Wilypocalypse NOW

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Reply #200 on: December 04, 2012, 10:43:35 AM
(Nah, its cool, I'm interested in seeing where you take this.)

Offline White-Jet

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Reply #201 on: December 04, 2012, 10:53:21 AM
Berbil Joe observes the presence of what looked like a female version of "the one who holds the Sword of Owens".  This could have been seen as an insult, but thanks to Hajime's explanation, he barely cocked his cylinder-shaped head at the odd appearance before unattentively pressing one of the buttons on the console, causing the hatch to swing open and present himself before what he could calculate as a trio.

He doesn't say anything (Even Berbils knew "we come in peace" is an overrated greeting), and waits to see if the female version of the holder would be calm enough to ask for identification (Common courtesy; plus he felt he was too far out of the loop to want to ask the type of thorn sticking out of her side...metaphorically speaking).


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Reply #202 on: December 04, 2012, 11:12:14 AM
RMZX - "Okay, all I see is a robot bear. I doubt its [tornado fang]ing armed, looks to me like it wants to talk."

RMZX looked around, noticing something was a little off...

RMZX - "Hey, Kharaxel, you notice something different?"

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Reply #203 on: December 04, 2012, 11:36:17 AM
Kharaxel, who was too caught up in admiring the cuteness of what just came out of the ship, looked at RMZX with a puzzled look.

Kharaxel - "Buh-wha?"

RMZX - *sighs* "I said, did you notice anything different?"

Kharaxel - "Aside from you not admiring that cute fella, not really."

RMZX - "Meh. Maybe it's just me, but it kinda felt as if something is missing."

Kharaxel - "Dunno. What do you think, Miss... Akai?"

It was then, that both RMZX and Kharaxel noticed. The android stalker disappeared.

Kharaxel - "How in the hell did we fail to notice she's missing?"

RMZX - "Yeah. With her constant nagging, it really looks like it would be hard to miss."

PBPB - "Hey you, bear like thing! State your name and business!" Shouted PBPB "And you two! Stop talking about bullshit, and try to focus on being shields!" She added, giving both Kharaxel and RMZX a cold glare.

RMZX - "Yeah, yeah."

Kharaxel - "Whatever."

(Okay, mayhaps someone else is willing to lead this further for now? Because I'm slowly having more and more troubles with thinking. No sleep does that to you.)

Offline White-Jet

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Reply #204 on: December 04, 2012, 11:46:20 AM
Berbil Joe once again cocks his head to one side at the apparent wackiness going on in front of him, though he doesn't attempt to question it (Whether by design or the lack of nerves to derail the subject at hand was only up to him to acknowledge).

"Berbil Joe," he beeps in a monotone, almost Microsoft Bob sounding voice, "Sent by refugees of Robear Village to return fallen Arwing.  Berbils fix Arwing best they could, but still lacks parts necessary to fully complete repairs."


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Reply #205 on: December 04, 2012, 12:10:40 PM
PBPB stared at the RoBear Berbil, hardly believing that she was actually seeing one. She knew that PB would absolutely flip if he saw one. Then she thought of PB and wished he was alright...

PBPB - "Well, thank you for the return of the Arwing. I must say, despite lacking the parts you did a pretty nice job. Wish I could say the same of some men I've slept with!"

Berbil Joe - "You. are. welcome."

Fxeni - "I see you haven't changed much!"

PBPB - "Well I've become a student of the dark arts. I can cast Magic Missiles from my tits! Nah, I'm kidding. But enough about me and my tits, how have you been Fxeni?"

As PBPB and Fxeni caught up, suddenly the station went to Red Alert.

PBPB - "ADA. Status report!"

ADA - "Our sensors are detecting three round metallic objects on a direct course for Sexstation 2069. They are not part of the Resistance forces."


Fxeni - "I'll head back to my Arwing and head out!"

PBPB - "Wait a sec, Fxeni. I've got a surprise for you." *points to Kharaxel and RMZX* "HEY! COCK BARRIERS! GO CHECK ON SAKURA! SHE NEEDS TO BE ON THE BRIDGE!!"

RMZX - "Yes sir...err Ma'am!"

Kharaxel - "On our way!"

Fxeni - "Come on, ProtoGal! We need to head out!"

PBPB - "We will. But you're not going out in that old Arwing. While you were away, PB was in a building mood and he custom built a mech for you as a B-Day gift for when you returned!"

Fxeni - "The sly bastard!"

PBPB - "You know how [ray splasher] Me loves building Gundams. Well here is your very own. Say hello to the Gundam Fxescythe Hell!"

Fxeni and PBPB stand in front of the Gundam Fxescythe Hell, a perfect replica of the Gundam Deathscythe Hell.

Fxeni - "He knows me so well!"

PBPB - "I'll meet you outside in Ardjet! Oh, and glad to have you back!"

Ardjet and the Fxescythe Hell took off to face the oncoming threat from Dr. Wily II

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Reply #206 on: December 04, 2012, 12:37:41 PM
(How did a pixel-high robot get hit!? XD No matter, things ARE still going according to plan... [eyebrow])

The Orbitus squad spun slowly on their own axis, as they approached their destination. But it seems that their presence had been prematurely revealed, as the SexStation launched countermeasures. Upon seeing a Gundam, one of the Orbitus units transformed into it's robot mode, and fired it's twin sonic blasters at the Gundam. The other 2 units stayed in their Barrier mode, and began to spam laser beams everywhere.

Back at the WDS, Dr. Wily II wasn't pleased that Pixel Man had been discovered, by a Met of his own creation even. But it seemed that the Resistance still didn't find out that Pixel Man was the mole. He stood up from his evil spinning chair, and teleported to the Recovery Labs to question Pixel Man.

DWII - Pixel Man. You said Sakura found both receivers?

Pixel - Yes, Master... Both the fake and the Wily II Control.exe.

DWII - ... Sakura IS impressive afterall... *strangely began to laugh, which woke up boforte and Alastor*

DWII - SHE FOUND THE CONTROL.EXE! GOOD! It seemed that her tinkling has improved!

Pixel - ... But Master... That means W2PB...

DWII - Is out of my control, yes. For now.

Pixel - Master?

DWII - You see... I had PLANNED for Sakura to find the Control.exe program, and that she would remove it from W2PB's system. Once removed, all influence of my control is indeed removed... But the removal of the program activates a hidden protocal that not even ADA can scan and locate! Leave W2PB, his time will come, and he WILL bring the Resistance down to his knees!

Pixel - Understood, Master. So what should we do now?


DWII - Oh, boforte. I didn't know you were still here.


DWII - No need, I have already dispatched the Orbitus squard to the SexStation.


boforte is cloaked in a bright light, and is in his Boosted mode again. He fired off his boosters, and sped out of the lab.

Alastor - Is it OK to let boforte go like that?

DWII - Let him be.

boforte flew like a rocket, exiting the WDS and continued on out of the planet's atmosphere and towards the SexStation. And he knows he will arrive just as the action heats up. (AKA, he'll join in the battle as soon as 2 of the Orbitus units get destroyed. :P)

(So yea, W2PB is really out of my control, have as much fun with him as you like. However, since I did post his battle mode, that part will come in the future, the hidden protocal will kick into effect later, let him experience the FRESCA. :P)

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

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Reply #207 on: December 04, 2012, 01:31:56 PM
RMZX and Kharaxel, seeing as they've been relieved from being shields, left to head for the bridge.

RMZX - "Well, we should go and rendevous with Sakura."

Kharaxel - "What about Akai?"

RMZX - "What about her?"

Kharaxel - "Shouldn't we look for her?"

RMZX - "She can find us on her own, she has what is essentially a GPS so she can find me if she gets separated from me. Well, its up to you if we should go look for her instead."

(I can feel my eyes drying out.)

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Reply #208 on: December 04, 2012, 01:38:45 PM
boforte flew like a rocket, exiting the WDS and continued on out of the planet's atmosphere and towards the SexStation. And he knows he will arrive just as the action heats up. (AKA, he'll join in the battle as soon as 2 of the Orbitus units get destroyed. :P)
(Oh yea, although I did say this... Can let the battle drag a tiny bit longer for the Orbitus-s? Thanks. XD)

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Reply #209 on: December 04, 2012, 04:58:22 PM
Kharaxel wasn't sure what to do. Technically, they were in a crisis, so following orders, seemed like a sensible solution. However some strange part of him, could not just let that poor android be so alone. Especially because they had a crisis.
In the end...

Kharaxel - "Damn. Okay, we go for Miss Sakura first. Though I'll be surprised if she haven't woke up yet. After that, I'm gonna look for Akai. Let's go."

Kharaxel began to run towards the sick bay, RMZX followed right after.

RMZX - "But you know, she's just an android, right? She has no real emotions or anything..."

Kharaxel - "Mayhaps if you bothered to look at her for more than five seconds, you would notice it... but she shows a huge amount of emotions. And they don't feel fake. When you ignore her, she geniuenly gets sad. When you agreed on the name, she really was happy."

RMZX - "Oh come on! In my dimen-"

Kharaxel - "Exactly. YOUR dimension. But this is NOT your dimension, or whatever. So it's entirely possible, and I believe it to be so, her emotions are far beyond simple programming."

They ran silently through the rest of the way, until finally reaching the sick bay. Upon entering they saw that despite all the commotion, Sakura and PBB were still sleeping.

Kharaxel - "Oh boy... Miss Sakura! PBB! Wake up!" Shouted Kharaxel, shaking both of them.

Sakura - "Mhhm? What's with the racket?"

PBB - "What... is going on? I was having a good dream!"

Kharaxel - "We are under attack by Wily II's forces, Miss Sakura! That crazy lady who challenged you to a duel earlier, said you need to be on the bridge! NOW!"

Sakura & PBB - "WHAT?!"

Sakura along with PBB, quickly got up and ran out of the sick bay. PBB, Kharaxel and RMZX did the same. However, PBB was the only one who ran after Sakura.

RMZX - "So are you..."

Kharaxel - "Yes. I am going to look for her, if you disapprove, you can just go with them."

With that said Kharaxel began his search.


Meanwhile, Akai walked down another one of many empty hallways. There was a huge commotion in the distance, though it didn't matter. The one she loved, obviously hated her. Finally, she reached a door, with a sign that said:


Akai - "Perhaps I should just end myself."

Akai noticed the doors were unlocked, and decided to enter inside.

There she saw something that definitely looked like a huge reactor or engine. Electricity coursed through the entire room, and various tubes seemd to provide some kind of liquid to it (Mango Lemonade).

Akai closed her eyes and jumped with all her strength towards the engine.


Suddenly, a huge explosion shook the entire SexStation and all lights, computers and equipment ceased function.

Even the bridge, completely lost any power it had.

Sakura - "What?! What happened?!"

PBB - "Did the power went out?"

Sakura - "I think... but that explosion... no, it can't be!"

PBB - "What is it?"

Sakura - "I think... we just lost our main power engine."

(Welp. Here's my take on giving the resistance some more grief, and add some more tension and drama to the story. Plus, I'm not killing of Akai. Her fate will be revealed a bit later. Oh, if any of you feel I got a bit carried away with this, feel free to tell me. I'll change my post.)

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Reply #210 on: December 04, 2012, 08:35:16 PM
RMZX - "No... you're right... as much as I would like to pretend, she's my responsibility."

The lights go out.

RMZX - "Okay, how are we going to find her with no power?"

Offline White-Jet

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Reply #211 on: December 04, 2012, 09:03:59 PM
Berbil Joe was about to contemplate fighting siege when the entire station suddenly shook.  Calamity ensued of one of their main power engines going out insinuating if it isn't repaired immediately, the entire station was either going to explode or detract towards the planet on a deadly collision course.

Though he lacks the ability to express facial expressions, he obviously was unwilling to die after working so hard to prove his loyalty to the Resistance.  He immediately snaps into his wheel formation and rolls through the hanger towards the location of the main power engine, keeping aware of the direction some of the maintenance crew members were going in so he doesn't get lost in this spacious facility.

Once he got there, he flips back to his natural stature and, upon seeing the cause of the explosion, cocks his head to one side in curiosity.

There appears to be a pair of legs sticking out of a hole in the main engine.  It was impossible for whoever owns them to have accidentally plowed herself into something so big and in the way, so he can only assume she purposely threw herself into it as some kind of kamikaze to bring the station into disarray and allow the enemy free reign over the Resistance.

Nonchalantly, he walks over to the pair of legs and grabs them, using his robotic might to rip her out and toss her aside just as some of the maintenance crew members arrived to assess and fix the damage.  Joe looks between them and the suicidal robot before going to lend a hand in getting the engine back up and running.

Hajime enters the hanger area of the WDS, noticing WilyII still hasn't noticed his arrival.  He expected to have tripped at least one alarm, but considering his awareness towards something that wasn't part of his army he assumed that person may have already did him the favor of tripping most of them.

This would have been the perfect opportunity to release the three Berbil and let them stealth their way into the station to uncover the whereabouts of PB, but Hajime worries doing so right now would have given WilyII all the excuse he needed to force him onto his side and make him cater to his every decisions.  He decides it was probably best to play the debt collector and sends one of his wires out to press one of the buttons on a nearby keypad, causing a hilariously unorthodox doorbell sound to ring throughout the hanger.


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Reply #212 on: December 04, 2012, 09:39:11 PM
Sakura and PBB run out of the sickbay and head for Engineering as the emergency back up power comes on.

PBB - "Whew, that was a close on.."

Sakura - "That's only the back up generators. Their only purpose is to allow for brief communications and limited life support. Basically, enough power to give the people time to evacuate the station. I don't know how long they will last."

PBB - "Then why aren't we evacuating now!"

Sakura - "We have to try to fix whatever's wrong. This station is important to the Resistance. We cannot lose it. There's one huge problem though."

PBB - "What's that?"

Sakura and PBB arrive at Engineering

Sakura - "I don't know how to repair this thing. PB never showed me how."

PBB - "Did he show anyone else how to repair it?"

Sakura - "I honestly don't know. Maybe he showed PBPB how. I have to contact her. You stay here W2PB. I may need to contact you from the bridge with repair information."

Sakura ran out of Engineering and headed for the Bridge. As PBB awaited further instructions, he noticed the maintenance crews attempting repairs and also something smoking and unconscious near the Main Power Engine

PBB - "Hello, what have we here?"

Berbil Joe - I. found. her. near. the. engine.

PBB - "Can you fix this thing?"

Berbil Joe - "Un. known."

Meanwhile, aboard Ardjet...

Sakura - "Come in, PBPB. We have a situation!"

PBPB - "Go ahead Sakura. And make it quick. Usagi Squadron is about to engage Wily II's forces!"

Sakura - "The Main Power Engine has been damaged. The back-ups are online but they won't last very long. Shields and weapons are all down. We only have communications and life support operational. Maintenance crews are attempting to fix it."

PBPB - "Wonnnnnnnnnderful."

Sakura - "Do you know how to repair it?"

PBPB - "I do, but I can't leave Usagi Squadron."

Sakura - "I know. You cannot let Wily II's forces get past you! The defenses have to hold! Can you at least tell us anything that would help us try to fix it?"

PBPB - "Well, most of the components are pretty normal. Maintenance should be able to repair the thing as long as the ML2P Junction hasn't been damaged."

Sakura - "The what?"

PBPB - "The ML2P Junction. It's what converts the Mango Lemonade into energy for the station. It's a triple cylinder looking thing right in the middle of the Engine."

Sakura - "Right. Hang on I'll check!" *opens communications* "Engineering. W2PB, do you copy!"

PBB - "I'm here. Any luck?"

Sakura - "I need you to see if the ML2P Junction has been damaged. It's a triple cylinder looking thing right in th..."

PBB - *interrupts as he sees Berbil Joe pointing at it* "...middle of the engine? Ummm, yeah it's destroyed!"

PBPB - "Well fucknuggets. There's only one place available where we can replace that part! The Intergalatic Sex Shack!"

Sakura - "Then that's where we're gonna have to go! PBPB, make sure not to let anyone get to the Sexstation. I'll lead a small group to retrieve the ML2P Junction."

PBPB - "That's suicide! Wily II's Robot Masters overrun that station."

Sakura - "We don't have a choice. We cannot lose this station. I'm going."

PBPB - "You've definitely got guts, kid. Very well. Ardjet out!" *opens communications with Usagi Squadron* "This is PBPB. Usagi Squadron, we have a situation. Sexstation 2069 is without power and cannot defend itself. Therefore, we cannot let Wily II's forces pass us. NOTHING GETS THOUGH!"

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Reply #213 on: December 04, 2012, 09:53:53 PM
(Not exactly what I was thinking of but I like it.  I'll think of something later but I think I have some plans.  Sakura will pilot the Wing Gundam and go to the Intergalatic Sex Shack with W2PB on a Arwing and the lady I was talking about join them before they leave.  Sakura is also going to bring her Pokemon because she's in no condition to fight even with her crazy Ego Stamina.)

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Reply #214 on: December 04, 2012, 10:01:22 PM
(Haha, nice choice of mech. Just remember that you're there for a snatch and grab!  8D)

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Reply #215 on: December 04, 2012, 10:13:41 PM
(How exactly do those go about?  I think I'll leave that part to you.)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #216 on: December 04, 2012, 10:16:22 PM
(You can handle it. What it basically means is you're trying to avoid confrontation if possible. Whether you get noticed or not & want to fight them or not is entirely up to you!)

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Reply #217 on: December 04, 2012, 10:45:26 PM
(I see I'll post the preparation to leave the Sex Station later, I need to figure out what Pokemon I should use.

So far I have my Absol (Twilight) who is able to sense disasters and sometimes cause critical hits with his Super Luck ability and Razor Claw item, my Galvantula (Web Spider) who has very powerful and accurate moves thank to Compound Eyes and the Effect Sash, my Mienshao (Tinker) who loves machines and has the Wide Glasses so that he can hit things more accurately since his main attack is High Jump Kick [I kinda named him after the character who would have been in Legends 3], and Metagross (Metoolgross) with a core of Never Melt Ice and is built like a tank.  

I still need to think of the last two I'm thinking maybe my Blaziken and Roserade, but there's still a lot I can choose from)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #218 on: December 05, 2012, 01:53:06 AM
'Well, didn't have much time to learn the controls on this thing!' Fxeni thinks to himself as he dodges the blasts that started to head his way. He quickly assesses the capabilities of his new suit, examining everything that might give an edge in the fight. 'Knows me well indeed...' he thinks with a big grin appears on his face when he sees the hyper jammers and active cloak systems available for use.

"PBPB! Keep them occupied!" Fxeni exclaims over the comm, then he activates the hyper jammers. The Fxescythe fizzles out of sight of any electronic sensors in the area, and Fxeni heads off to attempt to flank the attackers from above.

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Reply #219 on: December 05, 2012, 02:22:23 AM
Berbil Joe overhears the conversation, realizing his efforts to help out might hinder the recovery rather than speed it along.  He could join them, but there may not be enough Arwings to welcome his involvement, and the one he brought back still needed to be checked over and repaired.

He turns his attention to the robot that threw herself into the engine.  She didn't appear to be functioning due to the shock of the impact, and the ensuing jostling that shut everything down.

He originally thought she was with the enemy sacrificing herself for the good of WilyII's domination, but seeing as no one was doing anything to apprehend her, he assumes she might not be as big of a threat as he originally assumed.  There was no way to tell with this much chaos going on.

Joe decides the best course of action was to take her to Sick Bay and examine her for himself, all the while protect her and the rest of the station from any further interior attacks.  He walks over to the robot and lifts her over his head, effortlessly trotting out of the engine room and towards the location of sick bay using the age old method of stumbling around until he finds the place.


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Reply #220 on: December 05, 2012, 02:27:36 AM
(Best way to find a room ever.)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #221 on: December 05, 2012, 03:25:11 AM
(That or just walking around and around till somebody decides to point you in the direction you need to go.)

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Reply #222 on: December 05, 2012, 03:55:01 AM
(I know, but the fact it's mechical teddy bear makes it all the cuter.)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #223 on: December 05, 2012, 03:58:14 AM
(Well, okay. Anyway, gotta wait for Tron to get back before we can make any more moves with this plotline.)

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Reply #224 on: December 05, 2012, 04:51:00 AM
Kharaxel and RMZX finally caught one of the resistance members, who kept runniing all over the place. It seemd to main power engine of SexStation got horribly damaged.

RMZX - "Wow. That [tornado fang]ing sucks. Do you think it was sabotage?"

Kharaxel - "Well... there was some talk about a traitor, so perhaps..."

Suddenly, before RMZX and Kharaxel, appeared the robot bear from earlier. However, what really caught their attention was the fact, he carried Akai.

RMZX - "Hey you, bear! Where do you think you're going with her?"

Berbil Joe - "Looking. For. Sick. Bay." He replied.

Kharaxel and RMZX got a good look at Akai now. She seemed as if she was in a huge explosion or something.

Berbil Joe - "Found. Her. Near. Engine."

RMZX and Kharaxel exchanged looks.

RMZX - "What the hell was she doing there?"

Kharaxel - "Does not matter right now." Kharaxel felt it's better not to dwell on that question. "The sick bay is this way, if you're planning to repair her, or at least make her operational again."

After a moment of walking, the three of them arrived back at sick bay. Kharaxel helped put the unconcious Akai on one of the beds. Immediately, the little bear began working on her.

RMZX - "Hey, do you think... she is the cause of the damaged engine?"

Kharaxel - "No clue."

The two of them watched, as the little robot bear worked his "magic" on Akai.
After few minutes of work, he turned to Kharaxel and RMZX.

Berbil Joe - "I. Cannot. Do. Much. More. Now."

Kharaxel - "But will she function?"

Berbil Joe - "Yes. Howe. Ver. Had. To. Remove. Some. Things. And. Change. She. Might. Not. Be. The. Same."

RMZX - "Meh. I guess it is better than nothing."

Kharaxel looked at RMZX.

Kharaxel - "And now you suddenly show some care for her? I so don't get you man."

RMZX - "Yeah, whatever. Hey you bear. Can you turn her on, or something."

Berbil Joe nodded, and after a moment of doing something, Akai opened her eyes. Kharaxel and RMZX got closer to take a look at her.
She got up to a sitting position and looked around her room a bit spaced out. However, eventually she laid her eyes on RMZX.

Akai - "RMZX..." She said, softly smiling.

RMZX - "Oh boy... here we g-"

Akai - "Go and die."

Kharaxel and RMZX - "Huh?!"

Akai - "Seriously... go and die. I don't even want to look at you anymore. Because of you, I wanted to kill myself, oh my, how glad I am it didn't work out. it would be such a shame to lose my precious life over someone like you."

Kharaxel, Berbil Joe and RMZX backed away from the bed. Akai got up, and tried to fix her quite destroyed clothes.

Akai - "Crap. It seems my clothes are completley wasted, and my ability to fix them is not functional. That sucks."

RMZX - "So yeah, it would be safe to assume it's YOUR fault the main engine is currently [tornado fang]'d."

Akai sent RMZX a glare so sharp and deadly you could cut steel with it.

Akai - "My fault?! Do I need to remind you who exactly was it that made me feel like absolute crap?!"

RMZX - "[sonic slicer]! Don't try to make this my fault!"

Kharaxel and Berbil Joe simply watched this amazing scene unfold before them.

Kharaxel - *thinking* "Well, at least he's talking with her now."

(So yeah. This post is a mess. Anyway, this is not the end of Akai's changes, but for now Imma gonna hold on from doing more. The personality and priorities change should be enough right now. Feel free to tell me what you think of this, and if I should change something.)