Wilypocalypse NOW

Protoman Blues · 400508

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Reply #150 on: December 03, 2012, 07:38:25 AM
RMZX - "Well, what a... uhh.. character."

RMZX hears another chair scrape across the floor behind him. He then looks and notices the sick bay door is open.

??? - "It was cold out there."

RMZX didn't reply, but visible frustration was noticeable on his face.

Offline Protoman Blues

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Reply #151 on: December 03, 2012, 07:40:51 AM
(.....Oh god I had no idea PBPB was like that, you'd think she'd be more informed about what was happening when she came back.  Can you edit out that last line?  I'll do the fight but W2PB is Sakura's priority and this is very out of character.  Seriously that was the last thing I expected.)

(Edited out. Also, trust me there is a reason behind this! You'll seeeee! XD)

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Reply #152 on: December 03, 2012, 08:15:28 AM
The first Arwing was completed by the time Hajime came back with a workable crate.  The brown Berbil, though aware of his presence, remains focused on the first task at hand.

"Resistance Arwing rebuilt," he beeps, "Berbil now begin function test for bugs and malfunction before taking out for test flight."

Another Berbil, this one a light blue and a cylinder-shaped head, climbs into the cockpit and starts pressing some of the buttons it memorized from an instruction manual found on the internet.  The Arwing's boosters burst to life, spewing out a small blaze of rocket fuel while the Berbil piloting it checks the temperature gauge to see how quickly the thrusters overheat.

"Booster rockets at 70%," the Berbil translates, "Estimate time of flight: 5hrs before overheat imminent.  Arwing possible for entry into space."

"Berbils continue work on other Arwing," the brown Berbil commands, "Berbil Joe take Arwing to location of Resistance to complete repairs using parts stored there."

Joe salutes as a hatch opens overhead, allowing him to safely lift the Arwing into the sky.  Once above the repair dome, he presses another button to close the hatch to the Arwing before piloting it towards space, heading in the direction of the Sex Station.

"Have you narrowed down the Berbils that will attempt to infiltrate WilyII's WDS?" Hajime asked.  The brown Berbil nods as he escorts Hajime outside to three other Berbil, the purple one female by the Swamp Lily attached to the right ear.  The second Berbil is red, and the third Berbil is orange.

"Berbils volunteered to try and infiltrate World Domination Station," the brown Berbil introduced, "Berbils understand danger; Berbils willing to sacrifice independence for safe return of one who holds Sword of Omens."

Hajime nods before walking towards the three Berbil, "Alright then, I've found a suitable crate for you three to hide in.  So when you're ready, head inside and I'll close it up."

He then pauses a moment in hesitation before assuming a mild regretful expression, "I should warn you, WilyII isn't so slow to not notice the crate, so if he starts to question its appearance, and none of my excuses work, be warned I may end up having to sell you in order to keep up the farce."

"Berbils understand," the trio said with a salute, "Berbils prepared to sacrifice if infiltration fails."

Hajime nods again, feeling even more worried about the outcome of their plan as the trio head into the crate and await him to close and lock it.  He wastes no further moment and heads over to the crate, closing the door so only the small, three barred window could be visible, and locks the latches before using his wires to load the create onto the Dragon Truck.  Once secured, he climbs into the driver's seat and makes the long, hopefully uninterrupted trek towards the location of WDS.


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Reply #153 on: December 03, 2012, 08:29:56 AM
(Okay let me do this real quick.)

Sakura was in disbelief at what just happened.  She knew that PBPB was much more emotional than PB but she normally didn't fly off the handle like this.  Didn't she already know about W2PB, I mean she came back with PB on the hanger and she was at the karaoke bar, right?  Either way it looked like she wasn't going to drop the fight, but she had to worry about W2PB first.  Sakura slowly got up and look her strait in the eye and spoke quietly to her.

"PBPB I understand you're upset that PB is gone and seeing a robot PB clone doesn't really much things better but you have to listen to me.  I found this innocent robot who realized that he couldn't fulfill his purpose and wants to find a new one, PB agreed that he deserves a chance and put him under my jurisdiction.  Now I'm checking to make sure that the doctor didn't put anything weird in him to make him betray us.  This is a very stressful operation that requires precision and thoroughness, I have to check every nook and cranny to ensure that that robot can live his life however he chooses.  So I can not fi-"

PBPB slapped her again.

"You coward!  You think that stupid imitation is more important than PB!?  PB is gone and you're fixing that stupid thing!?  I can't believe a brat like you is PB's favorite!  There's no way I can accept you as leader when you aren't even trying to look for him right now!"

Sakura recovered and looks at PBPB the exact same way.

"Stop looking at me and fight me you stupid [sonic slicer]!" PBPB roar and went in for another slap.

However this time Sakura grabbed her arm effortlessly.

"Let me go you stupid cu-"

"Listen."  Sakura said firmly.

PBPB temporarily stopped reluctantly.

Sakura spoke again in a quiet calm manner.

"You say I don't care about PB?  That I'm not worried about him as much as you are?  Do you know what I've been through the last 12 hours?  I took this robot under my tutelage afraid that Wily II can remotely reprogram him against his will, watched my Master almost kill himself to make sure that we didn't worry about him and ruin our party, and might I add that Vixy and I were the only ones who knew he was doing this.  I saved his ass only for me to be knocked down by a stronger foe almost effortlessly and find out that PB was captured because I wasn't strong enough to protect him! Then another member had a mental breakdown and I had to quell it!

If I was stronger this wouldn't happen and believe me I want to help PB as fast as possible!  But I can't do that when I don't even know where he is, so in order to use my time effectively I'm helping someone else who needs it.  I'm already pushing my limits right now and am in no condition to fight you.  If you win against me when I'm not at my fullest the victory would mean nothing and it would be pointless.  If you do have PB's DNA inside you, you should know that.  I will fight you, but I can't do it right now.  If I do now, then everything will fall apart."

Sakura let go of PBPB and walked back towards W2PB to continue her scan.  PBPB just stood there.

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #154 on: December 03, 2012, 09:31:09 AM
Pretty Bunny ProtoGal Blues watched as Sakura defied her challenge of leadership to fix the robo PB.

PBPB - "Well at least you know your limitations, unlike the me who thought with his dick instead of his brain!" *puts staff away* "Looks like you passed Test 1, little girl!"

Sakura - *still fixing W2PB* "What do you mean, Test 1?"

PBPB - "Test 1 to see if you are fit to lead. Like [ray splasher] Me and Me Me, you have immense ego. You will fight me, Sakura. But if you had accepted the fight right away instead of healing first then you would have been no better than PB. You would've rushed headstrong into a fight you couldn't win, like he did, and I would've taken over as leader anyway. Your mental discipline is sound. That was Test 1. Test 2 will indeed be a duel between the two of us."

Sakura - "I still need to finish working on W2PB."

PBPB - *stares at PBB in disgust* "I'd rather you heal first then fix that....thing. Very well though. Repair it, if you must. I will be monitoring the long range sensors. We will fight later.

Pretty Bunny ProtoGal Blues is about to walk out of sickbay, but stops at the door.

PBPB - "One thing you should have realized is that since that bot making bastard has [ray splasher] Me captured, he will attack and attack soon. He will not pass up this golden opportunity. Fix your toy, rest up, and get ready ASAP. We're on defense instead of offense now. Remember that!"

PBPB leaves sickbay and heads for the command center.

RMZX - "You two don't need me here. I'm going to help PBPB on monitor duty. Good luck!"

RMZX and ???? left the sickbay. Kharaxel walks over to Sakura

Kharaxel - "She's right, you know. Sakura, you need to rest."

Offline Strider Xhaiden

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Reply #155 on: December 03, 2012, 11:07:07 AM
(Doc, if you wanna go with brainwashing, go for it. The sides are kinda unbalanced right now anyway, and playing an active pseudo-Maverick might be fun. :) Might introduce some other members of Alastor's squad at some point too....

Artillery Alpaca, anyone? XD )

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Reply #156 on: December 03, 2012, 01:37:58 PM
(Oh god, I have other prisoners? What joy! 8D)

Medic Man has been tempting with the intruder for a few hours, and managed to get his name from the circuit board... At least what looked like a circuit board.

Medic - Master Wily II~ We finally have a name for our intruder~ Alastor~

DWII - Alastor... So what have you learnt so far about Alastor?

Medic - His technology is definitely a lot more advanced than what you have~ But it seems that despite the complexity, there's also simplicity~

DWII - Simplicity?

Medic - Yes~ It seems that his system is very durable to shock and force~ But, it's not as resistant to outside control~

DWII - Outside control huh... Good... Why waste such potential... Proceed with the brainwashing procedure.

Medic - With pleasure~~

Medic Man retracted his finger tools, and slowing opened up his chest hatch. He fingered around inside, until he found what he was looking for: A simple chip, with Dr. Wily II's insignia. Medic Man closed his chest hatch, summoned his finger tools again, and began to delicately insert the chip into Alastor's chest, finding a small port to insert it in. Medic Man then closed up Alastor, and clapped in delight.

Medic - It's done~~

DWII - Good... Now for a test run. Alastor... ARISE!

(I'll get to the Berbils in my next post. XD)

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Offline Strider Xhaiden

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Reply #157 on: December 03, 2012, 01:47:49 PM
Fog. He was lost in a fog so thick that none of his sensors could penetrate more than few inches. Fear. He was afraid. He didn't know where he was, or what he was supposed to be doing. All he had was his name. There was a vague, nagging feeling at the back of his mind that he was forgetting something important, but every time he tried to grasp the concept, it slipped through his fingers like water and vanished. He had no idea how long he'd been like this, but then the fog suddenly parted, and for the first time that he could recall, he heard a voice calling to him.

DrWilyII - "Alastor....ARISE!"

That voice. He knew that voice. The man calling to him.....was a friend? He knew this and yet something told him that it wasn't right, that he was forgetting something and ohgodpleaseremember. Something else stirred within him, and he knew this man wasn't just a friend. This man had rescued him when he had been lost, and he owed the man more than he thought he could repay. Forcing that nagging voice into the furthest corner of his mind, he awoke...

His eyes shot open, the icy blue-grey now a deep crimson, and he swung himself off the table and onto his feet, his movements lurching and unsteady for the few seconds it took for his systems to adapt to the change in orientation. Finally getting his bearings, his gaze settled on the man in front of him. With a smile that never quite reached his eyes, he bowed to the man.

Alastor - "Good morning, Doctor. Do you need something from me?"

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Reply #158 on: December 03, 2012, 02:12:18 PM
DWII - Perfect... PERFECT! It's great to have you back, Alastor! You had no idea how much trouble it was to finally rescue you!

Alastor - Rescue me?

DWII - Why yes! The accused Resistance! We were so close to liberating RPM City from their treachery, but we were caught off-guard by their ambush! And you were captured! My forces tried their best to rescue you... But the darn Resistance! My forces have since been shrunk considerably, but to know that you can safe and sound now is the best I can ever hope for!

Alastor - I see...

DWII - Not to worry, it will come back to you. The Resistance's mind control technology is strong, but I'm the great Dr. Wily II, and was able to break their hold on you!

Alastor - Greatest thanks. After hearing what you have said... I want some revenge on the Resistance.

DWII - I can understand. But you must rest first. You deserve it after the ordeal. The Recovery Labs are just down the hallway. Once my forces are back up in numbers, we will strike!

Alastor nodded, and slowly made his way to the Recovery Labs. Dr. Wily II turned away from Alastor, and smirked. He never thought that such a marvelous lie would work. He then turned his attention back on Medic Man.

DWII - Make a backup on all the data you recovered from Alastor, I want to personally examine it later.

Medic - As you wish~

DWII - Also... How are those... Berbils we captured some time back doing?

Medic - Oooooh~ Those funny things~ Well, I managed to decipher most of their inner workings~ But it seemed I went a bit overboard and broke one~

DWII - ... No matter. Carry on with the others. If the brainwashing procedure is still unsuccessful... No big loss really.

Medic - Understood~~

With that, Dr. Wily II teleported by to his main control room, and sat back down into his evil spinning chair, and began to spin evilly again... Until he remembered boforte is in the Recovery Labs at well.

DWII - Oh well. Let's see how things unfold.

Dr. Wily II spun his chair until it aligns with his main computer monitor, and focuses his gaze on the screen showing the Recovery Labs.

At the underground factory, Wily Fighter is still watching over the progress on the army's expansion. A panel on the console in front of him lit up, showing that the third Orbitus unit is operationally ready.


(Well then, Alastor... Have fun with boforte! 8D)

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Offline Strider Xhaiden

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Reply #159 on: December 03, 2012, 02:27:16 PM
(I will. I just hope I get his personality right. Ehehe.....)

Alastor stepped into the Recovery Labs, located a spare charge bed, and set to work on maintaining his equipment. The Doctor's story had made a strange kind of sense, and he was more than happy to lend a helping hand now, especially if he had a history with the Doctor. He was roused from his musings by a motion at the far end of the room. Another young man....robot....he corrected after a brief scan, was waking up on another charge bed. It wasn't until he'd successfully located his sunglasses and placed them back over his eyes that he noticed Alastor's presence.

Boforte - "Hey! Who the hell are you?"

Alastor blinked. Unbidden, a file popped up in his peripheral vision listing this unit as Boforte, one of the Doctor's special numbers. From the condition he was in, he'd been badly injured in a fight at the some recent point in time. Dismissing the notice, he turned his full attention to the unit.

Alastor - "I'm Alastor."

Boforte - "I don't care who you are! I'm asking what you're doing here, I've never seen you before!"

Alastor paused, unsure of how to continue.

Alastor - "I only recently came back online. According the Doctor, I'd been critically injured during a battle with the Resistance and he's only just been able to recover and repair me."

Boforte scowled and crossed his arms.

Boforte - "Yeah, alright, whatever. Just stay out of my way newbuilt. I'M the one that's going to help the Doc crush the resistance, not you! Got it!?"

Deciding to indulge him, Alastor nodded and turned back to his work, leaving a sulking Boforte with nobody to vent to.

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Reply #160 on: December 03, 2012, 02:34:56 PM
(Hehe, that's just fine. 8D Gonna sit back and watch now. :P)

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Reply #161 on: December 03, 2012, 07:21:05 PM
The Dragon Truck soon arrives at the entrance of WDS.  Hajime can sense the maniacal doctor too busy on other things to notice the truck, but he feels it would be too soon to let the voluntary Berbils out this quickly.

"It looks like the doctor's still preoccupied," he mutters to the crate, "Let's see if we can get further inside without tripping any visual alarms."

He then starts to drive the truck towards the location of the hanger, keeping an eye out for any cameras that might alert unidentified vehicles intruding on unwelcomed pavement.

Berbil Joe checked the temperature gauge as the Arwing hits the ozone layer, causing a dome of fire to form around its nose.  The exit appears to have sped up the rising temperature, making chance of overheat more possible.  Without thinking or contemplating the situation, he presses a pair of buttons on the steering wheel, causing a burst of energy to fling the Arwing further into space, causing a drastic jump in temperature, but quickly stopping once he reached the airless atmosphere.

By now the Arwing's rocket temperature had reached 25% since take off.  Joe remains nonchalant (As if a Berbil could express any emotions), as he continues his long, careful trek towards the Sex Station, keeping in mind the distress signal located near the steering wheel if he feels he needs to call ahead of time to be picked up.


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Reply #162 on: December 03, 2012, 09:17:19 PM
RMZX - "You two don't need me here. I'm going to help PBPB on monitor duty. Good luck!"

RMZX and ???? left the sickbay.

Huh? Well, apparently RMZX and his unwanted companion follow PBPB...

RMZX - "Wait how did I end up here?"

RMZX looks ahead and notices PBPB's shapely ass.

RMZX - "Oh, hypnosis. I need to not let my mind trail off."

RMZX heads back towards the sick bay. his unwanted companion pauses for a bit, and heads back as well.

*Flaw obtained!*

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Reply #163 on: December 03, 2012, 09:41:52 PM
Sakura looked up at Kharaxel.

Sakura - "Well... as I said, I think I almost got it. I think I found what appears to be the receiver... but I simply need to remove it carefully." With that said, Sakura sat down and returned to work.

Kharaxel was worried. He wished he could be of some help right now, but he wasn't too knowledgable about machines. Now, if they needed to know something about archeology or preparing food... then he could help out somehow.

RMZX - "Hey, man."

Kharaxel turned around to see RMZX and his... follower, standing before him.

Kharaxel - "Didn't you just go to help out that... angry looking woman?"

RMZX - "Yeah, well... I don't know what came over me suddenly. I'll rather stick with you two, somehow I don't think I could deal with her too well."

Kharaxel understood completely. He knew all too well, by the example of his mentor, that rageful women such as that one are nothing but trouble.

Kharaxel - "Well... so, you said you're from an alternate dimension or something, right? Aren't you worried you can encounter a version of you from this universe?"

RMZX - "Nah. I'm worried about that android actually, and about the fact you just believed me like that. What kind of crazy stuff often happens here?"

Kharaxel - "Well... I don't know about here, but I myself have... experienced... quite a lot paranormal stuff."

Sakura - "YES! I HAVE IT!"

Kharaxel and RMZX jumped in place, surpirsed by Sakura's happy shout. It seems, the work on PBB was done.

(time to move on with this I think, because this "check" on PBB is starting to become the new Namek saga.)

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Reply #164 on: December 03, 2012, 09:48:41 PM
(I'll update later today, I appreciate what you did though it's a bit different from what I was thinking of, but it's totally fine.  Sakura is the paranoid sort as well.)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #165 on: December 04, 2012, 01:29:04 AM
After flying the Fxeppelin around for a while, there was no sign of the Fxenodrome anywhere. Not even a sign of where it could have dug underground to traverse below the ground. 'This might be harder than I thought... I've been gone for too long' Fxeni thinks to himself as he bites his lip. He momentarily ponders about his options as he looks through his computer's logs. One entry in particular catches his eye, and he stops upon it.

'The SexStation... maybe someone there would have an idea' Fxeni muses as he gets up. He turns on the camouflage unit of the Fxeppelin, and strolls down to the hangar bay. He examines the state of the Arwings available, finding only one that is in good shape for any sort of flight or combat. He sighs as he hops into it, flicking switches to start up the aircraft. He sends a signal to the hangar bay doors to open, then flies off into the depths of space towards the SexStation.

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Reply #166 on: December 04, 2012, 02:04:42 AM
Berbil Joe looks towards his scanner again, noticing an Arwing signal heading in the same direction he was heading towards.  Did the Berbils already finish the second Arwing and sent it to space?

He couldn't stop now, knowing that there was only 2hrs left before overheat leaves him drifting through space without a means of cooling the engines, and the built-in distress signal would reach out to all frequencies, alerting WilyII to his presence and sending a robot army to apprehend him; he would much rather be within the parameters of the Sex Station before attempting something this desperate.  He would have to wait until they get to the station before uncovering the pilot behind the newly arrived Arwing.


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Reply #167 on: December 04, 2012, 02:48:55 AM
(I decided to hold off on the 'Lets name RMZX's Android'. I need to think of something different for now.)

??? - "Hey, RMZX..."

RMZX ignores.

??? - "Hey.."

??? - "Why don't you like me?"

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Reply #168 on: December 04, 2012, 05:58:07 AM
"So PBB is going to be okay?"  Kharaxel asked when Sakura shouted.

"Maybe, I'm going to run one more scan to make sure everything is all right.  That was way too easy."  Sakura said. "Okay checking programs that activated 8 hours ago."

Sakura's computer sprung to life scanning every program that W2PB had in his systems.  Everything seemed normal there was his BIOS and sub routines along with his recover programs.  However there was one program that showed that got Sakura's attention.

'"Huh, Wily II Control.exe?" Sakura questioned "Dammit I knew it was too easy!"

"What's up Sakura?" RMZX asked.

"This receiver is a fake!" Sakura shouted

"What!?" cried RMZX and Kharaxel

"I knew something was up, Wily II would not make it so simple or use this cheap thing!" Sakura said as she crushed the fake transceiver.

"Now what?" Kharaxel asked.

"I have to find the real transceiver, it must be smaller and well hidden." Sakura said as she looked around again.

Meanwhile in the crack in the ceiling.

"This is not good she wasn't fooled I must informed the Doctor!"  Pixelman panicked.

As Pixelman attempted to contact Wily II Zet's scanners detected movement in the ceiling.  Since Borock-bot went out to make a call, Zet decided to take matters in his own hands.  His bunny ears began to glow and he fired an energy shot at the ceiling.

"Come in Mas-AHHHHHHH" Pixelman screamed as the shot landed a direct hit.

Pixelman and a part of the ceiling fell and freaked the guys out.

"What just happened?" Kharaxel yelled.

"Dude part of the ceiling is gone!"  RMZX cried as he looked up.

"Will you two be quite I think I found something!" Sakura yelled.

RMZX and Kharaxel looked at Sakura, it seems she didn't notice the new hole in the ceiling.

"I guess it's no big deal right?" RMZX said

"Whatever." Kharaxel sighed, he seen enough crazy things in one day.

Zet just looked innocently around the room.

A few moments later Sakura extracted the second receiver.

"Okay that one's gone now.  I'll scan him one more time but I think that should do it."  Sakura muttered as she initiated the scan again.  This time the Wily II control.exe program was gone.

"I did it.  Now I can wake "PBB" up!"  Sakura cried joyfully.

As Sakura was cleaning everything up and closed W2PB up Pixelman woke up.

"Ugh my aching head, what happened?" Pixelman looked up and saw Sakura cleaning up.  As he looked ahead he saw that remote control that he was using to control the signal was broken from the fall.

"No my mission failed I must report to Wily II now." Pixelman said.  He called Wily II.

"Pixelman what's your report?" Wily II asked from the other line.

"Mission failed Dr.Wily II, Sakura found the fake and real receiver.  W2PB can't be control anymore."  Pixelman reported sadly.

"She what?  Dammit I underestimated her!"  Wily II yelled.  "No matter, I have no need for W2PB now.  There are many other plans I can use to crush the Resistance."

"Master I've fallen from a great height and can't get up.  I believe I'm damaged."  Pixelman said pitifully.

"I see, very well I'll make some repairs." Dr. Wily II said "Retreat for now, Pixelman! They may have gotten W2PB out of my hands, but my Orbitus squad shall destroy them!"  

"Yes sir." said Pixelman as he teleported out with no one noticing.

As Sakura put away her tools W2PB came around.

"Ugh did someone get the number of that thing that hit me?"  W2PB said groggily.

"'PBB' you're awake, how do you feel?"  Sakura asked concerned.

"Huh well my stomach feels a little hurt and my head.....huh?"  W2PB was shocked.  His head felt clear and there wasn't any static or fuzziness there anymore.  W2PB then looked up at Sakura "...You found it didn't you."

"Yeah, it wasn't easy but it's gone now."  Sakura said.

"I knew you could do it."  W2PB said relieved. "I owe you my life Sakura."

"You don't owe me anything 'PBB'." Sakura said as she sat down next to him.  "You're my friend 'PBB', that's what friends do."

"Well thanks Sakura."  W2PB said as he hugged her "Thanks for everything."

"You're welcome."  Sakura murmured.

"Hey RMZX, I think we should leave those 2 alone now." Kharaxel said.

"Way ahead of you." RMZX said as they headed out the door.

Borock-bot was right in front of them when the door open.

"Ms. Sakura I..." Borock-bot drifted off when he saw Sakura in W2PB's arms.

"Yeah we were just heading out."  Kharaxel said a bit akwardly.

"I see" Said Borock-bot "Well I wanted to let her know I was able to contact her associate and that she will be arriving in a few hours, but I suppose that can wait.  Come along Zet."

The little Mettuar skipped out of the room and the door closed.  They were finally alone.

"Sakura are you okay?" W2PB asked quietly "You haven't said anything in while."

He looked down and saw that she fell asleep in his arms.

"I guess you must have been exhausted" He thought "But who could blame you after everything you went through.  I wish you didn't have to suffer through all that, but now that I'm free I'll do everything I can to make you happy."  

He continued to stare at Sakura when his eyes started to get heavier.

"I suppose I could use a nap too." W2PB thought as he drifted off to sleep again.

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #169 on: December 04, 2012, 06:51:52 AM
(Hey, Sakura. One completely friendly advice: Try to show a little restraint. Since you seem to be solving all of the problems too quickly, which in my opinion works a bit badly for the story. I'm not trying to be rude, since it's just my personal opinion. If everybody else does not mind, then alright. I'll shut up. And no, you don't have to change the above post. Just try to restrain yourself in the future. Sorry, if I'm coming off as rude. But as much as I enjoy your posts, some of them simply solve perfectly good "plot points" too quickly. Cheers.)

RMZX - "So, uhhh... what now?" Said RMZX, as he and Kharaxel stood outside the sick bay.

Kharaxel - "No bloody idea. But since she's the leader, temporary or not, we probably should wait till those two wake up. In any case..."

RMZX - "In any case... what?"

Kharaxel - "Isn't it wonderful? I believe I can smell love in the air."

RMZX - "I dunno man, isn't he a robot?"

Kharaxel crossed his arm and smiled proudly.

Kharaxel - "True Love exceeds all boundaries, you know. Or so they say."

??? - "I agree."

RMZX and Kharaxel were once again reminded of the nameless female android. RMZX was, however, quick to ignore her.

RMZX - "What about that falling ceiling, don't you think it was strange? Do you think it might have been an attack of some kind?"

Kharaxel - "Beats me. She didn't seem bothered. So I guess it must be typical around here."

RMZX - "Oh yeah. You did mention you're new, right? We should be friends."

Kharaxel - "Well... there's nothing wrong with that. Sure."

??? - "Then I'll be your friend too."

Kharaxel once again took off his cowboy hat and bowed.

Kharaxel - "Glad to hear it, miss."

There was a moment of terrible silence, finally, RMZX broke it.

RMZX - "Okay. I give up... I think I should come up with a name for this android. Since I'm not getting rid of it anytime soon."

(Okay, Hawaii. I believe we should SERIOUSLY give that waifu android a name. You okay with that?)

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Reply #170 on: December 04, 2012, 06:59:54 AM
(No Tron your absolutely right, I just don't know what to do. I'm truly horrible at pacing and I honestly feel horrible about that.  But I'm going to have PB handle the Sakura vs PBPB fight, since PBPB's moves are based on Soul Calibur and I know next to nothing about that.  Also there is one more filler part I need to make before we move on.  And it involves another god damn person flying a Arwing to base)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #171 on: December 04, 2012, 07:16:34 AM
(Don't feel bad, seriously. Just try to limit yourself a bit. It should be easier in a case of something like this RP, because you're not the only one who writes this. Just try to think more from the character point of view. For one: "Would Sakura really have such an easy time finding the TRUE receiver?" Or maybe "Would Wily II name the true receiver with the world 'controll' in it?" Don't feel bad, or anything. Just try to calm down, and think about how would such a situation really go down. It's kind of hard to explain. I, for one, know how it is to [tornado fang] up the pacing of MY OWN stories. Which is why, I decided to make my character weak, but gave him something to struggle with (Tron). Hence, I know how to limit myself in terms of this story, but also created another hurdle to overcome. So, don't be discouraged. Keep trying, and remember. Show some limits. KNOW your limits. and use them to make interesting stuff.

Oh and one last thing. Sometimes it's good to also look at the story through the perspective of other characters, different than your own.)

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Reply #172 on: December 04, 2012, 07:20:00 AM
(Yeah that should be the last BS thing in there.  I really just plain suck at story writing, that's why I never write fan fiction.)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #173 on: December 04, 2012, 07:22:49 AM
Meanwhile, on the bridge, Pretty Bunny ProtoGal Blues thinks to herself about the current situation..

PBPB - "Robot clones? Pffft. I remember the good ol' days when clones were made from god-like magic and sexy DNA. I mean, no amount of robotics could make tits this sexy! Oh well. Hope the little girl knows what she's doing."

Suddenly the computer's AI system turns on...


PBPB - "Go ahead, ADA. Have you been able to locate Protoman Blues?"

ADA - "Not yet. However I am detecting some lone Arwings heading towards the Sexstation. Both are coming from different directions and are requesting permission to dock."

PBPB - "Open hailing frequencies with the two ships."

ADA - "Open."

PBPB - "This is Pretty Bunny ProtoGal Blues aboard Sexstation 2069. Identify yourselves!"

Fxeni - "Hey. Long time no see, PBPB!"

PBPB - "FXENI! It's great to hear your voice again. Where the hell have you been?"

Fxeni - "It's a long story. Permission to dock?"

PBPB - "Granted. ADA. Activate the docking web. And re-try communications with the other Arwing.

ADA - "Communications are open, sir. There seems to be static coming from the other Arwing. It's possible their communications system has been damaged. The Arwing doesn't seem to have much power left. If we don't allow it to dock, the pilot might not survive."

PBPB - *ponders the situation* "Hmmmm, it could be a trap. You are detecting life signs, right?"

ADA - "Yes."

PBPB - "Very well then. Activate the docking web for that Arwing as well. I'm going to the docking bay to greet our two guests. Have a security detail meet me down there in case this is a trap!"

ADA - "Yes sir!"

PBPB - "Also, keep the long range sensors active in case Wily II's forces attack. Inform me immediately if you detect anything out of the ordinary!"

ADA - "Yes sir!"

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Reply #174 on: December 04, 2012, 07:26:25 AM
(Okay, Hawaii. I believe we should SERIOUSLY give that waifu android a name. You okay with that?)

(Well I did say that last line pretty much word for word in an earlier post before trashing it. Yeah, lets do that.)

RMZX - "So, you have any ideas? I'm pretty much spent on good ideas. The last one I had didn't work out so well."

RMZX looked at the android, but for some reason his view of her was sort of blanked out, like he couldn't really get a good look at her appearance.