Wilypocalypse NOW

Protoman Blues · 400402

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Offline Blue Valkyrie

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Reply #4725 on: July 28, 2014, 05:32:57 PM
Blue crosses her arms "So wait, then this Wily guy tried to take over in the wake of this Spark war? This is all kinda complicated..."

Offline Protoman Blues

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Reply #4726 on: July 28, 2014, 06:57:58 PM
"Well not exactly. The Sparkvernia War was over with many, many years before Wily decided to start his." Vixy commented.

Offline Blue Valkyrie

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Reply #4727 on: July 28, 2014, 07:06:18 PM
"It may not just be Wily now though, back on my home world I battled a space pirate called captain white beard after our last battle he stole a dangerous relic and escaped here; after what I saw during that last battle I think they are allied now." Blue responds.

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Reply #4728 on: July 28, 2014, 07:23:59 PM
(I forget, have Blue & Vixy properly met yet?)

Offline Blue Valkyrie

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Reply #4729 on: July 28, 2014, 07:37:33 PM
(I forget, have Blue & Vixy properly met yet?)

(Not really, I think Vixy gave out a generic hello to the whole group.)

Offline Protoman Blues

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Reply #4730 on: July 28, 2014, 07:54:05 PM
(Oh okay. Just wanted to make sure)

Offline Blue Valkyrie

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Reply #4731 on: July 28, 2014, 08:10:05 PM
(I'm sure a alien with news of a new threat would likely raise some questions either way. XD)

Offline Mirby

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Reply #4732 on: July 28, 2014, 08:16:39 PM
"Captain White Beard? Why do pirate captains always name themselves after something in their physical appearance?" HeatGabumon pondered aloud.

"I dunno, cause they take pride in that feature of themselves, I guess?" Taylor replied.


"Oh hush," Taylor mumbled in reply, smacking the Digivice to shut Sam up.

I'M A PROGRAM IN HERE, IT'S NOT LIKE HITTING IT DOES ANYTHING TO ME YOU KNOW, he said. Taylor groaned and rolled her eyes.

"Why'd Sapph have to leave this jerk with me..." she said, rubbing her temples in mild irritation.

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Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #4733 on: July 28, 2014, 08:22:32 PM
"Glad we don't have to deal with a little brat  like him." Asch sighed "So what does Zeta have to do with this?"

"I'm sure she's told you that when she was first activated that no one was around, including her creator." Borock-bot stated.

"Yeah she did." Asch nodded.

"For some reason she woke up in a shack  in the middle of the Sparkvanian territory and a few days later some of Sparky's robot soldiers found her and were ready to terminate her on the spot." Borock-bot explained.

"What the hell, why would they terminate her, she didn't do anything wrong!" Asch roared.

"It's because his robot soldiers were built to be killing machines." Borock-bt replied. "His soldiers were made for war after all."

"Killing machines huh...."  Asch said letting that sink in "So what happened next since they obviously didn't terminate her."

"Sparky saw some potential in her, a young custom robot, or reploid as some would call her,  would have been a great asset to his army so he decided to enlist her in the army."  Borock-bot.

"So she was drafted into the Sparkvanian army." Asch nodded "She didn't do something she regretted did she?"

"No she didn't, though arguably she probably regrets being even part of his army even for a short time. Sparky wanted her to help him make that Utopian Universe Vixy was talking about which she agreed to, but he didn't tell her what his Utopian Universe and when she found out her heart wouldn't allow it." Borock-bot continued explaining.

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #4734 on: July 30, 2014, 06:41:58 AM
“So what exactly made Zeta realize that Sparky was a doucebag?”  Asch asked in a somewhat dry tone.

“One day while she was doing patrols in the city she found a few guards beating a Catgirl for stealing some bread.” Borock-bot stated.

“Isn’t that a bit harsh for stealing food?” Asch questioned.

“You asked earlier why Sparky hated animal like people yes?” Borock-bot responded. “The reason is actually because of Vixy, since Vixy is open and forward about her…..sexual nature and the fact that many cat girls wear minimal clothing for easier movement.  Because of that he figured that all animal people were the same and therefor inferior to him.  He goes so far as to treat them as subhumans  that are usually either deported or worse must undergo a ‘physical correction surgery’ to remove their animal features to stay in Sparkvania without being ostracized.”

“…..Okay so not only was he an immature little brat but he was a racist prick too, that’s such a wonderful combination.” Asch said with heavy sarcasm.

“Yes, Zeta felt it was wrong for someone like her to be treated that way and attacked the guards so she could escape.  However Zeta herself was captured, and after throwing some insults similar to the ones you used at Sparky’s face she was thrown in his dungeon for treason.” Borock-bot continued.

“As expected, so how did she get out?” Asch asked curiously.

“That same Catgirl she saved managed to rescue her and they ran out of the country together.” Borock-bot replied “Her name was Mimi and she became Zeta’s first real friend.”

“That’s pretty awesome, but why haven’t I seen this Mimi person around?” Asch asked innocently.

Borock-bot noticeably hesitated before he answered him.

“Unfortunately since Zeta was a traitor to the Sparkvanian Army Sparky sent soldiers after them to try to eliminate her so she wouldn’t spread information about the Sparkvanian Empire to the otherside.  After 2 weeks they found them and Mimi sacrificed her life to protect Zeta. Zeta tried to go on but her morale and energy was very low due to the tragedy. Then some other soldiers found Zeta again and attacked her to the point that she fell in the ocean.” Borock-bot continued.

“Well [parasitic bomb], that’s just horrible.” Asch said looking down “How did Zeta survive?”

“Hitomi had Sakura train by swimming in the ice cold ocean that day in a bikini, Sakura eventually found her heavily damaged and thanks to Hitomi’s brother she survived, though at the time Zeta had survivor’s guilt and agonized that she was alive.” Borock-bot sighed.

(I felt this was a good point to end this part before continuing.  I'd like some people's reactions so it doesn't feel like I'm talking to myself before continuing.)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Offline Protoman Blues

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Reply #4735 on: July 30, 2014, 07:08:39 AM
"The war took a toll on everyone." Vixy said while sighing. "I still blame myself somewhat. I should never have let Sparky roam around the land as much as he did."

"Vixy, your kindness to everyone is why I stayed here in the first place!" Kit stated. "Don't blame yourself. I just feel terrible that Zeta had to go through all of that!"

Offline Mirby

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Reply #4736 on: July 30, 2014, 07:57:27 AM
"Damn," Taylor and HeatGabumon said in unison.


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Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #4737 on: July 30, 2014, 07:57:36 AM
“Luckily Hitomi gave Zeta asylum at the Southern Shack of Weaponry, though she rarely went to RPM in fear that Sparky would find out she was alive.  At the same time she had a hard time accepting what happened, and she felt that she shouldn’t make friends with others so she wouldn’t feel the pain of losing others again.” Borock-bot sighed.

“I just can’t imagine Zeta acting like that, this was the same woman who was teasing me in an attempt to loosen me up and make friends with me too….” Asch said in shock.

“Well it only lasted for a little while, several events made her realize that she couldn’t live that way.” Borock-bot explained.

“What kind of events?” Asch asked.

“The first was that as much as she tried to deny it, she slowly warmed up to Sakura who was very fond of her and wanted to be friends with her. 

The second thing was, while working at the Main Branch Shack of Weaponry one day, Ninja Lou stopped by trying to socialize with her and generally tried to be friendly to her, but she kept blowing him off until he asked her what was wrong and put his hand on her shoulder because she looked scared. 

However this frightened her even more to the point that she attacked him, caught him off guard, inadvertently knocked him out, gave him some minor injuries, and had to be sent to the hospital.” Borock-bot sighed.

“This Ninja Lou guy….sounds very unlucky.” Asch observed.

“Many people consider Ninja Lou the most unlucky man in RPM city.” Borock-bot explained “And to be honest I have to agree.”

“I get the feeling I should believe you….but why did sending Lou to the hospital have a reaction with Zeta.  I seem to remember Zeta mentioning she punches guys in the face all the time for being fresh with her.” Asch questioned.

“It’s because she doesn’t like hurting people and she feels guilty about doing so.  Even with those circumstances you mentioned before she would rather not have to do that, she only does it to guys who are too persistent in their advances and don’t know when to stop.  However with Lou in particular, he never tried to flirt with her, he was just trying to figure out why she acted so scared around him.” Borock-bot answered.

“I guess that makes sense, so she felt guilty about the fact that she hurt someone even though they were trying to be nice.” Asch nodded “That sounds like it feels terrible.”

“Indeed, however what really pushed her was one day Sakura collapsed from exhaustion and a fever when she was working herself too hard, and Zeta not being familiar with illness thought she was dying.” Borock-bot continued

“After that she realized that trying not to attach herself to others was hurting her more than losing others, and eventually she opened up to Sakura and made friends with her and eventually Ninja Lou after apologizing to him.”

“That’s really good to hear, I’m glad she was able move on given the circumstances.” Asch sighed in relief.

“Yes, though those events still have a bit of a psychological effect on her.  She’s pretty wary of strangers at times and she’s very uneasy about droids in general.  Plus, as many of you know, life isn’t easy and she still had to suffer even more misfortune after that.” Borock-bot sighed.

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Offline Phi

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Reply #4738 on: July 30, 2014, 10:04:27 AM
Arche glanced over at Phi, who simply had her arms crossed and eyes closed. She was quiet; well, more quiet than she usually was.

"What is it?" Arche asked her.

"It's just that... I almost forgot about that war,"  She responded.

"Wait, you were actually there?" He wondered.

She shook her head, "No, but Luna was. She used to tell me stories about what went on during that war. I think she knew Sparky, personally."

"W-What?!" This caught him off-guard.

The rest of the group became silent as Phi spoke.

"I think you have an audience," Arche smirked.

"Perfect," Phi said sarcastically and sighed, "Anyway, I don't actually know the specifics of their relationship. She never told me much about it, but there was one frightening detail she discovered about Sparky."

Everyone leaned in closer, almost in unison.

"He was a benefactor for the Nonary Project. The group that imprisoned Luna and I."

Arche's eyes widened.

"Why were you imprisoned? And is this Luna person your sister or something?" Asch replied.

"Yes, though she passed away a while ago."

"Oh, I'm sorry about that..." Asch said sadly.

She nodded, "We were imprisoned because of our Morphogenetic abilities. To this day, I'm not completely sure why they captured us. I can only imagine it was to somehow harvest that ability. For that, they chased us down like animals..."

"That's terrible," Asch sighed.

"Luna discovered that Sparky helped fund the Nonary group, and she escaped from his castle immediately. She described seeing a tall man with glasses in a black suit inside Sparky's throne room. She was able to hide somewhere, and that's when she heard about their business arrangements." Phi said quietly.

Arche spoke up, "Luna told me about the brutal experiments you two went through. So the machines and equipment that they used... were Sparkvanian."

Phi nodded, "I can only assume so. At least most of them."

"But, something doesn't make sense here," Kit chimed in, "Business deals are often two-sided; you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours. Sparky funded the Nonary group and supplied them with resources, but what did the Nonary group do for Sparky?"

Asch nodded, "Yeah, if anything, it seems that the Nonary group benefited far more than Sparky did."

Phi sighed, "Unfortunately, I haven't the slightest clue on how the Nonary Project effected his goals. Whatever it was, it sure as hell couldn't be minor. In some shape or form, he needed them. I have a feeling Luna knew more than what she was telling me, but didn't say it to protect me."

"I had no idea. Through all the years we've been together, she never mentioned Sparky," Arche said.

"The past is the past. She probably didn't want you to worry about something that was behind her. I still remember her face as she told me about Sparky; she was distraught. It's a time she doesn't like to remember," Phi responded.

Kit tightened her fists, "The more I hear about this guy, the more sickening he becomes!"

"Yeah, it's kind of frightening how much influence he's had on all these people. PBPB, Vixy, Zeta, Luna, Mimi... also, with him being a benefactor of the Nonary Project, he's effected Phi, as well. And I'm sure that's only the tip of the iceberg of lives he's ruined," Asch sighed.

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Reply #4739 on: July 30, 2014, 07:30:54 PM
"Amazing how even when some people are gone they still manage to affect things," Taylor commented. "Those anomalies I mentioned in the digital world linked to terminals near the border at the start of the war? There were quite a few Digimon in those areas that were deleted as a result of the instability. So yeah."

"Good Digimon too," HeatGabumon added solemnly.

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Offline Blue Valkyrie

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Reply #4740 on: August 11, 2014, 06:18:31 AM
Back on the Dark Star III White Beard scrutinized his newest blueprint, the hologram the only light in the lab to illuminate his work. "Alright...and that should compensate for the power problem...hmm." He chewed on his pipe before saving the newest revisions.

The door slide open and Tempest Star quietly enters staying near the wall waiting to be spoken to.

"What is it?" White Beard commented in only passing interest as he flipped through some paper notes left messily across his work table.

"Aqua failed to report in captain." Tempest stepped forward the door sliding closed behind him.

"My patience is at low right now Tempest, if he's just slacking off somewhere use his ID chip signal to track him." White Beard glances back briefly looking less than impressed by this interruption.

"Well...uh that's the thing sir, he's currently at the Resistance home base." Tempest Star looks down then back up to Captain White Beard perhaps not relishing the inevitable loss of temper.

"He...WHAT?!" White Beard turns finally a look of surprise but mostly anger in his eyes. "You best be joking Tempest."

"Joking?" Tempest Star responds in his typical serious tone tilting his head in confusion.

"Oh...silly me." Rubbing his forehead  White Beard takes a breath attempting to calm himself. "I told him scout and nothing more how was he captured?!"

"Given his infatuation with the girl I doubt he was taken there against his well, I think it's safe to assume he's left your service." Tempest crosses his arms.

"L-left my service!? I BUILT HIM, you don't just run off! What was my malfunction when I programed him!?" White Beard turns slamming his hands on the table papers flying everywhere.

"Calm down sir, this might be to our advantage." Tempest Star motions with his hands attempting to calm his creator.

"HOW SO?" White Beard bends down to pick the fallen notes off the floor.

"Even if Aqua isn't working for us anymore he doesn't know about the ID chip AND this gives us a way to track not only Blue's movements but also the resistance. Wily may be interested in this development." Tempest Star nods as he finishes.

"Hmm...good idea, with Wily in our dept getting the materials for my new project will be much easier. Good work Tempest." White Beard chuckles looking back to his holo blueprint.

"Thank you sir but that project--isn't that..."

"Yeah, the design was too good to let go to waste; and before your ask I've made some improvements to avoid a repeat of last time. Given the various powers that wench and her allies possess I think this project will be key to their defeat. Hmm speaking of Wily he should be contacting me soon I believe...

(What could his new project be? Not sure how Blue can chime into the current discussion unless someone questions her on recent events or news.)

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Reply #4741 on: August 12, 2014, 01:01:12 AM
"The Sparkvernian War was rather nasty... I had to do a few things I wasn't too fond of back then. Sparky had his good moments before then, but he certainly took things too far," Fxeni chimed in, looking around the table. Everyone looked kind of glum and quiet.

"So umm... sorry to change the subject, but you said you were chasing someone here Blue? Would those new ships that are around the Wily II Star be related?" Ariani chimed in, despite being silent most of the time beforehand. She didn't have much to add in up to this point, since she hadn't experienced anything of these events personally and had merely heard of everyone's known exploits.

Offline Blue Valkyrie

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Reply #4742 on: August 12, 2014, 01:40:47 AM
"The Sparkvernian War was rather nasty... I had to do a few things I wasn't too fond of back then. Sparky had his good moments before then, but he certainly took things too far," Fxeni chimed in, looking around the table. Everyone looked kind of glum and quiet.

"So umm... sorry to change the subject, but you said you were chasing someone here Blue? Would those new ships that are around the Wily II Star be related?" Ariani chimed in, despite being silent most of the time beforehand. She didn't have much to add in up to this point, since she hadn't experienced anything of these events personally and had merely heard of everyone's known exploits.

"Yes a robot space pirate known as captain white beard, he stole an ancient relic from my world a relic I'm pretty sure he and Wily are using to power their war machines. As for his ships I'm not sure they kinda remind me of the captain's old warship I guess Wily helped make more?"

Blue Shrugs  "Either way I need to get it back and soon it's to dangerous to leave in anyone's hands."

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #4743 on: August 12, 2014, 01:51:14 AM
"Good thing PB just upgraded my ship." Zeta said as she walked to the table and placed a couple of plates of watermelon cubes and toothpicks on the table. "With the Wilystar II being rebuilt somehow the last thing we need is more space related destructive potential."

"Zeta are you okay?" Asch asked her.

"As okay as I can be really." Zeta shrugged "I can only mope about Quickie's betrayal so much when we have other [parasitic bomb] to deal with.  I'll just take it one step at a time until I'm able to kick Quickie's ass again and knock some sense into her."

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #4744 on: August 12, 2014, 09:12:00 PM
"Speaking of PB, you never answered my question about him, Fxeni." Kit asked him. "Where is he? I'd very much like to see him again!"

(Haha, all you Fxeni XD)

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Reply #4745 on: August 13, 2014, 03:32:55 AM
Fxeni was in the middle of drinking some water and almost did a spit-take when he heard the question, taking a quick glance over at Zeta who eyed him oddly.

"Well umm... until recently he was imprisoned on the SexStation," Fxeni started, taking another sip of his water to buy him some time to formulate a way to explain PB's disappearance.

"Until recently? Where is he now?" Kit asked, a bit confused by Fxeni's wording.

"We don't really know where he went, actually... he kind of vanished on us," Fxeni said a bit quietly, trailing off towards the end of the sentence. He braced himself for everyone's reactions.

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #4746 on: August 13, 2014, 03:50:03 AM
"W-what?!" Zeta shouted.

"Oh please don't [tornado fang]ing tell me he still wants to [tornado fang]ing kill himself." Asch groaned.

"Does Ms. Sakura know?" Borock-bot asked concerned.

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Reply #4747 on: August 13, 2014, 04:01:57 AM
Arche felt a bit out of place, as he's yet to meet this PB person, but by everyone's reactions, he must be someone dear to them.

"What a pathetic man. I never thought someone like him would run away," Phi leaned back in her chair and sighed. If she's been to alternate worlds, she probably knows him, even if she never met the PB of this timeline.

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Reply #4748 on: August 13, 2014, 04:06:17 AM
"I don't think Sakura knows yet," Fxeni replied as he looked up at them one by one. "If it's any consolation, he seemed to be in better spirits when I last spoke to him. Not quite as jovial as he usually is mind you, but he didn't seem like he was suicidal."

Fxeni glanced over at Phi, who seemed genuinely disappointed in PB despite never meeting him. "I don't think he's running away. He's clearly intending to return, considering his latest pet project back up on the station. I'm sure he has his reasons for leaving... unannounced."

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Reply #4749 on: August 13, 2014, 04:11:16 AM
"That's a relief I suppose, perhaps he decided to train by himself." Borock-bot sighed.

"You might be right....." Zeta said trying to calm herself down "But I don't want something to happeen to him.....not like Lou Lou."

"Good, at least he didn't take the cowards way out." Asch crossed his arms. "Though assuming that Sakura doesn't know yet I'm assuming that talk she had with him didn't go that well did it."

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection