Basically the problem with me is that I just feel uncomfortable around other people.
At work its not a problem, I don't have any reason to be myself so I can just pretend to be relatively normal.
Um, I'm going to be extremely blunt here... you need to get over that. And fast.
Judging by how you describe your current living situation, you cannot, repeat CAN. NOT. possibly stay there for much longer. You complain about this stuff every single day, and it seems like it's getting worse. So yeah, if and when you have the ability to move out, you absolutely should. Yes, sometimes roommates suck. Sometimes you luck into a good one. At this point, it doesn't [tornado fang]ing matter. Look on Craigslist or in the want ads or whatever, go meet the person, and see what they're looking for. If they seem like decent human beings (as in cool enough to hang out with OR just looking for someone to pay the bills and leave each other alone) then do it.