Ultra Turbo Super Extreme "What are you thinking?" Electric Boogaloo Alpha EX ed

Dr. Wily II · 493206

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Offline Psycho Yuffie

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I can't read anything! The spoiler tags! ;O;

Offline Amatiramisu

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This is big boy talk.

Offline Police Girl

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tumblr can ruin lots of things

i think i saw like half an episode of SU, didn't think much of it and tossed it in the "can't get into it because i'm essentially locked out of the story since i didn't watch it from the beginning" pile.

Now I really have zero reason to.

Offline Sakura Leic

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We're the only ones in the theater and I think it's close to when we put away the cell phones.

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Offline Blue Valkyrie

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P is for priceless---the look upon your faces
E is for extinction---upon your puny races
R is for rrrrrevolution for witch I shall televise....
F is for how [tornado fang]'d you are---allow me to repriiiiise....
E is for excentric-just listen to my song!
C is for completion that I have waited for SO LONG!
T is for terror--for witch I shall bestow....

My name is Perfect Cell---and I'd like to say---hello.

This has been stuck in my head all day  >w<

Offline Quickman

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I didn't even start SU from the beginning.  I started with a random episode grab and then watched a storyarc.  I figured that if I was confused, I'd wiki it.

Still haven't seen the first episode. :B

Offline Blue Valkyrie

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I've only seen up to the episode after Cat Fingers myself-guessing it gets preachy later?

Offline Protoman Blues

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At the recommendation of a friend, I pretty much just binged it all. I dunno, I don't really find it anymore preachy than a lot of classic "There's a lesson here, somewhere" cartoons of the 80's. Lol, and those were just 25-30 min toy commercials. It's just different, really. When it comes to that kind of stuff, sometimes it's just best to ignore the fanbase and focus on the show itself.

It's similar to My Little Pony in that way. Despite all the crazed bronies out there, MLP is actually a pretty decent show with good songs and good messages.

Offline Blue Valkyrie

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At the recommendation of a friend, I pretty much just binged it all. I dunno, I don't really find it anymore preachy than a lot of classic "There's a lesson here, somewhere" cartoons of the 80's. Lol, and those were just 25-30 min toy commercials. It's just different, really. When it comes to that kind of stuff, sometimes it's just best to ignore the fanbase and focus on the show itself.

It's similar to My Little Pony in that way. Despite all the crazed bronies out there, MLP is actually a pretty decent show with good songs and good messages.

I don't mind a show pushing the envelope but yeah if things get too preachy then it feels kinda forced, I'll keeping watching as I really like the Steven universe cast and see how things go.

Offline Quickman

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I don't find SU preachy at all. 

Offline Blue Valkyrie

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Few earlier posts were talking about that, I wasn't that far into the show so I was just curious.

Offline Phi

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It's not preachy. It's not much different from Steven and Connie's burgeoning romance, which will obviously build to that point.

[spoiler]The very existence of Garnet is that of true love, so of course the romantic themes between Ruby and Sapphire would present itself. And it's not like it's constantly in your face; they merely have a few designated episodes. The other Crystal Gems have their own episodes, too.

Now, the plot is shifting more towards Peridot and her alliance with the Crystal Gems. Rebecca is probably just getting some of the backstory out of the way before the showdown with the cluster and Yellow Diamond, hence the flashback of how R & S first met. She's efficiently tying up loose ends.

It's already very, very rare that a childrens cartoon has LGBT themes, so by all means, they deserve to have the spotlight every once in a while. Jimmy Neutron, Dexter's Lab and a few other cartoons had gay characters, however, they were heavily stereotyped and not very realistically portrayed.

SU is the first to take it seriously, and not tone it down as a joke.

I don't know why you're letting tumblr get to you. Just watch the show for what it is.[/spoiler]

i think i saw like half an episode of SU, didn't think much of it and tossed it in the "can't get into it because i'm essentially locked out of the story since i didn't watch it from the beginning" pile.

Now I really have zero reason to.

That's dumb.

Offline Protoman Blues

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[spoiler]I mean, Peridot is pretty much just a dorkier Zuko!  8D[/spoiler]

Offline Phi

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[spoiler]I mean, Peridot is pretty much just a dorkier Zuko!  8D[/spoiler]

[spoiler]Very true.[/spoiler]

Offline Police Girl

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That's dumb.

Well its the same deal with Adventure Time in that I just sorta missed the train right away and it just sorta passed me by (though adventure time sorta went up its own ass in crypic myth-arc last i checked so that was a bullet dodged I think).
In all honestly I just really don't have time to watch TV any more. And if I do its more to watch things i'm already invested in and not to try to get into things that I'm unfamiliar with.

Offline Amatiramisu

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Adventure Time has gone into the realm of sensory overload for me. I like the show still but I just can't really digest it any more. It's "too much" for me now.

Offline Reaperoid

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(though adventure time sorta went up its own ass in crypic myth-arc last i checked so that was a bullet dodged I think)
you won't miss much aside from the thing with Gunter

I guess all I can really say is it isn't exactly what I'd expect out of a $4.4M game

It doesn't even have mouth animations

Offline Sakura Leic

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I imagine some people already saw this but this is really beautiful.   Amano may have some weird designs at times, ie Exdeath as an evil centaur in concept art, but he's still a damn good artist.

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Offline Protoman Blues

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Yeah I'm not the biggest fan of Amano's work, but I loved that.

Offline Sakura Leic

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I honestly don't like Celes' clothes in Amano's art, she looks way better in white than yellow.  Not to mention how weird the majority of the FF5 cast looks, particularly Bartz.

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Offline Phi

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Huh, that actually looks like Bowie.

Not a generic same-face that Amano has a habit of doing.

Offline Psycho Yuffie

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I've officially caught up with Steven Universe, so I can finally read those spoiler tags. :P I have to admit something: I really love this show. Peridot has become my favorite character! She's just so adorable. >0<

[spoiler]Also, I don't think that Garnet's backstory took up a lot of time. If anything, Rose's backstory has been the highlight of the show and seems like it will continue to be for most of the show. And her story features a heterosexual romance, which is pretty vanilla territory. Using the word "agenda" is pretty loaded, so be careful about using it.

That being said, considering that most of the gems are female-formed and use female pronouns, I wouldn't be surprised if another romance developed between two of the gems on the show before the series ends. But maybe that's just because I see something going on between Peridot and Amethyst?[/spoiler]

Offline Quickman

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Peridot is my fave, too.  She's crazy and adorable and crazorable.

[spoiler]Yes yes Perithyst~[/spoiler]

[spoiler]I'm shipping trash just like Peridot.[/spoiler]

Offline Amatiramisu

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I don't mind Cloud in Smash, but if you use that [tornado fang]ing spike combo or charge limit break manually you're a piece of [parasitic bomb].

Offline Protoman Blues

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I've officially caught up with Steven Universe, so I can finally read those spoiler tags. :P I have to admit something: I really love this show. Peridot has become my favorite character! She's just so adorable. >0<

[spoiler]Also, I don't think that Garnet's backstory took up a lot of time. If anything, Rose's backstory has been the highlight of the show and seems like it will continue to be for most of the show. And her story features a heterosexual romance, which is pretty vanilla territory. Using the word "agenda" is pretty loaded, so be careful about using it.

That being said, considering that most of the gems are female-formed and use female pronouns, I wouldn't be surprised if another romance developed between two of the gems on the show before the series ends. But maybe that's just because I see something going on between Peridot and Amethyst?[/spoiler]

Lol, just sucks you right in, doesn't it? And yes, Peridot is awesome! I also like Greg Universe myself!  8D

I don't mind Cloud in Smash, but if you use that [tornado fang]ing spike combo or charge limit break manually you're a piece of [parasitic bomb].

There's literally no reason not to do those things though. Lol.