Rock Miyabi's '10 Valentine's Day Fanart Contest

Started by Rock Miyabi, December 14, 2009, 02:03:40 AM

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Alice in Entropy

Y'know, I wouldn't mind entering, especially at this rate, but there's a few problems there.

1. Without a digital art program, my drawings look blurry and messy on the page.
2. I doubt I could draw a decent romance scene.
3. I fail at drawing Mega Man characters.
4. I'd never even get around to scanning the damn thing.

Kind of a pity, this sounds like fun. Ah well. I wish you guys luck, and I hope some other people are good enough to join. =3


Yea, it really is just two entries right now. I looked at both e-mails. Nothing new yet. O.O;
Nintendo 3DS Friend Code: 3480-2506-4200
[DeviantArt||Youtube|Fan Work|WiiVC|Character File]
Rock10: Ranking. Rock9: AC, EA, SS, Challenge, Ranking.
(c) Sky Child~                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

Sub Tank

It would be three, but I haven't figured out how to get disqualified yet.

Yllisos Zanon

The deadline draws closer, around the corner it dwells...

GAWD, I hate Valentines Day...  >_<
They're coming to take me away
hee hee hoo hoo haw haw


No worries, my work is in progress.

Should be finished this week.

Proud member of Indigo tribe!

Sniper X


Proud member of Indigo tribe!

Yllisos Zanon

Last chance for any brain farts...   ...Can toot away people.  X(
They're coming to take me away
hee hee hoo hoo haw haw


Proud member of Indigo tribe!

Rock Miyabi

Sorry, borock. I was preoccupied and hadn't double-checked our secret super special webpage. But it looks like Vixy handled it for me.

Seriously, we just have the four entries right now, three in humor and one for talent. If you are entering, still try to send them in tomorrow. I'm going to tempt fate and see how many submit by the deadline time tomorrow night (there are at least 4 who said they will submit last minute), but the chances are REAL good the deadline will be extended, hate to say.
Previously was K.G. Inafunbags, Captain Heady, Damon Gant, and the guy who liked the blue bomber solely for the reason that he was blue.


You can extend only if it's necessary. I have a few friends who are in the "last minute" line. ^^;
Nintendo 3DS Friend Code: 3480-2506-4200
[DeviantArt||Youtube|Fan Work|WiiVC|Character File]
Rock10: Ranking. Rock9: AC, EA, SS, Challenge, Ranking.
(c) Sky Child~                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         


Dr. Wily II

Miyabi will send it to us when they're ready.
Be patient, and prepare yourselves for the arts to come. :3

I'm watching you all. Always watching.


Proud member of Indigo tribe!

Dr. Wily II

I'm watching you all. Always watching.


Proud member of Indigo tribe!

Rock Miyabi

Quote from: Blackhook on February 13, 2010, 02:06:40 PM
When do we get to judge? I´m all fired up  >0<
As long as we get enough entries in, there are still just under 13 hours for people to complete their pics. If we have enough, I'll send you the link and info tomorrow. We're up to 4 Humor and 2 Talent now. I'd still prefer to have at least 5 in each category, if not double that. :/ It's not really a contest if you basically win for submitting, now is it?

If I have to extend the deadline, I will probably make it the 27th, in which case you'd get to judge on the 28th.
Previously was K.G. Inafunbags, Captain Heady, Damon Gant, and the guy who liked the blue bomber solely for the reason that he was blue.



Mine's in, Rock. I sent a PM to you of the link to it.

Rock Miyabi

Alright, the deadline has passed and we ended up with 5 Humor entries and 4 Talent. The only positive is that I finally stopped the streak of fewer entries each year...this ties with last year's total. (Except last year there was only one category.)

As much as we could just run with that, I want to give people one last shot at entering to hopefully make this more of a competition. So the deadline will be extended one more week. The new deadline will be this Saturday, February 20th, at 5PM CST. Earlier time, because I can send the judges the link right after I get home from work, no exceptions. Hopefully we can get judging done in less than a day, then. Anyone who has already submitted something is free to tweak or touch up their entries if they feel necessary.

C'mon people, if Capcom Unity can get 50 people to draw something in a week, I can get 5 more entries, right? Right? ;O;

The more entries, dA journal plugs, twitter posts and comments I get in this thread, the more puzzle pieces will be revealed for my wedding pic!!!!!!! >0<

OK, I lie, I'm nowhere near done yet, either...
Previously was K.G. Inafunbags, Captain Heady, Damon Gant, and the guy who liked the blue bomber solely for the reason that he was blue.

The Great Gonzo


It's a little unfair to the artists who already sent in their entries.
Some kind of penalty to the late entries would make it a little more fair. XD
Nintendo 3DS Friend Code: 3480-2506-4200
[DeviantArt||Youtube|Fan Work|WiiVC|Character File]
Rock10: Ranking. Rock9: AC, EA, SS, Challenge, Ranking.
(c) Sky Child~                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         


Quote from: VixyNyan on February 14, 2010, 10:16:35 PM
It's a little unfair to the artists who already sent in their entries.
Some kind of penalty to the late entries would make it a little more fair. XD
I actually agree

Rock Miyabi

I am not holding out hope for any more, to be quite honest. Everyone who said they would be entering on my dA journal did, other than kata. I don't know how many of Vixy's "last-minute" friends were in that bunch, but chances are most did.

As stupid as it sounds, I think I'll feel worse for the 1 or 2 people who don't make the top 3 if they can't win something, than I would if 2-6 additional people couldn't win a prize. Because then I'm gonna feel like I owe them something for participating, when they just missed out. Again, it was just for competition reasons more than anything. I know 2 months should have been enough time, but I always keep hoping to get a large enough field where it actually feels like a contest. If we don't get any more, we'll just roll with it and I'll take the blame for doing nothing but delaying the inevitable. 

I've been doing these contests for 4 years now, and of course the main reason has always been to give something back to you guys and do some community-building. I wouldn't be essentially giving away $100-$200 of my own money for prizes every year if that weren't the case. (LOL, that's why I can't afford a tablet or up-to-date photo program! 8D) But I can definitely see the mood just isn't there anymore in our community, unless it's some awesome, new, special prize straight from Capcom themselves. And that's what other people have told me privately, as well. Sure, we get busy with life; I for one know that too much. And that affects how many have time to enter. But there hasn't been much change in participants recently, either. Plus enough Rockman fansites are dying out or just aren't too active, so fewer have interest in something like this, or in the prizes I end up giving away. I know not everyone is an EXE fan, but it's usually the easiest merchandise for me to get a hand of, or have extras laying around. 

So for those reasons, that's why I was fully intending on this being the last contest I personally held, and I was just sorta hoping it would go out with a little more of a bang is all. Same reason why I didn't want Maq's to end on such a bad note in '08, and offered to be the one giving away prizes this past summer. Just so her last contest would actually be a contest, rather than ending as a year where the entries never got judged and disappeared into an unknown wasteland. So yeah, extending this deadline is partially just my ego holding on to something, hoping for one last-ditch surge. And for that, I apologize to any of you who don't totally agree with me prolonging it a week, especially when Valentine's Day will be long over. But I just...wanted to try one last time, is all. And that's the truth of the matter, which I honestly didn't really want to be made public yet.
Previously was K.G. Inafunbags, Captain Heady, Damon Gant, and the guy who liked the blue bomber solely for the reason that he was blue.

Alice in Entropy


Well...maybe I'll try and get something done really quick, in that case. It won't be big and it won't be pretty, but every little helps, as they say. x3