One Piece

Started by Acid, January 17, 2009, 10:02:57 PM

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I'm not a fan of Franky's new look but i must say i'm diggin Zoro's new scar. It had to be hella training course to do that to the king of survival.

Also he kinda reminds me of Guts with that eye now so... yeah.


XD As expected, it was a one stare KO. Also, lol Zoro.

My life is currently bears and Jojos and everything is great.


Hell yeah Luffy, Hell yeah Zoro, hell yeah epic marine fail and Poor Chopper...
Damn it Oda! Now I can't wait for the next chapter!


I just started watching the most recent episode, and holy [tornado fang] they really played up that Hancock and Luffy scene didn't they? XD

Also, chapter was awesome. Loved Zoro's moment at the end there. Finally, Sentomaru & 2 Pacifistas as chew toy bosses? I can dig it.


Zoro even talks like Mihawk now.


..He even pulled of Mihawk introduction by cutting a freaking GALEON in half


Quote from: Blackhook on October 06, 2010, 10:03:41 PM
..He even pulled of Mihawk introduction by cutting a freaking GALEON in half

From inside.



With only one of his swords.



Franky has hands inside his hands and controlable hair...
Also there will be an epic brawl next chapter, I can't wait


Franky's hair XD All is right in the world again.

My life is currently bears and Jojos and everything is great.

Sapphire Knight

Blarg... I won't be able to read it until tomorrow...
My thread of Random Crap

Who loves Grape Soda? Sapph loves Grape Soda! Is it true? Is it true? Ohyesohyesohyes it's true-oo~ I do I do I do I do-oo~



I'm still not keen on his new look overall but it's a THOUSAND times more tolerable then it was now he has his hair back.


new chapter is out:

[spoiler]Pacifistas have been reduced to cannon fodder.[/spoiler]


Wow...That was awesome.
Also I lol'd at Sentomarou Axeslapping Fake Luffy


Quote from: Acid on October 21, 2010, 03:20:42 PM
new chapter is out:

[spoiler]Pacifistas have been reduced to cannon fodder.[/spoiler]

Well, if they were going to start being mass produced they kinda had to.

My life is currently bears and Jojos and everything is great.


New chapter's out and it's awesome
[spoiler]Zoro's secret revealed
The crew finnaly together and on their way to Fishman Island...hopefully they finnaly arrive there. Seriously, how long has it been since they wanted to go there? 4 years IRL?[/spoiler]


The crew interaction... it's been so long. *tears*

Sanji win this chapter.

Proud member of Indigo tribe!


Definitely, Luffy's reaction to Franky was great too XD

Also, Perona brought Zoro to the island? Mystery solved then 8D

My life is currently bears and Jojos and everything is great.


And thus ZoroxPerona ships have begun to sail  -AC

HEY! HEY! ODA! Don't switch Franky's hair back when we're not looking!


OP 603 is out!



Kuma ;__;

Also daaaaaaaaamn [spoiler]so the strawhat was originally Roger's? Wow XD[/spoiler]

My life is currently bears and Jojos and everything is great.


He was a fine man/bear after all *salutes* .. everyone is indepted by him..except for Sanji XD


Nami moves.
Sanji suffers from epic nosebleed.
It's super effective!

Sapphire Knight

Seriously, where are you guys reading this!? I wanna be able to read it before the end of the week  ;^;
My thread of Random Crap

Who loves Grape Soda? Sapph loves Grape Soda! Is it true? Is it true? Ohyesohyesohyes it's true-oo~ I do I do I do I do-oo~