Quickman · 39434

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Reply #525 on: December 13, 2014, 03:31:52 AM
(Anywho... Let's get Steven out here.  He can leave his frustration in the closet. 8D)

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Reply #526 on: December 14, 2014, 06:00:50 AM
(Cutting to Prof. Hypno for a bit...)


Waking up from his short nap, Prof. Hypno milled about in his quarters, finally deciding to consume the drink he had got earlier.  He wanted so badly to go outside, as he figured that seeing the sun and getting some fresh air would help reorient him.  Losing track of days was not a good sign, and since he had off, he may as well make the most of it.

Pulling on his lab coat, he capped his drink and put it in his pocket.  Grabbing his crutches, he hobbled out of his room and down the hall to the elevator.

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Reply #527 on: December 14, 2014, 06:14:51 AM
Malamar kept a close eye on Prof. Hypno, still invisible. There was still time to stall the Prof., but for now, Malamar was just observing.

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Reply #528 on: December 14, 2014, 06:25:13 AM
It took a few minutes, but he made it to the elevator and dug through his pockets for his card.  Swiping his card, he waited for the elevator door to open, and then hobbled inside, looking over the buttons. 

It had been weeks, he assumed, since he had been in the lab.  He had not been outside since he left Birch's lab.  He had spent his days and nights holed up in Mr. P's lab, working on multiple projects at once.  His work had aided other disabled Pokemon, and it was high time that he help himself.

And he would do that by going outside.

Prof. Hypno hit the button for the ground floor.

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Reply #529 on: December 14, 2014, 06:30:46 AM
Malamar managed to squeeze in just before the elevator doors closed. While inside, it started a slow, but progessive, psychic suggestion process.

Outside is nice... But the sun burns...

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Reply #530 on: December 14, 2014, 06:35:32 AM
Prof. Hypno gave a shrug, and then a grunt as he cleared his throat.  He rubbed the back of his head with his right hand and scratched at his nose. 

I'll stay in the shade... I just need a breath of fresh air, he told himself.  He glanced up at the floor indicator above the elevator door as it lurched.  Apparently, he had been in a sub-basement, but he didn't quite catch the floor number.  Finding his way back was going to be a hassle of trying floors.

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Reply #531 on: December 14, 2014, 07:04:47 AM
Fresh air is nice... But pathogens aren't...

Malamar continued his suggestions, although it might need more to persuade the Prof.

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Reply #532 on: December 14, 2014, 07:23:29 AM
Prof. Hypno rubbed the back of his head again.  He needed to go outside, sunburn and hay fever be damned.

The elevator lurched, chimed, and the doors opened.  Prof. Hypno hobbled out and into the hall.  Turning his head, he could see windows at the other end.  The light reflected blue off the polished floors, and he turned and headed for it.

The halls were empty, and he couldn't hear anything beyond the closed doors, save for the elevator doors letting out a chime as they shut.  Mr. P had given him the day off, and he was going to spend it outside.

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Reply #533 on: December 14, 2014, 07:38:20 AM
There wasn't much time left, the doors were within sight. Malamar had to think of something... Prof. can go outside... But still being inside. And there was only one chance to do it.

Malamar revealed himself in front of Prof. Hypno.

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Reply #534 on: December 14, 2014, 07:43:24 AM
Prof. Hypno stumbled to a stop, as he was not prepared to see a Malamar appear in front of him.  He leaned on one crutch to look beyond the squid that stood the same height as himself.

"Ex-cuse me... I'm try-ing to go... out-side..."

Ignoring the Malamar, he moved to hobble around it.

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Reply #535 on: December 14, 2014, 07:48:33 AM
"Oh... I know..."

Malamar levitated himself off the ground, and positioned himself in front of Prof. Hypno again, however this time, the lights in his body began to flash in a seemingly random pattern, and he aimed them at Prof. Hypno.

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Reply #536 on: December 14, 2014, 07:54:19 AM
Prof. Hypno stared for a moment, and then blinked a few times and shook his head.  One of the benefits of Insomnia was that Hypnosis wouldn't work on him.  His Insomnia hasn't interfered with his oversleeping, but that was fatigue that caused that.

He stepped backward, and then moved to hobble around Malamar's other side.  He wanted to go outside and breathe the fresh air.  The doors were just a few feet away!

"I just wa-ant... to step out-side for a... min-ute.  I wa-ant to... get some air..."

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Reply #537 on: December 14, 2014, 07:59:31 AM
Malamar was slightly taken aback. No one has ever not been influenced by his Hypnosis... Prof. Hypno was a lot more difficult to deal with. Upping the blinking didn't seem like a good idea... Perhaps affecting Prof. Hypno wasn't the way to go.

Malamar levitated out of Prof. Hypno's way.

"I am truly sssssssssssssssssssssssorry... Pleassssssssssssssssssssssssse carry on..."

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Reply #538 on: December 14, 2014, 08:26:51 AM
Prof. Hypno's ears flattened against his head and he cringed.  The way Malamar slurred his consonants had a high-pitched buzz to it, and it irritated him.  The noise was felt in his head, and it made him feel dizzy.

Shaking his head, he leaned against his crutches and rubbed the bridge of his nose.  He didn't like Malamar's hissing or screeching, as he was worried that the noise would send him into a seizure, much in the same way rapid light pulsations would.

Rubbing his eyes, he blinked a few more times and resumed hobbling toward the door.  The light outside was inviting, and he couldn't wait to feel it and the outside air on his face.  He wanted to breathe the air outside and smell the different scents carried on the wind.

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Reply #539 on: December 14, 2014, 09:36:40 AM
Malamar noticed Prof. Hypno shaking his head, perhaps all he needed was just a bit more nudging. Still... Malamar thought that perhaps letting the Prof. think that he was outside is a better plan... Or at least make the experience unbearable.

With more flashing, Malamar made the outside look as if the weather is taking a turn for the worst, as strong gusts blew leaves off the ground.

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Reply #540 on: December 14, 2014, 10:01:23 AM
He could see the rapid flashing lights out of the corner of his eye, and he had to stop and lean heavily on his crutches.  It wasn't so much the wind that bothered Prof. Hypno, and after a moment, he continued his slow hobble to the door.  But, that flashing had made him dizzy, along with the hissing.  Perhaps if he could get some air...

A wave of dizziness lurched through his head and he stumbled to another stop.  He swallowed his breath a few times and closed his eyes, trying to fight the dizziness and lightheaded feelings that washed through his brain. 

He paled as memories of that day in the restaurant came back.  He didn't want to have another seizure.  He wasn't going to have another seizure.  Gritting his teeth, Prof. Hypno forced himself back on his trek to the door.  If he could get outside and get some air, he should be all right...

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Reply #541 on: December 14, 2014, 10:09:28 AM
[I'm very tempted to bring in a concept from a manga I'm reading up on... Having some trouble actually finding the manga itself. Pokemon ReBURST. Not sure how to shoehorn it in.]

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Reply #542 on: December 14, 2014, 10:13:29 AM
(Go for it.  Right now, it's just a cutaway until Steven shows up.)

Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #543 on: December 14, 2014, 10:20:41 AM
(Megamerging with Pokemon!? Hehe, sounds final plot-ish. :D)

Things seemed to be working, Prof. Hypno's movement are starting to slow down. Malamar pushed for one final flickering, even he himself is feeling the strain of vast Psychic usage. Just a like more...

The front door magically opened, as a string gush of wind blew in, hitting Prof. Hypno in the face.

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Reply #544 on: December 14, 2014, 10:25:32 AM
[Well, it's more cross fusion (from the Rockman.EXE anime and manga), but yeah.
Also, what do you mean by final plot-ish? o3o]

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Reply #545 on: December 14, 2014, 10:33:36 AM
Prof. Hypno stumbled backwards as the wind hit him.  It was uncomfortably warm, and he struggled to regain his balance.  He still felt dizzy, and he was starting to feel sick to his stomach.  Shaking his head a few times, he turned to face Malamar, careful to keep his eyes on the floor so as not to accidentally aggravate his photosensitivity.

"I... don't fe-el ve-ry... well..."

He wasn't sure if he should go back downstairs and rest, or go outside and risk getting sick. 

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Reply #546 on: December 14, 2014, 12:09:41 PM
[Well, it's more cross fusion (from the Rockman.EXE anime and manga), but yeah.
Also, what do you mean by final plot-ish? o3o]
(Just saying it would be a cool final plot point to use. :P)

Prof. Hypno stumbled backwards as the wind hit him.  It was uncomfortably warm, and he struggled to regain his balance.  He still felt dizzy, and he was starting to feel sick to his stomach.  Shaking his head a few times, he turned to face Malamar, careful to keep his eyes on the floor so as not to accidentally aggravate his photosensitivity.

"I... don't fe-el ve-ry... well..."

He wasn't sure if he should go back downstairs and rest, or go outside and risk getting sick. 
It's working... But Malamar spent too much energy on Prof. Hypno.

"... Yo-ou... S-s-s-s-hould... res-ss-s-sss-ss-t..."

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Reply #547 on: December 14, 2014, 04:46:06 PM
Prof. Hypno nodded slowly and made his way to the elevator.  Swiping his card, he stepped inside and stared blankly at the floor buttons.  He couldn't remember what floor he had come from.  May as well make his way down every basement level until he found it...

Hitting the button for the first basement, he gave a sigh as he looked sadly out toward the door.  He surmised that he could go outside another time, particularly when he was feeling better.  At least he got to see the sun, even through a window and from a distance...

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Reply #548 on: December 14, 2014, 04:51:07 PM
Seeing Prof. Hypno backtracking back to the elevator was a sign of relief for Malamar, as he collapsed into a pile on the floor. With whatever energy he had left, which isn't a lot, but just enough for one last invisibility cloak, Malamar exited the building through the front door. He then saw a Taillow land on the ground, just in front of him. With a smirk, Malamar pounced.

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Reply #549 on: December 15, 2014, 04:27:19 AM
(Since we're still waiting on Steven, may as well continue with the Misadventures of Prof. Hypno...)

The elevator chimed and the door opened.  The hall looked like it could be the floor he was originally on, but he wasn't sure as he didn't get the floor number before he entered the elevator.  Stepping out, Prof. Hypno looked around, took the bottle from his pocket, knocked back a few swallows, capped it, and put it back in his pocket.  The elevator doors closed behind him and he hobbled down the hall.

He was feeling marginally better since he had gotten away from Malamar, and he concluded that it was the squid Pokemon that had made him ill. 

As he made his way down the hall, he could hear voices behind the closed doors, and it occurred to him that he was on the wrong floor.

However, curiosity had gotten the better of him, and he continued down the hall.  A few times, he was able to make out actual words of the voices, and he stopped by one of the doors and listened quietly.