The Gonzo has art.

Started by The Great Gonzo, November 08, 2008, 06:49:46 PM

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That pinball table looks confusing.
Quote from: OBJECTION MAN on September 13, 2014, 04:31:11 PMOH [parasitic bomb] IM USING LINK AND I ACCIDENTALLY FINAL SMASHED A CUCCO OH GOD HELP
Quote from: VirusChris on September 16, 2017, 03:55:20 PMJust enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything

Black Mage J

Quickman is quick.
Awesome, my friend.


Oi, you broke the yashichi! Left arm is blade down instead of up...


Kinda want to play that just for the heck of it.

Proud member of Indigo tribe!

Dr. Wily II

I absolutely LOVED Teenage Robot Ninja Sheep. XD
But I gotta know... How are the other characters depicted? Like Master Splinter and Shredder? XD

And that pinball machine... RAINBOW MAN D:

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

The Great Gonzo

Hmm...Dr. Light is Splinter, and Shredder is...Sheepman. XD

QuoteOr not, since it's not an actual photo. Stark white limbo isn't photogenic.

This pic, like one of the others I'll be uploading soon, was sat on for a while before being returned to; I ended up not drawing the entire Light family as I had intended to. This time, I wanted to draw them in ways they wouldn't normally appear in (or something like that--articulation isn't my strong point), though that didn't quite turn out how I wanted, either.

L to R: Rush, Dr. Light, Dub and Trill (dunno how to work him into NINE yet), Gutsman (not pictured: ass), Rock, Splashy, Cutman, Tango, Iceman, Fireman, and Sports Roll.

* Splashy's legs aren't covered because, since she has to switch between humanoid and mermaid often, any "Skin" there would just get torn up.

* It's very odd drawing armourless Cutman without him being a psychopath.

* Iceman occasionally has glasses in Capcom artwork (and by "occasionally", I mean Ruby Spears and Battle and Chase).

QuoteSort of. Inspired by a piece of artwork in BSSM Original Picture Collection Vol. 5.

Clockwise, or some approximation of it: Sailors Faye, Olbers, Oterma, Mrkos, Biela, Delphinus, Charon, Black Hole, Antlia, Loneos; center: Dead Planet. Some costume-wise mistakes were made. >.>

QuoteA real-life friend of mine asked for some Massimo/Engineer, and I delivered. I can say that I delivered because she liked it. :)

(Has to do with an RP, run[?] by a fellow I haven't met.)

Quote"...I thought the glass was stronger."

Quote"Hey, that wasn't here before!"

"Do you know what that is?"

"Probably something those college guys threw in as they drove by."

"I dunno, there aren't many roads here--hey, Trill, gimme your net."

"What? I'm not putting this in the water."

"You can dry it off later!"

I sure hope that's not a helmet with some poor bastard's head still in it.

Watching the final part of one Full Metal Alchemist OVA inspired this, or at least the three other kids. (Trill was drawn from memory, and reminds me why I need to bring my refs to school) They aren't named yet, because I can't think of anything that doesn't sound ridiculous, and they're all Rock's kids. He made damn sure that he could live with that decision before building them.

The first boy is painfully shy and overly cautious, and Rock is trying to help him out of it. The girl takes after her aunt and uncle in that she's impossible to keep track of and has no regards for "KEEP OUT", "DANGER", and "YOU TOUCH THIS, YOUR ASS IS DEAD" signs. The second boy mostly takes after his uncle--very cynical and rude. Thankfully, he has an easier time enjoying things than Proto.

If anyone has names for 'em, I'd like to hear them. :)

QuoteNEWSFLASH: This magical-boy series has a name now: "Our Holy War", derived from the title of a Digimon OVA ("Our War Game"). I'm pathetic. >.>

The boys won't be fighting pig demons forever; eventually, they'll have to face the stronger demons that let them out. Their bosses are the assholes that Erlend is pointing at. Only two of the seven princes of Hell are content to let humanity lay ruin to itself; the other five are quite interested in speeding up the process and expanding Hell's borders to overtake Earth's. None of them are aware of what Shio and friends are doing until the boys start taking out higher-ranking demons.

The original plan was to personify the Seven Deadly Sins again...the "again" part made me reconsider, and so I personified their corresponding demons. (Very much aware that it's been done before. Going off Binsfeld's classification of demons; wouldn't have known about it if not for `Endling)

Leviathan (Green, Envy) - He claims to be a sea monster, disregarding the fact that he barely looks like one. Leviathan is the one who instills jealously in humans--except he keeps running into people who are above that. He solves this problem by slashing them to pieces. (Based on a character from the Brigadoon anime; the second black "V" on his face is his open mouth)

Asmodai (Blue, Lust) - This demon is technically genderless, but most others refer to Asmodai as "he" for convenience. As one would expect, he's very sexual and isn't too particular about partners; being a demon, all of his "excursions" end badly for said partners. Asmodai's harmless exterior is just that--an exterior, meant to draw people in, because only the loony want to Biblically know something that actually looks like it could and would put you in the damned hospital.

Beezelbub (Orange, Gluttony) - The second-in-command of the Devil himself. Beezelbub is more restrained and low-key than the first-in-command, and isn't terribly happy with wha he's supposed to instill in humans (though sees America as proof that his sin actually exists). In combat, he strikes silently and swiftly; very few can last for more than a few seconds against him.

Belphagor (Gray, Sloth) - An androgynous demon who doesn't move around much. In fact, his moving at a pace greater than "reversing snail" is a major cause for concern. Belphagor is content to sit around all day and night, and do a lot of nothing--still, he doesn't like being called/used as a paperweight. Good advice for life: don't provoke him. Ever. (Inspired so hard by one Shin Megami Tensei design, it's not funny)

Mammon (Yellow, Greed) - This fellow holds the rare distinction of having worshippers, though that was in the distant past (he still hasn't gotten over this). Mammons primary job nowadays is to help mine for valuables in Hell, which he doesn't mind--he likes the valuables, see. So much that if anyone so much as set foot in the subspace that he keeps them in, they'll be annihilated on the spot and (if they're a non-mortal) have to wait up to a week to respawn in a terribly inconvenient location.

Satan (Red, Wrath) - The Prince of Darkness, The Big Bad, The Man Whose Hair Can't Decide If It's Slicked Back Or Pointy. After being literally thrown out of Heaven, building up Alastor as the Antichrist only to have it fail (over and over--Alastor isn't exactly a crowd-maker), and having his ass handed to him over the course of his endless life, Satan figures he has good reason to be perpetually pissed off. Luckily for the humans, he's gotten so tired of trying to corrupt the whole lot that he's decided to just sit back and let them do it themselves. Unluckily, the other demons save for Beezelbub are having second thoughts about him being top hellhound.

Lucifer (Purple, Pride--not the good gay kind, sadly) - He views himself as the ultimate corrupter, the end of all, and is determined to bring humankind to that end. This goal has little to do with his other plans, of which Satan and Beezlebub aren't in on. After the boys make themselves big enough threats, Lucifer simply factors them in, thinking that their fight against these seven mortals will be a short one.

Sharpies work decently with the paper I used, except when they've got this fuzzy stuff on them. :(

Dr. Wily II

Sheep Man's Shredder... BRILLIANT. XD
That's a cool family portrait, and mmm at more Magical Boys.

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

The Great Gonzo


QuoteRemind me never to try and replicate the style used in the RS-MM promotion artwork with multiple characters ever again. (And even then, it's not 100% accurate)

So there's a thing called a Five Man Band, or Five Bad Band if you're talking about villains (see TV Tropes's articles on both). There's six schmucks here, but it doesn't always have to be five.

The Dragon - Proto. Works directly under Wily (The Big Bad; not pictured), and eventually betrays everyone in Skull Castle save Tango and Mega (who wasn't in it then). Occasionally uses a flamethrower, as if he weren't Dragon-y enough.

The Brute - Tengu, to Proto. Unlike most other Brutes, Tengu is actually intelligent. He is also bisexual, which is fan-speak for "can plausibly be paired up with anyone legal".

The Evil Genius - Bass. More apathetic than evil, but still bats for Team Wily, so there.

The Dark Chicks - Split between Jumpgirl (a Dark Action Girl) and Hologirl (more of a Chick). Contrary to tradition, neither pull a Heel Face Turn (imma gonna be a good guy nao!) nor want to molest the Hero.

The Heart - Megaman, though that's not a proper Band member, but the Band's moral center. He's quite emotional for the first month or so he's at Skull Castle, and is still clinging to his good-guy morals. It would not surprise me if, for those reasons, someone wrote a fic in which he is the group pillow, if you get my drift.

...his body language probably isn't helping.

Black Mage J

Good artistic visualness there!
Your description add an extra oomph to your art, as well.

Dr. Wily II

Lol, group pillow. Poor Mega. XD

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

The Great Gonzo

Thanks. :)

Well, "uke" has too many negative connotations...

QuoteDrawn yesterday, with Vista-Paint's default palette; I didn't want to get too excited about receiving Gigamix Vol. 2 until it was confirmed that they'd shipped (Mr. Miyabi was ordering from an unfamiliar site). Luckily, they are; now it's just a matter of waiting. :D

Mr. Ariga's version of Gaia/Terra/Earth really does have freaky-ass eyes and light blue skin; does a good job of making him seem more "alien". (The same goes for the rest of the Stardroids, though their skin seems more purple) It'll be interesting to see how the events in Gigamix 2 play out.

Protoman Blues

Dr. Wily II

That is indeed a kickass Terra.
Awesome. :3

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

Rad Lionheart

Pretty cool if you ask me.


Creepy Terra there. I like it


It... kinda reminds me of Captain Planet with the hair and skin tone...
Quote from: OBJECTION MAN on September 13, 2014, 04:31:11 PMOH [parasitic bomb] IM USING LINK AND I ACCIDENTALLY FINAL SMASHED A CUCCO OH GOD HELP
Quote from: VirusChris on September 16, 2017, 03:55:20 PMJust enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything

Rad Lionheart

Evil captain planet, is evil.

The Great Gonzo

Protect the environment...or Ted Turner run amuck from Turner Productions will end you! 8)

QuotePLEASE NOTE: If the writing seems too small, hit "Download".

Named after a trope called "Bread Eggs Milk Squick"; Simon was doing perfectly fine in 2016 (helps that he's not impressed by it/Aeon told him about most of it beforehand) until he found out about THAT SERIES. Starts with a T, ends with a T, and criticizing it puts you at risk for getting beaten. With a [tornado fang]ing baseball bat.

* Panel 3: Anyone who knows that story behind Nosferatu will know why Simon wouldn't want to watch it.

* Panel 4: Rub = catch.

* Panel 6: Rock's response was dropped since I couldn't think of one, but there's still a joke in there somewhere...I think.

* Panel 7: The reference used was a photo of the inside of a Mercedes (if I remember correctly); I'd imagine that Rock has a hard time driving from point A to point B without the police stopping him for "underage driving".

* Panel 9: Actually, I think Dr. Light may live in the country, based on the MM9 intro. Still, I think the background noise would be greater than in 1694. (Also--Simon is wearing nothing, but you don't get to see any of the good stuff. Nyah!)

* Panel 10: Eventually, Simon would reason that, since vampires aren't around anymore in 2016, it's all right for people to romanticize them--but for the rest of that day, he was zoned out and prone to occasional fits of "VAMPIRES DON'T [tornado fang]ing SPARKLE!"

Time to add "bookstores" to the list of things I can't draw.

Other things:

* I like Judgment Simon very much. :D Too bad most other fans don't, it seems.

* The combination of dark hair and long sleeves made Rock look more like Shadow Light (aka Megaman Shadow). D'oh. >.>

* I found a way to cross Castlevania over with Megaman. It's called "Near Aeon".

QuoteMy first real attempt at drawing Simon Belmont (specifically the Judgment version, as that was the only reference I had at the time). His outfit is very hard to draw consistently; every time I look at my references, there's another detail that I didn't notice. DX (All of Judgment's designs are like this, though I've only drawn Simon and Aeon so far)

On an unrelated note--Perpetually Shirtless Simon is good. :3 Not so much fanbrat whining about Judgment, though this time, I can see where they're coming from (if you're gonna make a mascot fighter that's not explicitly a "what if" game, everyone should at least be in-character...).

Quote1.) Their clothes were vaguely inspired by what the schmucks in any given Shin Megami Tensei/Persona game wear, and

2.) Proto needs to share. >.>

Unsurprisingly, I managed to traumatize two guys with the WIP.

QuoteObvious Sailor Cosmos inspiration is obvious. Also, upgrades are not just for Mega/the pets anymore.

As with most of my multi-character pics, this took too long to finish.

Quote"Please, Gaia, I'm counting on you to pull through on this."

"...I will."

Before the fangirls start squeeing: Sungod brainwashed Gaia into absolute loyalty; Gaia was originally not the kind of person who would obey Sungod, to boot. (Don't quote me on this; this is for NINE)

Of course, that will be ignored since I based this off a certain panel in the Bleach manga. >.>


Lol, I can understand Simon hehe...though I don´t think he heard Drac´s backstory and he never heard about Alucard. He wouldn´t bear a romantized Archnemesis :P


Lol, poor Simon!  XD

and that's a lot of sailors....

Proud member of Indigo tribe!

The Great Gonzo

Maybe some Carmilla will wash the stench of THAT SERIES out? Then again...

Concept for Trista Belmont (lame) and Liona. WARNING: Liona has no shirt.


Proud member of Indigo tribe!

The Great Gonzo

Dr. Wily II

I simply LOVE that Simon comic there... The pain he's going through... XD

Also, funny to see Mega happy in an alternate costume, and needs more Stardroids. :3

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

The Great Gonzo

Well, that alternate costume doesn't come with a skirt... XD

Quote[Megacat] and Tango-P. It seems that she enjoys this; Mega isn't sure if he wants.

(And that's a holographic sticker. It was left over from something we did in Govt., and rather than throw it away, I stuck it on this. I hope dA won't mind.)

QuoteDrawn earlier this month, but only just now scanned/submitted because I'm lazy. >.> And because I didn't have a lot of time to draw everyone that day, some of the details are inaccurate (Alucard's collar, Maria's shirt).

/irrelevancy below

Recently unlocked SotN on CV: Dracula X Chronicles; I find it very distracting that they use Richter's Ryu Hyabusa-esque sprites from Rondo of Blood when he looks almost nothing like that properly (the Saturn version fixed that, but I don't think the PSP/DXC version did)

I've also met (and lost to) what I think is the first boss post-prologue: Bubba and his friend Jimbo. I'm thinking that I need to take them out one at a time, seeing as how once Bubba turned red, the duo promptly fried Alucard's ass. (Very much aware that they aren't actually named Bubba and Jimbo.)

QuoteAt least Death will be too bust laughing to actually fight Alucard.

Trista Belmont's party.
Missing people; has to do with my Megaman/Castlevania crossover. Speaking of which--

Quote2017 is getting off to a bad start; twelve people have vanished off the face of the Earth, and there are no leads. Everyone is on their guard, especially the Light family--but no one expected a visitor from the past. Namely, one Simon Belmont, who's come to the future courtesy of Aeon; both men suspect that Dracula's servants have found a way to 2017, and may be trying to resurrect him ninety-seven years earlier than normal (Aeon contacted Simon for the second time in 1694).

Aeon can't remain with Simon, as he must monitor other points in time for any signs of Dracula's forces being in places they shouldn't, so Megaman offers to help Simon in his stead. Progress is slow, but there are definite hints that there's more to these disappearances than the authorities think. Occasionally, the two are aided by a new student at Megaman's old school, a young boy named Malus Dominus ("I'm not from around here," he explains when Mega inquires about his name).

Unfortunately, they can't work fast enough to prevent a thirteenth person from vanishing...

This one got stalled mostly because I couldn't decide what to do with the backgrounds.

* This Malus isn't the same one from CV64. (That Malus wasn't a rummage sale reject)

* Simon, Mega, and Malus were coloured with felt tip pens; everything else was with COPICs or large office markers.