The impression I got is that going for all systems in itself is good, going for online in itself is good, but going for both is a nightmare. Single-player has been complete since before the second delay, that's part of what's grinding a lot of fans' nerves. They still see MN9 as little beyond a Mega Man successor, and Mega Man is traditionally a single-player game (not that I wouldn't LOVE for something to change that).
I will say that, as much as there's no real way for the delay to not suck, I do respect Inafune for sticking to his guns in the face of adversity. The point has been made that licensing would not allow him to simply cut and re-add multiplayer at a later point, but I'm sure he's seen plenty of pressure to release it in a broken state and leave it at that; not as if there aren't bigger devs/publishers out there who wouldn't have done exactly that in his situation.
For what it's worth I still trust Inafune's intentions. But the fact that it takes more than good intentions is why I'm still glad Red Ash's Kickstarter failed. Can you imagine the [parasitic bomb] storm that there would be if that game was trying to maintain an open development community in the midst of all this?
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