Rockman 7/8 FC (Spoilers)

Started by Diggeh, November 14, 2008, 12:25:17 AM

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Dr. Wily II

Well, since this thread is now reborn...
Any new updates with regards to the RM8FC project?

I'm watching you all. Always watching.


I've been waiting for this thread to come back!
Nothing game wise as far as I know...They did posted an actually map designer on the upload page with frost man's stage tiles, but I could never figure out how to work it...

I could always make some sprites for little teasers, where's speed?


the intro song was probably the best song in the whole game and they skipped it, this game can rot for all i care  -_-

Dr. Wily II

Quote from: Night on November 14, 2008, 05:33:25 PM
I could always make some sprites for little teasers, where's speed?
I guess he's lost in the RPM void... ;_;

Quote from: Lami on November 14, 2008, 08:22:35 PM
the intro song was probably the best song in the whole game and they skipped it, this game can rot for all i care  -_-
Woah, those are some harsh words...

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

Kirby Pink

Could you provide a link for Rockman 8 FC?

Dr. Wily II

Is it just me, or is the site currently down, like for maintenence?

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

Canticleer Blues

Does anybody have all the sprites from the old thread?  Those were really well-made.


I only have what I made, and I put that on the upload page after showing it off...

Police Girl

Hate to bring up old Questions, But How do you change Midi To Pttune again?


Quote from: Night on November 16, 2008, 12:53:45 AM
I only have what I made, and I put that on the upload page after showing it off...


There you are speed, how's it going? You've been working on a few things since last time I see...


Your Flame Sword sheet's got a few transparency issues there...

Otherwise, looks good.


Well flame sword and claw weapons are not mine. I only made F. Bomb and R. Ball.

I like to draw... NOT!

Yllisos Zanon

Didn't someone create the Rush Cycle sometime before the forum crash?

Plus, did the boss sprites from the previous forums survive any?
They're coming to take me away
hee hee hoo hoo haw haw


I did the Rush Cycle but team said that they will replace it with Coil well I thought it was usefull in original. Especially in Clown Man Stage.


Seems they've updated again...

The first sprites for Wily's saucer, and I must say, they make the little boy in me who played mm8 back when he was still a child Faunt with glee!

Despite having already completed a sheet for the previous astro man, they've now given him yet another resprite.
It's a very big improvement, but they still have a long way to go...

And we now have a full Title Screen and Stage select demo!
Selecting a boss will open the boss into with their names appearing. Boss sprites do now show up though...

But wait, what's this at the bottom of the Select Screen!?
[spoiler] Can it BE?![/spoiler]



Quote- Night's Stage Select screenshot post -

"Aaannnd we have a winner, folks!!"


Rock Man 7 FC is a wonderful "downmake", but I prefer the original over it.

Can't wait to try out Rock Man 8 FC and perhaps even Rockman & Forte FC as well.
Flok's favorites:


I just edited Night's pallete and fixed all sheet from the main site.
You can see the edit I made on foods of the first slash  [eyebrow]

Oh and a little surprise......


I don't think I did any of those...


Then who was the one did the flame sword ? I thought it was you... he was from this forum. :|