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Reply #3425 on: August 01, 2013, 06:23:42 AM
Pyro felt a chill in the engine room when he saw his breath. He blinked and looked around the mostly-vacant space.

"Where are my creamsicles?"

Come and read some Thoughts of a Platypus

Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #3426 on: August 01, 2013, 02:06:00 PM
(Ah, well I remember Pyro saying somewhere in a previous post that the Archie he's talking about was formerly the head of Team Aqua and now heads up Team Gaia or something... so unless that resident geek is also secretly the head of Team Gaia, maybe not the same Archie)
(Fixed. B()

The officer doesn't do much but heads into the station, prompting the others to follow.
(Time to bring back my bad-cop Jenny. :P)

Dr. Wily II was shown into an empty interrogation room. He entered, and the officer locked it from the outside. Alone in the room, Dr. Wily II sat down on one of the chairs, and waited. It wasn't long before he heard the door unlock, and an Officer Jenny walked inside. Sitting down on the other empty chair...

Jenny - So... You're one of Mewtwo's friends.

DWII - You can say that.

Jenny - Don't lie. I have evidence saying that you are more than just a friend of Mewtwo.

DWII - ...

Jenny - Meowth caught your tongue? Our tech expert was able to break into some encrypted CDs, and boy was the information inside... Classified.

DWII - ...

Jenny - Come on... Said something... "Dad".

DWII - ... Yes, I'm one of Mewtwo's creators. And since you saw the videos, all this accusations against Mewtwo are unfounded! You all should be checking up on...

Jenny - Team Rocket and their boss, Giovanni? Please. Don't act all goody-two-shoes in front of me. You are just as guilty.

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Offline Mirby

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Reply #3427 on: August 01, 2013, 02:08:04 PM
(what the hell? i could've sworn i wrote Team Aqua. i distinctly remember typing in Team Aqua. how the hell did that happen?  o-O)

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Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #3428 on: August 01, 2013, 03:21:14 PM

(Also spliting my part since it might get long.)
Dr. Wily II was shown into an empty interrogation room. He entered, and the officer locked it from the outside. Alone in the room, Dr. Wily II sat down on one of the chairs, and waited. It wasn't long before he heard the door unlock, and an Officer Jenny walked inside. Sitting down on the other empty chair...

Jenny - So... You're one of Mewtwo's friends.

DWII - You can say that.

Jenny - Don't lie. I have evidence saying that you are more than just a friend of Mewtwo.

DWII - ...

Jenny - Meowth caught your tongue? Our tech expert was able to break into some encrypted CDs, and boy was the information inside... Classified.

DWII - ...

Jenny - Come on... Said something... "Dad".

DWII - ... Yes, I'm one of Mewtwo's creators. And since you saw the videos, all this accusations against Mewtwo are unfounded! You all should be checking up on...

Jenny - Team Rocket and their boss, Giovanni? Please. Don't act all goody-two-shoes in front of me. You are just as guilty.
DWII - Yes, I was involved in Team Rocket experiments. However, Mewtwo was different! Blaine had cared for him like a son, it was BECAUSE of Giovanni that Mewtwo turned... Violent. If not for him, Mewtwo would have been a very normal Psychic-type!

Dr. Wily II slammed his clenched fists onto the table, barely unfazing Officer Jenny.

Jenny - Blah, blah, blah. Typical scientist vs third-party argument. Whatever or not Giovanni was the reason he turned violent doesn't matter, what matters is tht Mewtwo WAS created.


Jenny - Watch your words, scientist. Else I'll hold you in contempt.

Dr. Wily II tsk'd under his breath, as Officer Jenny continued.

Jenny - Let's start this on a proper note. Eyewitnesses stated that you were at the epicenter of the Fuschia City explosion, along with Mewtwo. You agitated it, didn't you.

DWII - Now I didn't! Mewtwo was just trying to save me!

Jenny - Save you? Ha, right. From what? An evil side of your character?

DWII - ...

Jenny - Don't try to bullshit your way out of this. You were the reason Mewtwo caused the explosion.

DWII - ...

Jenny - *notes down in report* On to the next matter... What about Route 11? Was Mewtwo trying to save you too?

DWII - ... That was because his clones were being used!

Jenny - HIS clones? Now Mewtwo can CLONE Pokemon!?

DWII - ... Yes... That was back in the first movie.

Jenny - Sorry, but I wasn't in that movie, so cut the crap.

DWII - ... Anyways, his clones were being misused by a...

Jenny - A small man using a Tarot card to transform into a Shiny version and using mind control? Seriously? That's what Mewtwo said.

DWII - BECAUSE IT'S TRUE! *slams fists*

Jenny - One more time, and I'll charge you with violence against an officer.

DWII - ...

Jenny - And let me tell you what I told Mewtwo. It's. All. Bull. [parasitic bomb]. All a Psychic-farce.

DWII - You are being unreasonable!

Jenny - That's it. I'm charging you for contempt, and guilty of property damage. You better get a lawyer ready.


Jenny - And that's one more for aggression. Have a nice day.

Officer Jenny walked out of the interrogation room, leaving a seething mad Dr. Wily II behind, grasping his chest in pain.

(If anyone else wants to Jenny me, please go ahead. 8D)

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Offline Mirby

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Reply #3429 on: August 01, 2013, 03:23:48 PM
(That's not bad-cop Jenny, that's straight up [sonic slicer] Jenny. Seriously. Also FORGIVE ME RAYQUAZA *jumps in a volcano*)

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Reply #3430 on: August 01, 2013, 03:29:31 PM
(And I love writing her up. 8D)

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Offline Quickman

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Reply #3431 on: August 01, 2013, 08:47:04 PM
(Should bitchy Jenny go and interrogate Mewtwo about his clones? 8D He's having himself a good cry, might be the perfect time to get him agitated.  The sooner he becomes a major problem, the sooner they'll tell the Pokemon Institute to get him out of there.)

Offline White-Jet

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Reply #3432 on: August 01, 2013, 10:13:39 PM
(If she does, she's going to have to deal with Ryuta because he's not going to sit by and let her fill his brains full of rumored information, not after the pep talk he gave Mewtwo 8D)

Merrick sat in WilyII's tote bag, wondering why he didn't just reach in and take him out.  He had been tapping on the zipper with the orb end of his staff since they brought it up, at least hoping it would push it back and free him, but by the time he got it put, Jenny had already left and now the evil persona was starting to punch through the Disable attack Mewtwo hit him with.

Concerned fro his well being, and worried another officer would push the wrong button and unleash the evil persona, he decides to plant himself on WilyII's back and check on his inner conscience.

While he wasn't tied upside down to a tree like last time, he wasn't wearing the crown of the High Priestess either.  Instead he appeared to be growing horns and a pair of wings equivalent to that of the Devil, the less than favorable Jenny was pushing him into a sense of hopelessness and bondage, and its darkened energy was starting to draw back the Death energy that tried to unleash his evil persona last time.

Should he try to use his white magic to drive it off, keep him calm and collected until a different Jenny or officer with less stress confronts him?  Worse yet, would his intervention be counted against the other cards that were also the center point of this whole mess.  The main priority is to try and keep WilyII from becoming as much of a danger to Mewtwo's freedom as Team Rocket using their documented evidence and edited footage to prove they have the better means of "controlling" him.

He places the orb end of his staff towards his forehead and hovers his index and middle finger towards the side of his head, concentrating on his own healing energy to try and bring down WilyII's temper and heal the scar reopening on his inner conscience.

Back in Hierophant's room, Jenny catches her uptight sister barging out of another room.  Hearing some commotion inside, she can almost tell what had transpired and wasn't too thrilled by it.

"I think it's time to relieve her for the evening...." she sighed, "She's been given too many suspects to work with, and I have a feeling it's taking a toll on her good conscience."

She looks back towards Hierophant, "I'm going to go check up on her suspect, so you better not try harming any more officers until I get back."

Hierophant just scrunches his head between his shoulders as Jenny leaves the room and heads into WilyII's, finding him more than a little peeved at what her sister had put him through.  She doesn't notice Merrick plastered to his back, trying to calm the angering doctor down.

"I apologize for my sister's behavior," she said, "I'll have a talk with her once I'm done questioning you in a...less forceful manner, and see if I can lessen any charges she may have slapped on you without even asking for any evidence you might have."


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Reply #3433 on: August 01, 2013, 11:32:54 PM

Domino had since finished the paperwork and turned it in.  She and Joe were sitting in her car while she called Giovanni, whom she had put on speaker. "Alright, the papers have been filed.  Tomorrow morning, Mewtwo will be transferred to the Pokemon Institute."

"Good, good," Giovanni's voice crackled over the lousy speaker, "Dr. Yeung should be over at the Institute by now.  He'll make arrangements for Mewtwo's care.  I'm on my way over to prepare for trial."

"I heard," Domino nodded. "You sure we can win this one?  From the sound of it, it looks like it's going to be a contest to see who Mewtwo will listen to.  That's going to go over well, I'm sure..."

"I know that," Giovanni grumbled. "That's why I sent Dr. Yeung.  We need to find a way to ensure its loyalty.  As it stands, I know for a fact that Mewtwo will allow itself to be harmed, just to prove a point."

Domino nodded again. "So, what was your plan?"

"As you know, I have been in negotiations with Team Cipher," Giovanni explained. "They have ways to ensure a Pokemon's unquestioning loyalty, and with Mewtwo in custody, we can have unlimited access to it.  I've arranged to have Mewtwo held in our wing of the Pokemon Institute.  Dr. Yeung has a team there, and Cipher is sending a team over to help us with the project."

Domino was silent as she listened.  Giovanni wasn't entirely straight with her concerning the nature of the project.  She knew about Team Cipher, but not enough to know about their own projects.  But, if Giovanni needed Domino's help, then she needs to know about the project.  "What exactly is this project?"

There was a pause before Giovanni answered. "Have you ever heard of Shadow Pokemon?"

"Only in passing."

"Since I have been in talks with Cipher," Giovanni continued, "they told me about how they control Pokemon.  These Shadow Pokemon are capable of unleashing their full potential in battle, while maintaining unquestioning loyalty.  They weren't specific about how they do this, but they said that they 'close the doors to their hearts.'"

Domino nodded slowly. "So, you want to turn Mewtwo into a Shadow Pokemon?"

"Correct," Giovanni replied, "if we can guarantee its full loyalty, we will not only win this trial, but Mewtwo will be far less likely to turn against us.  Let's face it.  As of right now, there is no way that we can get Mewtwo back during the trial.  We know it won't listen to us.  We'll be humiliated, and you know it."

"So, what's the process on making a Shadow Pokemon?"

"You'll have a chance to observe the process firsthand.  Cipher wasn't specific on what it entailed.  They tell me, though, that it is a very intensive procedure.  I hope you have plenty of restraints, as I'm sure Mewtwo will not submit to it willingly."

Domino winced. "Once we get it to the Institute, we should be good to go."  She paused as she changed the subject. "Oh, when we left, the station was talking about Mewtwo's little clone friends.  Those clones are being transferred right away.  You want them included in the project?"

"Not yet.  Keep them there, though, as bait.  However, if you get the chance, find out how it made those clones!  If Mewtwo is capable of creating more clones, I want to know how it does it!  Its knowledge will be very useful for us, and I'd rather we extract that from its brain before we begin the Shadow Pokemon process.  After we're done with it, we'll have not only locked the door to its heart, but boarded it up and ripped the damn knob off."

Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #3434 on: August 02, 2013, 03:15:21 AM
(Lol, bitchy Jenny is in demand? I guess I can make it happened. 8D)

Officer Jenny rubbed the bridge of her nose. She needed a break, but there was one new detail provided by Dr. Wily II: Clone Pokemon cloned by Mewtwo. All the more to pin further on Mewtwo. Not noticing one of her sisters entering Dr. Wily II's room, she went back to see Mewtwo, only to find an unfamiliar face with it.

"So tough guy, who are you, and why are you here?"

Back in the interrogation room, Dr. Wily II was still grasping his chest, but the pain had significantly decreased, although he was still fuming mad. Upon hearing the door open, and Officer Jenny walking in, he almost wanted to scream, until he heard that this was another Jenny. Holding back his rage, he said...

"... I... Do hope so... ... Or... Else...

Joe was starting to feel uneasy on the actions to be taken on Mewtwo. He waited for the tele-conference to end, before voicing out his opinion to Domino.

"I know we should bring Mewtwo back to our side... But by turning him into a Shadow Pokemon? That's rather... Inhumane, even by Team Rocket standards..."

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Reply #3435 on: August 02, 2013, 03:31:50 AM
Domino gave a shrug as she started her car and began to pull away from the station. "Hey, I'm just doing my job."

Mewtwo glanced up as Officer Jenny entered.  He wiped his eyes, sniffed, and concentrated on regaining his composure.

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Reply #3436 on: August 02, 2013, 03:34:29 AM
Ryuta turns his head towards Jenny, not seeming fond of her spiritual energy.  She was extremely uptight and raring to call foul on anything that didn't follow common sense.  Unfortunately he can't act in favor of Mewtwo as he was only a guest sent here to make sure he behaves as humanly or tamed as the public was expecting all Pokemon to behave.

"My name is Ryuta Ippongi," he began, though still sitting on his knees and stroking his Shiny Eevee to keep him from seeing her as an uncomfortable threat, "I was sent here by one of your sisters to help keep Mewtwo calm and considerate while he's being kept separate from his trainer."

Jenny felt an odd sense of discomfort when she heard the other end of WilyII's sentence.  She tries to remain calm and nonchalant as she moves closer into the room and sits down before him.

"Let's see if I can comprehend your accusations," she began, "Now, the trainer claiming to own Mewtwo said that you were his creator, am I right?  Can you think of anything concerning his origin and behavior that can help prove he's not the dangerous threat the media is currently making him out to be?"


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Reply #3437 on: August 02, 2013, 03:44:55 AM
"Huh, by one of my sisters? Why am I always the last to know about these things... No matter. You stay put and keep quiet." Walking over to Mewtwo, and just managing to see a sniffle from Mewtwo made Officer Jenny smirk a little. "So you do have emotions, you cold Psychic-type."

Dr. Wily II cleared his throat as the last of his chest pains disappeared. "Y-Yes... I do have video records. Your... Sister claimed to have decrypted some CDs... I believe those are mine. I have recorded every stage of Mewtwo's growth and development in them, those should be more than sufficient..."

Joe slid deeper into his seat... This was all too wrong..

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Reply #3438 on: August 02, 2013, 03:48:13 AM
"I think I'm gonna get some fresh air," Taylor said. "Sure these fellas would like some as well." With that, she headed for a small outdoor atrium located in the middle of the police station, and released her Pokémon to relax. She would have gone out the front door, but since she was wrapped up in the whole situation, she figured it was best to remain where she could be seen lest she need to be interrogated as well. Plus, time to unwind a bit was nice. Bobert was certainly enjoying it, hopping around in the fountain and playing with some Woopers that were hanging around. Kovu was chatting it up with some Growlithes that were relaxing there. And even Darunia found a few Spinda to talk with... though it was less talking and more glaring at them and getting dizzy from watching them as the wobbled around.

(Hope you don't mind that I suddenly created a random outdoor atrium that's enclosed within the center of the station; figured it would make sense)

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Reply #3439 on: August 02, 2013, 03:58:24 AM
(Eh, the Pokemon Center was turned into a free, Pokemon-healing inn, what's to stop police stations from having areas that normally aren't seen in the game? :P)

Ryuta wanted to snark at the possible reasons, but instead moves out of the way to let Officer Jenny get a full, front face view of Mewtwo's current state.

"Yes....  I'll have to talk with the other officials to view them myself when I'm done interrogating the other witnesses and possible accomplices," Jenny nods, "As it stands, with the way my sister's behaving, this is gong to be one sibling squabble that isn't going to be settled at home...."

She then eyes the room where she remembers keeping Hierophant in, "I've also been told that tarot cards were involved, and someone wearing one is being kept a few doors down, said to have been deforming Pokemon with those cards.  I don't suppose you know anything more about this?"


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Reply #3440 on: August 02, 2013, 04:07:27 AM
"Wait, deforming Pokemon using Tarot cards? That's another misunderstanding... I do know someone, by the name of Hierophant, that uses tarot cards on his Pokemon... Not deforming them mind you... I have something of his that I need to return to him..." Dr. Wily II said, feeling around his tote bag to confirm that the magical staff was still inside.

"He's one of the kindest soul I've met, all these accusations are groundless..."

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Reply #3441 on: August 02, 2013, 04:10:22 AM
"Huh, by one of my sisters? Why am I always the last to know about these things... No matter. You stay put and keep quiet." Walking over to Mewtwo, and just managing to see a sniffle from Mewtwo made Officer Jenny smirk a little. "So you do have emotions, you cold Psychic-type."

Mewtwo ignored Jenny's sniping, regaining his composure and sitting up straight.  In his crouch, he was just slightly below eye-level with Jenny. "What is it that you wish to know?"

Joe slid deeper into his seat... This was all too wrong..

Domino was quiet for a long while as she drove.  She put on her turn signal, pulled into the left lane, and waited for the light to change.  "You know... on Mount Quena... Giovanni was ready to destroy Mewtwo.  I told him that he couldn't, as it'd be a waste.  Mewtwo is very valuable, its creation cost a lot of money.  It could take years to clone another, and from what I've heard, this one's creation was full of problems.  Not all the genetic material was usable.  They cloned it from a fossil, for cripe's sake!"  She turned the car onto another street and kept driving.  "I took a major in forensics, and DNA degrades over time.  I highly doubt that all the DNA in that fossil was usable, and I heard that other DNA was spliced in, to fill in the gaps.  Really, it's a wonder that Mewtwo is alive and still healthy."  She fell silent once more, concentrating on her driving.

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Reply #3442 on: August 02, 2013, 04:18:31 AM
"Wait, deforming Pokemon using Tarot cards? That's another misunderstanding... I do know someone, by the name of Hierophant, that uses tarot cards on his Pokemon... Not deforming them mind you... I have something of his that I need to return to him..." Dr. Wily II said, feeling around his tote bag to confirm that the magical staff was still inside.

"He's one of the kindest soul I've met, all these accusations are groundless..."

"Don't worry, I believe you," Jenny said, "I spent a few minutes with him...some electrical explosion distracted me from any further questioning of Mewtwo's trainer.  The deforming he did seemed necessary and he seemed confident that he can reverse the effects if the Pokemon desire it."

Her eyebrows furrow a bit, "Although I may have to confiscate two of the cards stolen by that culprit who impersonated Mewtwo and test them to see which one gave him those abilities.  It may prove useful to prove that Mewtwo didn't act unprovoked when he attacked that Shiny version of himself."


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Reply #3443 on: August 02, 2013, 04:25:36 AM
Officer Jenny tsk'd, having lost the chance to ridicule Mewtwo. "To the point now eh? Fine by me. I'm here because your other friends have been brought in, and I had a word with your... Father. He seemed to be a troubled man... But as they say..." Officer Jenny got right into Mewtwo's face. "Like father, like son. If you can be considered a son."

Joe sat silently in his seat. Even after Domino's exposition, his gut was telling him that all this was way too wrong... Had Mewtwo been right all along? Can't be... It must have tempered with his mind when he touched it...

"If you are going to test those cards out, it's best if it was Hierophant doing it, he is much more knowledgeable on their magical abilities... Speaking of, the culprit is safely behind bars right?" Dr. Wily II asked.

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Reply #3444 on: August 02, 2013, 04:34:54 AM
Officer Jenny tsk'd, having lost the chance to ridicule Mewtwo. "To the point now eh? Fine by me. I'm here because your other friends have been brought in, and I had a word with your... Father. He seemed to be a troubled man... But as they say..." Officer Jenny got right into Mewtwo's face. "Like father, like son. If you can be considered a son."

Mewtwo just stared at Jenny, trying to figure out if she had a point.  "What is it that you wish to know?"

Joe sat silently in his seat. Even after Domino's exposition, his gut was telling him that all this was way too wrong... Had Mewtwo been right all along? Can't be... It must have tempered with his mind when he touched it...

Domino continued, changing the subject. "Honestly, I have no idea how this Shadow Pokemon business even works.  I mean, what does 'closing the door to their hearts' even mean?"  She gave a shrug, temporarily taking both hands off the wheel as she looked to Joe. "Do you happen to know?  Giovanni hasn't been entirely straight with me, concerning this project.  This is the first I've really heard of it."  She returned her gaze to the road and made a detour to a fast food restaurant, obviously trying to find a way to buy them some time to talk without interference.

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Reply #3445 on: August 02, 2013, 04:41:38 AM
Ryuta frowns in more irritation.  This Jenny was being more of a pain than a proper interrogator.

"If you came here to further insult and demean Mewtwo, I'm going to have to ask one of the guards have you replaced with a more competent officer," he mutters bluntly.

"If you are going to test those cards out, it's best if it was Hierophant doing it, he is much more knowledgeable on their magical abilities... Speaking of, the culprit is safely behind bars right?" Dr. Wily II asked.

"He's being interrogated in a room far from where the boy and the cards are being kept," Jenny said, "And there are more than enough guards there to make sure he doesn't try to bust out, given accusations from the officers that apprehended him that he was somehow able to use Psychic attacks even after both cards had been removed.  I'll take to the boy after we're done here, but I believe it must be some residual effect from wearing the card too long."

She looks towards the staff laying on the table, "As for who tests the cards, it's best that he only monitors the cards being used.  After hearing how one of the three officers that locked him in the interrogation room has suddenly disappeared while holding one of the cards and that scepter on the table, I worry letting him test out the cards will only add more problems to his already troublesome antics."


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Reply #3446 on: August 02, 2013, 04:49:34 AM
Taylor laughed as she watched her partners having fun, even when Darunia fell over from being too dizzy. Meanwhile, she had Steve laid to her side. She wondered what would come of the trial, and what dirty tricks Team Rocket would try to pull to gain the upper hand. Whatever happened, she hoped that her new friends would be strong enough to overcome whatever obstacles Team Rocket placed in their way.

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Reply #3447 on: August 02, 2013, 04:53:24 AM
"Are you a tape recorder now, repeating the same thing over and over?" Officer Jenny got out of Mewtwo's face, and turned. "Fine. The other reason I'm here is because your father said that those weird Pokemon were your clones, cloned from real world Pokemon. All the way back in the first movie. And yet, here they all are. Rampaging. Care to explain how you managed cloning, and if your cloning process was... Defective... Like you are."

Turning towards Ryuta... "This is my police station, my rules. And I told you to keep quiet. The officers here will listen to me, than to someone like you."

Joe finally spoke. "Shadow Pokemon? I have only been in the organization for less than a month, I know just about as much as a random grunt... Still, from what Giovanni said, I don't want to know either..."

"I see... And I understand... We all are... Please excuse my language, in too deep in [parasitic bomb]. Please ensure that Hierophant does get to oversee it. At least if anything goes wayward, he can help... Still... That culprit... Might need Hierophant's advice on that as well..." Dr. Wily II said, with his head slightly down.

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

Offline White-Jet

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Reply #3448 on: August 02, 2013, 05:13:03 AM
Ryuta wanted to retort that accusation, but keeps his mouth shut, knowing the other Jenny was too busy with Mewtwo's creator to come in and rectify the situation.

"Given his past criminal records, including one where he almost endangered a forest of Pokemon by sabotaging a ship and riddling it with 11 Forretress, and how he's behaving right now, using his Psychic attacks to break free of his confinements, I have a feeling he's currently beyond reasoning," Jenny chuckles nervously, "We're just going to have to wait until he runs out of PP before taking any further physical actions to restrain and figure out a way to expel whatever side effects are allowing to continue using these moves without the cards present."


Offline Mirby

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Reply #3449 on: August 02, 2013, 05:17:17 AM
(but if he runs out of PP, won't he be left with Struggle? D:)

Just enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything