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Reply #875 on: March 23, 2011, 10:43:06 PM
Oh right, today.  Well, so much for hanging out with other nerds at the comic store...

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Reply #876 on: March 23, 2011, 10:45:07 PM
Well I'm sure nerds will be there as well. This week is also Green Lantern week, which begins the War of the Green Lanterns event.

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Reply #877 on: March 23, 2011, 11:21:32 PM
First two parts of War of the Green Lanterns, plus Batman INC #4. It's gonna be so [tornado fang]ing sweet.

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Reply #878 on: March 23, 2011, 11:24:48 PM
Yeaaaaaaah. Can't wait till I pick them up tomorrow.

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Reply #879 on: March 24, 2011, 04:56:24 AM
Well, I went to the Welcome to the FF event at Planet X Comics.  They held a raffle for the Djurdjevic gatefold variant cover of FF#1.

And I won it. XD

I also read the mass-market edition Ashley picked up, see how it's gonna pan out.  My thoughts, considering I'm not that much of a Marvel fan?  Not bad.  Not bad at all.  In fact, I may add it to my subscriptions, see how it goes.

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Reply #880 on: March 24, 2011, 09:23:31 AM
Yeah, Future Foundation was very interesting. I'm definitely interested enough to see where it's going.

Oh, and War of the Green Lanterns was AWESOME!

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Reply #881 on: March 24, 2011, 11:04:43 AM
Looks like they don't work on yellow again. =P

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Reply #882 on: March 24, 2011, 05:18:49 PM

I think that's the least of concerns right now.

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Reply #883 on: March 24, 2011, 05:31:25 PM
From the way they were hyping it, I honestly think that brainwashing and setting the general NPC Corps against the main heroes is kinda weak.

I mean, I know comics aren't represented by those covers, but I wanted to see Hal versus Guy! Kyle versus John! And no brainwashing, I mean real, actual "different sides" thing.

Well, one thing that I like is that War of the Green Lanterns is only gonna span 4 issues. And those 4 issues are gonna be of different series. The way Sinestro Corps War was, and the way Blackest Night should have been. Self-contained.

I lawled like kurazy at the possessed Guardians, BTW.

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Reply #884 on: March 24, 2011, 06:06:23 PM
Well we still have to see Hal vs. Guy, and Sodom Yat and the Daxamites are gonna join the fray soon I think. We'll see. And yeah, the Guardians thing was hilarious!

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Reply #885 on: March 24, 2011, 07:03:06 PM
Well we still have to see Hal vs. Guy, and Sodom Yat and the Daxamites are gonna join the fray soon I think. We'll see. And yeah, the Guardians thing was hilarious!
Hal vs Guy wil certainly be entertaining, although I hope Johns doesn't write it, because he always seems to give Hal the upper hand on everything he does. I want a fair fight.

And I hope Larfleeze escapes and starts wreaking havoc like the old days. What happened to all of his amazing godly powers of an entire corps?

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Reply #886 on: March 24, 2011, 10:33:24 PM
Hal vs Guy wil certainly be entertaining, although I hope Johns doesn't write it, because he always seems to give Hal the upper hand on everything he does. I want a fair fight.

And I hope Larfleeze escapes and starts wreaking havoc like the old days. What happened to all of his amazing godly powers of an entire corps?

Well he did lose his precious

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Reply #887 on: March 24, 2011, 10:50:44 PM
Well he did lose his precious
He did, but he's still got a ring and half a charge of an entire lantern corps.

He's pretty much as powerful as the rest of the New Guardians, if not more.

And when the hell are we gonna hear Larfleeze's oath?

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Reply #888 on: March 25, 2011, 05:20:06 PM
LoL, he promised us Larfleeze's oath so we'll hear it soon enough. I'm also curious as to the backstory of the Indigo Tribe as well. LoL, and the new book Red Lantern should be interesting enough.

As for Johns, after Brightest Day is over with, I really really would love him and Reis to work on an Aquaman book, even though I know it probably won't do well.

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Reply #889 on: March 26, 2011, 01:26:02 AM
LoL, he promised us Larfleeze's oath so we'll hear it soon enough. I'm also curious as to the backstory of the Indigo Tribe as well. LoL, and the new book Red Lantern should be interesting enough.

As for Johns, after Brightest Day is over with, I really really would love him and Reis to work on an Aquaman book, even though I know it probably won't do well.
They'll probably do it. Although Johns is planning some other Rebirth thing with Van Sciver, I've heard.

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Reply #890 on: March 26, 2011, 03:58:02 AM
Maybe it's Aquaman. I guess we'll see.

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Reply #891 on: March 26, 2011, 06:31:22 AM
I don't know if I would ever be interested enough in "Aquaman: Rebirth" to warrant buying it. Aquaman always struck me as a blander version of Namor the Sub-Mariner though Mera was always hawt.  8)

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Reply #892 on: March 26, 2011, 07:12:56 AM
Here's what's stopping me from continuing reading what I'm reading.

Green Lantern. I'm about to finally hit Blackest Night. I see how it spans into all sorts of things and I wonder "Dear god, how much of this do I really need to read?". And being a bit of a glutton, I like to know everything going on. And then after that, doesn't Brightest Day span over frikken everything?

Like, what is the absolute essential and what can I skip?

Other than that, I'm dreading getting towards what's it called.. Batman, Inc? The whole concept just makes me weep.

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Reply #893 on: March 26, 2011, 08:08:26 AM
I don't know if I would ever be interested enough in "Aquaman: Rebirth" to warrant buying it. Aquaman always struck me as a blander version of Namor the Sub-Mariner though Mera was always hawt.  8)

Personally I think Aquaman is a bit more interesting than Namor somewhat, plus I think you can do a lot more with his characters moreso than Namor as well.

Here's what's stopping me from continuing reading what I'm reading.

Green Lantern. I'm about to finally hit Blackest Night. I see how it spans into all sorts of things and I wonder "Dear god, how much of this do I really need to read?". And being a bit of a glutton, I like to know everything going on. And then after that, doesn't Brightest Day span over frikken everything?

Like, what is the absolute essential and what can I skip?

Other than that, I'm dreading getting towards what's it called.. Batman, Inc? The whole concept just makes me weep.

With Blackest Night, you can primarily stick to the main 3 titles of Blackest Night, Green Lantern, and Green Lantern Corps. I forget which order you should read it in, but I'm sure a quick Google search or something will uncover that for you. If you want to read some of the mini-series you can, but I don't think it's entirely necessary. Some are much better than others. And Brightest Day is pretty much self contained. A good companion book to it is Justice League: Generation Lost. Green Arrow slightly ties in as well, but not enough where you have to pick it up.

And Batman Inc. is fuckin' awesome! Again though, if you don't like Morrison's writing, then I wouldn't bother.

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Reply #894 on: March 26, 2011, 08:15:35 AM
I'm not sure on Morrison writing. My introduction to him was Batman RIP and Final Crisis, both of which are trouble if you're unprepared for that sort of insanity :P

I'll give it a chance, though. I guess I just need to pick it back up. I was getting so close to being caught up, now I'm completely behind again.

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Reply #895 on: March 26, 2011, 08:50:38 PM
Aight, let's see...

For Blackest Night, you can read the three titles PB's talking about, and be cool with it. But if you're interested in The Flash, I think Blackest Night: The Flash is an amazing tie-in which explains alot of in-universe stuff.

On Brightest Day, it's not really a question of following everything. See, the repercussions followed alot of different stories, but you don't need to read any of which characters you don't care about. For Brightest Day, you follow Brightest Day. That's it. But it's by far NOT a Green Lantern book, aside from the White Lantern being on everything. Green Lantern itself deals with a completely different story which concerns the entities far more than the White Lantern, and follows with its own plot, completely independent. While Brightest Day is a Rebirth book for Aquaman, Deadman, Hawkman/Hawkgirl and Firestorm. Just follow it at your own pace, because the only thing that's likely to concern the GL book is the eventual fate of the white entity/guardian.

On Morrison... oh boy. My introduction to Morrison was the SAME THING. And I hated all of it. But I kept going, and eventually, I fell in absolute love with the man.

You gotta make a choice here. If you want to go deep into Morrison's writing, and actually understand the themes and style he's going through, Animal Man is the best introduction to his genre.

If you want to follow Batman, then start with Batman & Son. It's the start of his run, and then follow through with Batman: The Black Glove, Batman: RIP, Final Crisis, and Batman & Robin (reading return of Bruce Wayne when you get to the part when it tells you to). Reading the titles like this will give you a much better understanding for the whole story. And keep a notebook around you to write down a few themes you see, as well as stuff you don't understand yet. Because it all makes COMPLETE sense when you put all of the pieces together, and it's absolute genius.

In regards for Batman: INC, it's a whole new beginning for Batman, and the stories are basically Batman being James Bond. Being incredibly cool with gadgets and having a few shout-outs to the old wacky days with whole new villains and allies. It probably can be read on its own, although the underlying themes seem to be preparing for something big. The whole run up to the end of Batman & Robin was basically a worlds, times and dimensions-spanning war with [spoiler]Darkseid[/spoiler] that Morrison weaved through in the most brilliant way possible. The rest will probably follow through with it.

I can post you conspiracies, themes and all of the theories of the book that can be followed through all of the Batman books, and explain you all of the symbology present. But it's something you gotta choose if you're gonna follow, or quit. Because you gotta be somewhat dedicated with some of the themes to enjoy it.

The entire Morrison run

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Reply #896 on: March 26, 2011, 10:09:28 PM
If you want to follow Batman, then start with Batman & Son. It's the start of his run, and then follow through with Batman: The Black Glove, Batman: RIP, Final Crisis, and Batman & Robin (reading return of Bruce Wayne when you get to the part when it tells you to).
Yeah, we've had this conversation before about the run up to Final Crisis with Batman. I'm trying to remember where I had stopped and it may have been just after Final Crisis. I know I've got Batman & Robin waiting for me somewhere around here when I get back to it.. Just, need to feel like it.

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Reply #897 on: March 27, 2011, 05:39:42 AM
Yeah, we've had this conversation before about the run up to Final Crisis with Batman. I'm trying to remember where I had stopped and it may have been just after Final Crisis. I know I've got Batman & Robin waiting for me somewhere around here when I get back to it.. Just, need to feel like it.

Read this before you do.

It helps. ALOT.

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Reply #898 on: March 27, 2011, 05:09:42 PM
Looks like it's confirmed. Geoff Johns will be writing Aquaman #1 after Brightest Day.

As I said before, I think I will pass because I'm simply not a fan of the character. A would definitely buy a new Firestorm series, but 'Stormy is too obscure a character to maintain interest for very long.  :\

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Reply #899 on: March 27, 2011, 07:21:46 PM
Fan. [tornado fang]ing. Tastic.

Aquaman was easily the best story out of Brightest Day and had the most potential for a future ongoing series. Already, he's given the character & supporting cast an interesting backstory and so much room for growth. And being that he protects 2/3rds of the planet, there is so much more he can do. I am super excited about this.

Now the only question is, who's going to be drawing it.