Well, I linked the "backlash with a physical copy" discussion above, and yeah, it's many months old.
I'm sure many a fan might prefer a digital copy due to being more discrete, being able to hide their pervy game in a folder away from the front screen and all, no incriminating boxes.
'course, the game being rated at merely Teen surprises me too.
It showed absolutely zero gameplay. That's poorly made to me, announcement or not.
I...really want to argue with that in defense of the game and all, but I can't. It IS a lousy trailer. Even if they're mainly concerned about existing fans, the fact that they made it out of in-game cutscenes without showing any actual gameplay means that your rare newcomer won't know this game from a dating sim.
Also on DeviantArt, Rumble, DLive.tv, and the Fediverse (@freespeechextremist.com and @bae.st)