Rythm and Groove - Artwork, Poetry and Prose of Lucky Star

Alice in Entropy · 107747

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Offline Alice in Entropy

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Reply #75 on: August 06, 2009, 03:26:21 PM

[spoiler]The fool takes the first step on his journey
He meets the magician
Juggling ideas like fire and ice
"Head yonder," said the mage
And the fool headed forth
Where he meets the priestess
Veiled beneath mystery
To the garden she sends him
And there is the empress
And on his throne of gold
The emperor sits proudly
Body, mind and spirit
Connect to the hierophant
The sacred keeper of secrets
And all is goverened as such
'Til the lovers gaze up to heaven
And they see the glorious chariot
Being drawn by lions of strength
Conquered by a gentle touch
And far below the heavens
The fool rides to the mountain tops
And there sits the hermit
Wise as the day is long
But the wheel of fortune was not kind
To this poor man
Lost and isolated
"Justice has prevailed," he told the fool
"For I hang from the tree of wisdom
And now, death has come to free me."
The angel arrived
And the hermit's blood was tempered
By the noble flames of freedom
And in that moment
The fool glimpsed what comes after
The angels in the heavens
And the devil bound by chains
Tainted by spite
And so the fool continued on his journey
Witnessing the price of sin
That weighs heavy on the heart
And upon reaching the tower
He could feel true sin
A mighty structure of vice
And as he climbed to the top
He felt the thunder of virtue
And lightning from God
Did smite the tower of evil
Thrown from the peak
The fool was cast to the furthest reaches
The edges of the world
But the light of the star
Gentle and kind
A beacon of hope
Guided him to the right path
And then came the night
Hiding the light of the star
Behind a black mist of confusion
Uncertainty paves the road ahead
But the torch of courage
Quenches the sea of doubt
And the fool is guided by the moon
A false light
Until the day comes
And the sun's light warms the land
The fool has felt true love
And with a song in his heart
He passes through the gate of truth
And faces his ultimate judgement
All that he has learned on his journey
And above all
He has learned of himself
He is satisfied
And he travels through to the next world
His journey complete
Yet even so
It is never truly over
For the fool has seen eternity
And eternity has seen the fool[/spoiler]
« Last Edit: August 09, 2009, 12:23:25 AM by Nick Z. Rythm »


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Reply #76 on: August 07, 2009, 12:06:30 PM
Oh wow. I really like this one.

Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #77 on: August 07, 2009, 03:54:54 PM
Both were really deep, and really gets you thinking.
Awesome job.

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Offline Alice in Entropy

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Reply #78 on: August 09, 2009, 12:22:52 AM
Mr. Happy

[spoiler]What's behind your mask?
Mr. Happy
What's your face like?
Mr. Happy

Don't leave me here
Mr. Happy
Don't close the door
Mr. Happy

I promise I'll be good
Mr. Happy
I know you'll be my friend
Mr. Happy

Why are you sad?
Mr. Happy
Please don't be mad
Mr. Happy

It hurts
Mr. Happy
It stings
Mr. Happy

Can you feel it
Mr. Happy
My tears
Mr. Happy

Why are you hitting me?
Mr. Happy
Please stop hitting me
Mr. Happy

Go away
Mr. Happy
I don't want this
Mr. Happy

You're not very nice
Mr. Happy
Mommy won't come back
Mr. Happy

There's blood on you
Mr. Happy
Why did you hurt me?
Mr. Happy

Say goodbye
Mr. Happy
The nice men are here
Mr. Happy

What's behind your mask?
Mr. Happy
Take off your mask
Mr. Happy

What's behind your mask?
Mr. Happy
I want to see your face
Mr. Happy

Your tears are crimson
Mr. Happy
I see behind the mask
Mr. Happy

I know your face
Mr. Happy
The face of a monster
Mr. Happy

Mr. Happy
The mask is broken
Mr. Happy

I saw your face
Mr. Happy
No more mask
Mr. Happy[/spoiler]

This is another piece I tossed together. It's meant to be about an abusive parent, by the way.

Offline Jericho

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Reply #79 on: August 09, 2009, 05:02:30 AM
Woah, that one was... Intense.

Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #80 on: August 09, 2009, 04:25:35 PM
Man, that was deep.
Am I a very bad person for reading this to the beat of "Like a Boss" for the first few lines?

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Offline Alice in Entropy

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Reply #81 on: August 10, 2009, 02:14:54 AM
My Patch

[spoiler]She's lovely and gentle and she's sweet and kind
She's always happy to listen to what's on my mind
She talks to me and listens to what I have to say
She never upsets me, I guess that's just her way
She's sometimes upset, but in the end it's worthwhile
To cheer her up, just to see her wonderful smile
She cuddles me close and and I snuggle her tight
She makes me feel like everything is alright
From the light of the morning to the shadow of night
She is my princess, and I am her knight
Her talent and wit no other person can match
She loves her Pop dearly, and I love my Patch[/spoiler]

A poem for my good friend/cuddle-buddy, Patch/Grodgudinnan, whom I luff to bits~

...What? I can show compassion too. It's not all deep meanings and twisted mind-[tornado fang] with me, y'know.

...Oh, fine. For those of you who weren't satisfied by the above...

Shadow Man

[spoiler]The shadow man drifts across the streets
Veiled in a cloak of shadows
Swimming through a sea of darkness
No one sees the shadow man

Through the back alleys he sneaks
Like veins of the city, blood-stained
He finds his magic crystals
No one hears the shadow man

Shards of a past life
Shattered and scattered
Around the feet of the uncaring
No one feels the shadow man

Beneath the glow of a sorrowful moon
His crimson tears bathe the floors
For after all, he was nothing else
No one cries for the shadow man[/spoiler]

This one is about vangrants.

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Reply #82 on: August 10, 2009, 03:35:35 PM
Awww... The first poem is just so sweet... :3

The second, very true, very true.

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Offline Alice in Entropy

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Reply #83 on: August 12, 2009, 03:19:31 AM
What Does It Matter

[spoiler]What does it matter
To say what you feel
What does it matter
To fall down and kneel
What does it matter
To say that you tried
What does it matter
To say that they cried
What does it matter
To pick up the pieces
What does it matter
For what it releases
What does it matter
When it doesn't go right
What does it matter
To put out the light
What does it matter
To give it a rest
What does it matter
To give it your best
What does it mattter
To step on their prayers
What does it matter
To no-one who cares
It matters to someone
So don't try to hide
It matters to someone
Deep down inside[/spoiler]

No comment on this one. =|


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Reply #85 on: August 12, 2009, 03:15:43 PM
That felt so true to me...
How life plays you around...

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Offline Alice in Entropy

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Reply #86 on: August 16, 2009, 11:58:05 PM
I Can't See

[spoiler]I can't see a thing
My eyes are broken

I can't see a thing
I turned the wrong way

I can't see a thing
I fell too high

I can't see a thing
Because it's too dark

I can't see a thing
They come back to me

I've seen too many things
My soul is broken[/spoiler]

Losing It

[spoiler]Blood splattered
Clothes tattered
Blade hits the floor
Dreams shattered
Never mattered
Can't take any more

Falling from grace
Our special place
Things must part
The best way
They always say
Is through her heart

Lost my mind
Love left behind
Thoughts put to rest
That's all for me
It's all that I see
It was for the best[/spoiler]

Offline Jericho

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Reply #87 on: August 17, 2009, 03:59:04 AM
Damn man, those sound particularly rough. Is everything okay? Either way, they're good pieces by themselves.


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Reply #88 on: August 17, 2009, 05:04:12 AM
Great stuff, as usual.

Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #89 on: August 17, 2009, 05:10:46 PM
Yeah, those sounded rather depressing...

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Offline Alice in Entropy

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Reply #90 on: August 17, 2009, 07:18:16 PM
Oh, I'm fine. Sorry if these poems suggested otherwise. XD

No, it's just that I find darker poetry to be easier to write than cheerful poetry. That's probably because I prefer to have a rhyming scheme with cheerful poems, which I think is often too much hassle when I want to write something. I'm not one for dark and depressing, but I think it's more interesting for writing poems.

Avacado Dreams

[spoiler]Tick tock
Tick tock
Time flows
Like a river
Down your soul
Sweeping brush
Mellow broom
Broomstick man
In his straw hat
In his straw hat
Show me the way
Point out the sign
Signs of our times
The zeitgeist
He's coming for me
Ghosts of the past
Hopes of the future
Have a present
A shiny present
I give you this gift
I don't want it back
Not now
Not ever
Don't give it back
It's yours to keep
Keep under lock
Lock and key
Keep away
Keep away
Hot potato
Spicy tomato
Chili cheese
Avacado dreams
I have
Avacado dreams
They're very tasty
Would you like some?[/spoiler]

My attempt at surreality.


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Reply #91 on: August 17, 2009, 07:20:19 PM
That was different. Interesting, though.

Offline Alice in Entropy

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Reply #92 on: August 18, 2009, 01:07:27 AM
So I was looking through my good buddy Magnus's art thread, thinking about what I could write, and I suddenly got an idea: write about the characters in his RPM Team Fortress 2 project. The result is this garglemesh. It's not very long and there's very few characters, but I had to work with what I was given. I didn't really have a lot to work with, personality-wise, so I had to improvise.

Oh well, I hope you enjoy it anyway. I might just write more if people like it. Also, props to Magnus for the idea, and to Valve for creating this great game in the first place.

RPM Fortress Episode 1 - Fire

[spoiler]It was dark, because it was the middle of the night. The stars twinkled overhead in the inky sky, while the world below was poisoned with the stench of blood, the sound of explosions and gunfire, and the sight of people being blown to bits and limbs flying everywhere.

BLU Team's base was under siege. Try as they might, they were having great difficulty fending off the marauding RED Team and their viscious ambitions. The remaining BLU Team members were putting up a brave front, though, but it wouldn't be long before they either surrendered or were killed. The former was unthinkable. They had come this far, and they weren't about to give up now.

From behind a row of rusty metal plates, collapsed iron beams and other assorted rubble - the result of a few stray grenades from their long-since-dead Demoman - the BLU Sniper, Nick, was keeping a keen eye on the rival team. And by that, I mean he had that same keen eye peering down the scope on his sniper rifle.

"Got 'em," the Sniper declared proudly, having sniped a RED Team member, "No more head on yer shoulders for you, [dark hold]!"

"How long do you reckon we can hold them off?" asked Engineer Wily from behind a rapidly-firing sentry gun, which he was hastily repairing.

"Can't say for sure," grumbled the Medic, a one Acid. He licked a stay drop of blood from his bonesaw.

"[tornado fang] this, fellas," groaned Nick, ducking down as a bullet whizzed through his hat, "This ain't the piece o' [acid burst] I figured it to be!"

"Quit your whining," said a voice; a calm, smooth voice, though one with an edge sharper than a knife. Incidentally, the owner of the voice had just wiped his own knife on his trouser leg, having resumed visibility.

"Gotham, where were you?" snapped Wily, hiding behind the makeshift barricade, "I thought we told you, no sneaking off without telling us!"

"Yeah, yeah," mumbled the Spy, whipping out a cigarette and lighting it up, "Hey, I think I got someone."

"What do you mean you "think"?" asked Acid, an eyebrow cocked.

"Well, I was just casually strolling through the enemy base, minding my own business, when this gumbie runs straight into my knife! I don't know how it happened, honest," said he, with a sly smirk on his face.

"Anybody notice ya?" asked Nick, taking a few blind potshots.

"Nah. I legged it once that Pyro bastard showed up."

Wily whirled around and glared at Gotham. "A Pyro?"

"Yeah, some scaly green bastard. Told him to screw himself, then got the [tornado fang] outta there."

Wily slapped his palm against his face; he often felt that, as the de-facto brains of the team, he was the only real voice of reason amongst a band of raving lunatics. "Is he still out there?"

"Er, fellas?"

"Not now," said Acid, whipping out his needlegun. An eagre grin spread across his face, and he tugged the peak of his blood-stained cap down over his eyes. "Sounds like fresh meat to me, heheheheheh..."


"Can it," grunted Gotham, taking a drag on his cigarette and twirling his switchblade expertly in his hands, "Wily, boot up another of those guns of yours. Daddy here is gonna take a looksie at the situation over there."


"WHAT?!" the rest of the team yelled impatiently.

"The [tornado fang]in' Pyro's right in front of us!"

BLU Team watched in horror as the crazed Pyro charged for them, all by himself, waving his flamethrower like an excited child. He cackled maniacally, spewing reams of fire like a man possessed. Anything unlucky enough to be in the path of his homicidal rampage was burned to a crisp.


The cigarette fell straight out of Gotham's lower lip. And then Acid, as the only member of the team with any faculty of cognitive speech left, spoke exactly what was on his teammate's minds: "[tornado fang]."

This wasn't the blaze of glory they expected to go out in.[/spoiler]

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Reply #93 on: August 18, 2009, 07:16:18 AM
I APPROVE. I don't care what ANYONE ELSE SAYS, I FREAKING APPROVE. Just pray that's the normal flamethrower in my hands, not the "insta-crits-if-the-flames-hit-your-back" Backburner Flamethrower so i don't make you die all the faster as you FLEE.

Okay, that's it, I'm going to scour through RPM tonight and seek out peoples to fill the remaining spots.

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Reply #94 on: August 18, 2009, 11:13:46 AM
I loved it as well. XD
And lawl at blaze of glory. 8D

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Offline Alice in Entropy

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Reply #95 on: August 18, 2009, 03:17:12 PM
Thanks to Magnus drafting a couple more RPMers into BLU Team, I had an excuse/obligation to write more tales of RPM Fortress. So here's the next episode! Enjoy.

RPM Fortress Episode 2 - Recruits

[spoiler]BLU Team was in a mess. Thanks to the efforts of their RED Team rivals - and in no small part, their own recklessness and "fun" games like "Juggle the Live Grenades" - they were down to a measly four members. So, in an attempt to strengthen the BLU Team, and to get the REDs to stop laughing at them, they agreed to hold a secret meeting to discuss a recruitment scheme. Of course, they couldn't afford an actual meeting hall, so they had to make do with the empty rations closet. They began their private meeting, huddled around a little wooden table they stole from the battlefield.

"I hereby call this meeting to order," declared Engineer Wily, being the only truly intelligent team member. He shuffled a bunch of tattered sheets, adjusted his navy spectacles and cleared his throat. "Item number one on the agenda: recruitment. How do we go about it?"

"How about we just grab someone off the street, give 'em a gun and tell 'em they're in?" suggested Spy Gotham, leaning back in his chair, feet up on the table, puffing away on a cigarette.

"I don't think that would work," said Wily.

"'Ow's about we just line the buggers up an' shoot 'em," offered Sniper Nick, grinning eagerly, "An' whichever one of 'em isn't dead gets to be on the team?"

"How about something that doesn't satisfy your craving for sticking bullets where they don't belong?" sneered Medic Acid. Nick shrank in his chair.

"I like bullets..."

"I have a better solution," said Acid, banging his fists against the table, "Why don't we just put out some ads and have them take part in goddamn TRYOUTS?!"

Wily blinked. "I suppose that would be the best option, given our lack of...other ideas," he said, throwing Nick and Gotham a filthy look. "Right, so, onto item number two on the agenda..." He flipped through the sheets, only to find that the rest of them were just doodles and shopping lists. He sighed. "Never mind. Meeting adjourned."


Having rounded up a few interested candidates, the BLU Team organised them all in their rations closet/meeting room, where they had fashioned their table into a makeshift desk for the judges' panel.

"First up," declared Wily, pushing his glasses up on his nose and peering at the sheet, "Archer, trying out for the role of the Heavy."

The door at the other side of the room opened up, and a white-haired man wielding an enormous chaingun staggered in, having some trouble holding the massive gun. He dragged himself to the centre of the room in front of the judges and dropped the gun to the ground, giving off a resounding thud.

"Uh...hey there."

"So, Mr. Archer," said Wily, peering at the man over his glasses, "Tell us what you can do."

"Well, I, uh...I can shoot stuff really fast with this baby," he said, smiling and patting his chaingun.

"Mm-hm. Would you like to give us a demonstration?"

Archer's smile warped into a frown. "Uh...okay."

Painfully, he heaved the gun up into his arms and pulled the trigger. The barrels began to revolve, slowly at first, but they soon picked up speed. Within seconds of the monstrous gun's trigger being pulled, a hail of bullets sprayed in every direction imaginable, and some directions only pondered upon. Try as he might, Archer couldn't control the weapon in his hands. It was as though it had taken on a mind of its own. The judges ducked under their desk as the gun veered wildly out of its wielder's control, firing stream after stream of bullets all around the room, while Archer himself was spinning around from the gun's weight like a deranged ballerina. When at last the gun exhausted itself of ammo and thick reams of smoke billowed out of the steaming barrels, the walls, ceiling and even the floor had been peppered by an artistic hail of bullet holes. Archer stepped back, noticing that the BLU judges were glaring daggers at him. He grinned nervously.

"Uh...I take it this means I didn't pass?"


The tryouts had been nothing short of a nightmare. The initial insanity unleashed by the wannabe Heavy only became more and more over the top: the weary BLU Team judges had seen an afro-clad Demoman nearly blow the room apart, a hook-handed Scout go mad and try to bludgeon them to death, a fiery-haired Soldier get a bit too excited with his bazooka, a plucky young Pyro whose name they couldn't remember (it began with a T, they were certain of that) set fire to half the base and countless other forms of chaos. They were more than prepared to just give up and leave the team as it was.

"[tornado fang] me," said Nick, clutching onto his singed hat tightly, "What a bloody shower of loonies that crowd was."

"Screw this, I've had enough," said Gotham, holding a cigarette in his shaking hand.

"There's j-just two more c-candidates," stuttered Wily, his hair and moustache standing up like follicle stalagmites.

"NO! For the love of God, NO MORE CANDIDATES!" roared Acid, grabbing Wily and shaking him ferociously.

"N-next c-c-c-c-candidate, p-please!"

The door slowly opened, and a spiky-haired young man with a baseball cap and headphones walked into the room. He was holding a scattergun in his hands, so it was clear he was trying out for the role of the Scout.

"Hi, my name's Nexus, and I'm trying out for the role of the Scout."

"Yeah, that's been established," said Acid, pulling out his needlegun from under the table. "What can you do?"

"Well, I've trained for years to improve my speed, dexterity and reflexes so no-one else can hope to match it. I'm the fastest, quickest, most athletic--"

"Yeah, yeah," interrupted Gotham impatiently, "Just give us a demo and get lost."

The potential Scout looked around, turned on his heel and ran out the door. The rest of BLU Team looked at eachother confusedly.

"Poor bloke must've realised he's a no-hoper and buggered off," said Nick, sticking a toothpick between his teeth. Before he even closed his mouth, Nexus had returned, holding an armful of soda bottles and chocolate bars.

"Six point eight seconds," exclaimed Wily, a stopwatch conveniently in his hands, "That's a new record!"

"So, am I on the team?" asked Nexus hopefully.

"That depends," asked Nick, leering at him, "Is this root beer?"


"Awright, yer in."

The new BLU Scout punched the air and triumphantly left the room. Acid sighed with relief. "We got off lucky there...who's next?"

"Just one more," said Wily, his nerves calmed. Nick glanced over his shoulder at the list, with all but one crossed off, and a little tick beside Nexus' name. He cocked an eyebrow at the name at the very bottom of the sheet.

"Million? Milon? Malzard? Malfos? Mordor?"

"Milen," corrected Wily sharply, "Milen Anessar, please come in."

The rusty door at the far side of the room creaked open, and a petite figure walked in. The BLU judges saw the army helmet and immediately hid behind their chairs.

"No! Go away! No more Soldiers!" hissed Acid, waving his bonesaw at the newcomer. The Soldier's helmet was lifted slightly, revealing a pretty young woman with short blonde hair and a friendly smile.

"Hello," she said sweetly, bowing slightly. Nick's jaw dropped.

"Is that...is that one of those..."

"Yes," breathed Gotham, "It's a woman!"

The BLU Team stared in abject fascination at this strange new character. They had heard of women before, of course, but they didn't think they would actually be granted the pleasure of seeing one in person. A woman! An actual woman! With boobs and everything!

"So, uh, M-Milen," muttered Wily, sweat pouring down his brow, "C-can you give us a sample of your boobs...I mean, s-skills?"

Milen nodded and hoisted her bazooka over her shoulder. She took aim at an empty food locker in the corner and shot a rocket at it, blowing the locker to smithereens. The judges applauded loudly, and she bowed.

"Thank you, thank you very much!"

"Well, uh, Milen," said Wily, wiping the steam off of his glasses, "It looks like you're hired."

Milen tipped her head to the left slightly. "Oh? But I only show you little demonstration...I have much more to show you." Nick practically fell off his chair.

"That won't be necessary," Wily intervened, "You're hired. Welcome to the team, et cetera, et cetera, have a nice day!"

Milen smiled, bowed and casually exited the room. Nick climbed back onto his chair, while the rest of BLU Team smiled like dunces.

"Bloody hell, fellas! An actual girl. Who'd-a thunk it?"

"At last this team won't be a sausage-fest anymore," said Gotham with a sly grin, lighting up another cigarette. Acid put on his usual manic grin and steepled his fingers gleefully.

"BLU Team rules."[/spoiler]

Also, if anybody wants to get involved in the RPM Fortress project, head over to Magnus' thread and sign up [/shameless plug]. There's still a few spots left. http://forum.rockmanpm.com/index.php?topic=2154.0

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Ahahaha, thoroughly enjoyed! Wonderful work, Nick. Gonna say, I love the characterisation for myself, such a dick :P  "A woman!"

Offline Jericho

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Gotham & Acid are easily the best characterizations in this story. Bravo Nick. XD

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Thanks a bunch, everybody! Your kind words mean a lot to me.

Anyway, enjoy the next episode~

RPM Fortress Episode 3 - Wall

[spoiler]BLU Team, having hired a brand new Scout and Solider, decided they were ready to storm the RED Team's base and give them a bit of what-for. They had left their base and happily crossed the battlefield in between - which was actually quiet for once - and made their way to the RED base. There was just one problem...

There was a giant wall outside the RED Team's base.

"Ah, bugger it anyway," cursed Sniper Nick, stamping his heel into the dirt, "Who the hell thought it was a good idea to put a goddamn WALL in our way?"

"I must admit, I didn't consider there being any...obstacles," murmured Engineer Wily. He produced a scanning device from his pocket and waved it across a section of the wall. "According to the device, this wall is approximately two feet thick and twenty feet high, constructed from solid concrete and held in place by cast-iron girders."

"So, can't we just break through?" asked Spy Gotham, smoking as usual.

"Not unless you'd like a fractured skull and a lot of missing teeth," replied Wily. Upon hearing this, Medic Acid grinned gleefully.

"Does that mean I can use of you guys as a battering ram?"

Wily frowned. "I would...prefer if you didn't."

"Awwwwww," grumbled Acid, scuffing the dirt with his shoe, "Spoil-sport..."

"Tell you what, fellas," said Nick, leaning against the wall, "I've come across a fair few walls in my time, an' I can safely say the best way to get the bastard's down is to just tear 'em down by force."

"And how do you propose we do that?" asked Gotham. Nick blinked.

"Isn't that why we 'ave Demomen? Whatever 'appened to our guy, anyway?"

Acid thought about this. "He blew himself up after he dropped that grenade, remember?" He chuckled. "Yeah, bits of him everywhere! Funny stuff."

"Oh yeah," replied Nick, reminiscing fondly, "Yeah, good times."

"Maybe I can take it down with a sentry," mused Wily, and quickly began to build one from scratch.

"How about we see what these two newbies have in mind? See if they're worthy of being part of BLU Team."

"BLU Team rules," mumbled Nick, his mind conditioned by so much pro-BLU propaganda. Nexus stepped forward and cracked his knuckles.

"Leave it to me, guys," the cocky young lad exclaimed, grabbing a bottle of his favourite beverage out of his trouser pocket: "Bonk! Atomic Punch", the only energy drink worthy of being consumed by a true Scout. After cracking the lid off and downing it in a couple of gulps, he whipped out his baseball bat and went to town on the wall.

Imagine it, if you will. The average bottle of this energy drink contains enough additives to turn the average middle-aged office worker into a hyperactive 5-year-old hopped up on sugar and coffee, and given that Scouts are known for their speed and talent at whacking things until they stop breathing, Nexus was doing quite a number on the wall. His arms moved at a speed normally reserved for hummingbirds, moving so fast that he had passed the "BLU blur" stage and skipped straight to the "time has no meaning" stage. Had their eyes been able to keep up with it, the other BLU teamers would have been fascinated. But they couldn't, so they weren't.

After ten solid minutes of battering - which seemed like ten seconds to the others - the wall showed abolutely no signs of damage. Not even a single crack or dent. Fortunately, Wily had his sentry ready. He activated it and the machine roared to life, releasing an angry cascade of bullets into the wall. When it at last ran out of juice and the barrels steamed with exhaustion, the wall...still wasn't broken.

"Bastards," spat Nick, kicking the wall in frustration, "Let us in, ya dog-[tornado fang]ing [acid burst]-lickers!"

"Language," muttered Gotham sarcastically, rolling his eyes. He looked down as the pint-sized Solider Milen tapped him on the waist.

"Excuse me, may I try?"

"Go for it," he said, smiling lecherously. All eyes focused on Milen as she sauntered over to the wall - not least because they could gaze at her backside as she went over. Bazooka held over her shoulder, the preppy little Soldier aimed her bazooka at the large stone barricade impeding the BLU Team. The male members of the team, being slightly ignorant and just a tad mysognistic, had to restrain themselves from laughing at her. If a hyperactive Scout hammering it at the speed of sound and a fully-powered Sentry gun couldn't even dent it, there was no chance a measly rocket launcher could take it down. The BLU mens' collective curiosity was piqued, though, when the petite Soldier pointed her bazooka at her feet instead.

And Milen, being a tad cleverer than her BLU allies, simply used the propulsion from her rocket to leap over the wall.

"It's easy," she exclaimed cheerily from the other side of the wall. Nick, with a sunken look on his face, slammed his head against the wall.

"I hate women..."[/spoiler]

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..Yeah.. Well..

Damn newbies. Showing off in front of us vets :(