Wilypocalypse NOW

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Reply #250 on: December 05, 2012, 01:46:29 PM
(Tron meet boforte? You can go ahead and write that part, given by the time I update again tomorrow in my time, things would have likely gone way past, and you can meet boforte. :P)

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Reply #251 on: December 05, 2012, 01:52:43 PM
(I do like the idea of genuine love over programmed, but going the way of "psycho [sonic slicer]" in a way isn't the way to do it. Though this is part my fault too. And its not as if that scenario couldn't still be accomplish, RMZX heals fast.)

Akai places RMZX on the same bed he had previously been set down on.
She decided to leave, but since it appeared nobody was around, she stuck around.

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Reply #252 on: December 05, 2012, 02:11:17 PM
(Well, it do can be accomplished. And I kind of didn't want her to be a psycho [sonic slicer]. It just kinda came out that way. She was supposed to be more of a: "I don't like you no more and get away from my sight" type. But I digress. I'll leave this whole scenario of her once again loving RMZX up to YOU... except, I can set up the "dangerous" situation. In fact, Berbil Joe currently under Tron's control is perfect for that, as he's trying to either crash or terribly sabotage the station. But eh, it's your choice now, on how to handle Akai. She is your character to begin with. : P

Oh and thanks Doc. Though I'll myself will be updating later, because my brain is failing in functioning right now. Anyway, if everything moves fast while I'm away, feel free to use Tron in any shape you want. By which I mean, all of you are free.

I need sleep.)

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Reply #253 on: December 05, 2012, 02:44:20 PM
(We all need sleep, trust me.)

Akai, being an intelligent android, began patching RMZX up, since if he was left as he is now, he would surely die before anybody came back.

Akai - "First, we remove the sword."

She removed the sword from his chest.

Akai - "Well, he missed his heart, but only by a small bit. Next, we need to stitch up the would."

She found string and a needle, and began sewing the wound shut.

Akai - "Next... Cauterize."

Akai - "Hmm, he's lost a lot of blood, but he should be okay soon."

Akai applied some basic dressing to the wound.

Considering him safe, Akai then took to cleaning RMZXs sword of blood.

Akai - "You're easy to repair... if you had only paid a little more attention, this wouldn't have happened."

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Reply #254 on: December 05, 2012, 04:02:54 PM
(I'll....try and find a way of getting into this when I have time. Hopefully.)

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Reply #255 on: December 05, 2012, 05:44:35 PM
Harpuia would watch Waltz' eyes widen and jump about five feet in the air. A bemused smirk on his face as he turned to go check up on the rest of the staff as Waltz turned to glare at Talyn, "I swear, one day you will do that and I turn and hit you instead of jumping."

The annoyed look on her face gave way to a smile, "Glad to see Shinobu managed to track you down. She glanced past Talyn and grinned, "Good to see you too Saph."

(Sorry its not a lot I'm drawing a blank.)

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Reply #256 on: December 05, 2012, 10:09:15 PM
(Nah, don't worry about it. Plus that was the response I was looking for so all the better!)

"And until you do hit me I'll have fun doing this. Good thing you have high ceilings in this place or else you'd knock yourself out each time!" Talyn said with a chuckle. "Anywho, of course she tracked us down. She's kinda good at that thing, ya know. Sorry for takin' off like that but there was no response, but it worked out in the end."

She paused for a second and looked around the busy world of the karaoke bar. "Plus we came in the middle of quite the party, it seems! Huzzah!" Talyn's look turned from jovial to serious.

"Now the question is, do you have what I need?"

(i'm planning on bringing in either my digimon or my netnavi. not sure which yet)

Just enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything

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Reply #257 on: December 05, 2012, 11:11:38 PM
(I'll hold off on Berbil Jade's fate until the others have posted.  For now TIME TO COLLECT [eyebrow])

Hajime can already sense the exasperation billowing from WilyII's soul upon seeing him on the hanger monitor; if he doesn't immediately come down to greet him in person, the infiltration operation could go a little more smoother.

"Oh, you know, since we were buddies in the past, I just thought I'd stop by, see how you were doing," he said before bring out his abacus and flicking the beads around, "Talk about additional fees for wrecking the parts you still haven't paid for."


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Reply #258 on: December 05, 2012, 11:39:21 PM
Akai - "Sitting around watching you is boring... I'm going to go back to the planet and see if you have anything to repair me."

Akai hopped up off the bed she was sitting on, leaving RMZX alone in the sick bay.
She arrived at the docking bay, and jumped in RMZX's ship planning on leaving.

Akai - "Oh damn, I guess I need the keys."

She went back to the sick bay to retrieve RMZX's keys.

Akai - "Okay, the keys should be in... This pocket!"

She retrieves his keys, and notices his wallet is in the same pocket.
She grabs his wallet to open it up, but the only thing inside of it is a picture.

Akai - "Hmm? What's this?"

The picture is of RMZX and...

Akai - "Is that me? No... her eyes are blue, anything on the back?"

There was a small note on the back that read:

"Dear Josei:
I understand its been rough without her,
but as long as you keep her with you by your heart,
you'll be able to go on living a normal life.
From, A friend."

Akai's eyes widened, almost like she understood everything.

Akai - "Josei...? Is that.. RMZX's name? This girl in the picture... she looks like me, I mean I look like her."
"He must hate me... because I look like this girl, and according to this note, she either ditched him... or worse."

She decided to hold off on leaving for now, she decided its best to try and talk to RMZX when he wakes up.

(Any thought's on RMZX's name? If its [parasitic bomb] and no good I'll just conveniently remove that.)

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #259 on: December 06, 2012, 01:27:27 AM
(Eh I felt like doing more filler.)

The Red Wing Squadron were flying toward the Intergalactic Sex Shack as fast as they could, they couldn't afford to waste time.  Each ship included a cloaking mechanism and a jamming system so that they could sneak in without alerting the hostile robots of their presence.  Sakura was piloting her new Gundam while looking at what PB had installed.  It seems he knew her tastes of weaponry and way of fighting all too well.  The gun was a giant black rapid fire plasma rifle and the shield was a in the shape of his shield with a attachment for a saber.  In her cock pit there was a small slot to insert her own saber in for combat.  There was also a lot of neat systems inside such as boosts and hyper drives.

Sakura let her glasses wearing Meinshao, Tinker, out of his Pokeball to look around the ship and marvel at the technology.  She knew Tinker loved machines a lot and despite not really being able to build them, due to his long whip like fur getting in the way most of the time, he loved looking at machine parts and studying them. Sakura figured that Tinker would be of some help because of his love of machines and since he had U-Turn, if they did get into trouble and Tinker couldn't handle it he can hit the enemy quickly and retreat to let another Pokemon fight in his place while he healed a small amount with his Ability Regenerator.  He was a very reliable Pokemon and friend because of it.

While they were marveling PB's craftsmanship, Sakura couldn't stop thinking about her Master.  He gave her so much and this Gundam was just one of the small things he did for her.  She began thinking about what kind of shape PB could be in right now since his capture.  Wily II was very effective at torture and PB would never give in to him willingly so she imagined that PB must have been in great pain right now.  The thought of seeing her Master suffering ate away at her heart, she began tearing up again.

But before she got too far she shook her head and dried her tears.  

"I can't be thinking about how PB is suffering now, not while I have something I need to do and the entire Resistance is in danger."  She muttered to herself "PB gave me so much and I don't know how to repay him, but the least I can do is make sure he has base to return to when we do rescue him.  I know you must be in terrible pain and suffering boss, but we will save you!  Just please wait for us and don't you dare die!"  

Meanwhile in Zeta's Arwing, Zeta herself was bored out of her mind.  It was too dang quiet even with the music on her radio playing at full blast.  She wasn't the type to sit around and do nothing nor does she like somber atmospheres.  She was a woman of action and excitement, but she knew with recent events it would be hard to come by.  She was still shocked that PB of all people was captured so easily.  She knew PB was super strong but she guessed that everyone had their limits.

Zeta was surprised that Saki was even going on this mission herself, she knew the girl wasn't in the best shape because of what happened in a short amount of time. Her eyes looked strained and weary, but she also still had that fire and spark in her eyes.  She knew that Saki would never give up in a time when people were in danger and that no one could stop her.  Saki has always had a one track mind when it came down to it, but it was one of the things that Zeta appreciated most about her.  Despite Zeta loving fun, adventure, and craziness, the main reason she came was that her friend needed her help and she could give it.  She'll protect her until she ceased to function and her body turned ice cold.

Zeta then thought about Saki's new friend, PB's robo twin.  What BB said about robo PB was very accurate, he wasn't like the real PB at all.  He was shy around others and seemed to only be comfortable with Saki.  Zeta was a very honest and upbeat person and she didn't want the robot to hate her forever.  She only wanted to loosen him up, but she forgot that despite looking like PB he wasn't PB at all.  He wasn't nearly as social as the real deal and he wasn't nearly as cheerful and perverted as him.  He was just like a child who just step into the world and was scared of everything around him except for his mother.

Zeta felt bad for her mistake and wanted to make amends, or at the very least help him calm down a bit.  She opened up the communication unit and contacted the nearby Arwing.

"Yo Robo PB why don't we have a chat, I'm bored."  Zeta asked with a bit of cheerfulness.

W2PB listened to the voice that came out his radio and hesitantly responded to it.

"What do you want now?"  He said a bit annoyed.

"Huh, I guess you're still grumpy from what happened at base.  Anyway I wanted to apologize, for real this time."  Zeta said nicely.

"Whatever."  W2PB said a bit dismissively  "I'm not going to hold a grudge against you, it wouldn't be productive with the mission and all."

"Good, I'm glad you don't hate me that much.  I really honestly wanted you to loosen up a bit, when I saw you the first time you looked so serious and tense. I almost forgot what BB told me and assumed that you would be like the real PB a little bit.  I really shouldn't have assumed that and been more careful."  She said with a bit of regret in her voice.

"I guess I shouldn't blame you for that, I mean I look like the guy for crying out loud.  Heck he treated me like I was him when we met." said W2PB a bit resigned.

"Yeah you must really not like being compared to PB period."  Zeta said understandingly "I guess that must be tiring."

"I was built to be exactly like him" W2PB stated  "I was supposed to act like him, talk like him, and make corny jokes like him.  But Sakura saw the farce right away and made me realize that despite the fact I was made to be like him, I'm not him at all.  So when people start treating me like PB, it reminds me of what I failed to do and it made me sick inside.  Sakura was the only one who never treated me like PB, and actually tried to learn about me.  I feel so comfortable around her because of that, she's the only one who makes me not feel like some kind of failure.  

But since I still look like PB, despite not wearing my sunglasses now, I know I have to expect people treating me like him for a while, I've only been there for a day after all.  Everyone is not like Sakura I realize, except maybe Kharaxel but he has some issues that I don't know how to deal with.

At first I hated how PB was treating me and how laid back he was acting, it just kept on reminding me of who I was not.  But after talking to Sakura about him I let it go.  He risked his life for everyone and I couldn't possibly hate him for that.  Not to mention with the war going on I can't expect someone like him to be in a perfect state of mind and with with the problems that I was going through, I think I took everything out on him.  I really wish I got to know him better, but with him captured that's not going to happen anytime soon.

That's why I want to save him, he doesn't deserve the crap he's going through for everything he does for everyone.  I want to start over with him and help him however I can.  If I do that I will feel better about myself, and Sakura can be happy again."  W2PB finished with a determination in his voice.

"Good that's what I like to hear, now you're being honest with yourself." Zeta said cheerfully.

"I thought Sakura said that robots are terrible liars."  W2PB questioned a little.

"She's right."  Zeta confirmed "But that doesn't mean we can't lie, especially to ourselves.  I think lying to yourself can be one of the worst things you can do to yourself, it makes it so we can't see clearly."

"Yeah I can see how that would be bad."  W2PB said thoughtfully "Thanks Zeta, I'm sorry I got off on you like that."

"Hey don't worry about that, I'm still going to make you uncomfortable though."  Said Zeta a little mischievously.

"Why's that?" W2PB asked curiously.

"You're working for a team now kiddo, that means you have to work with a lot of different people and none of them are like PB and Saki.  So in order to be able to work with these people you have to get used to them and get out of your shell, otherwise you'll have a very hard time working with them."  Zeta said a bit seriously.

"I guess you're right, I do have to work with them and we have to understand each other.  How come you understand all this?"  W2PB asked.

"Because I understand my own kind kiddo." Zeta said proudly.

"You're a robot too?" W2PB asked a bit surprised.

"Yeah, you didn't know that?" Zeta said a bit surprised as well.

"I guess you do look like one, but you don't seem to act like one."  W2PB admitted

"Yeah I can understand that, you probably haven't met a lot of us and Baldy II doesn't really care about how his robots are.  Hell you're probably the most advance if you can question all these things, though boforte is just as emotive as you are." Zeta guessed

"Yeah you're right, but why are you so different?"  W2PB asked.

"It's probably because I'm older, and I never met my creator.  I was always on my own."  Zeta said.

"Really, that's crazy!" W2PB said a bit shocked  "Why was you're creator not around?"

"Don't know, I think he died or something because I woke up in a capsule."  Zeta recalled "But I never really thought about it, I don't like to dwell on the past.  I live in the present and look toward the future, I have no time for some stupid sob story of trying to find out what my creator built me for.  That's who I am, and no one will tell me otherwise."

"Huh, I guess that's one way of looking at things."  W2PB pondered.

"Yep." Zeta said happily.

Suddenly their radios had a bit of static and they could hear Sakura on the other side.  

"W2PB Zeta we're approaching the Intergalactic Sex Shack right now." said Sakura "We have to sneak in and get that part to bring it back to the base.  Try not to get noticed or else the mission will become much harder, understood?"

"Yes ma'am"  Said W2PB and Zeta simultaneously.

All three of them got closer to the Intergalactic Sex Shack ready to land.  
« Last Edit: December 08, 2012, 10:08:39 AM by Sakura Leic »

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Offline Fxeni

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Reply #260 on: December 06, 2012, 02:23:13 AM
Fxeni saw the Smart Bomb of the unidentified Arwing explode harmlessly against one of the enemy ships. This troubled him, especially since the ship he was aiming for rolled up into a similarly protective shell. Laser blasts suddenly started to fire from the ship's 7 orbs, littering the area with energy. Fxeni quickly got the Fxescythes' active cloak closed to reduce damage from any blasts that might hit him, and continued to dodge as best as he could while heading towards the ship.

'Well, This might be difficult but it should work...' He thinks to himself as he dives towards the giant orb situated on the ship's "head". Several beams manage to hit the Fxescythe, however due to the active shield these are deflected mostly harmlessly.  When within range of the orb, Fxeni pulls out the suit's Beam Scythe and activates it. Two beam blades shimmer into existence and are plunged into the orb, exposing the mechanical innards within. With a slice made into the orb, Fxeni fires the suit's Buster Shield into the cut to burrow deep within, destroying the weapon within. The Buster Shield returns to it's spot, and Fxeni jets away while the orb explodes.

'Six more orbs to go... then there's those other two ships. This won't be easy!' He thinks to himself as he lunges towards the next closest orb.

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Reply #261 on: December 06, 2012, 02:41:43 AM
Berbil Jade observed the damage being done to her Arwing from the hail of laser firing at her, but because of her inanimate features, there was no way to tell if she was shaken scared or nonchalant about the danger she might be in.

The person driving the mech appears to be handling most of the situation, and Jade can't afford to let the Arwing be damaged anymore than it already was when the village put it back together.  Plus, she still has to find Joe and rescue him from whatever danger he might be in.

Reluctantly, she turns the near damaged Arwing towards the SexStation and blasts off towards it, dodging as much laser fire as possible.


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Reply #262 on: December 06, 2012, 04:40:20 AM
Sapph turned to Waltz when she greeted him, cocking his head.

Sapph- Considering the getup I have on, and my lack of armor, I'm surprised you recognized me so fast.

He motioned at the scarf wrapped around his head, his cloak, and his missing armor. Then he sighed as he examined the room and all of the high-energy people in it.

Sapph- During these times, people need a party or two to help take their minds of things...

((Well, apparently the only open bar stool was in the back XD ))

My thread of Random Crap

Who loves Grape Soda? Sapph loves Grape Soda! Is it true? Is it true? Ohyesohyesohyes it's true-oo~ I do I do I do I do-oo~

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Reply #263 on: December 06, 2012, 07:56:33 AM
(Okay I have another idea for a update.  It's another filler but an important filler, basically what it is is that Sakura and W2PB are going to disguise themselves in order to sneak into the ISS and get the part.  I already got Sakura down pretty good, she's not going to change too much because she cut her hair when the war started so her disguise is going to be mostly accessories that are going to make her more adorable and sorta fan servicey but the cute kind.

W2PB is giving me a bit of trouble. I basically want to make him look almost drastically different but not too different and still suit Sakura.  So I havesome questions I want to ask since I'm not too great with men's clothes and disguises.  He's also going to give Sakura his scarf.

1. Should W2PB put his Sunglasses back on

2. Should I change his hair style and to what, a picture of said hair style would be very helpful.

3. Should I change his hair color and what color

4. What kind of clothes do you think would look good on him.  Pictures again help.

5. Should he look slightly more robotic since they are sneaking into a place full of robots, Sakura is no problem since her armor looks kinda robotic.

Much help would be appreciated.)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #264 on: December 06, 2012, 08:59:37 AM
1. Should W2PB put his Sunglasses back on

2. Should I change his hair style and to what, a picture of said hair style would be very helpful.

3. Should I change his hair color and what color

4. What kind of clothes do you think would look good on him.  Pictures again help.

5. Should he look slightly more robotic since they are sneaking into a place full of robots, Sakura is no problem since her armor looks kinda robotic.

Much help would be appreciated.)

(1. No. He should have a different style of Sunglasses. I'd say MIB style shades should do!

2. Sure, why not. I'd say either slick it back and make it stylish or have him grow it out so he can have headbanger hair. If you want to keep the hair the same but have him look different, go with a hat. I love hats. Fedora's are awesome!

3. Nah, keep it red.

4. If you want him to be different, then I'd actually go more regular. Blue or Black Jeans, a Grey or Forest Green hoodie, and a brown leather coat.

5. Depends on what you want to do for the story. You could give him the ability to R.O.C.K. ON. I had a gif that King Reaper made in which PB put on a Blues type armor!

Robo Me is fun to play with. Like a Ken toll, but more sexawesome!  8D)

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Reply #265 on: December 06, 2012, 09:06:40 AM
(I think I'm going to wait for more ideas but I kinda like the MIB shades, maybe.  Growing it out seems like a good idea as well maybe, though I'm not sure how to make it grow out quickly.  Also how big is the MLP2 or whatever it's called?)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #266 on: December 06, 2012, 09:17:57 AM
(Oh just use some sci-fi bs that because he's a robot, he can access his hair growth protocol and make it grow faster!

Also, it's not all that big. You'll probably need two hands or super strength to carry it! XD)

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Reply #267 on: December 06, 2012, 09:30:26 AM
(Alright, I was going to post some more filler stuff tonight but I'm [tornado fang]ing beat. At least in the next post I make RMZX will be all healed up and the fate of his and Akai's relationship will pretty much be decided.)

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Reply #268 on: December 06, 2012, 09:53:17 AM
((When and if I can ever get around to my own little subplot, this is what I have planned for Sapph:

1- He somehow gets a new suit of armor
2- His sword 'breaks', but reveals it's true power (and some history of the title 'Sapphire Knight') in the process (in actuality, it's a medal, like the crests on NetNavis, that fuses with an ally, or a portion of their spirit, to become a weapon, based on that ally's preferred fighting style, and it's power is based on their willpower/ego (so someone like PB would probably be something powerful enough to cut the universe in half))
3- He's going to take over the Pokemon League as a base, either for a 3rd faction fighting for the sake of stopping the fighting kind of an oxymoron there) or just as an extra safehouse for neutral characters to stay out of the way of crossfires.))

My thread of Random Crap

Who loves Grape Soda? Sapph loves Grape Soda! Is it true? Is it true? Ohyesohyesohyes it's true-oo~ I do I do I do I do-oo~

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Reply #269 on: December 06, 2012, 10:03:07 AM
(I'm still debating if I should go with WombatMan.EXE or HeatGabumon)

Just enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything

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Reply #270 on: December 06, 2012, 10:03:57 AM
((3- He's going to take over the Pokemon League as a base, either for a 3rd faction fighting for the sake of stopping the fighting kind of an oxymoron there) or just as an extra safehouse for neutral characters to stay out of the way of crossfires.))

(You should TOTALLY call that faction "Kira's Lament" for shits and giggles  8D)

Fxeni - "Usagi Leader. Shoot the orbs. It seems to be the only weakness these things have!"

PBPB - "Good work, Fxeni." *opens communications* "This is Usagi Leader to all forces. Aim for the orbs. I repeat, aim for the orbs!"

After she closes communications, Ardjet flew closer to one of the machines. "GO WISP," she yells out as Ardjet's cape disassembles into many miniature attack drones which spun around the orbital frame. The WISPS all targeted the seven orbs and destroyed them all at once, revealing the head of the unknown machine which was now in robot mode. As the machine began firing at her, Ardjet's cape formed a shell over itself, which began charging up massive quantities of energy. Finally, it let loose a beam of destructive power which destroyed the head of Dr. Wily II's machine, utterly destroying it. She then contacted Fxeni again...

PBPB - "It maybe a massive enemy, but it's not unstoppable. Aim for its head!"

Fxeni - "I miss Power Stone!"

PBPB - "Same here. Listen, there are only 2 of these things left. You and the rest of Usagi Squadron should be able to handle the rest of them."

Fxeni - "You have somewhere else to be at the moment?"

PBPB - "A hot date, of course! Seriously though, someone or something damaged the power engine at the Sexstation. Sakura is going to attempt a stealth mission to get a replacement junction at the Intergalactic Sex Shack."

Fxeni - "She's brave!"

PBPB - "And those legs! Anyway, I'm gonna provide a distraction outside the station in Ardjet. If they're focused on me, they'll hopefully ignore her!"

Fxeni - "That's pretty stupid! That place is overrun with the Doc's Robot Masters!"

PBPB - "True. But I have tits! Keep these bastards busy for me. And hey, feel free to join me after you're done."

After PBPB informs the rest of Usagi Squadron that they're now under the command of Fxeni, Ardjet flew off towards the Intergalactic Sex Shack.

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Reply #271 on: December 06, 2012, 11:02:22 AM
(Alright, [tornado fang] it. I'm gonna get this post out of the way.)

RMZX wakes up, groggy and weak due to blood loss.

RMZX - "I'm...alive?"

Akai - "Yes, but only because I saved you.."

RMZX looks over to see Akai, clothing still tattered from jumping into the reactor.

RMZX - "Why did you save me? I thought you hated me."

Akai - "Well, you sort of hate me too. And... I guess I didn't want you to die such a pathetic death."

The two go silent.

RMZX - "This is the most we've talked to eachother... ever."

Akai - "It is... Anyway, I need to tal-"

RMZX - "Wait, let me say something first."

Akai - "Hm?"

RMZX - "I'm... sorry, the way I treated you was juvenile, I shouldn't have done that to you."

Akai - "No... its fine. You had your reasons."

Akai gives the picture to RMZX.

RMZX - "This picture... you were in my wallet..."

Akai - "I wanted to get the keys to the ship, and I just saw it there, its not like you had any money in it anyway."

RMZX - "Still, its the principle of the matter..."

The two went silent again.

Akai - "So... your name is... Josei?"

RMZX - "I see you read the note on the back... yes, my name is really 'Josei Ona', but I've gone by RMZX for the longest time, that I like to pretend that's my name instead."

Akai - "I see... and this girl?"

RMZX - "I can't remember her name anymore. Its been too long, my mind has blanked it out."

Akai - "Oh."

RMZX - "As you already noticed, you look almost exactly like her. Its why I was so cold to you."

Akai - "What happened to her?"

RMZX - "I.. don't really want to talk about it."

Akai - "Josei... I want to hear it, tell me."

RMZX - "Fine... its a long story, so don't say I didn't warn you beforehand if you feel like complaining."

Akai - "I'll be fine, tell me the story."

RMZX - "Alright, it goes like this:

A few years back, back in my universe, it was always quiet, there weren't very many people around in RPM.
One day, somebody had moved in nearby, it was a girl. I never had any luck with girls, so I pretty much didn't have any intentions on talking to her.
But, as luck would have it, she came right up to me, she was such a curious girl, she always wanted to talk to me, even when I just wanted to be by myself.
It was just annoying at first, but I honestly feel like she knew it was annoying, because I got used to it, she rubbed off on me, and I started to enjoy talking with her too.
Turned out, we shared a lot of the same interests, we spent more and more time together, but we were never really a couple.
Then, eventually, she came right out and said "As of today, we are a couple!" Followed by a very forced kiss.
But that didn't matter, it didn't really change much for us, most of the time we spent together we would watch our favorite show, "Go Denzan Racer Team!", a silly little series about a team of racers who fought crime. Her favorite character was the main love interest of the hero, Fen Diamond, the spunky lass who ended up defeating most of the Villains.
Well, one day she wanted us to go cosplay, her being Fen and me being the Hero. It all worked out fine at first, but one of the heels on the shoes she was wearing gave out while she was descending some stairs. She hit her head and was knocked unconscious.
I rushed her to the hospital, and while she recovered with minimal injuries, she had amnesia.
Me, being the absolute [tornado fang]ing idiot that I am, wasn't sure if she was serious, and told her that she was Fen and she was a hero.
She believed me, and about a week later a bank robbery occurred, believing herself to be a hero, she rushed in.
The one robbing the bank was a brutish thug, didn't talk, really [tornado fang]ing huge. She went to fight him...
The thug ripped her in half, threw what was left of her to the ground, and crushed her skull.
Shortly after, the police were able to take the thug down, turns out it was a machine, programmed to kill whatever got in its way.
I didn't attend her funeral out of politeness, and her family moved away shortly after, presumably because they didn't want to be anywhere near the man who got their daughter killed.

A few days later, I got that photograph, I don't know who took it. I don't know who this "Friend" is.
A few months passed, and I wound up here, I found the capsule you were in, with a note:
And woke you up, after you scanned me, you looked at my memory and saw that girl, only difference being the eyes, since your model doesn't have the ability to change eye color from the default red.
I originally presumed it was for the me that resides in this dimension, but now that I think of it, there may be a slim possibility that its the same person."

RMZX - "And that's the whole story."

Akai - "...."

RMZX - "Akai?"

Akai - "I... need to go."

RMZX's eyes widened.

RMZX - "Wait, what do you mean?"

Akai - "I don't want to cause you any more pain."

RMZX - "But... Akai."

Akai - "I'm sorry... Goodbye, Josei..."

Akai then ran out of the Sick bay, RMZX tried to get up, but his wounds weren't fully healed yet.

RMZX - "AKAI!...Don't go..."

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Reply #272 on: December 06, 2012, 12:17:12 PM
(Great job on taking down one Orbitus! ... Wait.)

With one of the Orbitus units destroyed, the other 2 spun even faster on their own axis, slightly strengthening their defence against brunt-force trauma. Their rate of laser spam seemed to decrease slightly, seemingly a trade-off for faster spinning.

boforte could see the explosion of one of the Orbitus units, and grunted.

boforte - I KNEW those pendulums would amount to nothing! Only I can bring down the Resistance!

As he approached closer to the space battle, he sort of spots something flying towards his general direction...

Back at the WDS, Dr. Wily II is sweating in bit, seeing Hajime pull out his trusted abacus.

DWII - Oh... THOSE parts... Hehe, I thought those were on a loan basis! I'll be right there!

Dr. Wily II cuts the signal, and rubbed his forehead again.

DWII - Why must Hajime come NOW of all times!?

Dr. Wily II straightened up his labcoat, and teleported to the hangar, a few steps behind Hajime.

DWII - Come now Hajime, let us discuss this in a more comfortable place... What is this... Crate you're pulling along?

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #273 on: December 06, 2012, 12:38:54 PM
(Okay I think I got some inspiration now.)

The Red Wing Squadron docked their Arwings and Mecha just out side of the Intergalactic Sex Shack.  They decided that in order to sneak into the ISS Sakura and W2PB should disguise themselves.  Sakura wouldn't need that much because she cut her hair when the war started, but she still needed something since she was pretty recognizable.  On the other hand W2PB needed some more help since he looked exactly like PB, glasses or no glasses.  The ISS also had a regular clothes/cosplay shop for those who liked to use a bit of foreplay or if they needed new clothes for one reason or another.  

Since nobody knew who Zeta was exactly, she volunteered to get the clothes for them.  One of Zeta's hobbies included shopping so she knew what would look good on the 2 of them.

Sakura was currently waiting inside her Gundam watching Tinker still looking at every nook and cranny admiring PB's work.  Suddenly the back door opened and W2PB stepped inside.  Sakura turned her head to see who it was.

"Oh W2PB, you kinda surprised me."  Sakura said as she smiled warmly.

"Sorry about that, Zeta told me I should come up here.  She said using the bathrooms wouldn't be a good idea, after all."  W2PB said as he walked over to her.

"Yeah, I don't even want to think who's in there right now."  She said as she turned back to continue watching Tinker.

W2PB reached her and put a hand on her shoulder "So how are you feeling now?"  

"I feel a bit better, flying a Mech can be relaxing sometimes, even therapeutic." Sakura explained  "It takes a bit of concentration and helps you take your mind of things.  If this war wasn't around I would use this Mech to explore space and see some planets.  I've never been to another planet before, only satellites and space stations."

"That sounds interesting, I never even thought there were other planets."  W2PB said as he thought about it.

"Yeah there's supposed to be a lot out there.  For example Vixy is actually a princess from another planet and some of the customers that PB gets are aliens."  Sakura said as she looked outside thinking about it.

"Huh I was wondering why Vixy looked different than all of you guys.  It must be fun to go to another planet." W2PB said thoughtfully.

"Yeah though some of them are dangerous, you have to be careful sometimes." said Sakura.

"I can imagine."  W2PB laughed a little.  He then began looking around the room he was in. "This room sure is spacious, PB did a really good job on this place."  

"Yeah he did."  Sakura said a bit nostalgically  "PB always does 110% in whatever he does if it's for someone else."

"Yeah..."  W2PB said softly noticing a change in Sakura "You really miss him do you?"

"I do."  Sakura admitted  "I can't even to think of what he's going through now, how he's suffering."

"Me either."  W2PB said with a little sadness.

"But I don't want to think about that right now."  She said looking down at the floor.  "I can't think about it when I have something to do.  And even if I didn't, I want to think about saving him."

W2PB wrapped his arms around her from behind and touched his face to the back of her head.  Sakura was a little surprised, since she couldn't see what he was doing, but eventually she felt at ease and closed her eyes.

"That's the spirit."  W2PB said softly "You care so much about him and I know you can do it.  I'll do everything I can to help you, and I'm sure everyone will have your back.  As soon as we find him we'll bust him out and he'll be back in no time."

"Thank you." Sakura said softly.

They stayed like that for a few moments until W2PB felt something warm and fuzzy touched his shoulder and arm.  He turned his head to see the Weasel like Pokemon with glasses he saw before at the Sex Station.  The Meinshao was looking at him curiously.

"Uh Sakura?"  W2PB asked with a flat tone.

"Mm?"  Sakura said as she opened her eyes and saw her Pokemon's fur overlapping his shoulder.

"What's up with this thing?"  W2PB said as he had a staring contest with the creature.  Neither looked like they were going to let up anytime soon.

"Oh Tinker really likes machines." Sakura explained "He must of taken a interest in you."

"He's not going to dismantle me is he?"  W2PB still staring at the Pokemon's eyes.  

"Oh don't worry Tinker only likes to look at and study machines."  Sakura laughed a little "He doesn't try to build any because his fur gets in the way."

"If you say so."  W2PB continuing the stare down.

This could have gone on for hours on end if Zeta didn't come back at that moment.

"I'm ba...what the?"  Zeta said staring at the site.

W2PB looked at her. "It's better not to ask." He said as he let go of Sakura and the Weasel Pokemon followed suit though still looking at both W2PB and Zeta in curiosity.

"Okay, whatever."  Zeta said with a laugh.  "Anyway I got some cool things here." She said motioning to the bags.

"Oh wow were they expensive?" Sakura asked.

"Nah it wasn't too bad."  Zeta said "You don't have to pay me back or anything."

"Are you sure?"  Sakura questioned.

"Positive, beside I figured that W2PB would like some new clothes." Zeta reassured her. "Speaking of which, W2PB how well do you know your systems?"

"Uh I think I know them well enough, why do you ask?"  W2PB asked curiously.

"I want you to try and see if you can grow your hair or something." said Zeta.

"How do I go about doing that?"  W2PB asked curiously,

"Just concentrate the nanites in your body at the base of you're skull and will them to the tips of your hair."  Zeta explained.

"That sounds kinda gross when you put it that way."  W2PB remarked.

"Hey were robots, we do weird things some time" Zeta snidely replied.

"Okay I'll give it a try."  W2PB said as he closed his eyes and did what he was told.  The nanites followed his commands and they began to run down the tips of his hair.  To the girls it looked like his hair was growing naturally really quickly but in reality the nanites were reconstructing themselves to execute the command.

"Okay stop, I think that should be long enough."  When W2PB heard her voice he ceased the command and the growth stopped.  W2PB looked at the mirror to study his new hair style. His hair now reached his mid back to where his upper chest began and his bangs were a little bit longer.

"Not bad." Zeta whistled as she reached into a pocket and pulled out a hair tye.  "You should tie you're hair so it doesn't get in the way."    

"Okay" he said as he took tye and bounded his hair with it.  His hair was now in a low pony tail.

Sakura walked up to him in amazement.  When she reached him she began running her fingers through it.  It was like red silk.

"This is amazing."  Sakura said in wonder.

"You like it?" W2PB asked a bit nervously.

"Yeah, it really suits you."  Sakura said in astonishment "Can I pull it a little?"

"Go ahead." He said as she wrapped her hand around it.  She gave it a little tug and found it was very strong.

"It's like real hair."  Sakura said softly "I never even thought that robots could adjust their hair at such a complex level."

"That's because very few robots have hair in the place."  Zeta explained "And those who do usually don't know or care about it. We can even make our hair shorter if we desire.  The only reason I knew about it was because I saw a guy doing it once."

"Why did he do that?" W2PB asked curiously.

"He wanted to rob a bank."  said Zeta "I kicked his butt afterward of course."

"Oh."  W2PB simply said.  "Anyway, I think I want to keep it, maybe it'll get people to not treat me like PB as much."

"Cool." said Zeta "Anyway I have some clothes for you in this bag."  She said as she hand handed him on of the bags.

The only things that were inside was a light brown leather jacket and a pair of blues jeans.

"Thanks Zeta, I think they'll be just fine." W2PB said as he looked them over.

"Great you change out here while me and Saki go to the bathroom."  Zeta said as she gave Sakura the other bag.

"Why do yo have to come to the bathroom with....me?" She said as she looked down inside. "Are you kidding me?"

"Oh come it's not that bad."  Zeta explained "This way you won't have to change what you're wearing now and you'll be able to blend in very easily.  Besides it could have been worse."

"I suppose you're right."  Sakura said as she thought about it and sighed.

"Why wouldn't she have to change her clothes?"  W2PB said as he put on his jacket.

"You'll see."  Zeta said a little mischievously.  The ladies then walked into the bathroom.  While they were inside, W2PB quickly changed out of his pants and waited for them to come out.  During this time Tinker still stared at him and he stared back.

"You are one weird weasel thing."  W2PB remarked as he reach out to pet him.  The weasel Pokemon enjoyed and emitted something that sounded like a purr.

Eventually the door opened and Zeta came out.  

"Come on out Saki, we should get moving."  Zeta said.

"Do I really have to go out looking like this?"  Sakura said from inside.  She sounded embarrassed.

"Don't worry you look fine."  Zeta said confidently.

"Okay." She said as she walked out.

When she was in full view W2PB's eyes widened.  Sakura's clothes indeed didn't change but she still looked very different.

On her head she wore a pair of white cat ears that occasionally twitched, a white tail that consistently wagged, and paws on her hands and feet.  The paws still let her grab things and run like she normally would if she didn't wear them.  Her eyes also changed, instead of the usual green, they were a golden yellow that made her look more cat like.

"What do you think?" she asked as her face turned red.

"Saki what did we talk about?" Zeta said with a bit of amusement.  She was obviously enjoying this.

"Oh right.  So what do you think n-nya~" She said even more red and more nervously.

"I think you look very cute."  W2PB said with a smile of his face.

"R-Really nya~"  Sakura asked really nervously.

"Yeah, you shouldn't feel that bad, you're adorable."  W2PB said honestly.

"T-thank you nya~" Sakura said as she looked at the floor.  She looked even smaller than usual W2PB thought, she must really be uncomfortable like this.  But W2PB knew that she wasn't going to back out, if this was the best disguise in order to do what she needed to do she'll bear with it.

Still W2PB felt that he needed to help her feel a little better.  He reached around his neck and unwrapped the yellow cloth around his neck.

"Hey Sakura look up for a second." said W2PB.

Sakura did so and W2PB proceeded to wrap his scarf around her neck.

"You're giving this to me nya~?" Sakura asked surprised.

"Yeah I want you to have it." W2PB said as he finished tying it.  "Think of it as a good luck charm."

"Okay." Said Sakura looking at the scarf  "Thank you nya~"  She said smiling a little.

"No problem."  said W2PB said turning red himself "Anyway let's go, the sooner we do what we need to do the better."  

"Right nya~"  Said Sakura as both of them walked out,  W2PB wrapped his arm around her protectively and Tinker followed closely.

Zeta lagged behind a bit thinking.  

"Maybe I should start playing match maker."  She thought with amusement.

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #274 on: December 06, 2012, 12:57:10 PM
(Nya~ Step one of ten complete. [eyebrow])

I'm watching you all. Always watching.