The Gonzo has art.

Started by The Great Gonzo, November 08, 2008, 06:49:46 PM

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The Great Gonzo

Thanks. :)

The other collab is up on my friend's page now, if anyone's interested.

QuoteThis is what happens when I wonder how the Light family would look/act if they were all humans. Except they're the Wrights now.

Thomas Wright is an engineer; his wife Tabitha is currently in-between jobs. They live in England, Thomas's home country, with their two children Rock and Ryan, and their adopted son Blues.

Thomas Wright: For the most part, he's your average British family man. He's a bit too concerned with being the perfect father, though, and the stress his work can put on him doesn't help.

Tabitha Wright: She met Thomas in college; fortunately, there were no lapses in judgment involved. Tabitha's main concern right now, apart from finding a job she won't drift away from, is getting Thomas to ease up.

Rock Wright: The older of the two biological Wright siblings at 10, he's very optimistic and energetic--two traits that aren't apparent at school, where he had the misfortune of being given to a teacher that thought Mrs. Trunchbull was a good role model. (To clarify, he's holding a water gun)

Ryan Wright: Rock's sister; she's a year younger than him. While she shares Rock's liveliness, Ryan isn't subject to the same impulsive decisions he sometimes makes. She also got a better teacher.

Blues Wright (formerly Grenada): The Wrights' adopted son. Thomas found him in his parents' car--he only survived their suicide because he rolled the window down. As they couldn't find anyone else from his family and didn't want to leave him in a foster home, the Wrights took him in. Blues is still reeling from the experience two years later (he's twelve now).

Everyone else is outside the immediate family. Starting from the left:

Ken: Rock's cousin, a few times removed. He's a fireworks enthusiast, leading to much "joking" that he should move to America.

Barry: A soldier in the British Armed Forces; he drops by every once in a while to say hi.

Toby: Another cousin; he's obsessed with being on time. Unfortunately, he's almost always late, due to circumstance.

Ellery: He works at a power plant. Lax safety laws have resulted in a badly-burned left arm; as luck wouldn't have it, he's left-handed.

Oliver: Married into the family. He's a nice guy and very hardworking, but not very tolerant of self-error.

Ike: Another cousin; he has to stay warm at all times due to a condition.

Garth and Siec Mueller: Thomas's brother and nephew, respectively. Garth is stern, but doesn't mean any harm; Siec, on the other hand, hasn't yet learned about "self-preservation", and Garth has his hands full with him. (Siec's not dumb, just reckless)

* This version of Dr. Light's appearance was lifted from the flashback in Gigamix Vol. 2; Tabitha is Dr. Light, gender-bendered.

* "Ryan" is not Roll's thrown-in middle name from SNK Vs. Capcom Card Fighters Clash, as I once thought, but a fan mistranslation. I'm using it anyway, because I can.

Posted on: March 30, 2010, 04:05:56 AM

QuoteMatthias Can't-Pronounce-It and Leon Belmont, before everything went to pot.

QuoteDrawn earlier this year, but as usual, I decided that finishing things is for squares and left it sitting, and only now did I get around to scanning it. (Wasn't sure whether or not to divide everything into separate images, hence why there's my signature under everyone)

Everyone here are people that Madotsuki knows; they tend to look different in her dreams.

- Seccom Masada is an astronaut and researcher; Madotsuki's parents sent her on one of his trips, along with several other people. Their landing on Mars was less than soft; while stranded there, they met the Toriningen (not pictured). Masada had a glass eye that always looked in the opposite direction of his good eye; he got tired of being called "Mr. 69" and got an eyepatch.

- Poniko is another tenant in Madotsuki's old apartment. She always carries what she claims to be a handmade doll, but there are those who know better.

- Monoko and Monoe are two of Madotsuki's classmates. The former is loud and stubborn; the latter, calm and knowing. In fact, Monoe may know more than she's letting on. Monoko's twisted dream self is a byproduct of the disgusting stories she tells.

- Kamakurako, another classmate, has narcolepsy, and thus her dream self never wakes up no matter what Madotsuki tries.

QuoteAs requested by ~NeoduelGX; I used her slightly thinner MvC buster here.

Toonmakers Sailor Moon stuff.

Protoman Blues

I've missed you topic while I've been gone, Gonzie!  XD


Hoo, nice filter for the last one.

Proud member of Indigo tribe!

The Great Gonzo

Thanks. :)

QuoteFun fact: ~LordAizen thought Judgment-version Eric Lecarde was a girl when she first saw him. (Not that Bloodlines-Eric is any better)


Quote~EveHilson wanted me to draw it, so...


YOU MY SLAVE [sonic slicer]!  8D
Quote from: The Great Gonzo on April 01, 2010, 01:49:11 AM

*music starts*
I feel pretty~
Oh so pretty~
I feel pretty and witty and gay~!

Proud member of Indigo tribe!


He is prettier than Maria in that game! Seriously, why couldnĀ“t they stick with Cowboy Eric from PoR?

The Great Gonzo

No idea...

QuoteBack in 2004, I found Image's "Victory Series 2" #2 at The Deep (no sign of #1). Six goddamned years later, there's still no info about it anywhere on the 'Net.

The most I can say about it is that it's an interesting comic about some role-players (or as the back of #2 puts it, "roll players". Arg) and Victoria, the demi-goddess of victory. I have issues 2-4 (of 4), and doubt that The Deep will have the first issue in the longboxes. >.>

From left to right: Claire (a friend of two other kids who were shunned, and turned to Elorphin, the lesser god of vanity and the Big Bad), Dario (lusts after Victoria and is totally not Claire's boyfriend), Victoria (in civilian form; she's one bra size away from "titty monster"), Flavius (the game master. I messed up his hair), Takashi (is just sorta there), Never-Referenced-By-Name (seriously, I don't remember seeing her name anywhere in the comic), and Bibs (also sorta there). They all have different forms/names while in the book (long story), though Victoria and Flavius are mostly unchanged.

There was also apparently a blonde kid in #1, but I don't know what happened to him or if it was just an error.



I just got your name change... Nice...

Great job!
Quote from: OBJECTION MAN on September 13, 2014, 04:31:11 PMOH [parasitic bomb] IM USING LINK AND I ACCIDENTALLY FINAL SMASHED A CUCCO OH GOD HELP
Quote from: VirusChris on September 16, 2017, 03:55:20 PMJust enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything



Also, 1500th post! YEAH!
Quote from: OBJECTION MAN on September 13, 2014, 04:31:11 PMOH [parasitic bomb] IM USING LINK AND I ACCIDENTALLY FINAL SMASHED A CUCCO OH GOD HELP
Quote from: VirusChris on September 16, 2017, 03:55:20 PMJust enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything

The Great Gonzo


Quote"I can help you--after all, I have the means to do so, where your acquaintances have failed time and time again. All I ask of you..."

Power and Contempt will regret joining Pendula soon. Oh, yes.

* As I suspected, Black/Anti-Gens are now stricken from Engelbaum canon. This is what the two looked like before becoming desperate enough to side with the fellow with Gen-eating horrible things. (Power's Genstone is on his back; Contempt's, on her hip)

Posted on: April 03, 2010, 07:29:36 PM



Outfit swiped from *crazylegz42 because Mega is adorable in it. Now if you'll excuse me, I must hide from the FBI.


Rock in sailor uniform is so adorable.  XD

Proud member of Indigo tribe!

Black Mage J

Pssst, hide in Russia, we have Metal Gears! Rays!

Rad Lionheart

You're right, he's adorable.

Dr. Wily II

Sailorfuku Rock...
Is too cute! 0v0

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

The Great Gonzo

Indeed. <3


After reading that article again, I don't think I put ENOUGH Snickers in there. This represents only a fraction of the Snickers ads crammed into the PAL version of the SNES Biker Mice from Mars game. There are Snickers ads in the sewers! The GODDAMNED SEWERS! And the best part is, Snickers has nothing to do with BMfM (as far as I know).

...neither does RS-Mega, and I doubt he would want to participate in a motorcycle race with three mutant mice, two of whom aren't pictured (that's more up Proto's alley, minus the mice).

QuoteWell, at least not everyone's on Valium this time.

* Jumpgirl appears to be standing on a box. At least, she appears taller than the last group pic featuring RS-Wily-bots.

* Tango's poofy green fur-hair is a reference to Felicia's kitty form. I think she and Felicia would get along well enough.

Speaking of sailor-fuku Rock...

QuoteAnd that's totally not a half-assed background.

Say, who're those hiding behind the trees?

[RPM Answer: They're Crazylegz42's characters Arena and Antenora.]

Protoman Blues

Sweeeeeeeet.  Biker Mice from Mars!  XD


Now Blues has lso become the victim of sailorfication. XD

Proud member of Indigo tribe!

Sniper X

Sailorfuku Rock and Proto is cute. ^^


QuoteBiker Mice from Mars
QuoteSnickers ads

The Great Gonzo


QuoteDrawn in ~Masquerade-keita's P-Chat. The lack of layers bothers me, but I'd like to think that it's better than my previous attempts (which are old and [parasitic bomb]).

Posted on: April 08, 2010, 01:35:39 AM

Quote"...Uh, Maria, where are your--"

"Just keep dancing!"

FFFFFF the CV:J designs are impossible to draw on-model. And Grant's legs are probably bending in ways they shouldn't.

QuoteNot to be confused with "Megasues". Our school is performing Suessical this week, and I needed something to draw after watching the preview, so...

QuoteToo often, gender-bendered RMs just look like girls dressed up as the RMs. Hey, wait--

* Someone on Pixiv gave Rock green hair, of all hair colours.

QuoteAlternate Title: "Thinly-Veiled Love Triangle Centering(?) Around Protoman, Much To His Unamusement".

So...these three. After Rock starts trusting Proto more, but before he's comfortable around anyone else, he would prefer that Proto stay by his side. Ran just wants Proto to return her affections, which is as easy as eating the sun; she's not willing to give up yet, but is careful not to push her luck. If Rock feels anything about this, he doesn't show (or realize) it. Ran just feels that Rock may be a little too clingy.

And then after Rock left, everything went to pot. Such are the General's attempts at sorta-romance.

[RPM Note: Ran belongs to Rouge-the-bat-777.]

Quote"I am a shadow...The true self...Anyone who stands in my way will be crushed, without exceptions! HERE WE GO!"

Obvious Persona 4 inspiration is obvious. The design for Mario's Shadow was spur-of-the-moment; it's meant to be a fusion of Mario's Italian and Mushroomian heritage.


Mario... with persona?! You're indeed the queen of crossover. XD

and nice Maria and Grant there.

Proud member of Indigo tribe!

Black Mage J

Allow me
"I am your shadow, your blasphemous side
Created by pipes and mushroom eyes
Once I defeat you I'll live in your mind
and use the stars to bring Dark Star to life
Look in my eyes we are one of a kind
Same stache same moves same effin leap"
Means I really like it, it just looks excellent for a thing you do daily, it would still look fantastic if you released all that stuff in a week, but if it did take you a week, it would have a background. But I do really like it.


That is one nice art dump.

The Great Gonzo

Thanks. :)

QuoteAt least Knute and Erlend know what they're doing. XD

Quote"I am a shadow...The true self...As I alone hold the Triforce of Wisdom, I am fit to rule over this land as I see fit. Its people are my subjects; nothing more. You have failed to accept this, and are unfit for the throne!"

I think I had a creative brainfart when I designed this. DX

QuoteTried out some new Sharpies that Mom got for me...several days ago. >.>

QuoteThe Page of Swords is a lower Arcana, symbolizing a change. (*kittykat1313meow suggested it, when I asked her which card would fit Mega)

That was supposed to be he colour scheme for Windman's weapon, but it's slightly off (even after I attempted to change it). Oh well.

Quote"Aren't you gonna say hello?"



"Well, what?"

"Aren't you gonna hug me back?"


"You're really cold, you know that?"

"No, I'm frying. That's why I took my jacket off."

"That's not what I meant."

Yeah, Ran's still got a ways to go.

Quote"The show'll start in a few seconds!"


So now Megaman has crossed paths with Lammy, and some random sheep lady with something stuck in her flute. And there's a seafood cake in the background.

QuoteThey're not actually losers, but just "Quartet" isn't very exciting.

Somehow, the powerful Vampire Killer has fallen into the hands of an ordinary soldier, Paul Schneider. He's not in service at the moment, so he's free to track down its wielder and return it to them. Paul meets three other warriors at the tavern--a witch, an invisible man, and a damphyr--and the four set out to accomplish this, unaware of the horrors that lie ahead.

[ray splasher] Euphemism C. Belmont Paul Schneider: A soldier not on active duty at the moment. Though he's supposedly skilled with the bow and arrow, he prefers to use vials of holy water instead. His attempt at wielding the Vampire Killer ended horribly.

Grant DaNasty Benkov Hloch: The invisible man; how he came to be like this is a mystery, and one he advises the others not to look into. Benkov's nunchucks give him considerable range, which is fortunate, as he doesn't have a good constitution.

Sypha Belnades Gale Fernandez: A witch who tries to convince people that she uses her powers for good, to no avail--until she met Paul, who believed her. Afterwards, she was only too happy to join him on his errand. Gale uses red ribbons to attack, which seems laughable until one sees her in action.

Alucard Leila Tepes: The daughter of Alucard; she's been around for a long time, and joined Paul as a means to amuse herself. Like her father, she can assume the form of a bat (never did get the wolf and mist transformations down).

* Leila comes from the JP-only CV3 gamebook; her outfit has bits of Judgment-Alucard's thrown in.

* Gale and Benkov were based on the Salem Witch and Invisible Man enemies, respectively. Paul's design is from a dream of mine (what a surprise).

* The sigil in the background is poorly copied from one in Symphony of the Night.