Rythm and Groove - Artwork, Poetry and Prose of Lucky Star

Alice in Entropy · 109241

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Not like a BONK!-ing Scout could break a wall anyways. still funny.

You probably should've added a bit where the team gets some of the Unlocks in via Mail-order. Pretty sure Nick would love to get his hands on one of those Razorback Anti-Backstab shields. Gotham might enjoy the Dead Ringer or Cloak and Dagger spy watches.

In all, story ish teh awsome. WRITE MOAR.

Offline Dr. Wily II

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2 story updates? Awesome.
The male members of BLU going gaga over Soldier Milen? Priceless. XD

Wonderfully done Nick, wondefully done.

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

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But then again, Milen did take bits of damage due to rebounding. First thing Soldiers should know by now.. but Milen in a soldier suit gives a nice image 'tho.  >w<

Workshop/DA/YT/Photobucket なにかんがえてるの!?
So its about ass now huh? EVEN THE ASS HAS 'EXCEEDED'!

One mention of LEGENDS and everyone goes batshit.  :\

Yep, every time when someone mentions that game people get energized for an apparent reason whatsoever. It's like this everywhere else, trust me.

It got really messy to find my sprite and comic topic, so it's in my sig.

Offline Alice in Entropy

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Closed Doors

[spoiler]A gift from God, the sweetest apple on the tree
A golden flower, grown for all to see
Fell from the bough into the sea of thorns
An uncaring truth upon beauty newborn
Searing wrath from a monster uncaring
Crushing, consuming, lamenting, despairing

Why is it always the innocent?
As we turn a blind eye to her suffering
Why is it always the innocent?
What we never see behind closed doors

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
Finding it hard to fight any longer
An unwanted burden, a shattered doll
Held up by none, never knowing of the fall
Temptations and torment, nothing for the best
Put me out of my misery and lay me to rest

Why is it always the innocent?
As we turn a blind eye to her suffering
Why is it always the innocent?
What we never see behind closed doors

If I shed these tears, who would wipe them away?
If I go down tonight, will I ever see the day?
If I break my spirit, unmended, who would know why?
If I die and spill this virgin blood, who would cry?
If I share my dreams, would they meet a brutal end?
If I open my heart, who would be my friend?

Why is it always the innocent?
As we turn a blind eye to her suffering
Why is it always the innocent?
What we never see behind closed doors

Sweet is the taste of this bitter life
Bloodied by hatred, scorned by strife
The demon, the monster, who broke this young heart
Fallen to oblivion, so there is a fresh start
The most beautiful flower, so many tears she cries
Her spirit is strongest, this flower never dies

Why is it always the innocent?
As we open our eyes to her suffering
Why is it always the innocent?
What we see when we open closed doors[/spoiler]

This poem is dedicated to a friend of mine - or, more aptly, a friend of a friend - who has been through a few hardships in her life. She was tragically abused by her father as a child, but she overcame that trauma to become a strong and healthy young woman. She's a very nice person, and I think she deserves a lot more than just this poem.

No, I'm not making this up.

RPM Fotress will be back...whenever I feel like it. =P

Offline keiang

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Wow. I'm not usually one for poetry, but wow. I'm sure your friend will love it.

Offline Irgendein

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Closed Doors

[spoiler]A gift from God, the sweetest apple on the tree
A golden flower, grown for all to see
Fell from the bough into the sea of thorns
An uncaring truth upon beauty newborn
Searing wrath from a monster uncaring
Crushing, consuming, lamenting, despairing

Why is it always the innocent?
As we turn a blind eye to her suffering
Why is it always the innocent?
What we never see behind closed doors

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
Finding it hard to fight any longer
An unwanted burden, a shattered doll
Held up by none, never knowing of the fall
Temptations and torment, nothing for the best
Put me out of my misery and lay me to rest

Why is it always the innocent?
As we turn a blind eye to her suffering
Why is it always the innocent?
What we never see behind closed doors

If I shed these tears, who would wipe them away?
If I go down tonight, will I ever see the day?
If I break my spirit, unmended, who would know why?
If I die and spill this virgin blood, who would cry?
If I share my dreams, would they meet a brutal end?
If I open my heart, who would be my friend?

Why is it always the innocent?
As we turn a blind eye to her suffering
Why is it always the innocent?
What we never see behind closed doors

Sweet is the taste of this bitter life
Bloodied by hatred, scorned by strife
The demon, the monster, who broke this young heart
Fallen to oblivion, so there is a fresh start
The most beautiful flower, so many tears she cries
Her spirit is strongest, this flower never dies

Why is it always the innocent?
As we open our eyes to her suffering
Why is it always the innocent?
What we see when we open closed doors[/spoiler]
I'm a bit lost for words, but, I have admit, I tried to hold back a tear there.


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...That was brilliant.

Offline Dr. Wily II

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That was really nicely written Nick, she would be happy.

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Offline Alice in Entropy

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This is just something I wrote for no apparent reason besides boredom and too much TVTropes. It's essentially just a very short story featuring my archvillain character, Lord Blackmore, or how he would appear in a "darker" setting. The aim here is to give a feel for the character, without cramming anything down your throat. Is he a heartless monster? A well-intentioned extremist? A psychopathic sadist? A tragic player forced onto an uncaring stage? Or something else entirely? I'll let you decide for yourselves.


[spoiler]I remember it clearly, all so very clearly. There he was, sitting in front of me; or more aptly, kneeling in front of me. Kneeling, yessir. On his hands and knees, staring up at me with those big, pitable eyes humans think are so endearing. I have grown to despise them. To me, they are a sign of weakness. Weakness, yessir. He was shaking. Shaking, would you believe? He could hardly control himself. He wanted to go. He wanted to leave and never come back. Never, yessir.

But that wasn't what I wanted, oh no. I swished my cape a little to the side, as I often do, then I took a step or two forward until I was standing right before him. I was very close to his face, yessir. I could smell the fear, smell it, I could. So very delicious, it was. That delightfully fragrant scent, with just a hint of spice. If I could bottle that scent, that primordial essence of sheer horror, I would wear it every day as a cologne. But I digress. He was looking up at me, yessir, and I could see tears welling up in his eyes. Disgusting things, emotions are.

"Do you want to go?" I asked, feigning charity. He paused, carefully analysing the question for hidden meanings, and then nodded. Nodded, yessir. I just smiled. "You have nowhere to go," I told him, "Nowhere at all, not anymore. Look around you. You see all this? Tell me what you see."

He tried to answer, but nothing came. Just a sickly, guttural gulp escaped his trembling, pale lips. I smiled even more. "That's right, nothing. Nothing, yessir." I crouched down slightly, so I could see into his eyes. I looked at him, yessir, and he looked back at me. And I knew what he was seeing. I would tell him what he was seeing, yessir. "This is fear, my boy. True fear. That hideous tingling sensation, the kind that makes your hairs stand on end. You hear a noise in the corner, but when you look, there's nothing there. There never was anything there to start with, of course, but your mind won't accept that. This is what you're seeing, yessir. Fear. Raw, uninhibited fear. I am fear. Remember, as a child, when your father would tell you stories about the boogeyman? Go to bed, he would say; or, eat your greens, he would say. Or the boogeyman will come and eat you up, he would say. Remember that, my boy?"

He choked, and I could tell he remembered all too well. "I am that boogeyman. You were always a good boy, I'm sure. You more than likely went to bed, yessir, and ate your greens, and did as Daddy told you to. But Daddy isn't here now. Daddy tried to lock up the boogeyman; make it go away, yessir, like he would do for you as a child. But this time, the boogeyman didn't want to be locked up. No, not this time. This time, there is no closet to hide the boogeyman in, no empty corner of your mind where you can send the boogeyman so he wouldn't haunt you any longer. Why, though? Why can't you lock him up in the closet and throw away the key?"

He shook his head. "Because nothing is fair. Because the truth is, everything...everything is just a joke. Just a sick, brutal, miserable joke. And guess what? We're all the players, yessir; just actors, cast in a role we never knew of nor wanted, just characters in this monstrous farce. Oh, it may seem tragic, but you can be certain that some vile higher power is watching this joke unfold before him, laughing like the sick madman he is. I am all too aware of this, yessir, and I aim to destroy this cruel jest once and for all. A better world, a world where there is no sick joke, a world where people can appreciate who they really are. A world of fear, chaos, madness. You can only appreciate who you are, yessir, when you truly remove the shackles of order, the chains that tether you to some false ideal. Sickening. Utterly so, yessir."

He could take no more. Grinning gleefully, I placed my hand against his forehead. "Your misery ends here, my boy, yessir. Consider this a mercy killing." And with that line uttered, I blew the poor fellow's mind to pieces. There was no blood or gore; but his mind was shattered now, and without that, his body could no longer function. He collapsed to the floor in a crumpled heap, surrounded by the stained remains of his revolting relatives. There was simply no place for them in this cruel world.

Never let it be said I am inconsiderate of others, yessir. Hyeheheheheheh...[/spoiler]

Offline Dr. Wily II

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Wow... That was a great read... It kept me on the edge of my seat... Thinking what Blackmore would do in the end.
Very good job.

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

Offline Alice in Entropy

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The Path On Which We Tread

[spoiler]I tread upon a tender fascimile
Looking both ways
Hoping I never fall

I'll be walking this way for a while
Counting the days
I'll get through it all[/spoiler]

Manly Tears

[spoiler]I will overcome all my fears
I will remain strong for years
I will stand tall amongst jeers
I will respect my friends' cheers
I will know when emotion nears
Because I can cry manly tears![/spoiler]

I have no idea.

Offline Dr. Wily II

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Hehe, great poems as always. :3

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

Offline Night

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[spoiler]I will overcome all my fears
I will remain strong for years
I will stand tall amongst jeers
I will respect my friends' cheers
I will know when emotion nears
Because I can cry manly tears![/spoiler]

Offline Alice in Entropy

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The Gardener

Where do babies come from?
Well son
A long time
Before you were even born
Your Mommy and I
Loved eachother
Very much
And decided to have a baby
So Mommy and I
Sat down and looked up
And we said
Please grant us
A beautiful child
And God planted
A little seed
In the soil
And it grew
And grew
And grew
And grew
And grew
And your Daddy
Watered the seed
And it grew
And your Mommy
Kept it warm
And it grew
And grew
And grew
And grew
And grew
Until it was
Fully grown
Your eyes
All grew from
That little seed
And your Mommy
And your Daddy
Plucked you from the flower
That grew from the little seed
And that's
Where babies come from
Yes son?
Is God
A gardener?
Yes son
I suppose
God is
Sort of like
A gardener
The world is
His garden
And we are
His flowers
And God
Is our gardener[/spoiler]

I'm not religious, just for the record. I just thought God sounded nice instead of "the big guy up there". I was going to finish this with a sarcastic, snappy ending like "Love", but I didn't think it felt right.


[spoiler]I have a vision
A tele
I see things
I see things
On my vision
My tele
I hear things
I hear things
On this vision
This tele
Do you see them too?[/spoiler]

It's about television. Bet you didn't figure that out.

An, er, word of warning about this next one. It may seem a tad unsavoury, at least to those who know what "buggery" is. It's also a little political. I don't know what it's supposed to be. I started humming it as an old-fashioned marching anthem and...well, this is the result. Enjoy, I think

Our Fair Nation

Buggeration of our fair nation!

The young folk of today
Only see things their own way
They don't know the glories of the past
I should know, and I've even asked

Buggeration of our fair nation!

Of course we spend our money here
To keep our good country dear
Never mind if the young ones are losing out
It's their own fault, without a doubt

Buggeration of our fair nation!

Dear me, dear me
What is it you see?
Poverty, suffering, hunger
Well, my dear
We're certainly not getting
Any younger!

Buggeration of our fair nation!





God save the Queen
What does "uber alles" mean?
Oh say can you see
For soldiers are we
My, what a frightful thought
I think
We ought
To boot
These law-makers
Up their well-polished
And stop this madness
This crassful badness
And put an end to this

Buggeration of our fair nation!





Buggeration of our fair nation!


Offline Irgendein

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The Gardener

Where do babies come from?
Well son
A long time
Before you were even born
Your Mommy and I
Loved eachother
Very much
And decided to have a baby
So Mommy and I
Sat down and looked up
And we said
Please grant us
A beautiful child
And God planted
A little seed
In the soil
And it grew
And grew
And grew
And grew
And grew
And your Daddy
Watered the seed
And it grew
And your Mommy
Kept it warm
And it grew
And grew
And grew
And grew
And grew
Until it was
Fully grown
Your eyes
All grew from
That little seed
And your Mommy
And your Daddy
Plucked you from the flower
That grew from the little seed
And that's
Where babies come from
Yes son?
Is God
A gardener?
Yes son
I suppose
God is
Sort of like
A gardener
The world is
His garden
And we are
His flowers
And God
Is our gardener[/spoiler]

I'm not religious, just for the record.
I'm not either, but, that was beautiful

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Those are very interesting as always. :3

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

Offline Alice in Entropy

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This is an essay I wrote for Religious Studies class. Make of it what you will.

[spoiler]The song I have chosen to write about is "Innervision" by System of a Down. The song, like many of the band's, has no definite meaning; instead, the listener is encouraged to decide upon the meaning for themselves. Hence, this is how I percieve the song, and how its lyrics search for meaning.

Personally, I imagine it to be about a man who seeks a woman whom he once loved, but left behind. Then one day, he is plagued by a desire to know the answer to something. A deep question that haunts him. Hence, he goes to seek her ("I need your guidance"), but she won't tell him the answers ("your sacred silence"), and says he must look within his own soul for the answers. Allow me to go into greater detail.

The song discusses how the singer is searching for an answer to a question that is haunting him; he desperately seeks the truth, but doesn't know how or where it can be found. The song opens with the singer proclaiming: "I have a home, longing to roam." He has left his home and gone roaming in search of the answers; however, I interpret this as a metaphorical home that he has left. He has left the safety and comfort of ignorance and is examining deeper philosophies, which he may not be used to. He goes on to say, "I have to find you, I have to meet you" - this may be him referring to a woman he is in love with or, possibly, a woman that he left long ago. He feels that only she can help him find the answer, and so he wants to meet her again. He tells her that he "needs [her] guidance", and that he needs to seek his "inner vision".

In the next verse, he says that his "pupils dance, lost in a trance"; this could mean that the widsom he has been seeking has had a profound, mesmerising effect on him. "Your sacred silence," he says, "losing all violence" - he has abandoned violence in favour of tranquility, hoping it will bring him internal peace, and the silence he is referring to could be the woman he seeks; she will not tell him the answer, for it is sacred. He maintains that he has to find her and get the answer from her, but she still refuses.

And then he figures it out. His search to find the woman he once loved may not have given him the answers he wanted, but it was not a journey that was for nothing: he has realised that he cannot rely on others to give him the answers, but must instead seek them for himself, from within his own mind and soul. This is the elusive "Inner Vision" which he mentions and has sought for so long.

The next verse is rather different from the rest, as the man - who is well on his way to completing the journey and finding "the truth" - declares that "it's never too late to re-invent the bicycle, a smile brings forth energy of life, giving you force". I interpret this as himself referring to his fated meeting with the wise woman. "It's never too late to re-invent the bicycle" means that there is always a chance to seek your "inner vision" - using the image of a bicycle as a metaphor - while the "smile" image refers to his meeting with the woman, who, with a simple yet knowing smile, opened up the proverbial door within his mind and gave him access to the answers he always wanted.

The man then muses that there is "only one true path in life" and that "the road that leads to all is to one". By this, he means that the only "true path" is the same as the road "that leads to all": the path or road that we must all take in order to find the answers to the great mysteries of life. However, we cannot allow others give us the answers; we must seek them for ourselves. In this way, I feel that the message of this songs become parallel with another form of hidden philosophical wisdom: that of the Tarot. In the Tarot, the Fool (who represents our own selves; or in this case, the man who wants the answers) sets off on a journey to find the answers to the questions that haunt his mind and soul. He meets many strange and interesting characters, all of whom represent a part of ourselves or an aspect of the world which surrounds us, and eventually arrives at his destination: the World, otherwise known as "infinity", representing completion and endlessness; for once we achieve true enlightenment, the possibilities are truly endless. We may have reached the end of this journey, but there is always more to do afterwards. The man in the song, who is the Fool, has found enlightenment from within himself, and so has achieved his true potential - and yet, there is still much more he can do.

This song, amongst other things, has one very important question at its core: "Who are we?" There is an old story which tells of an elderly man who wanders into a little village one day; a passer-by notices he is carrying a lantern in his hand. He asks why, and the elderly man replies, "I am searching for an honest man." An honest man may just be a man who is wholly truthful, but it can also refer to a man who has found the truth and achieved true enlightenment. Likewise, there is a story which tells of a wise man who was said to know everything - he was asked one day by an inquisitive young man, "What is the ultimate question?" The wise old man's response was simple: "To know oneself." The song tells of a man who, after many trials and hardships, came to the conclusion that the answers he sought were always known to him, deep inside - he just had to find the way to reach them.

Perhaps one of the reasons we, as human beings, have not yet discovered the meaning of life is because we are too outwardly focused, and we are constantly looking for the truth in other places. Only the wisest thinkers can come to realise that we must find the answers by ourselves, through our own hard work and dedication, and that, ultimately, the answer lies in only one place:

Your own self.[/spoiler]

Also, something I did a little while ago. It's a sprite of my brother's JoJo Stand, Pretty Fly For A White Guy (he's an Offspring uber-fan).

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That's a pretty cool-looking sprite.

As for the essay... Hmm... It does get you thinking...

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Offline Alice in Entropy

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I don't know how many people are actually going to bother reading this, but I'm gonna post it anyway to get opinions on it. This is the story I believe I've mentioned before, which I've had on the backburner for a while. I hope to actually complete this and, if possible, have it be a novel-length story.

The very, very basic summary of the plot: it's an adventure/Western set in a fantasy world that's very similar to the Old West, following Eli Faust, a gunslinger who's searching for a stranger he has a violent vengeance against. He's joined by a mechanic-savvy teenage girl and a badass priest with a big gun, on his quest to slay the remaining members of a corrupt Sacred Order and take his revenge. Religious symbolism, bloody gunfights, Knight Templar-esque mysteries, what it is to be an outsider and the ethics of killing for a purpose are all central themes.

But you get to read chapter two. Why? I don't really know. It's just a random taster.

Also: if you're reading this, PLEASE post your opinion or any comments you may have. I'd love to hear what you think.


[spoiler]Belief and spirituality were essential to the Gunman order. Almost every Gunman, it seemed, held belief in God; and those that did not hold such beliefs at least kept their tongues still. The people who lived in Alveria believed in a monotheistic religion, where there was only one God. Nobody knew of His name, but nevertheless, it was preached by priests and cardinals the land over that He was watching over them all and that He was a benevolent deity who would ensure prosperity befell those that worshippd him. The "work of God" was very important to the order, who believed they recieved their titles and abilities from some form of divine Greater Being.

But religion is a fickle thing, and not everybody believed in it in the same way as the order did. Sometimes, it seemed, God liked to play with the affairs of mortal men.


It was the dead of night, mere moments after the clocks chimed midnight. The sky, a dark ink-blue ocean, was speckled with thousands of tiny white stars; and the moon, a glistening silver crescent, hung serenely above the town. Ordinarily, it would have been a splendid image.

But not tonight. For tonight, the entire town was blazing.

Buildings, once tall and proud, were engulfed in a sea of crimson flames. Thick plumes of coal-grey smoke rose from the burning buildings, choking the night sky. The great blaze consumed anything it touched, razing entire settlements to the ground. It was a terrifiying sight to behold, the town bathed in a terrible - yet somehow maliciously glorious - inferno.

Upon a hill overlooking the burning town, there stood a horse - a powerful mare, black as night, with eyes like blood-stained rubies. Seated on the beast, admiring the spectacle, was a figure draped in a dark cloak and hat. In the shade of the midnight air, it was virtually impossible to distinguish his features.

"That's right, boys," spoke the dark man, addressing a group of creatures hiking slowly up the hill; they resembled humans, but their mottled flesh, partially-exposed vertebrae, gnarled talons, fang-filled jaws and abundance of glaring eyes suggested they were anything but human beings. Each of them led a portion of the townsfolk, whom were in chains - some of them were being dragged along the path, the grim bodily wounds implying they had resisted and been killed by these monsters. The shadowy man was pleased with his handiwork.

"Good job, boys. Good job." He took a look at the imprisoned townsfolk, and then the burning city. "Such a pity. I gave them a chance to surrender, but I suppose some people prefer things the hard way."

His job here was done. Lashing his steed's golden reins, he galloped off into the night. The blazing town, now beginning to smoulder, faded from view...


It was quiet here. The walls, made from thousands of cool grey blocks, must have reached up about at least fifty feet. Likewise, the floor was of great length, with rows of beechwood pews and a narrow red carpet trailing its way between them, leading up to the altar at the head of the church. Above the altar, and all along the walls, were magnificent stained glass windows. Not a sound could be heard. It was a peaceful place.

Eli was, by no account, a spiritual man. And yet here he was, seated on one of the front-most pews, a cigarillo held in his mouth. His gaze was fixed on the stained glass portrait in front of him, the very focal point of the church. It was a depiction of a large golden cross, surrounded by a chorus of angels. It made him think...

"Mr. Faust? Is that you, Eli?"

The voice was the first noise to be heard in a long time. Footsteps echoed through the grand, hollow building, coming from the priest slowly strolling down the hall.

"And if it is?" Eli responded, not even turning to look.

"I just didn't expect to meet you here, that's all." Father Maxwell, the parish priest, approached Eli softly. He looked at the cigarillo being smoked, but said nothing. "And what brings you here, young man?"

"Nothin' much, Padre. I just...needed to sit down. That's all."

"I think I'll join you." Father Maxwell took a seat beside Eli, hands cupped in a solemn manner on his knees. He pushed the small spectacles he wore up onto the bridge of his nose and gave a little smile. He was a number of years older than Eli, quite nearly a middle-aged man, but his face had the sculpted charm of a man half his age: not exceptionally handsome was Father Maxwell, but by no means unattractive.

There was an air of silence for a moment, until the priest spoke up again: "Why do you come here, Eli?"

Eli glanced suspiciously at Father Maxwell. "What kinda question is that?"

"I mean no offense, Eli, I'm just curious. You don't seem like a very religious person."

"I ain't, Padre." Eli blew a puff of smoke. "But this place...it's nice. Quiet. I can think here. Just sit back, relax, and think."

As Eli drifted off into his own thoughts, Father Maxwell began to idly fiddle with the cross necklace around his neck.

"Tell me, Eli, do you believe in God?"

Eli took a moment to exhale the cigarillo fumes. "Nope. I'm not one for believin' in fairy tales." A pause. "Why do you ask?"

"No reason, just idle curiosity." The priest raised the little golden cross and examined it. "God is more than just a fairy tale, Eli. We seek guidance in God, both spiritual and ethical. People such as myself have pledged their love and devotion to Him. I serve Him faithfully, Eli, and He has brought me joy and comfort."

"The big guy in the sky with the white beard?" Eli mused dryly, "I just don't buy it, Padre. But I used to know someone who did."

Father Maxwell's interest was piqued. "And who would that be?"

Eli took a deep breath, sighed and lowered the cigarillo. "My father, when I was just a little kid. Damnit, he believed in the Big Guy with everythin' he had, which wasn't much. We didn't have much back then; we were poor as hell, but my father kept on prayin' and prayin'. Every mornin', at sunrise, he'd get up an' head down to the chapel to pay his services. "God'll help us," he used to say. Lotta good that did. For all that prayin' an' devotion, he never got a single dime from the Big Guy. Not even a scrap. Everythin' he had, he busted his ass off to get." Eli took a drag on his cigarillo and quickly exhaled it again. "After that, I kinda stopped believin' in God. Far as I was concerned, if there was a God, well he could've come down an' told me so himself. I don't care much for believin' in what I can't see, Padre."

Father Maxwell nodded, having listened carefully to Eli's story. He leaned in a little closer. "Might I offer some spiritual advice?"

"Shoot, Padre."

"Perhaps, Eli, God was merely presenting that as a test of your faith. Perhaps He wanted you to put your faith in Him, despite the lack of physical evidence. For all we know, it could have been your denial of God's existence that left your family with nothing."

"What a loving guy," Eli muttered, getting to his feet. "I think I've heard enough preaching for one day, Padre. I just wanted to clear my head, not get into a religous debate."

Father Maxwell gave a knowing smile. "A Gunman must show humilience and servitude to God, correct?"

Eli, for once, was at a loss for words. The Padre was the only person who knew of Eli's relation to the order, and for the simple reason that Eli confided in him. He was, one might say, Eli's confidant. Whatever Eli had to say, Father Maxwell listened.

The priest leaned back against the pew and gazed up at the ceiling. "There is much anger in you, Eli. That much I can tell about you."

Eli didn't even turn around. "You don't say..."

"Eli, I know things haven't been easy for you, but you've got to learn to let go of your anger. Whatever is causing you to act like this, just release it. Let go of the grudge burdening your soul."

After a long, uneasy moment of silence, Eli stubbed out the remains of his cigarillo. "I can't, Padre. I've got something I gotta do, and I ain't gonna rest 'til it's done..even if I have to go down to Hell with him."

Father Maxwell chose not to say anything. Instead, he watched Eli take his leave, the sound of his boots ringing through the church. Once he had left, the elderly priest got down on one knee. Holding the cross in his clasped hands, he uttered a short prayer.


News of the fire spread quickly. All through the town, it was the topic on everyone's lips. There was no general concensus as to who or what started the fire and why: some people assumed it was just a freak accident, while others viewed it as sheer carelessness. Those of a more suspicious disposition believed it to be the word of a deranged arsonist, or something worse still. More than one zealous preacher spoke of the fire as the work of the Devil. No-one knew the truth for sure.

Except for one person, who had witnessed the event for himself. That person had only arrived in town earlier that morning, yet he had already gained a reputation as a delusional fool.

"More fiend than man, he was," the newcomer explained from his makeshift podium - a wooden crate in the middle of the town square. The locals had gathered around to hear him, but moreso to laugh at his mad ravings.

"He was one with the night, and even the moon trembled when he appeared," the speaker continued, "He rode a dark horse, black as night, with eyes like flames! Wherever that horse walked, a trail of shadows followed. The air itself became cold as a graveyard when he was near!"

The familiar figure of a man in a cowboy hat and grey-white clothing made his way through the crowd: Eli had heard of the so-called "nutjob" that had drifted into town, and he decided to find out what all the hubbub was about. He didn't expect to get anything useful out of it, but nevertheless, he listened intently to the speaker.

"He came down from the mountains, ravaging all in his path, and rode into town; he said something - I didn't hear what - and suddenly, a horde of vile monsters rose from the ground and overwhelmed the townsfolk! I barely escaped...I ran for my life, and when I looked back, the entire town had gone up in flames! The dark fiend rode off into the night, and was never seen again. It was terrible! And that fiend...he was like a servant of Death! Nothing less!"

It was there and then that something clicked in Eli. It was the phrase that was used - "a servant of Death" - that made him realize. There was no mistaking it: the "fiend" had to be the Dark Rider.

"Where did this happen?" Eli demanded, speaking up.

"Steelmill Port," said the speaker, "About five hundred miles from here. I had to run all the way just to get here, but I wanted to - no, had to - spread the word of this...this...this demon!"

"Steelmill Port," Eli mumbled under his breath, wondering if he had ever been there. It wasn't too far away on the map; he must have passed it on his way here. "There's no way he'd still be there," he thought to himself, "Nah, he's bound to have gone somwhere else...but even so..."

While the speaker continued to ramble on about what he thought he saw, Eli hurriedly made his way back out of the crowd. He wasted no time, sprinting as fast as he could in the direction of the local station.

"Looks like I've got a train to catch..."[/spoiler]

Offline Dr. Wily II

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As of now, I really like the flow of the story, and it had just enough content to make a clear image in my head.
And this is chapter 2? XD
Anyways, a really good read.

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

Offline Alice in Entropy

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[spoiler]Let's all play a game
A game of pretend
Pretend that you're falling
Pretend you're at your end

Pretend that I helped you
Imagine I took your hand
Pretend I amounted to something
Here I am, here I stand

What measure is it to be a hero?
When everyone else
Tries to bring you down
I'll stand up, be counted
I'll be a hero
I'll save you
I'll be your hero
I'll save you

Let's all play a game
A game of chance
A deck of cards, neatly shuffled
While they watch you dance

Like a puppet, a wooden doll
Tethered on a string
Dance, puppet, dance
Dance, dance, and sing

What measure is it to be a hero?
When everyone else
Tries to bring you down
I'll stand up, be counted
I'll be a hero
I'll save you
I'll be your hero
I'll save you

Let's all play a game
The game where things
Fall down
And the house of cards
No smile from fortune
You can't even pretend
When the masks breaks

You've shamed us!
You've shamed us!
You've shamed us!
You've shamed us!
You've shamed us!
You're no hero

What measure is it to be a hero?
When everyone else
Tries to bring you down
I'll stand up, be counted
I'll be a hero
I'll save you
I'll be your hero
I'll save you

Break out
Break free
Cut the strings
Don't play their game
Any more
Break the rules
Break the game
Walk away
Let me be your hero

What measure is it to be a hero?
When everyone else
Tries to bring you down
I'll stand up, be counted
I'll be a hero
I'll save you
I'll be your hero
I'll save you

I'm your hero now[/spoiler]

Honestly, does anyone even like this poetry stuff anymore?

Offline Dr. Wily II

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I know I really admire your written stuff. :3

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

Offline Alice in Entropy

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Reply #122 on: September 12, 2009, 10:19:04 PM

[spoiler]Woke up one morning
And looked at my alarm clock
Saw that I had overslept
And boy did I freak out

So I jumped out of bed
Grabbed a slice of toast downstairs
Got my jacket and shoes
And ran outside onto my bike

I'm cycling as fast as I can
Legs pumping like crazy
Pass by my old neighbour's house
Hoping I can get to class on time

And I make it there, just in time
But I'm exhausted and worn
Look at the clock outside on the campus

Can I get inside before the bell?
Can I get my seat before it rings?
Can I empty my locker and grab my books?
Can I get there on time?

So I run, make a dash for the door
But then, out of nowhere
The clock suddenly stops
And so does everything else around me

The falling leaves, the swaying grass
The people rushing to get to class
The wind itself, there's no whooshing
And I'm just standing there, perplexed

And then it hits me like a truck
With a smile, I saunter to class
And take my seat in the front row
And suddenly everything moves again

I don't know how I did it, or why
And I don't know if, physically, I crossed the line
But I won't worry about my alarm ever again
'Cos I found out I can stop time![/spoiler]

Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #123 on: September 13, 2009, 10:59:08 AM
W00t! Stop time!
Though how is another problem. XD

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

Offline Alice in Entropy

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Reply #124 on: September 14, 2009, 09:33:35 PM
The Greatest Boys

[spoiler]The boy looked up at the man
And asked what the gun was for
The man, with a smile, leaned foward and spoke:
"My son, you're going off to war."

Fear knots in his throat
He hugs his mother and says goodbye
"It's okay, mom, I'll come home safe."
Said the boy, marching off to die.

The other boys, rifles in hand
Say nothing. Just nod and smile
Unsure of where they're going
But they'll get there in a while.

The boys are not very old
Scarely men at all
But they were sent to fight
To shed blood; their passion, their call.

They're never coming home
These are boys that cannot be saved
The screams, the bullets, bodies crumble
In bloodied boots, they march to their grave.

And the nameless boys
Fed the lies of squandered dreams
Bravely trod across the valley
Their lives in vain, it seems.

"He was such a good boy,"
His dear old mother cried.
The bitter rain, God's icy tears
Mourn this young soldier, belied.

Their faces and names a mystery
These shadow heroes, who gave their best
In shallow tombs amongst the stars
As the greatest boys are laid to rest.

And the higher men know nothing of fear
Or the mourning of families in kind
Their brave little boys, names left to the wind
A soldier long gone, a son left behind.[/spoiler]