The Gonzo has art.

Started by The Great Gonzo, November 08, 2008, 06:49:46 PM

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Dr. Wily II

Quote from: borockman on June 09, 2010, 07:05:36 AM
What? 1989 paint? it's actually not dried yet?
They don't make things nowadays like they used to back in those days...

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

The Great Gonzo


This is a collab between myself and Crazylegz42, she of the awesome RS-MM artwork.

Protoman Blues

You two did an amazing job.

Dr. Wily II

As mentioned, it's just BRILLIANT.

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

The Great Gonzo

Thanks. :)

QuoteWhat Rock did earlier is going to come back to bite him again and again. Especially if he doesn't start running right now.

QuoteWell, at least it's not stark white limbo they're floating in this time.

Began as a B&W pic based on an illustration from Narumi Kakinouchi's artbook (specifically from the "My Code Name Is Charmer" section), and became this somehow. It had a lot to do with not having good enough watercolours to replicate the original effect.

Used Photoshop's "Web Safe Colours" instead of "Web Hues" like I normally do; I think I should use them more often.

QuoteThis should've been done sooner. D:

* Quickboy's shoulder pads look a bit odd because I forgot to draw them until I had already finished his arms. :(

* Crashboy was given red armour as an homage to the various times Crashman has been painted red (they've settled on orange now). In hindsight, this made him look more like Protoboy. :/

QuoteCaptain Blackbeard's presence in the Classic-verse was suggested by ~KudosForce, who provided the man's description:

"Captain Blackbeard is a member of the world military's navy, having gotten a lot of battle experience over the years. He is fed up with humanity having gotten weak and docile over time, due to technology benefitting things, and wants to see a world where only the strong rule. Of course, when the opportunity arised, he accepted to help Dr. Wily accomplish one of his latest schemes."

In the meantime, Blackbeard abuses Navy-bots like Seamond Nethuns.

QuoteSamba is the fifth Megaman Killer (fourth if you don't count Quint); her antipathy towards the Blue Bomber is matched only by her arrogance. She has an assistant, a non-Wily-bot named Ocarina; the poor girl's something of a sycophant and refuses to leave Samba's side, even though it means being surrounded by Wily-bots.

The other Killers aren't too fond of Samba, seeing her as a quick replacement for Quint (even though she was built a relatively long time after Quint told Dr. Wily to shove it).

* Those purple stripes on Ocarina's arms? Tattoos. Hey, if Bass can have stripes on his face...

QuotePeach has decided that she won't be a perpetual kidnapping victim, and has set out to become a witch like her mother, Queen Melba. Naturally, Bowser isn't going to make it easy for her, and neither will protecting Soul (only five years old at this point).

EDIT: God I hope Photobucket doesn't delete this.

Edited from Megaman in one of the MM10 cutscenes; taken from Sprites Inc. (I have an avatar version of this, but I dunno if it's safe for RPM...)


Quote from: The Great Gonzo on June 11, 2010, 08:10:29 PM

It's rare to see Protoman's RS-MM persona into action, from you. Devilishly good. [eyebrow]


All things considered, this piece looks gorgeous enough, even if you didn't get the effects you wanted to achieve.


Like I said on DA, you did a nice job on this and managed to get his personality across well. You gotta love alternate universe interpretations. 8)


Interesting take on a Rockman Killer, I have to say. You've managed to both pick a color scheme that stands her apart from the others', and come up with a design that is distinct among them. The addition of an assistant is an unprecedented, yet welcome, move.

Also, I noticed the Sailor Moon design influence, on the headgear.

I rather like this.  *o*

Sorry if I come across as a sycophant like Ocarina, but I'll copy and paste the above comment on DA. >U<

The Great Gonzo

QuoteIt's rare to see Protoman's RS-MM persona into action, from you. Devilishly good. Wiggle

That's not Proto, but thanks. :)

Interesting take on a Rockman Killer, I have to say. You've managed to both pick a color scheme that stands her apart from the others', and come up with a design that is distinct among them. The addition of an assistant is an unprecedented, yet welcome, move.

Thanks, though I dunno if one of Wily's robots having an assistant is unprecedented fandom-wise. ^^;

Protoman Blues I about to knife Rock?   8D

Also, I really like the Rock & Roll drawing Gonzie.


Awesome nude rock and roll!  8D

I like Ocarina design.

Proud member of Indigo tribe!

The Great Gonzo

Quote from: Protoman Blues on June 12, 2010, 12:45:11 AM I about to knife Rock?   8D

No, but Sony is. XD Thanks, everyone. :)

By the way, PB--the resized version of that sprite edit CAN be used as an RPM avatar, right?

Protoman Blues

Quote from: The Great Gonzo on June 12, 2010, 03:12:16 AM
No, but Sony is. XD Thanks, everyone. :)

By the way, PB--the resized version of that sprite edit CAN be used as an RPM avatar, right?


And sure it can Gonzie!

Dr. Wily II

Hehe, still loving the MegaBoy series, and it's series 2 now... :3
Samba sort of reminds me of a female Terra/Earth and go go Peachie! XD

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

The Great Gonzo


QuoteOne of the "girls" of the heavy metal duo The Light Sisters is Megaman. Roll must've forced him into it.

Inspired by the heavy metal versions of the main Vocaloids (which, despite having different surnames, I think are probably just their stage personas for that genre).

* Speaking of which, some elements of their outfits were borrowed from the art provided for the heavy metal Vocaloids. I'm horrible. :(

* Roll's hairstyle is the same one she had in MM8's cutscenes, which isn't much different from the one she has in the promotional artwork.

Quote[Rock x Ran?] Technically: maybe. Ran's a bit frustrated with the fact that Proto has no idea how to take this whole "I have a girlfriend" thing.

Of course, neither does Rock, but he'd figure it out sooner. Maybe.

QuoteThe Light family photo album must weigh a ton by now. XD

From left to right: Rick, Celiritas, X, Dub, Kei, Trill, Genesis, Trino, and Kaitlin. They're (at present) all the members of Rock's family that aren't Robot Masters, Rock, Roll, Protoman, or the pets. (Not entirely sure about Auto) Though, in retrospect, maybe Brain Bot's Classic counterpart should've been included, too. D'oh!

* Rick and Kaitlin belong to ~lilirulu and ~KaitlinEXE, respectively. Both were built by Dr. Light for different purposes: Rick was meant to help Megaman (she eventually decided that fighting wasn't for her), while Kaitlin is essentially Elecgirl.

* Trill and Trino were adopted; Trill's still working on becoming a valid partner to Megaman.


The Hagane Vocaloids are totally different from there originals.
"Sumo Wrestlers are sexy by DEFAULT!"-[DA]-[SA]-[Pixiv]

The Great Gonzo

Quote from: Lilirulu on June 14, 2010, 02:19:29 AM
The Hagane Vocaloids are totally different from there originals.

Ah. >.>; Still, there's tons of Miku variants running around--apart from ones like Hachune, I'd like to think that they're all just Miku's various stage names.


Quote from: The Great Gonzo on June 14, 2010, 02:38:08 AM
Ah. >.>; Still, there's tons of Miku variants running around--apart from ones like Hachune, I'd like to think that they're all just Miku's various stage names.
Well I can't force you to change your beliefs :p
especially seeing as vocaloid is based on fanon.

"Sumo Wrestlers are sexy by DEFAULT!"-[DA]-[SA]-[Pixiv]


Light sisters? lol, poor Rock, again! XD

Proud member of Indigo tribe!

Protoman Blues

Ran's looking mighty clingy, there!  XD

Dr. Wily II

Lol Roll forcing Mega.
Though seriously, it looks good on him. XD

And blushing Mega is so cute. XD

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

The Great Gonzo


QuoteAnother EXE-to-Classic conversion suggested by ~KudosForce. His description:

"Dr. Yahoot is a scientist that mainly works in the field of botanics, always researching and developping new plant life.

Despite this, he is dismayed at how the world's natural environment suffers decay, due to industrialization and pollution. He hopes that, one day, the environment may get restored to its former state.

Rose Man, one of his most cherished robots, is there to cheer him up with his whimsical and gentlemanly personality, whenever he feels down.

Naturally, when Dr. Wily wanted Dr. Yahoot to help with one of his latest plans, he reluctantly agreed."

--after he dealt with all those crappy soil samples.

QuoteNow with Proto's much younger counterpart.

* Snakeboy's helmet is based off of the Snakey enemies--pick a size.

* Topboy had been designed a year prior to this, at the very least. His, Plantboy's, and Dustboy's designs were the only ones I was really happy with.

* Breakboy's name was chosen over "Protoboy" in the hope that it'd make more sense. At the same time, it reminds me of a bit of fanon originating at MMHP: Mandi insisted on calling Proto "Breakman" at all times in her stories because the cartoon used "Protoman" and Mandi has a hate-on for the cartoon. :( (Well, maybe she doesn't, but her pages about it read like it)

* Shadowboy's design wasn't influenced by Gauntlet's, no sir. >.>

* Sparkboy's design is a mix of the MM3 boxart Sparky and the one that a former Mechanical Maniac used.

QuoteRoll Light with her "sister" Rocky.

QuoteI don't think it's a stretch that Rock would still try to be a helper 'bot after his conversion into one with gun-arm. It would just get harder and harder to do as time went on and things went from "Wily is annoying me" to "holy [parasitic bomb] Wily is suddenly a threat".

...this was just an excuse to put RS-Rock in an apron, though.

QuoteThis idea, I can't take credit for; it's from a member of Kingdom Hearts Fanstuff Rants called matthias_wave. (Original page here: ) In short: The Nobodies of the Princesses of Heart.

Namine: is not evil, and wants nothing to do with the other six.

Cinerella's Nobody: wears a black dress. I wish that dress was better. :( (She was also the last one I drew)

Aurora's Nobody: wears red because I didn't want to giver her a darker blue dress, but am also incredibly tired of Disney forgetting that she'd ever worn a blue dress at all.

Snow White's Nobody: presumably is the leader.

Belle's Nobody: I kinda drew a blank on designing her outfit; as such, she and Null!Cinderella look the most like the original princesses.

Alice's Nobody: is a reference to the American McGee version of her, complete with Jupiter's sign.

Jasmine's Nobody: wears dark blue and ditched the headband.

Dr. Wily II

Woa, GeminiBoy. No wonder NeedleBoy is so afraid. XD
More cuteness boys. :3

And seriously, Rocky looks fabulous. XD

I'm watching you all. Always watching.


Hmm, I like the concept of Nobody princesses.

Proud member of Indigo tribe!

The Great Gonzo


QuoteI've recently regained access to my Windows 98 comp, thanks to Mom; while browsing through the small amount of files, I came across a paper I had typed in fourth grade (the oldest file on there was from '02. DAMN).

Not only was my writing abysmally poor, but something caught my interest: an original LoZ character named "Natra" (I wasn't so good at puns then). Let's see: Din's younger sister, controls night and day and "when flowers bloom". Urgh, gag me.

Still, I had to draw her. And mentally redo her bio.

Natra's powers, while similar to Din and Nayru's, aren't of the scale of the Oracles'. The most she can do is quick-grow plants, and this is dependent on what time of day it is; poor girl feels a bit like cosmic leftovers.

There, now she isn't a two-bit failure.

QuoteThis is how trying to replicate the first attempt at making Megaman in MS Excel turned out.

...I'm pretty sure the first attempt was different.

Made on the XP, which has MS Excel; Vista has a similar program, but without the option to colour cells.

QuoteNormally, something like this would be scrapped, but...after all the crap I went through trying to get this onto my flash drive so it could be taken to Vista, I don't feel like it. Larger chance of it getting ignored.

So, I have an old program called Kidpix Deluxe. Only runs on Win98 (problem #1). For some reason, it exports in its own proprietary format, despite looking like a bitmap file (problem #2). WinXP couldn't read the floppy because the two files I exported were corrupted (problem #3).

Thank God for the Print Screen key.

Before realizing the porting headache I was about to face, I had fun messing around in Kidpix. Less fun was trying to draw with the mouse (tablet no work).

"98" is overlaid on top of "10", since, well, it was drawn on Win98.

QuoteThe reason for not scrapping this is the same as the last pic.

Seems like Megaman's unseen opponent is starting to trip out.

QuoteAnother one suggested by ~KudosForce. This time, it's Prosecutor Ito's turn. Or "Judge Ito", rather.

"Judge Ito is a respected representative of federal justice, due to having various master criminals arrested, during his days as a prosecutor. He is also a high-ranked member of the Global Robot Alliance. [Or the Global Network. --RADIX]

He manages to keep his composure at all times, even as he is angry. That is, unless, he is in a bad mood.

However, he is dismayed at the fact that Dr. Wily is still at large, due to the government's ineffectiveness at stopping him. He vies for the chance, to run it and take things into his own hands.

Of course, said occasion arises when Dr. Wily persuades him..."

If you can't beat 'em, join 'em, eh?

Ito's flanked by Marche (high-ranking GN commander) and Judgeman, an RM created by Hitoshi Ariga. Since no colour scheme was available, I gave him one. (Actually drawing him on-model was another story.)

Quote"...I never said you couldn't, 'Donna."

As much as I prefer *thweatted's redesign, I tried to stick to Madonna's original one as much as possible. A skirt and high heels aren't conductive to Emerald-recovering, so she was given shorts and boots. Her hair is a complete mess. :/

I think it's safe to say that Sega isn't going to bring Madonna back any time soon.

QuoteOnly one will end well, and it's not because I like yaoi.

Originally an attempt to give Megaman .EXE-like clothes, but failed; there was space left over, and I couldn't think of anything else to draw.

* Dr. Sherri is a human robophile. She is also much older than Rock. (Not pictured: her equally perverted assistant)

* Kitora's name doesn't sound authentically Japanese. She's pudgy, dresses like 80s fashion vomit, and damned if Rock will ever score with her.

* Zoey is an American girl whom I've drawn once before. You can tell she's American because she doesn't really look like one. /anime

* Quick and Blues...well, they're interested.

QuoteProto may think [that blue isn't his colour], but does Rock?


You brought Sherri out of the oekaki? Holy crap! :P
Quote from: OBJECTION MAN on September 13, 2014, 04:31:11 PMOH [parasitic bomb] IM USING LINK AND I ACCIDENTALLY FINAL SMASHED A CUCCO OH GOD HELP
Quote from: VirusChris on September 16, 2017, 03:55:20 PMJust enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything

Dr. Wily II

I like Excel Mega. XD
And Judge Man ehh... Join em ehh...
Also, seeing the different pairings, and the swapped armours made my day. XD

I'm watching you all. Always watching.