Rock Miyabi's '10 Valentine's Day Fanart Contest

Started by Rock Miyabi, December 14, 2009, 02:03:40 AM

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Rock Miyabi

Yowzers, hard to believe this is already the fourth year I've held this contest. Thanks to the kindness and generosity of Vixy, this year my Valentine's fanart contest is being fully hosted at RPM for your submitting and viewing pleasure. Being the holiday season, I apologize for not being completely 100% organized today, but I wanted to at least launch the rules and key info so that all participants will have exactly two months from today to submit their entries. Vixy and I will work to get a link working on the main page with the complete rundown as soon as possible.

Once again, there will be two separate categories, with three winners from each. The first category was voted on by you, the fans, on my deviantART page. According to you and Billy Idol, it's apparently a nice day for a white wedding. The second category was chosen by me, and tries to divert from the other theme just a little bit. Crank up the Jon Bovi: Shot through the heart, in this videogame, Megavillain, you give love a bad name (...bad name...). 8D


Two categories. You are allowed to enter one piece of art in both, if you would like. If you place in one category, you will be automatically disqualified from placing in the other, for reasons of fairness.


Some characters are just made for each other. And it's time they profess their everlasting love for their significant other. You can get creative with this theme, so you don't only have to draw a traditional wedding pic. Whether it's the proposal, getting fitted for a tux/dress, throwing a wedding party (please no bachelor or bachelorette parties that are above PG-15 :P), or actually walking down the aisle, your job is to draw Rockman characters involved in some type of wedding-themed picture. This theme will work as the talent category, so the judging will focus on the technical skill and effort you put into your piece.


If there is one thing about the villains in the Rockman world, it's that they are persistent. They keep trying and trying and coming back for more. While they get an A for effort in their quests for world domination, it probably wouldn't score them points with the ladies, if that's how they tried to woo them. Your task for this theme is to draw a Rockman villain trying to force a goody goody hero/heroine to fall in love with them. You'll have a little leeway with choosing a bad guy. Even if they turned good at some point in the games/animes, they are open for use as long as they are playing the part of baddy in your image. Again, get creative. You can even try the forced marriage pic, if you want to attempt to merge these two themes together! LOL This theme will work as the humor category, so the judging will focus on the wacky, zany content you come up with.

- Only submit your own work, as usual. Any character, major or minor, from any series is allowed. Having characters from different series is totally allowed. Again, to be fair to all, same-gender groupings are allowed. Humans and robots and reploids and servbots and computer programs and viruses and alien AM/FM beings, etc. all deserve their chance for some lovin', without prejudice!!

- Entries do not need to be colored, but it is preferred.

- Please keep all your entries clean. No nudity or extremely suggestive sexual content. No, this is still not a Valentine's hentai contest. :|


Entries can either be e-mailed to Vixy at RPM at, Vixy's Gmail account at, or you can just PM Vixy or I a link to your pic.

DO NOT post your pics in this thread, in your fanart threads or dA/Sheezy/etc. galleries until the contest is over. This is the fairest way for competitive reasons. I prefer to keep them all secret until the deadline has passed.

I'll edit a confirmed entry list in this thread when I receive them. So you won't be in the dark about whether or not I've received your entry.


The deadline for this contest will be Saturday, February 13th, 2010 by Midnight CST EXTENDED TO Saturday, February 20th, 2010 by 5PM CST.


I think you guys like having the option of picking your prize, so the grand prize winners of each category will be able to choose the prize of their choice, at $40 USD or less.

Haven't been able to get the Megaman or X OCW? You can choose one of them. Cross your fingers Megaman Megamix really comes out on Feb. 13, and it'd be the perfect prize. Wanna wait a month for Megaman 10? I'll buy it for ya. Got something else in mind you've wanted to get from eBay, but haven't had the cash? I'll do what I can. As long as it's under $40 total, it's game.

The second place winners of each category will come away with a special Battlechip package. This prize will consist of a few things:

First, an unopened Progress Battlechip Gate, which also comes with a Forte Giga Chip and Chip Case.

Second, two Progress Navi Datas:
- #842 Rockman and #846 Searchman for Category 1 (Talent).
- #849 Blues and #857 Knightman for Category 2 (Humor).

Third, a nice big 45 Link Battlechip selection featuring: #001 Cannon, #003 Mega Cannon, #005 Vulcan 1, #008 Super Vulcan, #012 SenshaHou 1, #013 SenshaHou 2, #014 SenshaHou 3, #023 Wide Shot, #028 Bubble Star 2, #030 Thunder Ball, #033 Doll Thunder 3, #047 Elec Dragon, #051 Drill Arm, #056 MegaEnergyBomb, #057 Flash Bomb 1, #058 Flash Bomb 2, #069 Ice Seed, #070 Poison Seed, #078 Elec Sword, #083 Neo Variable, #089 Crack Shoot, #095 Aura Head 1, #097 Aura Head 3, #113 Killer Sensor 1, #115 Killer Sensor 3, #139 Ryuusei Gun, #140 Justice One, #151 Guardian, #156 Recovery 50, #168 Holy Panel, #172 Slow Gauge, #177 Invisible, #183 Magnet Coil, #187 Kawairimi, #189 Anti-Recovery, #196 Double Point, #199 Blizzard Ball, #224 Blues, #226 Blues SP, #233 SlashMan, #236 KillerMan, #239 ChargeMan, #245 TomahawkMan, #257 BlastMan, and #269 ElementMan (Yellow Battlechip Stadium version).
It's a starter set worthy of the grand prize (and probably way more expensive on the open market), yet for the runner ups.

The third place winners will receive two of Mattel's rare Series 3 2" Figures:
- Megaman and SparkMan for Category 1 (Talent)
- Bass and Grave VirusBeast for Category 2 (Humor)

Unfortunately the chips were removed from Grave BeastVirus and SparkMan, but the figures are still attached to the card. Bass and Megaman have their chips.

The third place winners will also get (1) of their choice of Link Navi Data chip from the following:
- TomahawkMan, ChargeMan, TenguMan, DustMan, AquaMan, or GroundMan.

Finally, they will also get a random selection of 22 additional Link battlechips. What chips they are will be a mystery! But I can guarantee there will at least be two Mega Class chips in there.


- As usual, If you don't plan to enter, but would like to help me judge, please let me know through PM or mention so in this thread. Thanks to all my usual judges, and I'll gladly let you help with it again if you're willing.

So, if you have any questions, feel free to let me know. I hope to see plenty of new participants and familiar faces this year, so good luck to everyone who enters!

Rock Miyabi, Dr. Wily II, Yllisos Zanon, Blackhook, Vixy, ????

- Akira (talent)
- BassDS (talent)
- borockman (talent)
- hj (humor)
- kim phan (humor)
- linkfreak131 (talent)
- Press Start (humor)
- Rad Lionheart (humor)
- Repliroid20XX (humor)
- The Great Gonzo (humor)
Previously was K.G. Inafunbags, Captain Heady, Damon Gant, and the guy who liked the blue bomber solely for the reason that he was blue.


Nintendo 3DS Friend Code: 3480-2506-4200
[DeviantArt||Youtube|Fan Work|WiiVC|Character File]
Rock10: Ranking. Rock9: AC, EA, SS, Challenge, Ranking.
(c) Sky Child~                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

Rad Lionheart

Just another project or two to work on over time, I suppose.

Sniper X

I would love to enter... but I don't want the prizes if I win...

Dr. Wily II

Woo... It's that time of the year again.
Really looking forward to the coming entries.

Mind me being a judge again? XD

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

Rock Miyabi

Sure, I'd love to have you on board again. Thanks for volunteering.

Quote from: Sniper X on December 14, 2009, 01:57:12 PM
I would love to enter... but I don't want the prizes if I win...
Even when you can choose what you want if you win first, you want nothing? How gracious. By all means, I'd still love to have you enter. If we had a situation like that, I always just pass the prizes down to the people who follow in placement. Nothing wrong with declining them if you wanted to. But if you still want to participate, sure, feel free. :)
Previously was K.G. Inafunbags, Captain Heady, Damon Gant, and the guy who liked the blue bomber solely for the reason that he was blue.

Yllisos Zanon

A raised hand in judging this years contest, I would like to do it again. owob
They're coming to take me away
hee hee hoo hoo haw haw


Can I be a Judge if there won´t be enough people to judge?


Miyabi, can I give it a shot? I've never been in a contest before, but I don't mind trying.

Rock Miyabi

You don't have to ask permission to submit some art, BassDS! XD Of course, if you want to enter, just complete your entry within the next two months and follow the rules for submitting. I hope to have lots of people enter this time around. It'd be nice to break 20 entries for a change.

And sure, both Yllisos and Blackhook, you can judge. We'll give Vixy and PB a break for once. They've only helped me out for almost every contest so far, so it might be nice to have some different opinions in the mix. I usually don't contact the judges with all the info until deadline time, just as an FYI. But you're welcome aboard.
Previously was K.G. Inafunbags, Captain Heady, Damon Gant, and the guy who liked the blue bomber solely for the reason that he was blue.

Protoman Blues

Awwww, I like judging.  But I have no problems taking a break.

HeeHee, perhaps I'll see if I can convince Quickie to enter.

Rock Miyabi

I still might ask ya. 8) We'll see how many I really need in the end, first. You know I normally stick to 5 or 6. [wishful dreaming] But if there is a flood of entries, we might need to kick things up a bit. [/wishful dreaming] LOL
Previously was K.G. Inafunbags, Captain Heady, Damon Gant, and the guy who liked the blue bomber solely for the reason that he was blue.


Nintendo 3DS Friend Code: 3480-2506-4200
[DeviantArt||Youtube|Fan Work|WiiVC|Character File]
Rock10: Ranking. Rock9: AC, EA, SS, Challenge, Ranking.
(c) Sky Child~                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         


I'd love to enter, but I'd have to shoot for 1st if I want that Legends Complete works book. The other prizes would just go to waste on me.

Girla PurpleHeart

This looks pretty interesting. Yet, the second and third prices aren't quite interesting to me, but I'll try my best to enter the contest. But I'm pretty a wuss to give out my personal info online. <_<;

Rock Miyabi

Yeah, understandably EXE stuff isn't everyone's cup of tea, but it's also the easiest merchandise to get a hold of and at reasonable prices. But again, it's not like these particular prizes were cheap by any means, and many of the chips and the figures easily add up in price.

That's one disclaimer I hope the younger crowd keeps in mind: if you would win, you will have to give me your shipping info. So make sure it's OK with parents first and whatnot. I'm the only one who will see your personal info, and I don't do anything else with it. I always delete it after I know you have received your prize. You can check in with winners of previous contests over the last three years: all I do is make sure I get it to you, and as fast as possible. I've got 100% positive feedback on eBay, too, so I would hope people around here would trust me. True, you can never be too safe. But I'm no crazy stalker. Just trying to spread the wealth (what wealth? I'm poor!) and fun once a year to give back to the community.
Previously was K.G. Inafunbags, Captain Heady, Damon Gant, and the guy who liked the blue bomber solely for the reason that he was blue.


Aww, it's alright, Uncle Miyabi~ We know you set a good example for kids. We loves you~ ^.^
Nintendo 3DS Friend Code: 3480-2506-4200
[DeviantArt||Youtube|Fan Work|WiiVC|Character File]
Rock10: Ranking. Rock9: AC, EA, SS, Challenge, Ranking.
(c) Sky Child~                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         


Proud member of Indigo tribe!


Choose my own prize under 40 bucks? Oh dear. I seriously wouldn't know what to choose. XD
This time, im actually tempted to enter. Tempted... Ill maybe possibly sketch something out and see if I want to go on with it...
but im backlogged on art first... DX
Quote from: marshmallow man on April 25, 2010, 04:55:26 PM
...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.

Rad Lionheart

Rock Miyabi

Well, as long as you have a Paypal account and really want to go that route, I'm OK with it. Back when I had the Sports Contest for MM9 two summers ago, I did just send someone the money and let them buy it themselves. So I have done it before.
Previously was K.G. Inafunbags, Captain Heady, Damon Gant, and the guy who liked the blue bomber solely for the reason that he was blue.

Rad Lionheart

Dr. Wily II

Well, well, this is shaping up nicely.
Good luck to all participants, and I get to gnaw on the other judges! 8D

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

Sniper X

Oh my, I already have lots of ideas on the talent category. ^^

Yllisos Zanon

I have something I've been wanting to spit out, get it out of my system.

To the contestants, I don't know what category it would go under, but if you want to earn extra points from me, YZ.  Try to combine the two categories.

That is, IF Rock Miyabi allows it. [eyebrow]
They're coming to take me away
hee hee hoo hoo haw haw