Ultra Turbo Super Extreme "What are you thinking?" Electric Boogaloo Alpha EX ed

Dr. Wily II · 492480

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Offline Quickman

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[spoiler]Peridot is adorable~[/spoiler]

Offline Protoman Blues

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[spoiler]Oh my god Peridot's little awkward adorkable smile <3[/spoiler]

[spoiler]I KNOOOOOW!!!![/spoiler]

Offline Quickman

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[spoiler]This is the screenshot in question, by the way...

Offline Dr. Wily II

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You people spoil me so much~<3

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

Offline Phi

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What I've been working on in the past hour. Work in progress.

Just one more certain someone missing.

Offline Dr. Wily II

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Salem so shiny *o*

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

Offline Quickman

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I support Peven/Stema~

Offline Amatiramisu

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One of you guys should play Smash with me.

Offline Sakura Leic

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Thinking of going to bed early, for no particular reason other than I'm sleepy.

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Offline Quickman

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I don't have Smash. ;3;

Offline Protoman Blues

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I'd be down for some Smash one night.

Offline Amatiramisu

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I only have it on 3DS this time.

I did resign myself to getting a Wii U and a copy of Smash.

Offline Protoman Blues

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Heh, I haven't played the 3DS version for some time now.

Offline Amatiramisu

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Well that doesn't help my mood. Some "friends" of mine have started treating me like a [tornado fang]ing doormat and I'm not putting up with that [parasitic bomb]. I'm doing [parasitic bomb] they asked me to and they've started circlejerking like I don't [tornado fang]ing do anything and completely ignore the fact that their [tornado fang]ing requests have been handled for literally over a month.

Thankfully this is just internet drama so I can just tell them to [tornado fang] off but I'm still massively pissed off. In addition to the entire community going down the shitter I'm considering leaving and just coming here exclusively because my responsibility to them was my last reason for going.

Offline Dr. Wily II

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*hugs ottfu*
You really should show them your otter kungfu.

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

Offline Mr. Haxwell

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For some weird luck I got while playing Disgaea: AoD. I just somehow bought a Tainted Staff containing two already subdued Alchemist and Armsmaster specialists, at over 10000.

Fear me.

Offline Psycho Yuffie

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SU Stuff!
[spoiler]I just realized when I was waking up this morning--which was weird--that if Steven and Connie eventually become romantically involved when they're older, Stevonnie may become permafusion.[/spoiler]

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Waifu in yukata with cotton candy.


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*gets hit with inspiration for another character whilst typing*

.....Oh, goddamnit brain. I have enough to be doing already. NO MORE, y'hear me?

Also, while I'm not too familiar with Sailor Moon, those ARE adorable.

My Twitch channel. Random streams during the week.
Currently streaming: Transformers: Devastation

Offline Phi

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I only have it on 3DS this time.

I did resign myself to getting a Wii U and a copy of Smash.

I only have it on 3DS, as well.

I don't Smash often, so don't expect me to be good

Offline Amatiramisu

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Gonna be a while 'til I get a Wii U as it is so best make do :3

Offline Psycho Yuffie

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I have Smash on Wii U, but I don't play it very much. I haven't had friends over for a while. I usually go to their places. -u-'

Edit: Also, I'm terrible at that game. I constantly self-destruct because I can't wrap my head around the aerial play.

Offline Amatiramisu

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Air game takes some work but it's a big part of the game so it's necessary practice, yeah.

Offline Phi

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Gonna be a while 'til I get a Wii U as it is so best make do :3

When do you wanna Smash

On 3DS, that is

Offline Amatiramisu

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If I catch you on Steam or Skype that's a good time.