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Blue Valkyrie

Quote from: Sakura Leic on June 11, 2016, 06:03:32 AM
Youtube button doesn't work, there's a link to a thread for embedding videos in the box of links that contains the rules and intro thread at the top of the forum.

Thanks-figured something was wrong there.

Quote from: Phi on June 11, 2016, 06:06:37 AM
Goku Time...?

Well he was pretty much the only character who did anything in the series-what else could GT stand for?  8D

Quote from: Makoto Kino on June 11, 2016, 06:07:18 AM
Honestly my only real issue with GT would be having to bellyache my way through the godawful Baby [parasitic bomb]. I hate "evil possession" arcs possibly even more than I hate hamfisted rescue arcs.

Fair enough-I kinda liked baby as a villain though since unlike most he had some legitimate hatred for the sayians even if it was genetically programed into him. Also his design while infesting vegeta was kinda neat.

Protoman Blues

I hated all of GT. Literally all of it.

Sakura Leic

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Mr. Haxwell

Quote from: Protoman Blues on June 11, 2016, 08:25:56 AM
I hated all of GT. Literally all of it.

Most of my hate is on Pan's character.

Fear me.


I liked GT to a degree, but I also grew up with it.

Sakura Leic

Quote from: TENK on June 11, 2016, 01:50:25 PM
Most of my hate is on Pan's character.
The only thing I didn't like about Pan is that they didn't do anything with her and she was just there for the sake of being there.
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection


I think we can all agree that GT is the worst series in the franchise.

Sakura Leic

Well considering it's an alternate continuity and not cannon with the main DB franchise I say yeah.  But at least we get Super Sayian 4 in Xenoverse.
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Protoman Blues

Sakura Leic

Quote from: Protoman Blues on June 11, 2016, 08:51:55 PM
Yep. All of it. It was all awful.
Usually people say the Dark Dragons were the only good thing that came out of GT, but to be honest they weren't really that memorable either. :\
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection


The concept of SSJ4 is the only good thing the came out of GT. I really liked the idea of reverting back to the Oozaru Saiyan roots.

Sakura Leic

I also kind of liked the idea that they had a consequence for using the Dragon Balls too much, though I think the execution was kind of stupid looking back at it. :\
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Protoman Blues

Quote from: Sakura Leic on June 11, 2016, 08:54:47 PM
Usually people say the Dark Dragons were the only good thing that came out of GT, but to be honest they weren't really that memorable either. :\

That's what my friend told me as well. I still hated it. I thought it was boring & the fights were just so contrived.


It's quite sad. Dragon Ball had the best fights in the series.

Instead of winning by whoever has the largest ki blast, DB characters used actual martial arts.

Sakura Leic

Quote from: Protoman Blues on June 11, 2016, 09:54:21 PM
That's what my friend told me as well. I still hated it. I thought it was boring & the fights were just so contrived.
Yeah I agree as well, and I honestly really didn't like that the Female Dragon was just one big joke thanks to being based off of Oolong's panty wish. :\

Quote from: Phi on June 11, 2016, 10:05:07 PM
It's quite sad. Dragon Ball had the best fights in the series.

Instead of winning by whoever has the largest ki blast, DB characters used actual martial arts.
Yeah the Dragon Ball fights were pretty damn awesome, though I'll always have a soft spot for the Cell Saga in DBZ since it showed just how flawed a lot of the characters are and it almost costed them everything because of how everyone in that tournament made so many big screw ups. 

If 16 didn't die and awaken Gohan's rage all would have been lost.
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection


Everything relating to SSJ2 Gohan will always be my favorite part of DBZ.

Sakura Leic

Yeah looking back at it Frieza's fight just wasn't that good because it lacked tension to me.  I mean yeah Namek was blowing up, and yeah Krillien's death was gut wrenching and a huge tear jerker just because of how Goku reacted to it and the shock of just how terrifying a Super Saiyan, a being born of pure anger, is but it was just so disappointing just how easy Frieza was to be curb stomped once that happened. 

I mean yeah that's kind of the point, Frieza fearing the Saiyans because of how powerful they are and the show does a good job of proving why Saiyans are so feared, but in the end it was pretty weak compared to when Vegita was first fought and even Raditz.  I mean it was great at the time, especially with how dickish they were for taking so long to get to that point in the US, but now it just looks boring.

I think another problem in the Namek saga was how Goku was heavily depened on for nearly everything, and he became this almost invincible hero.  I mean yeah Goku got wrecked by Ginyuu, but only because of the body switching. 

I also have a huge sore spot for the Buu saga due to Vegita acting so stupid and Kid Trunks being......well Kid Trunks.  That and how overshadowed Gohan became, I mean yeah it's in Gohan's character to not dedicate himself to fighting but it was still disappointing since Gohan is one of my favorite characters.  The only thing I liked was how Hercule was redeemed, everything he did in that Saga was awesome, and he's just a normal guy!
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection


Goku is quite literally the Jesus of the franchise, that's why everyone depends on him.

Sakura Leic

Quote from: Phi on June 11, 2016, 10:38:16 PM
Goku is quite literally the Jesus of the franchise, that's why everyone depends on him.
Yeah and I honestly really don't like that, it's a very common trap that a lot of Shonen series fall into and it's also why Naruto is also very much despised by its detractors, other than Sasuke being one of the most badly written characters in history, the Lead Character is the Center of the Universe. 

The only time this didn't happen in DBZ was in the previously mentioned Cell Saga and first 2 Sayian Sagas, with Piccolo finishing off Raditz and Goku only barely winning at the skin of his teeth thanks to Gohan going Oozaru and Yajirobe actually doing something for once and slicing off Vegeta's tail.  Otherwise Goku, and in a lot of bland Shonens the Lead Character, has to do [tornado fang]ing everything because the not Lead Characters can't dare to steal the Spotlight from the Lead Character or else the Lead Character can't be the most awesomest person in the Universe.

Nothing happens without the Lead Character, only the Lead Character can beat the Big Bad and most of their hench men.  Lead Character this, Lead Character that, Lead Character, Lead Character, Lead [tornado fang]ing Character all day erry day. 

It's really infuriating that all of the other characters are either supports or loads, it's almost like they might as well not be there because 90% of the time they don't do anything major, most of the time they stall or they try and fail miserably and nothing changes.  It really diminishs how awesome DBZ is because Goku is usually used as a plot device to wrap everything up and do most of the work.

It's why I prefer Yu Yu Hakusho much more, it's why I absolutely adore Jojo's Bizzare Adventure so [tornado fang]ing much, it's not all about the Lead Character, the other characters actually provide meaningful support and actually do things meaningful and significant! 

I mean DBZ is a fun ride, and I still like it very much, but otherwise a lot of it makes me cringe with how much they kiss up to Goku and how they really trivialize the growth of other characters, even and especially Vegeta.  I mean Vegeta tries to do things, but in the end it almost always falls flat and Goku has to save the day and get all the credit.
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection


You have to remember that DBZ is the foundation for most shounen anime, which is why you have things like Naruto, Fairy Tail, and One Piece with very similar protagonists. And as with many foundations/starting points, there is bound to be countless flaws and plot inconsistencies.

Like you said, that's why shows like Yu Yu Hakusho are so goddamn great. It breaks the protagonist plot-armor mold, and takes time to focus on secondary characters and their personal struggles. Yusuke didn't seem that much more important than the others; everyone had development.

[spoiler]And I LOVE that Yusuke lost the final battle against Yomi. Even with newly discovered strength, he isn't perfect.

I'd like to see a shounen made now that'd have the balls to have their main character lose a major battle.[/spoiler]

Fairy Tail is probably the worst offender of always having the heroes win by bullshit means, so this new RP triggers me a little bit.

Sakura Leic

Yeah and that's why I don't fault DBZ as much, I hate what it became at times but it has it's good and even great points.  I mean even the newer movies, which still had plenty of the same problems mind you, did some really good things as well.  I mean they weren't perfect, but they both had some good ideas and Resurrection of F did some character exploration and again highlighted the flaws of Goku, Vegeta, and especially Frieza. 

I mean yeah, Vegeta was robbed at the end, Frieza could have been much more of a threat, and the ending where Goku and Vegeta basically pissed on the idea of actually overcoming said flaws and willingly working together for once instead of as a last resort was one of the dumbest things I've ever seen, but the thought was really appreciated to me.  Hell Master Roshi actually did something again, it wasn't much, but he actually did something!
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Police Girl

Honestly most of the reason Battle of Gods is any good is because of the very Classic-Era Dragonball style humor. Resurrection F has a lot of the same too but it gets a bit dumb with SSJGSSJ (Thankfully renamed to Super Saiyan Blue which sounds just silly as opposed to obnoxious)

Honestly nowadays looking back while Goku might be the main character of the entire franchise he seems very secondary in Z. I mean if you think about it his story is mostly told in Dragonball, starting with Z he starts falling into the trend of being either Dead/Traveling to the fight via the slowest flying in the series/In the Hospital/On a spaceship/in THE POD/Taking the scenic route back from Namek/Having a literal heart attack then sleeping it off/Training in the Time Chamber/Standing on the sidelines/Dying again (for really real this time guys!)/Training in other world/trying to teach fusion dance/being dead again.

Honestly the only real times he's the focus during Z are the big fights (Raditz, Vegeta & Nappa, Ginyu and Final Form Frieza, Perfect Cell and Super/Kid Buu) in the series. During all the smaller fights (Everybody before Ginyu, Frieza 1-3, Androids, Imperfect/Semi-Perfect Cell and Fat Buu) He either clowns everybody in a few hits (Ginyu Force save for Guldo and Jeice who were both killed by Vegeta), is made to be incapacitated so he can't fight (Androids) or only fights to stall for time (Fat Buu). Everything else is mostly focused on Gohan (Especially when he was Training with Piccolo, but also most of Namek and of course the final fight with Cell) and Vegeta (Everything involving his fights with Frieza, Cell, when he turned Majin, and his involvement during the end of the Kid Buu fight.).

Everybody else got the short end of the stick, half the Z fighters were essentially useless (save for Piccolo and maybe Krillin and Tien), most of the supporting cast from Dragonball up and vanished (Poor poor Lunch.) but that sorta tends to happen with Shonen series.

Z's far from the excellence of the original Dragonball but its still far bettter than like 90% of shonens out there. One Piece might honestly be one of the few decent ones that's still around, if only because it has a feeling more of a grand adventure that doesn't always take itself with the utmost seriousness and less of a "Serial Escalation" vibe where everything keeps getting BIGGER AND BADDER and the stakes keep rising until it all just kinda ends on a wet fart.


Z was SUPPOSED to focus more on Gohan than Goku, but that just didn't really stick as more characters were added to the mix. I feel like Gohan got shafted hard after the Saiyan arc.


It was supposed to end after the Frieza saga, with Goku presumably dying.

But fans liked Goku too much, so Toriyama went "here, have an Android and Cell saga."

So then it was going to end after the Cell saga, which would have been [tornado fang]ing perfect, as Gohan would continue his father's legacy.

Fans wanted more. Then Toriyama said "Shut the [tornado fang] up and take this Buu saga!"

... And years later, we now have Super, so it's clearly all about the money now.

Sakura Leic

Actually those are just false rumors that have been circulated by the majority of the fans since they felt like DBZ should had ended at multiple points, the only thing that might be confirmed, I think it is and I have to double check to be sure on that, was that Toriyama wanted to make Gohan the main character after Cell but the Japanese audience didn't seem to like that idea and the executive meddling about the higher ups hating all the villains in the Cell Saga until Cell was made.

Further more Toriyama is only really responsible for the manga, not the anime that's adapted from the manga. 

The only real kernel of truth in this is that the original Dragon Ball was supposed to be only 2 volumes long and he would go back to writing his other stuff.  Then it got massively popular, so that's how we got here.   Otherwise all those other rumors are false because Toriyama himself never said anything of the sort.
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection