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Protoman Blues · 118948

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Reply #250 on: November 10, 2009, 11:31:27 AM
Meet You All The Way

Outside of Carro Armato di M, an Italian Restaurant in the heart of St. Acidburg, we see a limo pull up...

LimoMan - *opens the door* “We have arrived, sir.”

Protoman Blues - *steps out of the limo, wearing a black suit with a nice red shirt, slightly unbuttoned and yellow scarf* “Sexcellent work and right on schedule.  We’re here guys & gals.”

Quickie - *steps out of the limo, wearing a beautiful red & gold Chinese dress* “Sweet.  I’m so hungry.  I’ve been saving my appetite for this meal all day!”

Akira - *steps out of the limo, wearing a nice Mandarin style black tuxedo* “You guys are going to love this place.  It’s one of my favorite restaurants.  Shall we, madam?”

Vixy - *steps out of the limo, wearing a lovely long white strapless satin evening dress* “Of course, darling.  It smells delicious already.” *gets escorted in by Akira*

Protoman Blues - “Mmmmmm yes it does.  LimoMan, we’ll call you when we’re ready to be picked up.  Until then, go have a night on the town!”  *hands him a $50 bill*

LimoMan - “Very good, sir!”

Quickie - *being escorted inside by PB* “What...does a Limo driving Robot Master do with money anyway?”

Protoman Blues - *escorting Quickie inside* “Beats me.  Seemed the polite thing to do, though!” *walks up to the Maitre D'* “Good evening, my good man.  We have a reservation for four people under the name Blues.”

Agostino the Maitre D' - *looks at list* “Ah yes, Mr. Blues.  If you’ll just follow me please.  Right this way.”

Vixy - “Akira, what happened to Maitre D’Man?”

Akira - “Well, the owner kinda decided to replace the whole staff with people instead of Robot Masters after the...” *looks around* “...we’ll talk about it on the way home.”

Agostino the Maitre D’ - “Here we are.  Your waiter will be with you very shortly.  Enjoy your dinner.”

Akira - *pulls out chair for Vixy* “PB, are you sure you want to pay for all of us?”

Protoman Blues - *pulls out chair for Quickie* “It’s a celebration, Akira.  This meal is on me, no worries!”

Quickie - “I gotta say, Vixy.  This double date was a great idea.  I can’t believe we’ve never done this before.”

Vixy - “Well, with all the craziness that goes on in RPM, it’s really a surprise that we get any romance time at all.”

Quickie - “Very true.  Why just last week, PB and I fused into Quickman Blues in order to stop the Frost Demons of Saturn’s Rings.”

Protoman Blues - “Yeah, brrrrrrrr.  Those things nearly froze my... *looks around* ...we’ll talk about it on the way home!”

Antonella the Waitress - “Good evening everyone.  My name is Antonella, and I’ll be your waitress this evening.  May I start you off with drinks or appetizers?”

Vixy - “I’ll have a sparkling Orange Fanta, thank you.”

Quickie - “I’ll have a Sprite, thank you.”

Akira - “Make that two Fantas. please.”

Protoman Blues - “Just water for me, thanks.  Oh, and we’d like some Fried Calamari for the table, please.  We’re all going to split it, so could we get some extra marinara sauce as well?  Thank you!”

Antonella the Waitress - “Okay, I’ll be right back with your drinks in a moment.”

Akira - “So, has everyone decided what they’re getting?”

Vixy - “I’m not sure yet.  A couple of things look really good.”

Protoman Blues - “I’ll be right back.  I’ve gotta run to the bathroom.  Quickie, if Antonella gets back before I do, order me the Penne ala Vodka please.” *gets up*

Quickie - “Sure thing, hon.”

At the entrance to the bathroom...

Protoman Blues - *sees Cephi coming out of the entrance to the bathrooms* “Cephi!”

CephiYumi - *wearing a lovely long blue evening dress* “P-PB!  What are you doing here?”

Protoman Blues - “Quickie, Vixy, Akira and I are out on a double date.  We’re here celebrating the sale Akira’s latest painting, plus his art gallery having it’s ten thousandth customer.”

CephiYumi - “Oh wow.  Tell him I said congratulations, please.”

Protoman Blues - “I shall.  I must say, you look lovely tonight.  Out on a date yourself, perhaps?”

CephiYumi - “N-no, nothing like that.  I’m just meeting a client of mine over dinner.  I-it’s not a date, just business.”

Protoman Blues - *winks* “Oh, of course.  So who’s the lucky “client” this evening?”

CephiYumi - *points over to her table* “That’s h-him over there.”

PB looks over to see Kevin Keene sitting at the table Cephi’s pointing at.

Protoman Blues - “Oh my god.  Your client is Captain Freakin’ N?  The Game Master himself?  Wow.  Oh wow, I gotta say hello!”

CephiYumi - “PB.  I don’t think that’s a g-good idea.  Kevin’s going through some...tough times right now.”

Protoman Blues - “Oh don’t worry.  I’m sure he won’t mind.  I mean, he’s THE Game Master!”  *walks over to Cephi’s table*

CephiYumi - *facepalm* “Oh no...”

At Cephi’s table...

Protoman Blues - *walks up to Captain N* “Mega HI.  Hey, I’m a HUGE fan-icus of yours.  My name is...”

Kevin Keene - *angrily* “Get the hell away from me!”

Minutes later, sitting down back at his table...

Quickie - “Antonella came back, sweetie.  I ordered for you.  And look, we have bread!”

Akira - “Is something wrong, PB?”

Protoman Blues - *takes a piece of bread* “Nah, nothing much.  Just saw Cephi while walking to the bathroom.  She’s here tonight with her client, Kevin Keene.”

Vixy - “Captain N?  Oh wow.”

Protoman Blues - “Meh, don’t get too excited.” *pouts* “He’s a real.....Jerkface Master.  Never mind him, I propose a toast.  Here’s to Akira, for the success of his Art Gallery and to many more sales of his portraits.”

Vixy - *raises glass* “And here’s to PB, for taking us all out to dinner tonight in celebration of my sweet Akira’s latest success.”

Akira - *raises glass* “And here’s to my princess Vixy, for always being there to support me with love, kindness, massages, and...things that we should probably talk about on the way home!”

Quickie - “raises glass while finishing a piece of bread* “And here’s to bread, for despite its evil and sinister plot to try and fill us up before our more expensive meals arrive at the table, it sits there ready to sop up delicious olive oil for our pleasure and enjoyment, just like my Protoman Bread...errr Blues!”

Protoman Blues - “Cheers!” *toasts and kisses Quickie* “Oooh, your lips taste like olive oil!”

Hours later, in another part of St. Acidburg...

LimoMan - *feels phone vibrating and picks up* “Yes......very good sir, I shall be there in moments.” *hangs up phone* “Looks like our time is up!”

BootyWoman - “Please, LimoMan.  Take me with you.”

LimoMan - *hands her $50* “Who do you think you are, PrettyWoman?  Get the [tornado fang] out of my limo!”

For the record, imagine that LimoMan has a british accent, because I think it makes it funnier.  Also, for the record, imagine why Kevin Keene would be meeting with CephiYumi: Attorney at Awwww, and you may come up with some hilarious scenarios as to what kind of stressful legal trouble the Game Master could be in right now.  

Normally, I don't get star struck at all, being that I live in NYC.  I always like to believe that celebrities have little private time to themselves, and the last thing they want are fans glomping all over them, no matter how good intentioned said fan might be.  However, I'm sure the celebs never know.  So, I just like to play it cool.  I've given shout outs to celebs before.  One time while in the car, we were at a stoplight in the city, and I saw one of my all time favorite voice actors Keith David walking right in front of us.  So as the light turned green, I yelled out "YOU KICKED ASS AS GOLIATH & SPAWN" and he gave him a fist pump in the air back!  That made me happy.  Either way, Captain N is a Jerkface Master.

Stay tuned, you crazy readers you!   8D

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Reply #251 on: November 10, 2009, 11:39:12 AM
Captain N is a douche.  80s fandom has corrupted him into a douche.

Though... for some reason... I think that's a ploy.  He's up to something.  Why else would he be an ass unless he had some... other agenda?  World domination?

Offline borockman

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Reply #252 on: November 10, 2009, 11:41:00 AM
Wait you drink water?! humanity!

I want to say more uplifting comments but... we will talk about it on the way home.

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Reply #253 on: November 10, 2009, 11:43:28 AM
Water is good for you. Served cold, it's a good relaxing drink. It's a great refresher from other drinks now and then.

Protoman Blues - *walks up to Captain N* “Mega HI.  Hey, I’m a HUGE fan-icus of yours.  My name is...”

Kevin Keene - *angrily* “Get the hell away from me!”

>0< Oh my god! You nailed that sentence so smoothly. I fell on the floor laughing. >U<

I'd love to meet Kevin too. Or Princess Lana~ We would have so many things in common.

I'll tell Akira about this. ^^

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Reply #254 on: November 10, 2009, 11:46:10 AM
Perhaps Captain N is needing a lawyer for some copyright infringement suit. 

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Reply #255 on: November 10, 2009, 11:48:41 AM
Captain N is a douche.  80s fandom has corrupted him into a douche.

Though... for some reason... I think that's a ploy.  He's up to something.  Why else would he be an ass unless he had some... other agenda?  World domination?

Well the general idea is that Captain N is being a douche because of the stressful legal trouble he's in right now.  What legal trouble, you ask?  HeeHee, I'm leaving that to my loyal GoRPM readers to guess before I reveal it later, in another wacky adventure!   8D

Wait you drink water?! humanity!

I want to say more uplifting comments but... we will talk about it on the way home.

Surprisingly, I drink a lot of water when I go to restaurants, being that they don't serve Mango Lemonade!  The only other thing I get at restaurants is... we'll talk about it on the way home! 8)

Water is good for you. Served cold, it's a good relaxing drink. It's a great refresher from other drinks now and then.

>0< Oh my god! You nailed that sentence so smoothly. I fell on the floor laughing. >U<

I'd love to meet Kevin too. Or Princess Lana~ We would have so many things in common.

I'll tell Akira about this. ^^

It sure is!  

LoL, and that's what I was Mega going for-icus!  I hope Akira likes it as well!  XD

Perhaps Captain N is needing a lawyer for some copyright infringement suit.  

Hehe, perhaps...   8D

Offline borockman

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Reply #256 on: November 10, 2009, 11:56:18 AM
Yeah water is the way of life, especially coz water is free!

Hmm, and Captain N legal trouble? have to say I can't wait for the story.

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Reply #257 on: November 10, 2009, 11:57:43 AM
Hmm, and Captain N legal trouble? have to say I can't wait for the story.

Oh ho ho, but can you guess why Kevin is in legal trouble?  XD

Offline borockman

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Reply #258 on: November 10, 2009, 11:59:11 AM
I honestly have no ideas.

Are there any clues on previous stories?

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Reply #259 on: November 10, 2009, 11:59:43 AM
Haha, nope.  Not a single hint!  XD

Offline Fxeni

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Reply #260 on: November 10, 2009, 12:15:44 PM
Captain Keene needs to lay off the booze a bit... or maybe he needs more. Undecided at this point, depends entirely on his situation 8D

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Reply #261 on: November 10, 2009, 12:21:27 PM
I wonder if Keene's a happy drunk or an angry drunk.....

Waitaminute.....he should be dead!

I killed him at the start of that "Busy World of RPM" roleplay!

Er, wait....I mean, he was found dead at the start....I..uh...

*runs away*

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Reply #262 on: November 10, 2009, 02:42:47 PM
Hmm... LimoMan and BootyWoman...

And Captain N encounter? With Cephi: Attorney at AWWWWWWWW?
Man... I have no idea what to think of. XD

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Reply #263 on: November 10, 2009, 05:06:45 PM
Quickie - “raises glass while finishing a piece of bread* “And here’s to bread, for despite its evil and sinister plot to try and fill us up before our more expensive meals arrive at the table, it sits there ready to sop up delicious olive oil for our pleasure and enjoyment, just like my Protoman Bread...errr Blues!”

This is sig worthy.

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Reply #264 on: November 10, 2009, 06:48:02 PM
Awww, why thank you!  I was very happy with the toast to bread myself!  XD

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Reply #265 on: November 11, 2009, 08:04:34 AM
Captain N is probably upset because he has me for an attorney  XD

very funny PB ^^  :cookie:

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Reply #266 on: November 12, 2009, 11:10:13 AM
The Voyage Home

After their delicious meal, PB, Quickie, Vixy, and Akira are now fully nude and back in the limo, heading back towards PB’s Sex Shack for some after dinner refreshments...

Vixy - “...I mean, poor Kevin.  After Cephi told me what’s going on with him in the bathroom, I just hope everything works out for him.”

Protoman Blues - “Yeah.  That was definitely the wrong time to douchebaggily ask for his autograph like that.”

Quickie - “It’s okay, sweetie.  I mean, how could you have known?  It’s not like Cephi warned you.”

Protoman Blues - *thinks immediately back to Cephi warning him* “...R-right.”

Vixy - *cuddles next to Akira* “Okay hun, it’s story time.  So what happened to Maitre D'Man and the other Robot Masters at Carro Armato di M?”

Akira - “Oh right.  Well, Dr. Wily II told me the story, as he constantly checks the MSM.”

Quickie - “The MSM is still around?”

Protoman Blues - “What’s the MSM?”

Quickie - “Mad Scientist Monthly.  It’s a magazine for your average mad scientist, with articles and cover spreads on anything from Robot Masters to Biovibrators.”

Vixy - “Didn’t you pose nude for the magazine a while ago, Quickie?”

Quickie - “Oh yeah, back when I was 18 and they did their Barely Legal Robot Master issue.”

Protoman Blues - *eyes hornily light up* “...Ummmmmm....can I see that?”

Akira - “But you see her nude all the time.  She’s nude right now!”

Protoman Blues - “True...but she’s not in a magazine right now...”

Akira - *puzzled* “Anyway, back to the story.  So, after the events of MegaMan 4, Dr. Cossack wanted to further his study of Robotics for the benefit of mankind.  He left Russia and relocated to St. Acidburg.  Cossack even helped build some parts of the city and he created Robot Masters to help around the city, just like LimoMan here.  With Dr. Cossack’s help, St. Acidburg became one of the most advanced cities in RPM.”

Protoman Blues - “Wow, I had no idea.  So what happened?”

Akira - “Well, it turns out that Cossack took a date to the Carro Armato di M one night, and the service was, to quote the article, “storybook bad.”  He waited 20 minutes till his waiter showed up, then another 40 minutes for his drinks, which showed up after his salad, which he couldn't eat for 10 minutes due to no silverware, never got his appetizer, and just numerous other things that made it where he didn’t have sex that night.”

Vixy - “Poor guy.”

Quickie - “Keep in mind too, he’s a Robotics scientist.  The fact that he even had a date to begin with is stunning in itself.”

Akira - “Exactly.  After speaking to the manager, he found out that the robot masters employed at the Carro Armato di M were made by Dr. Light II.  Cossack simply went mad..der, and...well he disguised himself as the Cryptic Comrade Chefmunist.  He stole the 8 Robot Masters that Dr. Light II had created for restaurants around the city, and reprogrammed them to be more efficient....with evil.”

Protoman Blues - *eyes stunned to wide openness* “Comrade Chefmunist?”

Quickie - “What’d he do?  Just put on a Chef hat and a longer beard and try to fool everyone?”

Akira - “...actually yes...”

Quickie - *facepalm* “That’s....just so very sad.”

Protoman Blues - *still stunned* “Com-rade...Chefmunist?”

Vixy - “Wait a minute, what about Kalinka?  Where was she during all of this?”

Akira - “I was actually getting to that.  You see, Roll, with her Strong Sense of....Palatableness, volunteered to stop Comrade Chefmunist, and bring the 8 reprogrammed Robot Masters back under control, which she did.  After defeating Cossack’s final machine, which I believe was a teleporting Crock-pot, Blues teleported in with Kalinka from college, and she helped her father realize the error of his ways.  He gave up his mad scheme and went back to further his study of robotics.  However, the restaurant decided to hire people instead of Robot Masters, since humans have more free will and could not be programmed for evil and bad service.”

Vixy - “Awwww, that’s great.”

Quickie - “Wait a minute...the authorities just let Cossack go without arresting him, putting him on trial, or anything like that?”

Akira - “Yeah...they were kinda lenient and let him off with a warning.”

Protoman Blues - *barely paying attention* “...Comrade Chefmunist?”

Vixy - *sipping glass of Orange Fanta* “I’m gonna have to read that article when I get home tonight.  You know, after the sex.”

Akira - “Yeah.  The food is still great though.  So PB, what about the Frost Demons of Saturn’s Rings?  What did they almost freeze off?”

Protoman Blues - *distracted* “Oh yeah.  Um, my dick!”

Later, in bed with Quickie...

Quickie - *flirting* “You know what I like to do after a delicious meal like that, baby?”

Protoman Blues - *distracted* “...COMRADE CHEFMUNIST?”

It's just one of those names I come up with where I stop writing, take a look at it, and am stunned by my own insanity.  Needless to say, I'd totally play a Roll game like that.  LoL, perhaps I might continue with this silly notion in the future, and actually come up with 8 restaurant related Robot Masters, aside for Maitre D'Man.  Who the hell knows?  All I know is that with the crazy Robot Masters I seem to be coming up with lately, it's...probably a good thing that I can't sprite!  XD

Haha, perhaps next issue, I shall tell you what legal trouble our dear Captain N has to deal with in the continuing adventures of CephiYumi: Attorney at Awwww.  Honestly, with my mind I have no idea.   -_-

Stay tuned, comrades!

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Reply #267 on: November 12, 2009, 11:18:24 AM
Comrade Chefmunist... XD

The teleporting crockpot makes me think of a TARDIS with a broken chameleon circuit that's stuck on "crockpot."

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Reply #268 on: November 12, 2009, 11:23:54 AM
Hah, awesome idea. Could make a good romhack.


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Reply #269 on: November 12, 2009, 11:28:54 AM
Comrade Chefmunist... XD

The teleporting crockpot makes me think of a TARDIS with a broken chameleon circuit that's stuck on "crockpot."

LoL, it just rolls off the tongue, doesn't it?  XD

Haha, and that's a funny image too!

Hah, awesome idea. Could make a good romhack.


Heh, I wonder if we could get anyone to compose music for it!  XD

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Reply #270 on: November 12, 2009, 03:14:05 PM
Darn that Dr. Light II!
Just as much a douche as the original!

And lol... Comrade Chefmunist.
Another great read PB.

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Reply #271 on: November 12, 2009, 08:21:59 PM
Darn that Dr. Light II!
Just as much a douche as the original!

Dr. Light II is perhaps even more douchey than the original.

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Reply #272 on: November 12, 2009, 09:25:27 PM
nude limo story-telling adventures  >U<

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Reply #273 on: November 12, 2009, 09:44:35 PM
nude limo story-telling adventures  >U<
It can´t get better than that!

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Reply #274 on: November 12, 2009, 09:48:47 PM
No.  No it cannot.  However, I still wanna see those Barely Legal Robot Master pics of Quickie in the MSM!  XD