"What's Upsetting You Right Now?"

Started by Joseph Collins, October 21, 2012, 07:38:44 AM

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Doing other people's work for them...

Police Girl


That's exactly how I feel with those group assignments in class.

Police Girl

Group assignments in schools are terrible ideas.

I always dreaded them, especially when it was "Choose who you want to work with" because that would usually mean I'd get stuck with the other deadweight in the class, or somebody who would completely commandeer the whole thing. They're supposed to teach Teamwork or something but I honestly never had that come across.

But I still [tornado fang]ing hate them. They go right in the shitlist of school assignments along with "Take-home Tests", Essays, Research Papers (+1 annoyance bonus if its on a shitty topic.), End-of-Year/Semester projects, and all English Homework ever.

Sorry for ranting.

Sakura Leic

Quote from: Phi on June 17, 2014, 05:48:17 AM
That's exactly how I feel with those group assignments in class.
Don't mention group assignments to me right now. :|  I'd much rather have a paper.
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection



In school, they sucked.  Out of school, they still suck. 

Sakura Leic

I had 3 this quarter, 2 were fine but the last one was a [tornado fang]ing disaster because the team mates were terrible to different extents.
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Police Girl

Group assignments always have very designated roles. I've never really seen a group work on all cylinders and work well together.

There's almost always:

-The Leader, who (tries) to get everybody on the same page or takes the most credit
-The Smart person who does all the work.
-The person who is annoyed they got put in a group with people they don't like.
-The Deadweight/Lazy person who does very little at all and or does not participate (This would usually be my role if it was in a class I was poor in. Otherwise it'd be the Smart person.)

And they usually never work together very well unless they're allowed to pick who they want to work with, then all the "Gifted" students would group up. All the girls that weren't in the "Gifted" clique would group up amongst themselves and then the stoners would as well, anybody left over the teacher would force to work together and it NEVER ended well for that group.

Sakura Leic

Honestly in college I've haven't had terrible group assignments, I'm usually the leader, the semi smart guy or the type that does the role I was assigned.  I'm actually the first person to get my stuff done while others are 'late' but everything still gets turned in on time.
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Protoman Blues

I remember one of my media courses in college was not just a group project, but a group semester culminating in creating our final project.

Needless to say, I took control of the group on the first day. Someone had to make sure [parasitic bomb] got done.

The worst was this one person who always questioned everything because she was rarely there. It held us up at times and she barely participated in minor projects during the semester. We made sure to let the professor know this towards the end. None of us wanted her getting credit for doing nothing.


For non-school projects, Ringman and I work together and in the event that we have other people on the team, they don't do a lot, mostly because they joined in because they wanted notoriety and didn't realize that multimedia projects require work.  Generally, we work on stuff alone, because no one else wants to do any of the work.

In school, I did all the grunt work in my group and the leader got all the glory.  When Ringman had school projects (college and high school), I often helped with those.  Likewise, he helped with mine.  So, even though we weren't in the same grade or even same school, we still worked together on projects.

Now rather than being forced into a group project or dealing with people in that group not pulling their weight, we deal with people knowing about the project and wanting to be a part of it, usually in a role that would grant them the most publicity while doing the least amount of work.

Thus, we can't stand "idea" people and people who only want to act in a project when we can fulfill those roles ourselves.

Sakura Leic

I had 2 people who were rarely there, and one of them dropped. 

The other guy who wasn't there did too much, because he felt like he had to be the smart guy and we're just incompetent even though we're actually in [tornado fang]ing class when he's not, to the point that I had to edit his [parasitic bomb] to fit the time constraints but he also did it wrong because he wasn't in class a lot so he didn't know what he had to do since the teacher's instructions aren't really written online well, she gives important details verbally.  And when I deleted something that wasn't needed he bitched at me saying that we weren't going to make 20 mins so I didn't delete anymore, and ended up going over the time limit anyway because he doesn't understand the concept of KISS!

Then another guy barely does any work when it comes to project assembly but at least he can improvise and works well with us and the guy who's only been in America for 4 years actually did the best job.  Really it was just a [tornado fang]ing disaster.
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Police Girl

I'm just glad I've not really had anything to do with school since last May or so.

College is good and all but I don't like the atmosphere of schools in general. I can't stand working around other people and the whole studying thing goes over my head.

But its pissing me off because a good chunk of actual decent work and stuff that isn't wage-slave nastiness is all stuffy about College degrees.

I'm just not on board with dropping money on classes I might not even like/pass.


Get a vague associate's degree.  Liberal arts.  Two years of core requirements and a few electives, most of them artsy.  If you can handle basic Western History, Humanities, Psychology, some type of English course, and Sociology, with perhaps an applied math course, you should be set. 

Sakura Leic

It's more about experience in some cases than college degree, but there are special cases.  For example my brother is lucky to be in Human Services now since the field is in desperate need of men and he likes working with kids.
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection


Many places don't even care what your major was.  They just want a degree to show that you were dedicated enough to go through college.

Sakura Leic

Quote from: Quickman on June 17, 2014, 06:52:47 AM
Many places don't even care what your major was.  They just want a degree to show that you were dedicated enough to go through college.
That makes sense, like I said my mom is a chem major but she works in a place that makes contact lenses and now she's doing desk work.  Too much desk work I might add since she does 3 jobs at once.
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Protoman Blues

Quote from: Quickman on June 17, 2014, 06:52:47 AM
Many places don't even care what your major was.  They just want a degree to show that you were dedicated enough to go through college.

In a lot of fields, experience counts for a lot more than what degree you have. One of my best friends in making 6-figures working in advertising. His degree is in journalism.


Sakura Leic

And my mom has been working those kind of jobs in labs and she didn't get her degree until she was 40.  My dad however never got his degree due despite only having to do the Senior project but he couldn't due to personal issues. 

And honestly despite how much he whines about wanting to go back to school he's not mentally fit for it and there's just too much competition for a 63 year old man to get into community college to take some classes according to my mom, especially since he wouldn't go for a major like Plant Science or any specialized major with no competition.  I honestly feel sorry for the guy but it's just how it is.
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection


I think I only need a few more credits to finally finish off my degree.  What's holding me back is money.

Sakura Leic

I'm just lucky my mom can pay for my school without loans. :|
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Protoman Blues

Quote from: Quickman on June 17, 2014, 07:14:33 AM
I think I only need a few more credits to finally finish off my degree.  What's holding me back is money.

Can you apply for loans?


Let me finish paying off my old loans first. :P

Protoman Blues

Oooof. Sorry! XD Man, loans suck!

Oh, and as for what's upsetting me right now, I'm still waiting for a call from the car dealership that tells me they have my new car. They said it'd be two weeks from the 30th of May, and still nothing. I was going to break it in with a trip up to Canada to visit my friend this Sunday.