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Messages - Canticleer Blues

Hm, that particular 'redesign' of Sephira/Aero was actually a piece of fanart by Score, a member of the Capcom Unity forums.   :)
Original / Re: Weird enemy glitch in MM3
December 02, 2010, 04:42:12 AM
I had this glitch happen to me on the PS2 version of Megaman Anniversay Collection- same stage, same location.  Kinda freaked me out the first time I saw it.  o-O  I'm curious about the reasoning as to why this glitch happens...
Comic Con was AWESOME!  :D  Seriously. it was so great.  The show was huge; there was so much going on.  :)
General / Re: Capcom in NYC
October 08, 2010, 03:39:19 AM
I'm going to NYCC! : D  So exciting.  I'm hoping to see Keiji Inafune, and if I do, I'll have my copy of MML1 ready for signin'!  owob
I really hope they get at least Teisel, Tron and the Servbot's VAs back.  Barrel and Roll's would be nice too, but if it came down to it, pirates all the way!  :D
Gaming / Re: Tatsunoko vs. Capcom (the sequel topic)
September 12, 2009, 01:30:13 AM
Remember, there are three new Tatsunoko characters and two new Capcom ones.  So logically, this has to be the Zero we all know.
March 13, 2009, 03:54:59 AM
Nice!  I was also lucky enough to get to go to NYCC.  It was pretty awesome, even though I didn't meet as many cool people (on the whole...) as you did.  Before the next NYCC, someone should make a thread so that all RPM members who'll be going to the 'Con can  have like an unofficial meeting or something.  Did you see that they had one of the Rockman source books for sale there?  I would've bought it, but by that time I had already spent my mony on other cool stuff.  :|
Yes, a Mega Buster that's 5x the power of a regular shot is a little overpowered.  With that much power, the average Robot Master would go down in five hits!  X(
Anime & Manga / Re: Lupin III vs Conan
January 25, 2009, 04:41:21 AM
Lupin III?  And Conan?   If this is good, it'll be a must-watch! 
Rockman Series / Re: Ancient Theories/Fanon
January 25, 2009, 04:32:13 AM
I wish Inafune would one day get a team and fix RM3 so it can be the way he intended to to be.  I mean, if it really bothers him to the point of it being his least favorite, there's no reason why he couldn't do such a thing; heck, he'd probably make money off it too, so why not?
I knew this was gonna happen eventually.  It's just too good of an idea to not do. I'll give you my suggestions in a PM, 'cause I don't want to clutter this topic with any more huge posts. 
Rockman Series / What are YOU fighting for?
January 24, 2009, 12:51:22 AM
As inspired by Lucas Gilbertson's frontpage greeting.

I'll start with this: "everlasting peace."

Now find something less boring to fight for.  :P
Lucas Gilbertson, you are awesome.  This is cool. :)
Original / Re: Rockman 7/8 FC (Spoilers)
November 30, 2008, 12:36:55 AM
Woah!  That's really cool.  :D Now you gotta hope they'll use those sprites and not have Rush Marine as a swimming replacement instead.
Whoa.  For a low-budget movie, this sure looks nice.  Can't wait to see the full thing.  :)
Original / Re: Rockman 7/8 FC (Spoilers)
November 29, 2008, 08:18:02 PM
Quote from: Vixy on November 29, 2008, 06:29:57 PM
They will (obviously) do it. I haven't seen any swimming sprites in 8bit yet tho. o.o

It says on one of the pages that there's no swimming; instead, we'll have the return of the Rush Marine.  :D 

QuoteYou know, I like these downgrades and all, but for both this and 7, this kind of attitude is just plain stupid. It's like MM9 all over again, retro for retro and isn't allowed to surpass Rockman6 in terms of gameplay features.

Perhaps, but look at it this way: Rush Cycle was fun, but didn't really do anything new or revolutionary, basically the game's playable without it; Rush Health is useless now that they're putting E-tanks back in (Which is a change for the better IMO); Rush Bomber is just a less effective Astro Crush; and Rush Charger is pretty much a summonable Eddie, and if they're putting him back in, then that's redundant too.  :)

Nice sprites there, speedremix!
Original / Re: Rockman 7/8 FC (Spoilers)
November 15, 2008, 09:57:22 PM
Does anybody have all the sprites from the old thread?  Those were really well-made.
Original / Re: Mega Man Chronology Discussion
November 15, 2008, 09:54:43 PM
Wasn't Dr. Wily thought dead between MM3 and his appearance in MM4?  If so than no games can happen between MM3 and MM4, right?
Forum Games / Re: Praise the above poster!
November 09, 2008, 10:34:57 PM
Has a high level of confidence!
General / Re: Rockman Tanjou has (almost) returned!
November 09, 2008, 09:23:17 PM
Awesome! It'll be great to have this back up. I'm been meaning to see more Megamix for a while now.
Off The Wall / Re: Post Pictures Of Yourself
November 08, 2008, 10:28:13 PM
Hmm... Wanderer, you look like someone I know.  That's odd...
Original / Re: How can Blues just be so sexy and perfect?
November 08, 2008, 09:53:57 PM
Quote from: borockman on November 08, 2008, 09:46:25 PM
Well, he's enjoyable to draw that for sure!  8D

Yeah, Blues is the only Classic character that I can draw decently.

In addition to what's been said already, the design on his helmet is awesome as well.

We should have a Blues smiley.  That would be awesome...
Original / Re: Mega Man 9's secret?
November 08, 2008, 09:50:12 PM
Quote from: Vixy on November 08, 2008, 09:47:25 PM
Because you was thinking about "It's a secret to everybody"?

I thought the same thing, actually... ???
Hello, everyone.  I'm Canticleer Blues.  I see this forum has a history of Blues-lovers, so I bet I'll fit right in!  :D
Original / Mega Man 9's secret?
November 08, 2008, 09:36:08 PM
So, does anyone have any idea what it is?