How did you get interested in Mega Man?

Started by CyberXIII, September 28, 2009, 12:30:38 AM

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Dantonumanoa Ongdolota Amycronicon

I first learned of Mega Man when I was a wee little lad, from playing Mega Man 6 and watching that really old cartoon on TV. I became really interested with the debut of the Battle Network series (i.e. that's when I was starting to play Mega Man games regularly.)

I put on my [twin slasher] face.

I also go by Spectro D., Idylleaus, Malabar, and Dumb-bit Twofuck.


I started when I tuned in to Kids WB and watched Megaman NT Warrior, but it really started when I got Zero.
Something weird happened to my banner, please wait while I find a new one.

*Elevator music starts playing*


Megaman 2 was my first game I've ever played. My father often played with the NES when I was a kid, and his favourite games were the Megaman games. So yeah I tried it out myself and was simply amazed. I don't know how old I was back then but it was like 5 years  '>.>
I'm 18 now btw


Megaman Legends was one of the first games I bought when the playstation came out. Up until then, I just played the games on the demo disk.


Battle Network and StarForce for me. They're much more enjoyable to me than the originals.


I just kept seeing it everywhere, y'know, being into videogames and all, before actually trying it out one day. Which I was reluctant to do because I knew I'd get obsessed and spend lotsa' money on it.

And here I am.

It was mostly EXE that did it for me, that's not to say that the classic games aren't amazing. 9 has to be one of my favorite games ever.


Well, Mega Man is a video game, and I'm interested in most video games, so... yeah... Also, Mega Man X was one of my first games, so... yeah... There's the memories.
Quote from: OBJECTION MAN on September 13, 2014, 04:31:11 PMOH [parasitic bomb] IM USING LINK AND I ACCIDENTALLY FINAL SMASHED A CUCCO OH GOD HELP
Quote from: VirusChris on September 16, 2017, 03:55:20 PMJust enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything


I love Mega man series. I have been playing this game for one year. I have never got bored and miss any day to play mega man. However my little is a huge fan of Mega man. He brought me in this game. Now My little brother and I waiting for next version of this game.


My brother showed me Rockman 3. It instantly became my favorite game of it's time.


Some months ago I watched german Let`s plays of the Classic-Series.
It hit me then, that I missed out on a great game series again and I started to get into the topic and by now I`m totally absorbed in it.


Funny thing is, my interest never began with the original series, and personally, I don't find them all that great. It all started during the SNES era, when I was about 4-5, and the first games I remember were Mega Man X and X3. Personally, it was like Dragon Ball Z in an even MORE futuristic setting, filled with things that go BOOM!! (Not that I was pro, hell I think I asked my dad a few times to beat a stage for me, and never beat the games until 2 years ago, cheat knowledge in hand).

Then, when the PS1 came around, and forced to choose between MM8 and MMX4. I told my dad, "I wanted the one with the ninja robot!" (Didn't really care if Zero was a guy or a girl, someone with a melee weapon going against thousands of soldiers gets an award in my book). Eventually, I got both, but Mega Man then..."Meh, it's okay."

Only when I bought the MMAC when it came out did I really play the classic series. Even though I promised my dad a race who could go through the series the fastest, lack of a wall jump and "old-school difficulty" put my young mind to go for MM7. And even then, it was as good as 8. Call me what you will, but in general, 16-bit>8-bit. Classic series is fun, don't get me wrong, but I've found a home with the X and Zero series.

What keeps me around, though, is the potential for what the series could be. If they do find a way to expose the series in the right light...pretty much my fantasy realised.

Oh yeah, besides the cable ponytail and booblights, I relate to Zero. A defective robot who eventually sets the world straight from an unsightly mutation?  Count me in!

...though until they de-pussify the hair and chest into something a little less like Ruroni Kenshin, I'm gonna dib Fef and Prometheus as mah mains. A guy can make up fanfics to make them look cool, right?  8D

