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Reply #3450 on: August 02, 2013, 05:18:35 AM
"Are you a tape recorder now, repeating the same thing over and over?" Officer Jenny got out of Mewtwo's face, and turned. "Fine. The other reason I'm here is because your father said that those weird Pokemon were your clones, cloned from real world Pokemon. All the way back in the first movie. And yet, here they all are. Rampaging. Care to explain how you managed cloning, and if your cloning process was... Defective... Like you are."

Turning towards Ryuta... "This is my police station, my rules. And I told you to keep quiet. The officers here will listen to me, than to someone like you."

Mewtwo raised an eyebrow at the "first movie" line, but otherwise decided to ignore it.  "Yes, those are my clones.  I had reconstructed the laboratory in which I was created, rebuilt the equipment, and acquired genetic material to create the clones.  Each clone's growth was accelerated.  The equipment--the entire fortress--was a conduit for my powers.  I operated everything, and perfected the process.  The clones are not 'defective.'"

He paused. "As for why they were here... somehow, Carr had managed to find them and rally them together, using their trust in me.  He perverted my image and brainwashed them, and it disgusts me."

Joe finally spoke. "Shadow Pokemon? I have only been in the organization for less than a month, I know just about as much as a random grunt... Still, from what Giovanni said, I don't want to know either..."

Domino nodded slowly, ordering a meal for them both.  She pulled through the drive-thru, paid for the meal, then found a free parking space.  "When Giovanni has a plan, he usually gives me all of the necessary details.  For the operation on Mount Quena, I knew about everything.  From the equipment involved, to the troops, to the damn budget.  This time, though?"  She looked to Joe.  "He's given me about as much detail as he would our field agents.  It's been a while since I've gone in disguise.  He's got me sneaking around like Jessie and James.  And I've seen James's fashion sense before we left.  Good god."  She looked at her phone.  "I'm half-tempted to call in and expose him."

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Reply #3451 on: August 02, 2013, 05:57:14 AM
Meanwhile an officer approaches Sakura and her group.

"Ms. Sakura?" The officer asks.

"What." Sakura answers rudely.

"There's a call for you." The officer stated as he gives her the phone.

"Hello?" Sakura answers "Daddy, hey there what's going on.....What are you serious, can't someone else do this.....they need as much help as they can get huh.......fine I understand."

"What's going on?" N asks her.

"Something is up with Mt. Chimney, they think the massive amounts of Fire-Type Pokemen that settled there are the reason and they need as many people as they can to figure out how to stop it.  I have to go." Sakura sighed.

"I can go with you, maybe I can help you fix it faster." N offered.

"I'll stay here and help your friend as much as I can, you don't have to worry about a thing." Misty stated.

"Thank you guys, I just hope things go well." Sakura nods as she and N go outside and head for Hoenn as fast as possible.

(Okay I'm gone.)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #3452 on: August 02, 2013, 06:54:52 AM
(Mewtwo suddenly sounded like Master Albert from ZXA. 8D)

"So you decided to create a new world, a world without humans, and populated by weak-minded Pokemon. How... Noble." Officer Jenny purposefully struggled with her last word. "Brainwashing or not, they were all a menace, and do you know how we deal with menaces? We... Put... Them... Doooown..."

Joe stared at Domino with an incredulous look. "The legendary Rocket Trio James? He was at the station!? REALLY!? I didn't notice!"

Dr. Wily II nodded slowly. Officer Jenny sounded confident about keeping Carr in check, at least he would not be causing anymore problems... Hopefully. "... So what about me?"

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Reply #3453 on: August 02, 2013, 06:58:18 AM
(I think Jenny's gonna end up on paid leave at this point XD)

Taylor laid back, relaxing in the atrium, looking up at the sky when suddenly a long shadow passed in front of the sun. Hmmm... could that be him? she thought. The shadow brought back memories of her time in Hoenn, and she remembered wandering the region. Kovu wasn't too fond of the place; too much water for his liking. But Bobert seemed to love it. She let her mind wander as she became lost in the past of her adventures.

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Reply #3454 on: August 02, 2013, 07:07:31 AM
(Mewtwo suddenly sounded like Master Albert from ZXA. 8D)

"So you decided to create a new world, a world without humans, and populated by weak-minded Pokemon. How... Noble." Officer Jenny purposefully struggled with her last word. "Brainwashing or not, they were all a menace, and do you know how we deal with menaces? We... Put... Them... Doooown..."

"You plan to euthanize my clones?!"  Mewtwo stood to his full height.  "You will have to go through me, first."

Joe stared at Domino with an incredulous look. "The legendary Rocket Trio James? He was at the station!? REALLY!? I didn't notice!"

"That was him.  He's sporting this huge 'fro, now," Domino let out a sigh.  She picked up her phone and called the station, adopting her Harley persona as she did so.  After a few minutes of explanation, she said her good-bye and hung up, then looked to Joe. "Alright, they know he's there, and they should be after him now."  Domino fell silent and finally ate some fries.  "Look, I've been on all sorts of project teams, done all sorts of dirty work, and if the pay is right, I'll keep on doing it.  This whole deal with Cipher and the Shadow Pokemon project?  Handing our classified project over to another team?  I don't like it.  I really don't like it, because once they get Mewtwo, what's to stop Cipher from turning against us?  I think Giovanni needs to seriously think this through..."

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Reply #3455 on: August 02, 2013, 07:12:00 AM
As she thought, she remembered an old tower along a route near the southern edge of the region. It was tall, and suspicious. So naturally, she set about climbing it.

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Reply #3456 on: August 02, 2013, 07:21:40 AM
Ryuta grabbed Mewtwo's wrist, hinting at him to not go any further with his intentions, "Remember what I said.  Keep calm and trust your trainer."

Dr. Wily II nodded slowly. Officer Jenny sounded confident about keeping Carr in check, at least he would not be causing anymore problems... Hopefully. "... So what about me?"

"When the time comes, you'll be put on trial and questioned about your actions creating Mewtwo and keeping him under control up until the incident that let him loose.  If you answer without upset, the first part of the trial may go smoothly."


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Reply #3457 on: August 02, 2013, 07:27:20 AM
"Is that a threat? That definitely sounded like a threat to me, right boys?" The flanking officers nodded slowly. "That just helped my case really. With you gone in the Pokemon Institute, I would not need to get through you now... Correct?" Officer Jenny asked tauntingly.

Joe just stared at what Domino did. She actually ratted out a fellow Team Rocket agent... Without batting an eyelid! He glupped down some soda. Still, she does have a point about this Cipher. "What should we do then?"

"I hope so... The past... Somehow always finds a way... To... Creep... Back... In..." Dr. Wily II said, head down.

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Offline White-Jet

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Reply #3458 on: August 02, 2013, 07:35:06 AM
Merrick contemplates another dose of healing energy, but with Jenny within eyesight, he didn't want her getting suspicious and lumping WilyII in with the incident Tarot Skitty and Hierophant were being put through.

Jenny seemed visibly nervous, but she attempts to keep her calm composure, "I'm really sorry if all of this seems shocking and uncomfortable for you, but we have to work in the favor of those who clearly are more deserving of Pokemon that once belonged to wrongful hands."


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Reply #3459 on: August 02, 2013, 07:38:05 AM
There were many hazards along the way, but she managed to avoid them. Fell down a few holes a few times, but somehow didn't suffer any injuries. And finally, after scaling a lot of floors, she made it to the rooftop. And what she saw there...

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Offline Quickman

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Reply #3460 on: August 02, 2013, 07:45:16 AM
Ryuta grabbed Mewtwo's wrist, hinting at him to not go any further with his intentions, "Remember what I said.  Keep calm and trust your trainer."

Mewtwo nodded and sucked in his breath, once again counting to himself.

"Is that a threat? That definitely sounded like a threat to me, right boys?" The flanking officers nodded slowly. "That just helped my case really. With you gone in the Pokemon Institute, I would not need to get through you now... Correct?" Officer Jenny asked tauntingly.

Mewtwo eyed Jenny closely. "You claim that my clones are a menace, and are willing to euthanize them without a second thought.  Yet, I had caused considerably more damage, you also believe that I am the ringleader of their actions.  Thus, I become rather inconsequential in your eyes, despite my history, while my clones are to be taken from this world?"  He narrowed his eyes.  "Tell me, do your actions, your plans against them... do they not seem... misdirected?"

He stared hard at Jenny before backing up. "Tell me something else, as well...  Where did the idea that I was to create a world without humans come from?"  He had neuralized the people involved in the New Island incident, and as far as he knew, no one outside of New Island or the people he had later told had known about it.  "I do not recall saying anything of the sort to you."

Joe just stared at what Domino did. She actually ratted out a fellow Team Rocket agent... Without batting an eyelid! He glupped down some soda. Still, she does have a point about this Cipher. "What should we do then?"

Domino thought for a very long moment, and then let out a sigh.  "Right now, we have to play along.  The most we can do at this point is involve ourselves in the project and monitor each and every step.  Nothing's happened, yet.  Mewtwo won't be transferred until tomorrow, and from what I gathered, the Shadow Pokemon procedure isn't a quick thing.  Besides, Mewtwo has information that Giovanni wants, and we need to get that out of it before Dr. Yeung and his team can start tampering with it.  If we play our cards right, we may be able to delay this."

She ate some more fries, then took a sip of her soda.  "Look, I want to get Mewtwo back as much as Giovanni.  The beast belongs to us, simple as that.  It's valuable, we made it, it's our property.  But, if it's a Shadow Pokemon for the trial... I really don't know what will happen.  Shadow Pokemon won't hesitate to hold back, and I know that since Mewtwo had been trained, it holds back.  Even when it causes massive damage, it holds back."  She looked to Joe.  "I don't want to see what happens when it doesn't hold back.  I don't think we'd be able to control a nuclear blast."

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Reply #3461 on: August 02, 2013, 08:01:43 AM
A large serpentine Pokémon lay in front of her, apparently slumbering. However, her presence awoke it, and it slowly uncurled itself. It wasn't long before it was at its full size, towering above her as it cried loudly. Taylor was awestruck, marveling as its emerald scales glistened brightly in the light of the dying sun behind it. What she had stumbled upon was certainly a Legendary...

Her awe was cut short, however, when the Legendary suddenly attacked...

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Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #3462 on: August 02, 2013, 08:19:17 AM
Dr. Wily II coughed bit, before regaining his composure. "I... Understand. I'm truly sorry if I have caused any... Inconvenience..."

Officer Jenny laughed. "Oh Mewtwo... My actions are misdirected? Nonono... I'm just looking at the bigger picture! Once you are locked away in the Pokemon Institute, whatever they do to you is punishment for all that you have done thus far... And to further that... Your precious clones will be... Bye-bye. Or a life of experimentation. It's really win-win for me and the law."

She then began to make her way out, pausing right at the door. "As for the humans, it's elementary, Watson. After watching a certain video... The body count was... Hard to miss." With that, Officer Jenny left the room, satisfied with the interrogation.

Joe continued slurping on his soda, before doing a spit-take at the mention of a nuclear blast. "That... Would be disastrous..."

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Reply #3463 on: August 02, 2013, 08:37:44 AM
Taylor leapt out of the way quickly, barely managing to dodge the foe's Extremespeed attack. "Whoa! I'm not here to hurt you!" she exclaimed. Her team had scattered for protection. "Relax!" The Pokémon lunged forward again, and again Taylor managed to dodge. "I come in peace!" she yelled. It paused for a second, studying her. She was panting, exhausted, and hoping that climbing the tower wasn't a fatal mistake. Her team gathered around her, and though they likely wouldn't stand a chance against it, they still were protecting her. The Pokémon looked confused for a second, and then slowly descended closer to the ground. Taylor breathed a sigh of relief, and then before she knew it, she and her team were wrapped tightly in the coils of their foe. "Agh... please... listen..." she stammered out, experiencing the feeling of being squished to death. "We were... just exploring... We mean you... no harm..."

"Liiiitt... LIIITT!!!"



"hooooooooonnn" her team chimed in.

"Please... let us go..."

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Reply #3464 on: August 02, 2013, 08:41:47 AM
James eventually springs to his feet and shakes the Starmie from his senses before looking at his afro.

"Wah!  Look what you did to my precious afro!" he groans as he grabs the comb off the table and tries to comb out the fizzles disfiguring its usual roundness.

"What policeman sports an afro, anyway?" Hierophant mutters, "In all cities I've been to, the only outrageous hairstyle is chest-long facial hair."

"It fooled Officer Jenny, didn't it!?" James preaches proudly as he snatches Tarot Skitty and starts backing out of the door, "Now if you'll excuse me.  I'm going to go...turn this over to the proper evidence holders...."

"I think you should wait a few more minutes...." Hierophant mutters, sensing Eight Wands heading in the exiting policeman's direction, "You might...."

"Silence!" James laughs as he continues to back out of the room, "The only spiritual mumbo-jumbo I wanna hear is the foreseeing preaching of the Wheel of Fortune card telling me how best to turn these precious jewels over to the boss!"

No sooner had he reached the middle of the hall, he suddenly collides with the Officer Jenny that had just marched out of Mewtwo's holding chamber.  Yamask, not realizing what was going on, but mortified at the thought of being flung from James' afro, shoves his curled hand out towards the direction he was being knocked from, causing Jenny to go flying towards the other end of the hallway.

Hearing the commotion from WilyII's interrogation room, Jenny sighs in mild frustration.

"That better not be that kid again, or I'm going to end up in the same mannerism as my sister...."

She gets up and heads out to figure out what was going on, finding James standing in the middle of the hallway with Yamask's curled paw sticking out of his afro.

"Uh-oh...." he yelps before bouncing around and making a run for the other end of the hallway.


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Reply #3465 on: August 02, 2013, 08:52:33 AM
Officer Jenny laughed. "Oh Mewtwo... My actions are misdirected? Nonono... I'm just looking at the bigger picture! Once you are locked away in the Pokemon Institute, whatever they do to you is punishment for all that you have done thus far... And to further that... Your precious clones will be... Bye-bye. Or a life of experimentation. It's really win-win for me and the law."

She then began to make her way out, pausing right at the door. "As for the humans, it's elementary, Watson. After watching a certain video... The body count was... Hard to miss." With that, Officer Jenny left the room, satisfied with the interrogation.

"You will not harm them!" Mewtwo ripped himself free of Ryuta's grip, charging the door, only to be dropped by a well-timed stun blast from one of the guards.

The other guard poked his head out into the hallway.  "Might wanna put a rush on that transfer.  We just had to taze it."

Joe continued slurping on his soda, before doing a spit-take at the mention of a nuclear blast. "That... Would be disastrous..."

Domino nodded again.  "Very.  I've seen Mewtwo in action.  I've seen records of it in action.  Each time, I really doubt that it was going at it full force, even when its powers were raging out of control.  If it was holding back the first time it escaped, when it earned its body count..." she trailed off and slurped her soda.  "All I'm saying is that if Cipher can't control it as a Shadow Pokemon... we're all royally screwed."  With that, she started the car and pulled out of the parking lot, en route to the Pokemon Institute.

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Reply #3466 on: August 02, 2013, 09:01:20 AM
Ryuta marched over and pulled Mewtwo away from the guards, clamping one hand on his head and the other on his chest, using his tranquil energy to wash away the anguish and anger that was clouding his judgment.

Normally he would have handled this with a shout, but in this situation, the noise would just provoke the guards to attack him as well.  Instead he stays as sternly calm as possible so Mewtwo would at least understand that he was doing this as the least hurtful way to regain his usual demeanor.


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Reply #3467 on: August 02, 2013, 09:46:31 AM
After a long moment, the effects of the stun wore off enough to allow Mewtwo to haul himself to a seated position, then finally to a crouch.  He dropped his gaze to the floor.  "I apologize...  That officer's callous words...  I cannot allow my friends to be cast aside like rubbish.  To be destroyed due to my actions..." he trailed off for a moment. "This was something that I had attempted to thwart on Mount Quena.  If I had not surrendered, they would have used my family in experiments, from which they would surely perish."

He threw his glare to the guards and the door, broadcasting his telepathy so that the other officers in the station could hear.  "They had done nothing wrong!  You leave my family out of this!  They should not pay for what I had done!"

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Reply #3468 on: August 02, 2013, 09:57:25 AM
Ryuta seethed a sigh as he lets go of Mewtwo's head and chest and flops back to his usual sitting position on his knees.

"I know this is hard for you," Ryuta said, "And I don't want to keep repeating myself to the point of making you turn on me in the same manner.  But you need to calm down and put intellect before rationality.  There's more than one Jenny running this station, and I'm certain that the one who called me here by request of your friend will stop by at some point and listen to your story in a less bias manner than her obtuse sister, and perhaps figure out a way to make sure your clones aren't given the unjustified treatment she had been threatening since she came in here and announced their existence."


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Reply #3469 on: August 02, 2013, 10:33:35 AM
Mewtwo nodded slowly, as by broadcasting his telepathy throughout the station, he hoped that it would alert the other officers to Jenny's threats.  He isolated it to the room once more, working to regain his composure. "When I had created them... it was during a particularly tumultuous time.  I was not of a sound mind when I had created them.  However, I had given them life, and they became my responsibility.  They were brought into this world due to my actions, and my irrational behavior... and now my actions and irrational behavior are threatening to take them out...  They should not be forced to suffer.  They had done nothing wrong."

Down the hall, in the interrogation room, Quickie paused in searching for a lawyer, having heard Mewtwo's broadcast.  She bit her bottom lip.  If she were questioned again, she would vouch for the clones' welfare, hopefully secure some protection for them.

In another part of the station, Officer Jenny, the divorced sister-in-law of her second cousin twice removed, had also heard the broadcast.  She looked to Archie, who had cracked the second disc and was exploring its contents. "Anything on those discs about Mewtwo's family?"

"Family?" Archie raised an eyebrow.  "No idea.  Though, I did find out that it's not entirely a clone of Mew.  Got lots of other DNA spliced in there, some of it might be human.  Not sure, though, as it wasn't entirely specific.  Just listed everything by serial number and a vague description.  Really, 'humanoid' could mean anything."

Jenny folded her arms, furrowing her brow.  "I don't think we should be talking about this so casually..."  She sighed and glanced out the window.  "I mean, my sister-in-law didn't like what she saw.  She really needs a day off, she's been up for days.  My cousin said that the interrogation with Mewtwo's creator didn't go too well."  

Archie nodded. "She'd have kittens if she read any of the documents on here."  He opened a document and read through it, then closed it immediately.  "Holy crap."

"What?" Jenny stepped over.

"Yeah, I'm done with these.  I didn't see that," Archie ejected the disc and put it on the pile.  

Jenny raised an eyebrow. "What happened?"

"Off the record?" Archie turned to face Jenny.

Jenny backed up and kicked the door closed with her heel.  She then returned to Archie and leaned in. "Off the record."

Archie leaned in and dropped his voice to barely a whisper. "Two words: human cloning."

Jenny clamped her hand over her mouth as her eyes widened.  It took her a moment to recover from the shock.  "You're right.  We didn't see that.  This conversation never took place.  I'll file those discs in evidence," she gathered the discs, "you talk to my cousin about arranging a meeting with Mewtwo to see what's on its computer."

"Gotcha," Archie gave a nod, stood, and left the room to go talk to the more hospitable Jenny.

(Stupid forum crash.)

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Reply #3470 on: August 02, 2013, 10:44:59 AM
"P...please...l...let...u..s...g..o..." Taylor managed to say as her consciousness began to fade. Her Pokémon weren't in much better condition, but despite that they fought back however they could. The large Pokémon was stunned by the sudden attack and released his death grip. Taylor slumped to the ground, gasping for air, and her team remained gathered around her protectively. The Legendary returned to where it was laying down before, and just watched the visitors.

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Reply #3471 on: August 02, 2013, 10:59:17 AM
Mewtwo nodded slowly, as by broadcasting his telepathy throughout the station, he hoped that it would alert the other officers to Jenny's threats.  He isolated it to the room once more, working to regain his composure. "When I had created them... it was during a particularly tumultuous time.  I was not of a sound mind when I had created them.  However, I had given them life, and they became my responsibility.  They were brought into this world due to my actions, and my irrational behavior... and now my actions and irrational behavior are threatening to take them out...  They should not be forced to suffer.  They had done nothing wrong."

"If you can just tell that to a less stressed and bias official working the case, they should be able to work something out that won't result in your clones being released in testing tubes," Ryuta said, looking outside, "The other Jenny that called me should be stopping by soon to get her take on the situation.  Hopefully she won't have to fight with her sister over who has the right mind and observation."

Jenny looks between her out-cold sister and James as several officers ran to the scene after hearing the commotion.

"Hey!  That's the guy with the afro!  The one the members of the Pokemon Institute claimed is an impostor!" one of them shouts.

Jenny frowns as she points towards James, "Search him!  He was in the room with the young priest when I last came by!"

James whips his head around in a panic, seeing the officers moving in to do as told.  Without thinking, he threw his hands behind him, forming another ball of energy between his hovering fists.

Before Jenny could figure out what he was doing, Hierophant jumps out of the room and charges towards her, having seen the energy charging from where he sat.

"Officer!  Get inside!" he shouts before pouncing her into WilyII's interrogation room.

No sooner had the two fallen a beam of energy blasts through the room, knocking two officers to the ground.

The two sat up and looked outside, seeing the remaining three officers stumble back in surprise.

"Is this another tarot card!?" she almost yelps.

James grits his teeth before bolting down the hallway he shot his energy attack from, accidentally leaving Yamask out in the open with the Hanged Man card still on its mask and the Fool card still in its hand.  The Spirit Pokemon panics before tossing the Fool card into the air and fleeing after its trainer, diving back into its hair before they could register the inclusion.


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Reply #3472 on: August 02, 2013, 11:18:42 AM
When Taylor was able to breathe again, she noticed the Legendary just relaxing there. She carefully approached it, not going too fast of being too aggressive. "I apologize for disturbing you. I was just curious about this tower and wanted to see what was at the top. Purely for the sake of knowledge, no more, no less," she explained. The large dragon nodded and looked down, somewhat sadly. "Don't worry, I'm not mad that you just tried to kill me. You were probably reacting on instinct or something, right?" It nodded in agreement. "As I thought." She walked away slowly, heading towards the exit.

"LIT LIT!" Kovu said excitedly.

"Don't worry, I'm fine," she said, reassuringly. She thought for a second about the legends she'd heard while traveling the region, and realization struck in her mind. She turned back to the dragon. "You must be... Rayquaza..." It nodded in agreement. "Well then... I'm gonna take my leave now, Rayquaza. Perhaps I'll see you again someday... hopefully that time will go slightly better," she said, laughing a bit.

"QUAZA!" Rayquaza roared, some cheer evident in its cry.

"Hmm... mind if I call you Quaza for short?" she asked.

"QUAAAZZZAAAA!!!" it replied, happiness in its eyes.

"I'll take that as a yes. Well then, Quaza, I'll leave you to your slumber," she said, leaving the tower. It was a bit dark now, as the sun had finally sunk below the horizon. She had to use Kovu as a makeshift lantern, having him breathe fire every now and then to keep light going.

Suddenly she was shook from her reverie by the sound of an attack. She looked through the glass walls surround the atrium and saw the Yamask attacking for no reason. She gritted her teeth. "Guys, get ready. I think it's about time to stop relaxing!" Her team gathered by her as she stood up, dusting herself off.

Just enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything

Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #3473 on: August 02, 2013, 04:57:38 PM
If only Officer Jenny heard the remark about hastening Mewtwo's transfer... That would have made her day. Instead, before she had a chance to see what's coming, Officer Jenny had the wind knocked right out of her, crashed right into the wall at the end of the corridor, and soon after, passed out. Oh boy...

Posted on: August 02, 2013, 22:51:13
Dr. Wily II rushed to the door as well, and saw part of the commotion... With the more friendly Officer Jenny and some other officers chasing after an afro'd officer. Resisting the urge to gnaw on afros, Dr. Wily II turned the other direction, and saw another Officer Jenny slumped against the wall. Upon closer inspection, it was the horrendous Officer Jenny. Turning back towards the interrogation room, Dr. Wily II can't help but said...

"Serves you right."

Joe sank back into his seat, letting Domino's words sink in. He can't help but keep thinking about being royally screwed, and shivered at the thought. But for the moment, what's important was to get Mewtwo into the Pokemon Institute.

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

Offline Quickman

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Reply #3474 on: August 02, 2013, 11:33:01 PM
Mewtwo heard the attack and stood.  He saw a blur go by the small window set into the door, followed by another, smaller blur.   Moving cautiously, so as not to startle the guards, he approached the adjoining wall and placed both hands flat upon it.  Closing his eyes to shut out any external distraction, he concentrated.  Perhaps he could earn some redeeming points by stopping the attack...

He heard one of the guards speak, but he ignored it, focusing, allowing the psychic trace to travel along the length of the wall, and finally give him a glimpse into the hallway.  His target emitted a dark, frightened aura that trailed behind as it ran.  Though, there was something else, something familiar... 

Mewtwo linked to the mind of one of the guards, using the man's words as a pathway, then jumped to an officer out in the hallway.  From there, he established another link with Wily, who was turning toward another room, and then to another passing officer, and then finally to his target.  The link was fading as his target ran, but he still had enough time to issue a command.

"James.  Stop."