Pokemon Generation VI: X/Y & Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire

Started by Archer, January 08, 2013, 12:35:20 PM

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Police Girl

You should know by now that all legendaries save for like Reshiram and Zekrom (And probably also Xerneas and Yyvetal if people claiming the game requiring you to capture them is to be believed). Have the same capture ratio.


Quote from: Quickman on November 20, 2013, 01:11:03 AM
My Honedge is named Excalibur.  Got a female a while back and named her Avalon.
Oh the irony... My own Aegislash's name is Avalon also.

+100 Admiration for Avalon/Excalibur references.

When was the last time I poked you guys...

Dr. Wily II

Quote from: N-Mario on November 20, 2013, 04:28:36 AM
And just finish the Looker Agency side quests........... Was interesting, though all of the events are of the same person to say. Sad to see him leave the area though. :(

Can someone confirm if Zygarde is the hardest pokemon to catch? Last I tried, I kept wasting balls, it escaped even after lowering its HP more than enough times, used different kinds of pokeballs. Finally just gave up and use escape rope.

What about the other legendaries in this game before Gen VI? Or I guess just one of the birds that I'm supposed to corner. Are they all the same difficulty, or are some easier to catch with ultra balls, or other high performance balls?


Z should be a rate of 3 on par with Mewtwo.

Also get acquainted with specialty balls like Dusk and Timer.

I'm watching you all. Always watching.


The two legendaries you meet in the main story you're required to capture. So of course they should have (if they actually do not) a easier catch ratio. Otherwise you'd be stuck in a loop, or have to backtrack and buy some pokeballs somewhere before proceeding.

But for the ones that are not main story, I figure they would be harder. Esp. one like Zygarde. Though I only had one master ball and I already used it. I don't think they sell more master balls anywhere........Do they? I think I've checked every store.

Dr. Wily II

There are. Strike the lottery. It's the first prize.

Z is in a cave. Dusk. Balls.

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

Police Girl

Quote from: Annoying Retard on November 20, 2013, 06:17:55 AM
I don't think they sell more master balls anywhere........Do they? I think I've checked every store.

Are you seriously asking if they sell more guaranteed to catch without fail ever Pokeballs? Seriously?

But yeah if there's Lottery its usually the prize, it was in Gold/Silver. Though that's literally near impossible.


Quote from: Clefant on November 20, 2013, 06:24:17 AM
Are you seriously asking if they sell more guaranteed to catch without fail ever Pokeballs? Seriously?
I [tornado fang]ing googled the answer for him within seconds, but Wily beat me to the punch.


Jesus Christ, I don't even play this game.

N-Mario you lazy [tornado fang].


Blame America, and our society if you gonna [sonic slicer]. Tryin to make a conversation, and [parasitic bomb] gets thrown around. :P

Police Girl

Quote from: N-Mario on November 20, 2013, 07:25:16 AM
Blame America, and our society if you gonna [sonic slicer].

What does this even mean? What does blaming america/society have to do with you asking if you can buy more [tornado fang]ing master balls in a pokemon game despite this never being the case ever?

Seriously this makes no [tornado fang]ing sense.

You want to make a conversation stop asking stupid [tornado fang]ing questions.


What is that saying go?   I donno, something like.....


Seriously, why argue over this.... If a 2 year old kid was asking a similar question to you, I'm sure he be freighted of your reaction response.  People of every age play this game, so you better be more polite. Even if questions sound 100% stupid, you still need to be nice about it and not act like a [tornado fang]ing jack ass. :P

Police Girl

Quote from: N-Mario on November 20, 2013, 07:42:11 AM
What is that saying go?   I donno, something like.....


Seriously, why argue over this.... If a 2 year old kid was asking a similar question to you, I'm sure he be freighted of your reaction response.  People of every age play this game, so you better be more polite. Even if questions sound 100% stupid, you still need to be nice about it and not act like a [tornado fang]ing jack ass. :P

I don't need to be nice. A 2 year old kid I can understand why they are asking questions. They're young and don't know anything, I expect more from a self-proclaimed "Video Game Veteran". You refuse to look anything up yourself and only want to be spoonfed. despite what your big text says, you can ask stupid questions and you've been asking a fuckton of them. Don't tell me to be more polite because you don't know [parasitic bomb], look it up your damn self if you don't want people getting pissy at you. Because believe it or not we don't know everything and a lot of times people have been looking things up JUST FOR YOU.


Quote from: N-Mario on November 20, 2013, 07:42:11 AM
What is that saying go?   I donno, something like.....


Seriously, why argue over this.... If a 2 year old kid was asking a similar question to you, I'm sure he be freighted of your reaction response.  People of every age play this game, so you better be more polite. Even if questions sound 100% stupid, you still need to be nice about it and not act like a [tornado fang]ing jack ass. :P

All they're saying is you should actually take the time to look up the information yourself. They provided you with the related sites to look for whatever you have questions about, not to mention a nifty little thing called GOOGLE exists.

Getting upset because they won't give you answers is childish within itself.

Dr. Wily II

Usually, I don't mind this. However it has reached a point.

N-Mario, I know you have plenty of questions, however a lot of your questions can, and are easily answered on Serebii or Bulbapedia. True, so information like where to find Mr. Bonding for the final O-Power, is not specific. Then you can ask here and everyone will be happy to help.

There is no stupid questions, but there are still limits. As for everyone else, me included, time to step back.

I'm watching you all. Always watching.


Okay fine..... I'm sorry.

Just that I've been going through some trouble in RL lately and I just wanted to have the game finished. One of the reasons I stopped playing MMO/RPG games because the tend to get too repetitive, and causes lots of frustrations among players like this. One of my PC hard drives recently failed, and I'm not sure if I'll be able to recover all the recent files stored on it. I had to order a new drive, and some other parts which is costing me right now. Top it all off currently out of a job, so money is going out, but nothing is coming in. Trying to pass the time, finally getting around to catching up on some of my 3DS games. Pokemon X is, fun but frustrating at times esp. during Elite Four phase. But you get the point..... Even though I should have looked it up I did not, failed to do so. I have though been looking up at other trainers pokemon weaknesses, and I'm just getting tired going through pokemon that I don't have a super effective strategy for. So I end up brain [tornado fang]'d and start doing things sometimes even after trying multiple things until breaking it down to a science. Another reason why I didn't want to get involved in this again. There's too many of these to catch, and too many move sets with a limit of 4, which also gets me frustrated having to lose a move that I could use later on, but decided to remove anyway.

Long story short, sometimes I have a brain disorder, and I'm terrible with last minute decisions when it comes to pressure like that.
I feel like I need to have everything with me because they're all useful their own little way, but it's just not possible. It's the little things like this that just get to me, and some things I regret doing in this game. It doesn't help that there's only one save for each game, in case I wanted to go back and look at something in the main story game while continuing onward. But that's not even possible... Without some sort of unofficial backup solution.

Again, I'm sorry for whatever reason you have against me. Next time, I'll try to think before posting. Just that sometimes I just can't think strait. :(

Dr. Wily II

Ok, matter settled. No more kicking a dead Rapidash.

Like I said, check Serebii or Bulbapedia first. Not specific enough, you can ask here.

Now back to my scheduled stalling to fight the E4.

I'm watching you all. Always watching.


For the record, Zygarde took five Ultra Balls to catch.  That seems to be an average with Legendaries, at least for me.  Xerneas also took five Ultra Balls, and I suspect Zapdos will, too.  Just take twenty Ultra Balls with you and keep a hit sponge out and after tedious throwing, you'll catch him.

I've had non-Legendaries take more Balls.  Seven Poke Balls, plus one Quick Ball, three Great Balls, and two Dusk Balls on Kangaskhan.  She did not want to be caught.  She's Scrappy, too.  Her name is Mother Mary.

And why are there no Officer Jennies in this region?  No wonder Mr. Bonding keeps getting away with his shenanigans!

Dr. Wily II

To be honest, the only Jennys were in Gen1 and Gen2 (and associated Gen3 and Gen4 remakes).

I'm watching you all. Always watching.


Kalos needs a police force. 

And I finally saw the Anistar Sundial in action.  I could stare at it... forever...

Dr. Wily II

... Oh yea, I should head and see it, since it's like... 9.45pm here. >_>

Also, good haul at the Glittering Cave, caught 3 Mawiles, 1 Ferroseed, and found 1 more Old Amber.
Trying to get just one more Amber, and see if I can encounter another Kangaskhan.

I'm watching you all. Always watching.


So hypnotic...

I should head back to Glittering Cave for some treasure-hunting.  Need to pull out Pavorotti for rock-smashing, so Anne Bonney goes back in the box.  Or I could pull out TrouserSnake, since she needs leveled...

Dr. Wily II

And you have plenty of fossils to get now.

I'm watching you all. Always watching.


And more Kangaskhans and Mawiles to catch!  But yeah, I need Old Ambers.

Sakura Leic

Hmm I'm having a conundrum, I'm wondering if I should mix up my teams a little bit since I kind of want to use a Galvantula but I already have 2 bug types.

Here's what I currently have on my first Team


I'll probably switch between Mega Aerodactyl and Mega Gengar depending on the situation

And then there's the next team I want to train

Mega Heracross

If I have to forgo something it would most likely be either Chandelure or Mamoswine, most likely Chandelure.  But I really do wonder if I should mix up some mons or something.  Maybe train others and interchange in between.
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection


Today's treasure hunt through the Dwebble Cave wasn't entirely fruitless, but the last run-through, every single damn rock had a Dwebble in it.




I got fed up and Escape Roped out of there.

Sakura Leic

Quote from: Quickman on November 20, 2013, 06:01:38 PM
Today's treasure hunt through the Dwebble Cave wasn't entirely fruitless, but the last run-through, every single damn rock had a Dwebble in it.




I got fed up and Escape Roped out of there.
Yeah I had to renter the room about 3-5 times before I finally got Aerodactyl.  Did you get a root fossil in any of those runs?
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection