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Alice in Entropy · 109213

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Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #150 on: November 12, 2009, 04:56:57 PM
*snaps fingers*
Oh well... *eats some Peking Duck*

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

Offline OmegaZ

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Reply #151 on: November 13, 2009, 11:18:32 PM
Dude, you are pretty good at this stuff.

Something weird happened to my banner, please wait while I find a new one.

*Elevator music starts playing*

Offline Alice in Entropy

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Reply #152 on: November 19, 2009, 07:12:52 PM
And now, for your bewilderment, a collection of short stories.


[spoiler]John went to buy groceries at 7 AM on a Tuesday morning on the 15th of March it was a very sunny day there wasn't a cloud in the sky so John decided he didn't need to take his car and so he decided to walk to the shop as he was walking down the road he saw a penny so he picked it up and to his surprise the penny started talking to him John it said John I am a magic penny I will grant you anything you so desire simply say what you want and I will conjure it up for you John thought about it and then he asked well how many of these wishes do I get the penny considered this thought long and hard it did and after much careful deliberation it came to a conclusion you may have five wishes five wishes thought John well alright then and he thought about this it would be a shame he said to waste my first wish on something really expensive and have it wasted so just to make sure for my first wish I would like a sandwich and lo and behold in John's hand was a delicious smoked salmon and brie sandwich on rye bread with mayonaise and mustard spread on it John ate the sandwich to see how it tasted it was delicious he smiled and looked at the penny nestled in his palm by god he said to the copper mintage that was one of the best sandwiches I've ever had the good fortune of eating the penny seemed pleased by this though being a penny it could not express its sentiments to its new master John then spoke up and he said to the magic penny for my second wish I would like my wife to have a new car and amazingly he saw his beautiful wife driving past him in a new Ferrari Testarosa she seemed very pleased with herself and because she was happy John fair deuce to him was also happy well he murmured I think for my third of fifth wish I would like a new pair of shoes the penny was unsure about this are you certain that's what you'd like it asked John but John was sure I don't care much for fancy luxuries he said as long as I have my loving wife my job and my house I am content so I would like my new shoes if you please and after a slight pause but only a slight pause barely noticeable by John's a little above average vision the penny gave John his wish and a new pair of shos appeared on John's feet fantastic John cried in delight a new pair of shoes might I humbly suggest something a little more extravagant good sir mused the coin but John shook his head not yet he said and rubbed his chin slowly alright he concluded happily for my fourth of fifth wish I would like my wife to be even happier than she already is she seemed very happy with her new car but she could be happier than she is and by this point the penny was notably nervous about John's desires John it whispered gently but ever so urgently John it said warningly John oh John do not ask for such a thing John however was puzzled why not he asked because said the penny there are some forces even I cannot control by which I mean my power John I cannot control my own power John if you choose such a thing John I cannot guarantee what will happen but John scoffed at this so long as my lovely and caring wife is happy then I too am happy so please grant me my wish the penny was hesitant but it had no choice it was a magic penny and therefore had to grant the wish of whomever held it and so it granted the wish there said the penny I have made it so your wish it is granted and your wife is the happiest she has been in a long time John smiled and went home to see her oh my dear he announced ever so proudly when he walked in through the front door oh my dear I'm here now oh my dear are you happy oh my dear but when John still clutching the magic penny in his hands buried amongst his narrow fingers went up to his bedroom to greet his wife he found her in bed with another man John oh poor John he was distraught he opened up his hand and angry tears spilling across his cheeks he shouted to the magic penny he held oh magic penny is this what my wife has wanted all this time is this what will make her happier and the penny mororesly told John that this was what was making her happy and John in his rage asked for his fifth and final wish.



Wherein a thousand spoke of fame, none of them were yet to blame.

JC Cristoff and Louis Saffar trod the empty halls of the old opera house. No sound came, for there was nothing there to make a sound. The walls, once dark and proud, had grayed over time and the paint now flecked and scratched in crisp pieces of flake and grit. With every step, a portion of dust taken from the floor. The soulless seats, the barren stage; remnants of days since past.

"Ah," breathed JC, seating himself, "For those days to have again. As we once had."

"Indeed," murmured Louis, lowering himself beside his companion.

Both men watched, in idle fascination, the stage. No-one came on. They watched a phantom production; an illusion of a performance.

"The conductor played here," mused JC.

"Yes," replied Louis.

"In the old days."

"Yes. The old days."

"There is nothing here, now," stated JC.

"Nothing," agreed Louis.

"Do you ever wonder?"

"Of what?"

"Of why."

"Why what?"

"Why they left."

"Times pass."


"Things change."

"Indeed, things do change," contented JC.

"They must change," continued Louis; in his voice, a tinge of sadnes.

"Of course."

"For without change, what is there?"

"The same."


"We cannot have the same."

"We cannot."

A moment of silence. In someone's mind, a man on stage blew a trumpet. Perhaps an audience cheers. Maybe a man amongst the audience falls to his knees and cries.

"I wonder," spoke JC.

"Wonder what?" queried Louis.

"Why they dreamt of such fame."

"They are only mortal. It is to be expected. They must reach new heights; achievements must be gained."

"Or they will not be satisfied."


The audience. A baby laughs at the tinkling of the triangle. A woman smiles at the mellow murmuring of the violin.

"But they are His children," thought aloud JC.

"Children are often spoiled," replied Louis.

"Of course."

"They had to leave. They did not find fame."

"Indeed. Pastures greener, and whatnot."

"To be sure. To be sure."

The performance finishes. The audience applauds. Cheering. Triumph. Happiness.

Both men stood up and left the theatre.

Wherein a thousand spoke of fame, none of them were yet to blame.


This story is very short.

Don't you think?


Annoyingly, Boris can't decide Evelyn's fairness. God! He, I, joke kindly, loudly, maddeningly. No-one opens Peter's quiet retail store. Tony understands Veronica's worries. Xylophone? Yes! Zoo.


Watch as my fingers dance they dance they dance on the kyboard I do not look as I tupe, for sure, for sure, ha ha ha aha haha, undertsn me! My sorry, my rage, oh dear. Ha ha ha ha ha! Tyrnips, pleae me. Pease. I need the turnipsFor mow. To understad. I must e healed. waken me do not let me go no olease dont t emr gos a ha ah aha ha ahs aha a ah oh.

A vignette. By Nick Z. Rhythm.[/spoiler]

Posted on: November 18, 2009, 09:12:49 PM
This is the first part of a story I've been working on. It's my own revision of Alice in Wonderland. Please read it if you're here, preferably leave a nice comment, and enjoy.

ALICE - Part 1

[spoiler]If you're gonna give a girl a gun, you'd better make sure she knows how to use it.

These words were passing through Alice Butler's mind as she walked - or rather, sauntered - along the riverbank. It was a quote from her father. He worked as a police officer in another town, having divorced from Alice's mother some ten years prior. Alice hardly saw him, which suited her just fine. He came to visit every few months or so, during which time Alice would retreat to her room and lock the door. They rarely spoke to eachother. There was a sort of mutual disdain between father and daughter, though neither knew why. They just didn't get along very well.

As Alice strolled by the row of willow trees, she snapped her fingers to "Livin' On A Prayer" on her headphones. 80's rock was her passion. Her father preferred 70's music, which was often a source of ire between them. She stopped at the bench by the bank, sat down and moved onto "Welcome To The Jungle". As Axl Rose's shrill voice resounded in her ears, she lay back and looked into the sparkling water below.

Her hard rock reverie was suddenly broken by the appearance of a little white rabbit. There, in front of her, was a snow-white rabbit. Alice blinked. It definitely wasn't there before.

"Hey, uh, little guy," she said softly. The rabbit's nose twitched. Alice slid down the volume on her headphones and leaned forward a little bit. The rabbit looked at her. She reached her hands out, hoping to catch it. Maybe she'd return it to its owner and get a reward. She could do with the money.

No sooner did she stretch her arms out than the rabbit scurried off a few feet. Alice frowned and stood up.

"I'm not gonna hurt you, little guy..."

But the rabbit was not at all enticed. It hopped back another few steps. Getting more annoyed by the moment, Alice stepped forward. The rabbit hopped back.

Alice was losing her temper at this point. She lunged forward, crouching at the last second to catch the damned rabbit.

Alas, fortune was not on her side. As she lowered herself after her running leap, her right foot landed on the slippery mud at the edge of the riverbank. The rabbit watched in its own style of idle curiosity as Alice fell headfirst into the water.

Spluttering and gasping, Alice thrust her head upwards. Past the edge, the bank fell down a steep incline, straight into a deep body of water. Alice kicked her feet vigorously, trying her best to tread water. She now regretted not taking those swimming lessons like her mother reccomended.

Instinctively, she grabbed onto a branch protruding from a sagging tree and held on for dear life. It didn't do much good, though; the current was too strong. Within moments, she found herself being dragged downstream. She cursed the rabbit, who was watching her from the shore. It was all the rabbit's fault. She was a goner.

Alice Butler closed her eyes.


When she opened her eyes, Alice found herself somewhere else.

It took a moment for her eyes to adjust, but when they did, she found herself looking at a world of strange colours; almost like a photo-negative image. It looked remarkably like the riverbank she was just at, except for the fact that the colours were entirely different. That, and everything seemed to be back-to-front. A mirror image.

"Am I dreaming?" She rubbed her eyes and looked around again. Nope. Everything was still backwards and colour-screwed. "Then...am I dead? Did I drown back there?" She quickly turned on her headphones, and was greeted by Bon Jovi's voice. That ruled out Hell, then. Anywhere she couldn't listen to her 80's rock had to be Hell for her.

Alice groaned and struggled to her feet. She brushed her shirt off and fixed her skirt. Unbeknownst to her, a figure was crawling out along the branch of a nearby tree. Smiling, the figure slid down the trunk of the tree and slinked over to the newcomer.

"I must be going crazy," Alice muttered to herself, staring into the violet water of the river beneath the navy sky above. When she turned around, she found herself looking at a young woman with a pair of purple cat ears on her head and a swishing cat's tail. "Yeah, I'm definitely going mad."

"Hey, baby," the catgirl cooed, approaching Alice. She was wearing nothing but a fur bikini, Alice noted. She frowned and took a step back uneasily.

"Uh...hi there."

The catgirl, grinning a gleaming white smile, leaned over and put her arms around Alice's waist. Alice immediately blushed.

"I get a good feeling from you, baby," the grinning catgirl purred, stroking Alice's cheek sensually, "Do you get a good feeling from me?"

"Not really," choked Alice. Her cheeks went from strawberry pink to crimson red as the catgirl licked her cheek. Alice stood frozen in shock and confusion as the overly-friendly feline female ran her tongue along Alice's lips, then moved down her neck and to her breasts.

"GET OFF!" Alice cried, staggering back and holding her shirt tightly. "Look, I don't know who you think you are, but I don't appreciate you tryin' to...molest me!"

The catgirl continued to grin, her eyes sparkling mischievously. "The name's Chesire, baby."

"Chesire," Alice repeated for herself. She glanced about for something she could use to beat off the catgirl. Being compromised by a half-naked feline girl only moments after arriving in some strange new world would just be plain embarrasing.

No big sticks by her feet. Damn. She'd just have to rely on what little fighting skills she had.

"Look, if you try touch me again, I'm gonna break your little kitty back, got it?"

"Awwwww, don't be like that, sugar," Chesire purred, lying down on the golden grass and running a hand along her bare leg. She was still grinning that uncomfortably homely grin. "It's not very often we get folks like you 'round these here parts."

Alice forgot her rage for a moment and glared at Chesire. "Folks like me?"

"Indeedy-ba-doobily, cupcake." Chesire raised herself to all fours and slinked back up the tree she came from. She sprawled herself out on the long branch and closed her eyes. "Yeah, you're what we call an Otherworlder."

Alice clutched her head. "Otherworlder? What are you...oh, God, I need some music...I'm definitely going mad."

"Relax, honey." Chesire's grin went beyond the impossible and spread even wider and gleamed even more intensely. "We're all mad here!"

"That doesn't help!" snapped Alice, fumbling for her headphones. "Just...just send me back home already!"

"No can do, cutie."


"It's not in my power to do that. Nope, I'm afraid you're stuck here."

Alice narrowed her eyes. "Tell me how to get home, or I swear to God, I'm gonna wring that furry little neck of yours."

"Hey, now, no need to get violent." Chesire smiled deviously and licked the back of her hand. "Unless, of course, you're into that type of thing. Are you a submissive or a dominant?"

"I'm neither!"

"Ooh, dominant. I like that. I'm a baaaaad kitty."

Alice turned on her heel and stormed off. If this nymphomaniac little catgirl was going to screw with her like this, Alice didn't want to stick around any longer.

She'd find her own way home.


Shortly after leaving the Chesire catgirl in a huff, Alice found herself strolling along an unfamiliar part of the river. At any rate, it wasn't like this back home. She would at least remember the water rissing up over nothing.

"This is insane," she muttered bitterly, "I must be dreaming. Or something! I can't really be in this...place. It's just insane."

While she was walking, she saw a strange old man sitting by the riverbank. He was wearing a flat-topped, wide-brimmed and slightly rumpled hat, and had a greying beard that reached down to his waist. He seemed to be skimming stones. Alice decided she'd ask him for help. He at least looked like someone who wouldn't molest her.


She'd try anyway.

"Hey, excuse me," she called, approaching him, "Old man?"

The old fellow didn't even look at her. He just stared into the river from behind his dark glasses.

"Uh, hello?" said Alice. She leaned over to see if he was even awake. It was hard to tell behind the glasses. Maybe he had programmed himself to skim stones while sleeping.

She leaned another bit closer. Her heart nearly leaped out as he swung his head to face her.

"What?" he grunted unpleasantly. Alice stepped back, grimacing noticeably.

"Um...yeah, hi," she said, trying to act polite, and succeeding only in the loosest sense of the term, "I'm not from around here, and I was wondering if you could give me a hand? You know, telling me where I should go to get home and...stuff."

The old man looked back at the river. "No," he replied firmly, and threw another stone across the water's surface.

Alice frowned. "C'mon! Can't you even tell me where I am?"

The old man was quiet for a moment. After a half-minute of hesitation, he grunted, "Wonderland."

Alice cocked an eyebrow. "Wonderland? You're kidding, right?"

"Nope. I don't kid, kid."

Alice heaved a sigh. She produced her headphones and decided to sit beside the old man.

"You new here?" he asked suddenly.

"I already said I was."

The old fellow grunted ambiguously in response. "Not a lot of folk come here these days."

"I can imagine they don't..."

There was another moment of awkward silence. After at least a minute of quiet music and watching the old fellow skim stones, Alice found herself being surveyed by her elderly companion's scrutinising stare.

"Here," he said.

"Here what?"

Alice found herself with something metal and a bit heavy in the palm of her hand. She looked down. It was a revolver. Her eyes widened, and she had to focus her energy into her mouth to keep her jaw from dropping.


"You're gonna need it," said the old man. This was, apparently, his justification for giving a seventeen-year-old girl a 19th Century firearm, albeit one that was considerably modernised and enhanced. Before she could even argue against the old man's lack of consideration for safety, he was up and walking away. She knew better than to follow him.

If you're gonna give a girl a gun, you'd better make sure she knows how to use it.[/spoiler]

Offline ST Jestah

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Reply #153 on: November 19, 2009, 08:34:49 PM
As always, your writting is just Delicious!
Great prologue for the story. I do like the concept of a gun-wielding Alice in Wonderland.
Now if you'll excuse me...

...Must...draw...fan art...
(Not only of this but of Espers)

Offline Alice in Entropy

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Reply #154 on: November 24, 2009, 01:47:23 AM
A Lament of the Eldritch Things

[spoiler]These beings lie amongst the stars, scheming
And subject terrible visions upon us mortals dreaming
Waiting for the moment the stars will seal their fate

Tentacles and slime dripping from the oozing maws
Fetid fangs, bulging eyes, ubiquitous tentacles and claws
Brooding amongst the unearthly horrors they pro-create

From times since past, ancient and forgotten by man
Eldritch abominations crawling from the abyss of the damned
The darkest things which humankind was not at all meant to know

The things no mind can imagine; no science can rationally explain
The shuffling, lurking, tearing, rending monstrosities not of this earthly plane
And over times, it seems, their terrible powers only seem to grow

For whatever is the meaning of these wretched things, violations of time and space?
Perversions of all that is sacred and holy, emerging from their abbysal dwelling place
The horrific plagues that follow, to which no man can build resistance

Macabre reveries of times long since past, memories of diabolical dreamscapes
Wherein they drag their gibbering victims - to a Hell wherefrom no-one can dare escape
The Great Old Ones, Elder Gods, the very enemies of all logical extistence[/spoiler]

Offline OmegaZ

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Reply #155 on: November 24, 2009, 01:48:24 AM
Wow, how do you get the concept for these

You, my good friend, have a future.

Something weird happened to my banner, please wait while I find a new one.

*Elevator music starts playing*

Offline Alice in Entropy

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Reply #156 on: November 25, 2009, 12:37:33 AM
Wow, how do you get the concept for these
Howard Philips Lovecraft. The greatest horror writer of all time; certainly of the 20th Century.

Posted on: November 24, 2009, 12:50:08 AM
This is just a little short story I through together, about RPM. It's pretty crap, since I didn't have any decent ideas at the time, but I'd like to continue writing these (and maybe some more RPM Fortress stories). If anybody wants to appear in a story or something or whatever, just say so.

Yeah. Enjoy, I...guess.

[spoiler]Nick Z. Rythm sat outside Club Groove, perched pleasantly upon a little mound of grass, sipping a chilled bottle of bubblegum soda whilst reading a copy of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. His best friend, a one Magnus Ryujin, was sitting beside him - tinkering away on his brand new Backburner Torchmaster 5000 flamethrower. This happened quite a lot on these lazy days. Nick decided to break the tranquil silence with one of his inane questions.

"Who would win in a fight," he hypothesised, "Mega Man or Dio Brando?"

"Mega Man, obviously," replied Magnus, not even looking up from his new toy, "He's fought plenty a' time-stoppin' bad guys, right?"

"Yeah," conceded Nick, "But Dio's super-strong! And he's a vampire. A real vampire, not one of Stephanie Meyer's sparkly flowery lads."

"Mega Buster, dude."

"The World!"

"Copied weapons!"


Magnus glared up at his friend, scowling. "Look, how 'bout we just drop the subject before I have to force-feed you a live hand grenade?"

Nick blinked, then went back to his comic quietly. He knew better than to annoy Magnus when he was in one his patended MoodsTM. A few minutes later, who walked by but a young woman with long blonde hair and a familiar green beret.

"Hello, you two," Grodgudinnan - or Patch, as she had been dubbed - said dryly.

"Hey, Patch," said Nick, trying not to stare at her chest. Musn't stare at her chest...her lovely, soft chest...

She eyed the comic curiously. "Oh, are you reading that JimJim's Weird Journey thingy?"

"JoJo's Bizarre Adventure," said Nick, pouting slightly. He considered this to be an affront to what he, in his own peculiar mind, dubbed a "masterpiece".

"Yeah. That."

I wonder what colour panties she's wearing...

While Nick's mind drifted to lewder things, Magnus was getting rather less happy with his toy. "SON OF A FARKING BIRCH!" he yelled, leaping to his feet and throwing the flamethrower to the ground. "WHY THE FRACK DON'T YOU WORK?!"

Patch glanced at the device, then gave it a kick. It instantly sprang to life and began to spew a jettison of hot burning flames all over Club Groove's neatly-mowed lawn.

"WOOT!" exclaimed Magnus jovially, grabbing his flamethrower. "Your girlfriend got it working!"

"She's not my girlfriend," snapped Nick, blushing slightly. He instinctively buried his face in his comic. Patch just rolled her eyes, smirking slightly.

"I worry about you two, you know that?" she muttered to herself as she sauntered off. Once she was safely out of hearing range, Nick shot a glare at Magnus.

"Dude, watch that mouth of yours!"

"Aww, don't be such a stickler," cooed Magnus, grinning maniacally at the thought of all the chilli-con-carnage he was going to wreak with his new baby. "Bwahahahahaha!"

Nick sighed and took a hefty swig of his drink. Unearthly blue it may be, but it was delicious, and that to Nick was all that mattered.

"I'mma go find someone to burn, 'kay?" cackled Magnus. Nick shrugged.

"Just leave the newbies be, alright? If you're gonna burn anyone, go burn one of those spiders that are always crawlin' around here or something."

"Yeah, yeah, noise, noise." The reptilian pyromaniac thus skipped merrily off, all the while singing his favourite little ditty:

"Fire in the morning, fire in the evening, fire at supper-tiiiiiiiime~"

Nick resumed his daily dose of Vitamin JJBA. "Heheh...Polnareff is awesome. Pew-pew-pew-pew, bravo, bravo!"

Just then, his good friend Archer came by, ranting on about something. To no-one in particular. "I mean, they completely nerfed Wallachia! And Arcueid's breasts aren't as big as they should...oh, hey, Nick."

"Hey," said Nick, trying to - politely - avoid conversation.

"Whatcha reading?"

"Nothing," lied Nick. It was quite obvious. The book in his hand essentially gave it away.

"Oh, hey, you played that new Melty Blood game yet?"


"It's great. Although that whole sub-plot thing is a complete joke. I'll bring it over later and we'll play some matches together, alright?"



And with that, Archer left to edit the Type-Moon Wiki. Just as Nick turned the page, Dr. Wily II came by. He was discussing his newest ideas for Robot Masters with Kirby Pink.

"So, if I put the spikes on the back this time, I figure I could..." Kirby looked at Nick on the grass. "Oh, hello, Nick."


"Oh, is that bubblegum soda?" queried Wily. Before Nick could say anything, the scientist had snatched the bottle from beside the blue-haired lad and was chugging it enthusiastically. With a mighty sigh of relief, he lowered the - now empty - bottle and wiped his moustache. "Ah, that hit the spot. I was gasping for a drink. Thanks!"

As the two spriters walked off, discussing the finer points of the weakness cycle amongst their beloved creations, Nick stared in abject sorrow at what was no longer in his bottle. He sighed and decided he could at least finish his comic in peace.

And then Blackhook and Afro-Shroom walked by. Even though they had said nothing, Nick wasn't going to let them spoil his quiet afternoon. Again. He produced a pair of earmuffs - let's not delve into the metaphysical conundrum of where they originated from - and clamped them over his ears.

"Hey, Nick," said Afro.

Inside his mind, Nick was fuming. He never got this much attention when he wanted it, and now that he was trying to read in peace, everybody just happened to be walking by Club Groove. [tornado fang] you, Murphy.

Try as he might, Nick was finding it difficult to keep his irate complexion a secret. His usual casual light-heartedness was being slowly melted away by his burning rage at this distinctly Murphian turn of events.


No reply.

"Hey, uh, Nick?"

Still no reply.





And then the metaphorical twig snapped.


Blackhook and Afro looked at eachother in confusion, the back to the fuming Mr. Rythm.

"I'm just trying to have some quiet time to read! Is that so much? Can't a guy READ IN PEACE AROUND HERE?!"


"WELL WHAT?! Just tell me what's so frickin' important that it can't wait 'til AFTER I'm done, oh, I don't know...READING?"

Blackhook thrust his eponymous ersatz hand in the direction of a nearby gnoll. "Uh, that green guy, your friend? He's about to set fire to your club."


Nick's eyes widened in horror as Magnus joyously barreled by, waving his flamethrower maniacally. And, just because Murphy liked to screw around like this, Magnus was also wearing what appeared to be a rather large petroleum canister on his back.

"Oh you son of a..."



Offline Irgendein

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Reply #157 on: November 25, 2009, 12:47:14 AM
Heh, nicely written, Nick, I quite enjoyed it, one question though;
What exactly does this mean?

Offline Alice in Entropy

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Reply #158 on: November 25, 2009, 12:55:27 AM
What exactly does this mean?

Jean-Pierre Polnareff - "The Greatest Frenchman Who Ever Lived" - is a character in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, the manga I'm reading in the story. If you notice...

Nick resumed his daily dose of Vitamin JJBA. "Heheh...Polnareff is awesome. Pew-pew-pew-pew, bravo, bravo!"



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Reply #159 on: November 25, 2009, 05:44:47 AM

Well, that was a fun a read.

Offline Black Mage J

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Reply #160 on: November 25, 2009, 05:50:24 AM
"I wonder what color of panties shes wearing." That seemed creepy, yet kinda funny. Good story.

Offline OmegaZ

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Reply #161 on: November 25, 2009, 11:37:31 PM
*Gets Burned By Magnus*

Something weird happened to my banner, please wait while I find a new one.

*Elevator music starts playing*

Offline ST Jestah

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Reply #162 on: November 25, 2009, 11:54:02 PM
That story made my day. 8)

Offline borockman

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Reply #163 on: November 26, 2009, 01:37:08 AM
That's some read. and I never knew you're a Jojo's fan.

Proud member of Indigo tribe!

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Reply #164 on: November 26, 2009, 07:01:18 AM
Murphy is an ass  8) Yaaay I got a cameo  :D

Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #165 on: November 26, 2009, 07:31:10 PM
Lawl at me and KP talking about the finer points in weakness cycles... XD
Great reads as always.

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

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Reply #166 on: November 26, 2009, 07:37:31 PM
Just for that ima sprite Spike Man.  >U<

Offline Alice in Entropy

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Reply #167 on: November 27, 2009, 11:37:59 PM
More poetry stuff. Enjoy.


[spoiler]Everybody, everybody
Get into line
Form an orderly queue
Settle down now
Stand up
Now stand down
Like I want you to
Like I want you to

I'm a circle
You're a square
They are a rectangle
We are a triangle

Everybody, everybody
Listen to me
Understand me
What I have to say
Important noises
Thinking surprises
Like I told you to
Like I told you to

I'm a circle
You're a square
They are a rectangle
We are a triangle

Everybody, everybody
Stop looking at me
Turn your heads
Avert your eyes
Look to the sky
Now stand by my feet
Like I show you to
Like I show you to

I'm a circle
You're a square
They are a rectangle
We are a triangle[/spoiler]

Stealing Lockpicks

[spoiler]Shimmy and shake
Bend and stretch
Twist and turn
Round and round we go

Hey! We're gonna have some fun now
Hey! The game's about to begin
Hey! Don't worry, just join the ride
Hey! C'mon, won't ya, and join us
While we're stealing lockpicks!

There's fun to be had
Don't feel so down
Tear off that mask
And let's take a ride

Hey! We're gonna have some fun now
Hey! The game's about to begin
Hey! Don't worry, just join the ride
Hey! C'mon, won't ya, and join us
While we're stealing lockpicks!

While we're stealing lockpicks![/spoiler]

"TRiANGLES" is about the power of suggestion and being controlled by others. "Stealing Lockpicks" is about letting go of negativity and just having fun together with your friends.

Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #168 on: November 28, 2009, 03:48:39 AM
Oh... I had the wrong idea for Triangles. XD
And great one for Stealing Lockpicks.

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

Offline Alice in Entropy

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Reply #169 on: December 09, 2009, 07:13:54 PM
Short update is short.

[spoiler]As it was, Alice Butler did not know how to use a gun; or guns, for that matter. Her experience thereto had mostly been confined to the "and Roses" variety, which wasn't much help when one was presented with an actual firearm.

"Crazy old bastard," she muttered to herself, sauntering grimly past an orchard of kaleidoscopically twisting trees with rainbow foliage crowning them. In her hands was the revolver the old man gave her - she fumbled with it in her delicate fingers, trying to get the chamber to open.

Clint Eastwood made this all seem so much easier.

"I'm stuck here, am I?" she hissed under her breath, internally cursing the feline rapist she had earlier encountered, "Well, isn't that just great? No more home-cooked meals, no more sleeping in my own bed, no more video games, no more decent TV...at least I won't have to see dad anymore."

While she was going through a mental checklist of everything she was eagre to hate about in this strange new world, she spied with her little eye - the one that wasn't covered by a long bang of blonde hair - the white rabbit.

The white rabbit. The white rabbit!

"You furry little son of a [sonic slicer]!" shrieked Alice, pointing the gun at the snow-white bunny, "It's your damn fault I'm even here! I risked my life to save you! You little bastard!"

The rabbit just looked up at her, curiously, with its little pink eyes.

"That cutesy look doesn't work on me, Bugs," she snapped. She wanted to pull the trigger, she really did; but there was something preventing her, a subconcious force that wouldn't allow her. As much as she wanted to, she knew killing the rabbit wouldn't bring her back home. Heaving a heavy sigh, she forced herself to lower the revolver. She took a perch on a mushroom sticking out of the ground and buried her face in her hands.

The rabbit skipped over to her. Alice took her hands away from her eyes and glared down at it. "What do you want?"

Its nose twitched. Alice, with some effort, managed a small smile.

"Well, I guess I shouldn't blame you. I guess it's my own fault for going in after you." She bent down, picked up the rabbit and laid it across her lap. It looked up at her intently. "Heh...well...I guess you're kinda cute..."

"I didn't know you liked rabbits, sweetheart," a familiar voice purred. Chesire was lying across the branch of another tree not twenty feet from Alice. Alice looked up and glared at her.

"Get lost, you useless ball of fur."

"Hey, now, no need to be rude. I'm here to help you."

"I don't need any of your help."

"Yes you do, sugar-plum."

"No I don't! Now go away!"

Chesire yawned, not at all offended by Alice's shouting. "Oh, baby, don't be that way." She grinned sensually. "Whether you like it or not, I'm the only one who knows enough about this place to help you out."

Alice narrowed her eyes, stroking the rabbit's silky white fur. "Why do you want to help me?"

Chesire's teeth and eyes seemed to sparkle with a whimsical delight. "'Cos you're cute. But also 'cos I know you really want to get home."

Alice stared blankly at the grass. She did want to go home. It was true that, sometimes, one does not appeciate something until they no longer have it. Begrudgingly, she nodded.

"Fine. You can help me." She paused, then hastily added, "I guess."

With a playful wink, Chesire leapt out of the tree and landed at Alice's feet. "Alrighty, sugar. The first thing you need to know about this place is..."

Before Chesire could finish, a zombie rose out of a nearby bush. Its jaw hanging loose, it lurched forward hungrily, vile saliva dripping from its fetid fangs. Fuelled by a sudden burst of shock and terror, Alice immediately fumbled for her gun and fired a good three rounds into the undead monster's soft, squishy head. In a burst of sickly green blood, it collapsed to the floor. Alice was now breathing heavily. There was smoke billowing from the revolver.

"What the hell was that?"

"Zombie," said Chesir nonchalantly.

"And what's it doing here of all places?"

"Oh, they're everywhere. They follow the Ebony Emperor, mostly."

Alice cocked an eyebrow. "Who? Is he your boss or something?"

Chesire shrugged. "You could say that. He just came here about a year ago or so, told the old ruler the get lost, and ever since he's been in charge around here."

"And nobody panics, or finds it odd that there's flesh-eating ghouls wander around in Wonderland?"

Chesire shook her head. "They only eat people if the Emperor tells 'em to. They just follow his orders. They're kinda there to keep order and stuff."

Alice nodded, not quite sure why she was alright with all this nonsense. Chesire sidled up to Alice and stroked her cheek playfully.

"You look hungry. Wanna go get somethin' to eat?"

Alice moved over nervously. By now, the rabbit had jumped out of her lap and scurried off. "Not really..."

"Great!" Chesire grabbed Alice, ignoring her protests, and dragged her off to get something to eat.

Alice knew she was going to hate it here.[/spoiler]

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Reply #170 on: December 09, 2009, 10:07:02 PM
Alice is back!...but where's my Espers? :(

[spoiler]Zombies in Wonderland. >w<[/spoiler]

Offline Alice in Entropy

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Reply #171 on: December 11, 2009, 01:59:38 AM
This here is just a one-shot poem/short story about a new character idea I made up. I may write more about him, if anybody enjoys it.

[spoiler]The lighter clicks
The little flame springs to life
In the moonlit shadows of the midnight streets
The dim glow shimmers nonchalantly
No breeze to blow it

The teeth bite down on the cigarette
The tip, with the little flame
Dancing around it eagerly
Turns a bright red colour

A deep breath; but no lungs to inhale
A thin ream of smoke trails from the burning tip
Melancholically floating into the air
And whisping away into the ether
A deep sigh; but no lungs to exhale

"You crazy little fuckers."

A hand, bony and white
No flesh and blood, just white bone
Flexes its fingers in agitation; waiting
Slowly, it slides down to the hip
Thumb and forefinger bend at the joint
The fingers rattle against the metal body

In the holster, the gun waits patiently
It can feel the tension in the air, and it's hungry
Kill the infidels; burn the heathens!
Kill, kill! Maim, maim!
The gun cries in a bloodied frenzy
Eviscerate the unholy fiends!

"Made my life a bloody misery."

The cigarette is pulled out and thrown to the floor
Where the heavy boot, sole or iron, stamps it flat
A terrible habit, they say; but not one to care
Grim grey smog plumes from the carrion nostrils

The fingers, ivory and dry, wrap tenderly around the handle
The gun cries out in euphoric glee
Raised high into the air, then aimed at the heathenous demons
Who would stand against all that is sacred and...

"What a [tornado fang]ing farce!"

There is no sacred
No love
No joy
No more Gods to speak of

Around the trigger, tenderly, the finger goes
And the thumb pulls against the hammer; tugs it back slowly
Crimson eyes, like fires of undying hatred, glare ahead
No compassion to be felt; remnants of a dead age

"Hell's waiting for you. Have fun."

The terrible grin; teeth bared maliciously; wicked glare from the grave
The skullen head lets out a cruel laugh; the mirthful dirge
And then the trigger is pulled
Bang! Bang! Beats the drum of death!

The gun cackles in delight; an ecstacy of carnage
The bullets, the flesh, the blood spurting
From what was once a demon; the monsters are on the floor
This is a firefight; a massacre! There will be no lament!

And, when all is said and done
The pale man looks to the floor; in shame, perhaps?
At what he has done
The gun, engraved with the words:
"MEMENTO MORI" - a reminder of death
Pants in orgasmic sensation
The taste of blood dripping from the barrel
The taste is sweet
It is the taste of an existence most cursed

The gun is put away
And another cigarette is lit
And the man; not a man, but a phantom
A skeletal messenger of death
The pale rider, he looks to the black clouds in the inky sky above
And there, with a vile smile of the afterlife scorned
Lets out a laugh

"That's why they can't get me:
I'm Trigger Mortis!"[/spoiler]

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Reply #172 on: December 12, 2009, 04:00:16 PM
Hmm... Now I wanna see this new character of yours.
And sweet Alice in Zombieland. 8D

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

Offline Alice in Entropy

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Reply #173 on: December 13, 2009, 02:16:35 AM
And now, ladies and gentlemen, presenting my latest RPM project/crazy idea...



RPM's in big trouble! The villainous vampire Roa has taken over with his undead army - the land has been plunged into darkness and decay, and his infernal tower has been built in what used to be RPM City. He's now looking for the seven Yashichi, which could give him the power to rule the entire universe!

A number of RPM's denizens have stepped up to fight Roa, not about to let their beloved homeworld become a haven for his diabolical empire. But arguments arose over how to defeat Roa once and for all. From these differences in opinion, the people have divided themselves into teams of three.

Now it's a competition to save the day! Everyone's ready to save RPM, but who will win in the end?


For all intents and purposes, the game is a platforming game. Players control their character(s) in a three-dimensional environment, and the aim of each stage is, generally, to reach the goal at the end; however, different teams have different routes to take, methods of reaching the goal and, in some cases, entirely different mission objectives.

The game operates with team-based play in mind. The player selects one of the teams (see the "Characters" section below for more detailed information on them), each of which has three members. The character "leading" can be changed at will, and the player must take advantage of each character's individual skills to overcome obstacles and solve puzzles. The members are based on three seperate "classes": Speed, Flight and Power.

Speed characters are designed with running and moving ahead in mind; considered the "default" class (but by no means the most important), they excel at missions that require getting to the goal, competing against a time limit or crossing obstacle-laden courses; naturally the fastest class, but also fairly weak, they rely on speeding past enemies rather than tackling them head-on.

Flight characters are designed with exploration in mind; they excel at missions that require finding something or areas that have lots of falls and platforms; not very slow or strong, but they have the best jumping ability, and are great for platforming sections that require skillful jumps.

Power characters are designed with combat in mind; they excel at missions that require defeating groups of enemies or bosses; by far the strongest class, they aren't very fast or good at jumping, but they can easily make short work of opponents and heavy obstacles in the way.

Players can also enter Special Stages by finding one of the hidden warp rings. In the Special Stages, the player must control their character as they run along a half-pipe track, collecting enough Zenny - but avoiding harmful bombs - to win one of the seven Yashichi. Collect all seven Yashichi to unlock the "true" ending!

Overall, the game is a glaring spoof/parody of/homage to Sonic Heroes. Those of you that don't like the game for whatever reason...well, remember that this is just a bit of fun! And since it isn't a proper game, you can imagine it without the voice-acting or poor controls and whatnot.


Team Sexy

Three of RPM's most beloved citizens - Vixy, Protoman Blues and Quickie - have banded together in the name of peace, love and Mango Lemonade! With a wide variety of dazzling moves, the know-how to get around and the adoration of the people, they're ready to save the day...in style!

Quickie - Speed
Vixy - Flight
Protoman Blues - Power

Team Dark

Three of RPM's darker denizens - Flame, Sparky and Kit - have joined forces to crush the enemy and spread terror as they go. Striking fear into the hearts of all they meet, and with no qualms about unleashing chaos and destruction in their path, this terrifying team will stop at nothing to save the day!

Flame - Speed
Kit - Flight
Sparky - Power

Team Star

Three of RPM's most idealistic members - Jericho, Enigma and Taiyo - have come together under the light of the stars to vanquish evil! These starstruck heroes, with their shining powers combined, harness the power of the cosmos itself to form a team of hopeful spirits that will save the day!

Enigma - Speed
Jericho - Flight
Power - Taiyo

Team Mech

Three of RPM's most renowned technological wizards - Dr. Wily II, Speedremix and Kirbypink - have come together, under the banner of science and technobabble! They have a vast array of gadgets, contraptions and robots at their disposal, and with the loyal aid of their mechanical minions, these clever chaps will save the day!

Dr. Wily II - Speed
Kirbypink - Flight
Speedremix - Power

Team Heart

Three of RPM's cutest and cuddliest members - CephiYumi, Akira and Milen - have decided to help eachother out. They may seem sweet and friendly on the outside, but don't let their lovely exterior fool you...they mean business, and through the power of joy and friendship, they're going to save the day!

CephiYumi - Speed
Akira - Flight
Milen - Power

Team Strange

Three of RPM's odder members - StrangeMan, Afro-Shroom and Blackhook - have united to spread their weird ways with the rest of the world. Possessing a penchant for the peculiar and fetching a flair for the funny, these quintissentially quirky characters are off to save the day!

Afro-Shroom - Speed
StrangeMan - Flight
Blackhook - Power

Team Badnik

Three of RPM's most dastardly bad eggs - Irgendein/Dr. Robotnik and his lackies, Scratch and Grounder - are up to no good! Well, since they're the lesser of two evils, they're out to take down this new villain. Because only one person can save the day rule RPM - and then he'll give himself a prrrrrrrromotion!

Scratch - Speed
Dr. Robotnik - Irgendein (w/ Dr. Robotnik's hovercraft)
Grounder - Power

I'll be adding levels and more information on each character's abilities soon enough! There's also more teams to come, and everybody is free to give comments, feedback and/or suggestions!


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Reply #174 on: December 13, 2009, 02:25:34 AM
Hmm... This is an interesting idea.

My thread of Random Crap

Who loves Grape Soda? Sapph loves Grape Soda! Is it true? Is it true? Ohyesohyesohyes it's true-oo~ I do I do I do I do-oo~