The Gonzo has art.

Started by The Great Gonzo, November 08, 2008, 06:49:46 PM

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Cool pics. Poor Alucard though...
Quote from: OBJECTION MAN on September 13, 2014, 04:31:11 PMOH [parasitic bomb] IM USING LINK AND I ACCIDENTALLY FINAL SMASHED A CUCCO OH GOD HELP
Quote from: VirusChris on September 16, 2017, 03:55:20 PMJust enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything


Nice, I like how you draw the Judgement desings...any chance drawing Death?..with a cloak perhaps?

The Great Gonzo

I dunno about Judgment-Death...his is a ridiculously complex design. D:

QuoteDoodled for *SoniaGrimm, who will know what's going on here. :)

Dr. Wily II

Megacat's cute... *cuddles him*

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

The Great Gonzo

Careful, he might scratch.

QuoteAs requested by ~ZarelTheWindDragon, his character Wolfman, ~AdamLeisemann's character Cody Snowe, and Wind-Up Wolf (who I may vaguely remember from back when I actually cared about what was on Cartoon Network). Hope you like it, man. :)


OMG! You remember Wind-Up Wolf!? 0v0

Nintendo 3DS Friend Code: 3480-2506-4200
[DeviantArt||Youtube|Fan Work|WiiVC|Character File]
Rock10: Ranking. Rock9: AC, EA, SS, Challenge, Ranking.
(c) Sky Child~                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

The Great Gonzo

I might have seen it when I was younger. :)


I vaguely remember him too!

The Great Gonzo

Already on the oekaki, but eh:

QuoteSimon would make a good meat shield bodyguard, methinks.


Quote from: VixyNyan on March 15, 2010, 06:23:06 PM
OMG! You remember Wind-Up Wolf!? 0v0

I vaugely have had an idea based off this concept when I first saw it once. It wasn't until again I'm able to re-invent the concept.  -_-

Nice work Gonzo.
Workshop/DA/YT/Photobucket なにかんがえてるの!?
Quote from: Setsuna F. Seiei on October 10, 2009, 02:34:30 AM
So its about ass now huh? EVEN THE ASS HAS 'EXCEEDED'!

Quote from: Gaia on May 07, 2010, 12:30:32 AM
One mention of LEGENDS and everyone goes batshit.  :\

Yep, every time when someone mentions that game people get energized for an apparent reason whatsoever. It's like this everywhere else, trust me.

It got really messy to find my sprite and comic topic, so it's in my sig.

Dr. Wily II

Quote from: The Great Gonzo on March 15, 2010, 06:13:20 PM
Careful, he might scratch.

Wind Up Wolf... Not really remembering him... ._.

Quote from: The Great Gonzo on March 17, 2010, 03:05:05 PM
Already on the oekaki, but eh:

And aww at Mega's face, though yeah, Simon does make a nice meat shield bodyguard.

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

Dr. Wily II

Hehe, cool characters.
And monocle. bVd

I'm watching you all. Always watching.


Kirsche's coat is pimpin!  XD

Proud member of Indigo tribe!


I wated to comment yesterday but I had 66 pages to get threw. XD;

anyways I totally ship Layer X Sigma now.
"Sumo Wrestlers are sexy by DEFAULT!"-[DA]-[SA]-[Pixiv]

The Great Gonzo

Quoteanyways I totally ship Layer X Sigma now.

Awesome. :D

Quote"Don't let your lava love turn to stone..."
- the B-52s

But then, it's Medusa.

* This version of her is from a JP-only gamebook that centers around the descendants of the CV3 dorks. Also, I'm pretty sure she isn't in Aria of Sorrow.

* I never really got this whole "petrification fetish" thing. :/

QuoteThough, Proto was able to find something that interested him. Lee still hasn't. He's the one Rock's the most worried about, as he may be suffering from depression.

* Yeah, those three kids have names now. His brother's name is Van, and his sister's, Nikki.

Quote"...but I guess I have to tell you."

Sadly, things that require Mega's intervention didn't stop after Wily retired.

Black Mage J

That Medusa is hilarious!


Stoned Dracu...I mean Soma looks funny. That expression is hilarious.

Rad Lionheart

There's a petrification fetis--Y'know what, I'm just gonna assume anything and everything is a fetish from this point forward.


QuotePetrification fetish
Oh right, I was wondering what the motivation behind that picture I bumped into on DA was...

Centaur: As for "anything", how about a picture titled "charactername inflates into a banana"?

Rad Lionheart

N. E. THING. is a fetish. SOMEWHERE, someone is fapping to that.

The Great Gonzo

Unfortunately. (Funtastic fact: I discovered vore back when I was 12 or so, and didn't realize that it was supposed to be arousing instead of weird as hell)

QuoteNot including offshoots (like the Schneiders, Renards, etc.); it's only thanks to the Castlevania Wiki that I was able to create this. I can't call it perfect, but I'm happy with the end result anyway.

NOTE: There are cases, like with Leon and Sonia, in which one cannot be the offspring of another.

* It seems that I forgot Sonia's grandpa. D'oh.

* Marie's look is probably way off; as of now, there's no good pictures of her.

* The father of Sonia's child is implied to be Alucard; I doubt they actually married.

* Sid, Zouk, and Leila are from a JP-only CV gamebook; they're the descendants of the CV3 dorks. (Not pictured: Row DaNasty, son[?] of Grant) Zouk may or may not be Sid's brother (or sister--I honestly can't tell), since I don't know if Trevor and Sypha married in the book.

* Illyana is from the "Belmont Legacy" comic.

* Soleiyu's portrait is a combination of his manual art and the JP boxart. He, like Christopher, doesn't have a stable appearance.

* Cristofor is from the Paul Anderson CV movie script. His name is a stupid variation of "Christopher", and his appearance was made up since the script is unfilmed/dropped (I think).

* Serena's from Haunted Castle, the damn near impossible CV arcade game. (Dunno about the newest one's difficulty)

* Simon II was made to fill in the gap between Simon and Simon III; his appearance was taken from one of the various Simons that appeared in the Wai Wai series. (Simon III also comes from the Wai Wai series)

* "Vampire Hunter" is from the newest CV arcade. He needs a proper name, as do his lady cohorts.

* Victor Belmont would have appeared in "Castlevania: The Resurrection" (alongside Sonia)...if it ever came out.

* Simon the Actor is from a manga, the name of which eludes me.

* After Leon, I decided not to bother with shading.

School tomorrow. Hurf.


Julius needs more screentime.

Dr. Wily II

Hehe, Medusa seems to be enjoying herself there. XD

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

The Great Gonzo

Until Soma breaks free, that is.

Quote"What is it now, bro?"


(I did upload something else today, but it's a present for someone)