I'm all for Boss Rush, it's something that should have been done ages ago. There is no reason you can't kill the character-change for a special segment. I'd appreciate that in the intro stage anyway in the interest of character themes.
All you need is a reason for X and Zero to split up. Say they don't know exactly where Axl is, so they pull a stage branch ala Xtreme2. You play as Axl, you have your choice of either branch, and which you pick decides whether you meet X or Zero.
I'm not sure whether or not I want to see Axl as the FINAL boss, because it would seem pretty anti-climactic if there were no surprises beyond X8's foreshadowing. But Axl as *A* boss, that could easily work.
I really don't think Axl using an improved version of Advent's system would work out at all in the X-series. Such an ability would allow him to pretty much become THE sole playable character in the game, leaving X and Zero behind.
I don't see how that's at all true. If 8 animaloid forms didn't make us forget about the other MegaMan characters in Advent, there's no reason X8 would do it. Without being limited by Zero/ZX's 4-element system there's every reason for copying bosses to be more offensively-oriented and less obstacle-oriented. There's no reason you need to be granting Axl a new obstacle to clear with every form. Rather, like Command Mission, your ultimate goal is really expanding his attack selection. But by using A-Trans for it rather than alternate weapons, it lets the game developers get out of Axl's default mold of 8-directional rapid fire. That really caused him a severe lack of variety in X8; every weapon was the same handling with a different effect, and it made Axl feel monotonous.
It would also make it easier for there to be an actual point in Axl obtaining Weapon Energy upgrades, if we were to utilize that with A-Trans attacks, which I believe should be the case. Honestly, when you only need an A-Trans form for five seconds to get through a tunnel/spikes/guard Reploid, who cares how large your Weapon Energy is?
I'm not really into the idea of copying bosses, as they generally feel really bulky. Heck, the only ones in Advent I used at all were Buckfire and Hedgeshock. They should expand the amount of reploids that Axl can copy
Here's the thing, though. As sub-par as ZXA's boss copying was, the Reploid copying of X7 and X8 bordered worthless. I don't consider it surprising that, when you have 8 forms at your disposal at any time, some of them are for a particular niche (Chronoforce and Rospark in particular). That said, there was an obvious lack of focus on mobility, and yes, that did hurt (especially Hedgeshock and the Shisaroids). If they could correct it for future implementation, it would work out a lot better.
For X-series, using a proper boss weakness system over Zero/ZX elemental should help things out too. It'd mean that every form would be strong against SOMEONE. You dodge the redundancy of two forms per element, as well as the general pointlessness of neutral-element forms. All of that forced Advent into a focus on obstacles, and in the X-series that would be easier to avoid.
I should probably mention that I do like the idea of Axl having multiple weapons to choose from as well. I just think that 8 of them is overkill.
Dual pistols sound nice, but I'm not really sure how that would be implemented in a platforming environment.
It's more of a cosmetic change than anything else. He's already a rapid-fire character, so just have him hold both pistols out and fire one after the other rather than using a pistol-sized machine gun. The only gameplay difference would be that the shots aren't perfectly single-file, but that was done as early as the NES with Needle Cannon.
Another thought I had would be, if we went back to manual rapid-fire, he could shoot two shots to a button press. Dunno.
Playing as them was pretty pointless as well, unless you just wanted 2 of each character. They should've had more unique playing styles or something.
Well, playing as them WAS fanservice, and it was appreciated. But yeah, I do agree that the whole multi-navigator thing is kinda pointless.
I didnt quite care for how cheaply Zero died in the awakened scenario.
I don't care for how cheaply he died in EITHER scenario. Killing Zero is the one thing Inticreates did better than the X-series crew. Unfortunately that's not saying much.