X7 has the second best Boss theme in the series. X5 in first place.
...I don't think my brain can process that statement unless I assume you're talking about one of the special boss fights. X5's regular boss theme is the standard against which all audio torture is measured.
The X franchise would not recover UNTIL THE LAST GAME IN THE SERIES, when we finally got the unfettered awesomeness that our heroes have lacked for so long.
Considering how god-awful the story (not to mention the power-up and ranking systems in general) was with their first attempted "last game in the series", I wouldn't put much weight on that theory.
But he is. Inafune said it himself. Every game revolves around him.
...he's not wrong, you know. I mean, Inafune's idea of finality is, "Kill Zero and nobody will care what happens to the blue guy."
Honestly this is the only argument I need to never play X7.
For God's sake, people, borrow somebody's memory card if you're that desperate. It is absolutely impossible to "miss" X, and he carries into New Game Plus. The only reason you DON'T start the game with him is because if you did, nobody in their right mind would go near Axl. That and his charged shot is INSANELY powerful.
If you're going to avoid X7, avoid it for X's whining. Or the level design. Or the fact that 90% of the game's attacks are improperly balanced in one of the two gameplay modes.
Also on DeviantArt, Rumble, DLive.tv, and the Fediverse (@freespeechextremist.com and @bae.st)