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Reply #475 on: December 09, 2014, 12:41:33 AM
"I'd fancy some Sunkern crisps, m'self..." Zubat mused aloud.

"Crispy crunchy nutty buddy fuddy duddy," Scizor rambled incoherently and pulled up clumps of dirty and grass, which he then stuffed in his mouth and chewed up before spitting it out in disgust.

Illana sighed and wiped his mouth with a napkin, offering some Berries that would certainly taste better than dirt. "I think you're getting a bit overexcited..."

Scizor messily ate a few of the Berries, and then crushed the rest and squirt the juice everywhere.  He flopped onto his back and rolled himself up in his blanket. "Skee-zor Dune worm!  Skee-zor EATS the spice!  Skee-zor EATS the universe!"

"Okay, Scizor.  You're getting wound up, you wanna go back in your Ball for a bit?" Illana moved her bag out of the way.

Scizor stopped rolling around and looked at Illana. "Skee-zor tired.  Skee-zor want nap." He crawled over and laid his head in Illana's lap and closed his eyes.

Illana stroked his head. "Sleep well, buddy."

Meanwhile, in an undisclosed location...

Prof. Hypno cracked open an eye and drew in a long breath.  His mouth was dry and sticky, and his throat had a thick film coating it.  He swallowed a few times, tasting pencil graphite, and he realized that he had fallen asleep while working.

Lifting his head, he yawned and pushed the rumpled papers out of the way.  Before him were more blueprints and concept designs, and he was working on designing a servomotor when he had fallen asleep.  His work had been suffering delays, as he found himself nodding off quite often.

Attributing it to stress and being overworked, he scratched at his right ear, and then scratched his left arm.  He had been losing track of entire days.  Yawning again, he decided that he needed a break.

Hauling himself out of his chair, he strapped his left arm into his crutch, and slipped the right into the other.  The seizure he suffered several weeks ago had made walking more difficult, and he took to using forearm crutches in order to get around.  His mobility had declined considerably, as he was unable to go to physical therapy like he used to.  He needed to speak to Mr. P about that, and about getting in touch with Mulberry.

Hobbling out of the lab, Prof. Hypno made his way to a vending machine for a drink.  He paused in the hallway and looked around, feeling as though he was being watched.  However, he couldn't detect anything out of the ordinary, so he continued his slow hobble down the hall.

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Reply #476 on: December 09, 2014, 01:05:26 AM
(... All that Pokemon as food!)

The two Grunts jumped in front of Fenice, in a vain attempt to stop the incoming stampede.

"Move away, I can handle this myself."

The two Grunts looked at each other, and stepped away as instructed. Fenice then went into a sort of squatting position. As the stampede came closer, he took in a really deep breath, and used Roar. The stampede screeched to a halt, and then turntailed in the other direction. Taking another deep breath...

"And what is this talk about Pokemon food!? Pokemon are our equals! How could you all talk about it as if it is normal!?"

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Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #477 on: December 09, 2014, 01:09:28 AM
"Damn I was almost looking forward to him being run over, then again I don't think waking that Scizor up from his nap would have been a good idea." Z thought as she was a bit surprised about the Roar "Still that talk about Pokemon as food is going to get really ugly quick if someone doesn't do anything.  I hope Pyro can get out of this who am I kidding of course he will."

The Shroomish was somewhat frightened by the Roar himself but stood his ground as the Doduos and Dodrios ran past. 

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #478 on: December 09, 2014, 01:32:07 AM
Illana looked away and just pet Scizor as he napped. "Anyway... I spoke with his former trainer and his original trainer, and none of them know who his abuser is, or even what happened to him.  He talks about a 'crib,' but we're not sure what it is."

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Reply #479 on: December 09, 2014, 01:38:54 AM
"Oh thank god Illana changed the subject.  Arguing with a vegetarian is not a good idea, despite the fact that Pokemon eat each other." Z mentally sighed.

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #480 on: December 09, 2014, 02:09:53 AM
"A crib?"

Fenice rubbed his chin in deep thought. The connotation does not sound good at all, given the state of the Scizor. Gai was just staring at the disappearing stampede.

"I guess the only way to help your Scizor is with our professional therapists. Perhaps even unlock the memory of his abuser, and bring that person to Pokemon justice."

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Reply #481 on: December 09, 2014, 02:27:52 AM
"Hopefully.  I really wish I knew what happened to him, but half of what he says doesn't even make sense," Illana sighed.

"Might've been brained one too many times.  'At'd make anyone a touch daft," Zubat commented helpfully.

"You think so?" Illana replied, well aware that Fenice probably couldn't understand what her Pokemon were saying.

"It's possible.  Y've noticed when 'e'd duck if anyone but ye try t' touch 'is 'ead.  Or maybe cranial drill intrusion.  Maybe someone wanted t' control 'im and 'ey'd lobotomized 'im," Zubat shrugged.

Illana was aghast.  "That's sick!"


After getting a drink from the vending machine, using the card supplied to him, Prof. Hypno put the bottle in his labcoat pocket and hobbled down the hall to Mr. P's office.  He still felt like he was being watched, and when he had taken a glance at the date and time on the vending machine's interface, he realized that he had lost an entire day.

It was as if yesterday never happened.

Blinking a few times and shaking his head, he surmised that he must be overworked.  Finally arriving at Mr. P's office door, he gave a knock and waited.

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Reply #482 on: December 09, 2014, 02:30:26 AM
Z somewhat shuddered remembering Twoey and that certain Alakazam.

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #483 on: December 09, 2014, 02:34:51 AM
Fenice's eyes widened at Illana.

"Wait, you can fully understand what your Pokemon are saying!?"

Mr. P was just typing up some remarkably authentic looking documents, when he heard a knock on the door.

"Come in, the door is unlocked."

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Reply #484 on: December 09, 2014, 02:45:14 AM
Illana cocked an eyebrow. "Uh, yeah.  Anyway, Zubat said that Scizor might've had head trauma, but like I said, we don't know for sure, you know?  We've asked him about it, but he never talks about it and when we do get him to, he just goes off on some tangent."

She looked down at Scizor's sleeping form and pet his head. "We don't know who hurt him or how they hurt him.  Today, he mentioned the 'nice men in white,' but I don't know if that's legit or more of his word salads."

Pushing the door open with his crutch, Prof. Hypno hobbled in.  He didn't go for a chair as he usually did, but stood a few feet away from Mr. P's desk, leaning heavily on his crutches.  He looked awful, as if he hadn't slept in days, despite oversleeping quite a bit.

He opened his mouth to say something, but had forgotten what he wanted to talk about.  His mind had gone completely blank, so he stood there, gaping.

After a moment, he blinked a few times and said the only thing that he could think of. "Mul... berry."

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Reply #485 on: December 09, 2014, 02:59:33 AM
Fenice rubbed his chin again, this time in fascination.

"You are an impressive young girl, Illana. With your connection to your Pokemon, we can educate the people on the atrocities the Pokemon are suffering from. You can be their guiding voice!"

Mr. P looked away from the monitor, and peeked out from its side.

"Mulberry? What about him?"

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Reply #486 on: December 09, 2014, 03:08:10 AM
Z facepalmed at that hoping Illana won't get too roped in but at the same time the opportunity would be good for them if they could get closer in the Fauna organization.  It was a double edged sword as she could become a target or tricked into doing things she didn't agree N was.

The Shoomish broke her train of thought as he softly asked if Humans understanding Pokemon was such a rare ability since he didn't really have much contact with humans.  Z looked at him, impressed by his curiousity, and confirmed with a nod.  The Shroomish was amazed and realized Z was more amazing than he initially thought, and that was saying something.

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #487 on: December 09, 2014, 03:15:11 AM
Fenice rubbed his chin again, this time in fascination.

"You are an impressive young girl, Illana. With your connection to your Pokemon, we can educate the people on the atrocities the Pokemon are suffering from. You can be their guiding voice!"

Mr. P looked away from the monitor, and peeked out from its side.

"Mulberry? What about him?"

"I wa-ant to... see him.  Tell him how I'm... do-ing," Resting against his left crutch, Prof. Hypno dug around in his pocket with his right hand, but couldn't find his PDA, and thus couldn't use the text-to-speech function.  He must have left it in the lab.  Heaving a sigh at his absentmindedness, he continued, knowing full well that he was going to get winded.  Speaking was difficult, as he couldn't control his breathing and literally had to hold his breath in order to talk.

"Al-so... I... I..." Once again, his mind went completely blank and he furrowed his brow, leaning his head down and rubbing the bridge of his nose with his right hand.  Repositioning himself on his crutches, he kept his gaze on the floor as he tried to remember what he wanted to say.

"I... thi-ink I ne-ed a... vay...cay... shun."

His words were uttered out with considerable effort as his thoughts refused to come together.  He just couldn't think!  Every time he would arrive at some sort of conclusion, his mind would go blank.  He was tired, stressed, overworked, and losing track of entire days.  He was finding himself barely able to concentrate, and he couldn't even remember which project he was supposed to be working on.

Illana gaped at Fenice in shock.  This wasn't her plan, but she didn't know how to respond, or if she should refuse.  She wanted to help Scizor, but she didn't want to make the wrong choices and end up causing more harm than good.

"I... I don't know what to say..."

On her shoulder, Zubat was equally as stunned. "Might be th' chance we're lookin' fer, but I cannae say if y' should take it..."

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #488 on: December 09, 2014, 03:19:00 AM
(Oh god poor Prof Hypno.)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #489 on: December 09, 2014, 03:26:54 AM
[Wow I missed a lot. @_@ Time to play catch-up.]

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Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #490 on: December 09, 2014, 03:30:26 AM
(All part of ze plan!)

Mr. P got out of his chair, and went over to Prof. Hypno, who was clearly fatigued. He guided the Prof over to the couch, and slowly eased him onto it.

"Prof. Hypno... I have some good news, and some bad news. The good news is that your research has helped more than 70% of the Pokemon population in Hoenn with disabilities. So... You do deserve a vacation. The bad news..."

Mr. P walked towards the window behind his desk, his head held low.

"And it's with regards to Professor Mulberry. He... Has dearly departed from this world. There... Was an accident at Birch's lab with regards to the monovirus research. Mulberry... Was directly infected by the monovirus through a bite he got from that Shiny Zigzagoon... It was not a pretty sight. The monovirus worked in a completely different way when directed contracted by a human... No one knew what to do..."

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Reply #491 on: December 09, 2014, 03:33:35 AM
Fenice laughed a bit.

"I'm so sorry, I can get a bit... Excited at times. Of course you need time to think this through, and you have the time, since you are a part of Team Fauna. I'm just saying that we can do a lot of good now for the Pokemon. A whole lot of good."

Gai started to feel a bit left out, having no... "Special" abilities to speak off.

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Reply #492 on: December 09, 2014, 03:42:09 AM
Goh had been quietly listening to everything, pretending to be in her own little world. However, under her ditto disguise, she was trembling with anger. "She slowly turned back to the group, a smile on her face. "Would you excuse me for a moment? I thought I saw something unusual over there." She said, pointing in a random direction (the opposite direction from where Z was).

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Reply #493 on: December 09, 2014, 03:43:30 AM
Z wonder either if Goh was up to something or needed to calm down, she couldn't blame her if it was the latter.

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #494 on: December 09, 2014, 04:17:12 AM
Fenice laughed a bit.

"I'm so sorry, I can get a bit... Excited at times. Of course you need time to think this through, and you have the time, since you are a part of Team Fauna. I'm just saying that we can do a lot of good now for the Pokemon. A whole lot of good."

Gai started to feel a bit left out, having no... "Special" abilities to speak off.

Illana nodded slowly, looking down at Scizor for a moment before she glanced at Zubat.  Her voice was low as she conferred with the Pokemon. "What should I do?"

"If ye can get us in deeper, ye should.  Y'might be able t' get word wit' th' higher-ups.  I'm not sayin' ye should tot'lly agree, but ye may wan' t' c'nsid'r it.  Fer now, say ye'll help out any way ye can, but dinnae start goin' an' gettin' y'self inta spreadin' bullocks at rallies, aye?"

"Gotcha," Illana nodded and cleared her throat.  After a moment, she looked to Fenice.

"Okay, I wanna help Scizor, and I wanna help others like him.  I'd rather avoid rallies, if at all possible.  Can't speak in front of crowds, you know?  But, I wanna help."

(All part of ze plan!)

Mr. P got out of his chair, and went over to Prof. Hypno, who was clearly fatigued. He guided the Prof over to the couch, and slowly eased him onto it.

"Prof. Hypno... I have some good news, and some bad news. The good news is that your research has helped more than 70% of the Pokemon population in Hoenn with disabilities. So... You do deserve a vacation. The bad news..."

Mr. P walked towards the window behind his desk, his head held low.

"And it's with regards to Professor Mulberry. He... Has dearly departed from this world. There... Was an accident at Birch's lab with regards to the monovirus research. Mulberry... Was directly infected by the monovirus through a bite he got from that Shiny Zigzagoon... It was not a pretty sight. The monovirus worked in a completely different way when directed contracted by a human... No one knew what to do..."

Prof. Hypno stared wide-eyed at Mr. P, his mouth agape.  Mulberry was gone.  The news hit him like a punch in the gut and a lump formed quickly in his throat.  His vision became blurry, and he dropped his gaze to his lap as tears sprung to his eyes and his shoulders began to rock with sobs.

Mulberry was his friend and trainer.  Mulberry had adopted him from the Breeder after he was rejected by his mother.  Prof. Hypno's early life since his premature birth was spent in an incubator, hooked up to machines, and the Breeder being told that he would never walk, much less battle.  Even after he was stabilized and took time to mature enough to survive outside of the womb, his prognosis was still bad.  When he was returned to his mother, she rejected him.

He was ostracized by his own mother and by his littermates, and even the Breeder didn't want him around.  They didn't want their clients to see that their competition-ready Pokemon had birthed a cripple.  Prof. Hypno was hidden away and kept a closely-guarded secret.

Until Mulberry came along. 

Mulberry had been meeting with Breeders and looking for a Pokemon to take on as a lab assistant.  When he arrived at the breeding facility, the owners saw it as their chance to get rid of Prof. Hypno.  He was given to Mulberry, who took him in, trained him, educated him, and helped him gain enough mobility that he could live independently.  It was Mulberry who had arranged for Prof. Hypno to live at the care home, where he could be independent, but still have access to help when he needed it.

Now, however, Mulberry was gone. 

Prof. Hypno never had a chance to say goodbye.  He didn't even have a chance to talk to the man after the seizure that almost took his own life.  His breath came to him in choked sobs as he cried, his face buried in his hands.

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Reply #495 on: December 09, 2014, 04:43:51 AM
(Mr. P loves to "kill" off people. 8D)

Mr. P approached Prof. Hypno, and sat down beside him. He placed his arm over the Pokemon's shoulders, and tried to comfort him.

"I am truly sorry."

Fenice clapped his hands in delight.

"No rallies, no problem! Your words can still inspire the population, they can hear the truth from the Pokemon themselves! We of Team Fauna can finally achieve our mission!"

The two Grunts clapped along as well. Gai too, though he looked coerced.

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Reply #496 on: December 09, 2014, 05:03:55 AM
Seeing as how all the attention was on Illana and Scizor, Goh slipped away, heading quite a distance from the group. After she was out of eye and earshot, Meatball finally peeled off the trainer so that she could release her anger on an uninhabited tree. Letting out snarls similar to a cornered houndoom, Goh started striking the tree, each hit sending cracks rippling up the unfortunate foliage until, finally, the trunk shattered. As the remnants of the tree fell, Goh let out a frustrated roar of her own and kicked the large chunk of wood off to the sea. "Tch... That [parasitic bomb] just really pisses me off." She growled, Meatball nodding.

"Do not like. Makes me mad." Meatball agreed, turning back into a disguise for Goh in case somebody came to investigate the sounds of it's trainer destroying the tree.

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Reply #497 on: December 09, 2014, 05:16:29 AM
The clapping made Illana uncomfortable and she looked around for Goh.  Scizor also stirred and lifted his head, blinking blearily at Fenice before going back to sleep. "Nonono... Quiet time... Quiet game..."

Illana rubbed his shoulders. "Sorry, we'll try to be quieter..."

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Reply #498 on: December 09, 2014, 07:24:46 AM
"Alright, that about settles it. We'll be making our way back to our Headquarters in Lilycove City. If you have nothing going on in your schedules, I'd suggested you head there. You will be able to meet with other like-minded Trainers, and if you are really lucky, you might meet our glorious leader. I have another rally to attend to before heading back, so I will bid you safe journey!"

Fenice bowed, the two grunts following suit, as they left the group, heading towards Oldale Town.

Gai watched as the 3 disappeared into the distance.

"So... Lilycove City then?"

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Reply #499 on: December 09, 2014, 07:33:09 AM
Now that she was done destroying poor, unfortunate trees, Goh went to go rejoin the group, getting back just as Fenice and the grunts were leaving. "So, where'd they say to go?" She asked, watching them leave.

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