New Capcom game to be showcased at Comic-Con

Started by HokutoNoBen, July 09, 2010, 04:46:02 AM

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Bueno Excelente

Used to frustrate me when people were like that. Now, I just laugh at them, rile them up, and drink their tasty tears.

"As long as everyone is happy, somebody won't be."

Protoman Blues

I only get frustrated by people's stupidity when they're driving, because that can cost lives.


Seems to me that there'll be significantly less tears and rage since there are two distinct games. Most likely the fanbases will shun and ignore each other, confident in the knowledge that their version of the game is the best.


Quote from: Most Excellent Superbat on July 20, 2010, 08:27:07 PM
The fanboy rage will reach epic heights. Exactly BECAUSE everyone will be satisfied. Barrels upon barrels upon barrels of fanboy tears...
Smash Bros. did it.  Nice to see it come about in a new way, though.
Also on DeviantArt, Rumble,, and the Fediverse ( and

Bueno Excelente

Quote from: Hypershell on July 21, 2010, 01:19:27 AM
Smash Bros. did it.  Nice to see it come about in a new way, though.
They did. I still love to mock tourneyfags about Brawl. 8D There aren't many people who'll go as far as to create game mods just to make the game more like they want it to be. I can't wait for the eventual "DARKNESS AND BLOOD RED MOD" avalanche that Diablo 3 will have.


Quote from: Most Excellent Superbat on July 21, 2010, 03:11:21 AM
They did. I still love to mock tourneyfags about Brawl. 8D There aren't many people who'll go as far as to create game mods just to make the game more like they want it to be. I can't wait for the eventual "DARKNESS AND BLOOD RED MOD" avalanche that Diablo 3 will have.


Quote from: Capcom Euro TwitterA couple announcements for you this afternoon...


Stay tuned 4PM BST for more.


Quote from: Most Excellent Superbat on July 20, 2010, 08:27:07 PM
Yes. YES! Don't you love it? All the pointless bitching, all the endless moaning, all due to two great companies working together in order to please everyone?

The irony, the pure ironic insaneness that the biggest bitching, moaning and senseless complaining from fans will be when companies actually join forced for the good of every single one of them.

The fanboy rage will reach epic heights. Exactly BECAUSE everyone will be satisfied. Barrels upon barrels upon barrels of fanboy tears...

It will be DELICIOUS.  :V

I went from hating you when I first met you, to liking you over time.

But after this....



Quote from: Most Excellent Superbat on July 21, 2010, 03:11:21 AM
They did. I still love to mock tourneyfags about Brawl. 8D There aren't many people who'll go as far as to create game mods just to make the game more like they want it to be.
To be fair I'm modding the hell out of the game's soundtrack, but even I have to laugh when game mods are created for the FULL AND SOLE PURPOSE of altering the physics engine.

There are only 400 billion different modes one can come up with in Smash and half the internet has to make it NO ITEMS FOX ONLY FINAL DESTINATION.  My favorite Brawl moment was taking an FD engine of destruction into Yoshi's Island Melee, where he found out that he doesn't know how to fight on a slope.  A freaking SLOPE.  That's one hell of an unbalanced stage hazard, right?
Also on DeviantArt, Rumble,, and the Fediverse ( and

Bueno Excelente

Quote from: Red Lantern Turian on July 21, 2010, 10:52:47 PM
I went from hating you when I first met you, to liking you over time.

But after this....

Thank you. Look forward to me making you rage about a topic you're slightly passionate about.

Quote from: Hypershell on July 23, 2010, 02:36:50 AM
To be fair I'm modding the hell out of the game's soundtrack, but even I have to laugh when game mods are created for the FULL AND SOLE PURPOSE of altering the physics engine.

There are only 400 billion different modes one can come up with in Smash and half the internet has to make it NO ITEMS FOX ONLY FINAL DESTINATION.  My favorite Brawl moment was taking an FD engine of destruction into Yoshi's Island Melee, where he found out that he doesn't know how to fight on a slope.  A freaking SLOPE.  That's one hell of an unbalanced stage hazard, right?
Modding game soundtracks is fair and square on any game that doesn't allow for custom soundtracks. I ALWAYS like to keep my own soundtracks to listen to when playing pretty much anything. No idea why only 360 games do that nowadays.

And Jesus. Honestly, why do people care about tourneying in Brawl? It's a friggin' party game! Wow, Melee had tournament potencial. Big friggin' deal, the game was awesome, but it's meant to be played for fun, not with tons of limits. The actual spirit of a Smash Bros game is the way anyone can pick it up, throw items, beat others up, and just have plenty of fun. When I see some dude complaining about wavedashing and crap like that, I feel like puking.


Quote from: Most Excellent Superbat on July 23, 2010, 03:19:37 AM
And Jesus. Honestly, why do people care about tourneying in Brawl? It's a friggin' party game! Wow, Melee had tournament potencial. Big friggin' deal, the game was awesome, but it's meant to be played for fun, not with tons of limits. The actual spirit of a Smash Bros game is the way anyone can pick it up, throw items, beat others up, and just have plenty of fun. When I see some dude complaining about wavedashing and crap like that, I feel like puking.

You're missing the point, in my eyes. The basic thing that made Smash so good in the past was because it DID allow you to play in any style you wanted. Wanted to go for the ultimate in silliness? Go right ahead. Wanted to make it so that it actually became more about individual skill, and less on luck of the draw? Also great! It only really became a problem, in Brawl's case, because Sakurai pretty did everything to shut-out those who wanted to play in the style they wanted to play on the technical end. Removing the likes of WD-ing and etc. is fair, but then they added in completely random things like tripping and what-not. So, in that light, that's what caused people to actually actively seek out ways of making the game in the way they want to. Some of the results are truly a sight to behold. Now we've even got people making their own stages and character skins, among so many others. I've got my precious Roy back, among others!  8D

But in any case, what's it to you if people get enjoyment out of playing the game a certain way? There's no "wrong way" to play the game, and being so insistent on what you consider the "right way" makes you just as bad as the "snobs" on the other side. Just sayin'.  8D

ANY WAY. Back on topic. Tomorrow shall be the day of reckoning. Ono's twitter talks about "more than 2 announcements" to be made at the fighting game panel tomorrow. Could stand to be a very good time to be a fighting game fan...


It's that Mega Man fighting game Horinouchi wanted to make. I know it.
Quote from: OBJECTION MAN on September 13, 2014, 04:31:11 PM
Quote from: VirusChris on September 16, 2017, 03:55:20 PM
Just enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything


Quote from: Talyn on July 23, 2010, 08:05:13 PM
It's that Mega Man fighting game Horinouchi wanted to make. I know it.

Would be nice to see, but I don't foresee Horinouchi and Ono getting together for something like that any time soon. 8D

Come to think of it, where is ol boy Horinouchi in all this Rockman-related hoopla going on currently...?

Protoman Blues




Bueno Excelente

Quote from: HokutoNoBen on July 23, 2010, 07:57:53 PM
You're missing the point, in my eyes. The basic thing that made Smash so good in the past was because it DID allow you to play in any style you wanted. Wanted to go for the ultimate in silliness? Go right ahead. Wanted to make it so that it actually became more about individual skill, and less on luck of the draw? Also great! It only really became a problem, in Brawl's case, because Sakurai pretty did everything to shut-out those who wanted to play in the style they wanted to play on the technical end. Removing the likes of WD-ing and etc. is fair, but then they added in completely random things like tripping and what-not. So, in that light, that's what caused people to actually actively seek out ways of making the game in the way they want to. Some of the results are truly a sight to behold. Now we've even got people making their own stages and character skins, among so many others. I've got my precious Roy back, among others!  8D

But in any case, what's it to you if people get enjoyment out of playing the game a certain way? There's no "wrong way" to play the game, and being so insistent on what you consider the "right way" makes you just as bad as the "snobs" on the other side. Just sayin'.  8D

ANY WAY. Back on topic. Tomorrow shall be the day of reckoning. Ono's twitter talks about "more than 2 announcements" to be made at the fighting game panel tomorrow. Could stand to be a very good time to be a fighting game fan...
Allowed you to play in any style you wanted, of course. One style was using the whole game, and the other style was being limited to three to four characters, turning off items, just using Final Destination and stock lives. That's as if people found some kinda really cool level in a game to constantly speedrun in, and in the game's sequel, that level, or the abilities they used in certain characters within the level, were gone. It pissed me off when people hogged the console at the game store simply playing the same level, with the same characters, over and over and over again. I say screw those dudes. Sakurai made the game, he's got the right to turn it into anything he wants to it.

Gotham Ranger


Quote from: Most Excellent Superbat on July 23, 2010, 09:04:14 PM
It pissed me off when people hogged the console at the game store simply playing the same level, with the same characters, over and over and over again. I say screw those dudes.
They played it the way they wanted to, what's the problem? Unless it's that you couldn't stand playing with them so you never got a turn, I guess that would be pretty annoying.


Besides, people turning off items in Brawl is justified, since a good portion of the items are actually broken. =/

Bueno Excelente

Quote from: Align on July 24, 2010, 06:17:06 PM
They played it the way they wanted to, what's the problem? Unless it's that you couldn't stand playing with them so you never got a turn, I guess that would be pretty annoying.
It was a store that closed off a few years back, which was pretty much the perfect standard of a game store. A nice, comfy store with a big TV and all the available consoles from all generations for everyone to request and play. It survived on few customers, and it had regulars basically sitting around the lounge couch and playing a few games all day. Except there were about 6 people who pretty much JUST played the same game, same characters, same level, same stuff EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. At a certain point, people who came in were forced to set by their standards of play, since more than two of them were always at the console,  and majority always won. The way Melee/Brawl tourneyfags behave around others is just stupid. It isn't just by this one example, I'm not stupid enough to believe a few people set a standard. I've seen this in so many places around the net, it drives me insane. So what if the items break the whole game? So what if it's so chaotic, that it's not 100% FAIR TO EVERYONE? It was never supposed to be. Wavedashing, tournament rules, that set of characters which turns it into a potential professional tournament game... it was never intended to be so, it was all an accident, which people simply got advantage of. Due to that fact, people got no place complaining about it being taken out. It's like complaining about a certain ingredient being taken out of some product because that one ingredient could be made to manufacture a drug. Just because people no longer get high over it, it's no reason to go crazy over it.


*shrug* I'm not defending tourneyfaggotry or anything, but some people don't like having to deal with gamebreaking items or, rather, the effects that said gamebreaking items have on the flow of a match. Take Landmasters, for example. More often than not, that's 2 lives gone right there, at least. Similarly, some people enjoy balance in their fighting games (Not tier-wise, at least not for Smash), but with the other factors of the game, like accessibility and location. The reason people play on Final Destination with no items is because they want everybody playing the game to have an equal and fair chance. I can't argue with the intention, but the execution seems waaaaaay too rigid and strict. There are other ways to balance Smash than "NO ITEMS, FOX ONLY, 3 LIVES, FINAL DESTINATION", but it seems that people don't realize that, and Smash (mainly Melee/Brawl) is unfortunately divided among the hardcore gamers, known by the casuals as tourneyfags, and the casuals, known by the tourneyfags as scrubs. Middlegrounds are very few and far between, as both sides have (intentionally or accidentally) drawn the line and most of them play by their respective extremes.

On the subject of Capcom vs Namco, if it ever gets made, Yoshimitsu for top-tier.



Street Fighter X (Cross) Tekken by Capcom

This game will play like a SF game.

Also, there will be a Namco made Tekken x SF, as well as an online version of SF3:3S on the way.


Since it's SF X Tekken and not Capcom X Namco I'm kinda disappointed. Looking forward to 3S online.

My life is currently bears and Jojos and everything is great.

Bueno Excelente

Hooooly shiiiiiit, so it was true after all. AWESOME.

...commence immense bitching from fans who don't like one or the other. 8D


Is it me, or are they using the same Ryu model from SSFIV?