Pokemon Generation VI: X/Y & Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire

Started by Archer, January 08, 2013, 12:35:20 PM

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Quote from: N-Mario on November 22, 2013, 09:39:01 PM
I don't watch anything in Japanese. I never did, and I won't start now. I only like watching in English Dubs. Don't ask why. :P

go away [Top Spin]

Dr. Wily II

And it suddenly started to rain in Laverre City.

Scatterbug Bonaza starts again for 5 hours starting now.

I'm watching you all. Always watching.


I've had rain start up while I was outside.  Same with snow.  Walking through Anistar and it starts to flurry.


Quote from: Ruri on November 23, 2013, 02:27:38 AM
go away [Top Spin]
Yes, the ability to read and watch a foreign cartoon at the same time makes you far superior to the other mere mortals.
Also on DeviantArt, Rumble, DLive.tv, and the Fediverse (@freespeechextremist.com and @bae.st)

Sakura Leic

Quote from: Dr. Meowly II on November 23, 2013, 03:23:37 AM
And it suddenly started to rain in Laverre City.

Scatterbug Bonaza starts again for 5 hours starting now.

It does the same in Kiolude city and I have no idea why since it doesn't affect the friend safari or Battle Maison, though since my rival has a Jolteon it might be the reason. :\
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Dr. Wily II

And just as it started suddenly, it ended suddenly.

... I don't know what to do anymore.
I know I have yet to catch Mewtwo and Z, but I'm going to do that when I'll lvl100. >_>
Still waiting for Looker to get me into the next chapter...

... I could try Le Wow... Or I should just continue my Y.

I'm watching you all. Always watching.


what chapter are you on in the looker quest? I did all of them right when I started. Interesting that it sends you a new message right after you walk out the door, and enter the North or South side of Lumiose City.

So unless you missed something in one of the quests.

Dr. Wily II

I'm currently in chapter 2.

And I doubt there's any way to miss things, this is Looker we are talking about.

I'm watching you all. Always watching.


I haven't even started with the Looker quests, yet.  Still working on finishing Mewtwo's and Flamin' Yawn's leveling.  I also have some move-teaching to do, need to pick up an egg from the daycare and hatch it and my backlog, go Surf-fishing for a Gyarados or two, do some in-game trades...

I also plan to experiment more with Amie, see if Gandalf (one of my Abra hatchlings) will give me a high-five.  It's so cute when he dissolves into a pile of happiness and cuddles, and that ear-wiggle gets me every time.  Oh, I just want to hug and snuggle Abras all day long!


Quote from: Hypershell on November 23, 2013, 03:32:35 AM
Yes, the ability to read and watch a foreign cartoon at the same time makes you far superior to the other mere mortals.

I'm pleased you acknowledge my greatness, peasant.

Dr. Wily II

I'm watching you all. Always watching.


Sooner or later, Nintendo or Game Freak will find a way to develop Pokemon that will actually give us more interaction options, and the possible ability to 'hug' them as well.
^ Please Nintendo, make this happen.

I can't remember if I already mentioned this once before, though it would be nice if they could develop a Wii U addition of the Pokemon Stadium series for X Y. and a Wii-U HD version of Poke-Amie while they're at it.

Also, according to Bulbapedia, some of the pokemon not found in X & Y, seem to have a pokedex entry listed in X Y anyway (like Beautifly, or some like Lugia, etc). How are people finding this? I know there's one hacker who posted some new unknown pokemon, but I'm not sure they would find all the text data too. But I donno.

Police Girl

Quote from: N-Mario on November 23, 2013, 04:46:28 AM
Sooner or later, Nintendo or Game Freak will find a way to develop Pokemon that will actually give us more interaction options, and the possible ability to 'hug' them as well.
^ Please Nintendo, make this happen.

I don't need to get any closer to my pokemon thank you.

Also, according to Bulbapedia, some of the pokemon not found in X & Y, seem to have a pokedex entry listed in X Y anyway (like Beautifly, or some like Lugia, etc). How are people finding this? I know there's one hacker who posted some new unknown pokemon, but I'm not sure they would find all the text data too. But I donno.

Well obviously if a pokemon exists its in the game already, you just can't get it currently is all. And people hack the game its no surprise.

Sakura Leic

You can find Beautifly in the Friend Safari, as for Lugia probably was able to find it via hacking.
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Police Girl

Speaking of Friend Safari somebody's Vulpix ended up finding its way to me. That was pretty cool.


Oh are the pokemon in safari random? I thought it was limited to 3 pokemon per FC. If that's the case, no one here has any I'm looking for.

Sakura Leic

Quote from: N-Mario on November 23, 2013, 05:14:16 AM
Oh are the pokemon in safari random? I thought it was limited to 3 pokemon per FC. If that's the case, no one here has any I'm looking for.
They are limited to 3 per FC, I just have a [parasitic bomb] load more FCs, only one Fairy Safari but it has some pretty bad stuff and I don't think the person has the game as far as I know. 
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Police Girl

Quote from: N-Mario on November 23, 2013, 05:14:16 AM
Oh are the pokemon in safari random? I thought it was limited to 3 pokemon per FC. If that's the case, no one here has any I'm looking for.

Vulpix was through wonder trade.

I haven't bothered to beat the game yet.

Sakura Leic

Quote from: Clefant on November 23, 2013, 05:33:34 AM
Vulpix was through wonder trade.

I haven't bothered to beat the game yet.
When you do make sure you visit mine.
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Police Girl

Quote from: Sakura Leic on November 23, 2013, 05:37:50 AM
When you do make sure you visit mine.

I'll try.

Okay so Elite four is a load of [parasitic bomb] right now.

Siebold's Gyarados can eat it because "Hurr i spam dragun dance now i beat everything"
I haven't even fought Drasna and I already know that's gonna be a crock because [tornado fang] ALTARIA.

On the other hand the other two look like cake and that makes me really sad.

Dr. Wily II

Hence why I love my Gardevoir so much. Moonblasting all them Dragons.
As for Gyarados... Wait, who's on your team?

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

Police Girl

Lets see... well that team was already [tornado fang]'d as I forgot to send a level 32 talonflame back to the box and replace it with Garchomp.


Venusaur (Who's like 10 levels behind the others)

The bastard did three Dragondances in a row and proceeded to be faster than every other pokemon I have.


Dr. Wily II

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

Police Girl

At that time it was since Talonflame was deadweight.

I put Garchomp back in so its at 6 now.

Dr. Wily II

But... But... Talonflame. D:

Well, looking at this... You could try getting Stone Edge or Rock Slide on Garchomp and kill Gyarados...
Or tough it out with Mega Venusaur.

I'm watching you all. Always watching.