Wilypocalypse NOW

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Reply #225 on: December 05, 2012, 05:03:56 AM
(Well [parasitic bomb]. Looks like RMZX finally gets some comeuppance.)

RMZX - "So, what was that you said earlier? 'Go and Die', was it?"

Akai - "That's right."

RMZX - "Huh, and here I was about ready to say that I was sorry." RMZX then adopts a childish voice not unlike the voice of the endangered barnasaurus "Well okay your majesty. You want me to die, then I'll just take this sword I have right here and stab it through my heart here. Because you know what? This is all my fault!"

RMZX pulls out his sword, directs it towards his chest, and starts playfully singing a song.

"~Its all my fault, everything that's happened,
I woke you up, treated you like [parasitic bomb], you followed me despite better judgement,
turned all emo, blew up a reactor, and only now you say you hate me, well guess what?
[tornado fang] you!~"

RMZX pulls the sword through him till the hilt touches his chest. He coughs up some blood and flips the bird at Akai before falling over and passing out.

(Well obviously I'm not dead, nobody dies that easily in this world, after all I [tornado fang]ing survived death multiple times in the other RPs, this is like a flesh wound.)

*Flaw obtained!*

(Two flaws now, easily distracted by sexyness and more than willing to end his life as a way of spiting others.)

Offline Mirby

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Reply #226 on: December 05, 2012, 05:14:56 AM
"Ahhh... here we are. Waltz's place..." Talyn said. "And this time I can actually get in!" she added with a chuckle. Carefully she entered the building with Sapph following; Shinobu had vanished shortly after they finished talking, so presumably she had returned here. There was a large party going on too; perfect time to sneak in. From the entrance, Talyn scouted the area and spotted Waltz.

She turned to Sapph and said, "Make yourself comfortable, I need to go this way and talk to someone, okay?" Without waiting for a response she vanished into the large crowd. Very carefully, she made her way through the tightly-knit group and popped up directly behind her destination. She lightly tapped on Waltz's shoulder and said quietly, "Boo."

Just enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything

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Reply #227 on: December 05, 2012, 05:33:48 AM
Berbil Joe continued to watch the scenario unfold, once again cocking his cylinder-shaped head in an unintentionally cute manner before quickly setting it straight.

"Is now the time to be inflicting self damage?" he asked, "Back up generator limited; Grumpy Man stay well to avoid further harm until main engine is repaired."

"Don't bother with them...." Kharaxel mutters while rubbing his temples, "As far as I'm concerned, this has become a normal routine...."


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Reply #228 on: December 05, 2012, 06:24:40 AM
Akai looked down at the unconscious RMZX with a cold smile.

Akai - "[tornado fang]ing lowlife."

Kharaxel - "You've uhh... changed, Akai."

Akai - "Indeed I have, that bear thing was kind enough to remove the little thing in my head that made me love that bloody mess on the floor."

Akai turned back to looking at RMZX, she stared at him for a second before violently kicking his body multiple times.

Akai - "You stupid, [tornado fang]ing worthless sack of [parasitic bomb], I want you to feel the emotional pain you inflicted on me, but instead of just demeaning you I'm just going to beat you up."

Offline White-Jet

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Reply #229 on: December 05, 2012, 06:38:07 AM
Having seen enough, Berbil Joe attempts to push Akai away.

"Hurt not the one that upset you," he persists, "Back up generator limited.  If robot insists on relieving anger, take it out on the one who made robot so attached to Grumpy Man."


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Reply #230 on: December 05, 2012, 07:25:38 AM
Sapph sighed and pulled out, what looked like, an automatic car locker, pointed it at his wagon, and pressed the button on it, a powerful barrier forming around it. With that settled, he pocketed the item, entered the karaoke bar, and sat down on the nearest available bar stool.

Sapph- Maybe I should take the pokemon league as a base... Nobody seems to be using it...

My thread of Random Crap

Who loves Grape Soda? Sapph loves Grape Soda! Is it true? Is it true? Ohyesohyesohyes it's true-oo~ I do I do I do I do-oo~

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Reply #231 on: December 05, 2012, 07:41:44 AM
(My god that song was so hilarious RMZX! XD)

"You're going to do what!?"  W2PB said as he raised his voice.

"I'm going to go to the Intergalactic Sex Shack to get that part to fix the engine."  Sakura relpied

"Are you crazy!?"  W2PB yelled  "That place is overrun that Bathair Bastard's robots!  You're in no condition to fight and are going to get yourself killed!"

"I'm fully aware that I'm in no condition to fight, but someone has to get that part or else this place is screwed." Sakura said understanding W2PB's worries  "I'm the only one here that knows that place inside and out.  All I have to do is sneak in there and get the part, if I do it right I won't have to fight.  But I have something that I can use if I do get into a bind, and it doesn't require me to fight."

"Okay fine" W2PB sighed "But I'm going with you this time."

"How are you going to do that, I never saw you fly something before."  Sakura said a little bit surprised.

"How did you think I got here in the first place?"  W2PB asked "Old Bathair stole a Arwing from someplace and I used it to get here while PB was attacking the Wily Star II."

"Well okay, but be careful.  I don't want to put you in danger but I guess I don't have much choice in the matter."  Sakura replied.

"You too Sakura, I don't want you to get hurt either."  W2PB said with a bit of worry.

"Sakura an unidentified ship is heading our way and requesting permission to dock."  ADA alerted.

"Huh!? A ship?"  Sakura said with a little surprised  "W2PB I have to take care of something before I prepare, can you wait in front of room 649?"

"Yeah, I'll see you there." Said W2PB and the link was cut.

"ADA open a hailing frequency with that ship."  Sakura ordered.

"Yes ma'am."  ADA obliged.

"Yoo hoo I'm visiting someone named Sakura can I land?" A woman's voice called out.

"Wait a minute..."  Sakura muttered recognizing the voice "Is that you Zeta?"

"Yep it's me Saki!"  The woman identified as Zeta said "Looks like I came at a fun time there 're ships everywhere!"

"Yeah we're kinda under attack right now and the engine needs to be fixed."  Sakura replied "I have to head out and find a important part in the Intergalactic Sex Shack."

"Wow that sounds awesome, mind if I tag along?"  Zeta said with an unusual enthusiasm.

"That would be a great help, Zeta.  Wait for me at the hanger."  Sakura said a little grateful.

"Rodger that Saki!"  Zeta replied and the communications were cut.

"Sakura..." Vixy said suddenly.

"Vixy is there something wrong?"  Sakura said with a little worry.

"No nothing is wrong."  Vixy replied "However I will be waiting at the hanger as well, there is something I want to show you."

"Okay see you then."  said Sakura as she made another call on her com link "Borock-bot I want you and Zet to head for the bridge and update me if anything happens."

"Understood."  Said Borock-bot

"Thank you."  Sakura said as she ran out of the door.

Sakura ran toward room 649 where W2PB was waiting.

"Sorry I'm late."  Sakura said panting.

"What took you so long?" asked W2PB raising a eyebrow, he noticed that Sakura was back in her normal battle attire again.  

W2PB's clothes were different too. On the way to room 649 he decided to stop by PB's room and changed his clothes.  Currently he was wearing a dark red long sleeve shirt, his yellow scarf, black pants, and black shoes.  His shades were still absent.

"I had to make a few more preparations and got some reinforcements" Sakura replied catching her breath "I also picked up something in the armory for you."

"Wait a minute I thought this room was the armory?"  W2PB questioned.

"No it isn't, but it's still very important."  She said standing upright "Anyway here." She unhooked a large red and white shield that was on her back.

"You're giving this to me?"  W2PB asked a bit surprise

"Yeah, you may not have combat experience but I want you at least to be able to defend yourself."  Sakura said as she gave him the shield.

"Thanks"  He said as he took it and put on his back "So if this isn't an armory what is it?"  

"It's easier to show you than explain it."  Sakura said a she opened the door.

W2PB looked inside and couldn't believe it.  The room was vast and had many things in it grass, trees, andYe even a few ponds.  However what really caught his attention was the many fantastical creatures in there.

"What are these things?" W2PB asked.

"My Pokemon." Sakura replied as she went in.

"So this is what you meant by getting something so you wouldn't have to fight."  W2PB whistled as he followed her.

"Yep." said Sakura "Yin, Venus, Metoolgross, Web Spider, Tinker, Kit Kat come here!"

6 of the Pokemon walked over to Sakura as she called them, the 6 consisted of a Absol, Milotic, Metagross, Galvantula, Mienshao, and Nintales.  When they got to her a few of them began rubbing her with their heads.

"Hey guys stop, that tickles." Sakura laughed. "Anyway, I can use your help right now. Will you come with me?"

Without hesitation all 6 nodded.

"Thank you." she said as she put them all into her Pokeballs.

"So that's what Pokemon are."  W2PB said still looking at the many others she had. "They really like you huh."

"Yeah, I love them so much and I try to visit them everyday." Sakura said happily "Anyway let's head for the hanger, there's someone I'd like you to meet."

"Right."  He said as they ran to the hanger.

When they got there Vixy was waiting along with another woman.  

She wore a black jump suit with a red vest like armor, round black pauldrons, white upper arms with long red bands and white hands, a red thong like armor piece, and red grieve like leg armor.  Her eyes were blue and her hair was blond and ridiculously long with part of it spiked on her right side in a weird angle.  On the place where ears would be are two long white elf like metal attachments.

"It's about time you showed up, I was getting so bored."  Zeta whined

"Sorry Zeta I had to prepare for the trip."  Sakura apologized.

"I see."  Zeta said as she eye W2PB "So this is PB's robot twin?"

"Yeah, I'm W2PB or PBB." W2PB said nervously.

"I see."  Zeta said as she walked around W2PB "I must say that Dr. Baldy II did a good job designing you, I can hardly tell the difference."  She said as she proceeded to grab his ass.

"What the hell are you doing?" W2PB asked incredulously and jumped away.

"Just admiring Baldy II's craftsmanship."  Zeta said as a matter of fact  "It's the only thing he's got going these days."

"Well look with you eyes not your hands!" W2PB said extremely uncomfortable with her behavior.

"Huh you seem a lot different than PB on the inside."  Zeta observed "Not a bad thing though, I think we can be good friends."  She walked over and put her arm around him despite W2PB's objections.

"Let go of me!"  W2PB yelled.

"Um Zeta can you please stop playing, we need to leave."  Sakura said pitying W2PB.

"Aw I was just having some fun with him." Zeta whined "Fine, I'm sorry kid.  You looked so serious and I wanted to loosen you up."  She let arm off.

"Yeah whatever." Said W2PB as he walked back to Sakura and whispers "Is there anyone on this ship who's sane?"

Sakura shrugged and W2PB sighed.

"This way please." Vixy said as she patiently waited.

All 3 of them followed her to a very large gate.  

"So what you wanted to show is in here?" Sakura asked as she stared at the large door in awe.

"Yes." Vixy said. "Do you remember when PB was building that Gundam for Fxeni?"

"Yes the Fxescythe Hell, I help him build it a little and tested it out to make sure everything worked properly."  Sakura recalled.

"Good."  Vixy replied "As you know PB likes to build Mechs for other people, and you are no exception."

"What?"  Sakura said surprised.

"Yes, he made one for you as well." said Vixy "He wanted to wait until your birthday, however I feel it would be useful to you now."

The gates opened and all three of them peered inside.  The site was amazing.  It was an exact replica of the Wing Gundam, only it was red with silver armor and a white shield.

"....It's beautiful...."  Sakura said tearing up a little.

"Damn I had no idea that Fleshy Me could do something like this!"  W2PB said honestly impressed.

"Wow PB really outdone himself this time, this looks so kick ass!"  Zeta said excited.

"Sakura, this is the Sakura Wing Gundam" Explained Vixy "Use this and your companions as you see fit to retrieve the part to fix the engine and come back safely."

"Alright Vixy."  Sakura said as she hugged Vixy.

"I'll make sure she comes back safe Ms. Vixy."  Said W2PB.

"You guys can count on me, you won't miss us for long!"  Zeta replied cheerfully.

"Okay guys, let's move out."  Sakura said as she let go of Vixy.

"Wait we need a awesome name first!"  Zeta yelled.

"What do you suggest?" W2PB said kinda curious.

"Well we're all wearing red, how about the Red Wing Squadron!" Zeta cried happily.

"That doesn't sound that original, but I guess it's something."  W2PB said a bit dryly.

"Okay enough messing around we have to go!" Sakura said as she walked up to her new Gundam.

"Rodger."  Both W2PB and Zeta said as they ran to their respective Arwings.

W2PB went into a normal one while Zeta ran to her custom red body and white wing Arwing that had a huge white Z on the center.

All three of them took of with Vixy looking on.

"Good luck." She said as she got back to her station.

(Yeah I know this is freaking long, but I felt it was somewhat necessary to introduce Zeta and set up her personality.)

(EDIT Also some reference material for Zeta.  Keep in mind that she's actually using the MMX Z-Saber and Sakura is using the MMZ Z Saber.)


« Last Edit: December 15, 2012, 06:22:46 AM by Sakura Leic »

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #232 on: December 05, 2012, 07:47:46 AM
(Glad you liked it, too bad for the meantime I can't do anything anymore, not until I'm healed up. Guess I could have Akai go [tornado fang]ing psycho, but I'd rather wait and see what Tron has planned for her.

Seriously though, good show, turning her into a [sonic slicer]. Now RMZX has no reason to not [tornado fang]ing kill her the second he heals up.)

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Reply #233 on: December 05, 2012, 07:51:16 AM
(Yeah that was crazy awesome what you did Tron.  Also I edited in the Gundam's name since I forgot to put it in, it's the Sakura Wing Gundam.)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #234 on: December 05, 2012, 08:03:55 AM
(I'm so generous  8D)

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Reply #235 on: December 05, 2012, 08:09:25 AM
(Yeah you are, you even gave it a custom paint job.  I'm also so glad I was able to pick the last 2 pokemon, it was a hard decision since I pooled it in on what I currently use and used in the past in various games.  I also decided to give Nintales a new nickname since her in game name was Kitsune, so I went with Kit-Kat.)

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Reply #236 on: December 05, 2012, 08:31:51 AM
(lol web spider)

Just enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #237 on: December 05, 2012, 08:38:40 AM
(Yeah some of them are pretty punny, like Metoolgross.)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #238 on: December 05, 2012, 08:54:40 AM
(That was good, but Web Spider is just so damn perfect. Joltik is a Lavos Spawn to me and now I can't see Galvantula without thinking Web Spider! CURSE YOU SAKURA!!)

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Reply #239 on: December 05, 2012, 08:57:05 AM
(...I thought that would be obvious.)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #240 on: December 05, 2012, 08:59:24 AM
 ( I can't sleep, last time I slept the story moved past me. Now I want it to keep going.
Sometimes silly things like this mess up my sleeping, [tornado fang]!)

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Reply #241 on: December 05, 2012, 09:16:38 AM
((Happens to me while I'm at class, RMZX)

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Reply #242 on: December 05, 2012, 09:36:45 AM
(...I thought that would be obvious.)
(I can be quite dense sometimes...

which should be a fun character trait to play off with this! XD)

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Reply #243 on: December 05, 2012, 10:40:46 AM
Kharaxel also could no longer just stand by and watch wounded RMZX get attacked. After Berbil Joe pushed her away, however, she seemed to calm down a bit.

Akai - "Ha! That felt... refreshingly good." She said with a happy smile, while Kharaxel got RMZX on one of the beds."

Kharaxel - "Can I count on you to NOT assault him anymore."

Akai - "Yeah, yeah. Just make sure HE does not try to get revenge. He needs to remember, I, being an android am much stronger and resiliant to attacks than he is. I mean, I survived a friggin' engine explosion."

Kharaxel - "I'll... try."

Kharaxel was of belief, that as much as it was a good thing she no longer loved RMZX, her new personality leaved some room for improvement.

Akai - "Anyway, what should I do now?"

Kharaxel - "Well... how about helping us, the resistance?"

Akai - "Well, it is not such a bad... nah, just kidding. [tornado fang]. No. I am not going to be bound by any of you! I'll do what I please from now on!"

With that said Akai ran away from the sick bay. Kharaxel looked at Berbil Joe, in hopes the cute robot bear will give him some advice, but he just tilted his head a bit in silence.

Tron - "Hey boy! The time is nigh!"

The familiar, horrible voice. It once again spoke inside Kharaxel's mind.

Kharaxel - *inside his mind* "No! NO! NO!"

Tron - "Oh yess. I can feel that [sonic slicer] Sakura left somewhere... now it's time for me to act!"

Kharaxel - "Haven't you had enough?! You already lost once! Can't you just..."

Tron - "This is NOT a debate. Good night, maggot."

Once again, sharp pain and darkening vision. Once again... the dark abyss od dreams.

Tron smiled with Kharaxel's lips. It was a smile wicked and most evil.

Tron summoned a sharp pointy object. Berbil Joe backed away. Whatever it was, it felt evil, just like the man standing now before him. The object was completely black and oozed with equally black liquid.

Tron - "Well then little robot bear... good night to you TOO!"

With an inhuman speed, Tron stabbed Berbil Joe in his small chest. The little bear lost his balance and fell down, all the while the dark object seemed to disappear inside his body.

Tron - "Well... let's see if this actually works on robots. Little robot bear... thing... RISE!"

And so, inside his head, Berbil Joe heard a malicious voice. It ordered him to get up, and despite his own will, he did get up. It felt as if he suddenly lost control over his own body. No. More than that. He became a puppet, dancing to the movements of the strings.

Tron - "Now... you seem to be knowledgable about machines, yes?"

Berbil Joe nodded, unable to utter a word.

Tron - "Then I have a mission for you. If it's possible, try to send this station on collision course with the planet. It doesn't matter where. IF that doesn't work out, sabotage them enough so that they won't be able to follow me."

Berbil Joe nodded again and walked out of the sick bay. Tron did the same, running towards the docking bay.

Tron - "Before those idiots realize. I'll be long gone! HA HA! It's time to see if Wily II is more suitable as company!"

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Reply #244 on: December 05, 2012, 10:53:59 AM
(Wow Tron's freaking crazy, then again he's Tron.  Guess it would be a good time for Borock-bot to be more plot relevant, though I am very curious of what Akai and RMZX will do now.)

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Reply #245 on: December 05, 2012, 11:21:51 AM
(It's Sky Lagoon all over again)

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Reply #246 on: December 05, 2012, 11:23:47 AM
Just before Berbil Joe lost control of his will to the dark object, he managed to send a distress signal to the rest of the Berbils, letting them know that something has happened to him that needs to be dealt with immediately.

Thankfully, the second Arwing had been repaired with the parts Hajime picked up so far.  Though it needed some more tests to make sure it worked properly, with one of their own in unwilling danger, they couldn't afford to ignore his cry for the sake of their own judgment.

"No time for test run!" the brown Berbil beeps, "Berbil Jade take Arwing to Resistance!  Save Berbil Joe and Resistance!"

The Berbil in the cockpit, a jade colored, round-headed Berbil, distinguished as female by a jade flower near her left ear, salutes as she presses a button to close the hatch to the cockpit.  The ceiling breaks away as the Arwing lifts up and flies off in the direction of the Sex Station.  Jade wastes no time activating the thrusters, having known where the Sex Station is by reading a map they uncovered from an old computer.

But upon arrival into space, she quickly notices three space crafts heading towards the Sex Station.  She can see the base on full alert, suggesting they aren't friendly stragglers looking for a place to land and refuel.

She decides to test the functionality of the bomb launcher and aims the Arwing's cannon towards one of the enemy crafts, pressing a button that fired a red ball towards the nearest one, causing an explosion that filled a third of its blast radius.  Whether the attack affected anything, she had to wait until the light faded to find out.

(I'll leave Berbil Joe either to Tron's control, or when the others have a chance to post and do something about his uncontrolled antics 8D)


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Reply #247 on: December 05, 2012, 12:56:31 PM
(Yeah, I don't like this Akai. I'm giving her 10 posts to return to her original state or she's getting wiped out. No point in having a loose cannon I can't write for.)

Unbeknownst to the others in the sick bay, RMZX's body has gone missing. (And who is Hawaii? That's not a character here.)

Somewhere in one of the halls, the bloody and weak man slowly slumps to the docking bay, hoping to drift off into space.

RMZX - "Stupid, ungrateful [tornado fang]ing [sonic slicer]... It didn't have to be this way, you stupid tool, you could've just been nice to her."
RMZX - "Not looking like that, [tornado fang]ing androids thinking its a good idea to pull their appearance from your memories."
RMZX - "Especially that appearance."
RMZX - "The only difference being that the original's eyes were blue."
RMZX - "She could've still been alive if it wasn't for you."
RMZX - "She would've been alive had you cared for her."
RMZX - "She would've been alive if you hadn't said that joke, RMZX."
RMZX - "Shut up guilt! Get out of my Head! Its over now anyway, just a few more feet and sweet release into space..."
RMZX - "I'm sorry, Akai... my irrational hatred towards you.."
RMZX - "Oh, my vision is clouding up."
RMZX - "Guess this is my retribution..."

RMZX falls over again.

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Reply #248 on: December 05, 2012, 01:16:51 PM

After the explosion cleared, the results were clear, in Barrier mode, the bomb launcher had no effect on one of the Orbitus units. That unit then turned it's attention to the Arwing that attacked it, and spammed laser beams at it. The Arwing did it's best to dodge, but it can't dodge forever...

The transformed Orbitus wasn't so lucky. His Gundam target seemed to have dodged his attack, and worse still, disappeared from sight. Angered, it transformed back into Barrier mode to spam laser beams at the incoming reinforcements from the SexStation. With so much laser spam, dodging will take skill...

boforte could see some flashes in the distance, and smirked at the thought of soon having his revenge...

(I think that takes care of the Orbitus-s for now, since boforte is still on his way... :P ON TO OTHER STUFF!)

Back at the WDS, Dr. Wily II had returned to his control room when he heard the doorbell.

DWII - The doorbell? Who the hell rings MY doorbell!?

He typed into his main computer, and soon, a screen showed up, showing Hajime at the hanger, with something behind him. It was a bit too dark to make out what he brought.

DWII - Hajime? Darnit, I forgot about the parts I got from him for the Wily Star II... Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit.

DWII facepalmed, and wished he could push the blame to Afro-Shroom... But for once, Afro-Shroom is spared. He pushed a button on the console, and said into the intercomm...

DWII - HAJIME! What brings you to my WDS?

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

Offline Rin

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Reply #249 on: December 05, 2012, 01:35:41 PM
([tornado fang]. While writing my previous post my father nagged me to hurry up, so I didn't really check it few times, like I usually do. I had to take care of something with him, so he nagged. I changed that one instance of "Hawaii" to RMZX. And welp, if you don't like her that way, it's okay. Though I was kind of hoping for Akai to eventually come and love RMZX out of her own decision. I even had a scenario planned during this attack, where you would have a choice to like, go and save her or some [parasitic bomb] and if you would, she would come to love you. But eh. I guess I did get carried away... sorry. I'll see what we can do about her, or if not, you'll just get rid of her. I simply wanted to kinda make her love less out of programming, and more genuine. Anyway...)

Akai, who got completely lost in the halls of the SexStation, eventually encountered... RMZX, who laid on the ground muttering to himself. It seemed he didn't even notice her.

RMZX - "If only I wasn't such a dick, owww. If only... I could have just showed a little consideration for her. Well... nothing I can do about it now."

Akai - "...."

RMZX - "Maybe I should just lay here and wait until I die. Serves me right..."

RMZX closed his eyes and drifted off into sleep.

Akai crouched by him for a moment.

Akai - *sighing* "Now what am I going to do with you?"

She grabbed the sleeping RMZX gently into her arms, and moved towards the sick bay. She already knew the way, from those couple of times she's been there.


Meanwhile, Tron made his ways to the Docking Bay. Here, the sounds of battle outside of the SexStation were more than loud.
As luck would have it, the small ship in which his good self arrived on SexStation, was still here.
Actually "small" would be an overstatement. The thing would only fit one person, but as far as Tron was concerened, that's even better.

Tron - "With such a small ship, I should have easier time getting through all this."

With his inhuman speed, Tron ran towards the ship. Once beside it, he looked carefully around and hoppen inside.

Tron - "Well am I lucky... there's still enough of that "fuel" for one trip. I guess I won't be coming back here anytime soon."

With that said, he started the engine of the ship and flew out of the docking bay right into the battlefield.

Tron - "The only problem is... how do I find Wily II? Damn, I'll think of something later... for now... I'll better get out of here as soon as possible, because damn do these three things spam lasers hard."

(Hey Doc. Do you mind if on the way down, Tron encounters Boforte? He do needs to find out where you live, after all. Though feel free to write that scene yourself too, if you wish. As for Berbil Joe, imma gonna wait a bit with writing anything with him. But let's currently say he's attempting to actually crash the station.)