What KoiDrake is saying is true; y'all just seem to be so blinded by your rage and anger at Capcom for the mistakes they've made that y'all can't seem to realize it. Stop seeing red, start seeing blue!
And plus, they're monitoring the downloads of a free game. You wanted a way for Capcom to definitely know we want more of Mega Man, and this is a way. That will cost you nothing but some hard drive space.
BWAHAHAHAAAA. I absolutely love how you tell people to stop seeing red when Capcom is once again making the same stupid mistake as Legends 3, which you even acknowledge. Riddle me this; How do you judge the worth of a product when, from a business standpoint, it's worthless? This game is essentially a free t-shirt. It costs so little to make that they are shooting it out of a bazooka at you. Mind you, free t-shirts are awesome, just like this game looks
(Again, way to go Sonic ZH). But to use this to judge the PAINFULLY [tornado fang]ing OBVIOUS FACT that MegaMan fans want more of MegaMan is [tornado fang]ing absurd. The fact they they continue to say out loud that they are monitoring how well the game does only continues to hurt their PR cred. The only difference between this stupidity and the stupidity of the Legends 3 prototype debacle is #1. they didn't charge for this one and #2. this doesn't force people to go out and buy a system just to prove the
prototype's worth. Continuing this discussion with these next two questions...
So, why is it bad that Mega Man is beating up the cast of Street Fighter for a change? And getting a new 8+ stage adventure and soundtrack to go with it?
MegaMan 9 & 10 were cheap games as well that gave us new bosses and new soundtracks. For everything included in them, they were only $20 a pop, and Capcom hasn't even continued giving us that. As sad as it is to say this, Street Fighter vs. MegaMan represents why people are still pissed and continuing with their "cynicism and bile." What it represents is that Capcom is putting the most minimal effort into giving fans MegaMan. It's the exact same reason why people were insulted by XOver as well. Thankfully, at least an awesome fan made this game and not whomever made XOver. SF vs. MM shows actual effort put into it.
Think about it: ever since Mega Man X, Mega Man and Street Fighter have had that neat easter egg association with each other. Now we see that connection coming full circle, and it's a great thing, quibbles about 8-bit or Legends 3 aside.
Putting 8-Bit or Legends 3 aside, the problem with this game is not the game itself but what it represents, like I stated above. It represents Capcom putting little to no effort into it. This is Sonic ZH's gem, not Capcom. Capcom didn't bring the SF & MM connection "full circle." Sonic ZH did. Hell, I give him a lot of credit. He's essentially done what a lot of fans want Capcom to do with the MM franchise in the first place; let someone else make games for it. If Capcom is only going to give us vomited up crap like XOver, then they might as well support more of the Sonic ZH's out there who care enough to do something worthwhile with the franchise. People have been clamoring for Capcom to let Nintendo or someone else take a crack at a MM game. Fans don't just want any new MM game that comes out. They want some actual effort put into it. Which brings me to this last point...
That's not to say that Capcom is off the hook now, but it is to say that not everything they say or do should be met with the most deep-seated cynicism and bile. Clearly, that isn't appropriate right now. Thinking like that is like having the blinds drawn closed all the time because you think the sun is trying to kill you. It might be habitual or addictive, but it's not healthy for anyone involved.
So anyways, there's nothing else I can say except I can't wait till this game comes out, and hope to hear the best news on that day about Mega Man's future. Maybe it's time to start getting optimistic, or at least less bitter.
Capcom will NEVER be off the hook or stop being met with the most deep-seated cynicism and bile until they give fans something worthwhile that shows effort and care were put into making a quality product. It's what pretty much every consumer wants. This game shows that effort and love were put into it by its true creator, Sonic ZH. It's why fans get excited by fan games like MegaMan X: Corrupted, because you can see the hard work and soul that the creators put into it. Capcom has shown their fans absolutely nothing when it comes to this. Anything that required effort has been cancelled, some much worse than others, and the last two new games they've shown are this and XOver. Again, no effort from Capcom. The sun may not be trying to kill us. In fact, we cannot live without it. However, it is harmful and not to be trusted!
I agree with the wait and see thing though. Dec 17th (while nowhere near as important as Dec 15th
) could prove fruitful for MM fans. Finally. However, if they want to avoid more flack then it better be something worthwhile. I, being me Protoman Blues, would be absolutely happy with another 8-bit MM11 announcement. But that's me and my love of 8-Bit Playable Blues. It cannot and should not be another game like that. It'll only compound the current situation.