Pokemon Generation VI: X/Y & Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire

Started by Archer, January 08, 2013, 12:35:20 PM

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Quote from: Dr. Meowly II on November 17, 2013, 09:10:16 AM
I'm friends forever with my Gardevoir now.
Time to get Aile in.
I read that wrong and switched "Aile" and "in"....
Quote from: Sakura Leic on November 17, 2013, 09:13:54 AM
I also think that Cloyster should not be in a 3 man team.
As I Cloyster user myself, its not that it shouldn't be in a 3 man team, but shouldn't be in a Doubles or Triples battles. Even with my tricks using him, its hard in those types of battles.

When was the last time I poked you guys...



Well, my breeder Abra evolved, so I brought out a newborn for more cute Abra playtime.

Protoman Blues


If you haven't played with an Abra in Amie, you must!  It's so cute!  Their ears twitch when you pet them and they look so happy to be cuddled and rubbed.

Just don't touch their feet, they don't like that.

Dr. Wily II

I have not be able to find Aile's (Doublade) angry spot.
I know Gardevoir is her hair bangs, Talonflame is her feet, Cresnaught is his back spikes, Delphox is his ears (he likes ear puff rubs though) and Greninja is his scarf.

I'm watching you all. Always watching.


My Delphox loves his ears rubbed.  Haven't yet found his angry spot.


Quote from: Dr. Meowly II on November 17, 2013, 09:26:13 AM
and Greninja is his scarf.
...his tongue
I'm not sure he likes the taste of your hand, then!
Quote from: Flame on September 26, 2015, 10:41:15 PM
I guess all I can really say is it isn't exactly what I'd expect out of a $4.4M game

It doesn't even have mouth animations

Dr. Wily II

Quote from: Reaperoid on November 17, 2013, 09:32:51 AM
...his tongue
I'm not sure he likes the taste of your hand, then!

Quote from: Quickman on November 17, 2013, 09:32:44 AM
My Delphox loves his ears rubbed.  Haven't yet found his angry spot.
It's the ears. He glared at me. The red puffs are fine, but the yellow at the back... Hell no.

I'm watching you all. Always watching.


For mine, it's the shoulders.  Flamin' Yawn loves his ears rubbed, he's all XD about it. 

And the hell, Runaway.  Love having the right (your left) spoon polished, but glare if I touch the left (right).

Dr. Wily II

Aile loves me forever now.
My life is complete... Except I have not evolved her yet. >_>

I'm watching you all. Always watching.


Quote from: Flame on September 26, 2015, 10:41:15 PM
I guess all I can really say is it isn't exactly what I'd expect out of a $4.4M game

It doesn't even have mouth animations


Hm, since happy and angry spots seem to vary, even for the same species, I wonder if I have an Abra that likes foot tickles...

Dr. Wily II

Huh. I guess this just furthers the point that Pokemon are all individuals, even within the same species.
Working on Talonflame now, 2 hearts at the moment.

I'm watching you all. Always watching.


Runaway likes belly rubs, but there isn't much belly to rub, so it ends up being crotch rubs.

No wonder he loves me so much. 8D

Sakura Leic

Quote from: Quickman on November 17, 2013, 09:55:57 AM
Runaway likes belly rubs, but there isn't much belly to rub, so it ends up being crotch rubs.

No wonder he loves me so much. 8D
I'm glad Runaway wasn't a Machoke. :|
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection


Dr. Wily II

My whole team is now totally loyal to me now.
... Although the way I convinced Greninja... Is sort of similar to Runaway. >_>

I'm watching you all. Always watching.


Dr. Wily II

It's small, and the rubbing soon landed to a... Piece. Yea. >_>

I'm watching you all. Always watching.



Man, I'm bummed that I missed out on the Multi Battle goodness.  Sounds like fun.

...how the heck do we have four Rock safaris and nobody with Onix? -AC  I was really hoping to raise a Sheer Force Steelix.  Back to Serebii, I guess.

Good news, my Dragonite absolutely demolished the poor passer-by who challenged me today.  OHKOed his entire team save Poliwrath (who Xiaomu was happy to finish off) without even boosting.
Also on DeviantArt, Rumble, DLive.tv, and the Fediverse (@freespeechextremist.com and @bae.st)


Okay..... Currently at Elite four.... Oh....My....GOD. So... NERVOUS... >_<

I beat the steel warrior though, had some trouble.

I can't back out, I forgot to check my item inventory, I may be getting low on HP recovery items, and most attacks they do seem to be super effective.... Even at 10 level above them...... i tried the water area. Tried using Pikachu here, but its HP and defenses are so weak, even though it's the same level as everyone else on my team. ungh. >_<

Like I said. Things like this just get me. So. Nervous about battling them. Not having enough in inventory and everything if I can't back out.


I forget who I used at the Flood Chamber.  I think it was either Lucario or Farfetch'd.   My Farfetch'd did a lot of work.

Sakura Leic

Getting used to Escavalier's battle style is going smoothly.
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection


So, I'm raising a new HM slave.  It's the Bisharp you get in Snowbelle for a Jigglypuff.  I traded a Jigglypuff named Cher for it.  Then, I saw the Bisharp's name and about pissed myself laughing.

The Bisharp shares the same name as my brother.