Judging by how a certain topic has gone, I felt this would be a good one to make. Have you ever played a game, and had a genuine emotional reaction? Cheered happily, cried, gotten angry, anything? If so, post your stories here!
Here's a good one of mine. When I was 10, I was playing Final Fantasy II on my trusty Super Nintendo. Yes, I know it's actually FF4, but that's besides the point. Anyways, I was at the Tower of Zot, and then Tellah sacrificed himself by casting Meteo to stop Golbez. I seriously cried. It was sad.
In a related story, upon playing FF4 DS I cried at the same scene (the voice acting made it all the more emotional) and also Palom and Porom's sacrifice after beating Cagnazzo.
Anyone else have moments like this? Remember, any emotion is acceptable in this thread!