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Messages - BassDS

I would definitely want a RnR3DS game. Love the RPGs more than the sidescrollers to be honest, since BN4 got me here.
Gaming / Re: The Kingdom Hearts Thread
September 19, 2010, 03:01:39 AM
Well I've been hearing rumors that they may remake Days using Birth by Sleep's battle system. I enjoyed the DS game, so I'd be happy if this turns out to be true.
Quote from: Yllisos Zanon on February 26, 2010, 06:27:22 AM
For those who are interested, I am going to list who made 1st, 2nd and 3rd.  From me:

third = Akira
second = Linkfreak131
First = borockman

Bad Love:
third = hj
second = Rad Lionhart
First = The Great Gonzo

I actually like hj's picture

Only reason why mine didn't look good is because that's the best I can draw. I can't amke it go any further.
Well, the contest was a good idea for a backup. Guess I'm walking to gamestop to take SoulSilver's price down with the money i have in my wallet. Plus I still got points for MM10.

Only thing I hate about my art is that I can't get out of using this art style. It's been that way for years and it won't change no matter what i try.
I get the feeling this will be very nerve-racking to me, course then again, this is the first time I entered anything.
Well, I guess I can wait. Hope it doesn't take long. I won't have net access during the week; only on weekends.
I wonder how long voting will take...Hmm...
Battle Network and StarForce for me. They're much more enjoyable to me than the originals.
Gaming / Re: List Those Free Games!
February 21, 2010, 03:00:57 AM

Teletubbies Mercy Killing

Best. Free. Game. EVER.

make sure to aim for the heads.
Gaming / Re: The "What are you currently playing?" Thread
February 21, 2010, 02:59:29 AM
Jumping back and forth from Kingdom Hearts I & II to CoD: Modern Warfare Reflex.
Virtual Console
Sonic 1
Sonic 2
Sonic 3
Sonic & Knuckles
Mega Man
Mega Man 2
Mega Man 3
Super Mario Bros. 3

My Pokemon Ranch - Can't use due to Diamond being my reset cart for Pokemon events. Nintendo, quit being lazy and just give us the friggin' patch!
Mega Man 9

Upcoming: Mega Man 4 and 10 for sure

All my Virtual Console and WiiWare games I've gotten since I picked up my Wii last year.
Quote from: Rock Miyabi on February 15, 2010, 12:49:15 AM
I am not holding out hope for any more, to be quite honest. Everyone who said they would be entering on my dA journal did, other than kata. I don't know how many of Vixy's "last-minute" friends were in that bunch, but chances are most did.

As stupid as it sounds, I think I'll feel worse for the 1 or 2 people who don't make the top 3 if they can't win something, than I would if 2-6 additional people couldn't win a prize. Because then I'm gonna feel like I owe them something for participating, when they just missed out. Again, it was just for competition reasons more than anything. I know 2 months should have been enough time, but I always keep hoping to get a large enough field where it actually feels like a contest. If we don't get any more, we'll just roll with it and I'll take the blame for doing nothing but delaying the inevitable. 

I've been doing these contests for 4 years now, and of course the main reason has always been to give something back to you guys and do some community-building. I wouldn't be essentially giving away $100-$200 of my own money for prizes every year if that weren't the case. (LOL, that's why I can't afford a tablet or up-to-date photo program! 8D) But I can definitely see the mood just isn't there anymore in our community, unless it's some awesome, new, special prize straight from Capcom themselves. And that's what other people have told me privately, as well. Sure, we get busy with life; I for one know that too much. And that affects how many have time to enter. But there hasn't been much change in participants recently, either. Plus enough Rockman fansites are dying out or just aren't too active, so fewer have interest in something like this, or in the prizes I end up giving away. I know not everyone is an EXE fan, but it's usually the easiest merchandise for me to get a hand of, or have extras laying around. 

So for those reasons, that's why I was fully intending on this being the last contest I personally held, and I was just sorta hoping it would go out with a little more of a bang is all. Same reason why I didn't want Maq's to end on such a bad note in '08, and offered to be the one giving away prizes this past summer. Just so her last contest would actually be a contest, rather than ending as a year where the entries never got judged and disappeared into an unknown wasteland. So yeah, extending this deadline is partially just my ego holding on to something, hoping for one last-ditch surge. And for that, I apologize to any of you who don't totally agree with me prolonging it a week, especially when Valentine's Day will be long over. But I just...wanted to try one last time, is all. And that's the truth of the matter, which I honestly didn't really want to be made public yet.

Don't push yourself too hard, man. You're just doing what feels right to you.
Mine's in, Rock. I sent a PM to you of the link to it.
Miyabi, can I give it a shot? I've never been in a contest before, but I don't mind trying.
My life just got so much better. This is gonna be cool.
Still getting it. StarForce is my favorite out of all the series. Like that 8 bit Mega wrist strap too.
Quote from: Gaia on June 13, 2009, 08:07:37 PM
There's always the DSLite version, they are pretty much the same kit built for two diffrent DS models.

Reason why i don't want one for the DS lite is because mine is the Limited Edition DS with Dialga and Palkia on it, and I wouldn't want to cover that up.
I'm getting the kit even though I don't own a DSi at the moment.
Why don't you back off of StarForce? It's a good series and it has its fans,