Rythm and Groove - Artwork, Poetry and Prose of Lucky Star

Alice in Entropy · 109249

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Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #125 on: September 15, 2009, 05:45:44 AM
War... And the behind the scenes...
Very touching piece.

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Offline Afro-Shroom

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Reply #126 on: September 15, 2009, 05:56:21 AM
Very touching... :'(

"This hand of mine glows with an awesome power! It's burning grip tells me to defeat you! Take this! My love, my anger, and all of my sorrow! Shining Finger!!~ "

"This hand of mine is burning red! It's loud roar tells me to grasp victory! Erupting...Burning...FINGER!!!~"
That one Nun...

Offline Alice in Entropy

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Reply #127 on: October 17, 2009, 12:39:36 AM

[spoiler]Shadows creeping on the wall
A steady climb and endless fall
Eyeballs peering through the cracks
My mind is running and won't relax

The thing that stands behind your back
Insects crawling from a sack
Oozing slime upon the ceiling
That chilling, freezing, haunting feeling

Something bumping in the dark
Children left alone in the park
Melting faces, scissor hands
The things I'd rather not understand

Strange words written on the floor
The creaking noise outside your door
Grinning faces, scary clowns
The nightmare realm beyond our bounds

Ten-foot tall and writhing bugs
Alcohol, smoking and addiction to drugs
Black mist rising from the bed
Evil thoughts inside your head

Hulking man with a hook for a nose
Screeching ravens and cackling crows
Hideous masks upon one's face
It isn't right or in its place

Drooling fangs and rending claws
Men with eyes like great buzzsaws
These are some of my nightmare scenes
And now, good night...and sweet dreams![/spoiler]

Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #128 on: October 17, 2009, 04:56:09 AM
How am I supposed to have sweet dreams after reading all those nightmare stuff? O^O

Seriously though, nicely done.

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Offline Gotham Ranger

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Reply #129 on: October 17, 2009, 07:39:52 AM
I wondered where the [tornado fang] you were

Offline Alice in Entropy

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Reply #130 on: October 18, 2009, 01:53:46 AM
Interest levels kind of waned, as they usually do. I got kind of depressed that I never upload any of my art and all I do is crappy poetry and I never even finish any of my stories and blah blah feeling sorry for myself. I shouldn't, though. I don't even have clinical depression, and I feel like I'm just degrading those that do by feeling bad about myself when I have no reason whatsoever to be upset.


I need another hug. And something to inspire me.

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Reply #131 on: October 18, 2009, 02:04:22 AM
Whenever you feel bad, you feel bad. Don't let feeling bad about feeling bad make you feel bad. You need to take care of one person first and foremost and that's you. Do what you gotta do and unslump that [parasitic bomb]

I know, I should be a motivational speaker

Offline Alice in Entropy

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Reply #132 on: October 18, 2009, 02:09:50 AM
The problem is, I'm the problem. I want to write stories and draw and stuff, but I'm too damn slothful to finish the bloody things. I'm like a child with a new toy when it comes to a project: I'm engrossed at first, but a few days later I'm bored and want something else. It sucks, too, because I can't seem to shake it. It's my major vice. Try as I might, my sloth still haunts me. And then it makes me feel even more lousy knowing that nobody's ever gonna notice me for anything because I never DO ANYTHING to gain that recognition.

I know I'm not gonna kick this funk by moaning and whining and sulking in a corner. Somebody, gimme a hug and a good kick in the teeth.

Offline Gotham Ranger

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Reply #133 on: October 18, 2009, 02:11:38 AM
I can't do either. How about a pomato?

Offline Alice in Entropy

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Reply #134 on: October 18, 2009, 02:12:37 AM
I would very much like a pomato, good sir.

Offline ST Jestah

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Reply #135 on: October 18, 2009, 02:51:14 AM
The problem is, I'm the problem. I want to write stories and draw and stuff, but I'm too damn slothful to finish the bloody things. I'm like a child with a new toy when it comes to a project: I'm engrossed at first, but a few days later I'm bored and want something else. It sucks, too, because I can't seem to shake it. It's my major vice. Try as I might, my sloth still haunts me. And then it makes me feel even more lousy knowing that nobody's ever gonna notice me for anything because I never DO ANYTHING to gain that recognition.

I know I'm not gonna kick this funk by moaning and whining and sulking in a corner. Somebody, gimme a hug and a good kick in the teeth.

I too seem to have the same problem...

But enough about feeling sorry for ourselves, let's all enjoy our pomatos.

*Munch Munch Munch Munch*

Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #136 on: October 18, 2009, 07:02:19 AM
Well... Don't fret too much on it. :3
*Throws a pomato*

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Reply #137 on: October 19, 2009, 04:31:47 PM
Beautiful, poetry! I love nightmares! ^^

Offline Alice in Entropy

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Reply #138 on: November 03, 2009, 08:24:43 PM
Warning: those of you of a sensitive disposition, or who would rather pretend I'm sweet and innocent, may want to look away now and not scroll down any further.

Okay, now that that's out of the way, let me present my newest idea for a story:

"The Bloody Hilarious Adventures of Chainsaw Charlie"

The plot, or what there is of it, is simple: the quiet little land of Mondegreen has been overrun by a plague of zombies, led by a cruel and mighty tyrant known as the Zombie King. The King has forcibly conquered the peaceful land and enslaved the people there, and is now using it as a base of operations for his plans to rule the whole word with his undead army. Only a small band of rebels have escaped the Zombie King's iron grip and have gone into hiding, waiting for a powerful champion to arrive and free them from the oppressive ghoul.

Instead they get Chainsaw Charlie, a psychopathic lunatic with a snazzy buzzsaw hand and a love of dismembering the undead. Believing him to be the hero they've been waiting for, they ask for his help in defeating the Zombie King and freeing the land. Charlie is all too happy to oblige, but what they don't realise is that Charlie isn't in it to help them...he's in it to kill those flesh-eating motherfuckers, dance in the blood fountains and have a damn good time while doing it!

Essentially, it's a grim, gritty, over-the-top, ultra-violent slapstick bloodbath, a sort-of parody of zombie moves; think of it as a twisted pastiche of Madworld, Evil Dead and Zombieland, with a healthy helping of sickeningly nasty humour and plenty of Crosses The Line Twice antics and much Refuge In Audacity, and you've almost got it.


"Arthurian legend says whoever pulls the sword outta the stone gets to be the king of England. Charlinian legend says I'm gonna [tornado fang] you in the ass with a rusty buzzsaw, [dark hold]!"

The protagonist of this blood-stained slaughterfest, the self-named Chainsaw Charlie is the very definition of an Anti-Hero: rude, crude, obnoxious, gutter-mouthed, clinically insane and fuelled by an intense love of killing zombies. He's a one-man army with a variety of weapons - some more unorthodox than others - at his disposal, and the know-how that, properly improvised, anything at hand can make a dandy weapon. No-one is quite sure why he has a buzzsaw for a hand or where he got it from. But then, most people are afraid to ask.


"Under my regime, everyone getsssss free health benefitsssss, a decent job and asssss much brainsssss asssss they can eat."

The antagonist is the imaginatively-titled Zombie King, who is exactly what you think he is: the king of the zombies. After taking the land of Mondegreen for himself, he's kept the people in check with his undead army of slobbering zombies, and plans to rule the whole world for the hell of it. The greatest threat to his plans of total world conquest is Chainsaw Charlie himself, but the bad King will do whatever he can to make sure the blood-stained anti-hero meets his unfortunate demise.

So there you have it.


Offline ST Jestah

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Reply #139 on: November 04, 2009, 02:18:11 AM

I love Charlie's design.
Zombie King's design ain't half bad either.

Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #140 on: November 04, 2009, 06:42:35 AM
Sounds like a bloody good story to me.
And the designs for Chainsaw Charlie, and the Zombie King, look great.

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Offline Alice in Entropy

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Reply #141 on: November 08, 2009, 12:02:03 AM
I may not sprite, and I only upload art once in a blue moon, but damnit I like writing and write I shall. So have something I've been working on.

Just to be awkward, I won't tell you what it's about. Read yourself.


[spoiler]It's February 15th.

In a couple of hours, my life will change forever.


I'm sitting Maths class, staring vacantly out the window, listening to the clock on the wall ticking away. It's a nice day out, but I'm stuck in here learning about simultenous quadratic equations. I have no idea what any of that means, so I drift off into my own world. Mr. Lator doesn't notice I'm not even looking at him.

Finally the bell rings, and I lazily pick up my books and leave the classroom. It's time to head home, so I head to my locker to deposit my books. My three best friends are there already, of course.

There's Wes Bradley, my best-of-the-best friend, even though our interests are miles apart: I like reading and writing, he likes soccer and running. He's also a total womanizer, and right now he's talking to a few third-form girls, and he's got them eating out his hand. He's just magic like that.

Sitting next to him is Lily Ayashi, who's originally from Japan. Akihabara, I think she said. She's a nice girl, and a total tech whiz - if you're ever wondering how a computer works, she'll tell you exactly what to do, right down to the finest detail. I'm not afraid to say that she's cute as a button, too, standing by her locker with a book in her hands and her little reading glasses and golden-blonde hair.

And then there's Rich Harper, who's drawing some sort of alien symbol on his locker. Rich is...well, alright, he's completely nuts. I don't know if he's actually insane or he just puts it on, but he's like excitement in a bottle. Wes maintains - in his usual manner of good-natured quips - that I won Rich in a bet, but I guess I like him because he's crazy. There's never a dull moment when Rich is around, that's for sure.

My name is Evan Chase, in case you're wondering. That's kind of important, I guess, since I'm the one telling the story and all that.

Wes is the first to notice me. This big grin appears on his face and he tells the girls he has stuff to do, then he walks over to me and holds out his hand. "Hey, Evan! What's up, my bro?" he says, and we exchange our secret handshake.

"Not much," I reply, managing a tired smile. Then Lily puts her book down and smiles.

"Hey, Evan," she says in her sweeter-than-sugar voice. I love her voice, for some reason. I have no idea why. I just nod back at her.

Once he sees me, Rich whirls around to face me and puts his hands on his waist, grinning like a lunatic. "The cavalry has arrived," he declares proudly. I don't even know how to respond to that. So I just salute him for whatever reason my tired mind can conjure up.

"So, what's the pee-oh-ay for today?" asks Wes, leaning against his locker like he owns the place.

"If it's all the same to you," I reply nonchalantly, "I'd rather just sit around at home until an opportunity presents itself to me."

What I didn't realize was that there was an opportunity waiting around the corner, and fate was just waiting for me to ask for it. I've never been much of a go-getter - that's Wes's turf - but I guess sometimes, opportunities have no choice but to be seized. I brought this up after we had left the building and began to walk home.

"Do you ever get the feeling that there's something watching you?" I ask them, waiting for the lights to turn green.

"Oh, all the time," says Rich, "UFOs are everywhere, dude. But they must be benevolent, 'cos they seem to like watching over us."

"I meant something deeper. Something more...spiritual."

"What," coos Wes, "Like God or something?"

I shrug. "Maybe."

"What's brought this up all of a sudden?" asks Lily as we cross the road.

"I've just been thinking," I reply, looking up at the sky detachedly, "About the universe and stuff. Metaphysics. I've been thinking, maybe there really is magic and living fantasy in the world. Out there, somewhere. But we just can't see it."

"It's possible," points out Lily, "After all, the average human being is said to use only 10% of their brain. It's possible that there is some kind of higher intelligence, which we cannot comprehend."

"See? Lily agrees with me," I mutter.

"You've always been like that," Wes teases in his usual good-natured way, "Ever since we were little kids, you've always been wonderin' why your life can't be more like a..."

"More like a work of fantasy," I idly murmur. We're passing by my house now. "I'll see you guys later, alright?"

"Okay," says Lily, smiling, "Bye-bye!"

I wave back to them, then walk in through the front door. My mother is chopping vegetables for dinner on the kitchen counter and looking at the TV while she's doing it.

"Hey, mom," I call.

"Hello, dear," she replies. I glance over at the TV screen. Some cookery program. She loves cookery programs. I just walk through the kitchen, out into the hall, up the stairs and stand outside my bedroom.

I am in no way prepared for what I'm about to see.[/spoiler]

[spoiler]I'm trying not to be alarmed here. I really am.

But it's kind of hard when there's someone - or something - sitting on my bed. It definitely wasn't there before.

"Hey, what's going on here?" I yell, backing up against the door. The...thing...on my bed isn't human, not by a long shot. It's got a humanoid shape, alright, but it looks more like a robot or alien than a normal person. The body seems to be fleshy and organic, but it's got these weird metal plates over its chest and arms and legs and...over most of its face, so that only a pair of glowing eyes are looking out. It's sitting on my bed, cool as anything, and staring right at me.

I'm genuinely freaking out here.

"Look," I go, fumbling at the doorknob, "If this is some kinda prank, it's not funny." I try to turn the knob. "Is that you in that suit, Wes? This is one of Rich's ideas, isn't it? Ha ha ha! R-really funny, guys."

Crap, the door's locked.

How did it lock itself?

"Do not be afraid," the thing says in this deep, hollow voice. It stands up and - get this - starts hovering an inch or so above the ground. It even has the nerve to hold its hand out to me.

"That's a good voice impression, Wes," I stutter nervously, "B-but the joke's over now...come on out."

"I am not your enemy," the thing goes on, "I am your friend. I am you."

I just cock an eyebrow. What the hell is this guy on about? "You're me?"

"Yes. I am you; or, more accurately, an extension of you. I am your subconcious mind taking form - an Esper."

"An Esper," I mutter, "Isn't that someone who has, y'know, psychic abilities? Not...whatever the hell you are?"

"Yes. Where do you think their abilities come from?"

"Sleight of hand, hidden cameras, smoke and mirrors, that sort of thing," I wager. The thing shakes its head.

"No. That is what they want you to believe. In actuality, their abilities are genuine and real; most every magician, fortune teller or psychic in this world is guided and empowered by one of us. An Esper."

"Most everyone?"

"There are some who do not possess an Esper of their own, or have not yet released it,  but are nevertheless mystified by the tricks of these clever people," the thing explains, like it's the most obvious thing in the world, "They try to replicate their abilities, to varying degress of success. But what they cannot see is the magician's "invisible hand", so to speak - the subconcious spirit putting the rabbit in the hat, taking the pea out from under the shell, harmlessly seperating the woman in half. It is all the work of we Espers."

I can't believe this. It's all too much, too soon. Espers? Magicians? Psychic spirits? I must be going nuts. Maybe Rich has finally gotten to me. I rub my eyes in a desperate attempt to regain my grip on sanity. When I open my eyes, the thing, the Esper, as it calls itself, it still standing a few feet away from me.

"This is insane. Ghosts and ghoulies don't really exist, right? It's all just...just fantasy!"

"And you would know."

I blink. "What?"

"All your life, Evan, you have desired for your life to be more like a work of fantasy; like the stories you read. Only now have I appeared before you. But I have always been within you, waiting to be freed from your mind."

Right about then, I decide I've had just about enough of this thing. "No! Just...no! Yes, I've wanted that all my life, but...I always knew it was just a dream! If you're really here, then...then what about everything else I know? What's the difference between illusion and reality?"

The thing shakes its head solemnly. "Calm down. You are taking this too far. Nothing else has changed to alter the flow of reality. Do not think of this as a breach of structured continuity - rather, think of it as an extension of what you know to be in existence. Did Plato himself not say there are two worlds: the world we percieve through our senses, and the world that contains the essence of all things?"

He's got me there. I just nod, more to be polite than anything.

"Yes. It was Plato who said we cannot always trust what we experience through our sight, hearing, and other senses. He believed in a perfect universe, the "World of Ideas", wherein there exists the "perfect" form of everything."

"What does this have to do with me? Or better yet, you?"

"I am not finished. Aristotle later rejected this theory, stating that the senses are just as important as the mind. He deviated from Plato's beliefs by saying that all physical bodies consist of two parts." He holds his two hands out, palms cupped upwards. "There is the matter," he raises his left hand, "And there is the form," he raise his right hand. "The matter is that which the body is made from; this is you. The form is that which defines the body, its essence; that which seperates it from other bodies. This is myself. Aristotle believed that one cannot without the other - form must have matter, and matter must have form. Similarly, Evan, we are two sides of the same coin. You are the physical body, the host, that which controls me; I am the spirit, the subconcious mind, that which empowers yet serves you. Do you understand?"

Now, this is going to sound crazy, but bear with me here. I actually do understand what he's saying. It's weird - it's outright insane, really - but somehow, I suppose I've always known that there was something else out there. Whenever I looked at a magic trick, I would wonder how they did it. My rational mind said there was a logical explanation to it, but the little kid in me always thought it must really have been magic. I always wondered how sleight-of-hand, hidden cameras and smoke and mirrors could allow someone cut a woman in half. I just never thought the little kid would be right after all.

The thing...sorry, the Esper, sits back down on the bed. He puts his hand next to him. I come over and sit beside him.

"Okay, so, can I ask you something?"


I look up at the ceiling, then at him. "Ghosts and spirits...those kind of things...are they Espers too?"

"Indeed they are," he replies. "You see, everybody has some form of an Esper. Most people are just not aware of it. As well as that, only a handful of people are able to harness their Esper to gain supernatural powers. In olden days, they would be seen as druids and holy men and were revered; or they would be seen as demons and witches and punished for their gift. To answer your question - when a person dies, their subconcious mind and soul are seperated from the host body. This is the Esper being freed, if you will, from its earthly form. Most Espers, after being freed, return to the place where all Espers hail from. Alas, some still retain feelings of sorrow, anger or guilt from their mortal host's lifetime, and cannot return until these feelings have been sated. It is a terrible existence, to be a restless Esper."

This is unbelievable. I'm actually talking to someone who understands this stuff - he is this kind of stuff! I need to know more. So I ask him:

"Did philosophers like Plato and Aristotle have Espers?"

He considers this. "I cannot say for sure, given that I am but a young Esper amongst many. It is possible that they may have possessed Espers and wished to teach others of them, but not everyone was willing to accept their ideas. A terrible shame, really."

It's not really the answer I was hoping for, but I let it slide. I decide to go back to the first question.

"So, where do all these Espers come from, anyway? You said something about, uh, returning there."

He says nothing for a moment, then speaks. "I cannot say. Even I do not know. No-one knows. Many would believe it is God himself, if you believe in such a thing; others would believe it is the centre of all existence, the nexus of all reality. Others just believe it is a giant fish."

"A giant fish?"

"That theory is not very important. In short, I cannot answer your question."

I nod. I suppose it'd be unfair to assume he knows everything about this stuff. He looks at me. I can't tell if he has a mouth under the plating, but if he does, I get the feeling he's smiling.

"Now, Evan, I have a question for you."

"Fair enough," I go, "Shoot."

"Do you accept this?"

"What, Espers and stuff?"


I just shrug. "It's kinda hard not to when you're sitting right next to me, isn't it?" I can't help but chuckle. "Oh, man. I can't wait to tell Wes, Lily and Rich about this. They're gonna freak out. Well, maybe not Rich."

He suddenly become a bit defensive. "I would be careful of telling them." I look back at him puzzledly. "Those who do not possess Espers themselves are not usually understanding of such matters," he explains.


After that, there's a long - some might say awkward - moment of silence. I'm just left looking at the floor, while he stares blankly in front of him. He seems to be good at just staring blankly, what with those expressionless eyes he has on him. Eventually, something comes to mind. I decide to break the tense silence.

"What's your name?"

He turns his head and looks down at me. "Pardon?"

"I mean, what should I call you? You've gotta have a name, right?"

"I suppose so," he says, half-chuckling while he says it. "Very well. You may call me...The Magician."

"The Magician?"

"Indeed. You see, in the mystical wisdom of the Tarot - the fortune-telling cards - The Magician represents one who understands the innate intricacies of the universe, for he has experienced them himself; he is the one who, through his own inner power, brings change to his world. He is the conjurer - he who brings tales and stories to life."

"Okay," I go, still a little confused, "But what does that have to do with me?"

"Isn't it obvious?" The Magician replies, probably smiling again, "You, Evan, are the one who brings these stories to life. Ever since you were little, it is all you have ever desired. And now, because you are ready to accept it, you have conjured myself - your Esper."

"I don't see how I'm ready, though," I mutter. He obviously hears it, because he says:

"In your subconcious mind, you are. I should know - I am that subconcious mind, after all. You're a young adult now, Evan. You are more able to understand these things."

I just nod, maybe a little too slowly. It's been a pretty weird afternoon, and I haven't even had dinner yet.

I can only wonder what the others will think if I tell them.[/spoiler]

Thanks to the both of you who'll comment on this.


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Reply #142 on: November 08, 2009, 12:13:16 AM
It is some impressive writing you have there. You used that word you know I like! So are ya gonna write more? I'm interested...

Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #143 on: November 08, 2009, 04:04:17 AM
Very interesting read, of espers and mystical beginnings...
Can't wait to read more. :3

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Reply #144 on: November 11, 2009, 03:12:58 AM
Just finished reading your story, and I got to say...

It has got me intrested.

Do write more of the story, I want to see what sort of adventure(s) the protagonist and The Magician have throught this tale.   

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Reply #145 on: November 12, 2009, 01:03:14 AM
[spoiler]I come back down the stairs, having unlocked the door, with The Magician floating beside me. I'm still a tad shocked, but I don't say anything to him.

"Can you do me a favour?" I ask him when we're at the kitchen door.


I sort of sigh. "Try not to be seen, okay? I don't want my parents freaking out or anything."

"Don't worry," he says, "Only those who possess an Esper themselves can see other Espers. Your parents will neither hear nor see me."

I blink. "Well...that's good, I guess."

So I head into the kitchen, The Magician following me, and I take a seat at the table. Mom doesn't scream that there's some monstrous being floating beside me, so I assume The Magician was telling the truth about being invisible to other people. Dad puts his newspaper away and takes a puff on his pipe - he's kind of old-fashioned that way. He even wears his slippers around the house and has little square glasses. But I digress.

"Dinner is served," Mom declares, bringing over our meal: roast beef with baby potatoes, carrots and celery. She's a great cook. Must be all the programs she watches. "Bon apetit!"

We each take a plateful of food and tuck in. About half a minute later, Dad raises his fork and points it at me like he does when he wants to make a statement. "You know, there's been some pretty strange goings-on around here in the past month or so."

"You don't say," I mutter in reply, copping a sly glance at The Magician. He's staring at the beef in wonder. I guess he doesn't really need to eat, so food must be an alien concept to him.

"Oh, yeah," Dad goes, like he's on a soapbox or something, "Very strange. One young lady said she was saved from certain death by a mysterious stranger. Just walkin' across the road, she said, when this car swerves right in front of her. Said she thought she was a goner. Then, all of a sudden, she was at the other side of the road. Car drove on. Said she didn't know how it happened, it just did. Like some sorta guardian angel, she said."

I have a fairly good idea what happened to her. Magician did say some people had supernaturally-gifted Espers. Or...something.

Mom just shakes her head. "Poor dear must have gotten the shock of her life."

Something stirs in me then. I don't know quite why, but I feel the sudden urge to tell Mom and Dad about The Magician. I guess they deserve to know, too.

"Mom...Dad?" I say quietly. They look at me.

"Yes, son?" asks Dad, puffing his pipe.

I look at Magician, surveying the carrots with enthusiastic interest. I give a little sigh. "There's...something I need to tell you."

"Have you started doing drugs?" asks Dad.

"What? No!"

"'Cos son, lemme tell you, drugs are not at all cool. They'll destroy your life, and furthermore--"

"I'm not doing drugs!"

"Drinking, then?" suggests Dad, eyeing me sternly. I sigh.

"No, Dad, not drinking either..."

"Son, you know I'm more than happy to let you sit and have a beer with me, but not 'til you're 18 at least."

"I don't want a beer!"

"Oh," says Mom, smiling. She looks at me with her big Bambi eyes. "I know what this is."

"Y-you do?" I ask quickly. If she has an Esper, I figure, at least it'll lessen the awkwardness of the situation. Though it might just make things a lot weirder.

She nods. "You've met a girl!"

I nearly fall off my seat. Somehow, I guess I was kind of expecting - even hoping - for her to say she knew about The Magician. My mind just doesn't like mundane ideas, it seems. "What?!"

"Oh, I'm so proud of you!" she squeals, getting up and throwing her arms around me.

"No, Mom, that's not it at all!" I cry, under the strain of her iron hug. "Besides, I already know a girl!"

Dad suddenly takes interest. "Oh, you're going out with that Japanese girl, are you?" He smirks. "Evan, you dog!"

"N-no," I bluster, feeling as though the sanctity of our platonic friendship has been violated by my own father, "Not Lily! She's just a friend!"

"You say that now, son, but I know you've got the hots for her. Cute little thing, isn't she?"

I should probably mention that my dad still has a certain...affinity...for teenage girls. Almost as much as Wes's dad. But Wes's dad just scares me.

"Dad, I don't...like...Lily!"

"Oh, my baby boy's all grown up," Mom coos happily, swaying back and forth with me in her arms. I just groan. The Magician's looking at me, but he doesn't say anything. I doubt they'd hear him anyway.

"Look, I'm not doing drugs, or drinking, and I'm not in love with Lily," I state firmly, once Mom decides to let go and takes her seat. "I've...uh...well...let's just say I've...made a new friend."

"Oh," says Mom, sounding a tad disappointed. She cuts off a bit of her beef and chews it in silence. Dad takes another puff on his pipe and resumes eating as well.

The next five minutes are spent eating in pretty much total silence, amongst an air of disappointment. Well, for Mom, anyway. After that, I just pick up my plate and get up.

"I'm finished."

"Finished?" says Mom, "But you've barely touched your potatoes!"

"I'm not that hungry." I head for the door, and Magician follows me. "I'll be in my room. I've got...study...to do."

I have a feeling school is going to be one hell of a wild ride.[/spoiler]

And here's a little bit of characterisation for Evan's parents:

* Mitzi Chase: Hot Anime Mom, excellent cook, caring mother, gentle as a butterfly...unless someone threatens her family, in which case she goes into full-blown Mama Bear mode. She's not at all concerned with such concepts as feminism or gender inequalities; she's happy to stay at home and be a housewife, and she knows well she's the one keeping the whole house together. After Evan meets his Esper and becomes more secretive and distant, she shows real concern for him. She knows Evan is a capable young man, but she often wonders if he's keeping something from her. Who knows? Maybe she'll become an important figure in Evan's journey.

* Gerald Chase: Oddly resembling the classic father from 1950's sitcoms - neatly-combed hair, pipe, newspaper, slippers and square glasses - he's the kind of father who loves to spend time with his boy. Even though Evan is older now, he still harbours a secret desire to play catch with his son and help him ride a bicycle. On the other hand, he's glad that Evan's age opens up new opportunities for leisure and discussion; though his attempts to interest Evan in rugby and cricket haven't worked out so well for him. He knows something's up regarding his son's odd behaviour, and he intends to find out what it is.

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Reply #146 on: November 12, 2009, 01:44:43 AM
Hot anime mom... Mmm...

Ahem, oh well, Plan A failed rather badly...
Still... There's still school to think about. XD

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Offline Alice in Entropy

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Reply #147 on: November 12, 2009, 02:26:45 PM
The following is another attempt at writing surreal poetry. Inspired by listening to The Beatles' "Revolution 9" (which, by the way, I would not reccomend listening to late at night). But I digress.


[spoiler]Feed me
Feed me
Feed me
Feed me

Fire! Fire!
Fire! Fire!

Heal me
Heal me
Heal me
Heal me

Fire! Fire!
Fire! Fire!

Toasty toasty toast
Mmmmm, I'd like some
Galahad's mighty sternum
He drinks my tomatoes
Through a straw
Through a straw

Think I'm gonna understand
How you ate my avacado dreams
Eventually, I'll get it
Right now, I got it
Everybody loves Galahad's mighty sternum

Fire! Fire!
Fire! Fire!

Inky dreams
Slippery streams
Nobody catches my prawns
Oh, baby, gimme some toast

Fire! Fire!
Fire! Fire!

Many a man has told me
Extremely cold carrots
Alleviate the dog's ennui
Nice, mmmm, nice toast
I'd like to have your toast
None of Galahad's men
Green is like blue in disguise

Ice? Ice?
Ice? Ice?

Tomatoes in the straw
Oh, spread some on the toast
Try some of my avacado dreams
Hell is where the Devil plays a six-string
In his lemon-flavoured boots
Sincerely, Galahad's mighty sternum

Thunder thunder thunder thunder
Thunder thunder thunder thunder

Please, if you're reading this
Oh, don't feed the dog my trumpet
Especially if he's feeling bored
Make sure he eats extremely cold carrots

Fire! Fire!
Fire! Fire

Mmmmmm, oh, yeah, baby
Toast is on fire![/spoiler]

I will personally write a poem/song/short story for the person who can determine the meaning of this poem. Anything they want, of their choice. Unless, of course, nobody can figure it out.

But let me point this out: I'd like evidence or reasoning to support your interpretation. Don't just say, "It's about...ducks", for example. Tell me why you think it's about...ducks. Explain where that reasoning comes from and why you think the lyrics refer to...ducks. If you just say it's about...ducks, and don't say why, I won't give you squat. Read the lyrics very carefully. M'kay? M'kay. Cool.

To be a little more fair, I'll give a bit of help by eliminating some possibilities: it's not about drugs, hallucinations, dreams (not even avacado dreams), childhood memories, philosophy, or...ducks.


Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #148 on: November 12, 2009, 03:48:05 PM
... Ducks.

Ok, let's see...
With all the food mentioned here and there...
I want to try guessing it's about hunger, how it can drive people crazy, or how it can fill you with energy.
Then again, not sure how the dog fits into this...

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Offline Alice in Entropy

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Reply #149 on: November 12, 2009, 04:45:12 PM
Close, but no cigar. Anyone else care to take a shot at it?