From what I saw of the first two DMC games... they looked fairly enjoyable. I played 1 briefly, and it was rather enjoyable.
But after reading that summary Flash, I'm rather disappointed in Tameem himself. When one makes a game (or at least this is true for some other venerated franchises) they try to listen to the fans to some extent. Tameem? Nah, he's making what he wants.
That's an extremely selfish and wrong way to make a game. If he wanted to do that, he should've made an IP, not alienate longtime fans of a franchise for what he wants.
I mean, I already was disappointed in this, but this just added to that.
Nice post, btw.
The DMC games are without a doubt, some of the deepest single player fighting games ever made. There are STYLE TOURNAMENTS, meant to judge on what players around the world are more stylish while playing it. It's that good.
The game basically gives you 5 fighting styles to choose from, each with different combos. And WITHIN those styles, you have three ranged guns (one of which is a Pandora's Box with 666 different configurations, bullets, beams and specials, many available to use), and three Devil Arms, which act as the melee weapons, each with their own combos, moves, style and gameplay. It's like having every single character of a fighting game switcheable on the fly in a single man, and then using that man to fight a legion of hell demons.
The problem is, not ONE SINGLE THING of what made them what the games are, remains in this game. They destroyed one of the deepest and most fulfilling game series ever created.
Dante is cocky, AMAZINGLY good at what he does and self-assured, and when the wacky dramatic badass [parasitic bomb] happens, it's for humor's sake. The whole thing's very tongue-in-cheek, ever since the first game. Dante is meant to parody the heroes who think they're incredibly grim and dark with their gothic bullshit fantasies. What DMC is turning into, according to the designer, is exactly what it meant to parody. It's obvious that Antoniades has never played one single DMC game, and if he did, it was the second title (the non-canon title which Capcom went "please don't mention it to us" and drove the original designer out of making the saga), which was very, very bad, but still leagues better than this.
Not only that, not a SINGLE game Ninja Theory ever made has ever broken even in sales. They were all overpriced, overproduced flops. Flops which are characterized by having incredibly basic gameplay with heavy use of QTEs for just about everything, the use of mocap and expensive actors to turn the game into what's basically a movie, and stories which don't even reach Michael Bay standards. Heavenly Sword was a God of War in which every technique ended in a cinematic slow-mo move where the camera took awkward spots to show you how COOL you are. (this game has that too, shown in the demo) And Enslaved was a platformer in which YOU CAN'T FALL OFF PLATFORMS.
Now, their latest stunt is to take a gigantic steaming turd into a fantastic franchise.