I am serious. And don't call me Shirley. R.I.P. Leslie Nielsen

Started by Protoman Blues, November 29, 2010, 05:05:16 AM

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Protoman Blues


Today, Leslie Nielsen of Airplane & Naked Gun comedic fame passed away. This one kinda hit me hard, as I have sooooooooooo many fond, fond memories of this man making me laugh. Not only that, but he was also awesome in Forbidden Planet, The Posideon Adventure, and countless other roles. Thank you for all the fantastic laughs, Mr. Nielsen. May you R.I.P.


Dantonumanoa Ongdolota Amycronicon

I put on my [twin slasher] face.

I also go by Spectro D., Idylleaus, Malabar, and Dumb-bit Twofuck.


What a thing to find out when you first sign online.  He's gonna be missed, he was a damn funny guy.


He was really silly, I'm sorry he left ; ;
He did parody movies back in the day when they were actually good

GP Aznable

Eat, or be eaten...


Police Girl


This is sad... I loved this guy. He was hilarious. May he rest in pieces, and annoy those in heaven by eternally wishing them good luck and telling them that we're all counting on them. Over and over again.

Don't forget he was in the Hot Shots movies as well.
Quote from: OBJECTION MAN on September 13, 2014, 04:31:11 PMOH [parasitic bomb] IM USING LINK AND I ACCIDENTALLY FINAL SMASHED A CUCCO OH GOD HELP
Quote from: VirusChris on September 16, 2017, 03:55:20 PMJust enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything


Well, wow... Okay. Just wow.

Seriously I loved his performances in those movies, so seeing he's dead now... That's just sad.

Protoman Blues

Quote from: Talyn on November 29, 2010, 07:13:31 AM
Don't forget he was in the Hot Shots movies as well.

No he wasn't. You're thinking of Lloyd Bridges, I think.


No way, Leslie?

Wow. He was such a funny guy.

how old was he?
Quote from: marshmallow man on April 25, 2010, 04:55:26 PM
...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.


That's odd. My mom JUST told me the same thing.

It's a DAMN shame that the man died. He was effin' hilarious. Naked Gun, Dracula: Dead and Lovin' It, Superhero Movie... I'm gonna miss him.
Courage is the Magic that turns Dreams into Reality.

Quote from: The Return of the Goshdarndiddly Speedsman on March 26, 2011, 08:28:00 PM
I learned that all things explode in slowmotion if you punch them hard enough.

You may have to be on fire for that to happen, though.


Quote from: OBJECTION MAN on September 13, 2014, 04:31:11 PMOH [parasitic bomb] IM USING LINK AND I ACCIDENTALLY FINAL SMASHED A CUCCO OH GOD HELP
Quote from: VirusChris on September 16, 2017, 03:55:20 PMJust enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything



Gotta see it from the bright side:

Heaven is now a funnier place!


Quote from: Acid on November 29, 2010, 06:02:23 PM
Gotta see it from the bright side:

Heaven is now a funnier place!

Indeed. And knowing him, he's now truly "Dead and Loving It". 8D

*pours one for the homie*


Ah, those fond memories. Farewell old chap, you will be always remembered.
*Sees a bottle of Rum on the table*
I never drink...ah what the heck *drinks*

Dr. Wily II

He's a comedic legend... May he rest in peace, with a whoopie cushion in tow.

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

Dexter Dexter

Goodbye, Nielsen. I hardly knew ye. But ye were a funny chap nonetheless.

The Drunken Dishwasher


I believe it's time for me to hunt down the Naked Gun trilogy on DVD...

