"What's Upsetting You Right Now?"

Started by Joseph Collins, October 21, 2012, 07:38:44 AM

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Sakura Leic

I kind of know how that feels, it's not that my brother doesn't shut up he we just don't really understand each other well and we deal with things differently.  He also can say patronizing things to me sometimes.

Posted on: January 27, 2013, 01:26:55 PM
Well our over 30 year old washing machine finally croaked.
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection


My brother and I both dish it out and take it.  Siblings are like that, particularly if they're close in age.

Protoman Blues

I've never had one fight with my bro.

Sakura Leic

Yeah but it is a bit irritating since I don't act like that to him.  

But I do understand why it happens, out of his group of friends he's the most level headed and balance.  Some times when he talks about his friends, especially if they are girls, he talks about how much drama they cause, how selfish they are, and my mom noted that some of his friends are well off.  He's also had pretty bad luck with girls, most of them were bitches while the one who was not had some sort of a break down and became a [sonic slicer] for a while, though I hear she is getting better.  

Plus he was a member of a fraternity, he was the Vice President his senior year, and even though he's technically not a member anymore he still hangs with those groups of people from time to time.  So when people get drunk, he's usually one of the people sober enough to keep an eye on people to make sure they don't hurt themselves or something.  I think one night in particular he had to stop someone from starting a fight, make sure a girl didn't wander too far away, and some third thing that I don't remember.  He's the type of guy who's too nice.

He can also take things for granted, when he's at home he doesn't wash what he uses while I do, and I'm more willing to cook for myself or use the microwave, while he either goes out to eat use the microwave, or wait for my mom to come home.  Though in the dorm he fends for himself better.  Then there was the times when we wanted to get iPods and iPhones and he would say that I shouldn't get it since I don't need it, or in the case of the iPod one that had less capacity, which I call bull since if I don't need it neither would he and we get equal treatment even if he is 4 years older, but that was a long time ago.

Plus it's also the fact that out of everyone in the family he the most self conscious and not really one to break the mold. So I think that may be the reason he's like that. He's great with kids but he kind of has trouble refusing my dad, when my mom is super stubborn, and he and I are 2 completely different people.  I love him very much, but I wish he was a bit more understanding, hopefully with his new human services major and living on his own will change him a little.

Quote from: Protoman Blues on January 28, 2013, 06:30:46 AM
I've never had one fight with my bro.
I do remember one particular time when I was in elementary school that he was annoying me so much that I slapped him in the face.  I felt really bad for it and wasn't punished for it because of it even if I shouldn't have slapped him, though he probably shouldn't have done whatever it was he did to get me to that point.  Course I would never slap him like that again.
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection


My little bro was annoying until we started gaming together. All of the sudden the only fighting we do is when I threaten to, once I get a job, build a better computer, with blackjack, and hookers.

But in all seriousness we used to be mortal enemies up until about a year ago. Now he only annoys me once a day when I go to bed and he wants to chat about Cry's latest video.

Joseph Collins

You know when you're feeling good all day, and feeling good, and feeling good, and then you start feeling even better?  Then you start to get hyper and completely lose focus on everything you're doing?  And then you start feeling like [parasitic bomb]?  And it just gets worse and worse and worse?

That just happened to me over the last four hours.

Police Girl

I already posted this, but you know what? [tornado fang] it, its upsetting me.

QuoteSo my mom was talking to my aunt, I don't know what about, but I guess my aunt asked my mom if I'm interested in girls, then mom was talking about how I seem to only like Anime girls or something.

Its not that I don't have an interest in girls, its that I don't have any hope of finding that so-called "One", and I don't want to waste my time trying to persue relationships with people.

I find it real [tornado fang]ing prying.

Joseph Collins

People seem to forget this topic is always here.

For all their problems.


So, my mom plans to sue my dad and divorce him and marry a friend of hers.  She served Dad two years ago.  Then she spent two years saying how she's going to sue him and whatnot.

Mom, either [parasitic bomb], or get off the pot.

She gets no sympathy from me, as really... I no longer give a damn.

Mr. Haxwell

My bit of privacy is cut short every 5 minutes, by my parents.

Fear me.


So, now my mom is posting stupid crap on Failbook, going on and on about how she's such a saint and my dad and her dad are assholes and whatever other stupid crap.

News flash, Mom:  Nobody cares.

Protoman Blues

Whoa, you didn't accept her on FB, did you? My god woman, delete that account instantly! XD


I accepted her before she started this bullshit.  Now, I just keep her around as an example to others.  I'll be showing my half-brother this latest batch of nonsense soon.

Suppercut ♡

Three of my joints hurt right now.

One of them have been bothering me for a month now, but my shoulder and knee are new ones.

EDIT: I can't even lift. Am I a [Top Spin]?

Joseph Collins

So.  Again.  Good mood, good mood, good mood... saw a link offering free headshot drawings... saw it linked to a person who hates my guts... clicked it anyway just to see how she was doing... saw porn of said person... died on the inside.  A lot.

Also, the entire whiny discussion about an inconsequential non-holiday going on over in the "Thinking" thread is pissing me off, to be perfectly blunt.
Actually, I guess I should say "certain forum users are pissing me off."

... actually, I guess I should say "the entire forum is pissing me off."

Oh well.  [parasitic bomb] happens.

Police Girl

Quote from: Joseph Collins on February 07, 2013, 02:06:24 AM
Actually, I guess I should say "certain forum users are pissing me off."

Might as well just say its me, because that much is obvious.

Joseph Collins


You're pissing me off.  You're pissing me off because it's nothing but bad news and personal woes with you.  Is it even remotely possible for you to have a good day at some point in your life?

I'm not going to pretend to understand a single thing about you or the personal Hell your "friends" and family put you through, much less the Hell you put yourself through.  I'm glad the people here are trying, truly trying to help you.  But for me, personally?  It's getting a little old.

Protoman Blues

Says the man who, in a relatively short amount of time, leads the post count in this thread?  8D

Police Girl

Quote from: Joseph Collins on February 07, 2013, 02:16:49 AM

You're pissing me off.  You're pissing me off because it's nothing but bad news and personal woes with you.  Is it even remotely possible for you to have a good day at some point in your life?

I'm not going to pretend to understand a single thing about you or the personal Hell your "friends" and family put you through, much less the Hell you put yourself through.  I'm glad the people here are trying, truly trying to help you.  But for me, personally?  It's getting a little old.

Good days are no fun to talk about.

I can't help that I have problems, no matter how self-inflicted they are. I also can't help that this is my first place to talk about it, because I actually feel like I have friends here.

But again, you hate me, whatever. More power to you.

Joseph Collins

I don't hate anyone.

But I do get jealous.

I'll leave it at that.

Police Girl

Joseph Collins

Police Girl


So, I smashed my knee but good while snow-tubing today.  It's swollen and getting really colorful.  Hurts to move it, too.  I guess you could say that it's upsetting me.

Though, snow-tubing was awesome.

Joseph Collins

Was it the same knee you're having problems with off-and-on?

... or am I thinking of someone else?