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Reply #3400 on: July 31, 2013, 03:12:51 AM
Ryuta frowns a bit, sensing Mewtwo taking responsibility for everything, even the ones he clearly didn't instigate.  He seemed to be trying to achieve something, and in that event brought a bigger calamity that ended with him sobbing in a jail cell with two guards raring to strike if necessary and his friends spread out in separate rooms, being interrogated for crimes that should be pinned on him.

"I think its time you start concentrating on those that want to help clear your name," Ryuta said, "Their kindness and determination should brighten your mood and make you less likely to act as violently as the public, and Team Rocket, are making you out to be, and give your friends the upper hand should the court decide to have them do a test to prove who can better handle your 'savagery', or view video footage Team Rocker will most likely edit to make you out to be a monster only they could control."

He eyes the two guards still standing at the door, "He IS allowed to do that, right?"

"As long as it keeps its psychic channel open to everyone in this room so it doesn't try to implant any schemes or plans into the minds of those it 'befriended'." one of them barks.


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Reply #3401 on: July 31, 2013, 03:33:22 AM
Mewtwo nodded and sniffed.  "They will allow me to testify... will they not?"  He rubbed his eyes and drew in a wavering breath. "One of my creators... one of the surviving creators... he has records...  He can also confirm what had happened in Fuchsia..."  He paused, sniffing, thinking about what else Ryuta had said. "What sort of 'test' would they need to do in order to prove who is more capable of controlling me?  I... I did not intend for all this to happen...  I did not want to endanger my friends and family...  What about my clones?  Please tell them... tell them that I am truly sorry..."

At a table in the break room, Domino mulled over the paperwork.  It was taking her longer to fill it out, as she was having difficulty with keeping her identities straight.  Her wallet was on the table before her, her identification spread about.  She had numerous identities and aliases, and she was thankful that she could keep them all organized.  She had made sure to gather all of the necessary identification for her Harley persona, avoiding a snafu that she had encountered some years back, when she accidentally packed identification for another alias, while operating under an entirely different name.

Domino sighed, looked over her cards, double-checked her information, then shoved the chair backward as she stood, making her way to the vending machine.  She glanced over her shoulder at Joe.  "Ya want anythin'?"  Despite being alone, she made sure to keep up her Harley persona.

She busied herself with purchasing her drink and snack, thinking about the paperwork.  The soonest that she could rush a transfer was tomorrow, as the cops were not about to let Mewtwo leave tonight.  In the meantime, it would allow her to make preparations and arrangements over at the Pokemon Institute.  The arrangements would also allow her and any other undercover agents virtually unlimited access to Mewtwo, and keep its pesky slave at bay.

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Reply #3402 on: July 31, 2013, 03:41:01 AM
"Ugh what are we going to do now, should we try to see Hierophant first or find that rat?" Sakura said as she paced the room.

"That person may have disguised himself again." N sighed.

"His disguises are usually very simple but I admit I used to be fooled by them when I was younger." Misty said twiddling her thumbs.

"Hey what's that?" N said pointing out the window, it looked like a giant pink balloon.

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Reply #3403 on: July 31, 2013, 04:08:53 AM
Joe didn't hear Domino asking him if he wanted a snack. He just kept staring out the window in the break room. After a long moment of silence, Joe asked.

"Are we doing the right thing by keeping Mewtwo away from civilians? It's true that there was a lot of collateral damage caused by him... But... His slave... That Quickie girl... She seemed genuine..."

After some bumps and turns, Dr. Wily II asked. "Are we there yet?"

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Reply #3404 on: July 31, 2013, 04:49:42 AM
"Regardless, she is in possession of stolen property," Domino let the persona drop for a bit as she returned to the table and her mountain of paperwork, "and by law, that stolen property needs to be returned.  It's not so much keeping Mewtwo away from the public, it's getting back what's rightfully ours.  Mewtwo is dangerous, even if that damage was unintentional.  Should it throw a temper tantrum at the world, it would level it."

Her phone rang and she answered it, "Go ahead.  ...Right.  Filling out the paperwork right now, actually.  ...No, not tonight.  The soonest we could secure a transfer was tomorrow morning.  Gives us time to prepare.  ...Right.  ...Right.  ...You sure?  Hold on..." she thumbed through the papers and read a paragraph. "...Yes, the Pokemon Institute becomes the legal holders for the interim.  ...I do believe so."  There was a pause as she listened and nodded. "I would believe so.  ...As far as I know.  ...The clones, too.  ...Last I checked, yes.  ...We'll be heading back there once I'm done with this.  When will you be arriving?  ...Good.  Alright, we can meet, then.  ...Right.  Bye."  She hung up and looked to Joe.  "Giovanni's on his way.  Once we're done here, we'll head back to the Pokemon Institute and make further arrangements.  There are some kennels designed to hold Psychic types, so we'll put Mewtwo in one.  Got some help over there, so it shouldn't be too difficult to handle.  From what I've seen, it's been pretty cooperative."

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Reply #3405 on: July 31, 2013, 05:03:15 AM
After some bumps and turns, Dr. Wily II asked. "Are we there yet?"

"The station is just up ahead," the officer said, "Just sit tight and be patient."

Once there, he gets out and heads over to the receptionist, exchanging conversation before the former returned to the car, "Alright, let's go.  Stay behind me and don't look into any of the rooms your friends might be in.  We don't want to have to call back up and have you manhandled to your respected rooms, do you?"

Mewtwo nodded and sniffed.  "They will allow me to testify... will they not?"  He rubbed his eyes and drew in a wavering breath. "One of my creators... one of the surviving creators... he has records...  He can also confirm what had happened in Fuchsia..."  He paused, sniffing, thinking about what else Ryuta had said. "What sort of 'test' would they need to do in order to prove who is more capable of controlling me?  I... I did not intend for all this to happen...  I did not want to endanger my friends and family...  What about my clones?  Please tell them... tell them that I am truly sorry..."

"That depends on what's admissible during investigation," Ryuta said, "There are very few Pokemon in existence that can speak the human language either verbally or telepathically, and they aren't completely blind to the vast possibilities of a psychic-type, they may not allow you to testify under possible assumptions that you might manipulate them into agreeing with your words."

He closes his eyes a moment, thinking back to the sensations familiar with Mewtwo's aura, one of whom harbors fatherly sensations when thinking about the Pokemon in question, "Your creator is also on his way here with the clones that were left behind.  If he can identify himself as your creator, and the officers escorting him can verify his claim, they may work out a way to have him testify alongside your friends during trial, and I trust that he and some others that know you by means other than birth will convince the officials to finish observation of your own creations while keeping respect to their feelings and association to the Pokemon they were cloned from."

He finally opens his eyes and looks back towards Mewtwo, "As for the test.  I've only seen it once during a controversy over a toddler and her Tentacruel.  It's basically a two-day trial structured into three categories: temperament, loyalty, and means of control.  You'll be locked in an isolated room with a highly-skilled Pokemon trainer, or one of the local Gym Leaders, and the jury sitting behind the blast-proof windows.  Officer Jenny will then decide which of the two warring sides will go first and have the trainer or Gym Leader fight you in a manner similar to a Pokemon battle.  If you can take down all six of their Pokemon while following the procedures mentioned earlier, the jury will tally the score for the final trial.  Lexi's friends can watch from the same room as the jury, but they can't interfere until the trainer or Gym Leader thinks there's a problem and stops the match prematurely; each time someone associated to you or Team Rocket's side tries to barge into the room, the jury demerits each of the categories, making it harder for either side to prove who can control you."

Ryuta clenches his fist some while still gently stroking his Shiny Eevee, "That toddler lost her Tentacruel to a trainer, who deluded himself into thinking she stole it after he saw her riding it like a pet Ponyta, because her parents rushed in and pulled her out of the trajectory of another trainer's dive-bombing Fearow, costing her two demerits against the trainer's almost flawless performance."


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Reply #3406 on: July 31, 2013, 06:37:49 AM
Joe paused at what Domino said... Stolen property... How could a girl like Quickie STEAL Mewtwo? Things were really starting to not make any sense... But... Domino HAD experience with Mewtwo... She couldn't be lying... After another moment of silence, Joe nodded, and said..."Understood."

Dr. Wily II unbuckled his seatbelt, and let Meowth, Nurse Joy and Chansey alight first before alighting himself. He nodded at the officer's instructions, and said... "Please lead the way."

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Reply #3407 on: July 31, 2013, 06:59:59 AM
Elsewhere, Rayquaza appeared in the skies over Kanto. Though the cloud cover provided a perfect camouflage for the legendary beast, it was visible to the Superia's sensors. The Sky High Pokemon roared and opened its mouth to fire a Hyper Beam at the ship. It struck one of the engines, which caused the Superbia to violently shake. Pyro did not seem to mind though, he simply continued to play his heavy metal concert.

"We're really rocking his joint!" 8)

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Reply #3408 on: July 31, 2013, 07:11:42 AM
(Ahh Rayquaza, my favorite Legendary~)

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Reply #3409 on: July 31, 2013, 07:12:55 AM
(It's Superia isn't it?)

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Reply #3410 on: July 31, 2013, 07:13:41 AM
(That's why Pyro didn't mind; Rayquaza attacked the wrong ship! >0<)

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Reply #3411 on: July 31, 2013, 07:28:48 AM
As the fireball hurtled through the air, the Muk never flinched and took it head on. The over-sized blob reeled back as the blast burned it and flew into it's body, almost returning back to it's original course before it stopped at the sudden bubbling on its body. The poisonous heap slowly looked up at its attacker in rage and and lunged toward the group in a giant wave, only to suddenly explode. The Muk was sent flying all over the walls and ceiling, melting layers off of them.

Steiner patiently sat at the main console, humming a simple tune as the ship neared the coastline. He heard the explosion but decided not to move an inch as he figured his pokemon used Self Destruct or something to do away with itself and the intruders. A shame really as he was rather interested in the intruders. As soon as they arrived at the laboratory he would have the cleaning crew mop up the place and bring the remains to his personal lab. That's when he became lost in thought about returning. He'd be lost in his work and then he'd see her there, that wondrous angel he captured from the stars. She float there silently in her own personal tube filled with the most favorable life support liquids. He'd look at her malevolent body up and down for hours as it shed her human shell. He would sometimes play with the systems and turn the support off and on just to see her struggle and grasp for life. To let her know he controlled her and would always do as he wished, that HE was the one that allowed her the gift of life everyday. Steiner adjusted his glasses and tilted his head back, continuing to day dream. One the days she would be most cooperative with her treatments, he would personally make her burned poffins and feed them to her himself. Oh how much she would enjoy the privilege of sustenance bestowed upon her. The disgusted face she would make but be forced to eat would be most pleasant. On the days she was bad, however....he would fill her mind with false memories and horrible dreams. And he would also watch. He would watch every wince and cringe. The days would fly by as he worked on her and made her into the perfect killing machine. She would be his and only his to control. Steiner smiled and closed his eyes. Froslass was on her way to flash freeze the annoyance that snuck into his ship and Muk and just sacrificed itself for its master and the greater good. All was well.

In front of Mt. Moon...

Charizard roared in compliance with the suggestion, also knowing they needed to hurry. Julia needed help as fast as possible. As soon as they were ready to leave, Charizard would be more than willing to follow until they arrived in Cerulean City.

(Also, Grimer is now a beautiful MUK. Due to me being a stupid head. >^<)

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Reply #3412 on: July 31, 2013, 08:06:33 AM
Jessie and Wobbuffet yelped as they ducked into the desk, watching as most of it rotted from the splattered sludge that was once a two-eyed Pokemon.  Chariot and Synthis, however, were thrown against a wall, barely missing getting themselves covered in the same muck and grim that made up the Pokemon.

"Ugh...right....  Need to work on controlling energy...." Chariot grunts as he stands up and stares at the new, living wallpaper.  Grimer and Muks were the hardest to kill, so it would only be a matter of time before this one collected itself and attempts another attack.

He starts to look around for something to conceal it, or at least send it somewhere it won't endanger him and the other entrapped occupants, only to quickly notice a miniature chrome Pokeball with a gold pyramid sticking out the front and three ruby-colored, kidney-bean-shaped dimples surrounding it.  Chariot threw a hand on the side of his helmet upon recognizing it.

"Ah, nuts!  I forgot I had this!" he groused as he quickly snatches it back into his unequipped fist.  He then unclenches it while taking another look at the oddly designed Pokeball.

It was one of two experiments Tarot Skitty's creator had been tinkering with to make Pokemon easier to capture and release.  This one, dubbed the Summon Ball, worked like the Poke Assist, but without having to target the Pokemon in order to summon them.  It can also warp Pokemon back to the last known area they appeared from.

Seeing as the Muk is no longer able to battle, Chariot figures it was more humane to send it back to wherever it came from.  He presses a button, causing it to enlarge before pointing it at the splattered Sludge Pokemon.

"Return to where you last came from!" he calls out, causing a white light to shoot out, engulf the Muk and disappear into the ball.  He then looks out the window to see if the Muk actually belonged to Steiner.  If it did, the black band making up the center of the Pokeball would flash, indicating that the Pokemon had appeared inside.

Clefable nods as it looks towards the other Clefa and Clefairy, seeing some of them also wanting to come along to be treated for their own injuries, before turning around and pointing towards the direction of Cerluean City.

Let's hurry then!  Follow me, everyone!

It then bounced away, prompting the other members of its family to follow suit.  Ryo, Posu and Nega stayed behind a moment before quickly following.

Dr. Wily II unbuckled his seatbelt, and let Meowth, Nurse Joy and Chansey alight first before alighting himself. He nodded at the officer's instructions, and said... "Please lead the way."

The officer doesn't do much but heads into the station, prompting the others to follow.

"How much longer are you going to stand there, brushing your afro...?" Hierophant mutters as he watches James run a paintbrush-shaped comb through said hairstyle.

"I can't help it, it's such a fluffy sensation!" James snickers as he jabs his comb into each direction and pulls it outward with no less than a flick of his wrist, "I think I'll try growing my hair out to match this style.  It'll make distracting myself so much easier."

"Aren't you the least bit concerned about your Yamask?  He's still hiding in your hair, you know."

Before James could protest, another jab hits Yamask in the back, causing it to yelp before popping out of the top of his afro, grabbing the comb and lobbing it at his face.

"...case in point...." Hierophant mutters as he watches the Starmie spinning circles around James' disoriented head.

The incognito Team Rocket quickly shakes himself back to his sense and turns his back towards Hierophant while crossing his arms, "Mock me all you want.  It won't matter since you're still cuffed and far from reclaiming your staff."

Hierophant compresses his lips while re-tightening his furrowed eyebrows as James turns his head and readjusts his shades, "Oh, yes.  I heard all about it from those gossiping officers.  While they were examining you and those cards, one of them idiotically used your staff to teleport out of the room, perhaps where you'll never be able to find it!"

As he turns his head away, Hierophant attempts to readjust his elbows, causing one of the cuffs to slip open as he irks and pulls his hands in front of him to figure out how it happen, "And if I know my D&D correctly, a magic-user can't cast anything without a shiny jeweled wand pointing the way."

Hierophant looks towards the police baton sticking out of James' belt before reaching over and pulling it out, twirling it around with a curious look on his face, "So this means that as long as you don't have your precious scepter you have to do everything I-"

Hierophant eventually points the Baton at James, "Angry Blow!"

A Lightning Rune appears on the back of his left hand, causing a swarm of sparks to bounce around him before the tip of the baton fires off a massive bolt of green lightning at James, causing him to yelp in pain while his Yamask jumps out of his afro to avoid getting caught in the surging energy.

A minute passes before the surge dissipates, leaving James a wobbling, disoriented mess with his afro even fluffier than before and still crawling with green sparks.

"Hmm....  I suppose you're right...." Hierophant mutters while twirling the baton again, "I kinda do like the sparkle my staff gives out when I'm casting spells through Jeff's card...."

"Groovy...man...." James mumbles before falling to his side in a half-conscious state.

"What was that noise just now!?" yelps a voice.  Yamask yelps and jumps back into James' afro as the hastened sound of high-heels clops towards the room before the door flies open to find the Officer Jenny that was interrogating Quickie standing on the other side.

"Ugh...you again...?" she groans, "You're really not doing a good job of following protocols, you know."

"It'd probably help if the officers that caught me didn't leave the cuffs so loose...." Hierophant mutters, still twirling the baton.


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Reply #3413 on: July 31, 2013, 08:29:50 PM
Dr. Miles Zeigler pretty much took over the position of attache to Giovanni with Domino undercover. He had been monitoring events in Cerulean City with that mysterious music and tremors emanating from Mount Moon. With Jesse's failure to secure the vessel he had a feeling that Agent 054, Steiner, was somehow responsible as he had failed to report in for days now and his last transmissions were worrying to say the least. He quietly entered Giovanni's office.

"P-P-Pardon my intrusion, sir," he said, "But I-I-I-I have news regarding the operation to r-recover the G-Great Rhydon and it is not good news, sir."

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Reply #3414 on: July 31, 2013, 10:02:33 PM
Giovanni was in the middle of coordinating his affairs before he left for Vermilion. "...I'll have to call you back," hanging up, he turned to face Miles. "Just spit it out and get it over with."  At this point, he was used to bad news.  Even the possibility of going to trial wasn't good news, as he knew what would be involved.  They would need to test Mewtwo's loyalties, and Giovanni knew for a fact that the beast was so damn stubborn that it would willingly disobey and risk bodily harm just to prove a point.  This was not going to be easy.

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Reply #3415 on: July 31, 2013, 10:57:58 PM
"I-It might not be major news o-or it could be," Miles reported, "Jesse failed to report in after something abruptly severed communications between her and Agent 009. Radar now confirms that the Great Rhydon has surfaced near Mount Moon and is en route to an unknown location. I believe that Agent 054 has gone rogue, sir, and he has commandeered the vessel."

Dr. Zeigler then produced a file on Steiner, "I t-took the liberty of reviewing his last p-p-psychiatric evaluation. Dr. Zamba reports that he is a 'textbook megalomaniac with delusions of grandeur who will likely undergo a psychotic break if left untreated.' He has refused any treatment according to the file and reacted violently when Dr. Zamba suggested that he go on sick leave six weeks ago. Then there is his last transmission..."

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Reply #3416 on: August 01, 2013, 12:50:22 AM
Giovanni mulled over the file for a moment. "Steiner has a history of this, but I think we may be able to manipulate this, have it work to our advantage."  He handed the file back to Miles. "I had been in contact with Cipher, concerning their cooperation with a project, and Dr. Yeung is on loan from them.  Yeung and Steiner studied together, so talk to him concerning this.  He's on his way to Vermilion, to the Pokemon Institute." 

Giovanni paused to gather a few things together. "I'm on my way out right now, have business in Vermilion."  He looked to Miles. "You are in charge of this base, keep me apprised of the situation on Mount Moon.  If my attorney calls, direct them to my number in Vermilion."

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Reply #3417 on: August 01, 2013, 02:00:50 AM
Miles bowed to Giovanni, "Yes s-sir. Have a safe journey."

He took his leave and headed back to his office to get a hold of Yeung. Thoughts of Team Rocket cooperating with Team Cipher gave him the chills. Given that Team Gaia and Saturn's faction of Team Galactic were collaborating against Rocket, he wondering with a war was slowly brewing. He would have to inform Archie to confirm the Rocket/Cipher connection in the near future.

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Reply #3418 on: August 01, 2013, 02:29:22 AM
(Is this Archie the same Archie who's working for the police department?  If so, things may get... interesting.  He has Mewtwo's computer and a whole bunch of records.)

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Reply #3419 on: August 01, 2013, 02:41:12 AM
(I think it's a different Archie, actually. Unless the cop Archie was formerly the head of Team Aqua)

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Reply #3420 on: August 01, 2013, 02:42:55 AM
(It's entirely possible! 8D. Archie isn't technically a cop, he's their resident geek.  He deals with computer crimes and if they get electronice evidence, it goes to him.)

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Reply #3421 on: August 01, 2013, 02:45:49 AM
(Ah, well I remember Pyro saying somewhere in a previous post that the Archie he's talking about was formerly the head of Team Magma and now heads up Team Gaia or something... so unless that resident geek is also secretly the head of Team Gaia, maybe not the same Archie)

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Reply #3422 on: August 01, 2013, 02:55:14 AM
(This Archie.)

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Reply #3423 on: August 01, 2013, 03:23:24 AM
(Yeah, my Archie was a take on Archie from CSI.  Oh well! 8D)

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Reply #3424 on: August 01, 2013, 03:27:16 AM
(Well, there's no harm having two people named Archie; it's bound to happen anway :P)