So sometimes people make fan made cover plates for the New 3DS using a 3D printer on esty and Shapeway. So this morning I found that someone made a Venusaur and Pikachu plate similar to the 20th anniversary plates for Blastoise and Charizard and I was estatic.......until I realized they were just decal stickers.
*sigh* I should have guessed with how cheap they were, they were like $12 when such plates are around the $25-30 range, and the fact they were selling the Blastoise and Charizard stickers too, so of course they wouldn't be plates or else they be sued for selling the Charizard and Blastoise plates they made. On the plus side they also made the same stickers for the New 3DS XL too, so there's that. But seriously I would so get a fan made Venusaur plate similar to the Red and Blue Plates if someone makes one someday.