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LightningKitsune · 140136

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Reply #625 on: September 01, 2010, 09:28:59 AM
I have yet to get the game but thought this was kind of funny
Quote from:
Things I learned from Metroid Other M:

1)Women are weak and cannot do anything without a man ordering them around

2)Women will let their emotions get the best of them in moments of conflict, even if facing an opponent they have defeated numerous times before

3)Black people are the most expendable

4)Brevity in video games is stupid and for [Top Spin]s stuck in the 80's. Everybody loves sitting through long, unskippable cutscenes.

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Reply #626 on: September 01, 2010, 12:29:56 PM
I have yet to get the game but thought this was kind of funny

1- Jurisdiction, superior by law, legitimate orders, etc. (updates by herself as she needs it later on when she can't stand the bullshit)
2- Seeing as she had pretty much killed him dead last time around and judging by the beast, she was expecting something completely different, I'd be surprised too if the monster I was hunting turned out to be the dude who killed my parents. AGAIN.
3- Expendable, as in "only members important enough to have an actual death scene".
[spoiler]And seeing how he comes back, it's really not very important. Tell the person who said that to finish a game before criticizing.[/spoiler]
4- Cutscenes really are baby size compared to any kind of story-driven games. Just new to a saga like Metroid. Only big cutscene is the ending.

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Reply #627 on: September 01, 2010, 07:51:54 PM
yeah some people don't really use their heads at all, it honestly makes me frown at times.

But w/e, to more important things, so far just am past the authorized beam section and oh man, the game is sooooo much fun.

The controls and combat works in such a fluid way that like in effect of Bayonetta, you'll feel awesome that all the awesome [parasitic bomb] you're pulling off is all you, rather than having a ton of automatic actions for ya.

Finishers feel awesome once you figure out how to pull them off per enemy and then consistently after, and even then the game keeps putting ya in slightly different situations despite you knowing how to [twin slasher] the enemy~

Authorizations moment so far haven't been so bad, I guess for some people, dodging isn't too fluent, so they're making samus seem not....uber skilled, and as for that Varia suit moment. 

The first three hallways were not...that long, so I can forgive that, at least it shows how tough Samus is (and the chip damage you get during those hot scenes is not much compared to the damage speed from Super); but I can see how it can irritate some.  Before the boss was sort've of pushing it, but since Adam sees there's a possible tough enemy (and a [tornado fang]ing great boss fight), Varia suit is ok.  So given by that time.  I feel it's gonna REALLY variate on just the player's skill on the acceptance of 'authorization' and when it will annoy them.  Nonetheless, i'll keep thinking more on so as I get farther slowly and slowly~

Again though, for Samus to take all that and still kick ass.  My respect for her increases even more actually.

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Reply #628 on: September 01, 2010, 08:47:32 PM
Man, I missed the space jump. "Flying" around feels like Super Metroid.

...just as an aside, I find it hilarious how people are bitching about Samus' personality being revealed as insecure and emotionally unstable. After so many years of having an almost-silent protagonist in all of the Metroid titles, somehow, people got the mental image that Samus was some kind of ultimate badass beneath her armor, and being constantly referenced as a fantastic example for all female characters worldwide. "This is how you make a female character who is strong and brave!"

The moment they started showing MORE of Samus, was the moment that people started disliking her. Making her hot in Smash Bros? She's always been hot according to 100%ed game endings, but actually SHOWING it? No way. Now giving her an actual personality, realistic in the fact that she saw both her families be slaughtered (in theory making her BATMAN SQUARED), and presently maintains a mentality of respect for people who respect her in return, and a narration of the events that brought her to where she was in the first place? (along with grief for the only creature who had ever protected her in her entire life, out of love?) This is purely realistic. Samus can't be some kind of female Duke Nukem to get in a planet, exterminate all of its creatures and get out. Her narration of the events is extremely Ender Wiggin style (From the Ender's Game book, for the few of those who don't understand the reference) which is actually fine by me, because although it's insecure and respectful, she realises she has a task to do, and NEVER shys away from it.

This is Samus Aran. A human being, just like you and me. Get used to it.

...Adam is still a [tornado fang]ing [dark hold], though.

My man i [tornado fang]ing LOVE you. All i've been seeing left and right is people constantly bitching about this game for so many pointless reasons, Controls are too hard to get used to! Samus is a weak defenceless woman that relies on men! (Like G4 will have you believe), wah, wah, wah, blah, blah ,blah.

The only reasons i've had to complain about this game is that Adam is a douche (RAAARGH! VARIA SUUUUUIT DAMMIT!), it's a little too easy (and i don't have the concentration system to blame for that, i actually think the concentration thing works very well as far as the health restoration goes), there are one or two areas which are kinda "Guide dang it"-esque (which ultimately falls down to me being an idiot for not picking up on any visual clues) and the final boss being somewhat of an... anti-climax in a way i suppose.

[spoiler]I must admit the part you mentioned earlier when she unlocks stuff by herself had my laughing so damn hard. "Any Objections, Adam?" i need to go back and check what else she unlocks if anything because a friend of mine tells me that she unlocks Power Bombs at the same time and i never noticed.[/spoiler]

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Reply #629 on: September 01, 2010, 09:37:12 PM
[spoiler]Power Bombs are actually only unlocked for the last hit on the "final" boss. And then you unlock them for the post-story, to explore the stuff you missed. It's stupid, having put you through a tutorial with them...[/spoiler]

Offline Ephidiel

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Reply #630 on: September 01, 2010, 11:55:20 PM
[spoiler]all while laughing in your face telling you
"they are too strong too bad you aren't allowed to use them ever"
as they can instantly vaporize a human [/spoiler]

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Reply #631 on: September 02, 2010, 12:09:58 AM
[spoiler]BTW, what do you guys think of the TRUE final boss? I think it was kinda tacked on. Hell, I think the whole story kinda stole us of the last level buzz, we weren't even allowed in Sector Zero, and only faced Metroids in the Metroid Queen fight. I would have liked to face Metroids in the field some other times. Not just that, fighting MB in some way would have been awesome.[/spoiler]

Offline Kieran

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Reply #632 on: September 02, 2010, 02:26:13 AM
I just find the switching to first-person to fire missiles frustrating, since you can't move and dodging in first-person is iffy.

Oh, and I hate that enemies don't drop energy pickups.  Beyond that, yeah, fun game so far.

(And I'm all for humanizing Samus, goddamn it.  I always figured she had to be emotionally unstable after everything that's happened to her, anyway.)

The Other Side #theotherside

Commander Shepard: *stares blankly at a video of scantily clad asari dancers* ...What kind of hotel is this?
Liara T'Soni: It is a luxury resort with an... exotic edge.  Azure is slang for a part of the asari body in some places on Illium.
Shepard: Where?
Liara: The lower reaches, near the bottom.
Shepard: I meant, "where on the asari body?"
Liara: So did I.

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Reply #633 on: September 02, 2010, 03:37:43 AM
I just find the switching to first-person to fire missiles frustrating, since you can't move and dodging in first-person is iffy.

Oh, and I hate that enemies don't drop energy pickups.  Beyond that, yeah, fun game so far.

(And I'm all for humanizing Samus, goddamn it.  I always figured she had to be emotionally unstable after everything that's happened to her, anyway.)
The first-person switch is still the most fuild motion-based switching mechanic I've seen in any game.

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Reply #634 on: September 02, 2010, 06:32:48 AM
Today at work they were giving out free posters of Metroid Other M, I got myself one of those posters. In fact, rarely anyone was getting them, they'd get one by buying a copy of the game... looked like no one was buying today.

Visit my art gallery at deviantart today.

Yes, I am now one of those so-called "Bronies".

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Reply #635 on: September 02, 2010, 08:42:56 AM
Ridley Boss battle and the scenes before and after.

AWESOME, I love the feel of intensity~

and there's the first and second rounds of that gravity-changing creature.  I even nearly died on the first round and still managed to recharge my life.  It was so heart pounding~

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Reply #636 on: September 02, 2010, 12:09:56 PM
Ridley Boss battle and the scenes before and after.

AWESOME, I love the feel of intensity~

and there's the first and second rounds of that gravity-changing creature.  I even nearly died on the first round and still managed to recharge my life.  It was so heart pounding~

He's called Nightmare. =P He's from Fusion.

Tons of comeback bosses in the game, actually.

[spoiler]Ridley was expected, but Nightmare, Queen Metroid and Phantoon?[/spoiler]

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Reply #637 on: September 02, 2010, 12:55:01 PM
Wait, wasn't Nightmare an experiment made by the federation?

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Reply #638 on: September 02, 2010, 02:25:27 PM
I guess. But he's here too.

The extra boss doesn't make any sense either, but whatever, he's cool.

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Reply #639 on: September 02, 2010, 03:09:58 PM
Well, just finished the game.  Along w/ the extra mission.

Overall, I VERY VERY VERY VERY AM MUCH, MUCHO PLEASED.  In fact i'll play it through from the beginning, after getting 100% in the current file of course~
i'm a bit scared to try out hard mode though...

Story is also pretty damn amazing~ Samus is indeed quite the woman, very very cool.

He's called Nightmare. =P He's from Fusion.

Ah ok.  I've yet to play Fusion~  and now that I finished this game, now I must hunt down a copy of Fusion~

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Reply #640 on: September 02, 2010, 10:49:02 PM
This game reminds me of Fusion in so many ways. Not necessarily a bad thing mind you, but it won't be topping my favourite Metroids if only for it's linearity. It's still fun though, no question about that.

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Reply #641 on: September 02, 2010, 11:36:05 PM
You know, the game's great and all, but...

...well, Prime SPOILED us too much on how to make a 3D Metroid work amazingly well. I think every world they throw at us will seem dull and ugly in comparison with what Retro did.

Offline Kieran

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Reply #642 on: September 03, 2010, 04:03:55 AM
Uh, this is really odd.

I'm stuck in 1st person after the part in sector one where Samus gets pinned.  It doesn't seem like one of those parts where the game shifts you into forced 1st person either.  The game's just not registering that I'm turning the remote away from the screen.

Edit: Bah, nevermind.  It'd be nice if the game was -consistent- about how it locked you into first-person view!  Normally it freezes the screen and turns it green if you move the remote away, but this time it didn't.  What the [tornado fang], TN.

The Other Side #theotherside

Commander Shepard: *stares blankly at a video of scantily clad asari dancers* ...What kind of hotel is this?
Liara T'Soni: It is a luxury resort with an... exotic edge.  Azure is slang for a part of the asari body in some places on Illium.
Shepard: Where?
Liara: The lower reaches, near the bottom.
Shepard: I meant, "where on the asari body?"
Liara: So did I.

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Reply #643 on: September 03, 2010, 07:20:54 AM
The ending segment of the main story segment of the game was a little more lackluster than I would have liked. Something more grandiose at that point would have been preferred, something like what we got at the end of the extra segment. Now that was great.

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Reply #644 on: September 03, 2010, 08:23:03 AM
Weeell. I got the game first day. (left college and WALKED to the gamestop near right outside the mall- quite a distance- but i was feelin' brave.)
control wise- they are really smooth you DO need to get used to them at first. It can be a very slight bit overwhelming. But nothin you  dont get used to quickly enough. After a while, (around a bit into sector 1-) youll be pullin' off Samus finishers like its nothin.

Story- it was good. I liked it. I find it funny- like was already mentioned, that people [sonic slicer] about Samus personality, even though fusion had pretty much already visited Samus personality and done similar to what this game did- only they didnt go full into it like M does.
[spoiler] Whoa, Metroid queen? didnt expect that. XD I was expecting something like Mother Brain's Super Metroid Body. So yeah. game ends... Queen defeated and all that, and I feel dissatisfied... "No mother brain battle? thats anti climactic... Oh well..." Then comes the after mission and I wind up on the bridge... Before even going in, lol, I take a look at it in FP, and think "wait a sec... a large empty room? with a giant glass dome no less? WTF are they going to make me fight here..." Then I go in and out of nowhere comes out Space brain there and Im like, "WHOA! now THATS what Im talkin bout! I knew you wouldnt let me down, game!" that battle was fun. even if a bit of a pushover given how easy a target Mother is. for an after mission boss, I was expecting something harder. but it was still very fun, and made me satisfied. then the mandatory evacuation sequence... for which Samus for some reason decides to run through exploding hallways infestd wih erratic enemies without her suit on. But hey whatever. It works. It was a nice look back into Zero suit samus gameplay. I was kind awishing she could go into FPS mode like that though. XD

One thing that I feel they really didnt tie up though, is the assasin plot.we realize that there is one, and see his work, even suspect who it might be, but after mystery assasin kills mystery GFS, thats it. Samus follow him for a while, and later discovers James dead body, (who we already have figured out is the assasin.) but after that, its never touched upon by her again. im not sure she even knows he was the assasin. hes just listed as dead, but no note of him being the assasin. they never finish with that fully. its like, once the player figures out who it is, they dropped it.

it was also a real nice touch how they had those guns shooting the energy circles at you. that really takes you back. XD (which was also another reason I was expecting it to be Mother Brain, not a Metroid Queen) I was kinda expecting to fight MB in SOME way or she controlling some giant enemy, or turning into one. (unless that after mission Mother Brain thing IS her...) instead we get a forced missile shoot out where we have to target her.

also, yeah. the varia suit thing. WTF. Like seriously. Weapons is one thing? but why the [tornado fang] would she disable a [tornado fang]ing life supporting feature? Just walk out into space and take your helmet off samus, because Adam hasnt autharized it! you might as well. there was no reason for that. :| Im even willing to forgive the other mbility features, but that one takes the cake.

I love what they did with Ridley too. going from small adorable fuzzy thing to big ass space pirate commander. Makes me wonder if thats how he ACTUALLY "grew up" or if that was just simply the result of the [parasitic bomb] they were doing there and stuff. they brought him back and he evolved slowly into his final form. [/spoiler]
but still, very fun ass game.

 It IS annoying though that [spoiler]EVERY [tornado fang]ing POWER BOMB DOOR IS ONE OF THOSE [tornado fang]ing MINIBOSS THINGS.[/spoiler]

and gadamn, I know you could see it in the art, but its even more noticable in game, Samus has got DEM HIPS.

...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.

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Reply #645 on: September 03, 2010, 10:31:48 AM
Hey umm... concerning the after mission stuff there Flame,
[spoiler]The boss is Phantoon. This is made even more clear from the concept in the gallery, check it out.[/spoiler]

As far as the main storyline,
[spoiler]The Queen Metroid was pretty kickass. I would rather have had that be the boss being controlled by MB, rather than what we got. The fight would have been more climatic that way, as well as the finalization of the story arc. I realize that they didn't want MB to be something you fight head on, but they were building up the fact that she controls the freaking metroids so much that you'd figure they would have gone that way instead of forced FPS aiming that didn't feel right as a final battle, with enemies that didn't really seem like anything more than regular grunts.[/spoiler]

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Reply #646 on: September 03, 2010, 10:43:32 AM
[spoiler]I got a little dissapointed that we didn't get any buildup that a Metroid Queen was the last story boss. I mean, we just go in a room after meeting a new character, and suddenly an incredibly epic boss shows up. What? After that, there's the whole story conclusion and the game "ends". Aren't we supposed to get that, THEN the boss?[/spoiler]

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Reply #647 on: September 03, 2010, 11:49:21 AM
Hey guys... so where can I like, download all the cutscenes (or at least some of them) from this game?
I seriously want that cutscene [spoiler]where Samus has a fear attack when she sees Ridley.[/spoiler]
I seriously want that in HQ.
Anyone can help me out?

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Reply #648 on: September 03, 2010, 12:58:59 PM

Then download it with i find to be the best approach.

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Reply #649 on: September 03, 2010, 02:35:46 PM
Had to post this:

My life is currently bears and Jojos and everything is great.