Pokemon Generation VI: X/Y & Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire

Started by Archer, January 08, 2013, 12:35:20 PM

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That sucks... finding an Impish Ditto is like finding a needle in a haystack.

And how happy does Togepi need to be to evolve? Also does breeding a Pikachu give you a Pichu or do you need the Light Ball to get still? Or does that just give Pichu something else? I can't remember if it were other Pokemon like Snorlax that needed an item to get their pre-evolved forms unless they changed it in X/Y.

Posted on: November 15, 2013, 03:01:44 AM
Dittos I have caught in the Friend Safari.

Here are their Natures:

How many more Natures are there? Well I'm racking up a good amount of Dittos here.

"Spirit-Soul Fusion! Invoke... VIRUS CROSS!!!" ~ Quote from my Virakins global project
JP PSN: UirusuKurisu
Official Husband of Fox Caster from Fate/Extra <3


There are 25 total Natures, every possible combination of raising and lowering a non-HP stat.  Five are "neutral" in that they raise and lower the same stat, effectively making them identical (Hardy, Docile, Serious, Bashful, and Quirky).
Also on DeviantArt, Rumble, DLive.tv, and the Fediverse (@freespeechextremist.com and @bae.st)


Quote from: Hypershell on November 15, 2013, 04:10:22 AM
There are 25 total Natures, every possible combination of raising and lowering a non-HP stat.  Five are "neutral" in that they raise and lower the same stat, effectively making them identical (Hardy, Docile, Serious, Bashful, and Quirky).

I got 11 out of the 25 Natures so far with my Dittos. This is going to take a while.

So about my question regarding Baby Pokemon?

Posted on: November 15, 2013, 03:12:02 AM
Add, Jolly, Gentle, and Mild to the list bringing it to 14 Natures I've gotten with Dittos.

Goodness getting an Impish Ditto seems impossible at this point!

"Spirit-Soul Fusion! Invoke... VIRUS CROSS!!!" ~ Quote from my Virakins global project
JP PSN: UirusuKurisu
Official Husband of Fox Caster from Fate/Extra <3


Took Mewtwo through the Battle Chateau again for some old-fashioned grinding.  Fought Clemont and Wulfric.  I admit, Wulfric is my favorite of the gym leaders in this generation.  He's so laid back, battles for the fun of it, and likes to go spend time in the Pokemon Village.

Sakura Leic

Quote from: Sakura Leic on November 15, 2013, 12:38:57 AM
Okay I have question because Bulbapedia wasn't very clear, if I have 2 Karrablast with an Egg Move will the offspring also learn it if they mate?
Hypershell can you answer this, I really don't know.
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection


Quickman you manage to get an Impish Ditto yet?

"Spirit-Soul Fusion! Invoke... VIRUS CROSS!!!" ~ Quote from my Virakins global project
JP PSN: UirusuKurisu
Official Husband of Fox Caster from Fate/Extra <3

Police Girl

Okay, I really have to know what's so special about Impish nature.

I don't really follow natures or anything so I don't know.


Quote from: VirusChris on November 15, 2013, 04:30:15 AM
Quickman you manage to get an Impish Ditto yet?

Nope.  Haven't been hunting for them.  All I've done lately was drop off my Ralts for some good times with a Synchronize Ralts, then hit the Battle Chateau.

Sakura Leic

Quote from: Clefant on November 15, 2013, 04:35:05 AM
Okay, I really have to know what's so special about Impish nature.

I don't really follow natures or anything so I don't know.
+Defense -Special Attack.
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection


I forget what Bold affects.  I know that Runaway is Bold and his performance in battle is pretty darn good, so long as he's not in a bad type matchup. 

Sakura Leic

Quote from: Quickman on November 15, 2013, 04:39:30 AM
I forget what Bold affects.  I know that Runaway is Bold and his performance in battle is pretty darn good, so long as he's not in a bad type matchup. 
It's basically the stat that is highlighted Red is raised while the one in Blue is lowered, you can see it in the status.
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection


Ah, his Defense is raised while his Attack is lowered.  Interesting.


Quote from: Sakura Leic on November 15, 2013, 12:38:57 AM
Okay I have question because Bulbapedia wasn't very clear, if I have 2 Karrablast with an Egg Move will the offspring also learn it if they mate?
Do they have the same, or different egg moves? Serebii says that apparently females might pass along egg moves, but he's still researching it. Besides, I thought the male would always pass it.

...unless I've completely misunderstood your question.
Quote from: Flame on September 26, 2015, 10:41:15 PM
I guess all I can really say is it isn't exactly what I'd expect out of a $4.4M game

It doesn't even have mouth animations

Sakura Leic

Quote from: Reaperoid on November 15, 2013, 05:13:35 AM
Do they have the same, or different egg moves? Serebii says that apparently females might pass along egg moves, but he's still researching it. Besides, I thought the male would always pass it.

...unless I've completely misunderstood your question.
I guess I should have made myself clear, my Heracross passed over Mega Horn to his Karrablast offspring.  If 2 of the offspring breed will their offspring get Mega Horn.
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection


After breeding and hatching effectively dozens of egg to groom the perfect Pokemon, I can confirm Females will always pass egg moves to its child now much like the male did before. I repeat, ALWAYS.

Kopaka: "That leaves you and I, Tahu Nuva."
Tahu: "No. That leaves only me."


Yeah, they should do, I guess. Just make sure they don't level the move out in the daycare, though you can reteach egg moves now so it shouldn't be too much trouble to get the move back.

I think I might start a Pinsir before Bank, though not Moxie like I wanted to... In which case, I should have a Heracross to chain Cross Combat with.
Quote from: Flame on September 26, 2015, 10:41:15 PM
I guess all I can really say is it isn't exactly what I'd expect out of a $4.4M game

It doesn't even have mouth animations


Okay, I just got through with Team Flare, and getting the rare pokemon in their lab. Man that seemed like that took forever.

The first time around, I damaged it as usual, and threw an ultra ball at it. It actually worked.... But then things didn't run so smoothly after that. Put it into battle, and got defeated by the boss with it after I defeated 1 or 2 of his pokemon down.
I restarted the game, to see what would happen if things were differently. I damaged it all the way through one time to see what would happen. It's interesting that the game forces you to catch it.
I tried ultra ball again, unsuccessful. Tried pokeball just to amuse me, didn't work of course. My last attempt was damaging it, and threw a Luxery ball at it. Finally caught it again.
Last after fighting the boss again, no sweat until he got to his Gyrados and mega evolved it. Tried using my Pikachu for the super effectiveness, but no go. I ended up using one of my other pokemon, and finally defeated him.

So in another universe that never was, I caught it with an Ultra ball. But now, instead ended up catching it with Luxery ball instead. Go figure. :P

I had a Master Ball, but I'm actually saving that one for later. ;)

Police Girl

Got my fancy trench coat jacket finally.

Now I'll never have any money ever again.

Well, not unless I grind the [tornado fang]ing two-star restaurant a million more times. I can't do the three-star until after I beat the E4 apparently and I bet that'll be [tornado fang]ing fun considering I'm [tornado fang]ing aggravated by the Two-star despite having a 20+ level advantage.


The Battle Chateau is my main moneymaker.  I want cash and easy grinding, I go there.  Granted, I get trash-talked by everyone, but I like earning nobility titles.  I'm a Duchess. :)

And I ended up switching Xavier the Xerneas out of the boss battles.  He got to dish out some damage, but he was promptly switched put because the rest of my team performed better.  He's been sitting in the box since.


The Battle Chateau gives you more money than the Elite Four and the Three Stars Restaurant?

And got an Adamant Nature Ditto giving me 15 out of the 25 Natures so far for breeding purposes, only 10 more to go. Sheesh getting an Impish Ditto is hard to find.

If the other parent has 6 perfect IVs and my Dittos don't, having like 2 perfect IVs, I can still get a perfect 6 IVs Offspring Pokemon right?

"Spirit-Soul Fusion! Invoke... VIRUS CROSS!!!" ~ Quote from my Virakins global project
JP PSN: UirusuKurisu
Official Husband of Fox Caster from Fate/Extra <3


Quote from: Reaperoid on November 15, 2013, 05:30:00 AM
Yeah, they should do, I guess. Just make sure they don't level the move out in the daycare, though you can reteach egg moves now so it shouldn't be too much trouble to get the move back.

I think I might start a Pinsir before Bank, though not Moxie like I wanted to... In which case, I should have a Heracross to chain Cross Combat with.

Here's a tip. It appears the game only counts an egg move as erased when you remove them from the daycare. The moment you take them out that move is gone, but the game assumes it still has the egg move when still in love shack limbo. So basically, think of it like wave-particle duality; the egg move will continue to exist as long as you are not checking, but will collapse when you do.

Quote from: VirusChris on November 15, 2013, 06:56:30 AM
The Battle Chateau gives you more money than the Elite Four and the Three Stars Restaurant?

And got an Adamant Nature Ditto giving me 15 out of the 25 Natures so far for breeding purposes, only 10 more to go. Sheesh getting an Impish Ditto is hard to find.

If the other parent has 6 perfect IVs and my Dittos don't, having like 2 perfect IVs, I can still get a perfect 6 IVs Offspring Pokemon right?

HA. Good luck with that. Destiny knot only picks up five IVs between either parents to give to the child. If I remember the math Smogon punched in correctly...

If both parents have 6 IVs, you have 1/32 chance of getting offspring with all perfect IVs. But considering you only have one and a Ditto with 2 IVs, the likelyhood is even lower.

Kopaka: "That leaves you and I, Tahu Nuva."
Tahu: "No. That leaves only me."


Quote from: VirusChris on November 15, 2013, 06:56:30 AM
The Battle Chateau gives you more money than the Elite Four and the Three Stars Restaurant?

It doesn't, I just always grind there.  No entry fee.


Quote from: megaman24681012 on November 15, 2013, 06:57:31 AM
HA. Good luck with that. Destiny knot only picks up five IVs between either parents to give to the child. If I remember the math Smogon punched in correctly...

If both parents have 6 IVs, you have 1/32 chance of getting offspring with all perfect IVs. But considering you only have one and a Ditto with 2 IVs, the likelyhood is even lower.

So is it better to breed two Dittos together to get a Ditto with 6 perfect IVs then with the Nature I have?

It might be better to wait for Pokemon Bank so I can transfer ALL of my perfect 6 IVs Dittos of every Nature... god that one took a lot time to get.

Dittos and their Natures I've collected so far:

18/25 Natures so far... not a single Impish Ditto yet. :P
What are the other 6 Natures left I need to get?

"Spirit-Soul Fusion! Invoke... VIRUS CROSS!!!" ~ Quote from my Virakins global project
JP PSN: UirusuKurisu
Official Husband of Fox Caster from Fate/Extra <3


Quote from: Quickman on November 15, 2013, 06:52:43 AM
And I ended up switching Xavier the Xerneas out of the boss battles.  He got to dish out some damage, but he was promptly switched put because the rest of my team performed better.  He's been sitting in the box since.

That's pretty much me.  All my parties are over Lvl 60 at this point, and Xerneas was at 50. So that was kind of a disadvantage for me. Anything that is lower than my entire party is, I probably just end up leaving in the box. Sad, but true. :(


Quote from: VirusChris on November 15, 2013, 07:11:12 AM
breed two Dittos together to get a Ditto

No, you need to gradually build up your breeding pairs. At the moment (pre-Bank) it's only really suitable to start with Safari Dittos (2V) or existing 4V/5V pokemon (Wonder Trade!) though 3V is possible to start with too if you have Dittos with different max values. If you have a 6V Ditto, you've cut out a bit of work you need to do, but you still need to get your same-species breeding partners up to 4V and eventually 5V for more consistent breeding.

I've been following this guide, with the exception of Power Items (haven't bought them yet).
Quote from: Flame on September 26, 2015, 10:41:15 PM
I guess all I can really say is it isn't exactly what I'd expect out of a $4.4M game

It doesn't even have mouth animations