Wilypocalypse NOW

Protoman Blues · 426235

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Reply #125 on: December 03, 2012, 12:13:42 AM
(Even with my ridiculousness?)
(Trust me, your ridiculousness was nothing compared to my irrelevancy. And thank you Tron, now I can finally be a character.)

RMZX - "Well, maybe you can tell me what's going on here exactly? I'm not... how should I put this... from here, technically."

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #126 on: December 03, 2012, 12:22:11 AM
(Okay HAWAII KAWAII. Here's your chance to be relevant. GO GO GO!
As for your stuff Sakura, you're doing good, though my plans for Tron were a bit different from what you did there. But eh, whatever. I can build off with that as well, in fact, it gave me a good idea on what to do so, yeah. I have no problem with anything. Just try to make those posts, at least a bit shorter. Sometimes it's good to leave out some things, than to stuff the posts with unnecessary words. CHEERS.)
(I figured you wanted to do something different, unfortunately Sakura is the type who does things one thing at a time so when Tron showed up I kinda got inspiration from your profile and made him pathetic based of the fact that Kharaxel is not the perfect vessel and I wanted to move on with fixing W2PB.   Originally Sakura was going to knock out W2PB during training but since Tron showed up I decided to change it.  Honestly after that part even with the foreshadowing I have no idea what to do with your character.  

That person I alluded to will still show up, she's sorta going to be a somewhat replacement PB in terms of raw power and....well crazy shenanigans that will make W2PB a bit uncomfortable, if you know what I mean.  

What I'm really having trouble with now is what normal Sakura can do, so far Sakura hasn't been in a fight by herself so I don't have a grasp of her abilities.  I may bring in some of her Pokemon at one point as a summon sort of thing but other than that I don't know what to do.

Also I wish I could make the updates shorter, I just sort of write them as I go.  The last huge one wasn't as big as the other ones, but I had to explain how Bosa Rokkura worked along with the references use.

I think the next one will be shorter though, but they always end up bigger than I thought.)

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Offline Rin

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Reply #127 on: December 03, 2012, 12:28:11 AM
(Hawaii: No problem. I was waiting for a chance to FINALLY bring you in.
Sakura: Well, as I said it wasn't really a problem. But, if you want to know, my original plan for Tron was to have him strike a deal with resistance, they will provide him the "manpower" to recover that crystal he mentioned, and he would find PB once he gained full strength. But it was my fault honestly, for not writing that in the story itself. You did what you could with what little info you had. So yeah, It's okay. Seriously.)

Kharaxel finally realized, that this RMZX seems to have no idea about anything that currently is happening, meaning...

Kharaxel - "Well... for starters, Dr. Wily II, perhaps you know him, stared a war. This here is a base, of the resistance group who opposes his evil ambitions. We... err... basically are trying to stop him from conquering the world and umm... our leader kind of got... kidnaspped by Wily II. Miss Sakura is out temporary leader now. That's the shortest explanation I can give."

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #128 on: December 03, 2012, 12:31:15 AM
(Yeah I just feel I take too much control of this RP.)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Offline Protoman Blues

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Reply #129 on: December 03, 2012, 12:38:00 AM
(What I'm really having trouble with now is what normal Sakura can do, so far Sakura hasn't been in a fight by herself so I don't have a grasp of her abilities.  I may bring in some of her Pokemon at one point as a summon sort of thing but other than that I don't know what to do)

(Don't worry. You'll be in a fight very soon!  8D)

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Reply #130 on: December 03, 2012, 12:40:21 AM
RMZX - "Yeah, I knew a Wily 2 back where I came from, he's a little different here. But anyway, a war? Well I don't know how useful I'll be, but count me as a good guy."

??? - "I'll be good too then..."

RMZX sighed.

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Reply #131 on: December 03, 2012, 01:39:00 AM
(I think I saw a episode of Thunder Cats yesterday with those Robear things, how ironic.)

(Inspiration works in mysterious ways. :P)

As the Berbils were busy reconstructing the Arwings using the parts that had fallen from the sky, the brown Berbil looks towards Hajime, who stood in the background, overlooking the process.

"Berbils discuss disappearance of the one who holds the Sword of Omens," it began, "Berbils want to rescue the one who holds the Sword of Omens like the Resistance rescued Berbil."

"Do you even know where he is?" Hajime asked, "I may have seen him get kidnapped while he was still out of breath, but then everything vanished, like he didn't exist."

"Berbils recognize robots that kidnapped the one who holds the Sword of Omens," the brown Berbil admits, "Robots most likely taken holder to World Domination Station.  Berbils plan to infiltrate and rescue."

"No, that would be too easy," Hajime mutters, "He's gotta have a secret base of sorts to hide someone as important as PB."

"Perhaps," the brown Berbil beeps, sounding disappointed, "Which brings Berbils to next idea.  If Berbils are captured, Berbils beg to join Dr. Wily II in attempt to locate whereabouts of the one who holds the Sword of Omens."

"Do you think that would work?" Hajime asked, almost bewildered, "You saw what WilyII did to one of the Berbils after he stole you from Third Earth.  He could have figured out a way to reprogram you and make you mindless drones like the mets he keeps slapping together."

"Perhaps," the brown Berbil beeps again, "But Berbil are born of technology Dr. Wily II may not be familiar with and could still be tinkering with Berbil he took from group.  If nothing else, Berbils at least save the Berbil Dr. Wily II is currently tormenting."

Hajime sighs a bit in frustration.  It took the Resistance a day at best to find and bust the Berbils out of their confinements, and by now, WilyII may have already finished figuring out the technology that keeps them alive.  Still, even without facial expressions, it must grind their wires into a knot not being able to do anything but rust within the murky environments of the Junkyard.

"Yeah, I suppose you're right," he sighs again, "But I think it would be a good idea to have as few Berbils infiltrating the base as possible.  That way if WilyII does catch onto the intrusion, he won't have as many slaves fighting against the Resistance."

Hajime then reaches into his pocket and pulls out a quote that had been faxed to him earlier today, "I may have to help you get in, though.  The doc owes me some money for the parts he used to build that second Wily Star."

"Dragon Rider know Dr. Wily II long ago," the brown Berbil said, sounding worried amidst the monotone, flat whirr, "Dr. Wily II may dupe Dragon Rider to work for him as well."

"It's like you said, we won't know unless we get there and see what happens," Hajime said while taking out a abacus and flicking the beads around, "Besides, he made the mistake of launching that Wily II Star without paying for the parts he had me dig, clean up, polish, and repair, so calculating along with the damage caused by the Resistance and he won't even think of dumping all that income on his experiment verifier, Afro-Shroom."

Hajime then looks back down to the Berbils, "Not only that, but just busting into the WDS will just get you captured a lot faster.  It would be best if I at least get you into the hanger before figuring out your next plan of action."

The brown Berbil looks outside to the small group who had been overhearing the conversation, all nodding in agreement to Hajime's additional direction.

"Very well," he said, "If Dragon Rider believes Dragon Rider can sneak Berbils into World Domination Station, than Berbils accept Dragon Rider's help.  Berbils figure out what to do next along the way."

Hajime nods as he heads out into the Junkyard to dig up some appropriate crates to hide the Berbils in.


Offline Fxeni

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Reply #132 on: December 03, 2012, 03:10:25 AM
In a dark secluded laboratory, computers spring to life after a long period of rest. Slowly, monitors begin to glimmer with light one by one, showing calculations being made. A device in the back of the dusty room begins to hum as it gathers power, then suddenly sparks begin to erupt from larger transistors connected to a metallic arch. A portal crackles into existence and a figure dives through it into the lab, colliding with the floor with a loud thud.

Energy blasts fling through the portal after the figure, destroying equipment on the far wall. The figure quickly pulls out a laser blaster and shoots out the transistors one by one, forcing the portal to shut with a bright flash. Smoke begins to bellow out of the device, and the figure quickly grabs an extinguisher to put out the machine.

"Well, that could have gone smoother..." Fxeni mutters to himself, tossing the extinguisher on the floor. He takes a quick glance around the room, his eyes adjusting to the darkness of the lab. He walks over to a computer and looks at its' monitor.

"Gone for two years..." He says as he looks around the room. He presses a switch, turning on all the lights in the room. It looks like it's been completely untouched since his departure to the other realm, other than the brand new holes left behind by the earlier blasts. He walks out of the room into the underground complex it is connected to, inspecting the area. He smiles as the memories of this place return, memories far gentler than the much rougher two years of recent memory. He shakes those memories away, wanting to forget them for now.

He makes his way up to his mansion up above ground, still inspecting everything along the way. Nothing was touched, he was pleased that his security system was still intact. Once he got to the mansion through the secret passageway, he plopped himself onto the nearest chair he could find. He looked around, and noted that some things were missing in the room he was in. He wasn't surprised by this at all though, considering two years had passed since his disappearance.

After a quick scouting of his mansion, Fxeni determined that no one else was there. He quietly went back to his secret underground complex, and pondered his next move. Sitting at his master computer, he decided to go outside and see how things have changed in his time away. He checks to see which vehicles are available, with only one showing up; the Fxeppelin. A bit irked by this, he checks the status on all his other vehicles. The Arwings in the Fxeppelin are still present, however the other vehicles are noted to be elsewhere. 'She must of used them...' Fxeni thinks to himself with his brow furrowed. Decidedly not pleased by this, he checks for the Fxenodrome.

He quickly determines that the Fxenodrome is still active judging by the signals that he received, however it is unclear where it may be. It is not currently in use however, and it seems it hasn't been in a while. He attempts to determine it's location by using one of the satellites orbiting the planet, however it looks like there's some interference stopping the signal from coming through clearly. 'Well, that's something to look into...' Fxeni thinks to himself as he heads into the Fxeppelin. He starts it up, and navigates it outside into the skies in search for the Fxenodrome.

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Reply #133 on: December 03, 2012, 03:13:08 AM
Calanthus must have been staring at the sky for an hour or two when be began to hear the faint sounds of explosions reverberate through the atmosphere. He immediately got up and made his journey further inland, perhaps to avoid any crossfire but also to find someone and ask what was happening.

I put on my [twin slasher] face.

I also go by Spectro D., Idylleaus, Malabar, and Dumb-bit Twofuck.

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #134 on: December 03, 2012, 03:56:05 AM
(Jeez, with the Sword of Omens and the Berbils I may have to include some Thunder Cat influences in the future.)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #135 on: December 03, 2012, 04:45:48 AM
(I feel like I want to do a worthless backstory dump, but honestly I'm stuck until Tron comes back.)

Offline Rin

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Reply #136 on: December 03, 2012, 04:55:02 AM
(I'm here. Sorry, I got occupied with trying to extract full soundtrack from Epic Mickey 2 wii version... yet, I only wasted my [tornado fang]ing time. Anyway.)

Kharaxel felt stupid. Here's another guy, who, as far as he can see, has no real powers, yet he decided to join. Well, and the strange lady who seems to annoy him did too. He felt stupid, because he thought of running away, yet he spoke to RMZX and somehow or other got him on the side of resistance.

Kharaxel - "Okay then. That's great. Glad to know you picked our side. I believe during those times, we need all the help we can get and umm..." Kharaxel looked at the woman, who seemed to only focus on RMZX. "Err... and you too of course, fair miss. And... by the way, I didn't catch your name, I believe."

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Reply #137 on: December 03, 2012, 04:58:48 AM
RMZX motioned to the "person" behind him.

RMZX - "Leave us for a second."

The "person" walked away and peeked out from a nearby corner in the hallway.

RMZX - "Sorry about that. She doesn't have a name."

(And its cool, really any progress is good progress. No matter how slow.)

Offline Rin

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Reply #138 on: December 03, 2012, 05:19:02 AM
Kharaxel found himself quite surprised, and not sure how to exactly respond to such revelation.

Kharaxel - "Okay then. Err... well, we probably should introduce you... both..." Kharaxel made a slight pause, because RMZX sent the nameless woman a cold stare. "In any case, come with me. I'll introduce you."

And so Kharaxel came back into sick bay, where Sakura was still working on PBB.

RMZX - "Is that... a robot on the bed?"

Kharaxel - "Umm yeah. A robot copy of our leader to be exact, though, he's pretty different from him. Less stupid and ego-"

Kharaxel bit his tongue.

Kharaxel - *Thinking* "Did I just call PB 'stupid'?! How did that happen?!"

RMZX - "Less stupid and ego?"

Kharaxel - "Er, sorry. I meant to say, less SUPERB and with smaller ego. In any case...  Miss Sakura, a moment if you please. We have two new mem-"

RMZX once again coldly glared at the nameless person ,who stood by the door to sick bay.

Kharaxel - "Yeah. We have a new member in our ranks."

Sakura stopped for a moment, and looked up at RMZX and Kharaxel.

Sakura - "Hi. I'm Sakura, but could you please wait a moment. I think I'm almost done."

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Reply #139 on: December 03, 2012, 06:34:25 AM
RMZX - "That's fine, I'll just take a seat and wait."

RMZX gave another glance to the "person" waiting at the door.

RMZX - "Wait outside and close the door."

"They" obliged, and shut the door. RMZX sat down.

RMZX - "Suppose I should come clean, I didn't plan on... her... following me here. She doesn't have a name because she is a robot. A Lightcorp 'Waifu' android, to be more precise, found its capsule in my house with a note attached saying it was a gift, I accidentally activated it and it took that appearnce, since then it has been following me around. I think its supposed to unconditionally love the person it first sees, but its just irritating me. I don't think it understands that its an android, to be honest."

RMZX Leaned back a bit.

RMZX - "Guess I should come clean about myself too, I'm not from here, I'm from a different RPM, a quieter RPM, less people. Though it would appear I have a counterpart in this universe as well, he doesn't seem to be around though. Guess he was married or something, maybe that's why that capsule was there, must've been that his wife died or something and he was taking it roughly, had lots of documents and old mecha lying around though, that's how I made the ship that got me here. But I digress. I'm going on too much."

Posted on: December 02, 2012, 10:37:31 PM
(It appears I went overboard again, gah I need to stop this [parasitic bomb].)

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Reply #140 on: December 03, 2012, 06:38:53 AM
(What do you mean?)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #141 on: December 03, 2012, 06:41:17 AM
(I feel I have a tendency to make people not want to post after me.)

Offline Protoman Blues

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Reply #142 on: December 03, 2012, 06:42:01 AM
(I'll be posting in a sex. Right after I finish this bag of Pretzels! XD)

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Reply #143 on: December 03, 2012, 06:42:47 AM
(Like I said I'm kinda busy today.)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #144 on: December 03, 2012, 06:43:48 AM
(I'm stuck until someone describes the state of the karaoke bar after pb and sakura left)

Just enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything

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Reply #145 on: December 03, 2012, 06:45:35 AM
(Like I said I'm kinda busy today.)

(And that's fine, I just almost never have anything to do so I get a little impaitent at times. I can't help it, honestly.)

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Reply #146 on: December 03, 2012, 06:47:40 AM
(I'm stuck until someone describes the state of the karaoke bar after pb and sakura left)

(Nothing happened to the bar. It's still intact thanks to the efforts of the RESISTANCE! Remember that, Neutrals!  B( )

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #147 on: December 03, 2012, 06:49:38 AM
(I'm stuck until someone describes the state of the karaoke bar after pb and sakura left)
(Since Vixy is currently looking for PB in the Sex Station according to Tron's update, I think you probably just left.)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #148 on: December 03, 2012, 07:30:16 AM
Pretty Bunny ProtoGal Blues has returned to the Sexstation, after being informed of PB's capture by Dr. Wily II. PBPB immediately started searching for Sakura, who was PB's second in command. PBPB knew that with PB's capture, she would assume command of the Resistance. After walking around the station, PBPB finally found Sakura in sick bay along with Kharaxel, RMZX, and a robot that looked like Protoman Blues.

PBPB - *sees the robotic Protoman Blues and gets angry* "WHAT. IS. THAT?"

Sakura - *jumps a bit* "Oh...um Hi PBPB. This is W2PB or ProtoBorg Blues. He's a robot clone of PB and well, he was sent here by Wily to warn him abou..."

PBPB - *interrupts before she can finish* "WHAT?"

Sakura - "P-Please just let me finish. He failed in his mission and now wants to be more than just Wily II's toy. PB himself told me to train him. He's my responsibility!"

PBPB - *glares at Kharaxel and RMZX* "Is he now?"

Kharaxel - "Eeep."

RMZX - "Eeep."

PBPB - "Alright, I've had enough of this farce. I don't care that you are [ray splasher] Me's second in command. You're not fit to lead the Resistance and therefore I challenge you to a one on one battle to determine the leadership of the Resistance. These two man-tools will bear witness to this duel!"

Sakura - *gets angry* "We don't have time for this! I need to finish with W2PB's analysis and th..."

PBPB - *bitchslaps her across the face* "YOU WILL MAKE TIME FOR ME, LITTLE ONE! Meet me in the Holodeck in 7 minutes."


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Reply #149 on: December 03, 2012, 07:36:28 AM
(.....Oh god I had no idea PBPB was like that, you'd think she'd be more informed about what was happening when she came back.  Can you edit out that last line?  I'll do the fight but W2PB is Sakura's priority and this is very out of character.  Seriously that was the last thing I expected.)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection