb] if there is no [tornado fang]ing solution to this problem. And I'm beginning to think Steam is a [tornado fang]ing scam.
Do you own any games? You need to in order to vote on Greenlight.
i have no money for food, no food in my place, and i'm moving sometime this week to a place that doesn't have internet and, from all reports, far more drama than I really want to deal with (including the closing of the kitchen there so I can't even make food there).
That sounds horrible! You sure you're gonna be alright?
Quote from: Equally Ridiculous on April 09, 2013, 04:56:55 PM
Do you own any games? You need to in order to vote on Greenlight.
Well, I do have Counter Strike 1.6 and a Starknights demo. The issue I'm having is logging into the site. Sure I can log in from my Steam application, but when I try to log in from my browser, I get that annoying (and probably common) "invalid login" message.
I'm desperately trying to find a solution to this problem, and I'm losing my patience trying to put up with this.
Quote from: Maine Coon Hazard on April 09, 2013, 05:35:28 PM
Well, I do have Counter Strike 1.6 and a Starknights demo. The issue I'm having is logging into the site. Sure I can log in from my Steam application, but when I try to log in from my browser, I get that annoying (and probably common) "invalid login" message.
I'm desperately trying to find a solution to this problem, and I'm losing my patience try to put up with this.
Maybe the site is telling that it doesn't recognize your PC (or your computer's user login or something) and they sent some kind of e-mail to the e-mail address linked to your Steam account. This got annoying for me too so I usually forget using the website altogether (since those confirmation codes are taking up space in my Yahoo inbox) and use the Steam client instead.
TBH, this is the only PC I've used Steam with... and I probably require a credit card, don't I, before doing something I'm going to regret later.
Actually, I'm going be straight here, I've only starting to use Steam for the first time.
Quote from: Equally Ridiculous on April 09, 2013, 05:22:15 PM
That sounds horrible! You sure you're gonna be alright?
I have no choice but to be alright...
this accurately reflects the situation i find myself in
@Maine Coon Hazard: You can vote for Greenlight stuff within the Steam client, ya know... I think it's under COMMUNITY
@Maine: Don't bother with the website. It's bullshit. Just stick with the client.
@Mirby: Nevertheless, good luck Mirbs.
Quote from: Mirby on April 09, 2013, 06:04:18 PM
I have no choice but to be alright...
this accurately reflects the situation i find myself in
@Maine Coon Hazard: You can vote for Greenlight stuff within the Steam client, ya know... I think it's under COMMUNITY
It's also under STORE if you scroll down and see "Steam Greenlight" around the bottom of the page. Also good luck on your end too, Mirby.
I'm upset that I keep missing school.
I... don't think I'm going to be taking classes anymore after this semester. I can't expect to do any good if I can't even show up to class 9 times out of ten.
I only went to class once last week. I've only been to one of my classes three times. I can't be doing this, though I'm wondering if work is partly to blame. I mean, I'm definitely the main offender here, but something about those 3-11 shifts really [tornado fang]ing bugs me, probably the complete loss of doing anything remotely enjoyable at night so I come home and stay up doing whatever until I go to sleep, which causes me to oversleep, then there are other times where my iPhone alarm is set, but doesn't go off for whatever reason.
The early morning shifts don't help either, but i'd rather have those since I usually just go to school after work so I don't miss class. Either way, I'm kinda sick of both and just want it to end.
I want to do good in school but if I keep missing it I might as well just quit.
I want to get out of my current employment but if nobody wants to hire me I can't quit.
Boy I wish I had the easy life of just being handed money for doing nothing, but that life is a TV fantasy.
*Shuttle goes in the complete opposite direction I want to go*
And that's why I would rather walk up a giant hill to class than take a specific shuttle to get there.
Also my hand still stings from when I accidentally jabbed my hand into a pencil, ouchie.
So I lost one of my better coworkers today since he's being shuttled off to another project for... some reason. I'm stuck with the one who doesn't do anything now. Joy.
Mother: Okay, we're gonna replace your computer then. If anyone asks, your old computer burst into flames or something.
Me: Alright, yay!
*One day later*
Current Computer: *repetitive crash/bluescreen*
the stress of moving tomorrow is upsetting me right now, that's for sure
Woke up with a sore back.
Got woken up from a kickass dream about following mysterious clues to a lost Egyptian temple.
It actually had a sensible plot progression and likable characters too.
I seriously need to do something about this damn busted box spring. Waking up sore is not fun.
Looks like I have to miss out on my school's alumni brunch tomorrow because nobody can take me there; my mom and my older brother has work, my dad has repair the other house... -AC
I have a blister right on the ball of my left foot. Right where I walk on it.
I keep finding these [chameleon sting]ing biological caltrops in my house. They are shaped almost exactly like caltrops, blend in with the carpeting, and are 500x worse than Legos. Those whiners who complain about stepping on Legos have never stepped on one of these motherfuckers that keep poking holes in our feet.
I think they're seeds...horrible seeds.
Oh god I hate those things, so god damn painful. Especially when you find them in your shoe.
Quote from: Sakura Leic on April 23, 2013, 10:37:50 PM
Oh god I hate those things, so god damn painful. Especially when you find them in your shoe.
*hugs* I thought I was the only one ;O; just know I totally understand your pain... By they way, do you have a dog?
No just a cat.
Does the cat go outside much?
Once in a while.
Okay, so I may be right, because we started getting those in the house when we got our dog, and they often end up in places my dog lays in.
Apparently they like to hitch rides on pets...onto carpets. B(
If it's a long hair dog it makes sense.
Posted on: April 23, 2013, 02:14:51 PM
Apparently the school in the town next to mine is so poor that they don't have school buses anymore. :(
So I got a couple bug bites on my...
Have you tried Benedryl?
I've got a full day ahead of me, Benedryl will knock me out worse than usual.
I'll try it when I get home.
Well, hopefully you're not allergic to spider bites. My experience was watching that bite spread blood red marks throughout most of my arm. I don't remember if it itched or hurt like crazy, only that it took almost a month or so to heal with little to no ointments helping it along.
And thus, I found a new reason to fear spiders crawling anywhere near my bed at night.
I'm pretty sure this isn't an allergic reaction, but instead the result of scraping the damn thing all over my pocket.
Speaking of allergies, I hate that I'm allergic to every single type of nut.
I used to enjoy eating pistachios when I was a small kid, but that changed real soon.
Peanuts give me the least reaction.
My housemate, for being a total [dark hold] over trivial stuff.
Walked into town and now I have a blister on the ball of my left foot.
Oh, and one of the other admins on the Wook said I was the most spineless Wook admin because I pick my battles. :\
.....I just can't make sense of that at all.
Me neither. That admin, along with our other notorious admin, are why the Wook has a terrible reputation for having really nasty admins. I refuse to get to that level. And I refuse to take part in petty arguments about certain users that certain admins have problems with for reasons known only to them.
Why can't admins be as awesome as the mods here? :(
Some guy keeps bitching on 4chan because /feg/ doesn't just talk about the games (He believes the community is only focused on "Waifus and smut").
He uses the same 5 images of random assholes with [dark hold] faces, its really tiring to see this [tornado fang] because people keep [tornado fang]ing replying to him.
I myself find it rather hilarious because
A) This guy is acting like a privileged little [parasitic bomb]
B) People keep baiting him
C) The guy seems to believe that all areas of 4chan are the same homogenized clump of people and because OTHER boards don't have this, /feg/ shouldn't.
Its hilarious how people seem to think things that they can't control have to be a certain way.
But at the same time, this guy complains about people shitting up the thread, and he's doing it himself.
His posts... they irritate me, maybe its because I just hate seeing those [tornado fang]ing images.
Its petty, I know. But mildly irritating all the same.
Quote from: Quickman on May 01, 2013, 08:24:55 AM
Me neither. That admin, along with our other notorious admin, are why the Wook has a terrible reputation for having really nasty admins. I refuse to get to that level. And I refuse to take part in petty arguments about certain users that certain admins have problems with for reasons known only to them.
Sounds like they're seduced by the Dark Side of the Mod
Quote from: Sakura Leic on May 01, 2013, 08:26:04 AM
Why can't admins be as awesome as the mods here? :(
Seriously I wonder how those kinds of people stay mods from the stories I've heard over the years.
Quote from: Sakura Leic on May 01, 2013, 08:26:04 AM
Why can't admins be as awesome as the mods here? :(
I don't know. I have an aversion to e-drama, so I am careful which battles I choose. The one that got me in ire with the other admin was concerning another user's request for rollback rights. This user, for some reason or another, just doesn't sit right with a handful of admins, whereas the rest of us think he's fine. We have nothing against him and feel that he will be a valuable asset in the fight against vandals. I had monitored the discussion closely and at times was going to join in, but others had already said what I was going to say, and my input would be just hammering it in. So, I stayed out of it. It wasn't my battle, and my contribution wouldn't have made an impact anyway. Cade got his rollback rights. There was no need for me to step in whatsoever.
Apparently, what I do outside of the Wook mean nothing, such as representing us at public events. And people still forget that it was I, not Darth Culator, who worked behind the scenes and with professional civility to resolve an issue concerning one of our images. Culator still thinks that it was all his doing. All he did was harangue Wikia staff and generally complain, citing some "war" if he doesn't get his way.
Also, my being a beat cop on the Recent Changes mean nothing. When it comes to reverting vandalism, warning/blocking users, and deleting stuff, I am a machine. I am very quickly accumulating a hefty deletion total and I am ranked at 9 in the top ten admins, according to activity, and I am considered one of Wikia's (not just Wookieepedia's) top administrators for my professional and courteous attitude, willingness to compromise, and activity outside of my home wiki.
I was also one of the very, very few invited to Wikia's corporate headquarters (along with our founder and another administrator) this May, much to the bewilderment of Darth Culator, who holds a proprietary attitude over us.
But, apparently, that means precisely jack and all because I don't like getting involved in e-drama. :P
That Darth Culator sounds like a vain pompous peacock.
He does indeed. I trust you are rubbing the San Fran trip in his face? [eyebrow]
Or send him more examples of RPM that seem to weird Wookiepedia out.
The San Francisco trip is not being discussed, as really... it's none of Culator's business. He's already complained about it (http://community.wikia.com/wiki/Thread:509340) on Wikia Community Central, received one reply, and complained some more because he honestly does not have a clue. The staff who replied to him was actually told afterward to not reply any more and leave him to stew in his own juices.
QuoteI wouldn't expect a general announcement, nor would I expect you to invite me since I know Wikia hates me, but a friendly notification to the bureaucrat you've excluded (since I've been told you also invited jSarek, thereby selecting the two bureaucrats least involved in the daily operations of the site) would have gone a long way toward making me think Wikia was perhaps starting to grow a clue
Quote from: Protoman Blues on May 01, 2013, 09:02:16 AM
Yeah I just don't understand the guy really, then again I don't understand people like that in general.
It speaks for itself, really.
As for me... I gave the questioning admin a basic, pre-recorded "I will become more involved in important community debates" response and left it at that.
Quote from: Sakura Leic on May 01, 2013, 09:04:18 AM
Yeah I just don't understand the guy really, then again I don't understand people like that in general.
Oh I understand them. It's your basic jealously that stems from an unhealthy ego. They can't be happy for others cause they feel like everything is their doing and that they deserve the accolades and praise. It's ego that usually stems from misery.
I guess but to me that only either serves as a peak I can't reach or something to serve to make myself better.
That's because you're a good person and you have a healthy ego. It's sad that Darth Not-Going-To-San-FrancisCulator can't be happy for Quickie.
Some people have a hard time accepting that everything is a group effort, and that they're not doing everything alone. This will likely not change until they realize this, which is not at all likely. I've had to deal with people like this at work for years now, and I just continue doing my thing.
Speaking of work, so much overtime. Blah.
Oh, I ran that comment by another admin and he summed it up as "It's [that admin]. Ignore him." And I have been doing just that. Our "problem" admins are the reason Wookieepedia has a really bad reputation. The entire administrative team isn't evil; the majority of us are really nice and helpful. But there are the few admins who have been around for a long time who have a really bad attitude and our administrative team is viewed through their actions and their attitudes. It's something that I've been working hard to change, as we don't deserve that reputation. It's not something to be proud of.
Quote from: Tron on May 06, 2013, 08:00:08 PM
Are you referring to my "Chalo's art is garbage" or the thing I said about you acting like a baby?
Not like it matters. You are a child, if you took any of that to heart. And how am I a bad person?
Sure I'm not exactly super nice or anything, but then again, I was just stating my opinion of his horrible generic animu furry art.
Just to elaborate on that note, it's Chalo's art. I went through hell trying to upload hundreds of his [parasitic bomb] with my pathetic excuse of a PC. And you have the nerve to say this guy's art sucks. Seriously, he makes good [parasitic bomb] I can only dream of copying. If you can do better, then I'll shut up, but if you fail to provide anything to defend yourself, then I should just ignore you and pretend you don't exist.
Quote from: Maine Coon Hazard on May 06, 2013, 08:17:12 PM
Just to elaborate on that note, it's Chalo's art. I went through hell trying to upload hundreds of his [parasitic bomb] with my pathetic excuse of a PC. And you have the nerve to say this guy's art sucks. Seriously, he makes good [parasitic bomb] I can only dream of copying. If you can do better, then I'll shut up, but if you fail to provide anything to defend yourself, then I should just ignore you and pretend you don't exist.
Quote from: Maine Coon Hazard on May 06, 2013, 08:17:12 PM
Just to elaborate on that note, it's Chalo's art. I went through hell trying to upload hundreds of his [parasitic bomb] with my pathetic excuse of a PC. And you have the nerve to say this guy's art sucks. Seriously, he makes good [parasitic bomb] I can only dream of copying. If you can do better, then I'll shut up, but if you fail to provide anything to defend yourself, then I should just ignore you and pretend you don't exist.
It seems you're not a child after all.
You're just a complete [tornado fang]ing moron.
But okay. Okay. I'll stop the insults for now, and let's get serious here because it looks like you need to be told exactly how it is.
First thing first.
QuoteI went through hell trying to upload hundreds of his [parasitic bomb] with my pathetic excuse of a PC. And you have the nerve to say this guy's art sucks.
I'm sorry that you went through such horrid hell to upload his furry art. But then again, no one forced you to do it. Certainly not me. You did out of your own accord. And...
Yes. I have the "nerve". Or rather, I have an "opinion". Feel free to disagree with me. I too draw like poo poo (or should say... kupo?), but in the end, I don't feel like praising everyone who's better than me, because then I would be just a tool. A TOOL. Not everyone who's better than you or me is necessarily a super ultra amazing artist. At the same time, even if they ARE, not everyone has to like and appreciate what YOU like.
Get what I mean?
QuoteSeriously, he makes good [parasitic bomb] I can only dream of copying. If you can do better, then I'll shut up, but if you fail to provide anything to defend yourself, then I should just ignore you and pretend you don't exist.
Wait, so if I understand you right, I need to actually be a better artist in order to have a right to voice my opinion about his works?
That's... yeah. I don't even know if I should point out what's wrong with that, because that's just like... so stupid.
Okay fine.
Listen Mr. Moogle. Everyone can voice their opinion on everything. I don't like his art, but I have nothing against him as a person. It's just that I think his art is generic and ugly.
But that doesn't mean, I need to [tornado fang]ing be an amazing, or even better artist than him in order to voice my opinion.
Sure I will admit, I didn't exactly present it too nicely, but then again, it's not like I was claiming it was fact or something. From my point of view, his art is pretty bad, boring and generic animu furry uguu crap.
I really hope this will solve our little shitty discussion. Feel free to pretend I don't exist, if you really want. It's not like it matters anyway, since if my track record of getting into crappy arguments keeps up, I'm [tornado fang]ing packing my bags and leaving on vacation. This time for real.
Quote from: Tron on May 06, 2013, 09:18:08 PM
It's not like it matters anyway, since if my track record of getting into crappy arguments keeps up, I'm [tornado fang]ing packing my bags and leaving on vacation. This time for real.
Please no.
Quote from: RMZX Harmony on May 06, 2013, 09:21:22 PM
Please no.
It's just that it feels like I'm generating unncessary "Bad vibes". You know what I mean?
It's upsetting me, really. Because I never thought my comment about furry art would turn into something like this.
Quote from: Tron on May 06, 2013, 09:26:58 PM
It's upsetting me, really. Because I never thought my comment about furry art would turn into something like this.
I'm on your side at least
also Joseph Collins went into a whole rant because of something stupid so there's that
Quote from: Tron on May 06, 2013, 09:26:58 PM
It's just that it feels like I'm generating unncessary "Bad vibes". You know what I mean?
I feel ya.
I do that all the time, so I understand.
Quote from: Phi on May 06, 2013, 09:29:58 PM
I'm on your side at least
also Joseph Collins went into a whole rant because of something stupid so there's that
Ugh please don't remind me about that. :|
Also please don't leave Tron.
Quote from: Sakura Leic on May 06, 2013, 09:46:34 PM
Ugh please don't remind me about that. :|
I think we need to make a vow to never mention that... time again.
On another note, somebody should make a worthless post in the Challenges Board so we don't have to see his name all the time.
The weather outside has been confusing this week and now it's raining like nuts. :o
Thank goodness I don't have class today.
Quote from: RMZX Harmony on May 06, 2013, 09:48:38 PM
On another note, somebody should make a worthless post in the Challenges Board so we don't have to see his name all the time.
just deleted his post
Huh I didn't think we exactly had to delete that, then again there probably won't be another challenge for some time.
Quote from: Phi on May 06, 2013, 09:51:18 PM
just deleted his post
The galaxy is at peace.
Quote from: Sakura Leic on May 06, 2013, 09:53:11 PM
Huh I didn't think we exactly had to delete that, then again there probably won't be another challenge for some time.
No one goes to that board anyway
Very true, I'm not one for video game challenges since I suck at those types of video games.
Quote from: Phi on May 06, 2013, 09:58:30 PM
No one goes to that board anyway
Its a zombie.
We must kill it.
Don't go, Khar. Just... don't... :<
Don't leave, Tron. Not over something as trivial as this.
I'm on your side with this discussion. We are all entitled to like and dislike whatever artist. There are artists that people like and I particularly don't like because I find their style bland or generic. There are artists that I like because their styles are unique, but others don't like because the style is too unique. I see artists who could really use some work who others tout as gods. I see artists who are great and are overall ignored by the community.
The thing is, every artist has a style. And that style will either please an audience or disappoint them. If people like artists whose work suffers from Sameface Syndrome, then fine. Let those people like them. If those people attack you for not liking that artist, ignore them. What do they know?
I saw the work of a Mass Effect fan artist whose work was touted as being "professional" and "realistic." Despite the levels of shading, the art was the flattest work I had ever seen. The work lacked depth and the artist had numerous problems with anatomy and proportion. And when I had the gall to say something, they raved about how they practiced their coloring technique for years. Perhaps they should have practiced basic figure drawing and learned to put some mass into their Mass Effect work.
People are going to disagree with you. It's not the end of the world. Shrug them off and move on. You have better things to do with your life than to fall apart over something extremely trivial.
Just remember, words are words.
In the end, all it takes is just quick wits to kill to survive.
If things were to get that bad (or awesome)...
The thing is, it's not that I want to leave over this horrible argument alone.
It's just that I seem to generate more and more stupid drama.
But in reality, I don't want to leave, but if this keeps up I'll really go on vacation. Not permament, but yeah.
However, to remedy this... I'll try to hold off sometimes on posting in my usual manner. Perhaps it's just that I often post in a way many could (rightfully so) consider rude.
And I totally wrote just now "nude" instead of "rude" there. Holy [parasitic bomb]. Good thing I've noticed it.
Well, if anything, it doesn't hurt to make it clear that whenever you mention your opinion on whichever matter or substance or event. It is indeed, your opinion.
Sometimes that small clarity helps. Even in a workplace where cooks are just egotists, but ah well, the more work they give me, the more money i'm honestly getting (and beer that is so stupidly easy to steal. Horrible security I tell ya.)
Quote from: The Drunken Dishwasher on May 07, 2013, 07:22:28 PM
Well, if anything, it doesn't hurt to make it clear that whenever you mention your opinion on whichever matter or substance or event. It is indeed, your opinion.
There should be no need to "make it clear". It's common sense.
But I almost forgot this is the internet.
Hm, true hehe.
Just to add in my two cents, I gotta say people on this forum hold onto the whole "it's opinion" argument like a crutch. Sure it's opinion, but if you share it in a rude manner, people are still gonna get upset.
Honestly Tron, stupid drama will happen anyways. Your usual demeanor may get a rise out of people, yes, but then again chances are something else would get that sort of reaction even if you didn't contribute. Stupid drama is ever present, and isn't worth spending too much time fretting about it.
Drama is what fuel the Internet. Without it, the Internet will whither away and die.
Quote from: Pyro on May 08, 2013, 06:20:52 AM
Drama is what fuel the Internet. Without it, the Internet will whither away and die.
I don't know why but I'm tempted to replace the word Internet with other things that would apply.
The Bard once said, "All the world is a stage" so maybe life is just one big drama? Imagine what it would be like if it were a musical.
I admit I love singing, but I'm not very fond of musicals.
You need to sing more for us!
I was a part of my chorus if that means anything.
[spoiler=Rage not worth caring about]Also, I [tornado fang]ing HATE REGION-LOCKED GAMES! >_<[/spoiler]
Legs suddenly hurt again.
Awwww sorry to hear that.
Eh it's all right, I can't help that one my classes is on a really big hill. Though I did find a shortcut, it involves lots of stairs which is still just as bad.
By the way, I never saw that sunglasses pic! XD
Yeah sorry I've been kinda busy. -u-'
Yeah it sounds like it!
Quote from: RMZX Harmony on May 06, 2013, 09:48:38 PM
On another note, somebody should make a worthless post in the Challenges Board so we don't have to see his name all the time.
Irony is that he made this thread
Quote from: Reaperoid on May 08, 2013, 08:17:49 AM
Irony is that he made this thread
Which was completely unnecessary in my opinion, the Thinking thread was good enough for a rant box but for some reason he felt self conscious about posting his rants there for god know why.
He was better off back in Tumblr where opinion is moot, anyway.
Quote from: Reaperoid on May 08, 2013, 08:35:04 AM
He was better off back in Tumblr where opinion is moot, anyway.
I wholeheartedly agree.
Tumblr isn't all bad. There are some people who don't give a [parasitic bomb] about idiotic sob stories and people who don't "i can't even" on every single post. Then there are people like me whose tumblr exists exclusively to make fun of people.
I think I stated sometime in the past that I found Tumblr was too difficult to use.
But I say opinion is moot there, because there are a lot of certain orientations of people that seem to think the world is their oyster and that everyone has no choice but to believe their compelling arguments. You'll also have to pander to people you don't like and basically kiss their asses, to get followers.
Also, I don't like 'stucks or bronies.
What are stucks'?
Homestuck fans 8D
Quote from: Reaperoid on May 08, 2013, 09:09:42 AM
I think I stated sometime in the past that I found Tumblr was too difficult to use.
But I say opinion is moot there, because there are a lot of certain orientations of people that seem to think the world is their oyster and that everyone has no choice but to believe their compelling arguments. You'll also have to pander to people you don't like and basically kiss their asses, to get followers.
Pretty much this. Tumblr's a huge circlejerk. Almost as bad as Reddit. But there are a few cool people on Reddit, and a few cool people on Tumblr.
plus they have some great porn blogs >_>
Writing up a bio for K.K. Slider
made reference to the whole "Free Bird" joke in terms of calling it out at concerts
the people in charge of editing the bio don't get the joke
everyone else i've talked to about it gets it but they don't
thus they want me to remove it
that's what's upsetting me right now
The editors need to get out more. Educate them.
I've been explaining the joke at-length (even mentioned how an early Guitar Hero game made reference to it on a loading screen) but they've pretty much ignored it. :/
I'm at the point where if I can't keep the joke, then they have to find someone else to write the bio. Because mine won't go up without it.
Then do just that. It's their loss in the end.
In a hilarious twist, two of the forum mods stepped in, dumbfounded that those editors didn't know the joke. One of which is the person who they report to, and he told me to leave it in.
So yeah. I win. :D
Awesome! It's always nice when smart people win.
Quote from: Quickman on May 14, 2013, 01:27:35 AMAwesome! It's always nice when smart people win.
It'd be nice if smart people could always win.
If only that applied to jobs more often.
Quote from: Fox McCloud on May 15, 2013, 04:00:24 AM
If only that applied to jobs more often.
Then it could raise enough money to... um... this joke was going somewhere, I swear...
I have such mixed feelings about this girl. Sometimes I wish I met her sooner, other times I wish I'd never met her at all. Though usually I wish her parents weren't such assholes.
Failed the written test for my driving permit. Pretty frustrating since the ones I got wrong was stuff I didn't learn in Driver's Ed at all.
Was one of them about a blind person?
Quote from: Suppercut on May 16, 2013, 12:08:04 AM
I have such mixed feelings about this girl. Sometimes I wish I met her sooner, other times I wish I'd never met her at all.
Yeah, I went through that a few times.
Quote from: Sakura Leic on May 16, 2013, 12:17:10 AM
Was one of them about a blind person?
Nope. Whether leaving kids in cars is a felony or misdemeanor in Nevada, limits on retaking driving school for demerit points in Nevada, etc. Mostly the state/law-specific stuff that got me. Some of the other tricky stuff too like trailer couplings and such.
Stupid coworker. Stupid, stupid coworker.
I forgot someone now has to make the new thinking thread, and still no decision who.
Hash it out. The most liked title was Super "What Are You Thinking Now?" ReBirth Turbo, I believe.
Quote from: Phi on May 16, 2013, 12:53:16 PM
I forgot someone now has to make the new thinking thread, and still no decision who.
Hash it out. The most liked title was Super "What Are You Thinking Now?" ReBirth Turbo, I believe.
Well you could... you know... use that as an opportunity. Or I can do everyone a favor start it myself.
I think it would be more fair to hash it out instead of just going for it.
Kind of a dick move.
Quote from: Phi on May 16, 2013, 01:08:52 PM
I think it would be more fair to hash it out instead of just going for it.
Kind of a dick move.
Well, too late now. -AC But I think there's still time to change the title. I'm sure I can still fix it. -u-'
I overslept and missed my class.
The ONE class i did NOT want to miss, the last class before the final, and I had a paper due in it. The teacher is pretty strict too, although she's a nice person.
Thankfully, i emailed her and she accepted the paper electronically, although still wants a hard version the day of the final.
Ugh. I hate pulling out weeds. Don't get me wrong though, I don't mind helping in the house, but it's always me that does it and me alone. And why are pulling them out anyways? We're moving out this crappy house when the repairs on the house are done, let plucking out Mother Nature's unwanted hairs be someone else's problem. My fingers are sore from trying to unroot the damn thing out of the earth but at least I didn't get cuts or scrapes this time. Plus the heat didn't feel like I'm walking in an oven and there was some shade out. This time wasn't so bad, but it's still annoying that.
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna take a nice hot/freezing--
*my brother is using the shower at the time I was typing this on Xbox IE*
Ah [tornado fang]... :|
May as well use his PC...
Quote from: ViperAcidZX on May 17, 2013, 09:42:49 PM
Ugh. I hate pulling out weeds. Don't get me wrong though, I don't mind helping in the house, but it's always me that does it and me alone. And why are pulling them out anyways? We're moving out this crappy house when the repairs on the house are done, let plucking out Mother Nature's unwanted hairs be someone else's problem. My fingers are sore from trying to unroot the damn thing out of the earth but at least I didn't get cuts or scrapes this time. Plus the heat didn't feel like I'm walking in an oven and there was some shade out. This time wasn't so bad, but it's still annoying that.
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna take a nice hot/freezing--
*my brother is using the shower at the time I was typing this on Xbox IE*
Ah [tornado fang]... :|
May as well use his PC...
No different to how my family operates. Welcome to my world, buddy.
Quote from: ViperAcidZX on May 17, 2013, 09:42:49 PM
May as well use his PC...
And get me some Mio pics while you're at it! :cookie:
Quote from: Phi on May 17, 2013, 11:45:18 PM
And get me some Mio pics while you're at it! :cookie:
Couldn't at the time and can't right now. My brother took a quick shower. Not having my own PC [tornado fang]ing
sucks. :(
Plus I don't want to risk being caught with softcore unless he's out of the house.And which Mio are we speaking of? Those Hinako pics has earn you a chance of me (hopefully) finding some Mio when/if I get on my brother's PC anytime soon. owo
Unless that your plan to arouse me Hinako bait so I can fufill your ecchi demands. Admit it, rite naow. C:
Quote from: ViperAcidZX on May 17, 2013, 11:59:23 PM
And which Mio are we speaking of? Those Hinako pics has earn you a chance of me (hopefully) finding some Mio when/if I get on my brother's PC anytime soon. owo
Slutty Bassist from Keion
Quote from: ViperAcidZX on May 17, 2013, 11:59:23 PM
And which Mio are we speaking of? Those Hinako pics has earn you a chance of me (hopefully) finding some Mio when/if I get on my brother's PC anytime soon. owo
Mio Akiyama from K-On
Quote from: RMZX Harmony on May 18, 2013, 12:02:04 AM
Slutty Bassist from Keion
I should BAN you for that comment B(
the next level japanese class I was going to take is apparently full
only one time slot for the week and all twenty-five seats are taken
[parasitic bomb]
I guess I'll have to wait for someone to [tornado fang] up their finals
Quote from: Phi on May 18, 2013, 12:07:45 AM
I should BAN you for that comment B(
Tis a joke.
I never watched the show, but I like her too. Her design is nice.
Tomorrow, I have to be up bright and early to spend all damn day on the plane. Nonstop flight from San Francisco to goddamn Newark. Newark! This flight is going to be awful...
I can't imagine how good it must feel to get up when your flight is done.
I used live in Newark years ago, but not anymore. I can say it's not one of the best places of New Jersey. I hope the suffering on your end won't be long, Quickman.
Yeah, Newark isn't a terrific place to be. Never lived there but I have been there a few times.
It's not Newark that bothers me, it's that I'm going to be on a plane all day!
Quote from: Quickman on May 18, 2013, 08:31:35 AM
It's not Newark that bothers me, it's that I'm going to be on a plane all day!
Yeah, I know that.
I was just making a comment on Viper's Newark statement.
No no, Newark sucks ass. It's rated as the #1 worst airport in the country. Haha, my airport is #2 but I haven't had beef with it in a while. I'd rather fly out of LaGuardia than JFK.
Quote from: Protoman Blues on May 18, 2013, 02:49:12 PMNo no, Newark sucks ass. It's rated as the #1 worst airport in the country. Haha, my airport is #2 but I haven't had beef with it in a while. I'd rather fly out of LaGuardia than JFK.
LaGuardia is #2? Or JFK?
I don't remember how JFK is but I'd imagine it's the worse of the two because it's busier and lol south queens.
You'd think so, but last I checked LaGuardia is actually rated #2 worst. I'm shocked it's not O'Hare. I heard that place is a nightmare.
Quote from: Protoman Blues on May 18, 2013, 11:29:54 PM
You'd think so, but last I checked LaGuardia is actually rated #2 worst. I'm shocked it's not O'Hare. I heard that place is a nightmare.
O'Hare isn't too bad. Just really [tornado fang]ing big is all.
Quote from: Protoman Blues on May 18, 2013, 11:29:54 PMYou'd think so, but last I checked LaGuardia is actually rated #2 worst. I'm shocked it's not O'Hare. I heard that place is a nightmare.
I've been there and it's nice. I guess it's the whole waiting thing that gets people.
O'Hare is huge and confusing. Newark has these ghetto terminals and gates from where the regional jets and crop dusters fly out. The only airport I like is Harrisburg's, because it's puny.
I remember the last time I was in O'Hare. I was looking for the bathroom by following the signs and I was actually confused for a bit because the directional signs were placed every two hundred miles.
I hate it when I arrive in one terminal, and my flight leaves from another terminal, and I have only ten or twenty minutes to find that damn terminal. The signs point every which way, lead me down terminals with no signs to say if I'm going the right way until the very end, where if Fate really wants to torment me, I find out that I went the wrong way and have to double back and search some more.
I will happily pay an extra $100 to have a direct flight. Connecting flights are the worst.
I particularly hate hauling a heavy carry-on from terminal to terminal, so I gladly pay the checked baggage fee.
Quote from: Protoman Blues on May 20, 2013, 05:37:32 AMI will happily pay an extra $100 to have a direct flight. Connecting flights are the worst.
You know, I didn't know this was a thing until five years ago, and then all my bricks, in rage.
Oh yeah. If there's an option for direct flights and it's not that much more expensive, do it!!
I'd rather have a connecting flight for long trips, as it gives me an opportunity to stand up and stretch my legs.
For long trips, I do my best to sleep on the flight.
I do, too. But, it does feel really nice to stand up, so I find every chance I can to go to the bathroom. Otherwise, my legs cramp from being folded up or having to straddle some carry-on I have stowed under the seat. Coach leg room is awful.
Yeah, I need to stand up on occasion as well. Unless I sleep the whole six hours or so.
I do not know how I would survive a plane ride to Australia. Even with a connecting flight in Honolulu. :P
I'd have to hope for an aisle seat so that I can get up and walk up and down the aisle every now and then.
someone stole my bowl
i know who it was
i confronted them about it
she lied to my face
which was after she had another friend lie to my face for her
Quote from: Mirby on May 20, 2013, 06:15:14 AMsomeone stole my bowl
i know who it was
i confronted them about it
she lied to my face
which was after she had another friend lie to my face for her
friendship is magic
turns out she didn't have it
but someone else has it
and it ain't theirs
When you get it back, beat them over the head with it. It's the only way to be sure.
Quote from: Quickman on May 21, 2013, 06:45:03 AM
When you get it back, beat them over the head with it. It's the only way to be sure.
I'd personally would wear it on my head for some odd reason.
My brother playing WoT non-stop! Yeah we share ONE computer! ;^;
Broken pipe in my room, what the hell. :o
let me tell y'all a story
there's this bamboo stick. bamboo itself is generally rather sturdy and strong. but as more and more pressure is thrust upon it, it begins to fracture.
and finally, one day it snaps. though it looks like it's still relatively intact, it's basically in shreds. and though it tries to feebly hold itself together, it's likely all for naught. the damage is done, and probably irreparable; the act of holding itself together is probably futile.
and now realize that this stick is a metaphor for me.
Hot on the heels of whatever horrendous allergy attack from hell I suffered last week, I've also been dealing with digestive upset. I blame the allergy attack on the weather, and the weather is set to change some more. Looks like I'll again be dealing with constant sneezing, coughing, and blowing bloody snot from my nose...
I've noticed a rising frequency of my own depressions. They'd get surreal too, like a vivid nightmare you don't realize is a dream until you come out of it.
Digestive upset is evolving!
Digestive upset has evolved into gut pain!
You suck, gut pain.
I... I'm sure I would be happier if I weren't so critical about things...
But oh well.
I have a particularly nasty crick in my neck. It hurts to turn my head, and I have not been able to relieve it.
My arms are so tired from carting textbooks around I can't even type comfortably.
Still have that sore neck, but now it's moved into my shoulder. Still hurts to turn my head.
My Canker sore has gotten to the "Raw" phase where it hurts if something just brushes past it.
And unfortunately, its big, and its on my lip, so its hard to talk.
My neck and back have been aching for the past two weeks. No matter what I do. Seriously starting to get on my nerves.
Sore people, sore people everywhere!
We should all dive into a tub of Tiger Balm.
Quote from: Quickman on June 04, 2013, 07:37:00 AM
We should all dive into a tub of Tiger Balm.
Ever heard of Traumeel? German stuff my mother and grandmother swear by. Should snatch up some of that stuff tonight actually. You just reminded me of it.
If I can find some of that around here, I'd buy some. Otherwise, I just stick with Tiger Balm.
Quote from: Sakura Leic on June 04, 2013, 07:35:05 AM
Sore people, sore people everywhere!
At least my sore is treated. Though the treatment stings like hell.
I'm also sore, but I don't whine, unless I can't find the correct pressure point to relieve myself from it.
Quote from: Mirby on May 21, 2013, 06:18:29 AM
turns out she didn't have it
but someone else has it
and it ain't theirs
in an odd twist of fate, the person i had initially accused of stealing my bowl gifted me one of hers earlier tonight
Still have that sore neck. Haven't been able to relieve it. I've massaged the muscles, trying to get rid of the knots, I've tried cracking it, and I've been sleeping with a rolled-up dish towel under my neck, but it still hurts.
I'm getting old. My body is falling apart. D:
Carpal tunnel started acting up again. It makes it difficult to draw when I need to shake out the numbness and I keep losing the strength in my hand.
To add to that, one of my gray brush pens had died, so I need to get new ones.
Searching for a couch for bedrooms may as well be impossible.
Speaking of furniture, I've always wanted one of these:
EDIT: I'm a dumbass who can't read the topic I'm posting in.
What does that have to do with being upset...?
Gah, I keep messing these up '>.>.
There's something I'm upset about, I keep forgetting to read.
It's truly frustrating but I guess it means I have to go to funiture stores blind.
Going to any store blindly looking for something is annoying. I feel your pain.
Nobody should have to go into a furniture store blind. Besides, you'd have to feel up all of the furniture to figure out what you want to buy, and I think the employees wouldn't like that.
[spoiler]I'm sorry, I have a habit of being a smartass...[/spoiler]
Quote from: Phi on June 16, 2013, 05:49:07 AM
I wonder if IKEA has these.
Get it Sakura. I KNOW YOU WANT TO.
Probably not, but I was actually looking for a chair and not a couch.
Ah but it's a chair and couch in one! 8D
It'd be expensive though.
Yikes, I just looked up the price and it's in the high thousands...
Thought it would be maybe $400 or something.
Only one company seems to make them, so they hold a monopoly over those types of chairs. That's why the price is through the roof.
I got a streetpass!
...From somebody who only enabled it on 3DS Sound. [tornado fang]ing imbecile.
How did you get it?
Walking around the Grocery Store.
Seriously, who only activates Streetpass for 3DS SOUND? That'd be the most worthless program on the system if it weren't for the Ambassador Certificate and the Health & Safety Information.
I actually think the AR games in general are useless. I kinda liked AR fishing, and the doodling thing. However they got old FAST after a week or two.
I put a shitload of old Sonic music and other retro game tracks in the 3DS Sound. I don't use it much, but if I'm bored one day, I'll just take a nostalgia trip.
The AR games were novel little things but yeah they are pretty pointless now, they like all the worthless/pre-installed stuff (Like System Settings or Nintendo Video) are shoved at the very end of the 3DS menu.
I keep running out of space/blocks on the 2GB SD card, so I like that System Settings is there when I'm about to snag something from the eShop. I just delete a demo or some software I don't plan to use/play anytime soon and make room for something else.
But other than that, System Settings is definitely useless.
The main thing I use System Settings for is time manipulation to get Play coins.
Other than that I can't find much use for it, its rather annoying that the system soft-reboots when I exit System Settings, though its far better than the system having to shut down for even entering the System Settings.
Ah, yeah I forgot about time manipulation.
Puzzle panels and Find Mii were the only reasons I did that.
People hated me for not caring and be sensitive with others.....I tried...and they still hated me....I could say the same with how they treat me...
As far as I'm concerned...I'm just trying to do what people normally do....if they don't like it....don't [tornado fang]ing let it pile up and bash on me......[tornado fang] this house IDK anymore.
*Gives Space Rock a hug*
People are going to give you grief no matter how you act. But, that's entirely their problem, not yours. The best you can do at this point is to avoid them. Be aloof and quiet, and avoid giving them anything to use against you.
If they don't like it, they can die in a fire.
I'm very upset at the haze situation here.
The PSI (Pollutant Standards Index) has just hit 290, which is in the "Very Unhealthy" range.
10 points more, and it'll be the highest "Hazardous" range.
Posted on: June 19, 2013, 21:40:15
It was nice knowing you people.
PSI 321. *chokes*
Still kind of balling my [tornado fang]ing eyes out atm. Was taking out trash in back to the compactor, tried to throw it in, evil bowling ball moment happened where the string wrapped around my wrist and pulled me into it (it also didnt help that there was a plastic bag that tripped my footing up. landed face first into the bag, turned around so fast and cried and yelled for help like a [sonic slicer] until a neighbor helped pull me out. Thank the gods that it doesnt start up until the door's closed. I wouldve been [tornado fang]ing finished. [tornado fang]ing GAME OVER.
That was a horrifying experience. D:
Ouch that's even worse than my uncle losing his hand in a meat grinder in Cuba!
Oh man, Ahrzayl...
So glad you're safe.
Jesus [tornado fang]ing Christ...
That's horrible, no, more than that.
It's [tornado fang]ing mortifying.
Good to hear you're alright.
Things like that sound pretty horrifying. D:
Glad to hear you're unharmed though.
Quote from: Space Rock on June 19, 2013, 07:24:28 AM
People hated me for not caring and be sensitive with others.....I tried...and they still hated me....I could say the same with how they treat me...
As far as I'm concerned...I'm just trying to do what people normally do....if they don't like it....don't [tornado fang]ing let it pile up and bash on me......[tornado fang] this house IDK anymore.
I get that feeling from time to time, especially when people accuse me of bullshit that's not even true. *hugs*
Quote from: Ahrzayl on June 19, 2013, 05:38:20 PM
Still kind of balling my [tornado fang]ing eyes out atm. Was taking out trash in back to the compactor, tried to throw it in, evil bowling ball moment happened where the string wrapped around my wrist and pulled me into it (it also didnt help that there was a plastic bag that tripped my footing up. landed face first into the bag, turned around so fast and cried and yelled for help like a [sonic slicer] until a neighbor helped pull me out. Thank the gods that it doesnt start up until the door's closed. I wouldve been [tornado fang]ing finished. [tornado fang]ing GAME OVER.
[tornado fang]! I'm actually glad that didn't turn into some "Final Destination" scene. Hope you're alright after that, near death experience. :O
Near-Death experiences are never fun. Hang in there, Ahrzayl.
Thanks everyone. Even though I literally almost pissed my pants, I'm feeling okay now. Moved into my apartment fine, surveyed every single thing before moving in, tested outlets, water, toilets, hinges and braces, signs of damage, locks, and for insects and droppings. Set up utilities, INTERNET, and cable (dat HBO ((DAT DR WHO))). Now I just have to fully move in and I'll be sooooo set.
Has a fear of compactors now...
I never knew a place that had compactors in back yards, we just have the garbage trucks pick up the trash.
They're out on the other side of platforms across the car park of my sister's apartment building. Trucks still come and pick it up but since it's a eight story, they need to have them out there.
My friend's building has a garbage chute, but that's the closest I've seen. That damn door, though. I hated that door. I've taken out garbage at my friend's place, opened that heavy door, threw the bag in, and BAM! Sucker slams shut so damn fast and hard that it doesn't even give me time to let go of the damn handle.
My place has a dumpster. A dumpster that some people can't seem to aim at and actually get their bags inside.
As for what's upsetting me right now... Not much. My gut's unsettled, but that's all.
That'd be the worst in a horror movie. D:
*hugs Ahrzayl*
Your day was already a horror flick. Take care to keep it from happening again.
Quote from: NeKohaku on June 19, 2013, 07:12:53 PM
[tornado fang]! I'm actually glad that didn't turn into some "Final Destination" scene. Hope you're alright after that, near death experience. :O
That [parasitic bomb].
Yeah, I'm probably never going near one again. Kinda don't want to even take garbage out anymore but my place has just regular dumpsters a ways away. I'll probably be in a joking mood about all this tomorrow. lol
*hugs A-Zay*
You poor thing.
well the several mental breaks i've had in the past month are certainly upsetting me
or if not upsetting, concerning at the very least
A summary of my haze angst (http://nch85.deviantart.com/art/Smog-379503766)
Work... work. More work out of the [tornado fang]ing blue.
Quote from: Dr. Wily II on June 21, 2013, 04:26:03 PM
A summary of my haze angst (http://nch85.deviantart.com/art/Smog-379503766)
Man, is it really as bad as it looks?
You should take a vacation or something. Just get out of there.
Quote from: Dr. Wily II on June 21, 2013, 04:26:03 PM
A summary of my haze angst (http://nch85.deviantart.com/art/Smog-379503766)
That's horrible.
Quote from: Phi on June 21, 2013, 06:25:53 PM
Man, is it really as bad as it looks?
You should take a vacation or something. Just get out of there.
Yes, I personally see it everyday, decreasing in visibility...
And I would like too... But need more money first... MOREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
SO MUCH ANGST IT'S EVEN ON REDDIT (http://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/1grv3e/smog_in_singapore_today/)
Posted on: June 22, 2013, 00:30:07
Even if I get out for a short trip out of Singapore... Malaysia is affected. As is Brunei. And Thailand. No way going to the source at Indonesia.
Do you at least have a stable amount of food in your house/apartment to last you a while?
At this point, it's just best to stay inside for as long as possible.
Quote from: Dr. Wily II on June 21, 2013, 06:30:07 PM
After buying those 7 Ryubis...? Of course :\
Quote from: Dr. Wily II on June 21, 2013, 06:34:03 PM
Even if I get out for a short trip out of Singapore... Malaysia is affected. As is Brunei. And Thailand. No way going to the source at Indonesia.
Come here and freeze :U
Where is there?
LOL, I guess there is enough...
But the thing is, everything is still moving on as if it's nothing.
People going to work, it's the school holidays now, so at least the kiddies are not at school... At least until the end of next week.
At least facemasks are available, for the moment.
Quote from: Reaperoid on June 21, 2013, 06:40:17 PM
After buying those 7 Ryubis...? Of course :\
Come here and freeze :U
If only I got selected for the best jobs in the world!!
Those Plushies are going to get so dirty so fast.
Quote from: Dr. Wily II on June 21, 2013, 06:44:41 PM
But the thing is, everything is still moving on as if it's nothing.
People going to work, it's the school holidays now, so at least the kiddies are not at school... At least until the end of next week.
That's no good.
It's extremely risking to be out for such long periods. I mean, I get why business and such is still going on; the economy can't just grind to a halt. But it's still worrisome.
Yea, it's understandable, but at the moment, top brass are still discussing the finer details, so... *shrug*
Quote from: Sakura Leic on June 21, 2013, 06:46:55 PM
Those Plushies are going to get so dirty so fast.
Thankfully they are suffocating in their plastic bags. 8D
I guess that's true.
So the haze is a bit like a hazardous fog, huh?
I heard that it's caused by fires in Sumatra. When a similar thing happened here (fires in Quebec), people stayed inside, mostly, and were told to limit outdoor activities, particularly if they have asthma. Hopefully a change in the weather patterns will help clear so e of that up.
Yep, fires from Sumatra, some caused by natural forest fires due to it being the dry season, the rest are due to slash-and-burn by plantation owners to clear land. It's been happening every year, this year just happened to be the worst since 1997.
And yea, top brass has advised reduced outdoor/strenous activites for all age groups, however, indoor workplaces can still function of course.
Invest in a civilian gas mask from a military surplus store. Not only will you have a gas mask, but a cool prop for any cosplaying, too! Ringman had an Israeli gas mask, and we used it for its intended purpose off and on. Most of the time, though... costume supply.
Or I might as well go Darth Vader. 8D
Quote from: Protoman Blues on June 22, 2013, 06:35:17 AM
Aw sorry about that.
Yeah that sounds like it could've been cool.
What held you up?
Ouch man, just ouch.
Quote from: Protoman Blues on June 22, 2013, 06:54:40 AM
Ohh man, that's brutal.
Ah well
My gut, at the moment, is upsetting me. It's unsettled, gurgling, bubbling, making strange noises...
My bike was just [tornado fang]ing stolen. What the [tornado fang]!
God that sucks, seriously sorry that happened.
Did you report it? From experience, I can tell you that it doesn't mean that the bike will be returned, so it still sucks. Go beat the hell out of everyone, then nuke it from orbit. Just to be sure.
I know that feel all too well... I'm sorry to hear that.
My bike, along with my brother's, were stolen from the garage many years back.
It has been with me for about twenty years...Sure I couldnt ride it when i was young but it was still gotten for me. This is the first time it's ever been taken. No one will ever know how much that bike means to me. But thank you guys. And no nuking from orbit as much as I'd like too. Need you all around.
And yeah, I did report it a few minutes ago. Had the police survey the area.
That sucks even more. I am really sorry.
Quote from: Ahrzayl on June 24, 2013, 09:15:27 AMBut thank you guys. And no nuking from orbit as much as I'd like too. Need you all around.
That's what RPM is for. We're kinda mostly friendly!
Really though, hang in there and I hope your bike is found. Even when chances seem slim, like Quickie said, report it. You know I don't like when you're upset :<
[tornado fang]ing thievery, man.
I hope they'll find it, as Phi said.
Or at least they catch the guy/guys who stole it.
You should go on a big adventure to find it! 8D
It is your bike after all. It clearly means a lot to you.
But in all seriousness, that sucks, I hope you get it back.
Quote from: Ahrzayl on June 24, 2013, 09:15:27 AM
It has been with me for about twenty years...Sure I couldnt ride it when i was young but it was still gotten for me. This is the first time it's ever been taken. No one will ever know how much that bike means to me. But thank you guys. And no nuking from orbit as much as I'd like too. Need you all around.
And yeah, I did report it a few minutes ago. Had the police survey the area.
*hugs A-Zay*
So so so sorry
A game I spent many months working on came out in full today. Since it's from my time at my previous employer before it self-destructed though, the name of my team appears nowhere in there. We're just kind tossed in a blanket special thanks. *sigh* Oh well.
Special thanks?
That's messed up. You (and your team) shouldn't settle for less; you should file a complaint.
I went to the pool, slathered on sunblock, and swam, and swam, and swam.
I baked my upper back, neck, and shoulders.
It's always the upper back and shoulders. ALWAYS! o//////o
Staying out of the sun is the only way to go.
No Sunburn, no fuss.
My sister-in-law commented on how pasty white I was, so I said I would get some color today.
Boy did I. 8D
I can't get tan anymore, its either Pasty white (Which I love since it goes so well with black clothing.) or Red like a Tomato (Which isn't fun.).
That's looking like my situation, now. Either no tan, or I burn. I guess that makes me a vampire, now.
Quote from: Phi on June 26, 2013, 03:08:08 AM
Special thanks?
That's messed up. You (and your team) shouldn't settle for less; you should file a complaint.
Yeah I dunno... might be hard to get Sega to allow ex-THQ employees' names in the credits, no matter how long they worked on it. Such is the way of things, sadly.
Ugh. I really getting my back completely sunburned and it was not fun, especially when it began to peel.
I can't wait until I'm sloughing off burned skin like shingles in a windstorm.
They [tornado fang]ing KILLED IT.
They took it and KILLED IT.
What was once a wonderful setup is now an awkward Pooptube premium channel.
WHAT THE [tornado fang] GAME GRUMPS
What did they do this time?
I take it they made it a pay-2-watch channel.
No, Jon left and Arin tried to fill the gap with [parasitic bomb].
Ahh yeah that does make it worse since I don't like Game Grumps in the first place.
Quote from: Clutchasaurus on June 26, 2013, 06:12:22 AM
No, Jon left and Arin tried to fill the gap with [parasitic bomb].
I wonder why Jon left, and I'm more curious as to who the other guy is.
Quote from: Clefant on June 26, 2013, 06:18:38 AM
I wonder why Jon left, and I'm more curious as to who the other guy is.
Jon wanted to shift focus away from "just playing games" so he can go and do his own selfish thing.
This new guy I don't even know but he grabbed this other idiot and they started this terrible new subseries of PC gaming where they try to be both Game Grumps and Pewdiepie.
Quote from: Clutchasaurus on June 26, 2013, 06:31:34 AM
Jon wanted to shift focus away from "just playing games" so he can go and do his own selfish thing.
This new guy I don't even know but he grabbed this other idiot and they started this terrible new subseries of PC gaming where they try to be both Game Grumps and Pewdiepie.
Quote from: Clutchasaurus on June 26, 2013, 06:31:34 AM
Jon wanted to shift focus away from "just playing games" so he can go and do his own selfish thing.
This new guy I don't even know but he grabbed this other idiot and they started this terrible new subseries of PC gaming where they try to be both Game Grumps and Pewdiepie.
Oh vomit. That's just... no.
I'm glad I wasn't that much of a follower of Grumps at all. It's not bad but it's not all it's cracked up to be in the first place IMO. I'd rather Arin just gets back to animating.
Quote from: Clutchasaurus on June 26, 2013, 06:31:34 AM
Jon wanted to shift focus away from "just playing games" so he can go and do his own selfish thing.
From what I can tell, he just wants to do his show again, and other stuff he did.
How is that selfish?
You better tell me there's some actual and factual other reason behind this, otherwise I'm going to call you stupid.
Besides, Game Grumps are [tornado fang]ing [parasitic bomb]. They both should have gotten back to their own shticks long ago.
I subscribed to them at the beginning, because I thought they are going to be entertaining, but after some time... it turns out they are terrible.
I mean, I have nothing against them just playing games and having fun.
But their entire "Game Grumps" thing should have been an "once in some time" thing. Meaning, an episode or two from time to time.
Quote from: SAKAKI on June 26, 2013, 03:04:24 PM
From what I can tell, he just wants to do his show again, and other stuff he did.
How is that selfish?
Maybe because he specifically made it obvious in his going away video that he was just gonna do his own thing for his sake? He basically said "I should be doing something better than Game Grumps" which sounds to me like he wants to get fame for his own videos instead of sharing it with Arin.
Also I would like to respectfully disagree, I find Game Grumps to be entertaining most of the time, but that's my opinion. Often it tends to fall into my sense of humor. Though there have been lackluster series and episodes...
Portal 2 was [tornado fang]ing terriblePosted on: June 26, 2013, 09:17:03 AM
Quote from: Schrödinger on June 26, 2013, 02:50:59 PM
I'm glad I wasn't that much of a follower of Grumps at all. It's not bad but it's not all it's cracked up to be in the first place IMO. I'd rather Arin just gets back to animating.
Actually, given their emphasis on this
[tornado fang]ing awful new subseries, I hope this happens.
Quote from: SAKAKI on June 26, 2013, 03:04:24 PM
From what I can tell, he just wants to do his show again, and other stuff he did.
How is that selfish?
You better tell me there's some actual and factual other reason behind this, otherwise I'm going to call you stupid.
Besides, Game Grumps are [tornado fang]ing [parasitic bomb]. They both should have gotten back to their own shticks long ago.
I subscribed to them at the beginning, because I thought they are going to be entertaining, but after some time... it turns out they are terrible.
I mean, I have nothing against them just playing games and having fun.
But their entire "Game Grumps" thing should have been an "once in some time" thing. Meaning, an episode or two from time to time.
Pretty much this. I enjoyed some of their material, but I didn't follow them episode to episode. Quite frankly I prefer when an LPer can make jokes relevant to the game they're playing instead of filler about references I don't even understand.
If you guys want to watch a group commentary I recommend Brain Scratch Commentaries. They do post commentary on games that they played between 4 to occasionally 5 or even 6 guys and they never run out of content since the raw videos are already recorded.
What's upsetting me right now is how [tornado fang]ing shitty this country's train system is. The fact that we do not have high speed rails is an abomination.
I'm upset that teleportation would probably not be created and streamlined until long after I'm dead.
What's upsetting me is that I was at gamestop yesterday and didn't cancel my pokemon X preorder I had with them! [tornado fang]!
Quote from: Clefant on June 26, 2013, 04:15:35 PM
What's upsetting me is that I was at gamestop yesterday and didn't cancel my pokemon X preorder I had with them! [tornado fang]!
... Why are you cancelling?
Quote from: Dr. Wily II on June 26, 2013, 04:18:30 PM
... Why are you cancelling?
He found a place that has it cheaper.
... Oh.
... OH.
Seeing as how Nintendo World usually has events for this sort of thing, I'll probably just get it there, along with some hopefully free Pokeswag! 8D
Danm you and your Nintendo World! Seriously why the hell do we not have one in LA!
I'm upset there's no Nintendo World down here. B(
Speaking of Nintendo World, I'm thinking of going to the Animal Crossing event they have there on 7/5. 8D
Animal crossing event?
And meet Reggie again? :P
Yeah. That thing Reggie was at the day I missed him (curse you awful timing) was an Animal Crossing Bug Off event. A tourney, of sorts, to see who could catch the biggest bug. I forgot what the prize was. Something special in the game maybe.
i think the prize, is seeing Reggie. :P
Quote from: Protoman Blues on June 26, 2013, 04:47:28 PM
Yeah. That thing Reggie was at the day I missed him (curse you awful timing) was an Animal Crossing Bug Off event. A tourney, of sorts, to see who could catch the biggest bug. I forgot what the prize was. Something special in the game maybe.
Speaking of special stuff, that Raccoon Clock is pretty snazzy, though best buy is a pain to go to just for that.
Quote from: Protoman Blues on June 26, 2013, 04:24:42 PM
Seeing as how Nintendo World usually has events for this sort of thing, I'll probably just get it there, along with some hopefully free Pokeswag! 8D
Psst. Get extra free Pokeswag.
And as for me, the sunburn is still bothering me. I slept without a shirt just to ease the pain.
Quote from: Quickman on June 26, 2013, 11:05:18 PM
And as for me, the sunburn is still bothering me. I slept without a shirt just to ease the pain.
Ah, who needs shirts anyway? Or pants for that matter. 8D
People who go outside, of course, whether by choice or not. :P
Anyway, shorts upset me, pale skin + dark leg hair does not equal pleasant looking.
Quote from: Quickman on June 26, 2013, 11:05:18 PM
Psst. Get extra free Pokeswag.
And as for me, the sunburn is still bothering me. I slept without a shirt just to ease the pain.
I still need to get you your 3DS & HeartGold 8D
Trying to write the Proto Man bio for OCR and everything I do causes them to call PLAGIARIST on me (which, as a writer, is among the most offensive things you can call me), except not actually using the word.
I even took a break from the first draft for a few days after deleting that and then took a new approach. But nope, TOO SIMILAR WORDING
how the [tornado fang] am i supposed to rephrase "pompadour"
seriously, that's one of the things that are "too similar" to the source i'm using (the MMN wiki)
i'm seriously ready to track down the [Bumpity-Boom!] who keeps telling me this so i can beat the holy [parasitic bomb] out of him, that's how pissed off i am
....What is it with wiki editors being massive dickwads?
With the notable exception of Quickie, of course.
I don't know. I didn't even LOOK at the wiki source with the second draft and yet, got accused again. PURELY COINCIDENTAL.
sorry, but accusing me of plagiarism in any way is the most offensive thing you can do to me. seriously.
if he had told me that in person, i'd have likely grabbed him by the throat and bashed his head into the nearest wall repeatedly. you do NOT accuse me of that.
I don't think I've ever experienced angry Mirby.
I now know not to play with fire.
Quote from: Schrödinger on June 28, 2013, 07:59:24 PM
I don't think I've ever experienced angry Mirby.
I now know not to play with fire.
Not the first time really.
Quote from: Sakura Leic on June 28, 2013, 08:04:01 PM
Not the first time really.
Yeah you should've seen her when Ruri was still around.
She got pretty annoyed with him.
annoyed is putting it mildly
I've seen that, but I wasn't this impressed.
My butt is sore and I don't know why.
Probably just sitting the wrong way for too long.
Maybe but I was sitting on my bed, which is why I'm confused.
Perhaps someone was spanking a voodoo Sakura doll?
Quote from: Protoman Blues on July 04, 2013, 09:01:29 AM
Perhaps someone was spanking a voodoo Sakura doll?
Why would someone do that?
*points at PB*
Quote from: Sakura Leic on July 04, 2013, 09:02:34 AM
Why would someone do that?
I dunno. Voodoo doll people are creepy!
Doesn't someone need a piece of my hair to make that work?
They do.
Think about that for a minute! :o
not always? I thought it just had to be a likeness.
Quote from: Protoman Blues on July 04, 2013, 09:12:12 AM
They do.
Think about that for a minute! :o
I don't want to dude. :o
Quote from: Clefant on July 04, 2013, 09:12:24 AM
not always? I thought it just had to be a likeness.
I think they would need something physical to connect it to your soul or something.
Cartoons lied to me.
Not like I was making any Voodoo dolls or anything.
-Is also part-time witch- ;D
Quote from: Clefant on July 04, 2013, 09:15:18 AM
Cartoons lied to me.
Not like I was making any Voodoo dolls or anything.
I once wanted to make a voodoo dolls because cartoons.
[spoiler]But I never did because I'm a [tornado fang] up who can't sew for [parasitic bomb].[/spoiler]
Quote from: Ahrzayl on July 04, 2013, 09:22:02 AM
-Is also part-time witch- ;D
Why are you spanking my left butt cheek?
Quote from: Sakura Leic on July 04, 2013, 09:26:15 AM
Why are you spanking my left butt cheek?
That sounds kinda wrong when you think about it.
Quote from: Tron on July 04, 2013, 09:29:09 AM
That sounds kinda wrong when you think about it.
But oh so right?
Quote from: Sakura Leic on July 04, 2013, 09:26:15 AM
Why are you spanking my left butt cheek?
Quote from: Tron on July 04, 2013, 09:29:09 AM
That sounds kinda wrong when you think about it.
Quote from: Phi on July 04, 2013, 09:31:51 AM
But oh so right?
What are you talking about? This had nothing to do with the right cheek :\
... 8D
Quote from: Ahrzayl on July 04, 2013, 09:22:02 AM
-Is also part-time witch- ;D
So you're the one spanking Sakura's voodoo doll!!
Now who the hell sets off a firecracker at nearly 5 am in an apartment subdivision? >8|
QuickEdit: They're still setting off firecrackers! O:<
Stayed up playing through the end of Kingdom Hearts 2. Ugh. I have things to do, and now I'm not sure if I'm going to do them without passing out halfway through them... And all that for a long, boring credits roll and a notice telling me I didn't get 101% because that's what hardcore KHII gamers do, and I don't think I'm going to grate my way through Swim This Way just to get a higher number on my screen when the game freezes.
I think Kingdom Hearts 2 is bothering me. XD
So my father is drinking again, and me and my mother aren't letting him into the house.
The horrible thing is, I had a dream recently, where among many strange poo poo, my father was drunk.
I wake up, he's [tornado fang]ing drunk.
Sorry to hear that. I know a bit what that's like.
Quote from: Protoman Blues on July 08, 2013, 02:09:38 AM
Sorry to hear that. I know a bit what that's like.
I guess I should probably get used to it, because as long as he lives, he's going to continue doing this.
Of course, there are periods when he's not drinking, but...
I fear I might one day snap and [tornado fang]ing hurt him, becuase since a couple of "incidents" ago, I barely manage to hold my anger.
I try not to think about it much, so that I won't get depressed.
That's got to be tough, I only seen one person drunk before (and he was a funny drunk) so I have no idea what you're going through, sorry you have to go through that.
I realize now, that I'm going once again against my own rule.
Which is to not despair over such things on the net.
Sorry guys.
No need to say sorry, sometimes talking about it helps relieve the stress. Plus, we are here for you, so...
Quote from: Cleopatra on July 04, 2013, 09:26:15 AM
Why are you spanking my left butt cheek?
Wait....what. x.x
Also, everything is upsetting me.
what's upsetting me is that i don't have enough money for food right now :C
Quote from: Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz on July 08, 2013, 03:33:17 AM
No need to say sorry, sometimes talking about it helps relieve the stress. Plus, we are here for you, so...
What he said. If you need someplace to vent, there's no harm doing it here.
Quote from: Ahrzayl on July 08, 2013, 03:36:32 AM
Also, everything is upsetting me.
What's wrong?
*prepares sacrifices for Ahrzayl*
Work and idiots and and and....my perfect megaman battle network 3 record just up and got deleted... ;^;
Quote from: Ahrzayl on July 08, 2013, 03:48:52 AM
Work and idiots and and and....my perfect megaman battle network 3 record just up and got deleted... ;^;
Oh God, data deletion...
I'm sorry that happened. I remember when my cousin deleted my Battle Network 2 save by accident. I was so furious, because I obtained every chip in that. And deletion is never fun, regardless.
Y-Y-Yes madam! * kidnaps the cannon fodder for the sacrificial ceremony*
[parasitic bomb], I hate to lose save data. But who loves it?
I feel for you, man.
Also, my father wanted to break to doors down because he wanted rest of his money, he used a chair to do it and eventually we gave him his money (not much of it, but enough to get shitfaced). He made a "dent" in our doors though. My older brother will [tornado fang]ing probably kill him for this, because he was the one who funded these nice doors.
I sense a storm.
Darn. That sounded bad. Only the door was injured right?
Man that sounds scary.
Mind you, I've STILL been playing that game since it came out. My god....so many years. My roommate judt got it and he's all like do it over again. And I'm like.............
Sorry about your door. Wish me and Mohindar couldve protected it. D:
To me it wasn't scary, well, maybe if you count that I was worried about the door.
At this point I merely get more and more angry, than scared.
I am not a child, and all the [parasitic bomb] I've seen him do over the years eventually stopped getting to me "fear-like".
As someone who grew up in an alcoholic household, I sympathize. Though my dad would get shitfaced, it was my mom who was the violent one. But, that's due to unresolved bipolar disorder and her complete and utter refusal to seek any sort of treatment. Alcohol certainly didn't help matters in that regard.
Keeping your father out of the house was the right thing to do. Have you considered calling the cops and charging him for public intoxication and disorderly conduct? Even though the incident happened on your property, your dad can still be charged.
I know I might be a little ignorant concerning the subject of law, especially that of other countries, but do they have such laws in Poland?
my brother's the alcoholic in my family
granted that means if he hits me i can just hit him right back twice as hard
which surprises him
(i also don't live there anymore)
but yeah, best that he's out of the house
Quote from: Cleopatra on July 08, 2013, 07:23:50 AM
I know I might be a little ignorant concerning the subject of law, especially that of other countries, but do they have such laws in Poland?
I wish I knew, but I guess something similar to a Public Intoxication charge if it was out front and in a open enough area.
I know that Poland has a law regarding drunken cycling of all things, though
My father is a complete cretin, a brainless moron.
Even if we call the cops, the best they could do is lock him up until he "stops being drunk"... and they'll let him out and he'll start [tornado fang]ing drinking again.
That's how reliable Police is.
When I was younger, my mother already took many things against this drunk [dark hold]. Like to the court, which resulted in his person being check upon by a certain "government lady". It was to keep him in check.
Nothing. HELPED.
Sadly, unless the person wants to be helped, there isn't much else to do. Aside from allow them to rack up charges. My dad's latest drunken folly netted him house arrest.
The only person I know of in my family that drank a lot was my grandfather. Though he wasn't quite as bad as Tron's situation. So I can't really relate much in that regard.
Though if we're talking about family trauma, my uncle is a really manipulative person, and always has been. He ran away from when he was young, appeared when he was an adult and basically tormented his mother. After she passed away, he tried to reclaim her property, even though it didn't belong to him. Got into various fights with his brother and trashed other people's apartment cable setups (for TV and [parasitic bomb]). My parents checked him into a mental hospital, but he always managed to find his way out and cause even more trauma for people.
A [tornado fang]ing disgusting piece of human being.
Quote from: Archetype on July 08, 2013, 04:24:51 PM
Though if we're talking about family trauma, my uncle is a really manipulative person, and always has been. He ran away from when he was young, appeared when he was an adult and basically tormented his mother. After she passed away, he tried to reclaim her property, even though it didn't belong to him. Got into various fights with his brother and trashed other people's apartment cable setups (for TV and [parasitic bomb]). My parents checked him into a mental hospital, but he always managed to find his way out and cause even more trauma for people.
A [tornado fang]ing disgusting piece of human being.
Well, [parasitic bomb]. This guy makes a compelling argument to give certain people lobotomies.
If I am to be honest, my father's dad (grandpa) was also a disgusting drunkard and a horrible, horrible man.
When he got older, he kinda mellowed out.
I kinda liked him, when he wasn't strict. And he didn't really drink when I was around, though, by the time I met him he apparently was not drinking at all.
Never the less, he was an abusive father long ago and pretty much the type of guy who would beat hos own children and wife.
If there's someone to blame for for my dad's drinking, it's that man.
Though it's not only his fault, because if my father wanted to, he would [tornado fang]ing try and get help. But he always quits barely trying.
He's an okay guy when not shitfaced... but yeah.
On my end, my uncle was a drunkard. He was a happy drunk though, so he wasn't violent. That was reserved for my dad, who was usually hopped up on something (usually cocaine).
Quote from: Ahrzayl on July 04, 2013, 09:22:02 AM
-Is also part-time witch- ;D
How can you be a
part-time witch?
That actually sounds interesting... What are the benefits over full-time witching? How much power do you have?It doesn't exist, literally. I have a friend who's serious about it, and even she knows that's not possible. Pretty sure you're not a real witch.
Again, a person can only be helped if they want to be helped. If they don't think there's a problem, then they really can't be helped. The most you can do is show them the consequences of their actions, and even then, they may still think that everyone is "picking on them."
My dad never thought that he had a drinking problem, and he would often mix alcohol with drugs. He is convinced that the police and court systems simply don't like him because he "has dirt on them," or some such crap. He thinks that they're treating him badly because he knows stuff about them that would cause them to lose their jobs. It never once occurred to him that his problem was drugs and alcohol. Never once.
And then there's my mom, who is working to get her diagnosis of bipolar overturned. When she hits all the diagnostic criteria with a sledgehammer and then some. When her manic moments and extreme mood swings have gotten her in trouble with the law. When she has a history of delusional behavior and psychotic symptoms. And she refuses to take her medication because she doesn't want it taking away her "highs," even though she is mean and nasty, manipulative, and downright abusive.
I may not have a degree in psychology, though I did take the time to study the condition and become versed in the diagnostic criteria. If my mom manages to fool a psychiatrist, then that person is an idiot, though I cannot fully blame them, as they haven't any access to my mom's history.
They should give me a call. I have enough anecdotal evidence for a book.
Quote from: Quickman on July 09, 2013, 12:50:55 AM
Again, a person can only be helped if they want to be helped. If they don't think there's a problem, then they really can't be helped. The most you can do is show them the consequences of their actions, and even then, they may still think that everyone is "picking on them."
My uncle is aware that people aren't "picking on him" when he gets in trouble. He is completely aware of all of his actions and doesn't seem to mind the consequences.
I honestly think he just likes to watch people suffer, and nothing else.
Quote from: Archetype on July 09, 2013, 01:04:46 AM
My uncle is aware that people aren't "picking on him" when he gets in trouble. He is completely aware of all of his actions and doesn't seem to mind the consequences.
I honestly think he just likes to watch people suffer, and nothing else.
Part of me wants to say that is an indicator of sociopathic behavior but I am not entirely sure.
Quote from: Pyro on July 09, 2013, 01:34:24 AM
Part of me wants to say that is an indicator of sociopathic behavior but I am not entirely sure.
I'd say the same to be honest.
I will defer to Quickie on his matter.
That would indeed be a symptom of antisocial personality disorder. A lack of regret for one's actions is also a symptom, which I see in my own dad. However, a diagnosis cannot be made on one or two criteria alone.
Posted on: July 08, 2013, 11:58:28 PM
I have a pain in my flank that feels like it's in my left kidney. It flared up earlier this week, and it flared up again this morning. I'm hoping it's not a stone, and stupid me forgot to get cranberry juice at the store.
If it's a stone, I hope it passes without a problem, and I'll be drinking more water to flush it out. If it's a stone and it's too big to pass, well... I'd rather not think about that. I'll just drink some water and pop a Tylenol and hope for the best. :\
Right now I'm having a difficult time having any sort of positive thoughts. I pissed off a friend of mine for the umpteenth time and nobody is understanding the exact [parasitic bomb] mood I'm in currently.
(╯°□°)╯︵ ʇɟosıq∩
Very creative there.
What did Ubisoft do?
Pffft. What don't they [tornado fang]ing do? Seriously, I know from a friend that their internal bullshit is incredible at times.
It's [tornado fang]ing remarkable how much nonsense goes on there.
I'm currently kinda upset because of my laziness.
But I guess I should probably be happy that at least I have enough will to finally try and change up my music style.
Never the less I am mad at myself for starting shitload of stuff in the past and never getting to finishing them.
Also my drunk dad once again did something crazy. This [tornado fang]ing complete retard.
Today's Free Slurpee Day and I'm too sick to go to a 7/11.
Quote from: Schrödinger on July 12, 2013, 04:25:18 AM
Today's Free Slurpee Day and I'm too sick to go to a 7/11.
It is!?
My nearest 7-Eleven is too far away! D:
I don't have a 7-Eleven! The closest one is 150 miles away!
I don't know the locations of my 7-Elevens.
I'm so glad that everybody ignored my signs of depression because I worked through it already.
But now I'm having a midlife crisis...in a game...
I had to look since I've never seen one.
Not even one within 100 miles.
Its pretty scary that Kwik Trip has such an iron grip on the convenience store/gas station market in this area of Wisconsin.
Quote from: Clutchasaurus on July 12, 2013, 04:55:14 AM
I'm so glad that everybody ignored my signs of depression because I worked through it already.
But now I'm having a midlife crisis...in a game...
The Sims?
I have a 7/11 just opposite my workplace. Lunch dessert!
Quote from: Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz on July 12, 2013, 05:18:57 AM
The Sims?
I have a 7/11 just opposite my workplace. Lunch dessert!
Nah it's the KHII thing I was talking about.
Oh. Didn't read that yet. ._.
This feeling of discomfort I keep having.
Stomach stuff mostly.
Girl stuff. Gonna enter rant mode pretty soon.
Oh boy
I guess Walmart didn't see my note about how I needed the 20th through 22nd off.
So I told them I needed it off since I will be vacationing and they said they couldn't do it because it needs to be three weeks in advance. Why? Why is it so hard to change around a schedule for next week?
Oh for christ sake.
I can't get my game recorded above 30 FPS (which is only a problem because the game engine I use has absolutely no built-in FPS drop compensation, so when it lags, it lags). Even the oh-so-special "better than Fraps" Bandi-scam did worse than Fraps at trying to capture this damn thing.
I really hope this freelance job gets me the Studio upgrade. Maybe the problem is all that extra space Fraps and Bandicrap wastefully tries to render that seems to be inherited by all Game Maker games except the ones in Studio. -_-
Edit: I tried to double-post, and it ate my old post. o_O
So, my mom is now regretting ditching everything and everyone here in Pennsylvania and running away to Florida, where she's now stuck and in debt.
Hate to say I told you so, Mom, but...
Well after 4 years give or take my iPod nano is officially dead.
I hope this company dies just like the last one I worked for. It certainly deserves it more than the last one.
Quote from: Fox McCloud on July 25, 2013, 03:04:34 AM
I hope this company dies just like the last one I worked for. It certainly deserves it more than the last one.
I know you work for Ubisoft but what was the other company you worked for or was it just another Ubisoft.
I was just shaking my lighter to make it wprk and just wailed my already injuted elbow on the corner of my steel chair!
This is just punishment for smoking i feel! XD
nah, you need to smoke more to ease the pain
wait, what are you smoking? XD
Quote from: artapoelC on July 25, 2013, 03:08:53 AM
I know you work for Ubisoft but what was the other company you worked for or was it just another Ubisoft.
THQ. It wasn't perfect by any means, but it was better than
Quote from: Fox McCloud on July 25, 2013, 03:41:44 AM
THQ. It wasn't perfect by any means, but it was better than this.
Ah I see, it must be hard being a programmer in general so I have no idea what [parasitic bomb] you go through.
Quote from: ʎqɹıW on July 25, 2013, 03:38:31 AM
nah, you need to smoke more to ease the pain
wait, what are you smoking? XD
Just cigareetes.
I get randomly drug tested at work!
I'm upset that, yes, it's dark and cloudy outside, but it's Las Vegas, we average out in 100 degree tempuratures, yet somehow we're getting FLASH FLOOD WARNINGS EVERY FIVE MINUTES
Quote from: Grand Trine on July 28, 2013, 10:46:54 PM
I'm upset that, yes, it's dark and cloudy outside, but it's Las Vegas, we average out in 100 degree tempuratures, yet somehow we're getting FLASH FLOOD WARNINGS EVERY FIVE MINUTES
Oh boy. Netflix. Watching two year old movies and episodes of a show I've already seen three seasons ago.
Quote from: Grand Trine on July 28, 2013, 10:46:54 PM
I'm upset that, yes, it's dark and cloudy outside, but it's Las Vegas, we average out in 100 degree tempuratures, yet somehow we're getting FLASH FLOOD WARNINGS EVERY FIVE MINUTES
Hah, fox did that one week, it was so bad because the Audio went out of sync when it came back, only to eventually hop back to normal.
Quote from: Grand Trine on July 28, 2013, 10:52:26 PM
Oh boy. Netflix. Watching two year old movies and episodes of a show I've already seen three seasons ago.
That's an exaggeration.
Netflix updates fairly often. Also, I'm sure there's a lot of great shows and movies on there you haven't seen yet.
Me personally, I have a habit of re-watching a lot of episodes for certain shows because they're
that good.
Blah. I need to go spend the night and most of Monday at my grandma's because my dad wants to go off and spend the night at his girlfriend's. So, he volunteered me to babysit my grandma. If the circumstances were any different, I wouldn't mind spending time with my grandma, but with all the drama and bullshit surrounding her and the rest of my immediate family, I would rather have nothing to do with any of them.
In short, my grandma's health is on the decline because she refuses to wear her oxygen, and my dad won't do anything about it. and the house is a disaster, he has three dogs there, the place stinks, he's a neglectful ass, and I really don't want to go over there at all.
The place has a bad reputation, and I'm guilty by association.
Arghh... My lappie keeps shutting down on its own accord, and I have not been able to figure out why. Heat, Flash, it's like everything in one. *turns on lappie again.*
Might be due to heat. Try setting up a fan behind it.
*back on lappie* Time to find a fan then.
If you have any canned air, try blasting some in the fan vents. Might just need a dusting.
Canned air?
I always refer to them as "Air Compressors".
... YET
Posted on: August 03, 2013, 14:59:31
Still looking around, but I have a burning question that's related.
Do I need to worry about getting a new lappie, and starting backing up my pron stuff?
How old is your lappie?
Hmm... Aug 2010.
It just turned 3 years old today (4 Aug).
I had my Dell for eight years and aside from a few hiccups, it still works fine. Three years isn't that old if you take care of your computer. If it's a fan problem, you can replace the fan. Plenty of tutorials on YouTube to follow on how to do it. But, I think just getting a can of compressed air and blasting the fan vents should do the trick. May just be dust.
As for backing up anything, do it just to be on the safe side, but the problem sounds to me like a temperature control issue.
If so, that will be good. I still intend to keep this lappie for at least 2 more years...
Posted on: August 04, 2013, 01:31:25
Wait, replace the fan on a laptop on YouTube? o-O
Yep. Ringman and I cracked open a laptop, following a tutorial on YouTube.
Although I like my plamos... I think I'll leave that to the techies. XD
Posted on: August 04, 2013, 02:00:46
Well, lappie poofed again.
So until I find that prop table with fans beneath it for my lappie, I decided to use 4 gashapon capsule halfs (all the same size of course), and prop my lappie on top of them. Now, there's about... 3-5cm of space between lappie and the table-top.
People who have problems with Dragon's Crown.
The most 1st world problem I've ever heard is, "Oh no my video games are getting too sexy!" Give me a break.
If you don't want sexy in your games don't play sexy games, that simple.
Some people feel it's their duty to stop fictional characters from being objectified, even if they are objects by definition.
Quote from: Sub Tank on August 03, 2013, 09:07:41 PM
Some people feel it's their duty to stop fictional characters from being objectified, even if they are objects.
Yeah it's stupid sometimes, I admit I don't like female characters being sexy all the time but I don't make a big deal about it because it's a fantasy.
To be fair, men do a horrible job at representing female characters, because you know, we're men. You end up with weak princesses that need rescuing, back-row healers that are only love interests, and so on. I'm tired of it myself but, it's a male dominated industry. All these feminist groups yelling at men to do a better job like we're not going to screw it up next time is a really odd solution to the problem. I'd really like for there to be more female developers, so we can see worlds from their perspective, but it doesn't seem like a field women are interested in.
Yeah it's sad, if I was a genius at programing and story making I'd do it but I'm not. I'll just own a video game store instead.
This is why I like Samus.
She's a tough woman that CAN be sexy, but mostly she's wearing that armor.
I guess feminist can say [parasitic bomb] about her emotional side in Other:M but I still feel the emotions ere warranted.
The wooden acting however I can NOT forgive.
Besides the developers aren't the only people to point the finger at.
Who's the target audience?
Most of the time it's teenage males over loaded with hormones that like pervy stuff.
They also like playing the role of the hero and saving womanz.
It might seem like they women are being objectified but in reality sometimes it makes sense.
If they were strong enough to protect themselves they wouldn't NEED rescue and therefore there would be no game.
Sure they could have it reversed but the same issue would be on hand.
The men would feel like they're making men seem pathetic.
But then again I never really hear men argue such things because they're too busy just enjoying the games.
One last thought on the matter.
Quote from: Sub Tank on August 03, 2013, 08:59:48 PM
People who have problems with Dragon's Crown.
The most 1st world problem I've ever heard is, "Oh no my video games are getting too sexy!" Give me a break.
If in doubt, draw sexy dwarves (http://www.kotaku.com.au/2013/04/the-real-problem-with-that-controversial-sexy-video-game-sorceress/)
Sorceress and Amazon really aren't that sexy in my opinion, so really all this "Too sexy" stuff kinda flies over my head.
Its not a matter of finding large breasts unnattractive but honestly they can get to a point where they're too big.
Anyway, I'm upset because... the dog won't stop coming upstairs.
Yeah, her boobs are a bit much, but her ass drags me right back in! 8D
I think her breasts are too long rather than too big.
Quote from: Phi on August 05, 2013, 05:34:33 AM
Yeah, her boobs are a bit much, but her ass drags me right back in! 8D
Yeah surprisingly I was never much of an ass guy for the longest time, I always liked breasts more.
Now its more asses I think. But a great chest still wins over asses. :P
Personally I love big boobies! 0v0
I like how larger breasts look but honestly my experience with breasts ends there.
Doesn't look like that'll change for a looong while! 8D
As long as Hitomi Tanaka can play the sorceress IRL, they're not too big enough.
Now that's casting!
i know right
Who the hell is Hitomi Tanaka?
Mother Of God
Quote from: Phi on August 06, 2013, 12:48:21 AM
Who the hell is Hitomi Tanaka?
Mother Of God
I know, right? 8D :V
I like Yoko Matsugane and MEGUMI too.
I'm more of a pettanko guy. So yeah. Dragon's Crown, not my cup of tea.
The designs on the chicks anyways.
Everyone else is cool in an overdoing-it kind of way.
But yeah.
My Dad's 99 cent Tape Measure is a pile of [parasitic bomb].
Quote from: Grand Trine on August 08, 2013, 07:30:05 AM
I'm more of a pettanko guy. So yeah. Dragon's Crown, not my cup of tea.
The designs on the chicks anyways.
Everyone else is cool in an overdoing-it kind of way.
But yeah.
That's George Kamitani for you. He always had a thing for boobs, thigh-highs, and manly women. At least the Elf has a DFC.
Quote from: Sakura Leic on August 11, 2013, 05:20:24 AM
My Dad's 99 cent Tape Measure is a pile of [parasitic bomb].
Where did he buy it?
The 99 cents store.
Some things from a dollar store are sometimes sub-par, depending on the store. Isn't there a hardware store in your area that sells decent measuring tapes for a cheap price?
Quote from: ViperAcidZX on August 11, 2013, 05:53:07 AM
Some things from a dollar store are sometimes sub-par, depending on the store. Isn't there a hardware store in your area that sells decent measuring tapes for a cheap price?
Of course there are, but you don't know my dad. Me and my mom will buy a better one tomorrow maybe.
My brother re-installed AVG and uninstalled avast! on his computer. Why? I thought the license for AVG expired on this computer already unless he botched it! X(
Pain, pain, pain, and more pain. You know the pain is bad when it hurts to stand fully erect.
I'm hoping it starts to ease off soon...
Quote from: Quickman on August 14, 2013, 04:08:21 AM
You know the pain is bad when it hurts to stand fully erect.
I get like that sometimes after watching certain videos online
Quote from: Phi on August 14, 2013, 04:59:51 AM
I get like that sometimes after watching certain videos online
Oh now that's just silly.
Pictures do more than videos.
Quote from: Clefant on August 14, 2013, 05:18:41 AM
Oh now that's just silly.
Pictures do more than videos.
My friend once got drunk watching Clement do that St Patrick's day Drunken Let's Play of Super Meat Boy and it was at my house and we have 0 alcohol, not that he drinks anyway. Point is that weird [parasitic bomb] can happen.
Quote from: Sakura Leic on August 14, 2013, 05:21:06 AM
My friend once got drunk watching Clement do that St Patrick's day Drunken Let's Play of Super Meat Boy and it was at my house and we have 0 alcohol, not that he drinks anyway. Point is that weird [parasitic bomb] can happen.
I think you missed the joke...
Quote from: Phi on August 14, 2013, 04:59:51 AM
I get like that sometimes after watching certain videos online
Yeah, those cardio workout videos sure are sumthin right? >0<
Quote from: Reaperoid on August 14, 2013, 05:22:53 AM
Yeah, those cardio workout videos sure are sumthin right? >0<
oh you
how apparently mega evolutions must be a result of copying digimon
and how no one seems to think that maybe, just maybe, that's not where they got the idea from
I did make the joke but I do agree it's getting stupid now.
Yeah, see, when you made it it was okay. And things like this:
That's fine. Cause that had work go into it, that's obvious.
But when everyone's all HURR DIGIMON all the damn time, it gets annoying. Really [tornado fang]ing annoying.
Plus, in the Digimon games, those evolutions aren't just temporary in-battle things; you keep them until you decide not to, if you decide that at all. For the purposes of the Digimon anime, it doesn't work that way.
Also it's comparable to going Super Saiyan as well. (which is funny because Sean Schemmel is the voice of Lucario and was the original voice of Goku, and now we have Mega Lucario)
So, I found out today that the bank took the insurance payment on my parents' house that was vandalized, and my brother and I have until the end of September to salvage what we can from it before the bank takes the house.
I had to ask my dad about the status of the house to find this out, because he can't be arsed to actually tell us anything on his own accord.
Does this mean your Dad has no place to live?
My dad is too stubborn to ask for help when he really needs it.
I'm too stubborn to do a lot of things.
So I'll probably be very stubborn even when I'm a senile old man. :P
Quote from: Protoman Blues on August 15, 2013, 01:17:09 AM
Does this mean your Dad has no place to live?
My dad is living with my grandma, so he'll have a place to live. However, should my mom come back from Florida, she won't have a place to live, and should something happen to my grandma, my dad won't have a place to live.
Ahhhh okay!
Still kind of sucks, as the property on the mountain was great. If my folks could have kept it, it would've became a vacation spot.
Sorry about that!!!
I wished my cousin's parents didn't sell their house so they wouldn't be so screwed and have to live in other people's houses.
I'm just not looking forward to the salvaging. The place was vandalized pretty bad, some teenagers broke in and trashed the hell out of it, busted out the windows, busted a decent TV... It's a warzone and I don't want to go back, but I need to.
Jus....found out I'm moving out of my apartment next week. Oh...and I also now owe close $2500 by then too. Yeah....so [tornado fang] me right now. [tornado fang] ME!
Wait what? Why are you moving out so soon? Didn't you just move in?
Oh no...
Yeah, I thought the same thing as PB. What happened?
Just about three months ago. But one of the roommates I dont really talk to decided he doesnt want to live here anymore because "We dont treat him like he lives here." Oh yeah? Well, he spends his time, all oof his time on league in his room. Oh, and I guess I have the right to ignore him seeing as how I've had to pay his share of the electric bill TWICE. And e's the one who keeps everything on! All the lights! All the game systems! The TV and everything. Its because his dad has loads of money and never had to pay for a thing in his life let alone have responsibilities....
So, what do you plan to do, now? Do you have a place to go?
Geez. What a [tornado fang]ing prick. You should have his loaded father pay for his share of [parasitic bomb]. So sorry to hear that Zay! I hope you can find a place soon.
So he's one of those spoiled "rich kids", huh? That's such an unfortunate situation. :\
What a douche.
Well....his dad DID pay for the whole entry and first rent fees....plus our living room set. So yeah, he's pretty loaded. But my god...Yeah, I have a place to go back to. My house back with my mom and sister.
Well I'm glad you have a place to go back to. Still though that extra $2500 seems like horseshit. So sorry to hear all of this.
At least there's home. Moving sucks, particularly if one has to move right away (getting a day's notice to pack my stuff the last time I moved wasn't fun), but at least you have housing in the interim. I'd suggest looking into a smaller place, an efficiency or studio. Living with others isn't always a sure bet, and I've had many an experience in that field which fell through.
When one has their own apartment, one only has to rely on one person--oneself.
Or, you two can live TOGETHER!!! XD
But yeah, I eventually will be moving out. And by eventually, I mean when I have a decent enough 1st job to afford my own 1 bedroom apartment in this expensive as all hell city! Then, Godzilla posters & Classic MM bead-art sprites for the walls!
My place is small, but we can make it work! 8D
I'm sure but Pennsy is so far away and my mom would kill me if I moved out of state just yet. At least my sister doesnt have to come all this way to see me now. At least I have a valid reason to quit fye now. >.>
Hopefully you can find a much better job now, then! And yay for sisterly bonding.
Shame though, as you and Quickie would make great roomies! 8D
And we're practically opposites in age. 32-23 8D
Well, as long as she doesnt hate on me for liking Star Trek as much as she likes Star Wars. lol
Nah, I'm cool with Star Trek. DS9 is my favorite series.
Next Generation has my heart. Pretty much forever.
Next Generation is such a close second that it may as well be tied.
Dammit, I need to get a TV and Netflix...
Next Gen & DS9 are just both so good. Hell I love the original series so much as well. Still trying to get through Voyager.
My brother's appendix has ruptured. :'(
Damn, that sounds pretty bad.
My mom is heading for the hospital to check on him.
I hope he'll be okay.
I hope so too, it also sucks since before this he got another girlfriend and went to a wedding.
Posted on: August 27, 2013, 07:13:55 PM
He has Peritonitis now.
Eesh. That's not good. However, it's treatable. Basically, once the appendix is removed, a drain will be put in, and he'll be on antibiotics for a while. Peritonitis is painful, as it's an inflammation of the peritoneal membrane, but it's easily treatable.
That's good and it's at least the secondary cause of it.
Basically what happened is when the appendix ruptured, it flooded the abdominal cavity with bacteria, which irritated the peritoneal lining. Peritonitis is usually a secondary condition caused by the primary condition. The abdominal cavity will be drained and the infection treated with antibiotics. Depending on the infection, the incision may be left open, and need to be routinely cleaned and packed with gauze (called a "wick"). If the infection is relatively contained, though, a drain will be put in and the incision closed. After about a week, the drain will be removed, along with the stitches.
My mom said something about septic too, that's pertaining to the draining right?
"Septic" as in the infection? If the infection enters the bloodstream, it can cause sepsis, which requires aggressive treatment with antibiotics. If the infection is more or less contained, it shouldn't become septic, but the risk is present, particularly with appendix ruptures. The appendix is a storehouse of bacteria. When it ruptures, it spews out all that bacteria into a sterile abdominal cavity, and that bacteria loves to misbehave.
Yeah I think it's infection but I guess that's normal with appendix bursting and stuff.
Tomorrow marks the 10th anniversary of my dad's suicide.
My brother is finally in surgery.
Quote from: Quickman on August 28, 2013, 07:00:14 AM
Basically what happened is when the appendix ruptured, it flooded the abdominal cavity with bacteria, which irritated the peritoneal lining. Peritonitis is usually a secondary condition caused by the primary condition. The abdominal cavity will be drained and the infection treated with antibiotics. Depending on the infection, the incision may be left open, and need to be routinely cleaned and packed with gauze (called a "wick"). If the infection is relatively contained, though, a drain will be put in and the incision closed. After about a week, the drain will be removed, along with the stitches.
It's kinda sad that I'm familiar with your explanation due to playing a lot of Trauma Center.
It kind of annoys me that with satalite that they taunt you with channels in the listings that you can't watch unless you pay extra for them.
Quote from: Sakura Leic on September 01, 2013, 09:55:27 PM
It kind of annoys me that with satalite that they taunt you with channels in the listings that you can't watch unless you pay extra for them.
This is normal of all cable and satellite providers.
I know, but it's particularly annoying with satalite because I'm not familiar with the channels so I have to look at the list to find the channels I want to watch. I would be fine with if if the channels you had to pay for were grayed out, but some aren't and I find it annoying.
what upsets me is that there are lots of arrogant and ignorant people around me that think that what they think and do justifies everything, they think that alcohol, sex and partying is what life is all about and they think it's ok, when it's clearly not. I don't want to go too far into details on this because i could get banned for saying somewhat racist things when i shouldn't, but i'll go ahead and tell you right now that i don't even care about my nationality or race, people can go ahead and talk [parasitic bomb] about it, but don't talk [parasitic bomb] about my religion, because that just shows that you nothing about it and are a bigoted [chameleon sting]er. B(
Mr. 89, thats why the universe has the Great Maw, well me anyway, to do away with and eat those kind of people. I just wish there was a way to satellite blast anyone with that low of an IQ.
But then we wouldn't have Darwin awards.
I saw a Darwin Award nominee recently. Some idiot in town went out into traffic and sat down in the middle of oncoming traffic, with their back to the cars. Honestly, as I passed by them, I secretly wished that they would get flattened. I would've given their corpse the Darwin Award myself.
In terms of what's upsetting me... I dealt with some very uncomfortable flank pain earlier. It's since subsided, but I'm starting to wonder if I should go get it checked out, as I think I may have some kidney stones that are refusing to pass.
Quote from: Quickman on September 03, 2013, 03:23:00 AM
I saw a Darwin Award nominee recently. Some idiot in town went out into traffic and sat down in the middle of oncoming traffic, with their back to the cars. Honestly, as I passed by them, I secretly wished that they would get flattened. I would've given their corpse the Darwin Award myself.
In terms of what's upsetting me... I dealt with some very uncomfortable flank pain earlier. It's since subsided, but I'm starting to wonder if I should go get it checked out, as I think I may have some kidney stones that are refusing to pass.
Sitting down in the middle of traffic? What was he doing?
I think I would have found it funnier if he was eating his lunch.
He was just sitting there while his friends watched. Just before the car would come, he'd get up out of the street. It was simply a variation on chicken.
Well that's was stupid, of course.
Thus, a Darwin Award candidate.
Nostalgiatards. They are people who hate everything new and praise everything old.
So far, the pain in my left kidney hasn't come back. Still doesn't feel right, but at least it doesn't hurt. Usually hurts worse in the morning.
I hate Tuesdays. More than Mondays, strangely enough.
I agree 100% Suppercut
I have a crick in my neck and I can't seem to relieve it.
Quote from: Suppercut on September 04, 2013, 01:58:38 AM
I hate Tuesdays. More than Mondays, strangely enough.
Good that today is Wednesday then.
My stomach is upsetting me because it is upset.
Also, the teenagers congregated outside are just annoying. Go find somewhere else to hang out and be noisy! Hooligans.
the political bullshit that's happening, but i don't know why i always stumble upon some news that pisses me off, but i'm trying my best to stay away from this topic.
I know it's a sensitive subject to you and all but it might be for your own good to just ignore those sorts of things because a lot of people are going to be stupid about it and it's not going to stop anytime soon unfortunately, I mean my dad was raised a racist and will act racist until he dies but he's not a bad guy and he's not the over the top crazy bigoted racist.
In the end those people aren't important and it's not worth it.
Avoid the news if you can. It's usually full of frustration. I haven't been too satisfied with the government furloughs and what they're planning to cut. However, I have other things that deserve my attention far more than politics, and thus I focus my energies on those other things.
Yeah I'm convinced that most News stations are too politically biased and I hate it.
Politifacts is your friend.
In other news, not even halfway through my ramen and I'm feeling sick.
CURSE YOU FOOD POISONING! Or, rather, bad sandwich from earlier.
Anyway have you taken Pepto yet?
I never watch the news.
OT: It's September, so why is it still 90 degrees?
Quote from: Night Blade on September 05, 2013, 06:28:29 AM
I never watch the news.
OT: It's September, so why is it still 90 degrees?
I believe September is always freaking hot, then again I'm from California.
Quote from: Quickman on September 05, 2013, 06:06:03 AM
Avoid the news if you can. It's usually full of frustration. I haven't been too satisfied with the government furloughs and what they're planning to cut. However, I have other things that deserve my attention far more than politics, and thus I focus my energies on those other things.
I agree with you 100%.
Quote from: Sakura Leic on September 05, 2013, 06:10:06 AM
Anyway have you taken Pepto yet?
I have no Pepto. Though, I have Tums, which I'll go munch on a few. Starting to feel just overall ugh right now.
what's bothering me now is that, right after i made that thread, i have a feeling now that everyone hates me now, but i saw this one thread where some guy wrote "y do u guise do nasty things" this one wasn't from that mrkhan guy, it was this guy http://forum.rockmanpm.com/index.php?topic=6952.0.
If this guy made a dumb random thread, why is it wrong if i do it?
Dude, seriously. ENOUGH.
That guy wasn't in the right for making that thread, either. Don't make another random thread. Simple as that.
Geez. I go take a shower and everything goes straight to hell.
Word to the wise: do not do as the banned members do.
But from what i was seeing in that thread is that many people played along, and i thought "hey what the heck, let me make a random pointless thread to see if people would play along", but i guess it was the most horrible thing I've done according to this forum. I have listened and I won't do this again, I promise. I guess I'm gonna have to find another forum to have some fun with because i haven't had any fun lately on the forums.
Yes, some people played along. We are all trolls to an extent. We wanted to see where that rabbit hole went. However, those topics lots their novelty right quick and were dealt with. Also, I was having an off day.
However, what is done is done. Let's drop it and move on. So, you made a mistake. So have we all. Best not to dwell on it. Learn from it and avoid making the same mistake in the future. As I said quite a few times, both here and elsewhere, I'm not trying to be mean. I am simply enforcing the rules. However, I acknowledge that mistakes are made and I will forgive that. Learn from it and move on.
Quote from: Quickman on September 05, 2013, 06:53:15 AM
Word to the wise: do not do as the banned members do.
I'm not sure if you're reffering to mrkhan or Malabar/whatever the [tornado fang] his name is now. Though last I checked the latter wasn't banned.
Pretty sure she means Malabar.
He got banned? News to me.
Quote from: Clefant on September 05, 2013, 07:55:15 AM
He got banned? News to me.
No, that's not what I meant.
I mean Malabar was doing/mimicking what mrkhan (banned) did. That's why she said "do not do as the banned members do".
I was referring to banned members in general. But, let's move on, shall we?
Oh, okay.
I'm pissed that my employer for babysitting called to essentially complain that I wasn't doing my job properly.
Well I'm sorry, if your kids aren't going to take my authority seriously when I'm in charge telling them to either share the iPad or not use it, they shouldn't be allowed to use it. Its a privilege, not a right. But apparently one of them needs their iPod at home for... actually his reasoning didn't make much sense. I just put them in his room, its not like I put them in a high place where they couldn't reach them.
My cat has an infection, and it will take a while to heal. Also money. More money than I'd like to spare, but I guess I don't have much choice in the matter... le sigh.
Poor kitty. :(
My dog has a somewhat similar case. He has allergy problems and it's really making his body itch. My parents took him to the vet to get some medicine to stop the itching but it doesn't seem to work, he's scratching himself too often.
Mabel has the same problem. She's been on steroids twice, and currently, aside from allergy medicine, the only other option is to change her diet to one formulated for sensitive skin. I'm also going to look into a spray for her.
As for me, after spending all day sick in bed, I think I'm finally on the mend. Too bad it's after midnight. Oh well!
Poor kitties. :(
I suppose I could...
[tornado fang]ing Youtube linking [parasitic bomb]. What's the goddamn point? Why do I need to link my Youtube channel to a Google account?
I just routinely tell YouTube to use my username and to not change it. The account has been linked for quite a while now.
i was just reminiscing some stuff from the past and thinking about my future and i ended up crying for a little bit ;O;
Quote from: Quickman on September 08, 2013, 05:36:50 AM
I just routinely tell YouTube to use my username and to not change it. The account has been linked for quite a while now.
I gave in since my youtube username was an old name I went by.
So I made my "Real Name" Clefant Abyssory since I was able to have a space.
Quote from: Night Blade on September 07, 2013, 04:16:17 AM
Why do I need to link my Youtube channel to a Google account?
Google started screwing up the moment they decided to centralize everything into one account. Having my two Youtube accounts cancerously dangled off of my Gmails makes it a pain to manage my business email while watching (and commenting on) random crap on Chincherrinas' channel.
Everyone's pets are sick! It makes me worry about Toby... :<
My cat is fine. :\
Quote from: Sakura Leic on September 08, 2013, 05:16:00 PM
My cat is fine. :\
So is mine. And she's sitting outside, wondering when is my sister getting back.
Quote from: Sakura Leic on September 08, 2013, 05:16:00 PM
My cat is fine. :\
I was mostly talking about Viper, Quickie, and Fxeni, as well as (not on this board) Teknikal Diffikulties' cat as well. In relation to the number of people I know, it's a lot of pets.
Good to hear your cat's good, though, at least there's one shining beacon of Internet goddess >0<
I also wish everyone's cat(s) wellness! :)
And now my dad is going to the hospital, it shouldn't be so serious.
Quote from: Sakura Leic on September 08, 2013, 07:39:49 PM
And now my dad is going to the hospital, it shouldn't be so serious.
Whatever the case, I hope he'll be okay.
He should be fine, he just has to stay over night so they can keep an eye on his blood sugar. The only thing we're worried about is his back pain.
It sucks even more since my mom has an audit this week.
Posted on: September 08, 2013, 12:51:48 PM
Turns out it was a urinary infection, which makes sense because he's been having trouble with holding his pee. The infection caused his back to hurt so he took some pain meds and because it's not a good idea to mix pain meds with his normal meds and he didn't take his normal meds his blood sugar shot up. Now everything makes sense.
I noticed that my birthday is on a Friday the 13th. Normally I wouldn't be bothered but the last time my birthday was on a Friday, things happened. Needless to say it wasn't a great birthday.
Plus everyone's broke so it's not like I have any presents to look forward to aside from a case of Dr. Peppers. I also don't like to ask people for presents, online or off.
Rearranging items in my living room and putting my radio in the closet has disrupted my routine. Normally, I'd have the radio on while drawing, but now I'll need to haul it out and find somewhere to put it. My routine being disrupted has upset me.
Eh, I'll go order a pizza, haul out the radio, and quit my bitching...
So my cat's excrements are pitch black now, which may point to internal bleeding... just great.
Only pet problems I've had is my mom's dog shitting in my room and my sister's cat pissing in it, and my sister herself throwing her [parasitic bomb] (pun semi-intended) all over my room. Upsetting, but otherwise insignificant in comparison to you guys.
Good luck with your cat Fxeni. If I lost my cat, I couldn't handle it. That crotchety lazy old man's been with me all my life. Hope that it gets better, buddy.
As for my sister's cat, my dog is part dachtshund and part miniature pinscher. Those are two breeds intended for hunting small game. I might just sic him on that damn cat one of these days. How could my cat be an angel and that thing a little [tornado fang]ing demon i hate it so muchPosted on: September 11, 2013, 01:54:30
Oh what the [tornado fang]?
So I ordered that UPS unit a couple days back from Amazon so I could plug all the computers, modems, and such into it. Okay. Good idea. It also came in like one or two days. Great. I love that. So I plug it in and let it charge overnight, and then I start pluggin' away. It seems that I overestimated the voltage of it, and the circuit breaker trips whenever I plug in more than just the two computers. (And even then I'm not sure about that). So what's worse? I packed it all up to return it to get a refund and order something else...
QuoteFor safety reasons, items that are classified as hazardous materials or use flammable liquids or gases cannot be returned to Amazon.com. Customers should dispose of hazardous materials according to Local, State and Federal regulations. Customers should contact their local government or local waste company for directions on how to dispose of Household Hazardous Waste.
So I'm stuck with what is essentially a glorified one-socket wall plug. (Because if I use any of the other five the damn breaker'll trip.)
There goes fourty [tornado fang]ing bucks down the [tornado fang]ing porcelain throne.
On the way home, my gut decided that it wanted to protest and have a colon clearance sales event. Ended up pulling to the side of the road, a couple miles shy of a gas station, and ducking into a big patch of pine trees and poison ivy just to deal with it, and all I had at my disposal was pine needles and poison ivy because, dammit, I angered the gods somehow.
Damn stomach.
And pull over to the road? Were you walking or riding a bike?
I was in a car. I had scheduled a trip into town to get a few things.
Ahhhh okay.
I know the feeling. One time, a few years ago, I was on the train heading home and out of [tornado fang]ing nowhere my stomach decided "HEY YOU. BATHROOM. RIGHT [tornado fang]ing NOW!!!" and I had to get off at the next stop or else I would have exploded on the train.
My IBS has been flaring up lately, so I'm not surprised that it happened. However, it sure as hell decided to take its sweet time. Couldn't give me any clues when I was either in a store or near a gas station. Of course not. Middle of nowhere, it's either I jump out and sprint into the woods or I explode.
My dinner tonight will be rather bland. I'd rather not anger the Gut Gods again.
...come to think of it, what am I gonna do for dinner tonight...
Could take the bland route and have chicken soup. 8D
This is NO day for soup. Ugh, this weather is [tornado fang]ing upsetting me because I'm without A/C at the moment. We just got brand new windows put in all over the house and I cannot put my A/C back in the window because stuff needs to dry.
My dinner is now upsetting me. I can't cook, and my latest culinary attempt was a disaster. The broccoli was nasty, the noodles sogged to nothing, and the broth was bland as hell.
Well... I guess I could order a sub from Domino's. Or eat ramen. I have until 10, until I need to start fasting.
My mom is upset because my dad has jury duty.
the best way out of jury duty is to commit a felony
I was having a great birthday, up until my friend revealed a fact to me that now threatens our entire friendly relationship.
Now I can't decide whether to call her out on her [parasitic bomb] and tell her to leave me alone, or let this slide and risk the reality of the absence of meaning in our friendship.
> posts about a reveal
> doesn't actually post the reveal
Quote from: Phi on September 14, 2013, 01:57:36 AM
> posts about a reveal
> doesn't actually post the reveal
Did you ever think it was a private matter?
...Sorry, I didn't mean to snap. Not that I'm wrong.
Quote from: Suppercut on September 14, 2013, 02:09:31 AM
Did you ever think it was a private matter?
If its private then just don't post about it at all. It's very cruel to stir up people's curiousity like that and then not come through.
Quote from: Ruri on September 14, 2013, 03:02:30 AM
If its private then just don't post about it at all. It's very cruel to stir up people's curiousity like that and then not come through.
The fact that the reveal damaged my faith in the relationship is public enough. The reveal itself wouldn't quite make sense, unless I followed up with whole walls of text involving a lot of things which would cause many people here to cringe. You can mostly understand enough of my despair just from that post alone; the reveal itself shouldn't be necessary at all.
If it's causing that much pain you should just end it, that's what I recommend.
If you don't want to end the friendship completely, dwindle it down to acquaintance level. I've found that that works with people with whom I've had difficulties with. I'm about ready to start the process with another friend, because lately I just want to smack him one. Lord knows he could use it.
Quote from: Quickman on September 14, 2013, 06:23:49 AM
If you don't want to end the friendship completely, dwindle it down to acquaintance level. I've found that that works with people with whom I've had difficulties with. I'm about ready to start the process with another friend, because lately I just want to smack him one. Lord knows he could use it.
Is he the guy you've been complaining about for a little while?
That would be him. :P I'll need to have a sit-down with him. And smack him upside the head.
Quote from: Quickman on September 14, 2013, 06:26:36 AM
That would be him. :P I'll need to have a sit-down with him. And smack him upside the head.
Yes, yes you should.
That cough I caught from Wily is much more prominent now. Been coughing up a storm this evening.
MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA *chokes on phlegm*
Now to go to sleep and sleep it off! *coughs*
This traffic jam.
If this were a normal day, I would be in the office by now. Today, at this time, I'm not even half-way there. [tornado fang].
I bit my lip and it bugs me.
Also my schedule has me work till 11 tonight and I have to start work tomorrow at 6:30 am so that'll be SWELL.
Oh god that really sucks.
Quote from: Sakura Leic on September 20, 2013, 02:09:42 AM
Oh god that really sucks.
If I went to bed right after I got home that'd still only be like 7 hours of sleep.
I only function well starting at 9-10 hours.
It's frowned upon to date your college supervisor.
That's upsetting me.
I wish my dad had some self control or common sense.
Quote from: Ozymandias on September 20, 2013, 05:37:06 AM
It's frowned upon to date your college supervisor.
That's upsetting me.
Why is this upsetting?
Because my college supervisor (well, she used to be my supervisor last semester) is really sweet and cute; and more importantly, I feel really comfortable with her. She seems to be maybe 25 at most.
I'd be interested in pursuing a relationship, if she felt the same way. But student and professor/supervisor relationships are apparently frowned upon.
I understand the issue with high school students, because they're underaged, but we're all adults in college, so...
I don't see why there would be a problem if she's not currently your supervisor anymore.
My left shoulder is bugging me aright now. X(
I still have the tennis elbow problem off and on, but I've been ignoring it for the most part. What's bothering me now is that I'm getting tired.
Quote from: Clefant on September 20, 2013, 07:20:47 AM
I don't see why there would be a problem if she's not currently your supervisor anymore.
I think the problem is dating a school faculty member, period.
Quote from: Clefant on September 20, 2013, 02:07:55 AM
I bit my lip and it bugs me.
I bite my lips more often than I can remember. My tongue can still feel the many scars inside my mouth. And this happens mostly when I'm eating.
Quote from: Ozymandias on September 20, 2013, 02:50:54 PM
I think the problem is dating a school faculty member, period.
Must be the same kind of reasoning why normal employees are forbidden to date supervisors and such.
I'm getting pretty sick of Optiminazis.
What I mean by that horrible fake word that I didn't put much word into, is that I'm really sick and tired of those optimistic people who claim that bad things happen for a reason and everything's going to get better. Honestly, [parasitic bomb]'s been getting worse and worse for my family to the point that we're BARELY able to afford staying under a house and getting to school every day.
"Everything happens for a reason."
You mean people are assholes taking our money like my dad's ex-wife's family who's siphoning child support from him even though the child in question is around thirty damn years old?
"Things are going to get better."
You mean the things that have consistently gotten worse month by month? At this point I highly doubt I'm going to be able to make it to school in the coming months because we can't even afford gas or bus fare.
Please, shut the [tornado fang] up, stop "praying for us", and either suggest what we can do to improve our situation or stop trying to "encourage" us.
*Sigh* Although, the rest of the family probably appreciates those words, I'm really not amused by people who want credit just through saying a few words.
Quote from: Omoikannoli on September 22, 2013, 02:29:17 AM
I'm getting pretty sick of Optiminazis.
What I mean by that horrible fake word that I didn't put much word into, is that I'm really sick and tired of those optimistic people who claim that bad things happen for a reason and everything's going to get better. Honestly, [parasitic bomb]'s been getting worse and worse for my family to the point that we're BARELY able to afford staying under a house and getting to school every day.
"Everything happens for a reason."
You mean people are assholes taking our money like my dad's ex-wife's family who's siphoning child support from him even though the child in question is around thirty damn years old?
"Things are going to get better."
You mean the things that have consistently gotten worse month by month? At this point I highly doubt I'm going to be able to make it to school in the coming months because we can't even afford gas or bus fare.
Please, shut the [tornado fang] up, stop "praying for us", and either suggest what we can do to improve our situation or stop trying to "encourage" us.
*Sigh* Although, the rest of the family probably appreciates those words, I'm really not amused by people who want credit just through saying a few words.
Before I was born, my father came close to losing the house on
numerous occasions. My sister told me how he was verbally abusive to my mother and she snapped at one point, and got into a fist-fight with him. Through their (my siblings) words, it was like hell.
However, around the time when I was born, things proceeded to get better. Mind you, I don't know how he was able to get back on track with keeping the house, but we were doing pretty well as a nuclear family. They went from relying on food stamps and bottle-tops, to an average middle class family.
You don't know how things will end up. I may not have the knowledge of how my family overcame bankruptcy, but if we're now able to afford things like the electric bill, cable, a new computer and many other standards of living, who's to say it's impossible for your luck to turn around?
Rrrgh, I have psoriasis on my shoulders and upper back and I scratched it raw. Feels like a sunburn now.
I didn't get too much sleep last night and after the crap that happened almost a month ago I think it finally sunk in and I feel a little depressed. I'll probably get over it quickly enough, I normally don't stay like this for too long.
My eyes are itchy.
Also my sense of time is deeply [tornado fang]'d up this early in the morning and it pisses me off when what feels like one minute turns out to be like 5 or 6 minutes.
I could barely sleep last night because of this damn head cold. Coughing, dry throat, runny nose and a headache with no cold medicine to fight back with.
At least my father has the same thing so I'm not suffering alone. Ha.
Why the [tornado fang] did that retard Soultrigger replied to me AGAIN in that Mighty No. 9 thread?
I clearly stated I have no desire to continue that stupid "argument".
[tornado fang].
That's what I [tornado fang]ing get for speaking up, next time, I'll just keep my stupid mouth shut.
Although I will admit outright I shouldn't have used the word "tools" at all.
BUT [tornado fang] IT I'M SOMEHOW MAD NOW!
And do you know why? It's because I know damn well that bullshit argument is my fault for actually talking [parasitic bomb] about Inafune.
And I'm the guy who would rather avoid this kind of [parasitic bomb], yet I went and created it.
I extend my apologies to anybody who got annoyed or angry over that crap. Sorry, guys.
Don't worry about it.
We still love you. :)
Quote from: Tron on September 29, 2013, 03:55:37 PM
Why the [tornado fang] did that retard Soultrigger replied to me AGAIN in that Mighty No. 9 thread?
I clearly stated I have no desire to continue that stupid "argument".
[tornado fang].
That's what I [tornado fang]ing get for speaking up, next time, I'll just keep my stupid mouth shut.
Although I will admit outright I shouldn't have used the word "tools" at all.
BUT [tornado fang] IT I'M SOMEHOW MAD NOW!
And do you know why? It's because I know damn well that bullshit argument is my fault for actually talking [parasitic bomb] about Inafune.
And I'm the guy who would rather avoid this kind of [parasitic bomb], yet I went and created it.
I extend my apologies to anybody who got annoyed or angry over that crap. Sorry, guys.
You're a monster, we all hate you.
Quote from: Tron on September 29, 2013, 03:55:37 PM
Why the [tornado fang] did that retard Soultrigger replied to me AGAIN in that Mighty No. 9 thread?
I clearly stated I have no desire to continue that stupid "argument".
[tornado fang].
That's what I [tornado fang]ing get for speaking up, next time, I'll just keep my stupid mouth shut.
Although I will admit outright I shouldn't have used the word "tools" at all.
BUT [tornado fang] IT I'M SOMEHOW MAD NOW!
And do you know why? It's because I know damn well that bullshit argument is my fault for actually talking [parasitic bomb] about Inafune.
And I'm the guy who would rather avoid this kind of [parasitic bomb], yet I went and created it.
I extend my apologies to anybody who got annoyed or angry over that crap. Sorry, guys.
Eh you just wanted to speak your mind with your colorful language and Soul's E-Pride felt offended by it. Simple as that.
Quote from: Tron on September 29, 2013, 03:55:37 PM
Why the [tornado fang] did that retard Soultrigger replied to me AGAIN in that Mighty No. 9 thread?
I clearly stated I have no desire to continue that stupid "argument".
[tornado fang].
That's what I [tornado fang]ing get for speaking up, next time, I'll just keep my stupid mouth shut.
Although I will admit outright I shouldn't have used the word "tools" at all.
BUT [tornado fang] IT I'M SOMEHOW MAD NOW!
And do you know why? It's because I know damn well that bullshit argument is my fault for actually talking [parasitic bomb] about Inafune.
And I'm the guy who would rather avoid this kind of [parasitic bomb], yet I went and created it.
I extend my apologies to anybody who got annoyed or angry over that crap. Sorry, guys.
Heheh. Someone shares my pain.
People are saying stupid things or acting stupid and it pisses me off that nobody ever calls them out on it.
It's not like they'll listen, in fact sometimes calling them out can make things worse. Sometimes the best thing to do is ignore it and let the discussion die.
Eh, I'd say calling it out can be fine... if presented in a proper way. More often than not it's not presented in a good way, so the reaction is in turn not good.
Quote from: Fxeni on September 29, 2013, 10:15:08 PM
Eh, I'd say calling it out can be fine... if presented in a proper way. More often than not it's not presented in a good way, so the reaction is in turn not good.
Yeah there's that too, sometimes it's hard to get the meaning across and I know sometimes I make horrible points which is why I really don't call people out.
Ignore. It's really just that.
Quote from: Dr. Meowly II on September 30, 2013, 02:39:17 AM
Ignore. It's really just that.
Yeah it really is, though I just sometimes just like to sit back and watch how stupid it gets for my amusement.
RPM has turned you. That or PB.
I'd blame PB.
In general, I agree with the notion of ignoring. If it's a constant thing though, that really doesn't help them in any way except to garner negative attention... I can see some calling out being good. Even at that point I would do it in private, not out in the open on a public forum for all to see.
It's always PB...
Well, I do agree with private settlements. But even then, the whole thing can still spiral out of whack.
I also understand that pure ignoring can lead to others thinking these people are going scot-free.
However, if you have spend enough time here lurking, you will know who's who and how things are like.
Yeah I agree with the private calling out so people don't see, there's no need to make a show of it.
I always feel a little hurt that my brother goes out to buy food for himself and 9.9 times out of 10 he never thinks about asking if I want something even though my mom usually tells him to buy something for me. My mom says it seems to be that he only usually thinks about himself and forgets about everyone around him and I can't help but agree with that with some other things he's done.
It kind of sucks and if feels like we don't have a close relationship at times.
Oh suuuuuuuuuuuuure. BLAME PB! ::)
You will all feel my wrath!
Don't we still have to invade Jap Com?
Quote from: Protoman Blues on September 30, 2013, 06:12:57 AM
Oh suuuuuuuuuuuuure. BLAME PB! ::)
You will all feel my wrath!
The dark side~
I shall hire a Tickle Hunter to track you all down! B(
I had better protect my ticklish ribs!
The Tickle Hunter is a cunning one, Quickie.
I don't like being tickled especially now.
I actually lose muscle tone when tickled and will collapse. Be careful. :P
I think Her Royal Sexiness might enjoy the tickling. 8D
Quote from: Protoman Blues on September 30, 2013, 07:32:27 AM
I shall hire a Tickle Hunter to track you all down! B(
... Well [parasitic bomb]. *hides in his SECRET base*
There are no advisors for my major anywhere!
Stomach cramps argh!
I got shocked by an electric socket for the first time in my life, great thing to do before going to bed.
Whats upsetting me at the moment is well, a subject that would be agianst the rules this forum, and that would be US politics.
[tornado fang]ing power outages, man. One day it's 50 degrees, the next we get a [tornado fang]ing blizzard.
My parents, or rather my mom in particular, watching what I buy.
I'm sorry, is the money I earn at Walmart your money? Am I buying stuff with your money that you earn from your job? No? Then its none of your damn business what I buy. I'll pay them back, but apparently having a debt to them means I can't buy anything in the mean time.
That's not how it works.
That moment when you go to a kind of obscure ice cream place and there's suddenly a huge line.
I'm dead [tornado fang]ing nervous for my practical. I've studied nonstop for the past couple days and I still don't feel like I'm gonna get this.
Quote from: Omoikannoli on October 08, 2013, 12:29:54 AM
I'm dead [tornado fang]ing nervous for my practical. I've studied nonstop for the past couple days and I still don't feel like I'm gonna get this.
Ah, this, I know that feeling. I was the same for a test myself for a license I was trying to get. And, well, made the test my [sonic slicer]. Am sure you can as well.
Quote from: TheOnly on October 08, 2013, 02:03:00 AM
I made the test my [sonic slicer].
You're just full of quality dialogue.
I like him.
Anyways, practical is done. Came in feeling pessimistic, left feeling slightly less pessimistic.
Quote from: Phi on October 08, 2013, 03:04:25 AM
You're just full of quality dialogue.
Phi pls.
You're just saying that because his grammar sucks.
If one of us said this, you wouldn't even care.
Tron made the Phi his [sonic slicer]?
Quote from: Tron on October 08, 2013, 04:02:12 AM
Phi pls.
You're just saying that because his grammar sucks.
If one of us said this, you wouldn't even care.
That's kind of the point Tron [sonic slicer].
*points to an empty room*
I felt like I was going to die all afternoon at work, but I stayed the whole time anyways! Why? I dunno, I blame delirium.
A World of Pure Imagination?
A cute bunny?
Quote from: Phi on October 09, 2013, 04:33:17 AM
What's inside the empty room?
Because it's empty.
But why did I find this bunny?
*holds bunny*
My dinner is upsetting my stomach which in turn is upsetting me.
Quote from: Fxeni on October 09, 2013, 04:34:52 AM
A World of Pure Imagination?
As long as I can avoid Willy Wonka's chocolate boat ride of death.
Quote from: Tron on October 09, 2013, 04:42:29 AM
Because it's empty.
You lack pure imagination.
Quote from: Phi on October 09, 2013, 04:33:17 AM
What's inside the empty room?
Both something... And nothing... At the same time... *X-Files theme*
Quote from: Phi on October 09, 2013, 04:47:53 AM
You lack pure imagination.
Heh. No.
I'm simply pessimistic.
If you go into an empty room, the room is no longer empty. See, you have weight, mass, and you occupy space.
You matter! 8D
Science humor.
Quote from: Tron on October 09, 2013, 04:50:01 AM
Heh. No.
I'm simply pessimistic.
I'm just kidding around, Tron. You know that... right?
Quote from: Quickman on October 09, 2013, 04:51:10 AM
If you go into an empty room, the room is no longer empty. See, you have weight, mass, and you occupy space.
You matter! 8D
Science humor.
Darn you and your scientific humor! *shakes fist*
Quote from: Phi on October 09, 2013, 04:58:08 AM
I'm just kidding around, Tron. You know that... right?
While at the same time, I was not taking you seriously.
As in, yes. I know you were just kidding around.
But I really am pessimistic.
Well, it looks like now we have to move to Orlando. [tornado fang].
I feel that with each passing day, I become more and more angry and hateful towards everything.
It upsets me.
Really it does.
The Hate Machine stuff aside, I don't want to be like this.
But everything just pissess me off.
It's a phase. Keep with the hate machine thing if you want. The anger passes and eventually you just get used to it.
I feel like I'm becoming more bitchy and irritated than I should.
Quote from: Sakura Leic on October 29, 2013, 03:12:54 PM
I feel like I'm becoming more bitchy and irritated than I should.
Sounds like me when I'm in the back at work.
Dear dryer that doesn't dry my clothes at all on the first cycle,
Enclosed you will find a list of things that you can suck.
Hugs and kisses,
All the shitty Youtube updates, especially the most recent one.
Dear laundry room with no change machine,
If you don't install one soon, I will ram a two-by-four up your ass, sideways.
Lots of love,
PS: Gaze upon my laundry bag of SOPPING WET clothes that I was unable to dry due to two dryers being busted, the washing machine's final spin not working anymore, and you lacking a change machine with which I could get quarters and try my luck with another dryer. This is supposed to be a laundry room, not a [tornado fang]ing casino. Get your act together before I really get angry.
PPS: You won't like me when I'm angry.
Quote from: Quickman on November 08, 2013, 12:24:43 AM
Dear laundry room with no change machine,
If you don't install one soon, I will ram a two-by-four up your ass, sideways.
Lots of love,
PS: Gaze upon my laundry bag of SOPPING WET clothes that I was unable to dry due to two dryers being busted, the washing machine's final spin not working anymore, and you lacking a change machine with which I could get quarters and try my luck with another dryer. This is supposed to be a laundry room, not a [tornado fang]ing casino. Get your act together before I really get angry.
PPS: You won't like me when I'm angry.
Oh no run its the incredible Quiluk... boy that was a lot better in my head.
I'm still pissed off because I can't dry my clothes. [tornado fang]ing teenagers and stupid kids keep [tornado fang]ing around in that laundry room, so the machines are getting broken. It's pissing me off because I use that laundry room, and some dickface kid lacks the [tornado fang]ing foresight to realize that it's not a [tornado fang]ing Chuck E. Cheese.
It's a laundry room. Get the [tornado fang] out and go find something else to do, like play in traffic.
[tornado fang], this week has sucked.
Quote from: Quickman on November 08, 2013, 12:39:16 AM
I'm still pissed off because I can't dry my clothes. [tornado fang]ing teenagers and stupid kids keep [tornado fang]ing around in that laundry room, so the machines are getting broken. It's pissing me off because I use that laundry room, and some dickface kid lacks the [tornado fang]ing foresight to realize that it's not a [tornado fang]ing Chuck E. Cheese.
It's a laundry room. Get the [tornado fang] out and go find something else to do, like play in traffic.
[tornado fang], this week has sucked.
Poor Quickie.
That made my day. Thanks. :3
You're welcome~
My school's computer system sucks.
Youtube has successfully been destroyed by Google, and nobody at the multitrillion-dollar corporation gives a damn.
As if anyone didn't see that coming.
Wasn't it already?
dat algorithm change
It was never that bad until recently.
my wii u gamepad won't turn on D:
Into week three of my bronchitis and I'm tired of coughing 24/7, how can the human body contain so much phlegm?! X(
Mucous production in overdrive. Are you seeking treatment for it, or waiting it out? If the latter, drink lots of water and take lots of hot, steamy showers, and drink lots of hot tea to inhale the hot steam, and eat lots of hot soup with hot steam. Inhaling hot steam will help loosen that phlegm up so you can cough it up easier.
One can recover from bronchitis without treatment, as I've done it a few times. It just takes longer.
Quote from: Quickman on November 16, 2013, 02:59:14 PM
Mucous production in overdrive. Are you seeking treatment for it, or waiting it out? If the latter, drink lots of water and take lots of hot, steamy showers, and drink lots of hot tea to inhale the hot steam, and eat lots of hot soup with hot steam. Inhaling hot steam will help loosen that phlegm up so you can cough it up easier.
One can recover from bronchitis without treatment, as I've done it a few times. It just takes longer.
Been waiting it out yeah, hot drinks have been a blessing and I've been taking lots of congestion relief medication. Only real issue has been I've had to keep working for the first two weeks of it before the coughing fits got so bad they started sending me home. Kinda eh about losing hours at work but It's better to get well then make it worse. Either way it kinda feels like the whole thing is on the way out now luckily (I have two days off to kick this to curb).
Oh I tried the inhaling steam it worked really well, thanks. :)
Ah weather... your stupid constant shifting between hot and cold is confusing my immune system. Pick one and stick with it, dammit!
The weather is inconsistent where I live too.
It's cold as hell in NY, right now.
Cold and windy here. The weather report isn't sure what to think.
Quote from: Phi on November 24, 2013, 09:34:38 PM
It's cold as hell in NY, right now.
Weather report is calling for snow later this week.
Scratch that. Now it's saying rain.
Now I'm upset. :(
Quote from: Protoman Blues on November 25, 2013, 02:42:12 AM
It really is!
I'm like the only person in my house that prefers cold weather. I'd rather be cold and snuggled up in my covers, than hot and sweaty.
The weather says snow, again.
Quote from: Phi on November 25, 2013, 04:19:21 AM
It really is!
I'm like the only person in my house that prefers cold weather. I'd rather be cold and snuggled up in my covers, than hot and sweaty.
Same here. I really do better prefer the calm, peaceful snow falling or snuggled in front of the heater/fire than sweating under the sun.
Only problem is that it severely dampens my will to go to the gym.
Lost my wallet on campus today. Someone was nice enough to return it to the lost and found where I picked up up. Nothing missing... Except the good Samaritan decided to "liberate" the three dollars cash I had in there. Guess that's me compensating them for their good deed.
Well at least it was only 3 dollars, I mean it sucks but it could have been worse and they could have taken more things.
Yeah. It's more of a mild annoyance than something I'm really upset about. But this thread's been mostly mild annoyances anyways... Which is probably a good thing.
What I'm saying though is how ironic it is that someone did a good deed, then soured it by stealing my money. :T
This is upsetting me.
Ugh I went to a Subway to buy some lunch but they didn't have any meatballs or pepperoni and then my brother told me to buy a quesadilla even though I didn't want to but he wouldn't budge so I did. My mom didn't like that because it felt like he was overpowering me and honestly I don't either.
what's upsetting me is that, whenever i talk to someone regarding political or religion issues, they tend to ignore me right off the bat. I'm not even trying to convert people or anything, i'm just trying to reason with people on why people shouldn't do this or that, because we live in such a messed up society where pretty anything goes. And then people go on and criticize religion and think it's the biggest cancer in the world when it is only the people that are the problem. If people cant think for themselves and if people want to be comfortable in their own ignorance then i feel sorry for them. I know i can't change people, but there is a certain limit on what people should think and do. no matter how much truth i tell the people, they just feel bothered and angry by this.
Quote from: RockmanXtreme786 on January 05, 2014, 12:20:34 AM
what's upsetting me is that, whenever i talk to someone regarding political or religion issues, they tend to ignore me right off the bat. I'm not even trying to convert people or anything, i'm just trying to reason with people on why people shouldn't do this or that, because we live in such a messed up society where pretty anything goes. And then people go on and criticize religion and think it's the biggest cancer in the world when it is only the people that are the problem. If people cant think for themselves and if people want to be comfortable in their own ignorance then i feel sorry for them. I know i can't change people, but there is a certain limit on what people should think and do. no matter how much truth i tell the people, they just feel bothered and angry by this.
You never cease to amuse.
what really upsets me is when people claim their beliefs are unequivocal truth, and try to convert others to their way of thinking. and then they get banned for it. the banning isn't what upsets me, i like that.
it's when they come back under a different name, spewing the same bull, trying the same thing. that's literally insane (trying the same thing expecting different results). it's like, if it didn't work once or twice and you keep trying, it's likely not going to work again. and it upsets me when people try to claim my beliefs are wrong and theirs are right. it just doesn't work that way.
Quote from: Mirby on January 05, 2014, 12:33:00 AM
what really upsets me is when people claim their beliefs are unequivocal truth, and try to convert others to their way of thinking. and then they get banned for it. the banning isn't what upsets me, i like that.
it's when they come back under a different name, spewing the same bull, trying the same thing. that's literally insane (trying the same thing expecting different results). it's like, if it didn't work once or twice and you keep trying, it's likely not going to work again. and it upsets me when people try to claim my beliefs are wrong and theirs are right. it just doesn't work that way.
i never said i was forcing my beliefs, im just trying to use some common sense, which a lot of people don't use.
What is it that you don't like about what i am saying exactly?
but you know what problem i have, i still keep on thinking that i can convince people on the internet when i clearly can't, i need to learn to just let people on the internet be , cause it's impossible to convince someone on here.
You know what I'm upset about? I have a massive craving for bacon but I don't have any.
Dammit, now I want bacon. :c
Quote from: RockmanXtreme786 on January 05, 2014, 12:20:34 AM
what's upsetting me is that, whenever i talk to someone regarding political or religion issues, they tend to ignore me right off the bat. I'm not even trying to convert people or anything, i'm just trying to reason with people on why people shouldn't do this or that, because we live in such a messed up society where pretty anything goes. And then people go on and criticize religion and think it's the biggest cancer in the world when it is only the people that are the problem. If people cant think for themselves and if people want to be comfortable in their own ignorance then i feel sorry for them. I know i can't change people, but there is a certain limit on what people should think and do. no matter how much truth i tell the people, they just feel bothered and angry by this.
Maybe because you have no meter and you write paragraphs as if you're trying to stop Mongols from invading?
Quote from: Mirby on January 05, 2014, 12:33:00 AM
what really upsets me is when people claim their beliefs are unequivocal truth, and try to convert others to their way of thinking. and then they get banned for it. the banning isn't what upsets me, i like that.
That upsets me too.
But people generally being religious kind of bugs me.
I'd kill for some bacon.
And homicidal urges upset me greatly, so that says something.
Quote from: Mirby on January 05, 2014, 12:41:38 AM
I'd kill for some bacon.
And homicidal urges upset me greatly, so that says something.
Well as long as those homicidal urges are directed towards pigs. 8D
you can have some of my halal beef bacon 8D
I killed the last person who offered me not-bacon like that.
That also upsets me.
Quote from: RockmanXtreme786 on January 05, 2014, 12:43:23 AM
you can have some of my halal beef bacon 8D
What about pork bacon?
You know, GOOD Bacon?
Quote from: Clefant on January 05, 2014, 12:46:48 AM
What about pork bacon?
You know, GOOD Bacon?
pork bacon is not good for you, and it doesn't even taste that good either.
Quote from: Clefant on January 05, 2014, 12:46:48 AM
What about pork bacon?
You know, GOOD Bacon?
Yeah seriously I demand a pig sacrifice, it is my Cuban birthright!
Quote from: Sakura Leic on January 05, 2014, 12:48:41 AM
Yeah seriously I demand a pig sacrifice, it is my Cuban birthright!
Dammit where were you last night? I sacrificed 4 pigs, it was a bloody good time! 8D
Quote from: Mirby on January 05, 2014, 12:49:53 AM
Dammit where were you last night? I sacrificed 4 pigs, it was a bloody good time! 8D
I was trapped in my room trying to organize my '500 ways to cook pork right' cookbooks.
Quote from: RockmanXtreme786 on January 05, 2014, 12:48:13 AM
pork bacon is not good for you, and it doesn't even taste that good either.
Haha exposed!
Quote from: Sakura Leic on January 05, 2014, 12:51:07 AM
I was trapped in my room trying to organize my '500 ways to cook pork right' cookbooks.
You haven't used a real "Ways to Cook Pork" cookbook until you've used one bound in pig skin.
Those also are great for throwing like a football, coincidentally.
Quote from: Mirby on January 05, 2014, 12:53:00 AM
You haven't used a real "Ways to Cook Pork" cookbook until you've used one bound in pig skin.
Those also are great for throwing like a football, coincidentally.
Maybe my Abuela has some.
there is a saying, "you are what you eat", and it is so true.
This discussion is over.
I see anything, ANYTHING else regarding this ANYWHERE and you're gone. Got it?
This is the THIRD TIME you've been back and you keep on doing the same exact [parasitic bomb]. Stop it. Knock it the [tornado fang] off.
I'm upset that our favorite anti-pork shitposter is gone again.
I'm upset that I still act like a child.
Quote from: Clefant on January 05, 2014, 02:52:59 AM
I'm upset that I still act like a child.
Who doesn't?
Quote from: Phi on January 05, 2014, 02:54:33 AM
Who doesn't?
Phi! Phi! Clefant said a bad word! He said the S word! Punish him!
Quote from: Phi on January 05, 2014, 02:54:33 AM
Who doesn't?
Honestly, I don't know.
But I could stand to act less like a child. At least with certain aspects of my life.
If he tries to register again, you want we approve him? 8D
Just think, he could be our plaything! We could approve and ban, approve and ban, approve and ban!
Quote from: Quickman on January 05, 2014, 03:55:04 AM
If he tries to register again, you want we approve him? 8D
Just think, he could be our plaything! We could approve and ban, approve and ban, approve and ban!
Please don't.
Yeah, I'd rather not deal with him again. Basically, anything with a "windstream" hostname shows up and it's not getting approved.
Give me mod powers and I'll do it for you.
I'm upset that I missed the banning of the Anti-Pork. ;O;
You want to change his name to something pork related?
Nah, someone else have fun. :P
Any suggestions? I almost put in BaconSausageHamPigSwineHogPork, but decided against it. Phi, he's all yours. I'm upset that I can't think of a decent name.
I never thought I'd laugh this hard on a "what's upsetting you" thread.
Quote from: Phi on January 05, 2014, 04:42:32 AM
This douchebag rose from his grave only to be bitchslapped back down there
again while I was away? -AC
Guess I missed another event again. The guy doesn't know how to stop shoving his facts to other people and doesn't know how to be tolerant about it, something he should have known before talking about stuff like that if he was really religious in the first place. The internet isn't really a good place to shove facts like that in the first place, unless well written, well depending on the place and sites. *shrugs*
Well, on topic, well I've said I've lost my wallet before....I can't believe trying to make a new cards is a pain in the ass because how scattered the damn legal offices are, I'm going to have to burn my money just to ride some taxi's just to get there.
Do you guys really find this funny
Quote from: Ruri on January 07, 2014, 05:53:30 AM
Do you guys really find this funny
I found it pathetic and sad and glad he'll never come back again with the precautions Quickie is taking. Seriously what a sad individual.
Quote from: Sakura Leic on January 07, 2014, 06:01:35 AM
I found it pathetic and sad and glad he'll never come back again with the precautions Quickie is taking. Seriously what a sad individual.
It's like that one movie with Brendan Frasier where he spends life, up till puberty, isolated from the world. Except, instead of "American Values" and "Stocks", he retains and antiquated "Will of Allah". Though, to be fair, the Will of Allah is eternal and never changes. All the changes is our willingness to follow it and how ready we are to "encourage" others that they must also follow it.
Tl;dr: Religion is Lolz.
So ever since I switched my major and realized I wanted to open a local video game shop I've been getting ideas of how I want to run it. What I'm upset about however is that I've never ever came up with a name for it at this point of time and I have a class where one of the assignments is making a business plan.
Naming things can be difficult!
Quote from: PBPB on January 08, 2014, 05:17:38 AM
Naming things can be difficult!
Seriously, especially of it's a building and therefore is not sentient or has a personality.
I'm a little bit sick of everyone in my family grooming and lecturing me to find some beautiful smart girlfriend when they also keep telling me to focus more on schoolwork and don't worry about girls especially after I've repeatedly expressed disinterest in talking to any of the women at UNLV.
Ah, yes. Typical parental contradictions.
I've experienced that way too often.
It's not just parents. Brothers, sisters, hell even my four year old niece is somehow convinced I need a girlfriend.
I don't. I don't care how hot those girls are. I don't care if they're educated. I just plain am not interested.
But you know, when my older brothers are obsessed with bitches n hoes, and my sister was trying to trap a guy through having a baby, and my parents are, well, married and worried about my future social life, it all adds up to me being antisocial and there's something wrong with me.
*insert joke about divorce rates in the U.S)
Nothing wrong with you, if you're just not interested you just aren't.
My parents tried to pull the same stuff if I mention a girl's name in passing like a co-worker or classmate as somebody I was talking to they would always say stuff like "Is she cute?". My reply was usually me getting flustered, but it eventually became "Why does that matter?".
I've already expressed severe disinterest in wanting to find a girlfriend, mainly because I don't want to get into a serious relationship, or any sort of relationship beyond friendship. Somehow, I think its the fact that my parent's basically got married around my age that they act like this.
My mom still tries to set me up with people.
I feel so blessed that I don't have to deal with that crap, then again my mom married when she was like 28 or something. Even then she wouldn't do this crap.
My folks got hitched in their 30's and have never pestered me about starting a relationship. At least not seriously. They've contemplated if I'm gay which isn't far off the mark, but they're fine with whatever my preference is. My sis has been just as disinterested in relationships if not even more so. She's only 22 and I'm 19 so we've got plenty time. Everyone does. Parents that pressure their kids about that [parasitic bomb] in the mid-late teens really need to take it back a notch. Bad enough kids have to decide their career and by extent their entire life plan that early. Gotta slow down somewhere.
Companionship of varying levels and intimacy can be nice and all, but it's very, very overvalued by a lot of people and parents. It's not their place to decide for their children on it.
My parents don't really get involved in my business, when it involves women. Although, my sister, on the other hand, tends to push me towards a girl she thinks I'd like; especially an asian girl, since I used to be really into them. I used to look for the "hot ones", because my hormones were through the roof (back in junior high), but now, I'd just like a nice educated woman. If I have great chemistry with a woman I may meet one day, then we'll see where it goes. I'm in no rush.
I had three girls ask me out (on separate occasions, obviously) and I turned them down. And while I have dated before, I didn't feel that strong of a connection to them as I would've liked. So, I'll just keep waiting.
I may even meet someone "special" this year. Who knows.
Also, parents really shouldn't push their kids into finding someone. Last thing we need is yet another teen mom.
Quote from: Phi on January 08, 2014, 06:23:20 AM
My parents don't really get involved in my business, when it involves women. Although, my sister, on the other hand, tends to push me towards a girl she thinks I'd like; especially an asian girl, since I used to be really into them. I used to look for the "hot ones", because my hormones were through the roof (back in junior high), but now, I'd just like a nice educated woman. If I have great chemistry with a woman I may meet one day, then we'll see where it goes. I'm in no rush.
I had three girls ask me out (on separate occasions, obviously) and I turned them down. And while I have dated before, I didn't feel that strong of a connection to them as I would've liked. So, I'll just keep waiting.
I may even meet someone "special" this year. Who knows.
Also, parents really shouldn't push their kids into finding someone. Last thing we need is yet another teen mom.
Wait, you're getting asked out by teenagers? Lucky.
Quote from: xnamkcor on January 08, 2014, 06:41:55 AM
Wait, you're getting asked out by teenagers? Lucky.
He's 19 dude.
Quote from: Sakura Leic on January 08, 2014, 06:43:10 AM
He's 19 dude.
And he's young enough that it wouldn't be creepy to say yes.
It's funny (or frustrating?) that it's not my parents pestering me to get into a relationship... It's my colleagues.
Quote from: Dr. Wily II on January 08, 2014, 07:05:39 AM
It's funny (or frustrating?) that it's not my parents pestering me to get into a relationship... It's my colleagues.
That's also very common, though not as common for an adult than it is for a teen in high school. I don't worry about that since I'm aloof as hell and prefer to have friends than boyfriends. Plus I don't want kids myself.
If I ever have kids, I'd have 3 at the most. Definitely not one, because I'd want my child to have someone to play with.
And God that was kinda awkward to write. Talking about having children is just... I dunno, it's weird.
If I had kids, I'd only have one. Or, if I have two, they can't be close in age.
They plot. -_-
What's funny is, I'd have the exact opposite approach to parenting. I'd raise my child (especially my daughter) to believe that no one is good enough for them except the perfect one! 8D
Quote from: Quickman on January 08, 2014, 07:28:23 AM
If I had kids, I'd only have one. Or, if I have two, they can't be close in age.
They plot. -_-
If manga has taught me anything, if they are different age, bad things happen.
Funny, I still remember when I was like 3-5 years old, and I told my parents that I do not want to get married. >_>
I hope I don't end up like my half-brother, and have 7 kids (all boys).
I can't even imagine how stressful that would be. Being all boys makes it worse.
Quote from: Phi on January 08, 2014, 07:40:28 AM
I hope I don't end up like my half-brother, and have 7 kids (all boys).
I can't even imagine how stressful that would be. Being all boys makes it worse.
Holy [parasitic bomb], even if I prefer boys that's way too much.
I'm upset that my Abra hunt isn't going as well as I'd like it to. Runaway, go spread your musk and attract some Abras!
*Runaway starts dragging his butt through the grass.*
If Pokemon is going to be talked about... You all know by now what I'm upset about. 8|
The exact same thing I'm upset about and the sole reason for my Abra hunt. Also, the same thing I'll be upset about when I start chain-breeding and destroying ecosystems. As if depleting a wild population isn't enough. 8|
...Runaway, spraying the tree will deter wild Abras, as you're marking your territory and telling them to stay away.
Depleting is not enough, dominance by a foreign species and the subsequent extinction of the native species... THAT is the climax. 8|
When our powers combine...
The cold. Some people in this apartment. Work. This kobun laughing at me.
It's cold, it's muddy, It's wet, it's hot, it's inconvenient, and it's a bugger out of the way. <- My day.
My fever hasn't fully gone away yet. It [tornado fang]ing better by tomorrow before work, or I'm gonna punch myself until I heal!
Quote from: PBPB on January 08, 2014, 09:21:04 AM
My fever hasn't fully gone away yet. It [tornado fang]ing better by tomorrow before work, or I'm gonna punch myself until I heal!
How would that help? o-O
It'll teach me not to get sick! I'll show PB who's in control around here!!
Quote from: PBPB on January 08, 2014, 09:26:55 AM
It'll teach me not to get sick! I'll show PB who's in control around here!!
I can't comprehend this.
It's the ancient art of yu-doo wuju!
See! Wanda gets it! 8D
Got anything spicy? I knocked out my cold by eating wasabi peas.
I love wasabi peas! I get the small bag at Walgreens, only costs a dollar.
Well if anything, I'll have some sushi at work tomorrow.
How much is the sushi over there?
Load it up with as much wasabi as you can handle. Spicy stuff kills colds.
Quote from: Phi on January 08, 2014, 10:06:16 AM
How much is the sushi over there?
Well the place at work isn't as cheap as I would like, but it'll do.
Quote from: Quickman on January 08, 2014, 10:28:15 AM
Load it up with as much wasabi as you can handle. Spicy stuff kills colds.
That's the plan, sweetie! XD
Quote from: Phi on January 08, 2014, 06:23:20 AM
especially an asian girl, since I used to be really into them.
I used to be big into asian girls too, as I've mentioned before with my foreign exchange student crush.
My dad says the worst thing about that phase though, calls it the "Yellow fever".
I'm not really big into any type of girl anymore. Might as well fit myself into the category I like to classify as "Beta Male Protagonist" because that's pretty much all I am anymore.
Oh, the amazing intellect of of our elders. 8D
Don't know what's so bad about asian girls though. They have a nack for doing things...so...perfectly. 0v0
I can still honestly say that the most beautiful woman I ever saw was in Japan.
Also, cannot sleep. Bah.
i can't sleep either
but that's because i have a stuffy nose and everything aches from being fallen on earlier
At least one of my favorite Doctor Who episodes is on BBC America
Yeah, I'm watching Day of the Doctor over as we speak.
The Shakespeare Code is on right now.
The Day of the Doctor was awesome, made even better with the 8th Doctor in the Night of the Doctor minisode.
Cant wait for new series! :W
Me neither. August is a long ways away. We'll have to find something to occupy our time with till then. 8D
I really hope [sonic slicer] Slap comes out in april. Uuuuugh.
Quote from: Clefant on January 08, 2014, 10:52:22 AM
My dad says the worst thing about that phase though, calls it the "Yellow fever".
Please punch your dad for me.
Quote from: Phi on January 08, 2014, 08:22:37 PM
Please punch your dad for me.
I would personally [sonic slicer] slap his mom if she didn't have military training.
Military training can only do so much. You can still catch someone unawares. Unless they still continue to train, that "military training" they had years back means precisely jack. Both my half-brother and my sister-in-law were in the military, and they'd both admit that I could take them in a fight.
I love a woman that can kick my ass! [eyebrow]
Quote from: Sakura Leic on January 08, 2014, 08:40:36 PM
I would personally [sonic slicer] slap his mom if she didn't have military training.
My aunt and a coworker had military training and they aren't fighters. It's like saying a Best Buy employee is good with computers.
The worst thing about a cold, after scratchy throat, is chapped nose from blowing all day. AWFUL!
Quote from: PBPB on January 09, 2014, 07:46:36 AM
The worst thing about a cold, after scratchy throat, is chapped nose from blowing all day. AWFUL!
Oh god I feel for you.
Thankfully Burts Bees Balm feels really good on it!
Quote from: PBPB on January 09, 2014, 07:49:08 AM
Thankfully Burts Bees Balm feels really good on it!
On a chapped nose? o-O Was there a product for that?
The lip balm works well enough. XD
Quote from: PBPB on January 09, 2014, 08:05:13 AM
The lip balm works well enough. XD
I never realized this, seriously you have to explain this.
Well it's really just balm. So I just rub my finger (which is usually washed and such), and just rub the balm on the chapped areas of my nose. Works great.
Quote from: PBPB on January 09, 2014, 08:09:29 AM
Well it's really just balm. So I just rub my finger (which is usually washed and such), and just rub the balm on the chapped areas of my nose. Works great.
Ah okay then.
You need more spicy stuff.
Get some Ghost Chilies. XD
Oh I had some. And it's working. Haha, the problem is that it's working and I have to blow my nose constantly cause it's working! XD
Quote from: PBPB on January 09, 2014, 08:26:26 AM
Oh I had some. And it's working. Haha, the problem is that it's working and I have to blow my nose constantly cause it's working! XD
Wait Ghost Chilies?
Haha, oh god no. Just some Wasabi. XD
Quote from: PBPB on January 09, 2014, 08:31:29 AM
Haha, oh god no. Just some Wasabi. XD
Okay good you scared me for a second. -u-'
Ghost chilies are the no no of the universe. I can warn anyone from experience that you should not allow yourself anywhere near those vile things. B(
Quote from: Wanda Bear on January 09, 2014, 08:40:18 AM
Ghost chilies are the no no of the universe. I can warn anyone from experience that you should not allow yourself anywhere near those vile things. B(
I know, can barely handle Siracha sauce.
I have a high spice tolerance, and even I wouldn't [tornado fang] around with those things. 8D
I dont think my taste buds ever want anything spicy again. ;O; -eats spicy things anyway-
Siracha is so good! ;O;
I'm going to have to try some. What does it go with?
Vietnamese Beef, Pork, Chicken, for starters!
I usually have it with chicken. I've put it on Chipoltle Tacos before too. But mostly Asian stuff.
I know this great Vietnamese place in Flushing. Cheap, delicious food! XD
Then it shall be done! >3
Quote from: PBPB on January 09, 2014, 08:50:25 AM
I know this great Vietnamese place in Flushing. Cheap, delicious food! XD
Honestly I've never had Vietnamese food before.
It's really good.
Now I'm hungry! D:
That sounds rather... upsetting...
I'm generally pretty upset but today I'm more upset than usual.
No guesses as to why, I cooled down a bit in the car but I'm still irritated.
Me toooooo!
Quote from: Wanda Bear on January 09, 2014, 09:00:22 AM
Me toooooo!
One of my weaknesses! I'm so hungry right now. D:
Quote from: Wanda Bear on January 09, 2014, 09:00:22 AM
Me toooooo!
Needs blueberries.
I'm cooking ramen and eating wasabi peas right now.
Uuuuuugh....I'm just torturing myself.
I had some garlic mushroom alfredo earlier. It was okay.
I'd post pictures but I already ate it all.
Quote from: Wanda Bear on January 09, 2014, 09:11:17 AM
Uuuuuugh....I'm just torturing myself.
*passes out*
Ew I just found a picture of blueberry pancakes with peanut butter.
Mmmmm Korean Spicy Pork. One of my FAAAAAAVORITES!!
Quote from: Sakura Leic on January 09, 2014, 09:13:57 AM
Ew I just found a picture of blueberry pancakes with peanut butter.
Hmm, that actually sounds like it
could be tasty...
-gets bucket for my drool- Pbeeeeee....
Quote from: Sakura Leic on January 09, 2014, 09:13:57 AM
Ew I just found a picture of blueberry pancakes with peanut butter.
Peanut butter?
Quote from: Phi on January 09, 2014, 09:16:43 AM
Hmm, that actually sounds like it could be tasty...
I just don't like straight peanut butter most of the time. Plus the texture just seems confounding.
Quote from: Wanda Bear on January 09, 2014, 09:16:59 AM
Peanut butter?
Thai noodles are the absolute BEST! I forget the name of this one in particular, I'll have to find out.
Quote from: Sakura Leic on January 09, 2014, 09:21:22 AM
I just don't like straight peanut butter most of the time. Plus the texture just seems confounding.
It'd have a better presentation if it had syrup.
Quote from: PBPB on January 09, 2014, 09:18:17 AM
What kind of sauce is that?
Yup. -goes to eat my refrigerator-
Quote from: Sakura Leic on January 09, 2014, 09:25:24 AM
What kind of sauce is that?
Probably just a simple dumpling sauce.
Also, Thai Fried Rice is probably my favorite fried rice!
Peanut butter on pancakes. 8|
Well, time to avoid this thread for a while and then go to bed.
Peanut Butter is best left for classic PB&J sammiches.
Or the Death By Peanut Butter Sundae! :V
Quote from: PBPB on January 09, 2014, 09:35:05 AM
Peanut Butter is best left for classic PB&J sammiches.
Or the Death By Peanut Butter Sundae! :V
Are those like cookies?
Yeeeep. Peanut Butter cookies. There's also PB Crunch and Reese Pieces! 8)
Quote from: PBPB on January 09, 2014, 09:38:45 AM
Yeeeep. Peanut Butter cookies. There's also PB Crunch and Reese Pieces! 8)
It's soooooooo good!
Wow didn't know this thread became a food display. Here have something to cheer things up.
I'm upset that I thought this was the Super Thinking thread. 8|
I'm upset because I can barely think, yet I can't sleep.
Tried two times.
Try warm milk? A warm bath? Snuggled up in warm blankets? Warm something?
When I can't sleep, I just do something that exhausts me. And if that doesn't work, I lie in bed.
I slept through 2 of the speedruns I wanted to see on AGDQ :C
Constant [tornado fang]ing ACMs.
You know, if it was maybe once in a blue moon where my alarm clock failed to go off it wouldn't be a big deal but I have such a hard time putting faith in that piece of [parasitic bomb] because of this bullshit.
Quote from: Quickman on January 11, 2014, 06:34:24 AM
Try warm milk? A warm bath? Snuggled up in warm blankets? Warm something?
I should probably try some of those soon.
Quote from: xnamkcor on January 11, 2014, 10:49:29 PM
When I can't sleep, I just do something that exhausts me. And if that doesn't work, I lie in bed.
I do the same, and it works kinda dodgy... for me at least.
Do you have any over-the-counter allergy medicine with a drowsiness side-effect? Even some Nyquil? Sometimes I'll take some Benedryl just to help me sleep.
Quote from: Quickman on January 17, 2014, 11:02:39 AM
Do you have any over-the-counter allergy medicine with a drowsiness side-effect? Even some Nyquil? Sometimes I'll take some Benedryl just to help me sleep.
I already take certain medications (not for sleep though), so I dunno if I can mix. Will have to ask around.
If they're anything like mine, and already have a drowsiness side-effect, they will make other drowsiness side-effects worse. But, yes, it's best to ask first. In the meantime, I suggest an herbal tea, warm milk, a warm bath/shower, something to relax you.
Avoid exercising before bed, as it won't tire you out, but will actually have the opposite effect of waking you up.
Okay, thanks for the advice(s).
I will try some of those things out and see if that helps.
Never was able to get to the store for change. Thanks a lot, stomach. It's been out of sorts for a couple days, now.
Huh. Strangely... For me too. My stomach has been churning since last Thursday.
Haha, it's not that (although I'm not sure how badly I suck at it)
It's just that the past 4 days at work has me watching tennis. And while I actually do enjoy watching the sport, and getting paid to do so, when matches drag on after I've been here for 7-13 hours, I just want to go home. And I can't! XD
Quote from: PBPB on January 21, 2014, 07:39:52 AM
Haha, it's not that (although I'm not sure how badly I suck at it)
It's just that the past 4 days at work has me watching tennis. And while I actually do enjoy watching the sport, and getting paid to do so, when matches drag on after I've been here for 7-13 hours, I just want to go home. And I can't! XD
Oh god that sucks.
I'm just waiting for this match to end. It could either end in 30 minutes or it could be another 2 hours.
Yeah Tennis can take forever, damn Deuces.
Yeah. Berdych & Ferrer are deuceing it up right now!
I do not keep up with sports, personally because I find it so boring, so I don't know who the heck those people are. For some reason my mom is really into Football though, Baseball and Soccer I understand Football I don't know why....
I love sports. Baseball is my favorite. I like Football, Tennis, Volleyball, Soccer, and have started getting into Hockey. Oh, and Aussie Rules Football, which is like the greatest sport ever. I seriously want to take a trip to Sydney, Australia and when I go, I want to go to an Aussie Rules Football game live.
I never even heard of Aussie Rules Football.
I had never heard of it either until a few years ago when I covered it at work. I was hooked.
Errrrrrgh, tennis.
I'm better at badminton believe it or not, decent at lacrosse too.
Had no idea you were into lacrosse!
Well it was one of the sports we played in PE along with badminton.
I was decent at lacrosse and tennis, decent at field hockey, meh at softball, terrible at basketball...
But I'm a shark on the pool table. 8D
I'm okay at Badminton last I checked.
I hate sports in general though, mainly american football but that's only because it has this unyielding power to preempt stuff I watch. NASCAR is guilty of that too.
Yeah seriously I suck at basketball, and some of the biggest jerks/cocky dumbasses in highschool were on the basketball team. I think I was okay in hockey and softball was hit or miss.
I was good at softball, tennis, and soccer. Half of me was good at basketball.
And quite the opposite at pool. I'm one of the worst pool players. Pretty awesome at ping pong though.
I'm terrible at both pool and ping pong. Seriously how was I good at badminton, how?!
I'm terrible at badminton and ping pong.
But even though I was woefully out of practice, I still pulled off a trick shot and called two pockets on an old pool table with a borrowed cue.
I've never actually played badminton.
you mean you've never held a shuttlecock in your hands and just rolled it around a bit? D:
I've heard of it. Never done it.
The shuttlecock is the thing you hit in badminton.
Haha, I know. Again, I've just never played badminton. XD
Quote from: PBPB on January 21, 2014, 08:29:03 AM
Haha, I know. Again, I've just never played badminton. XD
Also it's really easy to make things sound kinda dirty just by saying shuttlecock.
It's almost as fun to use as masticate.
Yes, I'm always aware of the dirty implications! Haha, remember who you're talking too!
I like knocking around balls with my stick. 8D
Quote from: PBPB on January 21, 2014, 08:31:17 AM
Yes, I'm always aware of the dirty implications! Haha, remember who you're talking too!
Oh I remember.
I'm still dealing with rumbly, bubbly guts. D:
My gut just burped. Then farted. D:
Stupid bubbly, gassy guts. D:
Reddit slipped me the video of the woman who died when a brick falling off an oncoming truck hit her in the head through the windshield.
[tornado fang] me. The video wasn't even that graphic. Not a single drop of blood passed the dashcam lens. It was the family crying that broke me. I mean, [tornado fang]. I'm usually a hardass and it takes a lot to get me upset... But I'm upset now after watching that.
I'm... Gonna go watch moeblobs now...
Quote from: Junpei Iori on January 23, 2014, 07:26:11 AM
Reddit slipped me the video of the woman who died when a brick falling off an oncoming truck hit her in the head through the windshield.
[tornado fang] me. The video wasn't even that graphic. Not a single drop of blood passed the dashcam lens. It was the family crying that broke me. I mean, [tornado fang]. I'm usually a hardass and it takes a lot to get me upset... But I'm upset now after watching that.
I'm... Gonna go watch moeblobs now...
Did they, at least, rotoscope a happy face onto the brick?
Target behind windshield... Take the shot.
Skined my knee this morning and it burns! X(
Ouch! I know exactly how that feels. D:
[tornado fang] EVERYTHING!
What's wrong? :c
Perhaps if Tron talks about it, we can find ways to help. Also, talking about it can be cathartic.
Quote from: Quickman on February 02, 2014, 04:21:11 PM
What's wrong? :c
I honestly am not sure. Almost everything pisses me off today.
I'm upset tha my Yahoo Mail is acting stupid on my iPhone.
Quote from: Sakura Leic on February 02, 2014, 05:14:54 PM
I'm upset tha my Yahoo Mail is acting stupid on my iPhone.
I'm upset you're still using Yahoo Mail.
Quote from: xnamkcor on February 02, 2014, 05:16:33 PM
I'm upset you're still using Yahoo Mail.
I know I know, I just don't see a reason to change to Gmail yet. Plus I've had this account for a few years now.
Quote from: Don Thousand on February 02, 2014, 05:12:09 PM
I honestly am not sure. Almost everything pisses me off today.
Just one of those days then?
Quote from: Sakura Leic on February 02, 2014, 05:18:06 PM
I know I know, I just don't see a reason to change to Gmail yet. Plus I've had this account for a few years now.
"A few years"? How old are you?
Quote from: xnamkcor on February 02, 2014, 06:48:53 PM
"A few years"? How old are you?
21, I made this account when I was 14.
I had my Yahoo! account for about that long before switching to Gmail. Now the Yahoo! account's mostly for spam.
[tornado fang]. Philip Seymour Hoffman was found dead today. Such a versatile and fantastic actor.
Quote from: PBPB on February 02, 2014, 07:58:39 PM
[tornado fang]. Philip Seymour Hoffman was found dead today. Such a versatile and fantastic actor.
What? That does suck, he was pretty good in Moneyball and MI3.
Goddamn, not even 50 yet. That's too soon.
He was good in everything. Even in bad movies, he was still awesome.
Damn, he will be missed...
Why did everyone switch to Gmail? I use my Yahoo account more than my Gmail account.
I switched to Gmail because my brother had the trial account and gave me an invite. I've had it for almost as long as my Yahoo account, which is now a cesspool of spam.
Quote from: Quickman on February 02, 2014, 09:20:58 PM
I switched to Gmail because my brother had the trial account and gave me an invite. I've had it for almost as long as my Yahoo account, which is now a cesspool of spam.
Maybe I'll change it once school is over, but right now I don't see a real point.
Quote from: Phi on February 02, 2014, 09:16:40 PM
Why did everyone switch to Gmail? I use my Yahoo account more than my Gmail account.
At the time it started, running out of space on a free acount, with or without spam, was a thing. By the time other services caught up and eliminated the issue of space running out(on what was, essentially, a text-only medium), Google already had it, and the other services had failed to add anything else. So, what use was it to switch back from Gmail, when nothing was to be gained?
It's mostly my iPhone that's acting weird with it, my iPad is fine but my iPhone still claims that it can't connect to the server.
Quote from: Phi on February 02, 2014, 09:16:40 PM
Why did everyone switch to Gmail? I use my Yahoo account more than my Gmail account.
I have a Gmail but I never use it.
I've never used Yahoo, always used the one my ISP provides.
I have both. *shrugs*
I lost my Yahoo password(someone hacked it, apparently), I can't remember my secret question/answer whatever it is, contacted Yahoo service, and they suck horribly on trying to get it done and I'm forced to abandon it.
Now I'm using Gmail for everything.
An album I wanted a physical copy of only has 4 physical copies left and I don't get paid until tomorrow so I won't be able to get a physical copy of it. Now if I was able to get a sprite commission soon I'd be fine but I won't soooo yeah....
edit: 2 remaining :C
I promised the guy I'd get a physical copy of the album when I could and now I can't because I'm broke so I feel like I'm breaking my word and I hate breaking my word cause it hurts whenever I do :\
Quote from: Space Rock on February 03, 2014, 04:17:30 PM
I lost my Yahoo password(someone hacked it, apparently), I can't remember my secret question/answer whatever it is, contacted Yahoo service, and they suck horribly on trying to get it done and I'm forced to abandon it.
Now I'm using Gmail for everything.
Man, you're lucky. You got hacked. Nobody ever gets their password hacked. Most of the time it's just someone who finds out your password by spying, tricking a CSR, or knowing your birthday/mother's maiden name.
PS: Ever notice how most or all "Secret Questions" are things that are in no way secret?
I'm not even sure if my password really got hacked, then again, yahoo denied when I entered my password, so yeah. Then again, I don't have anything important in my yahoo except for my game accounts such as PSO2 and and Starcrap2(which I was able to retrieve it and linked it to my gmail, with hardship of course.)
Tried changing my Starcrap2 account to my gmail, then I [tornado fang]'d up something which Blizzard banned me for that. Good news is Blizzard sure handled the problem pretty quick when I contacted their customer service.
Quote from: Space Rock on February 03, 2014, 04:33:14 PM
I'm not even sure if my password really got hacked, then again, yahoo denied when I entered my password, so yeah. Then again, I don't have anything important in my yahoo except for my game accounts such as PSO2 and and Starcrap2(which I was able to retrieve it and linked it to my gmail, with hardship of course.)
Tried changing my Starcrap2 account to my gmail, then I [tornado fang]'d up something which Blizzard banned me for that. Good news is Blizzard sure handled the problem pretty quick when I contacted their customer service.
Missed opprotunity for a "Star Craff" joke.
The secret question I chose was "Who was your first crush?"
My siblings and parents are the only other people that know the answer. I'd say that's secret enough.
I always chose some nonsense answer, as I keep all my passwords written down in a random book, which I hide. I also change them every now and then.
I just made it an easy question about a flower. :\ I don't think it was one of those standard questions so it's simple for me.
Found out that my grandma was moved to the dementia ward. :\
Quote from: Quickman on February 08, 2014, 06:34:56 AM
Found out that my grandma was moved to the dementia ward. :\
Ouch that sucks. I hope my abuelo doesn't end up there someday, or my own dad since he's been showing signs of dementia too, though that's because of the amount of meds he's had over the years.
My great-grandmother has had dementia for some time.
She was living with my grandparents up until christmas time 2012 and she was moved to a home because they just couldn't take care of her any more as her memory slipped farther and farther.
I think she's in her mid-90s and she's had it for a few years now.
Thankfully, my family has great genes, especially from my mother's side. All of her siblings (including herself) look roughly 10 years younger than their actual age.
My grandfather had to use a wheelchair because of a car accident he got into when he was young, but even in old age, he was really strong.
The thing is... When my brother and I visit her, she's fine. We talk to her fine. Though, she is hard of hearing, she's nearly deaf. You need to speak loudly in her left ear, which we do, but no one else does. And, we suspect that she puts on an act when my dad is around, because let's face it, he isn't a saint in all this by any means.
The reason she was moved to the ward was because she was trying to escape.
Quote from: Quickman on February 08, 2014, 07:03:02 AM
The thing is... When my brother and I visit her, she's fine. We talk to her fine. Though, she is hard of hearing, she's nearly deaf. You need to speak loudly in her left ear, which we do, but no one else does. And, we suspect that she puts on an act when my dad is around, because let's face it, he isn't a saint in all this by any means.
The reason she was moved to the ward was because she was trying to escape.
Wow that's horrible.
That's sad. :(
I'll need to get in to see her without my dad around and preferably with my brother. We'll be able to talk to her, then. Perhaps find out what's really up.
Posted on: February 08, 2014, 06:06:49 AM
I had a chance to talk to my brother earlier and I told him what's going on with our grandma. He won't be able to get over here this weekend, but he plans to come by at some point so we can go in and see her. We think the problem isn't so much dementia, as it is deafness. She can't understand anyone because she can't hear them, they don't know how to communicate with her, and she's unable to effectively communicate with the staff. If she had a decent hearing aid, this wouldn't be a problem.
However, hearing aids are expensive, and since she's in a home, I don't think her insurance will cover one, as she's not living on her own and thus her deafness isn't impeding her ability to live independently. I'll have to look into that, but I think that stupid little loophole is what's preventing her from getting a decent hearing aid.
It's really frustrating, and anything regarding Mammaw's care will have to go through my dad, as he won power of attorney over her.
Dear UPS, please stop transferring my packages from Amazon to the post office to finish delivery. They are not delivering at the moment because of too much snow.
Sincerely, an annoyed customer.
Quote from: Clefant on February 28, 2014, 03:28:49 AM
Dear UPS, please stop transferring my packages from Amazon to the post office to finish delivery. They are not delivering at the moment because of too much snow.
Sincerely, an annoyed customer.
See if your post office accepts Street Addressing. Then again, you'd need to pay for a PO Box for that to work.
Eh, this just worked as motivation to go out and get rid of the last bit of deposit the plows left for me.
Mailbox isn't blocked now. They should have no trouble getting in tomorrow.
I made a bit of headway in finding the right people to talk to regarding my grandma. I'll have phonecalls to make next week. This is not going to be easy, nor will it help repair any rifts in my family, but only serve to widen them and create new ones.
Standing at a bus stop across from my school, I mused such interesting things like, "I should talk to X, it's been a while and I'm curious" and "I should work on X project, I feel like making that concept work" and "I shouldn't beat myself up for X and just fix it".
Of course, when the rain picked up enough to blind anyone without glasses, and numerous cars splashed water full of tree gunk at me, all I could muse was "where is that [tornado fang]ing bus where is that [tornado fang]ing bus eww wtf is that in my hair where is that [tornado fang]ing bus".
Then when I was on the bus, where the oblivious driver blasted the AC despite the visibly soaked passenger, all I could muse was "cold cold cold cold cold pneumonia cold sick cold lungs cold I hope I don't get in trouble for leaking all over the bus floor".
today was just great
ten out of dogdamn ten
Quote from: Suppercut on March 05, 2014, 11:52:18 PM
Standing at a bus stop across from my school, I mused such interesting things like, "I should talk to X, it's been a while and I'm curious" and "I should work on X project, I feel like making that concept work" and "I shouldn't beat myself up for X and just fix it".
Of course, when the rain picked up enough to blind anyone without glasses, and numerous cars splashed water full of tree gunk at me, all I could muse was "where is that [tornado fang]ing bus where is that [tornado fang]ing bus eww wtf is that in my hair where is that [tornado fang]ing bus".
Then when I was on the bus, where the oblivious driver blasted the AC despite the visibly soaked passenger, all I could muse was "cold cold cold cold cold pneumonia cold sick cold lungs cold I hope I don't get in trouble for leaking all over the bus floor".
today was just great
ten out of dogdamn ten
Speaking of Buses, I have learned that, on a campus where tobacco and smoking are completely forbidden, the City Bus Stop, the one place where it is legally defined as being forbidden to smoke, is where all the smokers hang out and smoke.
I wanted to take some cold medicine but it expired more than a year ago. Darn it. :|
Due to my own mother's lack of knowledge regarding modern technology, her know-it-all attitude regarding computers, and her impatience, I essentially spent 200 dollars on a brick. My HDD is corrupted so I have to see if it's remotely possible for me to format it and then reinstall windows from scratch. Yay.
At least I backed up beforehand.
What the [tornado fang] is happening to my mother?! She was perfectly fine this morning (enough to get smart with me on my brother's computer when obviously don't know anything about computers), later into the evening she started becoming sick as all hell and crying. Now she's dizzy and delirious and probably has to go to the hospital.
[tornado fang]! I can't stand to see my mom suffering like this, I [tornado fang]ing can't! I don't want to lose her.
Well that escalated quickly, sorry that happened man.
Quote from: ViperAcidZX on March 24, 2014, 03:59:53 AM
What the [tornado fang] is happening to my mother?! She was perfectly fine this morning (enough to get smart with me on my brother's computer when obviously don't know anything about computers), later into the evening she started becoming sick as all hell and crying. Now she's dizzy and delirious and probably has to go to the hospital.
[tornado fang]! I can't stand to see my mom suffering like this, I [tornado fang]ing can't! I don't want to lose her.
Maybe it's because in the morning her body has more energy to combat the illness, but near the end of the day it's exhausted.
Quote from: xnamkcor on March 24, 2014, 04:15:42 AM
Maybe it's because in the morning her body has more energy to combat the illness, but near the end of the day it's exhausted.
That's probably it, I remembered I got that nasty stomach flu/food poisoning at night.
A large rock threatens the frail sanctity of my sanity. I need to scream but am too afraid of being seen. I want to be known but don't know why or what it would do for me. No matter what I do I only give more of myself away without asking so much as a thank you in return. Even when I do think about myself its usually through the eyes of another. Too preoccupied with appearance to be myself. To be free. Unable to break the cycle. I ask for some force to break me out of my walls only to find I fear the unknown too much to allow it to happen. And yet the rock teeters ever closer in my direction and I panic again.
Thanks everyone. The doctors said my mom is going to be okay, she just need to take things easy and get some rest along with her medication.
Well that's good.
Quote from: Cherrykorock on March 24, 2014, 04:50:28 AM
A large rock threatens the frail sanctity of my sanity. I need to scream but am too afraid of being seen. I want to be known but don't know why or what it would do for me. No matter what I do I only give more of myself away without asking so much as a thank you in return. Even when I do think about myself its usually through the eyes of another. Too preoccupied with appearance to be myself. To be free. Unable to break the cycle. I ask for some force to break me out of my walls only to find I fear the unknown too much to allow it to happen. And yet the rock teeters ever closer in my direction and I panic again.
Please don't kill anyone. At least not other people.
Your vote of confidence is very reassuring. You are truly empathetic to the emotional needs of others.
I have plenty of empathy for other people. just don't hurt anybody.
Suicidal Tendencies - "Institutionalized" Frontier Records (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LoF_a0-7xVQ#)
No. If you had even a little bit you would be able to at least grasp that opening up is something that is very hard for some people. Especially with the fear they will be misunderstood and/or judged. I don't know where it got into your head that violence is my only way to fix the issue. In fact it says a lot more about you than it does about myself regarding my initial reaction to heavy burdens of stress. Like many people talking (or in this case typing) helps me sort out my thoughts and vent my personal stress.
Don't mind him he's just a troll.
Words of wisdom: xnamkcor is an idiot.
Try not to pay him any mind.
[tornado fang] off, xnamckor. [tornado fang] off and never return.
You know, you say stuff sometimes which is much worse than what Ruri ever said, yet for some strange reason you aren't [tornado fang]ing banned, while he was multiple times.
Yeah, pretty sure that saying "don't kill others but killing yourself is fine" is about 15 miles over the line. that [parasitic bomb] ain't cool.
Looks like we need to have a discussion about our good buddy xnamkcor! 8D
For the record, I wasn't the one who banned Ruri.
I may be a bit touchy about this since, you know, my grandma committed suicide, my dad committed suicide, a friend of mine committed suicide, and I've tried many many times to commit suicide... But even suggesting that it's okay to kill oneself as long as they don't hurt others is incredibly wrong.
And I don't like how he talks about homosexuals in a somewhat derogatory manner since I have gay and bi friends.
Thanks guys. :3
I mean it thank you very much.
I know he was just trying to get a rise out of me but lately Ive been so stressed I just couldn't take it. I'm usually pretty mellow as you know from me being on this forum for like 6 years now but Mir by said it best, 15 miles over the line.
And I wouldn't call it touchy, those are dear people who you had real love for who took their own lives. Given that of course you would feel some anger!
I don't like how he tried to make light of my mild depression.
I mean, its fine now but it still bugged me.
Though to be fair the biting comments sometimes help, I know better than to talk about waifushit on here so that's good I guess.
I thought you were over waifus.
Quote from: Tron on March 26, 2014, 06:01:27 AM
You know, you say stuff sometimes which is much worse than what Ruri ever said, yet for some strange reason you aren't [tornado fang]ing banned, while he was multiple times.
Because people actually complained to us about him via PM and what have you. No one has done so with xnamcor. If people would like to lodge a formal complaint, feel free to do so, and appropriate actions will be taken.
LoL, this isn't difficult people!
Quote from: Sakura Leic on March 26, 2014, 06:19:55 AM
I thought you were over waifus.
I'm not as bad as I used to be but it comes in phases.
Can't wait for the flood of PMs! 8D
But I've opened discussion nonetheless.
You're right but Wily and I think Phi have witnessed at least the homosexual comments I mentioned earlier.
I recall seeing something along those lines too.
But I said nothing. How foolish of me.
Unfortunately, I don't think xnamkcor will garner nearly as many complaints that ruri got. And I still don't get why so many had a problem with him, when he's essentially harmless.
Quote from: Clefant on March 26, 2014, 06:28:04 AM
I recall seeing something along those lines too.
But I said nothing. How foolish of me.
The first one was I think the first incident when xnamkor became more active, the second one Wily demanded that he change the subject and he did.
Quote from: Phi on March 26, 2014, 06:29:06 AM
Unfortunately, I don't think xnamkcor will garner nearly as many complaints that ruri got. And I still don't get why so many had a problem with him, when he's essentially harmless.
Butthurt I take it. Who were the complaints mostly from, if that's alright to ask?
Have I gotten complaints?
Meh it takes a bit to understand Ruri, he has his way of view and I certainly respect and learn from how he does and view things.
I honestly didn't even think about reporting or anything like that. When I read that comment of his pissed me off but I thought maybe he meant is as poorly thought out joke. The second one though pushed me to actually speak how I felt for once in my life. And that video he posted, as much as I enjoy that song and band, enrages and confuses me. Is he trying to say I'm crazy like the guy in the song? Or that I have some suicidal tendencies? Both? Neither. I've worked very very hard in my life to control my anger and to this day I may try my best but don't always succeed. And honesty this site has done a lot for me in positive ways. You guys give me confidence to keep drawing and to keep practicing my music. Also in opening up and making friends here. I don't go to other forums anymore, just here. I really like that even though our community is kind of small those who remain here are loyal megaman fans, videogame fans, artists, story writers and genuinely nice people. (Mostly Lol) I know its cheesy to say this mostly because I'm not Ms Popular here but I love this site and am glad to still be a part of it. :3
Hey that's the reason I'm here even though I'm barely into Megaman anymore.
Same with me. I just couldn't leave such a great community.
Quote from: Clefant on March 26, 2014, 06:31:59 AM
Butthurt I take it. Who were the complaints mostly from, if that's alright to ask?
Have I gotten complaints?
Hahaha, seriously? Why would you possibly think that's okay to ask? XD
And if people did complain about you, you probably would've been notified/banned.
Let's get one thing straight here, people. We're actually pretty lenient when it comes to the rules, for the most part. We, or at least I, try not to babysit you all that much because most of you know each other in this small knit community, plus you are [tornado fang]ing adults and can solve your own issues. If I or anyone else has to get involved, then something has gone wrong. Haha, I don't like it, but I also really don't give a [tornado fang] either.
Simply try not to be dicks to one another, have fun, and we should be good. Clear? 8D
I'm only here anymore because I enjoy talking to the others here.
Megaman's stagnant as hell now and nothing's happening to change that in the meantime so yeah.
Quote from: PBPB on March 26, 2014, 06:44:24 AM
Haha, I don't like it, but I also really don't give a [tornado fang] either.
Simply try not to be dicks to one another, have fun, and we should be good. Clear? 8D
You're the worst, PB. You know that? : P
You know it! [eyebrow]
Quote from: PBPB on March 26, 2014, 06:44:24 AM
Hahaha, seriously? Why would you possibly think that's okay to ask? XD
And if people did complain about you, you probably would've been notified/banned.
Let's get one thing straight here, people. We're actually pretty lenient when it comes to the rules, for the most part. We, or at least I, try not to babysit you all that much because most of you know each other in this small knit community, plus you are [tornado fang]ing adults and can solve your own issues. If I or anyone else has to get involved, then something has gone wrong. Haha, I don't like it, but I also really don't give a [tornado fang] either.
Simply try not to be dicks to one another, have fun, and we should be good. Clear? 8D
Gotcha. Though I've never filed a real complaint against someone before so I never know when I should and for what reason.
"Filing a complaint" or "reporting a post" is basically just PMing a mod. :P
I'm lenient as hell, too, so this is the best place to be where we all are lazy! 8D
Anywho, Megaman being stagnant as hell upsets me. :c
I'm still kind of upset ecchi week still exists.....
I'm running out of room for my Gundam Models. That upsets me, kinda.
Gonna have to finally take down the HGs.
Quote from: PBPB on March 26, 2014, 06:21:46 AM
Because people actually complained to us about him via PM and what have you. No one has done so with xnamcor. If people would like to lodge a formal complaint, feel free to do so, and appropriate actions will be taken.
I brought it up with Wily on a few instances, but that was sorta on the casual. I'm probably just going to procrastinate on the PM thing though. But, eh, I don't really care that much.
Quote from: Quickman on March 26, 2014, 06:52:19 AM
"Filing a complaint" or "reporting a post" is basically just PMing a mod. :P
I'm the reason the report button is gone... aren't I? >0<
Not being a dick is like my number 2 rule of life! XD
Number 1 is never ever talk [parasitic bomb] about people that don't deserve it.
Or was it never drink my coffee?
Also speaking of stagnant megaman I was debating whether or not to start a hand drawn comic. I have a few stories I want to work with but they need fleshing out for like 2 months already.
Quote from: Sakura Leic on March 26, 2014, 06:54:12 AM
I'm still kind of upset ecchi week still exists.....
So am I. Last thing I need is to be browsing RPM over at my sis-in-law's place during Eicchi Week and one of the kids peers over my shoulder...
"Hey, what's that?"
"Uhh..." *switches tabs, only to be on Tumblr when looking up pics of Sycamore* "Uuhhh..." *switches tabs to some yaoi doujin* "..." *hides tablet* "You saw nothing."
Quote from: Quickman on March 26, 2014, 06:58:40 AM
So am I. Last thing I need is to be browsing RPM over at my sis-in-law's place during Eicchi Week and one of the kids peers over my shoulder...
"Hey, what's that?"
"Uhh..." *switches tabs, only to be on Tumblr when looking up pics of Sycamore* "Uuhhh..." *switches tabs to some yaoi doujin* "..." *hides tablet* "You saw nothing."
Can't you just delete it since you are a mod and all?
Quote from: Cherrykorock on March 26, 2014, 06:57:45 AM
Also speaking of stagnant megaman I was debating whether or not to start a hand drawn comic. I have a few stories I want to work with but they need fleshing out for like 2 months already.
Do it!
Quote from: Sakura Leic on March 26, 2014, 07:00:25 AM
Can't you just delete it since you are a mod and all?
We could. But keep in mind, we probably went a year or three without following the Special Week thing. Which is why nothing was really done about it.
There are some people who do it occasionally, as immature as it sounds I just don't want any chance of going through that experience ever again. I was just so uncomfortable during that.
It's been, what, nearly a year since I became a demi-mod? Over a year? I dunno, but I'm not sure how I'd rank in terms of being leniant.
I'm certainly not strict in the least, and hell, at one point, I was contemplating on only giving xnamkcor a temp-ban (like a month or so) rather than the full punishment that so many have gotten.
Perhaps I'd benefit from being more strict.
Quote from: Cherrykorock on March 26, 2014, 06:38:20 AM
I honestly didn't even think about reporting or anything like that. When I read that comment of his pissed me off but I thought maybe he meant is as poorly thought out joke. The second one though pushed me to actually speak how I felt for once in my life. And that video he posted, as much as I enjoy that song and band, enrages and confuses me. Is he trying to say I'm crazy like the guy in the song? Or that I have some suicidal tendencies? Both? Neither. I've worked very very hard in my life to control my anger and to this day I may try my best but don't always succeed. And honesty this site has done a lot for me in positive ways. You guys give me confidence to keep drawing and to keep practicing my music. Also in opening up and making friends here. I don't go to other forums anymore, just here. I really like that even though our community is kind of small those who remain here are loyal megaman fans, videogame fans, artists, story writers and genuinely nice people. (Mostly Lol) I know its cheesy to say this mostly because I'm not Ms Popular here but I love this site and am glad to still be a part of it. :3
You know, I'm glad you said all that, because that genuinely made me feel a lot better. I had a pretty lousy day, and it's nice knowing that we actually mean that much to you.
Quote from: Cherrykorock on March 26, 2014, 06:57:45 AM
Not being a dick is like my number 2 rule of life! XD
Number 1 is never ever talk [parasitic bomb] about people that don't deserve it.
[spoiler=potential (unintentional) flamebait]If only this was relevant when I was getting [parasitic bomb] for suggesting MLP week.
There, now every MLP basher can send in the angry mob on me.[/spoiler]
Quote from: ViperAcidZX on March 26, 2014, 07:07:23 AM
[spoiler=potential (unintentional) flamebait]If only this was relevant when I was getting [parasitic bomb] for suggesting MLP week.
There, now every MLP basher can send in the angry mob on me.[/spoiler]
Even I admit you didn't deserve that.
You guys are like my family and I the creepy goth girl that just showed up one day! 8D
And just for the record, I love ecchi and all that H stuff too but there's a reason there's a specific thread for that stuff I feel. The people who want to see it have a place to share it but it should mostly stay there I think. :3
Anyways I feel a lot better tonight than perhaps the past month or so. Good night everyone!
Also enjoy my new avatar which is an old picture of me. :3
P.s. I'm not a MLP fan but far be it from me to judge one who is. I have seen the show and it is in my opinion exceptionally well made. Just not my cup of tea.
It's just some of the 4chan frequenters have had a violent allergic reaction to it here, although I did not condone the person who posted one because they were obsessed with Ruri being Ruri and wanted to change him.
Quote from: ViperAcidZX on March 26, 2014, 07:07:23 AM
[spoiler=potential (unintentional) flamebait]If only this was relevant when I was getting [parasitic bomb] for suggesting MLP week.
There, now every MLP basher can send in the angry mob on me.[/spoiler]
Uhm... yeah. I do not recall if I bashed on you back then (I probably did) but I am much more tolerant of MLP right now than I was around its huge ass "boom". But that's mostly because, well, it's not that present everywhere anymore.
Quote from: Tron on March 26, 2014, 07:22:26 AM
Uhm... yeah. I do not recall if I bashed on you back then (I probably did) but I am much more tolerant of MLP right now than I was around its huge ass "boom". But that's mostly because, well, it's not that present everywhere anymore.
Except Deviant Art of course.
But it wasn't you I think.
Quote from: Sakura Leic on March 26, 2014, 07:08:27 AM
Even I admit you didn't deserve that.
Thank you. And It's not like I give you any [parasitic bomb] for not liking South Park or anything. I understand, even I lost interest in South Park at some point.
Quote from: Sakura Leic on March 26, 2014, 07:16:07 AM
It's just some of the 4chan frequenters have had a violent allergic reaction to it here, although I did not condone the person who posted one because they were obsessed with Ruri being Ruri and wanted to change him.
I don't think it's just 4chan that has this problem; one YouTuber who had Source Film Maker animations with soundclips of YouTube Poops for a Top [Something] MLP:FiM YouTube Poops vid got taken down because idiots flagged the video for terrorism and bullying. If they have to resort to that to get someone else's videos down just for MLP content, then somebody has some serious tolerance issues.
Quote from: Cherrykorock on March 26, 2014, 07:12:45 AM
You guys are like my family and I the creepy goth girl that just showed up one day! 8D
And just for the record, I love ecchi and all that H stuff too but there's a reason there's a specific thread for that stuff I feel. The people who want to see it have a place to share it but it should mostly stay there I think. :3
Anyways I feel a lot better tonight than perhaps the past month or so. Good night everyone!
Also enjoy my new avatar which is an old picture of me. :3
P.s. I'm not a MLP fan but far be it from me to judge one who is. I have seen the show and it is in my opinion exceptionally well made. Just not my cup of tea.
See, an unbiased opinion, yet somebody who won't attack others for liking it, and I can live with that. It's not that [tornado fang]ing hard, people.
Also, I like your avatar, Cherry. :3
Still need to finish that massive dump of ecchi over at the ecchi thread.
Quote from: Cherrykorock on March 26, 2014, 07:12:45 AM
P.s. I'm not a MLP fan but far be it from me to judge one who is. I have seen the show and it is in my opinion exceptionally well made. Just not my cup of tea.
I slag a friend over MLP whenever the opportunity arises. He knows I don't mean it, so he tags me in his MLP posts, haha.
But I agree, that it's worth something to someone.
I've watched a few episodes of MLP, and I want to get the Design Your Own Pony, and I like Derpy and Doctor Whooves. :c
Since I grew up with MLP, I was a huge fan back in the day. I had a large collection of Ponies. My favorites were Firefly, Morning Glory, Diamond (whom I got when I got my tonsils out), Bowtie, and Lickety Split.
I may not fully understand Bronies, but I don't understand nor condone the hate. The show is harmless, the fandom is harmless, and gosh darnit, I used to be a HUGE Pegasister when I was a kid! MLP taps into my inner child, so while I may be at most a casual fan, I still have a fondness for it and will defend it.
Unfortunately, I didn't see the Pony Week fiasco. Or at least my memory says I didn't. I can't quite recall.
If mentioned again, though, I'd support Pony Week. It'd force me to finally design a Pony!
I wouldn't mind designing a pony, I like that sort of thing. I would support Pony week too.
I probably wouldn't support it, but I really wouldn't give a damn if there was a pony week. I rarely follow the theme weeks anyways haha
Quote from: Cherrykorock on March 26, 2014, 06:38:20 AM
Is he trying to say I'm crazy like the guy in the song?
The guy in the song isn't crazy. It's about his parents trying to force him to do something that makes THEM feel better and not actually for his benefit.
Also, the line about the Pepsi is hilarious.
PS: I didn't assume the person's only outlet was violence, I was just making sure to remind them not to do anything rash. And while killing oneself causes a tragedy, one has no right to take the life of another. And if one's mental state drives them to kill, then self termination is the most righteous one, not taking other people's lives.
Quote from: Sakura Leic on March 26, 2014, 06:14:15 AM
And I don't like how he talks about homosexuals in a somewhat derogatory manner since I have gay and bi friends.
Dude for the sake of everyone's sanity and composure, shut the [tornado fang] up.
I don't think he knows how to shut the [tornado fang] up, actually.
Don't give him what he wants.
What's upsetting me right now is that I'm out of weed. And my back hurts as always (which tends to happen when one has three separate curves, so graciously distributed evenly between the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar sections of my spine) so I could really use some right now.
Quote from: Mirby on March 26, 2014, 10:30:16 AM
What's upsetting me right now is that I'm out of weed. And my back hurts as always (which tends to happen when one has three separate curves, so graciously distributed evenly between the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar sections of my spine) so I could really use some right now.
I can't find it, but there is a person who says he needs a prescription for weed, because he gets depressed when he doesn't have weed. Probably a comedian.
Anyways, my internet connection is upsetting me. A lot.
I wish my dad would mute the TV in the morning if he can't learn to control the volume. I do not want to be woken up by Cowboys and Indians all the damn time.
I wish my mom would stop interrupting the over-night virus scan I perform on my brother's computer. That and my brother would let me go back to avast! Free Anti-virus instead of AVG.
Found out why my mom was deathly sick a few days ago: Benign Positional Vertigo (http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/001420.htm).
Quote from: ViperAcidZX on March 26, 2014, 07:07:23 AM
[spoiler=potential (unintentional) flamebait]If only this was relevant when I was getting [parasitic bomb] for suggesting MLP week.
There, now every MLP basher can send in the angry mob on me.[/spoiler]
If you'll allow me to tag my opinion to this (Since I was one pf the instigators of that little mess.) [spoiler]I'm pretty okay with people liking mlp, I mean I like stuff that isn't considered traditionally acceptable myself. I just don't have a desire to hear/see stuff about it in places where it doesn't need to be. They can go do whatever they want as long as they don't try to force others to enjoy it too. Its the shoving down the throat stuff that pissed me off but in the last few years it's really tapered down, and I've gotten over the obnoxious and irrational hate I spewed out.[/spoiler]
On another note, i'm upset that I slept so late.
I'm upset that I went to bed late last night. I should've stayed up.
I'm upset that my 00 Raiser MG isn't here yet.
Goddamn, my bed sucks. My right hip is very sore, and when I got up, I could barely move my left. I think I shall go limp around outside in the windy cold just to loosen it up...
I think a new bed should be your top priority, Quickie.
It's hard to feel good in the morning without a good night's rest.
I need a new pillow, I woke up with some neck pain.
Okay motherfuckers. Time to play a "Game of Tron's".
By which I mean... I'm going to tell you all how I feel about various things related to this forum. Feel free to disagree or something, but I will probably not give a [parasitic bomb].
I might even get banned after this, but I really just can't stand to keep this inside anymore.
Vixy... why do people praise her? Tell me, why do people like this attention whore so much? She barely cares about this place, and when she posts, she either talks about huge tits (Senran Kagura) or breaks the rules of her own forum by posting practically nude anime chicks with... surprise surprise, huge tits. I'm sure everybody remembers that, well, those of you who were present during that.
And on that note, hey PB. Just because she owns this [tornado fang]ing place, it doesn't mean she should just break the rules. I'm referring to what you said when some people reacted with disgust to her post which clearly went beyond just "ecchi". An admin should not just do whatever the [tornado fang] she pleases, even on a hentai forum there are [tornado fang]ing rules. If a thread says "ecchi" you shouldn't post [tornado fang]ing nudes in there.
An admin should give some [tornado fang]ing example I think, he should enforce the rules when necessary, not [tornado fang]ing bend them because they own the place.
Do you get what I mean? You no doubt do, but I suppose you might not agree with me, because you are obviously one of those people who shower Vixy with attention and praise.
But my problem isn't just with Vixy. It's with you too PB.
Tell me, you're one of the staff, but what good are you exactly? Aside from locking a thread here or there, do you actually do anything? Do you actually enforce the [tornado fang]ing rules on [Top Spin]s like xnamckor? No. Judging by your recent posts in this very thread, you don't give a crap unless people start bothering you about it.
I might be wrong, so please do correct me if I am, but the only one who [tornado fang]ing does anything here constantly is Quickman.
It's often her who seems to take care off the stuff in the forum software, take care off bots and the like. But you? The most I can see is (as I said previously) you locking a thread, maybe moving it... oh, and declaring (jokingly) "Random bannings".
So yeah, please correct if I'm wrong.
Now, my last point... the [tornado fang]ing VIP forum. I've seen what happens there, and to this day I still feel immense disgust.
But it's to be expected from something which is basically "PB's Secret Club for Super Cool People".
I understand why you wish to not talk about it, considering the contents of that [tornado fang]ing place. I've seen you, and others privileged to enter that [tornado fang]ing forum, [sonic slicer] and moan about other users.
Plus the [tornado fang]ing porn board. Which makes me wonder, why couldn't Vixy post those shitty huge titted anime girls in there, rather than in the ecchi thread? But what do I know?
Feel free to ban me, or [parasitic bomb]. I don't care.
Just know this, I really like like this place, but the things which I mentioned above are what often ruins my stay.
I know I don't have to stay here, before anybody says something. I'm not trying to change anybody's mind here either. I merely am finally getting this [parasitic bomb] off my chest.
That's about it.
What upsets me is calling the random bannings random when they aren't random at all.
Though I must admit, I do agree with a few things in your post, Tron. But I know that Wily does stuff too, as does Phi.
Quote from: Mirby on March 28, 2014, 08:30:14 AM
Tron. But I know that Wily does stuff too, as does Phi.
There's a reason I have not mentioned them at all in my post. Quickie was simply used as an example of someone who does something, but I do understand that Phi and Wily actually do things.
PB does ban people, he's ban mrkhan 2 out of the 3 times he showed up. Plus he is online less than Quickie is I think because he's busy I guess. Otherwise I'm not going to comment on this really but I do agree with some of it though.
I'm pretty upset my stomach is queasy though.
I'm not questioning he does. But in general... yeah, I already said everything I wanted to in my post above.
Quote from: Tron on March 28, 2014, 08:08:59 AM
And on that note, hey PB. Just because she owns this [tornado fang]ing place, it doesn't mean she should just break the rules. I'm referring to what you said when some people reacted with disgust to her post which clearly went beyond just "ecchi". An admin should not just do whatever the [tornado fang] she pleases, even on a hentai forum there are [tornado fang]ing rules. If a thread says "ecchi" you shouldn't post [tornado fang]ing nudes in there.
An admin should give some [tornado fang]ing example I think, he should enforce the rules when necessary, not [tornado fang]ing bend them because they own the place.
Do you get what I mean? You no doubt do, but I suppose you might not agree with me, because you are obviously one of those people who shower Vixy with attention and praise.
And as I pointed out during that time, what exactly can we do about it? Ban Vixy from her own forum? LoL. After all the questions and complaints about said topic, again the most we can do is talk to her about it and potentially delete those types of posts. LOL, this is NOT a business here. The mods & I are not her Board of Directors. We cannot just Norman Osborn her out of RPM.inc and take over. It's a forum.
As far as anything authoritative, she pays the bills here. RPM is not free. She forks over the money to keep this site you so love afloat. I don't pay for it, nor does Quickie or the rest of the staff. She does. Hahaha, I mean I don't know how else I can make this clearer than the last time. Whatever you, or I, or anyone really thinks about the matter is pretty irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. It's simply a matter of how much it really bothers you or not. If it continues to do so.......well we're still in the same RPM boat. Sail on or abandon ship, as it were. A matter I'll get to later...
QuoteBut my problem isn't just with Vixy. It's with you too PB.
Tell me, you're one of the staff, but what good are you exactly? Aside from locking a thread here or there, do you actually do anything? Do you actually enforce the [tornado fang]ing rules on [Top Spin]s like xnamckor? No. Judging by your recent posts in this very thread, you don't give a crap unless people start bothering you about it.
I might be wrong, so please do correct me if I am, but the only one who [tornado fang]ing does anything here constantly is Quickman.
It's often her who seems to take care off the stuff in the forum software, take care off bots and the like. But you? The most I can see is (as I said previously) you locking a thread, maybe moving it... oh, and declaring (jokingly) "Random bannings".
So yeah, please correct if I'm wrong.
Nope. You're absolutely right. I really don't care unless people start bothering me about it, and here's why...
You. Are. [tornado fang]ing. Adults.
If trolling bothers you, either ignore it or report it to the staff, like I said. This is not a difficult concept. It takes mere seconds to PM me or anyone else that you've had enough of [insert member here]. Speaking purely for myself, I do not read every single topic or post. It bothers you enough to complain about it on the forum, but not to PM me? Oh the [tornado fang] well.
And yeah, Quickie is easily the mod who does most of the work here. Kudos to her. I do very little around here. Phi & Wily probably do more than I do now. There is one thing I do excel at though when it comes to modding: dealing with issues such as this.
QuoteNow, my last point... the [tornado fang]ing VIP forum. I've seen what happens there, and to this day I still feel immense disgust.
But it's to be expected from something which is basically "PB's Secret Club for Super Cool People".
I understand why you wish to not talk about it, considering the contents of that [tornado fang]ing place. I've seen you, and others privileged to enter that [tornado fang]ing forum, [sonic slicer] and moan about other users.
Plus the [tornado fang]ing porn board. Which makes me wonder, why couldn't Vixy post those shitty huge titted anime girls in there, rather than in the ecchi thread? But what do I know?
Hahaha, it's not MY club. As for bitching and moaning about other users, explain to me how that is different than what goes on in the What Are You Thinking or What's Upsetting You Right Now threads? The fact that you can see it? Hey, did you know there's ANOTHER secret forum where we mods [sonic slicer] and moan about some of you as well? If it makes you comfier to know, there's no porn in there. Lemme see if I can break this down for you. Ahem...
Vixy creates a secret forum for people, her friends, who don't really give a [tornado fang] about porn, drama, etc., that way regular users don't complain about said porn. Then, when secret club is found out, users are in an uproar about secret porn stash they didn't really want to see anyway because they find it disgusting, yet complain that there is still a secret club. Also, some members want an Ecchi thread so they can post semi porn-ish things while other members don't want to look at it. What this all boils down to is this...
We cannot please everyone. LoL. nor do I give a [tornado fang] about trying to. I just go with the flow for as long as the site is up and running, which shall bring me to my last point...
QuoteFeel free to ban me, or [parasitic bomb]. I don't care.
Just know this, I really like like this place, but the things which I mentioned above are what often ruins my stay.
I know I don't have to stay here, before anybody says something. I'm not trying to change anybody's mind here either. I merely am finally getting this [parasitic bomb] off my chest.
That's about it.
LoL, if I didn't ban xnamkcor for his [parasitic bomb], do you really think I'm going to ban you for this? XD
However, the last thing I quoted gets at the really real truth of why I don't give a [tornado fang].
You keep coming back.And this doesn't just go for you, but for everyone. Things we do bother you, and you're still here. Certain members bother you, and you're still here. VIP forum is OMG DISCOVEREDED and you're still here. LoL, hell I ban people who have claimed to hate it here, and they still want back in weeks or months later. And most of the time we let them back because we really don't care. Right away we knew who Captain BaconEvil was, but we let him roam free for a time because it was amusing. Not just to the mods, but you most of you as well. LOL, I mean do you really know how many, many, MANY times Pluvius has been banned from & allowed back on RPM?
To be blunt, these things don't ruin your stay here. YOU ruin your own stay here.
We live in a wonderful technologically advanced internet where all the members here can converse somewhere else, via PM or that Forum you guys made, and so on. And yet, here you are. Do you see what I'm getting at? Lots of [parasitic bomb] bothers some of you, but it doesn't bother you enough to leave. So please, explain to me, why should I care? Haha, no need. I'll explain it myself.
This is a forum about a seemingly defunct video game series most of us grew up loving/liking/meh'ing/playing. I'm just here to have fun. And I'm still having fun. Whether or not the Rockman franchise has some life pumped into it, eventually Vixy will get tired of paying for the cost to keep RPM afloat and it will die off like many Rockman sites of yesteryear. All the posts, all the topics, all the complaints, the VIP forum, the Roleplay section, and everything this site has built over the past decade or so will simply cease to exist, much like many internet sites. That's the reality of the situation, and it's why I really don't care. I'll move on, and most of you will as well, because that's what life is. Moving on. Many older members have moved on. Some occasionally come back. Other's don't. For the most part, the people reading this are the ones who still remain, for as long as it lasts. Cause I can tell you this in all honesty...
If Vixy ever decides not to pay for RPM anymore, I have zero intention of doing so.
Hopefully your chest is now unburdened. 8D
Although there are things I could "jab" at in that post of yours, PB. I didn't make my original post to start a retarded debate or change minds.
So yeah, let's just agree to disagree on certain points and leave it at that.
Quote from: Tron on March 28, 2014, 09:57:04 AM
Although there are things I could "jab" at in that post of yours, PB. I didn't make my original post to start a retarded debate or change minds.
So yeah, let's just agree to disagree on certain points and leave it at that.
LOL. Yes you did. You made that original post to get the weight off your shoulders and ask questions. I answered those questions. There's nothing to agree or disagree about. The bottom line is that this is the way things are, and they're not going to change. That's all there is to it.
I suppose.
Though I rewrote that post so many times before I posted it, it's not [tornado fang]ing funny.
There were a few times where I actually toyed with the idea of purchasing and running a server for the forum. I could probably get a decent server for it at a decent price and have that up and running in the utility closet. It'd be basically extra space, and I wouldn't be running the entire forum from that server. But, I have thought about it.
If it came down to it, I would fork over the cash to keep this place afloat.
Honestly I never really had interest in the secret boards, I mean just because I don't have access to them, and I don't really want access to them anyway, doesn't mean I should since it's there for a reason and only certain people have access to them for a reason.
That sounded so redundant and I don't know how to make it less redundant. :\
Quote from: Quickman on March 28, 2014, 10:13:54 AM
There were a few times where I actually toyed with the idea of purchasing and running a server for the forum. I could probably get a decent server for it at a decent price and have that up and running in the utility closet. It'd be basically extra space, and I wouldn't be running the entire forum from that server. But, I have thought about it.
If it came down to it, I would fork over the cash to keep this place afloat.
You probably could do it for the amount of money I'm gonna pay for that commission! You should use it to get a bed though! 8D
Quote from: Sakura Leic on March 28, 2014, 10:15:45 AM
Honestly I never really had interest in the secret boards, I mean just because I don't have access to them, and I don't really want access to them anyway, doesn't mean I should since it's there for a reason and only certain people have access to them for a reason.
That sounded so redundant and I don't know how to make it less redundant. :\
No worries. I understood you! XD
A new bed would be a better choice.
I am upset that my bed sucks.
I'm upset that your bed sucks. You need a new one, and it's high time you got one!
I'm not upset that that post of Tron's created a bit of a somewhat productive discussion to clear the air. That's always good.
I am upset that I'm up really late again from playing South Park: The Stick of Truth though. I need to get my sleep schedule back on track and THAT AWESOMENESS ISN'T HELPING D:
Quote from: PBPB on March 28, 2014, 09:48:10 AM
We live in a wonderful technologically advanced internet where all the members here can converse somewhere else, via PM or that Forum you guys made, and so on.
Sorry to just kind of pry this part out of context, but are you reffering to the board that Ruri made that a few of us, myself included, tried starting up?
Because that's gone now, it became a generic search page after I assume Ruri deleted it or something, it was plagued with spambots anyway. I guess you could call it an experiment, one that didn't go so well.
But yeah, lots of animosity and tension seems to have cleared up.
All the "Secret Club" stuff bugs me though, bugs me enough to go and make my own secret club, I'll just need all the pillows in the house. [/badjoke]
You could make your own secret club with blackjack and hookers, but I suspect the secret club here already has those. :P
Damn food poisoning. X.x
My home internet connection is still pissing me off, dropping the connection every 15 mins, 30 mins if I'm VERY lucky. I seriously hope it resets itself back to normal by the 11th.
Guts are acting up, which is delaying my Store Trek Into Darkness.
Family drama in the spoiler.
[spoiler]Both of my great-grandmothers are in the hospital.
One of them is getting better, she had a stroke or something similar and had some trouble breathing but she's improving.
The other one has apparently stopped eating, she has had dementia for probably the last 10 or so years and was just put into assisted living around Winter 2012, she doesn't really remember anybody in the family save for probably my grandpa (The one on my dad's side of the family.). She's probably not going to last more than another week or so according to my dad.
Its sort of difficult to grasp my feelings on this, on one hand I'm sad because she's been around for so long and it would be really strange for her to not be around anymore. On the other hand its probably for the best as she's so far gone in terms of her dementia that she doesn't remember her family.[/spoiler]
Hope things are looking better for you, Clefant.
My home connection is completely down now. Even though the modem says that I am connected to the internet, I can't surf any site (currently using my phone to surf...). Need to call my ISP... On a weekday. >_>
Sometimes I upset myself just by being me.
I honestly wonder who hasn't felt that way.
I don't doubt it but I expect that I dislike myself a little more than the average person.
That's debatable.
[spoiler]i don't want a debate though[/spoiler]
I wasn't planning on getting into a debate either, my skills at it are so pitiful it wouldn't end well for me.
We all need hugs. *gives out hugs*
Yeah... yeah. I could use a good hug right now.
*hugs through his phone*
Quote from: Clefant on April 04, 2014, 03:01:04 AM
Family drama in the spoiler.
[spoiler]Both of my great-grandmothers are in the hospital.
One of them is getting better, she had a stroke or something similar and had some trouble breathing but she's improving.
The other one has apparently stopped eating, she has had dementia for probably the last 10 or so years and was just put into assisted living around Winter 2012, she doesn't really remember anybody in the family save for probably my grandpa (The one on my dad's side of the family.). She's probably not going to last more than another week or so according to my dad.
Its sort of difficult to grasp my feelings on this, on one hand I'm sad because she's been around for so long and it would be really strange for her to not be around anymore. On the other hand its probably for the best as she's so far gone in terms of her dementia that she doesn't remember her family.[/spoiler]
Damn, hope things work out for you and your family.
Quote from: Ruri on April 06, 2014, 07:32:26 AM
Yeah... yeah. I could use a good hug right now.
*hugs through the bathroom sink*
Well I just went yesterday to see both of my great-grandmothers.
The one who had a stroke is pretty much okay now, she's still having some oxygen flow issues but otherwise she's back to herself.
The other one... completely bed-ridden, isn't talking, doesn't remember either me or my dad, basically surviving on pediasure or something, and she's not even getting very much of that. She looked far older than she did the last time I saw her. It was depressing just to be in the room with her, as she looked to be on death's door.
That's just rough man, I don't know what to say.
... Darn it. *hugs Clefant*
[tornado fang], man. That sucks. My great-grandfather had severe Alzheimers and he couldn't even remember anything day-to-day. It was heartbreaking. I hope she pulls through. Good luck.
Quote from: Rick Astley on April 09, 2014, 09:26:49 AM
[tornado fang], man. That sucks. My great-grandfather had severe Alzheimers and he couldn't even remember anything day-to-day. It was heartbreaking. I hope she pulls through. Good luck.
She's like... 94. She's too far gone to really remember/do anything.
I mean, when she was still with my grandparents she was at the point where she would forget something mere seconds after she was told something.
I was totally psyched to see the blood moon tonight, aaand it clouds over an hour before it starts.
[tornado fang] you weather.
Cloudy here as well, Flame. I feel your pain...
But if it's any consolation, it appears that there'll be another total lunar eclipse on October 8 of this year.
Three lovely days of sun and warm weather and now it's snowing again----yay.
I don't know what the hell happened, my family has less than 3 months to move out of here. We were supposed to have more time (at least by the end of this year) to fix the other house and this [parasitic bomb] happens?!
[parasitic bomb]. That sound rough.
Sorry to hear that.
For some reason my Tab shutted itself off and it won't turn on again, and I know it wasn't because I ran out of battery.
Family drama again.
If you read my previous posts, It finally happened.
If not, then go read those because I don't feel like saying anything else. I'm just sort of... confused.
You mean she's passed on?
And how did I find out about this?
A text. I mean I wasn't at home since I was at my other grandparents after seeing Cap 2. But still... a text.
*hugs Clefant*
I'm sorry...
My condolences man.
My sincere condolences.
I'm fine, honestly.
Sort of conflicted, I'm not really sad since I knew it was going to happen eventually, but I'm not like... feeling nothing towards the situation.
Its sort of... uncomfortable, I guess? Hard to really grasp since this is basically the first death in the family that I've experienced that wasn't a pet.
I hope she's resting in peace.
Quote from: Clefant on April 25, 2014, 10:13:46 PM
I'm fine, honestly.
Sort of conflicted, I'm not really sad since I knew it was going to happen eventually, but I'm not like... feeling nothing towards the situation.
Its sort of... uncomfortable, I guess? Hard to really grasp since this is basically the first death in the family that I've experienced that wasn't a pet.
It's expected, though I never experienced a death in the family of someone I really know, just extended family that were pretty old or at least in The 50-60 range. Most of them was because they got some sort of cancer or stroke and most of those were because they smoked.
However I know I'm going to see some worse things with my Abuelo having Alzheimers himself, my own father and his crap with meds and his mental problems, and my uncle who was a vet that came back from Nam and is having some nasty issues from being exposed to Agent Orange. That's going to suck.
Finding out about it through text, though. It's so impersonal. I'm sorry you had to find out that way.
Quote from: Quickman on April 25, 2014, 10:25:50 PM
Finding out about it through text, though. It's so impersonal. I'm sorry you had to find out that way.
Again, its to be expected. I was out of the house and my mother probably assumed I was sleeping so she just texted me to let me know.
Better than keeping me out of the loop but its not perfect.
Quote from: Clefant on April 25, 2014, 10:27:20 PM
Again, its to be expected. I was out of the house and my mother probably assumed I was sleeping so she just texted me to let me know.
Better than keeping me out of the loop but its not perfect.
Yeah that's kind of hard too I would have rather at least have a phone call, though I do appreciate knowing quickly and even then I would understand since the person might be crying and make it hard to understand. It's not ideal, but at least you found out one way or another.
*hugs Clefant*
My Parent's laptop caught a Cryptolocker.
I got rid of it... But now they are both very upset because mom told dad tons of times, for years now, to move all the photos from the PC to external storage, and he always put it off, so now, there's a whole slew of pictures which are encrypted and will never be seen again.
What the serious [tornado fang]. Can't believe those bastards got to your family's laptop. Sorry to hear that your photos are forever lost. Did the laptop had any sort of anti-virus/malware when this happened? I had to install secretly avast!, Malwarebytes Anti-Malware, and Adblock Plus on their Firefox to try and prevent something like that from happening.
The problem with ransomware is that it doesn't show itself until it's finished. Usually it's too late when it becomes detected.
It was the stupidest thing. They got a bogus Amazon email with an attachment. yet despite establishing it was shady and fake, they still decided to download "Report.zip"
I thought they knew better.
As for antivirus, they had Verizon Security Suite, which means they might as well have had nothing since it's powered by McAfee. Dad gets touchy when I tell him he shouldn't pay for it since it's [parasitic bomb], so i leave him be, but looks like it took an actual threat to install avast and malwarebytes on the laptop.
That sucks about the photos though.
My biggest problem with computers is that the older generation is generally really stubborn when it comes to technology. It shouldn't have taken that much effort to get him to install an actual virus scan.
I think I remember trying to install Malwarebytes onto my computer but it wouldn't let me. Maybe I should try again once my Norton runs out.
And I probably just invited myself to get yelled at but at least I never installed McAfee even with my college using it.
Eh, it can be a tedious pain in the ass to install new antivirus when the computer's already preloaded with one. I had a fun time installing avast! when my laptop had McAfee, and then having to uninstall both and reinstall avast! for it to finally work. In your case, just waiting for Norton to expire and then installing new software is fine.
Unless you like tedious install-uninstall-reinstall marathons.
As for what's upsetting me... Not too much. I am down to one roll of toilet paper, so I'll need to run to the store.
I'm coming down with fever (coughing/sneezing, headache, etc.), have to get to the doctors extremely early in the mourning or we'll have to wait forever at the office to get checked, and get the prescription, among other things. My Saturday morning is ruined.
Wish I could watch more Gravity Falls.
I'm upset that this forum is telling me to go to bed. C'mon RPM, it's only niiiiiiiine!
Quote from: ViperAcidZX on May 10, 2014, 01:50:03 AM
Wish I could watch more Gravity Falls.
You and me both, buddy.
So work rejected my request for time off on my Birthday.
Apparently some music festival is on around that time. So that's why.
Seeing how I asked off well in advance (Last month, so 3 months in advance.) its a bit irritating.
I requested time off for 06/12 as well since I need that day for a Post-Lasik appointment, so if I don't get that date then I'll start looking for another job because seriously that's [tornado fang]ing bullshit.
You got Lasik?
Will be, the 11th of June is my appointment for it.
Which is why I need the 12th off, because the Post-op appointment is a Next day thing.
Best of luck with that. I'm curious to hear what you think, post op!
There's a rumor going around that Youtube is going to buy Twitch. If that happens, I'm going to be pissed. [tornado fang]ing Google just wants to own everything.
Responsibility sucks ass.
That is all.
Quote from: Arikado on May 22, 2014, 03:35:10 AM
There's a rumor going around that Youtube is going to buy Twitch. If that happens, I'm going to be pissed. [tornado fang]ing Google just wants to own everything.
Eh worse things have happened.
Quote from: PBPB on May 22, 2014, 03:42:03 AM
Responsibility sucks ass.
That is all.
Do I even want to know?
Nothing serious. Just had to cancel a trip to see a friend because I have to be responsible and NOT take off from work on what will be one of the busiest two weeks at my job.
Quote from: PBPB on May 22, 2014, 03:47:29 AM
Nothing serious. Just had to cancel a trip to see a friend because I have to be responsible and NOT take off from work on what will be one of the busiest two weeks at my job.
Yeah that does suck.
Yeah. What's bothersome is that technically I could take the one week off, but I don't want to screw my job over, plus the money I'm gonna get that week is going to be really good, which I want since I'm about to buy a car.
Quote from: PBPB on May 22, 2014, 03:53:50 AM
Yeah. What's bothersome is that technically I could take the one week off, but I don't want to screw my job over, plus the money I'm gonna get that week is going to be really good, which I want since I'm about to buy a car.
Yeah it definitely wouldn't be a good idea to take that break.
Nope. And what's really upsetting me is that she cannot push her vacation back, so I probably won't get to see her till winter
Quote from: PBPB on May 22, 2014, 04:04:12 AM
Nope. And what's really upsetting me is that she cannot push her vacation back, so I probably won't get to see her till winter
Ouch that's pretty far.
Yeah. Ah well.
Ah jeez. I couldn't get a wink of sleep last night and I have a math placement test at 2PM. I have to ride the bus for like an hour and a half too. This blows. Oh well. I got enough in my bank for a fuckton of energy drinks and I'll be sure to leave the house with some coffee.
Be careful not to consume too many energy drinks in one day. I don't know if it's all energy drinks, but I know the 5-hour energy drink is claimed to be dangerous if taken consecutively.
Yeah; the last time I chugged a litre of Lucozade in one go, was a bad idea. I eventually lost the urge to buy more of that anymore.
So my work has cut me down to two days a week forcing me to get more proactive in job searching, but the final nail in the coffin for me was Tuesday; I drive into work find out my two days have been handed off to another because of how quiet it was (said employee has to work 40 hours a week), not only does the head chief FORGET to send me an E-mail telling me I don't have to come in I was cut because it was easier to cut me than move around the schedule...oh and I live out of city so that was a waste of gas too. So in short I lost a week due to laziness.
I am beyond done with these idiots, I hope I find a new job soon-- >_<
(On the plus side I have some spare time to work on Blue Valkyrie stuff.)
That sounds rather unethical of them.
Sums up the whole restaurant in a nutshell really; I don't mind my co-workers but the people in charge are morons.
Quote from: Blue Valkyrie on May 22, 2014, 11:08:50 PM
Sums up the whole restaurant in a nutshell really; I don't mind my co-workers but the people in charge are morons.
Sounds like my brother's UPS job.
I felt like quitting today. I didn't, because I need the money, but... damn that place.
Quote from: Sakura Leic on May 22, 2014, 11:44:35 PM
Sounds like my brother's UPS job.
Hope he finds something better.
Quote from: Fxeni on May 23, 2014, 12:03:44 AM
I felt like quitting today. I didn't, because I need the money, but... damn that place.
I know the feeling honestly, just walking it costs you a reference and can make it hard to get a new job, better to leave on good terms.
Quote from: Blue Valkyrie on May 23, 2014, 12:06:53 AM
Hope he finds something better.
He will, the field of Human Services is in desperate need of men, but until finds a better paying job he's stuck there.
Quote from: Fxeni on May 23, 2014, 12:03:44 AM
I felt like quitting today. I didn't, because I need the money, but... damn that place.
That is how I have felt for years at my job.
E3 is. Not necessarily the show itself, but everything leading up to it.
Like what?
Everything at work :P
I ran a red light. D:
I'm pretty sure they have cameras at the intersection where it happened too.
Quote from: Clefant on June 05, 2014, 11:36:22 PM
I ran a red light. D:
I'm pretty sure they have cameras at the intersection where it happened too.
I thought those cameras were deactivated or something.
Quote from: Clefant on June 05, 2014, 11:36:22 PM
I ran a red light. D:
I'm pretty sure they have cameras at the intersection where it happened too.
You'll get a statement in the mail and a fine to pay. You'll be fine. You can contest it if you wish, but you're better off at the point just paying the fine and taking care not to do it again.
Last time something happened I got a call (This was back in November, passed a stopped school bus because the driver was chatting it up with some person, no kids on bus. Still had sign out.)
But apparently there are no cameras. So I might be okay.
School buses are a different matter. Running a red light, if caught by a camera, will be an automated thing.
But, if you weren't caught and there were no cameras, then you'll be fine. Just be more mindful of it in the future.
Ugh I had to help my mom pay my abuela's water bill because they upgraded the site to pay it. The reason this irritated me is because they sent so many verification emails for like everything, and my mom despite being a programmer didn't know about the concept of copying and pasting a link in the website bar, so what happened was that she had to highlight the activation links, because I can't do that with only a mouse pad, and I had to paste it in the website bar.
It's stupid humid outside, ugh I hate climate change it shouldn't be humid here.
I just smashed my knee into the chair. I also want to crawl into bed and go to sleep. Soooooooo tired...
What's upsetting me is all the people not believing that the Zelda U footage we saw was actual gameplay, that somehow the game will look worse than what we saw simply cause that was a cutscene.
Even though it was all rendered in-engine.
Then there's the idiots who are complaining that it looks worse than the previous footage we saw, which is annoying cause that was just a tech demo to showcase the system's capabilities and was in no way an indication of what the next game would look like. Which is a fact they so freely ignore because they're idiots and it's just at this point I feel like this:
Wetway's dying. I'm not sure if he has more than a couple days left.
I've already come to terms that this cat's lived almost as long as I have and his time's about up. The rest of my family doesn't want him to go and that's upsetting, especially since he's in a lot of pain right now. He can't even walk any more. If anything, I should be the one that's upset since he's basically been "my" cat all my life, but I guess because of that it's a little bit easier for me to let go of him. His last years were happy ones anyways.
Ugh my condolences for your family and that cat.
Really sorry to hear that, man. My condolences.
It's alright guys. He's gone now. Passed away probably just a few minutes ago in his sleep. I went to check on him and give him some water and he was gone.
Thank you guys.
May Wetway rest in peace....why was he named Wetway of all things?
I was 1 or 2 years old and my mom said I should name him. Not having the most acute understanding of the English language, I butchered the sentence "run away cat" and it came out Wetway.
Oh okay.
Hope your cat's is resting in peace.
Quote from: Randolph Carter on June 14, 2014, 01:17:59 AM
I was 1 or 2 years old and my mom said I should name him. Not having the most acute understanding of the English language, I butchered the sentence "run away cat" and it came out Wetway.
That's an adorable story.
May he rest in peace.
Doing other people's work for them...
Lazy people at Ubisoft?
That's exactly how I feel with those group assignments in class.
Group assignments in schools are terrible ideas.
I always dreaded them, especially when it was "Choose who you want to work with" because that would usually mean I'd get stuck with the other deadweight in the class, or somebody who would completely commandeer the whole thing. They're supposed to teach Teamwork or something but I honestly never had that come across.
But I still [tornado fang]ing hate them. They go right in the shitlist of school assignments along with "Take-home Tests", Essays, Research Papers (+1 annoyance bonus if its on a shitty topic.), End-of-Year/Semester projects, and all English Homework ever.
Sorry for ranting.
Quote from: Phi on June 17, 2014, 05:48:17 AM
That's exactly how I feel with those group assignments in class.
Don't mention group assignments to me right now. :| I'd much rather have a paper.
In school, they sucked. Out of school, they still suck.
I had 3 this quarter, 2 were fine but the last one was a [tornado fang]ing disaster because the team mates were terrible to different extents.
Group assignments always have very designated roles. I've never really seen a group work on all cylinders and work well together.
There's almost always:
-The Leader, who (tries) to get everybody on the same page or takes the most credit
-The Smart person who does all the work.
-The person who is annoyed they got put in a group with people they don't like.
-The Deadweight/Lazy person who does very little at all and or does not participate (This would usually be my role if it was in a class I was poor in. Otherwise it'd be the Smart person.)
And they usually never work together very well unless they're allowed to pick who they want to work with, then all the "Gifted" students would group up. All the girls that weren't in the "Gifted" clique would group up amongst themselves and then the stoners would as well, anybody left over the teacher would force to work together and it NEVER ended well for that group.
Honestly in college I've haven't had terrible group assignments, I'm usually the leader, the semi smart guy or the type that does the role I was assigned. I'm actually the first person to get my stuff done while others are 'late' but everything still gets turned in on time.
I remember one of my media courses in college was not just a group project, but a group semester culminating in creating our final project.
Needless to say, I took control of the group on the first day. Someone had to make sure [parasitic bomb] got done.
The worst was this one person who always questioned everything because she was rarely there. It held us up at times and she barely participated in minor projects during the semester. We made sure to let the professor know this towards the end. None of us wanted her getting credit for doing nothing.
For non-school projects, Ringman and I work together and in the event that we have other people on the team, they don't do a lot, mostly because they joined in because they wanted notoriety and didn't realize that multimedia projects require work. Generally, we work on stuff alone, because no one else wants to do any of the work.
In school, I did all the grunt work in my group and the leader got all the glory. When Ringman had school projects (college and high school), I often helped with those. Likewise, he helped with mine. So, even though we weren't in the same grade or even same school, we still worked together on projects.
Now rather than being forced into a group project or dealing with people in that group not pulling their weight, we deal with people knowing about the project and wanting to be a part of it, usually in a role that would grant them the most publicity while doing the least amount of work.
Thus, we can't stand "idea" people and people who only want to act in a project when we can fulfill those roles ourselves.
I had 2 people who were rarely there, and one of them dropped.
The other guy who wasn't there did too much, because he felt like he had to be the smart guy and we're just incompetent even though we're actually in [tornado fang]ing class when he's not, to the point that I had to edit his [parasitic bomb] to fit the time constraints but he also did it wrong because he wasn't in class a lot so he didn't know what he had to do since the teacher's instructions aren't really written online well, she gives important details verbally. And when I deleted something that wasn't needed he bitched at me saying that we weren't going to make 20 mins so I didn't delete anymore, and ended up going over the time limit anyway because he doesn't understand the concept of KISS!
Then another guy barely does any work when it comes to project assembly but at least he can improvise and works well with us and the guy who's only been in America for 4 years actually did the best job. Really it was just a [tornado fang]ing disaster.
I'm just glad I've not really had anything to do with school since last May or so.
College is good and all but I don't like the atmosphere of schools in general. I can't stand working around other people and the whole studying thing goes over my head.
But its pissing me off because a good chunk of actual decent work and stuff that isn't wage-slave nastiness is all stuffy about College degrees.
I'm just not on board with dropping money on classes I might not even like/pass.
Get a vague associate's degree. Liberal arts. Two years of core requirements and a few electives, most of them artsy. If you can handle basic Western History, Humanities, Psychology, some type of English course, and Sociology, with perhaps an applied math course, you should be set.
It's more about experience in some cases than college degree, but there are special cases. For example my brother is lucky to be in Human Services now since the field is in desperate need of men and he likes working with kids.
Many places don't even care what your major was. They just want a degree to show that you were dedicated enough to go through college.
Quote from: Quickman on June 17, 2014, 06:52:47 AM
Many places don't even care what your major was. They just want a degree to show that you were dedicated enough to go through college.
That makes sense, like I said my mom is a chem major but she works in a place that makes contact lenses and now she's doing desk work. Too much desk work I might add since she does 3 jobs at once.
Quote from: Quickman on June 17, 2014, 06:52:47 AM
Many places don't even care what your major was. They just want a degree to show that you were dedicated enough to go through college.
In a lot of fields, experience counts for a lot more than what degree you have. One of my best friends in making 6-figures working in advertising. His degree is in journalism.
Exactly my point.
And my mom has been working those kind of jobs in labs and she didn't get her degree until she was 40. My dad however never got his degree due despite only having to do the Senior project but he couldn't due to personal issues.
And honestly despite how much he whines about wanting to go back to school he's not mentally fit for it and there's just too much competition for a 63 year old man to get into community college to take some classes according to my mom, especially since he wouldn't go for a major like Plant Science or any specialized major with no competition. I honestly feel sorry for the guy but it's just how it is.
I think I only need a few more credits to finally finish off my degree. What's holding me back is money.
I'm just lucky my mom can pay for my school without loans. :|
Quote from: Quickman on June 17, 2014, 07:14:33 AM
I think I only need a few more credits to finally finish off my degree. What's holding me back is money.
Can you apply for loans?
Let me finish paying off my old loans first. :P
Oooof. Sorry! XD Man, loans suck!
Oh, and as for what's upsetting me right now, I'm still waiting for a call from the car dealership that tells me they have my new car. They said it'd be two weeks from the 30th of May, and still nothing. I was going to break it in with a trip up to Canada to visit my friend this Sunday.
You know what I hate?
Being left out of the loop.
Two important things happened over the last week or so that nobody told me about for some [tornado fang]ing reason. My grandfather has a form of Cancer in his finger (Its removable, thankfully.) and my uncle was recently fired from his place of employment (he hadn't even worked there a year yet, and it was right next to his house.) for selling alcohol to a minor, who also turned out to be a narc.
And yet, nobody told me anything, maybe I wanted to know what was going on in the family, but nobody bothers to tell me.
I'm constantly left out of the loop.
It might be because I'm the "baby" of the family. Apparently, they think I'm too young to care about what's happening in my own damn family. I didn't even know about how abusive my father was in the past until only recently, and lo and behold, everyone knew about it except me.
Part of the reason being because his abusive phase was before I was born, however, all my other siblings were old enough to remember; especially my two sisters. My brother said he only remembers parts of it. Either way, that's something I should've been told about years ago.
One of the few things I was told about, though, is how one of my uncles is a sociopath. He's not homicidal or anything, but he's known to manipulate everyone in his sight without a shred of remorse or guilt.
They might have only told me about him because he would sometimes come over here, and my parents wanted to warn me about him...
I'm usually left out of the loop for being the black sheep of the family. I find out about stuff waaaay after everyone else knows about them. Usually, I find out when someone tells me, and then since no time frame is given, I think it's news, I tell someone else, and they say "Oh yeah, I've known about this for weeks! Where you've been?"
So I had two friends that were getting close. But then one of them did something unspeakable to the other and they went their separate ways. For good reason, cause the unspeakable act drove one of them rather crazy, made them snap. And I'm pretty good friends with that guy.
He's doing better, but I noticed a post by that other former friend today that called that friend I'm close with insane and perverted. And it's like, after what you did to that person, you have no right to call anyone that. After you ruined their life because you just wanted to get laid, you don't get to say anything like that.
And I want to tell them that, but where they said that isn't the place. And I don't feel like it's my place to say that because it didn't happen to me. But when I talked to them (or at least, the 12-year-old girl personality it happened to because this friend has several personalities) and I saw the aftermath... I know the truth of the matter. And I soooo want to ruin that jerk's reputation, destroy everything they have just for saying that. But I can't cause it's not my place. And yet I also feel like I have to say something. And so I'm stuck in a quandary, not sure what to do.
The fact they had the gall to accuse someone of that when they should look in the mirror when saying it... that's what's upsetting me right now.
Just heard from my dad that my grandma fell and broke her hip. The nursing home transported her to the hospital and my dad's waiting on more information from them.
Sorry to hear that. :(
Got more information. Mammaw definitely fractured her hip, so she's being admitted. She also has a urinary tract infection. The orthopedic surgeon will evaluate her and determine if she needs surgery.
Quote from: Quickman on June 18, 2014, 02:33:19 AM
I'm usually left out of the loop for being the black sheep of the family. I find out about stuff waaaay after everyone else knows about them. Usually, I find out when someone tells me, and then since no time frame is given, I think it's news, I tell someone else, and they say "Oh yeah, I've known about this for weeks! Where you've been?"
Ahahahahaha are you me? cause this is what happens to me a lot.
Also, my roommates who are gay and are together in a relationship, got drunk the other night and basically beat the [parasitic bomb] out of each other. I'm talking they came home at about 11 PM, and slammed doors, yelled loudly, threw things, and just made noise in general until almost 4 am.
I talked to one of them about it and he blew it off like it was nothing, but I was just wanting to let him know that [parasitic bomb] like that really messes with me. It kicks my adrenaline into over drive, and anxiety and panic everywhere because my parents have been so close to getting physical on a few occasions and I soak up emotions so easily its like I'm a part of it.
I got out of my parents house so I didn't have to listen to that...and now this.
I don't want this.
That's just horrible Kit, I'm sorry you had to go through that.
Quote from: Sakura Leic on June 23, 2014, 11:10:51 PM
That's just horrible Kit, I'm sorry you had to go through that.
No one should have to go through this. I'm not sure what exactly to do since he kinda blew it off the way he did. I am going to let them know that any more of that and I will be finding a new place to move to.
Got more information. Mammaw does need surgery, and the surgeon said that if she doesn't get it, she'll die within a month. However, due to her heart, the surgery is risky. She's going to be evaluated, and if she's cleared, she'll have surgery on her hip by Wednesday.
If she pulls through, she'll be confined to bed for six weeks and then start therapy. Tomorrow, Dad's going to sign papers and give consent.
Quote from: Quickman on June 24, 2014, 12:03:30 AM
Got more information. Mammaw does need surgery, and the surgeon said that if she doesn't get it, she'll die within a month. However, due to her heart, the surgery is risky. She's going to be evaluated, and if she's cleared, she'll have surgery on her hip by Wednesday.
If she pulls through, she'll be confined to bed for six weeks and then start therapy. Tomorrow, Dad's going to sign papers and give consent.
I hope your mammaw is okay :c
get well quickly mammaw!
Poor mammaw. O^O
I saw Mammaw today. She was tired and no doubt full of pain meds. Her cardiac tests were good, so surgery is on for tomorrow afternoon.
That's good.
Quote from: Kit on June 23, 2014, 10:52:16 PM
Ahahahahaha are you me? cause this is what happens to me a lot.
Also, my roommates who are gay and are together in a relationship, got drunk the other night and basically beat the [parasitic bomb] out of each other. I'm talking they came home at about 11 PM, and slammed doors, yelled loudly, threw things, and just made noise in general until almost 4 am.
I talked to one of them about it and he blew it off like it was nothing, but I was just wanting to let him know that [parasitic bomb] like that really messes with me. It kicks my adrenaline into over drive, and anxiety and panic everywhere because my parents have been so close to getting physical on a few occasions and I soak up emotions so easily its like I'm a part of it.
I got out of my parents house so I didn't have to listen to that...and now this.
I don't want this.
*hugs Kit*
Quote from: Quickman on June 24, 2014, 12:03:30 AM
Got more information. Mammaw does need surgery, and the surgeon said that if she doesn't get it, she'll die within a month. However, due to her heart, the surgery is risky. She's going to be evaluated, and if she's cleared, she'll have surgery on her hip by Wednesday.
If she pulls through, she'll be confined to bed for six weeks and then start therapy. Tomorrow, Dad's going to sign papers and give consent.
*hugs Quickie*
So in PB news, just got home from my road trip to Canada. I learned a pretty valuable lesson...
Never ever get into a car accident in a foreign country. Especially one where English is not the primary language. Great news is that no one involved was hurt. Bad news is my car wasn't safe to drive, so it's still in Canada being repaired. Sometime next week, when it's done, gotta head back up and drive it down.
I miss Jehuty!
Jesus Christ that's just nuts, how did it happen?
Sadly, it was my fault. Saw a cop car coming while on what I thought was a highway, so I started to slow down as I tend to do when I see cop car with its lights on. What I didn't realize was that the highway I was on was kind of a pseudo-highway, and I didn't see a red light ahead of me. Couldn't stop in time and I rear-ended some guy. Thankfully not only was he not hurt, but his car was really not damaged.
That's good at least, darn pseudo-highways.
Yeah. Much rather it'd be my car than his.
Well what's done is done. Just gotta wait now.
So I just finished the GWT, but some dumbass didn't follow the proper sign up procedure and since they have to find this person everyone can't leave. It's already been half and hour and still going.
The lack of anything worthwhile to do is quite upsetting.
Quote from: Ruri on July 17, 2014, 12:53:22 PM
The lack of anything worthwhile to do is quite upsetting.
Are you sick of life yet?
Also, I'm kinda concerned about where Doc is <_<
Quote from: Reaperoid on July 17, 2014, 03:13:42 PM
Are you sick of life yet?
I just want some excitement.
Quote from: Reaperoid on July 17, 2014, 03:13:42 PM
Are you sick of life yet?
Also, I'm kinda concerned about where Doc is <_<
I think Quickie mentioned before that he was using his 3DS recently.
Quote from: Ruri on July 17, 2014, 03:18:11 PM
I just want some excitement.
Well, you won't find it by sitting around.
Try new restaurants, makes plans to visit a co-worker and/or friend's house, play sports in the park, etc.
Quote from: Phi on July 17, 2014, 08:53:10 PM
I think Quickie mentioned before that he was using his 3DS recently.
I know, I see him indirectly on some online places, but he isn't actually responding to anything at all.
I thought he still had to do some kind of patriotic duty or something.
Not for a whole month, which is why I was getting concerned after two weeks. No-one should have seen him online on anything in those first two weeks if it was reserves duty he had to do.
My computer's having issues (looks to be the GPU after all).
I'm stuck in Safe Mode (with Networking on, obviously, and after some registry finagling audio as well) until further notice. Which probably means until I get a new computer or something. Who knows when that'll be though, which is why I'm really pushing my album so I might be able to afford something.
It's really freaking humid indoors for some reason, not just my house but my abuelos too.
A skunk attacked my dog. [tornado fang]ing lovely...
Like biting and scratching or stinking him up?
It sprayed him with stink in the face and right in one of his eyes. I can smell the putrid stench from my room.
Here you go.
http://www.humanesociety.org/animals/dogs/tips/de-skunking_dog.html (http://www.humanesociety.org/animals/dogs/tips/de-skunking_dog.html)
Thanks but my parents are already giving him a tomato bath to get rid of the smell as we speak. Thanks for being considerate though.
That's good, thank you tomato gods.
So, this is annoying.
I've got my amazon and youtube browsing/watch history shut off, okay?
Well, for some [tornado fang]ing reason, they've both stealth activated. I watch a video on Youtube and despite my watch history claiming that its shut off, I get recommendations based off of whatever thing I've watched.
Amazon, same deal, browsing history is shut off, yet its tracking and recommending me [parasitic bomb] based off of what I've looked at (which is especially annoying since just because I look at something doesn't mean I want to buy it or things like it.).
What the [tornado fang] is going on? >3<
You may have to change your internet privacy settings.
Privacy settings?
They are on "Tell websites I do not want to be tracked."
I imagine this is an issue with Firefox itself. This never used to happen until I updated to the most recent version.
In addition to that, I'm noticing huge memory leaks (A certain program on my computer refuses to run if too much memory is in use.), and if I'm on one browser session for too long the graphics start wigging out, going black, and corrupting.
I hate my chair, I hate my chair so much.
Quote from: Clefant on August 14, 2014, 03:32:36 AM
Privacy settings?
They are on "Tell websites I do not want to be tracked."
I imagine this is an issue with Firefox itself. This never used to happen until I updated to the most recent version.
In addition to that, I'm noticing huge memory leaks (A certain program on my computer refuses to run if too much memory is in use.), and if I'm on one browser session for too long the graphics start wigging out, going black, and corrupting.
Not much you can do for sites that do not acknowledge Do Not Track in your browser. Although, try this http://www.aboutads.info/choices/ (http://www.aboutads.info/choices/)
Its less that and more that they have options at both Amazon AND Youtube to prevent them from tracking browsing history, and I have both of them set so they don't track that stuff, and they still do. Its like something went wrong and their programming [tornado fang]'d up.
Amazon's is particularly damning. They'll track the history, I go to the browsing history page, it'll be empty, turn it back on, and wow suddenly those last four items i looked at are there how did that happen, then I repeat the same thing and restore it to them not [tornado fang]ing looking at what I browse.
Youtube's thing just pisses me off though, no indication its tracking me, no indication that I've gotten rid of their list, I pause/resume that [tornado fang]ing thing and clear it a million times and the list might still persist. It doesn't track me if I watch an embedded video elsewhere, but if I watch stuff through a link to youtube or on there directly? There goes the [tornado fang]ing stupid recommendations.
Well, if it helps somehow, YoutubeCenter can hide recommendations, and "What's up next..." panels at the end of the video
I already have those blocked.
Its just homepage recommendations that bug me.
I don't even like Amazon's recommendations but I'd really prefer if they didn't even have the option of basing stuff of what I look at.
The cat I said I picked the other day. Died. Hit by a car.
I'm extremely confused with what I'm feeling at the moment. I can't even force myself to shed a tear...
I'm so sorry.
Blargh to That Friend and his dependency. Bah to it! He realized that he needs to grow up and be independent, and he's convinced that he'll be independent by moving in with me and depending on me. I've told him countless of times that I'm not interested and want nothing to do with him. I don't know how to make "no" any more clear.
He needs to grow the [tornado fang] up and be independent. I have my own life and it doesn't include him. Creepy stalker.
And my nose won't stop running. Yuck.
That....that just sounds really stupid, not that I thought highly of the guy in the first place.
Here's his rant (http://boards.theforce.net/threads/were-all-fine-here-thanks-how-are-you-the-fanfic-social-thread.50022412/page-13#post-51786196). While it sucks that his dad didn't invite him on that trip, I can't really muster any more sympathy for him. He's overreacting to something that most of us independent adults don't really think about. Once you move out of your parents' house and start a life of your own, what they do with their lives is of little consequence to you. They can go on trips and not invite you because you each have your own lives to attend to.
It struck me as petty. Of course, after his rant, he immediately started bugging me about moving to Pennsylvania, which I told him yet again, NO. If he moves out here, I won't stop him, but he is NOT living with me. I can't accommodate him and his dependency. I've made that very, VERY clear and he still doesn't get it.
I'm an independent adult. He is not. I want nothing to do with his dependency, as I have my own life to worry about. He claims he'll be a "balance" (wat), when in truth, he'll be nothing but a hinderance. I don't need that.
I'm going to see about getting him banned from TFN, as he stalks me via PM. He's been banned from two IRC channels for the same reasons, and i need to get him banned from a third before I can go onto IRC again. Once he's banned from those two Freenode channels, I can be active again. Otherwise, he stalks me through PM.
He's also stalking another TFN member through PM. He was banned from their IRC for stalking and generally being uncomfortable.
I kind of do understand his butthurt of not knowing about the trip, but yeah it's kind of petty especially when he started talking about conventions.
I still can't fathom why you're his friend.
He has some good qualities, but they're very quickly being overshadowed. I don't talk to him that much anymore, since I'm infrequent on Skype, never on IRC, and generally ignore him on TFN. He wasn't this bad, but he's very quickly becoming increasingly uncomfortable to be around.
Most of all, I want him to get it through his thick skull that he can't live with me. I refuse to allow that and I've told him so. He needs to leave me the [tornado fang] alone about that and grow the hell up.
Why does he call himself an old man?
Goodwood confuses me.
I thought he was referring to his dad.
But anyway, I just PMed another SWFanon admin about Goodwood's behavior and learned that he's been like this to other people on IRC and has gotten himself banned from Halo Fanon (or Halo Nation, the admin wasn't sure which) due to being belligerent and increasingly creepy. He's going to look into options on what to do with Goodwood.
So, it's not just me who has been having a problem with him, lately. He's gotten creepier, and Brandon (the admin) said he noticed the increase after the Wook's April Fools debacle. The guy's been spiraling downhill since.
Sounds like he really needs some mental help.
He's blaming it on his joining 4chan. But yes, he needs to get help, grow up, and leave us all alone.
you don't "join" 4chan.
what an idiot.
Quote from: Quickman on August 30, 2014, 04:01:55 AM
He's blaming it on his joining 4chan. But yes, he needs to get help, grow up, and leave us all alone.
Oh please 4chan may be something of a cesspool but that's hardly a trigger for madness, stupidity maybe but not madness.
Well, I've updated Brandon with information regarding Goodwood's banning from the Lit IRC, so we'll see what comes of it. As long as Goodwood is off Freenode, then I can be active on IRC. I could care less about any wiki bannings; I just want him to leave me alone on IRC.
Quote from: Quickman on August 30, 2014, 01:25:14 AM
He has some good qualities, but they're very quickly being overshadowed. I don't talk to him that much anymore, since I'm infrequent on Skype, never on IRC, and generally ignore him on TFN. He wasn't this bad, but he's very quickly becoming increasingly uncomfortable to be around.
Most of all, I want him to get it through his thick skull that he can't live with me. I refuse to allow that and I've told him so. He needs to leave me the [tornado fang] alone about that and grow the hell up.
This almost sounds like Panda.
BTW, this is the same guy who wanted to run for public office, right? 8D
This is the same guy.
Okay, I talked to Brandon and he's talking to Jello, and they're going to take care of the IRC issue. Another person on IRC has had problems with Goodwood, concerning him making them feel uncomfortable. Needless to say, everyone's getting pretty damn sick and tired of him.
Quote from: Protoman Blues on August 30, 2014, 06:09:52 AM
This almost sounds like Panda.
BTW, this is the same guy who wanted to run for public office, right? 8D
Is that Panda guy really that bad? :\
He was, but he's not anymore. He also wasn't as douchy.
Quote from: Quickman on August 30, 2014, 06:16:42 AM
This is the same guy.
Okay, I talked to Brandon and he's talking to Jello, and they're going to take care of the IRC issue. Another person on IRC has had problems with Goodwood, concerning him making them feel uncomfortable. Needless to say, everyone's getting pretty damn sick and tired of him.
Yes. Shocking that his campaign went absolutely nowhere.
Quote from: Quickman on August 30, 2014, 06:16:42 AM
This is the same guy.
Okay, I talked to Brandon and he's talking to Jello, and they're going to take care of the IRC issue. Another person on IRC has had problems with Goodwood, concerning him making them feel uncomfortable. Needless to say, everyone's getting pretty damn sick and tired of him.
Is Jello their version of our Jelly? 8D
Yes, except he's a Grand Admiral. Grand Admiral Jello.
Well, Brandon banned Goodwood from IRC and holy [tornado fang]ing [parasitic bomb], did it backlash. Whatever. It's done.
TFN has an IRC, or are you referring to something else?
TFN has an IRC, and he was banned from there recently. I was referring to SWFanon's IRC where he was banned tonight. This is his third recent IRC banning, and all for the same behavior. The backlash was intense, as I had helped to initiate this latest banning. So, yeah, he gave me the third degree. Once I explained why I went to the admin and why he was banned, he apologized.
Can't believe we have to move again because my father is a [tornado fang]ing idiot making petty arguments with my mom that she won't tolerate anymore. Jesus Christ, my parents are [tornado fang]ing idiots.
That... that really sucks. Why do you have to move? Is it due to noise from your folks?
My complaint today is trivial compared to yours. I was going to continue the Saga of Goodwood, as hot on the heels of his banning from a third IRC channel, he's making himself into an annoyance elsewhere.
TFN's fanfic forum is populated by mostly adults, including adult women with families. The majority of us are coffee drinkers. We started getting into a topic about coffee, and we started talking about how we like our coffee, what brands, what blends, and how it's the nectar of the gods.
The topic started with me saying that I made the unfortunate decision to combine coffee with a sriracha mayo sandwich and my stomach hurt. Goodwood chastises me for drinking coffee, saying how it's evil and it "serves [me] right" for using it as "a crutch to get out of bed." The rest of the users came to my defense, including the casual coffee drinkers, and the topic segued into coffee in general.
Throughout the conversation, Goodwood kept saying how much he hates coffee, how it makes him gag, how it tastes like mud and guano (know this from experience, Woody?), blah blah blah. We get it, Goodwood. We know you hate coffee. We know you look down on coffee drinkers as lazy scum of the earth. We know you think it tastes like mud and guano (again, know this from experience?). We know you hate it with the burning passion of a thousand white-hot suns! We know it makes you gag! We know you don't drink coffee! We get it, Goodwood, we get it! Harping on it will not make us suddenly agree with you! What are you trying to accomplish with complaining about how much you hate coffee when we talk about the elusive Pumpkin Spice Latte that Mua'dib brings us from the planet Arrakis?! Just go away because us grown-ups are trying to have a talk!
What a douche. My suggestion for locking him and mrkhan in a room together still stands.
Together, they can talk about the evils of eating pork and drinking coffee.
My god I like coffee but I don't rely on it to get up, and I can go weeks without it. Seriously I can understand why people wouldn't like coffee, but some people do need that pick me up sometimes, or just really like coffee.
I only really like regular coffee, mochas just feel too thick and flavored coffee, like pumpkin and gingerbread, just tastes disgusting to me.
Quote from: Phi on September 01, 2014, 02:23:57 AM
What a douche. My suggestion for locking him and mrkhan in a room together still stands.
Together, they can talk about the evils of eating pork and drinking coffee.
And then they can [sonic slicer] at each other about their religion being superior in a sound proof room.
Goodwood is an atheist and a militant one at that. He targets religious members on TFN (we thought he drove one away because the user hadn't posted in so long, but the user came back, though he refuses to talk about his summer because of Goodwood being there) for ridicule and was banned twice for it. He made a topic about kosher and halal diets and claiming that they were "hokey," which pissed off a Jewish member because he made the topic within minutes after she said she was Jewish (she was doing an AMA and Goodwood asked her why she didn't eat pork (because that slipped out while talking about a literal sausage fest), and she responded simply that it wasn't kosher). She doesn't condemn pork-eaters, though. What Goodwood did was uncalled for and he was temp-banned for it.
I'd love to lock him in a room with mrkahn and time it to see how long it takes for the room to become covered in blood when they start going for each other's throats.
Eh I kind of count atheism as a form of religion even if it's technically not. For the record I think religion is stupid, but I would never condemn someone for it as long as they don't try to convert me.
The way Goodwood treats atheism, it's a religion to him. Though, the way he acts, he's more misotheist than atheist.
He wants me to start an atheist group here, and I said no. I'm agnostic and I have absolutely no interest in starting an atheist group. We have one, anyway, and I have no interest in joining it. My interests (and the interests of others, for that matter) don't need to match his.
I'm looking into finding and joining a DnD/Pathfinder group, or somehow getting into the Gettysburg LARP group, anyway. Much more interesting.
Quote from: ViperAcidZX on August 31, 2014, 06:22:45 PM
Can't believe we have to move again because my father is a [tornado fang]ing idiot making petty arguments with my mom that she won't tolerate anymore. Jesus Christ, my parents are [tornado fang]ing idiots.
Sorry to hear that! Hope everything turns out alright!
Quote from: Quickman on September 01, 2014, 02:46:35 AM
The way Goodwood treats atheism, it's a religion to him. Though, the way he acts, he's more misotheist than atheist.
He wants me to start an atheist group here, and I said no. I'm agnostic and I have absolutely no interest in starting an atheist group. We have one, anyway, and I have no interest in joining it. My interests (and the interests of others, for that matter) don't need to match his.
I'm looking into finding and joining a DnD/Pathfinder group, or somehow getting into the Gettysburg LARP group, anyway. Much more interesting.
He treats everything with a militant attitude, believing he's right all the time and [tornado fang] what other people think. If he was right all the time, he wouldn't be looking to mooch off of you or other people like a goddamn creep.
I think this calls for Dane Cook's "Atheist Sneeze" routine! 8D
Atheist Sneeze (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sql4BOWT0y0#)
No air-conditioning. :(
^ Oh, but at least I got yet another awesome timestamp.
An extra month... oh man.
I assume you're reffering to some Ubisoft business.
The only thing really upsetting me now is that I might not get a package in time before I go on Vacation. Nobody's gonna be home next week at all so unless it comes before Saturday I have no way of ensuring it gets picked up before they decide to ship it back.
It's really getting annoying how my mom blames video games on everything; she assumes every single instance I use an electronic device, I'm playing a game on it. NEWS FLASH: THERE ARE TONS OF OTHER STUFF TO DO ON YOUR PHONE/TABLET/WHATEVER THAN JUST PLAYING GAMES.
My sister is glued to her phone all [tornado fang]ing day, yet mom never bats an eye. I told her, "[insert sister's name] is always on her phone, 24/7, yet you never complain about it."
Her response: "No she isn't."
Are you kidding me? Am I the only person who notices? But lo and behold, when I whip out my phone for a [tornado fang]ing instant just to check the time, right before heading out, my mom says, "Can you go one second without that thing glued to your face?"
Is technology evil? Well, that's debatable, but I digress... She claims it's rotting mg brain, yet she falls asleep to the television in her room almost every single night. She's "gluing her face to the screen" just like me. She obsesses over Downton Abby or however the [tornado fang] you spell it.
I'm sick of this [parasitic bomb].
I don't hate her or anything; I could never do that. Most times, I like to think she could be my only parent, and I'd be fine with that. But her hatred when I play games and use technology, when she, herself, uses it every day, pisses me off to no end. That's the definition of hypocrite.
Eh, mom blames my laziness on "Message boards". Because of course that's the only thing I do on my computer.
Mine doesn't even know I use message boards. She gets too defensive and motherly when I talk to people online (that isn't through e-mail or Facebook), so I just deny conversing online. Saves me an earful.
Quote from: Phi on September 03, 2014, 09:04:32 PM
Mine doesn't even know I use message boards. She gets too defensive and motherly when I talk to people online (that isn't through e-mail or Facebook), so I just deny conversing online. Saves me an earful.
Same here.
At any rate, that kind of hypocrisy is common. People can stare mindlessly at a TV for hours on end and nobody'll bat an eye, but play a game, which actually requires interaction and some thought, and nope. It's evil and brain-rotting.
Oh goody, post-launch too. My last day on there is currently slated for November 30th. Lovely times.
Well my brother's computer was [tornado fang]ing up to the point of refusing to operate. Turns out one RAM sticks kicked the bucket and it was one of 2GB sticks, so it's down to 4GB. (Yeah, his PC old.)
Quote from: ViperAcidZX on September 11, 2014, 06:12:11 AM
Well my brother's computer was [tornado fang]ing up to the point of refusing to operate. Turns out one RAM sticks kicked the bucket and it was one of 2GB sticks, so it's down to 4GB. (Yeah, his PC old.)
He had... 6GB?
What kind of weird number is that?
No... No 4GB is better. It's better, okay?
It's better.
It's not only that, but because my brother formated the hard drive (again), a lot of the stuff on it is lost forever. As for the RAM, he had the PC when Vista a thing and he probably couldn't afford something better.
People keep staring at me.
Kids mostly, it bugs me.
Well kids do like staring at your soul.
Quote from: Sakura Leic on September 14, 2014, 07:35:21 PM
Well kids do like staring at your soul.
I don't even know why that is. I never stare at people, and if I do I look away if they notice. I was always taught it was rude to stare at people. Is that something parents just don't tell kids anymore?
People stare at each other all the time. Just something you have to get used to, though it can get uncomfortable, sometimes.
And don't get me started on train rides.
Quote from: Phi on September 14, 2014, 07:54:25 PM
People stare at each other all the time. Just something you have to get used to, though it can get uncomfortable, sometimes.
And don't get me started on train rides.
Its always kids though.
I already don't like kids.
I make an effort to not stare at people, at least not on planes ore at the store or when some complete stranger sits next to me somewhere.
Kids stare. Kids stare for whatever reasons only known to themselves. You just have to ignore them.
My 10 foot micro usb charger broke, I need to get another one.
*Props up foot, ices it, takes Tylenol, and tries to ignore the pain*
Well a metal clip on my purse strap broke so I can't use the strap anymore. That means I have to carry it like a suitcase now. :|
Cannibalize another clip! Get those keychain clips and use them!
As for what's upsetting me right now... a bunch of stuff that I can't really explain. Been depressed lately. Guess that's upsetting me.
I don't think I can unless I cut the strap.
What's upsetting me is Saber popping up randomly.
Saber always does that.
Anyway, what upsets me now... is MYSELF.
I'm a waste of space.
Yes, I know.
Referring to my Saber post, by the way. What I should've said is "popping up randomly all the time."
Quote from: Phi on October 02, 2014, 05:10:38 PM
Yes, I know.
Referring to my Saber post, by the way. What I should've said is "popping up randomly all the time."
Oh, I knew you were talking about the Saber thing.
Like I said, happens all the time.
My allergies are so bad right now. There's excavation going on, so the air is filled with crap. The only time I see any relief is after it rains and the rain settles all the dust, mold, and pollen.
I thought I had a cold. It's not a cold. My allergies are THAT BAD. I sneeze easily a hundred times a day. I'm blowing my nose so much that it's nothing but red, raw skin. My sinuses hurt and they drain constantly. Mucous leaks into my lungs and I cough all damn day. My eyes burn and water, my nose burns and runs, my sinuses burn and drain, I can't breathe, and I'm absolutely miserable.
Make it stop! D:
UPDATE: Went to the doctor. The problem was indeed allergies. However, the diagnosis is sinusitis and bronchitis that all stemmed from allergies. So, my allergies flared up real bad and caused the sinusitis, which progressed and drained into my chest and caused the bronchitis. Allergies —> sinusitis —> bronchitis.
Being treated for the underlying condition that caused the sinusitis (sinus infection brought on by allergies) and symptoms associated with it (inhaler for the bronchitis, nasal spray for the nasal congestion).
Quote from: Sakura Leic on March 31, 2016, 07:45:24 PM
Yeah my sleep schedule is also pretty [tornado fang]'d up because Dad watches TV at random at high volumes. Him being bipolar also means his sleep schedule is not consistent either.
I have trouble sleeping as sometimes I am tired but I cannot really sleep.
Ever had eggs with two yolks in it? I sure did.
Is that upsetting...?
Unless you're using a recipe for baking something that involves a precise number of yolks then no it should not be upsetting.
Quote from: TENK on April 19, 2016, 09:08:56 PM
Ever had eggs with two yolks in it? I sure did.
Oh crap! I thought this was the "Thinking" thread. Permission to move it there please?
Well, if two yolks come out of one egg, that can be a lil disconcerting.
Two Yolks, One Egg?
Hmm......I feel like I've heard of something with a similar name that's just disturbing.
Quote from: Strider Xhaiden on April 19, 2016, 11:47:38 PM
Two Yolks, One Egg?
Hmm......I feel like I've heard of something with a similar name that's just disturbing.
I think everyone has by now.
I couldn't even make it past 5 seconds of that video.
I've never seen that video and I never will.
I've had bad cramps all day long and no amount of ibuprofen relieved it. Took two showers to soak a bit, stuffed a heating pad down the front of my pants, slept, and the cramps just aren't letting up.
Argh. *hugs gently*
I lost my internet WiFi and I cannot get it back until I pay for it.
Ugh, that sucks! I know that feel because I've been there. Hopefully, you can pay for it and get that resolved soon.
Since I was away at PAX East, I didn't get a chance to mention this, but holy [parasitic bomb] can 2016 stop taking away music artists that I love! Bowie, Phife Dawg, and now Prince. Siiiiiiiigh. Prince is one of the greatest guitarists who ever lived.
His guitar solo in this tribute to George Harrison's While My Guitar Gently Weeps is so [tornado fang]ing amazing. (3:25) This one hit hard. :'(
I wish awesome people in general would stop dropping like flies.
Lost a friend today.
Don't really wanna talk about it because the reasons behind the loss are kinda dumb and really could've been fixed, had the person given it a chance. So, I'm frustrated and sad.
*hugs to Quickie*
Quote from: Quickman on April 28, 2016, 11:14:57 AM
Lost a friend today.
Don't really wanna talk about it because the reasons behind the loss are kinda dumb and really could've been fixed, had the person given it a chance. So, I'm frustrated and sad.
*hugs Quickie too*
*joins in the hugging*
I'm sorry it had to come to that conclusion Quickie.
My condolences. That's.....that's gotta be rough.
*gentle pat on back*
*joins in the hugging* I'm really that things turned out that way for you, Quickie.
Unfortunately, I have some [parasitic bomb] I'm dealing with as well.
[spoiler]So a few days ago, I had to put up with my mom bitching about how my pig of twin brother is never being arsed to man the [tornado fang] up and clean his damn room (my mom has been bitching about this sort of thing for a long time now and frankly I'm sick of hearing it), only to find out a gun under the bed. A shotgun to be exact. I have no idea what the [tornado fang] by brother is thinking in bringing that into the house, but I don't want to know. All I want to know is how to get rid off it before my dad comes back from Ecuador. I don't care if I have to chuck over a fence, bury it away, or call the cops: I just want it out of the house before someone gets hurt. At times like this, why can't my parents just have the common sense to kick my brother out of the house without any fucks given.[/spoiler]
Holy [parasitic bomb] man that's really [tornado fang]'d up.
I'm sorry to hear that, Quickie.
What you described sounds similar to what happened with my aunt.
Quote from: Protoman Blues on April 26, 2016, 06:53:15 AM
Since I was away at PAX East, I didn't get a chance to mention this, but holy [parasitic bomb] can 2016 stop taking away music artists that I love! Bowie, Phife Dawg, and now Prince. Siiiiiiiigh. Prince is one of the greatest guitarists who ever lived.
His guitar solo in this tribute to George Harrison's While My Guitar Gently Weeps is so [tornado fang]ing amazing. (3:25) This one hit hard. :'(
The excellent David Gilmour of Pink Floyd included Prince's Purple Rain in his performance.
http://youtu.be/UcDHXoQmxu0 (http://youtu.be/UcDHXoQmxu0)
Okay, now that I've had some sleep, here's the gist of what happened.
That friend was part of our group where the majority of us are non-binary and asexual. He's cisgender and straight. That's fine; that wasn't an issue. We supported him. However, when it came to the others in the group, he accused us of being part of a "fad" and simply doesn't support anything beyond his own gender/orientation.
We tried several times to get him to understand. We offered to educate him and help him. We really wanted to keep the friendship going. But, he didn't want to understand.
He decided to move on. We decided to move on. And now he's blaming us for "flying our gay flags."
Ugh yeah I don't blame you guys for not wanting to put up with that [parasitic bomb]. Some people just don't want to understand and accept things. Again my condolences for having it go down like that.
*pats back*
He's a dick and not worth losing sleep over.
Quote from: Quickman on April 29, 2016, 01:31:27 AM
Okay, now that I've had some sleep, here's the gist of what happened.
That friend was part of our group where the majority of us are non-binary and asexual. He's cisgender and straight. That's fine; that wasn't an issue. We supported him. However, when it came to the others in the group, he accused us of being part of a "fad" and simply doesn't support anything beyond his own gender/orientation.
We tried several times to get him to understand. We offered to educate him and help him. We really wanted to keep the friendship going. But, he didn't want to understand.
He decided to move on. We decided to move on. And now he's blaming us for "flying our gay flags."
When you put it that way... Argh.
Quote from: Phi on April 29, 2016, 01:20:38 AM
The excellent David Gilmour of Pink Floyd included Prince's Purple Rain in his performance.
http://youtu.be/UcDHXoQmxu0 (http://youtu.be/UcDHXoQmxu0)
Very nice!
Quote from: Quickman on April 29, 2016, 01:31:27 AM
Okay, now that I've had some sleep, here's the gist of what happened.
That friend was part of our group where the majority of us are non-binary and asexual. He's cisgender and straight. That's fine; that wasn't an issue. We supported him. However, when it came to the others in the group, he accused us of being part of a "fad" and simply doesn't support anything beyond his own gender/orientation.
We tried several times to get him to understand. We offered to educate him and help him. We really wanted to keep the friendship going. But, he didn't want to understand.
He decided to move on. We decided to move on. And now he's blaming us for "flying our gay flags."
That sucks
I just dealt with someone on a friend's status regarding those dumb bathroom laws and I mentioned how it seems that cis people who don't exactly look the part getting arrested for using the bathroom and he just... didn't... get it. We tried to get through to him but he just didn't get it. Then he claimed it was okay if a random homeless person got arrested (and it's okay for them to [parasitic bomb] themselves) but not for a person using their requisite bathroom?
Yeah my friend and I both stopped after that. Then this moron messaged my friend and was like WELL FINE LETS NOT BE FRIENDS BECAUSE YOU OBVIOUSLY DON'T GAF.
So my friend unfriended him. And then this moron complained about my friend unfriending them?
Some people are just too dense regarding these issues.
And then my mom called me to tell me that my aunt is terminal.
Ugh I'm so sorry. ;O;
Quote from: Quickman on April 29, 2016, 04:30:05 AM
And then my mom called me to tell me that my aunt is terminal.
Goddarnit. *hugs*
Quote from: Quickman on April 29, 2016, 04:30:05 AM
And then my mom called me to tell me that my aunt is terminal.
I'm so sorry Quicky. O^O
I'm still trying to process it.
What the [tornado fang] is going on?
I can only offer my condolences, but I am stunned.
Long-standing infection that's shutting down her organs.
My god, I'm so sorry for, Quickie. You have my deepest condolences. As for my situation...
[spoiler=some clarification]So I was able to chuck the gun I found under by brother's bed to winds and hope for the best, but I found something.
1) It's was BB gun, not a real gun that can hurt/kill people.
2) Said BB gun looks like it's in a bad shape with half of looks like it's gonna break apart with enough force.
3) The BB gun looks more like a rifle than a shotgun.
Regardless, I'm sick of my mom bitching about how petty and irresponsible my twin brother is time after time. I really don't want to hear any of this negative bullshit from her anymore because it's getting old and she repeats that same nonsense rather than actually do some actual disciplining.[/spoiler]
I need one more Gold award in TimeSplitters FP's Arcade Leagues before I can say I'm done with that part of the game.
I keep getting screwed out of that Gold award by a combination of a brutal time limit, crappy spawn points and God-Moding AI.
I know this isn't anywhere near as big a deal as other posts here, but.....it's frustrating.
My sunburns are upsetting me D:
I think a few of these can help.
http://www.prevention.com/beauty/natural-beauty/natural-sunburn-cures (http://www.prevention.com/beauty/natural-beauty/natural-sunburn-cures)
Why are all the good jobs so far away from my area? I cannot find a ride to take me where I want to go.
I need a job so I can spoil my future niece.
I too need a job.
Good luck. Job hunting is one of the absolute worst things in the world to have to do!
I just finished finals so my hunt begins as well.
I want to change my job. It's starting to change me inside... But the market is pretty bleak as well...
My job sucks but at least i have one and job security is also nice.
I come home from a party and find my [tornado fang]ing brother broke the middle button on my mouse.
It's not an expensive mouse but [tornado fang] you, I've had this thing for two years with no problem and you just come and throw my [parasitic bomb] around? I should make him buy me a goddamn new one.
The middle button, you mean the scroll wheel? How the hell did he break that?
Probably threw it around? I don't know. It was upside down with the cable all over my desk when I got home. He had taken the PC into the living room for some reason then moved it back. Everything was unplugged, my mouse was thrown somewhere on my desk, and the scroll wheel button (a button I happen to use a lot) was broken.
It was working before I left for the party. I came home, it's broken. I know it wasn't me.
At least I got a new album today. So there's that.
Jeez, how irresponsible. Definitely make him pay for a new mouse.
Yeah, the middle button is the scroll wheel. I personally try to avoid using the middle click in games if possible because I'm worried it would wear out the wheel or button (plus it's not the most convenient button to use in games if you ask me). I'm with Sakura, your brother should pay for that mouse.
Yeah I admit I'm hesitant to try Noitu Love 2 on Steam since it's an entirely mouse controlled Beat Em Up.
It's not that bad though.
At least for the demo.
I call him on it and he says I've been using his computer anyways so he shouldn't be responsible.
I paid for the [tornado fang]ing thing.
I paid for half the [parasitic bomb] he owns. Don't give me that [tornado fang]ing bullshit.
If it helps, I can confirm that Noitu Love 2 doesn't use the middle button, but you'll be doing a lot of left clicks for basic attacks.
I- am not interested in that...
I was referring to Sakura's post.
Some crap has started upsetting me and I'm sinking into another rut. Told my psychiatrist that and I have another appointment in a couple weeks and he might up my meds if I'm not feeling better.
*hugs Quickie*
I rather work really crappy job and/or get some loans than be penniless right now.
And now I have a clogged ear and earache. Because of course.
Quote from: Quickman on May 28, 2016, 02:01:15 AM
And now I have a clogged ear and earache. Because of course.
Might be a big one coming out.
A big ball of wax? Yup. I need to get my ears irrigated again. Until then, it's clogged and hurts and making an annoying whooshing sound.
Oh... That whooshing sound.
Mine usually itches horribly, make an audible pop sound in my ear... And then... *plop*
The wax is too far back in my ear canal to come out on its own. I need to go to the doctor and have them blast water in my ear.
Meeep... X(
I need to study for state certification for my job but today was such a shitty day I can't even focus. My chest hurts. [tornado fang].
I'm knocking out for the night. Gonna go into town tomorrow and go to the urgent care and see if they can fix my ear. It's painful, clogged, and ringing.
Been resolving the ear problem by myself. May be able to avoid a doctor visit and just flush my ear at home. Depression still hanging in there, though.
*hugs Quickie*
I have a huge blister on my big toe... X(
Only thing upsetting me atm is not finding enough pics of my waifu. I NEED MORE
I had that problem too.
My solution was to just not have a waifu.
Quote from: THE Almighty Janitor on May 29, 2016, 08:09:15 AM
I had that problem too.
My solution was to just not have a waifu.
Tell that to your sig.
Quote from: THE Almighty Janitor on May 29, 2016, 08:09:15 AM
I had that problem too.
My solution was to just not have a waifu.
No waifu no laifu
I can find plenty of pics of my waifu, and what I can't find, I can draw! 8D
As for what's upsetting me... EARACHE :W
You people and your waifus...
You need a waifu.
Quote from: Reaper-tan on May 29, 2016, 08:52:21 AM
You people and your waifus...
You damn right
Quote from: Reaper-tan on May 29, 2016, 08:52:21 AM
You people and your waifus...
Thanks for reminding me I need to propose to my lady sometime... haha
I think my friend cheated on his GF of 5-7 years and if he did I'm going to be [tornado fang]ing pissed at him.
That's dispicable if that's the case. B(
That is [tornado fang]'d up. I really hope you're wrong, mate.
You don't even know how much so. They've been dating for like 5-7 years. His GF is like the sweetest & peppiest girl. She is a huge nerd, she collects toys, she loves gaming, and more importantly she helped take care of him financially for a good 3-4 years while he was out of work. They lived together at her grandmas place during that time and they just finally got their own apartment not too long ago. For him to do something THIS stupid and heartless is just mindblowing.
If you wouldn't get arrested for it I'd say punch him in the god damn face if he's that much of a jerk. O:<
Trust me, if it's true, I want to!
Well I hope for the best even if it isn't looking good, but god damn. X(
I know I have too much faith in humanity sometimes as realistic as I try to be, but he just lowered that slightly if that's true. -AC
Good News: I cleaned the bathtub a few days ago.
Bad News: The chemicals gave me a rash that started yesterday.
Conclusion: I need gloves for cleaning.
Sorry to hear that. Do you have anything to treat the rash?
Not as far as I'm aware, hopefully I can get something today.
My A/c won't work, it blows out air but my capacitor won't turn on so it is useless. I told my parents this but we don't have any sort of money to do any about it for now. Here comes yet another hot summer with no relief outside of rain and thunderstorms. O^O
Most everyone in the discord server already knows but...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rszPXD8PSdY (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rszPXD8PSdY)
Quote from: THE Almighty Janitor on June 03, 2016, 04:08:17 AM
Most everyone in the discord server already knows but...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rszPXD8PSdY (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rszPXD8PSdY)
#FuckKonami? 8D
Ear is extra cloggy today and my other ear is starting to clog.
Tomorrow I'm going to the doctor.
Quote from: Quickman on June 03, 2016, 05:47:44 AM
Ear is extra cloggy today and my other ear is starting to clog.
Tomorrow I'm going to the doctor.
Hopefully the earflushing helps. X(
It should. I used to get my ears flushed once a year and each time, I felt GREAT afterward.
I really appreciate my brother and his friends treating me like actual [parasitic bomb].
Y'know, like the money I invested building all of them computers and maintenencing them.
Or y'know, being my brother's ride to school and back all semester.
Or y'know, my brother being my [tornado fang]ing brother and treating me like a doormat.
I'm close to punching that [tornado fang]er in the face and telling him he's on his own. [tornado fang]er's hosting a party tomorrow and demands my help? Go [tornado fang] yourself.
I'm sorry I can't do more, I don't know what to say to that.
Received my GameSir G3w back on Thursday...
- Did not receive my phone mount, despite the Amazon store page and GameSir's website advertising it
- Analog sticks has deadzone/sensitivity problems and don't move in full/proper 360° motion, making impossible to play First- and Third-person action games
- Disconnected randomly three times already despite being wired
- Have tried uninstalling and re-installing drivers, has not solved any of its problems
They better give me a working controller when I send this one back since I'm still under warranty. I know I don't have a smart phone, but it should have came with the phone mount when other customers actually got theirs from the videos on YouTube and Amazon reviews I've read. B(
Did you get the wireless one or the USB one because my USB controller works fine.
My Wii U has a bunch of dust clogging its side vents so it keeps shutting off if I leave it on for any amount of time and I don't have compressed air to clean it out ;O;
Quote from: Sakura Leic on June 05, 2016, 08:24:27 PM
Did you get the wireless one or the USB one because my USB controller works fine.
Wired USB (admittedly I was tempted to get the wireless G3s model, but I opted for the wired one in hopes of using DirectInput on it, which it thankfully does but with an awkward face button placement). And I've tried re-installing the drivers on many times and re-calibrating the controller but nothing fixes it. I can do a side-by-side comparison of my controllers to show what's wrong with the GameSir G3w if need be. Some twin-stick games like Bleed or Beat Hazard (the one you get on disc, not the downloadable ones off Steam) don't work with the Xbox 360 faulty drivers as in my character/ship doesn't fire in a particular direction (e.g. down-left in Bleed or all the way Up/Down/Left/Right in Beat Hazard). I hope my brother can get this sent back to them ASAP while I'm still under warranty (plus get the phone mount they should have included), and I'm also going to e-mail them about the problems I've been having with it.
*logs onto Facebook*
*Facebook brings up post from three years ago about when I first got Mabel*
*crawls under the bed, never to return*
... Darnit FaceBook. O^O
I don't use Facebook that much and I plan to get rid of my account after August.
I actually plan to make another Facebook page simply for art. I kinda use my current one for some networking, but I'd much prefer to have an official page for that.
As for what's upsetting me... still dealing with that depression.
My dryer is broken. :(
My old dog, Gary, had died.
You have my condolences, Quickman. I'm sorry for your lost and I hope Gary is in a better place. :'(
My condolences.
Argh... *hugs Quickie*
Pictures of Nintendo's E3 lanyard were released and it features two pictures of Link, one from the older artwork released a month or so ago and the other from new artwork released a day or so ago. Problem is, people are swearing the latter picture is totally a female character despite it being from artwork where Link is clearly male (either that or incredibly flat-chested). It's kinda ridiculous and seeing people so insistent that IT'S TOTALLY FEMALE LINK is rather annoying.
Female Link would be cool, yes. This is not a picture of that. Stop forcing it.
Yeah I agree, as cool as I would be for having a Female Link I really wish people would stop seeing things that aren't there.
Ringman will soon be a father and my mom has been calling me about it, as if I know anything about it, and I'm just feeling kinda bitter about it because I know that the whole stupid "why don't you settle down, get married, have kids, yadda yadda yadda" crap will start up again.
Geez, Mom, just go back to thinking I'm gay. It's so much easier to deal with.
I keep losing my pants because of holes in the thigh area. Is this happening to me? Why must my sweat or whatever keep making these holes? Why can't I fix my pants in those areas? Why I do anything about this?!
Quote from: Waifu on June 27, 2016, 10:50:48 PM
I keep losing my pants because of holes in the thigh area. Is this happening to me? Why must my sweat or whatever keep making these holes? Why can't I fix my pants in those areas? Why I do anything about this?!
More information than we needed to know
I'm more wondering why can't he just learn how to sew?
That's what I'm thinking, and learning how to sew sounds like an answer to the dilemma.
Sewing to mend pants and socks isn't that hard, either. Thread the needle, and stitch the sides of the hole together by looping the thread several times like a coil. That's probably the easiest method of mending clothes.
I mend socks and pants. I have a pair of shorts that tore the crotch out, so I turned them inside out and stitched the crotch back together. Took me all of five minutes.
Sewing can only go so far... Either way, I share Phi's sentiments.
How to Sew (https://www.google.com/search?hl=en_US&q=how%20to%20sew&newwindow=1&gws_rd=ssl)
Still helpful to learn how to sew.
I've had two pairs of pants go to holes in the thighs so I, personally, sympathize with waifu's plight, you heartless monsters.
Quote from: THE Ammy on June 28, 2016, 07:43:37 AM
I've had two pairs of pants go to holes in the thighs so I, personally, sympathize with waifu's plight, you heartless monsters.
Thank You for support. I guess.
Quote from: Phi on June 28, 2016, 01:01:12 AM
More information than we needed to know
Yeah.......I really hate losing my pants. -u-'
I've had the issue happen a lot.
But it only happens because my jeans aren't apparently designed to be worn when going up tall stairs or I put my foot up on something so I don't get sore when standing still for hours on end.
So many pairs of pants just wasted. But i'm switching my wardrobe anyway so it worked out.
Eh to be honest cloth pants are worse since I also get thigh holes due to my lack of thigh gap. Not easy to fix since it's usually lots of tiny holes and since the material is stretchy fixing them is a waste of time since the holes will come back worse than ever.
The only way to fix them would probably be applying a patch of some sort I would think. :\
Oh, I don't believe I've shared outside the Discord server.
Couple days ago.
Needless to say, I've picked up Melee.
Whoa I didn't notice how pressed in the circle pad was earlier, just how hard do you Smash?
Oh I did that on purpose. Side effect from my nephew breaking the circle pad rubber off and my having to super glue it back on. It felt better without the plastic in the circle pad well since I cut it off. Apparently the well is still cut off from the internals so I wasn't worried about dust or anything getting inside the device long as I was careful.
If you trust yourself doing it I'd honestly do it again. Feels more like a regular controller stick.
I'm comfortable with the Circle Pad myself, though sometimes it really fucks me up in Dragon Quest 4.
I might be the only one here who likes the circle pad. Then again, I'm also the weird one who configured their Perfect Dark and Halo controller profiles to have an inverted Y axis...
Anywho, still depressed, got an appointment tomorrow afternoon, probably having my meds upped.
Oh I love the Circle Pad otherwise, it just screws me over with choosing Commands in DQ4.
Quote from: THE Ammy on June 29, 2016, 08:57:41 AM
Oh, I don't believe I've shared outside the Discord server.
Couple days ago.
Needless to say, I've picked up Melee.
There's a huge wildfire near my hometown that's most likely going to burn down my mom's place.
Ugh Cali's wildfires are the worst, sorry to hear that.
Got my meds upped. Have to start seeing a therapist. If my newly-upped meds don't do the trick, I'm gonna have to go on different meds, or have a new one added to the mix.
My new dosage isn't right. I'm sleeping a lot.
Had to go to the doctor today.
[spoiler=Personal and weird]Have a weird lump on my groin. Nothing bad, just an infected ingrown hair. Got antibiotics.[/spoiler]
Wasn't too happy because it meant having to take off my pants.
I should've dropped my pants around my ankles and stood spread-legged and yelled "BEHOLD!"
My 3DS suffered water damage and I am now waiting it out to make sure that my 3DS can work again.
Quote from: Quickman on July 22, 2016, 11:51:41 PM
Had to go to the doctor today.
[spoiler=Personal and weird]Have a weird lump on my groin. Nothing bad, just an infected ingrown hair. Got antibiotics.[/spoiler]
Wasn't too happy because it meant having to take off my pants.
I should've dropped my pants around my ankles and stood spread-legged and yelled "BEHOLD!"
[spoiler]I can sort of relate since sometimes I get something swelling (sometimes it's ingrown hair or some other form of swelling that I'm not sure what causes it) around my inner thigh and it can be painful when it rubs between my thighs.[/spoiler]
Quote from: Waifu on July 22, 2016, 11:55:38 PM
My 3DS suffered water damage and I am now waiting it out to make sure that my 3DS can work again.
If you can put it in some uncooked rice.
Quote from: ViperAcidZX on July 23, 2016, 12:06:22 AM
[spoiler]I can sort of relate since sometimes I get something swelling (sometimes it's ingrown hair or some other form of swelling that I'm not sure what causes it) around my inner thigh and it can be painful when it rubs between my thighs.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Yeah, this one's painful. I sometimes get swollen lymph nodes in my groin, so the visit was mainly to rule that out, since the lump is near those and was the same size. It hurt when the doctor touched it.[/spoiler]
I'm worried about my dog. He had a fever for the past few days, he didn't want to eat, and he had problems with his stomach because I don't want to mention some of the grosser things that are happening with him. Right now he's at the vet, and they are taking a look at what's wrong with him and see if he's going to be okay.
I can't get a job, despite having had 7-8 interviews in the past week or two and feeling really good about all of them. And yet, no callbacks. One even guaranteed me a second interview and that didn't seem to work out because even though I texted them two days later (like they told me to) there was no response.
Why does it have to be so damn hard to get a job?
Quote from: Mirby on August 08, 2016, 09:44:45 PM
I can't get a job, despite having had 7-8 interviews in the past week or two and feeling really good about all of them. And yet, no callbacks. One even guaranteed me a second interview and that didn't seem to work out because even though I texted them two days later (like they told me to) there was no response.
Why does it have to be so damn hard to get a job?
I know I mentioned it before-but I had issues job hunting too, just keep putting that resume out anywhere and you'll get a response at some point. Being super persistent is also key, keep calling back till they say no.
It doesn't help that I'm almost 27 and I've never had an actual job. That's definitely not helping matters.
But yeah, I'm gonna keep trying. What else can I do? that's a rhetorical question btw
Job hunting is a soul sucking endeavor!
I am about to start my temp job for the year and already I feel like I don't want to work. I know it is only gonna last for a few months until I become miserable again. :(
At least you have that. An income is a good thing to have.
A whole big massive steaming pile of bullshit! Just bullshit as far as the eye can see! Family bullshit! Financial bullshit! Online bullshit! Oh the bullshit!
Excuse me while I go crawl under the couch and cry.
So much bullshit... O^O
The stuff in the RP thread was the online bullshit. I shared it as a word of advice. Just... don't do that. If we ever start a Gemsona RP, please for the love of all that is holy, don't do that. Don't ship your young Gem with an older Gem. 1000 years is the age of consent for Gems.
The family stuff... it's complicated. The financial stuff has been figured out. It was related to depression from the family stuff.
Well, at least one is settled. :cookie:
I want a new family. A family that actually loves me.
We love you. O^O
Quote from: Quickman on August 20, 2016, 10:21:00 AM
I want a new family. A family that actually loves me.
Same here, buddy; same here.
We're there for you, Quickie. *hugs*
To add to the family bullshit...
After many failed attempts to find homes for all the kittens myself, I begged my dad for the umpteenth time to help me take them to the shelter, because my landlord wanted them gone. He finally, FINALLY agreed and we took the kittens to the shelter.
The whole ride, he chastised and berated me for not finding them homes... when I had been using all sorts of different avenues to find them homes. This was my last resort and I simply couldn't keep them, but that didn't matter and he yelled at me for it.
I know I'm a complete and utter failure. I really don't need everyone to just rub it in.
Once I got home, I held Erma and cried.
Quickie, don't let pricks like your dad bring you down to their level. You're better than that. You tried your best to find your kittens a home and certainly did more than your dad ever wanted to do with them. Not to mention a very good artist and very good person.
I'm venting by drawing a body horror pic, so that's been helping a bit. Also, I've been spoiling Erma.
You are not a failure. *hugs*
My MP3 is busted and I am jsut really bored now.
[spoiler=Gross. Really.]Had to clean liquid [parasitic bomb] off half my entire niece and threw up everything I ate today in the process. Stellar start to my weekend.[/spoiler]
I am sorry about that man.
[spoiler="Well, if you wanna know..."]I guess a lot of things, really. Mostly being unable to find a decent job because my parents have been harassing me to get one when I'm still heavily involved with trying to get my GED (because I dropped out of HS due to my mental health being out of whack from overworking myself, hence why I said anxiety attacks in the return / goodbye thread) and I'm also now into my early 20s and being a responsible young adult.
In my spare time I also took up psychology to help understand the reasons why I act the way I act, yanno?
Another reason is just pure depression and being stuck in a situation that no one wants to be in at my age. I want to pursue a career in voice-over work and it's something I've been doing in my spare time outside of writing. It's just this atmosphere I'm in and interacting with my family is sort of driving me on the edge a little, so I'm a bit dour and depressed about things as you can see.
I've been through a lot since I started and I'm not gonna lie that I was an idiot. I had it pretty rough during those olden days because my family and I don't really get along as we would like, committed suicide nearly six times and had a brush with a lot of unfortunate things during my HS years.
I'm a guy who writes ideas in the hope that he can escape from himself and the life he has. But at the same time I mentally feel like I'm useless to the world because of this shitty E-rank luck of mine. Ultimately, I give up and just breakdown that I couldn't conquer something today that might help me move on.
But, you know? I can't always be pessimistic or cynical about things. There's always a better day and I ultimately believe that this is just something I have to face. I just have to believe, I guess...
I've done all I can to really get out of things or situations but everything seems to not stay the way for long, sadly. I'm sorry if this was lengthy but, hell, I needed to vent in some way.
I don't have much else to say, really. I think that's been basically up with me the last six or seven years.[/spoiler]
My external 1TB hard drive got [tornado fang]'d and I couldn't do anything to recover the files that were on it. Couldn't access the files directly, couldn't use Recuva to back the files up, nothing. All of my anime series, music, games, torrents, important documents — GONE! *slams table and cries*
Darn... *hugs Viper*
... How did it get [tornado fang]'d?
I have no idea. It was working fine a week ago and all I've done was transfer my downloads that took a large amount of space (~1GB or so) to the back-up drive so I can save space on my PC. I just discovered this problem late last night when I was gonna put a game away and it wouldn't let me access the files unless I re-format it and destroying all of my personal files in the process.
I'm gonna try Recuva again and pray I can use the Deep Scan function to see if I can recover my files, which is a LOT since I had about 700GB+ worth of stuff.
... That is a LOT. Seriously hope it works out for you. *hugs*
Same thing happened to me once. It was the catalyst for me retiring my desktop since my entire backup was on that [tornado fang]er.
I think Recuva may have recovered my files after being forced to format the [tornado fang]er; it took all of my entire day yesterday and part of today during the recovery process, but it showed that my 99% of my files were in (excellent) salvageable condition. Not sure if the videos files like the anime series I've downloaded years ago survived since something like this happened to my older brother's computer a few months ago and his files were beyond repair when I tried to use Recuva to recover his files. Now it's just a matter of sifting everything that was salvaged and get rid of the stuff that isn't mine since my twin brother put some crap in my hard drive and never bothered to get them back...
Most of my [parasitic bomb] got corrupted anyway. [tornado fang] my life. Everything I've been backing up for years are ruined beyond repair.
... Goddarnnit. *hugs Viper tightly*
Yep. I feel 'ya mate. Like I said, same exact thing happened to me too. It's a [sonic slicer]. A [sonic slicer] that made me retire my PC altogether and basically stop downloading anime altogether.
My ankle has been sore all week. I'm not even sure what happened to it. It may have been when I slipped off the curb.
You know what; to hell with my niece. [tornado fang]ing family, will rather spoil the [parasitic bomb] out of her than discipline her properly.
My family can stay in denial all they [tornado fang]ing want. If I can't convince them they're wrong, then they can all go to hell, for all I ever [tornado fang]ing care.
What's she doing?
She's doing everything wrong a toddler should be doing; namely tamper with just about everything in our office. Then again, she keeps banging on my sister's (her mother's) bathroom door, expecting my sister to be out in the next second. And this is irritating, because of her age (which is a year-and-a-half).
I'm almost the only one, in the damn house, trying to restrain her properly; because she ain't going to listen to a Goddamn thing we say. The moment I pick her up and put her out the office, the others are immediately eluded by her crying; as if to say I'm being too rough with her. The thing is; she will cry for anything, if she can't get her hands on it, or have her way with things. This however, was more of a low blow the way my mother and other sister reacted to this child's crying.
Oh, and little something to add, since God called me to prayer; would you feed your 1- year-old these:
[spoiler=junkfood my family thinks is okay for my niece](http://familyfindsfun.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/Coca-Cola-123x300-1.jpg)(https://rahlegal.in/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Cadbury-Dairy-Milk-1999.jpg)(https://www.thesavanna.co.uk/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/1800x/040ec09b1e35df139433887a97daa66f/w/i/wilsonjellytots_2_1_1.jpg)(http://nutriday.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/6Pack-fruit-Strawberry_MixedBerry_StewedfruitandCustard.png)(http://shop.coles.com.au/wcsstore/Coles-CAS/images/7/4/7/7475811.jpg)(http://www.fritolay.com/images/default-source/blue-bag-image/doritos-nacho-cheese.png?sfvrsn=2)(http://www.fastmoving.co.za/img/products/1825/m_50c5bf8981092.jpg)[/spoiler]
What the [tornado fang] are NikNaks?
I think they're South African Cheetos since it's a cheedar flavored maize snack.
Similar to Cheetos, just harder to crunch.
Some [tornado fang]er is hanging out on campus stealing [parasitic bomb], we think. My buddy's Gamecube controller went missing and now today I'm missing a portable battery charger and my sylveon plush. Used to be you can just leave stuff in the game room because everyone would keep it safe and have it ready for you when you came back but with the in-flow of new people/freshmen I guess you can't trust that anymore. So now I have to lug an extra bag of stuff across campus that I USED to be able to leave there with my friends safely because some fuckers have sticky fingers.
That [tornado fang]ing sucks man, sorry some greedy envious [dark hold] decided to ruin some people's day like that.
Back when I was in uni, some chucklehead took my copies of Crash Team Racing and Crazy Taxi from the engineers club room
[tornado fang] THIS YEAR!!!
C Martin Croker, the voice of Zorak & Moltar on Space Ghost Coast to Coast passed away. I met him at Comic Con and he was hilarious and awesome.
This one really hurts, more because he was a close friend of one of my closest friends. She's devastated.
Ugh this year really [tornado fang]ing sucks for multiples reasons.......
I'm stupidly overly emotional today for no particular reason that I should be sad and I utterly hate it.
You need a hug. *hugs*
Yeah it's just a random thing today.
Quote from: Protoman Blues on September 18, 2016, 08:01:58 AM
[tornado fang] THIS YEAR!!!
C Martin Croker, the voice of Zorak & Moltar on Space Ghost Coast to Coast passed away. I met him at Comic Con and he was hilarious and awesome.
This one really hurts, more because he was a close friend of one of my closest friends. She's devastated.
I feel for you, PB. He was part of my childhood.
A few days ago, my cat ate one of guinea pig. I didn't really have enough time to mourn because I was getting ready for work, there's nothing I can do about it other than make a grave for it. And not even sure if I'm devastated or not, and I hate myself for feeling a slight lack of it. I had personal issues with cats this year. I either hate them or love them...I don't know anymore
My condolences.
Ack... My condolences as well.
I'm sorry to hear that mate.
I'm so sorry to hear that...
My brother's car broke down and have no way to get to work. I don't know anyone in real life in my area that can take and most of my family members have jobs so I cannot ask them without conflicting their schedule. I really wish that I knew someone, learned how to drive or even had a stay at home job where I do not leave my area. I feel [Tornado Fang]ing moron now. >8|
Why... Hadn't you learned how to drive?
Why did you manually type out [Tornado Fang]
I haven't learned to drive yet. Though, it's mainly because my family never tried to teach me. Ringman learned how to drive from his wife's parents and he tried to teach me to drive, but my first lesson ended with me taking a turn too sharply, driving into a ditch, hitting a tree, and blowing a tire. My dad flipped right the [tornado fang] out and pretty much forbade me to learn to drive.
Now he continually gets on my case because I never learned to drive.
The reason I'm hesitant on learning to drive a car is because I'm afraid of getting into an accident, plus my twin brother has given enough problem with my dad on how irresponsible he treated my dad's car.
Quote from: ViperAcidZX on September 28, 2016, 06:53:07 AM
The reason I'm hesitant on learning to drive a car is because I'm afraid of getting into an accident, plus my twin brother has given enough problem with my dad on how irresponsible he treated my dad's car.
Almost the same reason (except the brother part) as to why I never bothered to get a driver's license. There were times I took a few lessons, but the feeling was very awkward on how you shift gears.
Quote from: TENK on September 28, 2016, 09:17:03 AM
Almost the same reason (except the brother part) as to why I never bothered to get a driver's license. There were times I took a few lessons, but the feeling was very awkward on how you shift gears.
Were you driving a Stick Shift?
Right you are.
Yeesh. That's just making learning harder.
TBH, I feel like everyone should learn to drive just to have the knowledge, even if they're not planning on it.
And trust me Viper, I was scared of accidents too but I sucked it up and tried anyways and... It's not hard.
I hate driving.
Mostly because my car is starting to give off a lemon-y vibe.
I wanna learn how to drive and get my license. I really do. But, no one is willing to teach me and driving lessons are too expensive for me to afford. I haven't a car of my own, so I can't just go drive and hope no one notices.
So, I don't drive. I don't drive because I can't drive and no one will teach me to drive. I'm also almost blind in one eye, so perhaps it's best I don't drive.
My mom called today. She has an aortic aneurysm and will be seeing a cardiologist soon.
*hugs Quickie*
I'm so done with this year. I've been done with it months ago.
My grandma just died. Just now.
Gosh......I'm so sorry Quickie.
I'm so done with this year.
Tell me about it, it's been a rough year for me, my brother, his fiance, and my mom as well.
However......I'm going to be setting some goals so my next year isn't so crappy.
I'm so so so so sorry for your loss, Quickie. All my love to you.
Quote from: Quickman on October 24, 2016, 01:17:05 AM
My grandma just died. Just now.
I know the feeling too well... My condolences. *hugs*
Things are getting really ugly really quickly. Dad's not communicating and being really secretive and petty. He bitched me out for telling Mom about Mammaw's death and when he told me, he had texted me.
This week is getting really bad and I'm legit scared about Thursday. I'm afraid that it's gonna be really ugly.
I'm starting to wonder if I don't like your Dad more than I don't like your Mom now.
What a hypocritical demeaning jerkass.
I mean why wouldn't you tell your [tornado fang]ing Mom about Mammaw's death?! Why is that something to criticize?!
I'm guessing Mammaw is dad's mum? Might explain a tiny bit. Still ridiculous though. *hugs Quickie*
Yeah, I think Mammaw is her Dad's Mom, but that's not an excuse.
Mammaw is my dad's mom.
Dad slapped together the smallest funeral and viewing as possible. An hour for the viewing. An hour for the service. An hour for the burial.
My grandpa's viewing lasted two days. Dad is trying to get Mammaw in the ground as soon as possible with as little attention as possible. Dad is trying to keep everyone away. He's refusing to speak to anyone and I've been playing messenger and catching all sorts of hell for it.
... That's just all sorts of wrong.
Your Mammaw should still be treated with dignity even in death.
I... Really am at a loss of words for the behavior of your dad... *hugs*
Mammaw was a parking enforcement officer for Gettysburg and she has a large extended family and a lot of friends. They would want to attend the service. But, Dad doesn't want anyone other than a few people to attend.
He doesn't want people sending flowers, either.
God, she doesn't deserve being treated like that.
Ringman and I are trying to contact as many of her extended family as we can to let the, know.
Thursday is gonna be a nightmare.
Good thing I bought beer.
Probably should get some chocolate as well, maybe some ice cream if it isn't too cold.
I have Halloween candy that I was gonna give out, but won't be because I'll be away trick-or-treating.
Thank goodness for emergency candy stash.
I hope the [parasitic bomb] storm isn't too wide or intensely focused, but I know that's probably too optimistic.
Binge now, binge later. Just binge.
And some exercise in between binging sessions would help pump some positive feelings too, I know from experience.
Binge, Go!, binge, Go!. Perfect.
I'm gonna see if Ringman would be up for holding a small wake afterward. Thursday is gonna be rough and if we could just head out to the Brewery and have dinner, that would be awesome.
Poutine and beer.
Tomorrow is the funeral.
This is gonna suuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.
[spoiler=Rant]Ugh, my parents are hopeless sometimes. They wanted to try and watch Telemundo on their tablet for soccer that I couldn't give less of a [parasitic bomb] about, the way they tried to handle it was [tornado fang]ing DarkSydePhil-levels of stupid. They couldn't watch it unless they sign in with the Dish TV login information but they haven't keep that somewhere they can remember it and my brother who does remember it is in Colombia at the moment, but rather then do the sensible thing and just call Dish to try and get back the login information, they tried to take their issue with Xfinity on it, not even kidding. They overcomplicated something that could have taken at least 5 or so minutes of phone time, but instead had me waste almost an hour of time trying to translate this [parasitic bomb] on computer-literate terms for them that felt like time was going slower than normal that went nowhere. Waste of time.[/spoiler]
sorry for the necropost but ive been looking back on my old activity on this site
and can i just say... holy [parasitic bomb]. im sorry. i behaved like a petulant, awful little dipshit for years?
i dont know how i ended up making friends here, because i was just really rude and awful to all of you for literally no reason
i was in here throughout my late teens / early 20s and i spent the entire time dealing with body dysmorphia that ive categorized into explanations recently, and i ended up taking my frustration with myself out on the things everyone else was interested in like a terrible internet goblin
time has softened me quite a lot but looking back on who i used to be is honestly surreal, its hard to believe i was ever this person
i have a lot else to talk about that is more thematic to the topic but honestly looking back on how i used to behave was just... well pardon my use of the word as its become memetic now, but it was sort of triggering. and i just felt a huge need to apologize for my past behavior.
I think a few people here were pretty bad, myself included. I mean, holy [parasitic bomb], I think I threatened legal action at some point? It's not been until lately (like, really recently) that I've gotten answers for some things concerning this place, and I've been sitting here hating myself these last few years.
We all have a rough patch here and there, but it's how we learn and move on from there that makes us who we are.
Time matures and heals us. And gives us aching pains everywhere.
*rattles some bones*
Why you whippersnapper!
Boy did I do some [parasitic bomb] back in the day. I'm still dealing with a few of the things that made me a petulant [parasitic bomb], but I've also made great progress. I have medication, which helps immensely and therapy and all that [parasitic bomb].
And loving friends, family and wife. Probably more than I deserve. I digress, I understand the feels in my own way, Sky. Welcome back, hope you pop in from time to time. Also, we've got a Discord server, if that's your thing. Either way, take care!
Oh. Right. I'm/was Ares/SheepGod. Time changes [parasitic bomb].
My family is collectively losing their minds and I'm generally losing every last shred of patience I have with anyone at all ever.
Now I'm not saying I'm gonna snap or anything, but there's a lotta bridges around here and I've got a box of matches itching to be lit if you follow.
I have a random cut on my finger and I have no idea where it came from. :\
My laptop botke down and I had to send it to HP for repairs. I have no laptop and no money to buy myself a Desktop. Wonderful. ;O;
Quote from: Waifu on June 27, 2017, 02:57:00 AM
My laptop botke down and I had to send it to HP for repairs. I have no laptop and no money to buy myself a Desktop. Wonderful. ;O;
your computers break a lot, what the hell are you doing to them?
I had a bad time at work because I couldn't meet my numbers for the day. I am usually a lot better than this but that is because I worked on shoes and I didn't have to do anything extra. I am useless and I cannot do anything.........I am also lazy and apathetic, I just go through the motions and I really just want the money. I am an idiot, I don't deserve anything good. I don't know who would hire me if I get fired, I would never hire me. .
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Club (http://languagelaboratory.ru/t/169588)???? (http://largeheart.ru/shop/1161819)???? (http://lasercalibration.ru/shop/1177204)???? (http://laserlens.ru/lase_zakaz/234)???? (http://laserpulse.ru/shop/590994)???? (http://laterevent.ru)???? (http://latrinesergeant.ru/shop/453668)???? (http://layabout.ru/shop/453654)???? (http://leadcoating.ru/shop/600331)???? (http://leadingfirm.ru/shop/106257)???? (http://learningcurve.ru/shop/466047)Wint (http://leaveword.ru/shop/472955)Pola (http://machinesensible.ru/shop/270280)PETE (http://magneticequator.ru/shop/576149)WY91 (http://magnetotelluricfield.ru/shop/446119)1770 (http://mailinghouse.ru/shop/269074)Path (http://majorconcern.ru/shop/577290)Sauv (http://mammasdarling.ru/shop/576133)Myst (http://managerialstaff.ru/shop/612406)Disn (http://manipulatinghand.ru/shop/1040466)???? (http://manualchoke.ru/shop/601114)???? (http://medinfobooks.ru/book/3234)Deol (http://mp3lists.ru/item/2986)
???? (http://nameresolution.ru/shop/1151043)Karm (http://naphtheneseries.ru/shop/469825)???? (http://narrowmouthed.ru/shop/461849)???? (http://nationalcensus.ru/shop/1055922)Neil (http://naturalfunctor.ru/shop/576411)Fina (http://navelseed.ru/shop/103077)???? (http://neatplaster.ru/shop/455455)Arch (http://necroticcaries.ru/shop/178566)Peug (http://negativefibration.ru/shop/619084)Kenn (http://neighbouringrights.ru/shop/641065)LEGO (http://objectmodule.ru/shop/447578)Phil (http://observationballoon.ru)???? (http://obstructivepatent.ru/shop/107082)Esca (http://oceanmining.ru/shop/1044290)MonA (http://octupolephonon.ru/shop/1149891)???? (http://offlinesystem.ru/shop/149260)defi (http://offsetholder.ru/shop/203203)???? (http://olibanumresinoid.ru/shop/150348)???? (http://onesticket.ru/shop/580479)blin (http://packedspheres.ru/shop/582863)???? (http://pagingterminal.ru/shop/684807)???? (http://palatinebones.ru/shop/684194)???? (http://palmberry.ru/shop/689046)
???? (http://papercoating.ru/shop/584231)Club (http://paraconvexgroup.ru/shop/689653)???? (http://parasolmonoplane.ru/shop/1169083)Henr (http://parkingbrake.ru/shop/1169105)???? (http://partfamily.ru/shop/1174082)???? (http://partialmajorant.ru/shop/1173197)???? (http://quadrupleworm.ru/shop/1543236)???? (http://qualitybooster.ru/shop/1538880)???? (http://quasimoney.ru/shop/596249)???? (http://quenchedspark.ru/shop/740082)???? (http://quodrecuperet.ru/shop/1073156)???? (http://rabbetledge.ru/shop/1075354)???? (http://radialchaser.ru/shop/344160)Kink (http://radiationestimator.ru/shop/510493)???? (http://railwaybridge.ru/shop/621507)???? (http://randomcoloration.ru/shop/885146)(??? (http://rapidgrowth.ru/shop/928109)Jean (http://rattlesnakemaster.ru/shop/1203684)Erni (http://reachthroughregion.ru/shop/357987)???? (http://readingmagnifier.ru/shop/514943)Stee (http://rearchain.ru/shop/767486)hard (http://recessioncone.ru/shop/641437)???? (http://recordedassignment.ru/shop/1029222)
Tele (http://rectifiersubstation.ru/shop/1055152)???? (http://redemptionvalue.ru/shop/1063529)???? (http://reducingflange.ru/shop/1686383)???? (http://referenceantigen.ru/shop/1693946)???? (http://regeneratedprotein.ru/shop/1765103)???? (http://reinvestmentplan.ru/shop/1775186)???? (http://safedrilling.ru/shop/1820097)???? (http://sagprofile.ru/shop/1057958)???? (http://salestypelease.ru/shop/1850099)???? (http://samplinginterval.ru/shop/1876267)Fore (http://satellitehydrology.ru/shop/1897976)???? (http://scarcecommodity.ru/shop/1493885)???? (http://scrapermat.ru/shop/1482857)???? (http://screwingunit.ru/shop/1495949)???? (http://seawaterpump.ru/shop/1572400)DELU (http://secondaryblock.ru/shop/1423010)???? (http://secularclergy.ru/shop/1492716)???? (http://seismicefficiency.ru/shop/343978)???? (http://selectivediffuser.ru/shop/401231)???? (http://semiasphalticflux.ru/shop/402865)???? (http://semifinishmachining.ru/shop/1689665)???? (http://spicetrade.ru/spice_zakaz/234)???? (http://spysale.ru/spy_zakaz/234)
???? (http://stungun.ru/stun_zakaz/234)???? (http://tacticaldiameter.ru/shop/484118)Erin (http://tailstockcenter.ru/shop/491726)Dian (http://tamecurve.ru/shop/499593)???? (http://tapecorrection.ru/shop/502484)???? (http://tappingchuck.ru/shop/488901)Vasu (http://taskreasoning.ru/shop/500331)???? (http://technicalgrade.ru/shop/1823136)???? (http://telangiectaticlipoma.ru/shop/1881717)???? (http://telescopicdamper.ru/shop/1904072)CALS (http://temperateclimate.ru/shop/789500)???? (http://temperedmeasure.ru/shop/402847)???? (http://tenementbuilding.ru/shop/982021)tuchkas (http://tuchkas.ru/)???? (http://ultramaficrock.ru/shop/982340)???? (http://ultraviolettesting.ru/shop/484527)
???? (http://audiobookkeeper.ru)???? (http://cottagenet.ru)???? (http://eyesvision.ru)???? (http://eyesvisions.com)???? (http://factoringfee.ru)???? (http://filmzones.ru)???? (http://gadwall.ru)???? (http://gaffertape.ru)???? (http://gageboard.ru)???? (http://gagrule.ru)???? (http://gallduct.ru)???? (http://galvanometric.ru)???? (http://gangforeman.ru)???? (http://gangwayplatform.ru)???? (http://garbagechute.ru)???? (http://gardeningleave.ru)???? (http://gascautery.ru)???? (http://gashbucket.ru)???? (http://gasreturn.ru)???? (http://gatedsweep.ru)???? (http://gaugemodel.ru)???? (http://gaussianfilter.ru)???? (http://gearpitchdiameter.ru)
???? (http://geartreating.ru)???? (http://generalizedanalysis.ru)???? (http://generalprovisions.ru)???? (http://geophysicalprobe.ru)???? (http://geriatricnurse.ru)???? (http://getintoaflap.ru)???? (http://getthebounce.ru)???? (http://habeascorpus.ru)???? (http://habituate.ru)???? (http://hackedbolt.ru)???? (http://hackworker.ru)???? (http://hadronicannihilation.ru)???? (http://haemagglutinin.ru)???? (http://hailsquall.ru)???? (http://hairysphere.ru)???? (http://halforderfringe.ru)???? (http://halfsiblings.ru)???? (http://hallofresidence.ru)???? (http://haltstate.ru)???? (http://handcoding.ru)???? (http://handportedhead.ru)???? (http://handradar.ru)???? (http://handsfreetelephone.ru)
???? (http://hangonpart.ru)???? (http://haphazardwinding.ru)???? (http://hardalloyteeth.ru)???? (http://hardasiron.ru)???? (http://hardenedconcrete.ru)???? (http://harmonicinteraction.ru)???? (http://hartlaubgoose.ru)???? (http://hatchholddown.ru)???? (http://haveafinetime.ru)???? (http://hazardousatmosphere.ru)???? (http://headregulator.ru)???? (http://heartofgold.ru)???? (http://heatageingresistance.ru)???? (http://heatinggas.ru)???? (http://heavydutymetalcutting.ru)???? (http://jacketedwall.ru)???? (http://japanesecedar.ru)???? (http://jibtypecrane.ru)???? (http://jobabandonment.ru)???? (http://jobstress.ru)???? (http://jogformation.ru)???? (http://jointcapsule.ru)???? (http://jointsealingmaterial.ru)
???? (http://journallubricator.ru)???? (http://juicecatcher.ru)???? (http://junctionofchannels.ru)???? (http://justiciablehomicide.ru)???? (http://juxtapositiontwin.ru)???? (http://kaposidisease.ru)???? (http://keepagoodoffing.ru)???? (http://keepsmthinhand.ru)???? (http://kentishglory.ru)???? (http://kerbweight.ru)???? (http://kerrrotation.ru)???? (http://keymanassurance.ru)???? (http://keyserum.ru)???? (http://kickplate.ru)???? (http://killthefattedcalf.ru)???? (http://kilowattsecond.ru)???? (http://kingweakfish.ru)???? (http://kinozones.ru)???? (http://kleinbottle.ru)???? (http://kneejoint.ru)???? (http://knifesethouse.ru)???? (http://knockonatom.ru)???? (http://knowledgestate.ru)
???? (http://kondoferromagnet.ru)???? (http://labeledgraph.ru)???? (http://laborracket.ru)???? (http://labourearnings.ru)???? (http://labourleasing.ru)???? (http://laburnumtree.ru)???? (http://lacingcourse.ru)???? (http://lacrimalpoint.ru)???? (http://lactogenicfactor.ru)???? (http://lacunarycoefficient.ru)???? (http://ladletreatediron.ru)???? (http://laggingload.ru)???? (http://laissezaller.ru)???? (http://lambdatransition.ru)???? (http://laminatedmaterial.ru)???? (http://lammasshoot.ru)???? (http://lamphouse.ru)???? (http://lancecorporal.ru)???? (http://lancingdie.ru)???? (http://landingdoor.ru)???? (http://landmarksensor.ru)???? (http://landreform.ru)???? (http://landuseratio.ru)
???? (http://languagelaboratory.ru)???? (http://largeheart.ru)???? (http://lasercalibration.ru)???? (http://laserlens.ru)???? (http://laserpulse.ru)???? (http://laterevent.ru)???? (http://latrinesergeant.ru)???? (http://layabout.ru)???? (http://leadcoating.ru)???? (http://leadingfirm.ru)???? (http://learningcurve.ru)???? (http://leaveword.ru)???? (http://machinesensible.ru)???? (http://magneticequator.ru)???? (http://magnetotelluricfield.ru)???? (http://mailinghouse.ru)???? (http://majorconcern.ru)???? (http://mammasdarling.ru)???? (http://managerialstaff.ru)???? (http://manipulatinghand.ru)???? (http://manualchoke.ru)???? (http://medinfobooks.ru)???? (http://mp3lists.ru)
???? (http://nameresolution.ru)???? (http://naphtheneseries.ru)???? (http://narrowmouthed.ru)???? (http://nationalcensus.ru)???? (http://naturalfunctor.ru)???? (http://navelseed.ru)???? (http://neatplaster.ru)???? (http://necroticcaries.ru)???? (http://negativefibration.ru)???? (http://neighbouringrights.ru)???? (http://objectmodule.ru)???? (http://observationballoon.ru)???? (http://obstructivepatent.ru)???? (http://oceanmining.ru)???? (http://octupolephonon.ru)???? (http://offlinesystem.ru)???? (http://offsetholder.ru)???? (http://olibanumresinoid.ru)???? (http://onesticket.ru)???? (http://packedspheres.ru)???? (http://pagingterminal.ru)???? (http://palatinebones.ru)???? (http://palmberry.ru)
???? (http://papercoating.ru)???? (http://paraconvexgroup.ru)???? (http://parasolmonoplane.ru)???? (http://parkingbrake.ru)???? (http://partfamily.ru)???? (http://partialmajorant.ru)???? (http://quadrupleworm.ru)???? (http://qualitybooster.ru)???? (http://quasimoney.ru)???? (http://quenchedspark.ru)???? (http://quodrecuperet.ru)???? (http://rabbetledge.ru)???? (http://radialchaser.ru)???? (http://radiationestimator.ru)???? (http://railwaybridge.ru)???? (http://randomcoloration.ru)???? (http://rapidgrowth.ru)???? (http://rattlesnakemaster.ru)???? (http://reachthroughregion.ru)???? (http://readingmagnifier.ru)???? (http://rearchain.ru)???? (http://recessioncone.ru)???? (http://recordedassignment.ru)
???? (http://rectifiersubstation.ru)???? (http://redemptionvalue.ru)???? (http://reducingflange.ru)???? (http://referenceantigen.ru)???? (http://regeneratedprotein.ru)???? (http://reinvestmentplan.ru)???? (http://safedrilling.ru)???? (http://sagprofile.ru)???? (http://salestypelease.ru)???? (http://samplinginterval.ru)???? (http://satellitehydrology.ru)???? (http://scarcecommodity.ru)???? (http://scrapermat.ru)???? (http://screwingunit.ru)???? (http://seawaterpump.ru)???? (http://secondaryblock.ru)???? (http://secularclergy.ru)???? (http://seismicefficiency.ru)???? (http://selectivediffuser.ru)???? (http://semiasphalticflux.ru)???? (http://semifinishmachining.ru)???? (http://spicetrade.ru)???? (http://spysale.ru)
???? (http://stungun.ru)???? (http://tacticaldiameter.ru)???? (http://tailstockcenter.ru)???? (http://tamecurve.ru)???? (http://tapecorrection.ru)???? (http://tappingchuck.ru)???? (http://taskreasoning.ru)???? (http://technicalgrade.ru)???? (http://telangiectaticlipoma.ru)???? (http://telescopicdamper.ru)???? (http://temperateclimate.ru)???? (http://temperedmeasure.ru)???? (http://tenementbuilding.ru)tuchkas (http://tuchkas.ru/)???? (http://ultramaficrock.ru)???? (http://ultraviolettesting.ru)